Advice from people who have lived to be a hundred years old. How to live up to a hundred years vigorous and healthy? Life is motion

Who does not dream of living as long as possible, and ideally - up to a hundred years? Of course, everyone wants to celebrate the anniversary with such a beautiful figure. But wanting and actively working on yourself to achieve what you want are completely different things. It’s not enough just to live with the goal of “reaching out” to a hundred years, you need to act now!

Fortunately, it is not required to make any superhuman efforts in order to become a long-liver - the deliberation of actions, a conscious attitude to life and the elimination of the daily routine make up their way of life.

We present you the secrets of longevity:

  1. We train the cardiovascular system.

Do at least 40 minutes of cardio a week and your risk of cardiovascular disease, one of the most common death factors among older people, will be halved. Running is especially beneficial because it stimulates the release of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) hormones in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex. This increases the number of neurons, which improves the efficiency of synapses. This gift of the body has been preserved throughout the entire period of human evolution - from the moment when ancient people were forced to run to hunt and get their own food, to the present day.

Cardio loads, if you start doing them as early as possible, make the work of the heart more stable and less sensitive to changes in blood pressure, which bother a person more and more often with age.

  1. We become vegetarians.

It has long been established that vegetarians live longer than meat eaters. Although this may be due not so much to the refusal to eat meat, but to the commitment of vegetarians to a healthy lifestyle. Vegetables are much lower in calories and contain virtually no fat, rich in vitamins and provide us with fiber. But this does not mean that meat should be completely excluded from the diet: a juicy steak or baked chicken will definitely not hurt if you eat them not daily, but two or three times a week.

  1. Learn foreign languages.

As Thomas Duck, a specialist in linguistics at the University of Edinburgh, says: “You don’t have to be young, you don’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to be a genius – everyone can learn a language.” A group of scientists led by Duck conducted an experiment involving people learning a second language. The results exceeded all expectations: the intelligence of those who were more inquisitive, hardworking and diligent turned out to be much higher than those who limited themselves to knowing only their native language!

  1. Eat more nuts.

Your daily diet should include nuts, which, according to the latest research by scientists at Vanderbilt University, significantly reduce the risk of premature death. Peanuts are especially useful for the body.

Another confirmation of the benefits of nuts is the result of more than thirty years of experiment by Harvard scientists. In 2013, they presented the fruits of their labors: 119,000 subjects ate a handful of nuts daily. Compared with the control group, they reduced the risk of heart disease by 29%, and the risk of premature death decreased by a total of 20%.

  1. Healthy sleep.

Depriving the body of a complete healthy sleep, you jeopardize the work of the heart and respiratory system, reduce intelligence, impair memory and the ability to perceive information. The time required for the body to rest is individual for each person, however, at least 6 hours a day should be allocated for sleep. This was established by scientists at the University of Oregon: two groups of subjects (some slept less than 6 hours a day, others more) were to be tested. As a result, a group of people who took more than six hours a day for rest did better on the tests.

  1. Longevity will help dental floss.

Six years of life will add to your daily use of dental floss. With its help, you can remove pieces of food from hard-to-reach places for a toothbrush, which become a source of bacteria. If this is not done, inflammatory processes begin that negatively affect the entire body, because the teeth affect everything - the heart, lungs, and intelligence. So why should the whole body suffer from the fact that someone was too lazy to brush their teeth?

  1. Dry red wine.

Everyone knows about the benefits of this drink. There are also opponents who believe that a glass of dry red before going to bed will not bring any benefit to the body. In fact, this is not so - wine contains resveratrol, which prevents the aging process. Therefore, studies show that a glass of red dry wine must be present in the diet of middle-aged and older people.

  1. The dog is a fighter against old age.

As surprising as it may sound, a dog can be the reason for your longevity. The American Heart Research Association has proven that having a pet in the house lowers blood pressure and cholesterol in the owners, which helps to avoid diseases of the cardiovascular system. One of the logical explanations for this discovery is quite simple - the dog needs constant walks, therefore, the owner also walks and rests with him. And 1.5-2 hours of walking a day is extremely good for the heart.

  1. Evolve, avoid routine.

The human brain is by nature set to develop and learn new things. Avoiding small loads and preferring routine activities, we expose the body to additional danger. And all because the desire to learn new things, the emergence of new hobbies, changes of places, new acquaintances, etc. contribute to the formation of a cognitive reserve of neural pathways. In simple words- people engaged in self-education and self-improvement have a higher intelligence and a healthier body compared to those who prefer to live in front of a TV or computer.

  1. Starvation.

All mammals have genes in their cells that are responsible for longevity. Experts from the Cornell Medical College came to the conclusion that under the influence of stress on the cell, these genes also begin to influence it, activating protective mechanisms. The way energy is produced changes, which leads to the continuation of the life cycle of a cell programmed for death. So you can starve once a week - so your body will only strengthen.

Scientists and gerontologists are sure that only 25% of a person's life expectancy depends on genetics, the remaining 75% depends on lifestyle.

Start bringing a happy future closer now, make small but effective changes to your daily to-do list!

Who holds the key to longevity?

To live long and happy life, you need to eat a balanced diet, be active and healthy, be able to cope with stress and stay away from bad habits. But some rules and advice are not so obvious. What should be done, according to researchers, to meet 101 sunrises with a smile on your face?

We have collected for you secrets and recipes from the world's leading scientists, as well as real centenarians.

Life is a huge puzzle with infinity of parts. Take a few steps towards yourself to live longer. These steps should not be extreme for you, do only what you can, but regularly - today, tomorrow and always.

Scientists from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA (Albert Einstein College of Medicine) came to an unexpected conclusion: a person is more likely to meet a happy and healthy old age if he looks at the world with optimism.

For several years, scientists have studied the character and attitude to life of famous centenarians and found that most of them were friendly, sociable and loved to laugh. PhD, psychologist and author of books on longevity Elizabeth Lombardo is talking: “Laughter helps lower blood pressure, lowers blood sugar levels, relieves pain and reduces anxiety. All this together makes our body healthier.”

Longevity Secret

Gertrude Weaver, lived to be 116 years old

“My recipe for a long life is to be kind, to treat other people the way you would like them to treat you. At the same time, I do not have chronic health problems, I do not drink alcoholic beverages, I do not smoke and I attach great importance to a long sound sleep.

Family trips to the movies or weekend get-togethers with friends can be the key to longevity. Brigham Young University researchers analyzed data from 148 longevity studies and found a clear link between a person's social connections and life expectancy.

Elizabeth Lombardo summarizes: “People with strong social connections are 50% more likely to experience a healthy old age compared to those who lead a reclusive lifestyle. Loneliness can jeopardize your immune system, as a result, it will be more difficult for her to fