The fountain layout is easy. How to make a fountain in the country with your own hands


The fashion for fountains for apartments and houses appeared in our country a long time ago and is currently experiencing its second birth. A similar decorative interior design technique living rooms and today it is considered an original solution to revive it and give it some freshness inner space premises.

How to make a fountain with your own hands? If there is enough space, it is possible to build a home fountain or a small lake with water lilies - all this is a matter of your imagination and taste.

A home fountain can be a good way of arranging the little lived-in corners of your apartment (balconies with plants, for example). If the area is small, then you can make a mini waterfall.

Video: we make a mini stream on our own

Before you start building a waterfall, you should study a number of examples in photos and videos on the Internet, where indoor fountains. Having decided on the size (mini or larger version), appearance, design (waterfall, stream, etc.), you can start creating a fountain with your own hands.

Video: pond, stream, home

Principle of operation

The indoor fountain is very simple and consists in organizing the circulation of the water mass in a closed cycle, which is carried out by means of a compact electric pump. At the same time, water rises to a collection point located at some elevation, from where it flows or falls like a small waterfall into a special storage tank.

Video: a small version of the stone yourself

Choice suitable form and the design by which the home fountain will be created will, of course, depend on the features of the interior of your apartment. At the same time, you can always complement the waterfall with well-designed lighting and unobtrusive soundtrack so that it turns into decorative element your dreams. Home fountains should relax the owners and decorate the room, causing delight among the guests. Suitable Options can be searched in the photo.

Design features

The simplest do-it-yourself indoor fountain can be made from the following minimum required set of components:

  • base on which indoor fountains are mounted (receiving tank);
  • standard silicone hose;
  • mini pump from an aquarium or another pump option;
  • a container used as a source (or several to make a waterfall, as in the photo at the beginning of the article).

In addition, for the design of the composition and decoration, you will need decorative soil, expanded clay and other auxiliary materials. Home fountains should look interesting to decorate the interior. Examples can be seen in the photo.

You can use a sea shell as a source big size or an elegant mini jug in which an inconspicuous hole should be drilled. It will be needed to install a piece of silicone hose into the “source”, through which water will be supplied to this container using a pump or pump. As a base (receiving container), you can use a regular flower pot.

Decorative stone fountains look great on personal plot. They help not only decorate and enliven the countryside landscape, but also create a special atmosphere and microclimate around them. The sound of evenly falling water soothes and relaxes, and the moisture coming from the source refreshes the air and creates coolness near it even on a hot summer afternoon. Any summer resident can build such a beautiful and useful structure on his site.

Which pump to choose for a pond

The pump is the most important element of the fountain, its heart. It ensures the circulation of water in the reservoir, and it depends on how the structure will work, how high the jet will be, how smoothly the water will flow. Therefore, you need to start solving the problem of how to make a stone fountain with your own hands with the choice of equipment.

original design from ordinary cobblestones

There are two types of pumps that are used to make stone fountains: surface and submersible. Installation of surface units is quite complicated, they are installed near the reservoir. The devices are large and make a lot of noise. To make them invisible and reduce the "growl", they are put on a soundproof box. Large fountains and multi-tiered cascading waterfalls are equipped with such pumps.

To equip a small stone fountain in the country, submersible systems are usually used that are easier to install. They are installed directly into the water. Thanks to their compact size and silent operation, they remain invisible to others. In addition, due to the low consumption of electricity, they work much more economically than surface devices. The photo shows what beautiful stone garden fountains can be made using a submersible pump.

How to build a stone fountain

Fountains made of natural stone are best placed away from the house, as splashes from the water, falling on the walls and foundation, can lead to the destruction of the building.

You should also not install them near trees, the roots of which can damage the in-depth tank. A strongly lit place is also not the best way for a reservoir. It is advisable to place it in a shady area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden near the gazebo.

How to prepare a pit and tank

  1. To make a natural stone fountain, choose a container that will serve as both a water reservoir and a place where the pump will be located. Any airtight plastic or metal tray, box or basin will do. Its height must be such that after installing the pump there is still at least 15 cm of free space.
  2. Dig a pit, the dimensions of which should be slightly larger than that of the container, and fill its bottom with pebbles with a layer of about 5 cm. Lower the tray into the hole and strengthen it well by filling the space between its sides and the ground with wet sand.
  3. Dig a ditch next to the pit leading to the nearest power outlet or power strip. Place a plastic pipe into it, into which you lay in advance electrical wire from the pump. Insulate the ends with electrical tape and cover with soil on top.

How to make a base and install equipment

  1. Put on top of the container metal mesh- it will prevent dirt, debris, small pebbles from getting inside. In addition, water streams flowing from the stones will flow into the tank through it. On the side where you laid the electrical wire from the pump, cut a square hole in the grid through which you can then pull out the equipment for preventive maintenance, also bring the cable out through it.
  2. Another small hole must be made in the center of the grid for a copper or metal tube, which serves to supply water to the top. It is connected with an adapter to the pump located at the bottom of the tank. It is desirable that the tube be equipped with a ball valve. In the future, with its help it will be possible to regulate the pressure of water.
  3. A wild stone fountain is a fairly heavy structure, so you need to make a solid foundation that can withstand its weight. Take 4-5 wooden blocks (they should be 10 cm longer than the size of the tank) and simply lay them on top of the mesh.

On this preparatory work finished. To visualize how to make a wild stone fountain with your own hands, look at its diagram in the photo.

Stone decoration

Now the most pleasant part of the work remains - to beautifully decorate the structure. To do this, take flat natural or artificial stones and drill holes with a drill. Put them in any shape on the metal tube that comes from the pump, and fix them together with silicone glue. Lay small stones on top. Fill the container with water to a height of about 12 cm and turn on the pump. To hide the base, decorate it with stones different size. A wild stone fountain will look something like the one shown in the photo.

How to equip a fountain in an existing pond

With the help of a submersible pump, it is easy to make stone fountains with your own hands in a reservoir already on the site. The photo below shows a visual diagram of the structure. Drain water from it, make a small, solid elevation of brick or concrete block at the bottom, and install a pump on it. The stand is necessary so that dirty muddy water from the bottom of the reservoir does not get into the equipment.

Using a tee, connect a nozzle with a pressure regulating cock to the outlet pipe. The nozzle can be placed at a small distance from the pump. In this case, it must be well strengthened at the bottom of the source. Pull out the power cable and install it as described above.

There are many decorative options, for example, around the fountain you can make a slide of cobblestones, build a stone wall or install a single boulder. See how impressive the fountain made of artificial stone looks in the photo.

Any, even a small stone fountain will become a bright accent in the country landscape. To make it last for a long time, be sure to remove all equipment for the winter, without waiting for the first frosts, and also do not forget to periodically add water to the tank and clean the pump filter in time.

Video on the construction of a stone fountain


  • flowing;
  • with water circulation.

In designs with circulation, the same volume of water is driven by the pump in a circle. From time to time it is replenished, compensating for evaporation and splashing. Such designs are most often found in summer cottages.

The water cycle in the fountain ensures circulation pump

In flowing fountains, water is supplied from a well or well and then discharged into the sewage system. They are used when it is necessary to constantly irrigate the garden and other plantations. Such structures look better, and the water in them is potable, while in structures with circulation it stagnates.

Flowing fountains are fed from a well or well. Waste water is used to water plants

According to the nature of the outflow of water, fountains are divided into:

Nymphaeum fountains freshen the air no worse than jet fountains, but they consume less water. In places where its supplies are limited, this variety is most preferred.

The waterfall device requires an expensive special pump with high capacity and low pressure. If you can adapt an ordinary household pump for other types by making minor changes, then in the case of a waterfall, this option is excluded.

Fountains are also divided into:

Video: fountain in the country - varieties

Location selection

A suitable location has the following features:

  1. visual accessibility. The fountain serves as a decoration of the site, so it should be visible from everywhere.
  2. The presence of penumbra. The fountain plays with highlights in the sun and therefore looks spectacular, but the water in it quickly blooms.
  3. No buildings nearby. Otherwise, with gusts of wind, the walls are constantly sprayed with water and building materials quickly become unusable.
  4. Absence of tall trees in the immediate vicinity.

They are undesirable for the following reasons:

  • powerful roots will damage the bowl;
  • leaves and seeds falling from trees litter the water;
  • Excess moisture damages trees.

The fountain should be built a little further from the house in a place slightly shaded by several ornamental shrubs.

Equipment and materials

The design is extremely simple: it is a bowl filled with water with a pump installed in it, to which a diffuser is connected. In the nymphaeum there is also a stone slide, along which water flows. But for all this to work, each component must be chosen correctly. Let's consider the most important ones in detail.


This is an element of a jet fountain, the shape of the jet depends on its design. It is impossible to repeat a branded diffuser at home - these parts are developed and manufactured using complex computer technologies. The most accessible models give the jet the shape of an umbrella.

Water jets passing through the umbrella diffuser fall into the tank, forming a kind of umbrella

The jet retains its shape even in strong winds, but there is a drawback: you will have to buy a pump as well - it will not work to convert an ordinary one to such a diffuser.

It is cheaper to use a shower head as a diffuser. It is not as effective as real diffusers, but it freshens the air just as well and can work with a household pump. Some variety is achieved by adjusting the pressure and deepening of the nozzle. You can connect the diffuser to the pump with a flexible hose and fix it on the float - the fountain will turn out to be "wandering".

Shower heads with a self-cleaning effect are more practical. In the holes they have elastic polymer inserts that change their shape when the pressure changes and thus prevent the deposition of scale.


The question of choosing a pump is solved in two ways:

  • expensive option: a special pump for fountains is purchased;
  • cheap: a regular household pump is used.

A conventional pump differs from a special one in two ways:

  • supplies water with strong pressure (a fountain requires a maximum of 4 m);
  • requires periodic shutdowns.

Solution: while maintaining performance, reduce the pressure, thereby unloading the engine and extending the time of continuous operation. Perfect option- adjustable pressure, allowing you to change the shape of the jet. Achieve it from centrifugal pump it’s impossible, but from the vibrational one (Aquarius, Kid, Brook) - it’s very simple: you only need to connect it through a thyristor voltage regulator (instead of standard automation).

A small fountain can be equipped with an aquarium pump: it supplies water to a height of 0.6 m with a capacity of 200 l / h, which is enough for a nymphaeum fountain in the form of a stream.

You can use an aquarium pump in the design of a small fontanel fountain


Instead of a branded one, an inexpensive aquarium will do.

Regular cartridges can be replaced with sponges for washing dishes. Such a filter is buoyant, so in the fountain it is pressed down at the bottom with stones.


Stones in fountains are used dense - porous ones quickly collapse when water freezes. If the design provides for the flow of water over stones (cascade or fountain-stream), hardness is also required from them. Suitable:

  • granite;
  • labradorite;
  • gneiss;
  • gabbro.

Shale rocks do not satisfy these conditions.


It is most rational to use a ready-made plastic bowl - these are commercially available. The price of this product is cheap, it will take a lot more money to waterproof a homemade concrete bowl.

Preparatory work

Before starting work on the device of the fountain, do the following with your own hands:

  1. Take off fertile layer soil throughout the area where water is expected to enter (sprinkler circle). Its radius is 3–15 jet heights. After the fountain is installed, the remaining part of this zone will be covered with a blind area.
  2. Dig a hole under the bowl. The recess exceeds the bowl by 15–20 cm in depth, and 20–25 cm in width in each direction.
  3. The bottom of the pit is covered with sand or gravel, then the filling is rammed.

Instrument preparation

Here's what you need to get it to work:

  • mini-concrete mixer (in the absence of such, concrete is kneaded in a trough with a shovel);
  • vibrolayer (optional);
  • building level;
  • electric welding machine (when using steel pipes);
  • brushes for applying waterproofing;
  • hammer (knocking off the formwork);
  • screwdrivers (connecting the power supply to the pump).

Water connection

In the case of a flow type, a pipe is laid from the well (well) or water supply to the place of its installation, and then another one - from the fountain to the irrigation system. The circulating fountain can also be supplied with water if the user does not wish to replenish it manually.

The country fountain works only in the warm season, so there is no need to lay a pipe in a deep trench. In places where vehicles pass, it is placed in a tray with a solid lid. With the advent of cold weather, water is drained from the fountain's water supply system.

Do-it-yourself fountain in the country: step by step instructions

Work is carried out in the following order:

A bathtub that has lost its attractive appearance can still serve as a fountain bowl. Install it like this:

bath with her correct form and white enamel coating does not fit well into the natural landscape. In order to give it naturalness, the inner surface is covered with:

  1. Dark blue paint. The technique creates the illusion of great depth.
  2. A mixture of cement glue and mineral-based coloring additives. The latter are available in liquid or powder form.
  3. Gravel, crushed stone or mosaic (glued).
  4. A decorative film specially designed for the improvement of reservoirs.

To lubricate a rectangular shape a little help:

  1. The sedge planted along the perimeter is hairy. The plant will hide the sides of the bath and the fountain will look like a partially overgrown rounded pond.
  2. Figured wooden shields along the edge of the bath with potted plants planted on them.

Fountain in Japanese

When designing a fountain in Japanese style on a rectangular shape, on the contrary, they emphasize.

For its manufacture you will need:

  • several segments of a bamboo trunk with an inner diameter of 20–60 mm;
  • transparent hose for watering;
  • leg-split.


  1. Bamboo is treated with tung oil or a synthetic anti-rot compound.
  2. 3-4 pieces of bamboo are placed on the edge of the bowl and tied with twine.
  3. Another segment, the thickest one (with a clear diameter of 40–60 mm), is drilled on one side so that the watering hose fits tightly into the hole. The second end is cut obliquely.
  4. A piece of bamboo is placed with a hole down across those installed on the bowl and screwed to them with twine.
  5. Connect the bamboo spout with a watering hose to the pump.

Another option is the Tsukubai Fountain. It is made from 3 bamboo trunks: one is installed vertically, the rest pierce it at a slight inclination to the horizon. Water is supplied through a hose to the upper pole, flows out of it into the lower pole and then into a concrete vessel.

From bamboo trunks, you can build a wide variety of designs of calm fountains.

Bamboo elements in Japanese fountains, when treated with oil or an antiseptic, last for several years, after which they are changed.

Tire Fountain

A small truck tire fountain is cheap and quick to make. Build it like this:

  1. Make a hole in the ground according to the size of the tire.
  2. Pour on the bottom, carefully tamping, a bedding of crushed stone and sand and put on top of it concrete screed 10 cm thick.
  3. After the solution has hardened, a tire is laid on it. Its side, which is on top, is partially cut off so that the tire looks like a bowl.
  4. Inside the tire, a concrete screed is poured with a thin layer of mastic, thus sealing the junction of the rubber to the base. Now the tire is a waterproof reservoir.
  5. A formwork made of tin is installed around the tire.
  6. A reinforcing cage is laid inside the formwork and concrete is poured.
  7. The fountain is decorated with stones and other decorative elements.
  8. Next, they put a pump with a diffuser in the tire, cover it with a mesh and pour water.

Fountain "stone tower"

Simple to implement, but at the same time quite a spectacular design. Mounted as follows:

  1. In the order described above, a bowl with a pump is installed.
  2. The pump is covered with a stainless mesh, then a support contour of bars is placed on it.
  3. Several flat stones are stacked and the entire structure is drilled through. The diameter of the hole corresponds to the diameter of the pipe through which water will be supplied.
  4. A spout pipe is attached vertically to the pump and stones are strung on it. Between themselves, the stones are fastened with silicone-based construction adhesive.
  5. Close the gaps between the stones with small pebbles.

Decoration techniques

Various techniques help to turn a modest garden fountain into a work of art:

  1. Cultivation of ornamental moisture-loving plants near the reservoir, for example, European bathing suit, hosta, astilba, miscanthus, loosestrife, etc.
  2. Setting the backlight. Colored lights are used high class dust and moisture protection - IP54 (waterproof design).
  3. Installation of sculptural compositions.
  4. The use of interchangeable diffusers that give the jets a different shape.

Fountain equipment manufacturers offer the following options for water dispersion:

Video: do-it-yourself fountain in the country with decorative elements

The fountain in the country is not only a delight for the eyes and ears, but also a source of freshness on a hot summer day. For its device it is not at all necessary to spend money on expensive branded equipment. The solutions proposed in this article allow you to enrich the landscape with an elegant decoration for quite reasonable means.

Decorating the site is a favorite pastime of summer residents and homeowners. Beautiful flower beds, flower beds and even beds are a true decoration. However, nothing is more pleasing to the eye than ponds and ponds, surrounded by beautiful vegetation. And if a stream of water still shoots out of it, then the corner turns into the best place recreation. If you still manage to make not only a fountain with your own hands, but also beautiful lighting, put swings or benches nearby, in the evenings all the inhabitants will gather on this patch.

This fountain is handmade, as is the lighting: waterproof LED light with remote control to change color

Fountain device

To make a fountain in the country does not need very big expenses. Of course, it all depends on the size of the reservoir and how you imagine it. According to the method of construction, fountains are of closed and open type. It is about the cycle of water use. The closed type uses the same volume of water, driving it in a circle. Open - all the time new. Garden and country fountains are made mainly of a closed type: their device is simpler and more economical. Of course, water has to be topped up and periodically changed - it evaporates and becomes contaminated, but still, the costs are not very high.

When installing an open-type system, you will have to think over the water supply system, its level control, drainage and discharge. You can, of course, use the fountain tank as a container for heating water before watering, and make wiring around the garden from the bowl, but watering is not needed around the clock, and the fountain can work in this mode.

In the very simple version to make a small fountain, you need some sealed container and a submersible pump. Any container can be adapted - a special plastic one for a pond, a barrel, old bath, a basin, a cut tire covered with a film, etc. Pumps are a little more difficult.

Fountain pumps

Fountain pumps are sold special, with built-in filters. To make it easier to make a fountain with your own hands, you can buy such models. It is very easy to work with them: put them in a container, fix them so that they do not move, fill them with water, carry out the starting manipulations (described in the instructions) and turn them on.

Fountain pumps come in different capacities, raise the jet to different heights. Often included are interchangeable nozzle nozzles that change the nature of the jet. They are powered by a 220 V network, there are models that operate from solar panels. Made hermetically, so there will be no problems when connecting, step-down transformers are not needed. The only thing that does not interfere is the machine and the RCD on the line to which the pump will be connected. This is just in case, to increase security. The price of the smallest and low-power fountain pump is $25-30. Performance models cost several hundred or more.

You can use any submersible pump for the fountain. But to it you need to buy or make (you can make sand) and a step-down transformer. A security group from an automatic machine and an RCD on the line will not be superfluous here either. This circuit is worth fiddling with if you have an old pump that is not currently in use.

How to do without a pump

Is it possible to make a fountain without a pump? Yes, but open type. For example, bring a water pipe into the pond - central or. The water coming out under pressure will give a jet of some height. By installing a tip on the pipe, we can change its shape. But with such a construction, it is necessary to figure out where to divert water. You can - back to the well or to the river, to the area for irrigation, etc. Although a pump is present with such an organization, it pumps water into the house, and the fountain is only one of the flow points.

The second option is to put some kind of container at a height, supply water to it, and from there it is fed through pipes to the fountain located below. To create a more or less decent jet height, the container must be raised by 3 meters or more. But the question remains: how to supply water there. Again with the help of a pump, but no longer submersible. They are cheaper, but require a filter. You will also need a pit in which the equipment is installed. A system of pipes connects it with the bowl of the fountain.

In this area, everything has become easier with the advent of LEDs. They are powered by 12V or 24V, which is much safer than the regular mains. There are even solar-powered lamps.

Lighting can be done using waterproof or the same spotlights and lamps. To power them, you need an adapter that converts 220 V to 12 or 24 V, but they are usually sold in the same place as LEDs, so there should be no problems. Installation is simple: spotlights have mounting brackets, the tape can be “shoot” from a stapler, only the brackets need to be found more sizes tapes: it is unnecessary to punch it so as not to break the tightness.

There are LEDs that change color. Shades from 8 to several thousand

Schemes of fountains of various configurations and photos of their design

Surely you know that the main component of the fountain is its bowl. In fact, this is the same pond, but with additional equipment - a pump. The pond can be made at least a dozen different ways and some of them are described in a separate one, because we will not describe how to make a pool bowl. We will pay maximum attention to the organization of fountains and their decor.

small fountain

The device requires a container and a pump. A decoration is put on the tube that comes from the pump. These can be stone slabs in which it is necessary to drill a screw, with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe. These plates are strung one on top of the other like a children's pyramid.

Scheme of organizing a decorative fountain for a summer residence

To avoid water overflow, it is necessary to provide a drain system - just below the maximum level, insert a pipe into the container, the second edge of which should be led into the sewer, drainage system or in the garden. You can do it differently: arrange a water collector around the bowl - make a concrete groove or dig in a plastic one. Collected water is also taken somewhere. Usually in closed systems, the problem is not overflow, but a lack of water - it evaporates, but you can play it safe.

Do-it-yourself fountain: photo report 1

And now a photo report of how a do-it-yourself mini-fountain was made according to this scheme. It turned out interesting.

To make this fountain you need:

  • square plastic flowerpot without holes;
  • small fountain pump;
  • plastic pipe 0.7 m long, diameter such that it is put on the pump outlet;
  • a bag of decorative pebbles;
  • three bricks;
  • sawn red granite on slabs.

From tool - drilling machine to drill holes in granite with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe.

We install a bowl in the prepared hole, put bricks in it, closer to the edges. They are needed for the stability of the structure and in order to reduce the amount of pebbles. They also serve as a support for the stone structure. Between the installed bricks we put a pump with a tube put on, pour water and check how it works.

Holes were pre-drilled in the slabs in the workshop. They should be located approximately in the center so that the stones do not overturn the structure with their weight.

The first plate rests on the lying bricks, the rest are strung so that the center of gravity does not shift. Having laid the first, we fill the remaining space with pebbles. After the last piece is laid, a mark is made on the pipe. The very last stone is removed, the pipe is cut down just below the mark, then the last fragment is returned to its place. When the water is turned on, it looks like it is running straight out of the stone. Very unusual and easy.

Photo report 2

The next version of a small fountain is made according to the same principle, only a flexible hose is used instead of a pipe, and a snag is used instead of a stone. The effect is just wonderful.

Everything is so clear that there is no need for comments. It differs from the previous design only in the presence of a grid. This is to increase the volume of water: the pan is small.

Until you see it, it's hard to imagine how easy it is to make things of amazing beauty. As for pipes - it is better to use polyethylene pipes - they bend well and are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation.

How to make a fountain out of a tire, see the video report.

Room or desktop

Mini-fountains are made according to the same principle, only pumps use very low-power ones. Suitable even for aquariums, but without aeration. They even work almost inaudibly. We will make a fountain in the Japanese style. In addition to the pump, you will need a small ceramic container for this. In our case, it is oval made of baked clay. A piece of bamboo - about 70 cm long (bought at a flower shop, sold as a support for climbing plants), a bunch of living growing bamboo and some small pebbles. This is what beauty comes from.

First of all, we cut a piece of bamboo into pieces of different lengths. It is hollow inside - these are natural pipes, which, moreover, do not rot for a long time. One of the sides should have an oblique cut, the second - even. Sawing so that the longest piece near the evenly cut end has a “joint”. The lower incision goes about 5 mm below this thickening. It’s just that there is a partition inside, with its help it will be easy to put this segment on the pump outlet. It is difficult to cut, but it was possible to saw through a thin trunk with a metal blade.

We put a small pump in the bowl, put on it the longest piece of bamboo - its length is about 35 cm. On the other hand, we put a bunch of live bamboo, fill the space between them with pebbles.

We tie the remaining two pieces of dry bamboo to our "pipe". You can use hemp rope. That's all, we made a mini-fountain with our own hands. It remains to fill the water and turn on the pump.

By the same principle, other models can be made. Now you understand how and it will be easy to change the design. A few photos for inspiration.

Another type, more traditional and familiar to us, uses almost the same idea and the same tools. Difference in design. You can take a large ceramic or even plastic pot. It is only important that it be without holes for drainage. Then it’s a matter of technique: divide it with a plastic partition into two or three zones, pour more soil into one and plant one of the moisture-loving plants.

The second part will be the reservoir. Only when organizing circulation, multi-stage filtration is necessary: ​​water is very polluted. Therefore, cups made of filter materials with different cells are inserted one after the other - first, a wire or plastic mesh, then a fabric with a different cell, and inside this design, a small pump.

You can make your own hands not only the composition of such a table fountain, but also a pump. How? Watch in the video.

Pebble fountain

A very interesting design at the fountains with pebbles. Their bowl is disguised so that it looks like a dry fountain without a bowl. In fact, there is a bowl, but it is decorated with pebbles, which are laid on a grid that covers the tank.

Dry pebble fountain - device diagram

A certain container is installed in a dug pit. Its volume and dimensions should be quite decent: to collect all the splashes, or at least most of them. A pump is placed in the container, covered with a metal or plastic mesh With small cell. It serves to protect against the ingress of large contaminants into the water, and a thick wire mesh can be laid on top of this fine mesh. This is if you use pebbles. If you will be laying stone slabs, you can use boards or bars.

How to make a "dry" fountain with your own hands

With pebbles, it is probably better to do the opposite: first, lay a grid with a large cell as a base, and on it with a small one. So you don’t have to suffer with the choice of large pebbles, and garbage will not get into the water.

Rockery with a source - this fountain may look like this

If you turn on fantasy, you can come up with very interesting compositions on this basis. For example, one of the options with a garden watering can. If your in classical style, a fountain from a watering can is unlikely to fit well, but very much so in country style.

As you can see, water is collected in the same vessel, hidden under pebbles, and from there it is pumped into a watering can with a small pump.

Near the wall

This classic version- a small or large trickle of water runs from the wall, flowing into the bowl. As you may have guessed, there is a pump in the bowl that supplies water through a pipe to the water outlet point. It's simple if you know how. It's just a matter of implementation and decoration.

In order for the pump to float, it is screwed to some kind of heavy plate. At least to the sidewalk, as long as the size fits. The case usually has corresponding mounting holes, but you should pay attention to this when choosing.

If you plan to do something similar near the wall of the house or fence, take care of its waterproofing. Even if the water does not flow down the wall, splashes will fall on it and the humidity will be high. At a minimum, it is necessary to coat several times with a hydrophobic composition. Try to find one that doesn't change the color of the surface too much.

The design style may be different. At the top bowl make a flat surface from which water flows down the wall. The effect is very interesting. It is important that the surface from which the water falls is mirror-smooth and absolutely horizontal.

fountain cascade

Iridescent jets look very interesting. Fountains of this type are called cascades or cascades. With this organization, water is poured from one bowl to another. In the case of a country or garden fountain, you can come up with interesting shapes. For example, a fountain made of buckets, watering cans, kettles and even old garden carts.

The principle of organizing such a cascade is simple: several vessels or bowls fixed one above the other so that a stream of water falls from one to another. Below is the largest tank, and which is the pump. It delivers water through a hose to the uppermost of the vessels.

How to make a fountain bowl

If you need a classic shape - a round, square or oval bowl with a jet of water - the easiest way is to find a suitable plastic tank. They are different shapes and volume - from tens of liters to several tons. They are mostly black and blue in color. Although it seems that for our purposes it is better to take blue, keep in mind that pollution is more visible against such a background. So that your fountain does not seem like a swamp, you will have to clean such a bowl often. From this point of view, it is more practical to take black - the water looks the same, but it needs to be washed less often.

The selected tank can either be buried flush with the ground level, or a side can be left. Most often, the sides are decorated with stone or pebbles. Depending on this, choose the depth of the pit. It is dug out in size a little more than a bowl.

When the required depth is reached, all stones-roots-snags are removed, the bottom is leveled, rammed, sand is added, with a layer of about 10 cm. It is well leveled and spilled - so that it compacts. Put a bowl on the prepared base, fill it with water. Sand or soil is poured into the gap between the walls of the bowl and the pit. Sand - if the soil is clayey, and the soil - if it drains normally. Having fallen asleep a small layer, it is compacted - carefully, with a pole or a deck, falling into the gap to be filled. But no matter how well you compact, be prepared for the fact that in a couple of weeks you will have to add more: the soil will sit down a few centimeters.

You can do without a plastic bowl. There are two other options: make a tank out of monolithic concrete. In this case, you can make a fountain with sides. The process is long and costly, and even waterproofing needs to be taken care of.

Most cheap option- dig a pit and lay it out with a film. In principle, any high-density polyethylene will do, but it will last a year, maybe two. Then she starts to let the water through. Special films for pools are more reliable in this regard, but they cost decent money, but they can be used for years. The manufacturing technology of such a bowl for the fountain is captured in the photo.

The first stage is digging a pit and leveling the walls. After the required shape and dimensions are reached, the horizontal platforms are leveled and covered with a layer of sand. It will protect the film from possible damage.

We lay the film in the finished pit. Inside, it should lie without tension, freely. Its edges are covered with soil, pressed with boulders. To prevent the germination of plant roots through the film, it is not advisable to spread it under. This non-woven fabric is very tear-resistant. It is used when laying roads so that the soil is not crushed and trees do not sprout. So she protect the fountain without difficulty.

Boulders are laid out on the laid out film. If the pit is stepped, boulders should lie on each step. When the design of the bowl is almost completed, the pump is placed. The bowl is filled with water and tested - and the bowl for tightness and pump performance.

Building a fountain on a suburban is not as complicated a procedure as it seems at first glance. Such structures are closed water circulation systems. Each system consists of two parts - a smaller one mounted in open form, and a larger one hidden under water.

The scheme of the fountains

If we simplify the scheme of the fountain, it would look approximately as follows. The element of the system, which is considered to be a fountain, is just a decorative bowl where the ejection nozzle is located. The shape of the bowl, as well as the nozzle itself, can be very diverse (remember, for example, the famous Bakhchisaray fountains).

Ejected from the nozzle, water fills the container, from where it enters the cleaning filter through a special hole and is fed back to the nozzle. It is characteristic that to adjust the filling level, the bowl is equipped with a special overflow device.

Main types

According to the method of execution, fountains can be of two types:

In the first case, they look like architectural structures that adorn municipal squares and parks. They are not just water "fireworks", but a true work of art. Usually, such fountains are based on some figure - for example, a plant or a woman with a jug. For their manufacture, polymer concrete (artificial stone) is used, which is characterized by strength, reliability and resistance to low temperatures.

Submersible systems are created in the reservoirs themselves and consist of several main elements:

Such fountains are used mainly in suburban areas and from the outside look as if an underground source spews water spray.

Decorative aspect of the question

Note! The most popular is the regular jet fountain. In it, a stream of water is directed upward, dividing into several smaller streams. Very primitive, but at the same time original. With such a miniature fountain, the garden pond will look new.

Often the shape of the fountains is symmetrical, that is, it obeys all the laws of geometry. They can be round, rectangular, etc. Regardless of the shape, in addition decorative design structures are not needed - the boundaries of the reservoir are simply indicated (for example, with stucco or natural stone), the main thing is that the style fits the overall landscape design.

Probably, it is not necessary to say once again that the larger the area has a plot, the larger the fountain can be built. A huge construction on a miniature five acres would look ridiculous.

Choosing the right place

The best place for building a fountain is one that is perfectly visible from different points of the garden. It would be great to equip a water structure in a recreation area or on.

Note! The fountain should not block the approaches to other elements of the garden or buildings on the site.

When planning construction, the relief features of a particular site should be taken into account. It is desirable that the fountain is located in a lowland - this gives several advantages at once:

  • volumes ground water it will be easier to correct in the required direction;
  • the air will be saturated with moisture, which is important on hot days.

Note! Do not install fountains near trees or in the center of the site, otherwise the waterproofing or the entire internal structure will be damaged by the roots, and crumbling leaves will clog the filtration system.

Regardless of the type of construction, installation involves the following activities:

For a small design, you can use the usual plastic container, while massive fountains need a preliminary foundation. For water supply it is recommended to use plastic pipes that do not rust and are connected with a soldering iron.

Note! The main element of any design is hydraulic equipment, which forms a pressure and ejects water from the nozzle.

Pump equipment

The operational life of the fountain largely depends on the quality, so it is better not to save on this element. The scheme of operation of the pump is quite simple: through the drain hole in the bowl, water enters the pipes and flows through them to the pump intake pipe. That, in turn, creates the necessary pressure and throws it out through the nozzle. Thus, the cycle is repeated.

Pump power depends on two factors:

  • bowl volume;
  • required ejection force.

Note! The circulation pump requires electricity, so the connection should be taken care of even when planning. Do not despair if you cannot power the device with electricity - a small domed fountain can be made without the help of a pump.

Such models have a more natural look, but they can only be equipped on a sloping terrain. Here, water circulates according to the principle of several communicating vessels located on different tiers.

When planning, you can use ready-made options that have been repeatedly tested in practice:

  • fountain of stones;
  • design from improvised materials.

Consider the technology of their manufacture.

Prices for a linear range of pumping stations

Pumping stations

Option number 1. Making a fountain from improvised materials

Required tools:

  • electric drill;
  • metal scissors;
  • insulating tape;
  • shovel.


  • iron sheet;
  • stones of the appropriate size;
  • acrylic bath;
  • land;
  • circulation pump;
  • decorative elements (lamps, sculptures, plants, etc.).

Having prepared everything you need, you can get to work. The procedure is the following.

Step 1. First, stones are selected (they can be found near a reservoir or a country road). They should be oval or round.

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4. Wide inserts are cut out of non-ferrous metal (copper, aluminum, etc.), necessary to protect the playground or recreation area from splashes. Inserts are stacked and decorated with stone.

Step 5 Smaller stones are laid on the bottom, lighting is installed (if planned).

Step 6 A circulation pump is installed, the bowl is filled with water. The final decoration of the structure is carried out (it depends only on personal preferences and taste - there are no restrictions).

Note! Will look nice natural stones in combination with sculptures - a frog, a leopard, a gnome, etc. The sculptures will merge with the stone and will focus on the original decor.

In addition, you need to select bright vegetation (preferably placed in vases), as well as wood elements - ordinary branches, wheels, mill blades.

Option number 2. Making a stone fountain

Required tools:

  • mounting syringe for filling joints;
  • hammer;
  • wrench;
  • hacksaw;
  • electric drill;
  • metal scissors;
  • insulating tape;
  • pipe cutter


  • boards and slats to strengthen the structure;
  • stones (flat);
  • copper pipe;
  • PVC pipe;
  • gravel for the drainage system;
  • coupling;
  • water pump;
  • sealed bowl.

The construction of this kind of fountain consists of the following stages.

Step 1. First, a hole is pulled out 5 cm deeper than the height of the container. A small ditch is also made to the outlet.

Step 2. A 5-centimeter “pillow” of gravel falls asleep.

Step 3. The container and the PVC pipe are laid, both elements are connected. The ditch is covered with earth.

Step 4. A pump is installed in the container, outlet holes are marked and made.

Step 5. The container is connected to a copper pipe.

Step 6. Gravel is poured into the bottom of the tank, the pump is fixed.

Step 7. The fountain is strengthened - slats and boards are laid on the bowl.

Step 8. Flat stones are stacked on top of each other, places are marked for making holes in each of them.

Step 9. Holes are made, stones are strung on a copper pipe.

Step 10 Decorating the structure is the final stage of work. Large gaps between the stones are laid with small stones, silicone-based glue is used to fill the gaps.

When the glue dries, the bowl is filled with water, the pump is connected, adjustment is made and that's it - the fountain is completely ready for operation.

Prices for fountains and ponds

Fountains and ponds

Video - Construction of a stone fountain

And in conclusion - another thematic video.

Video - Teapot Fountain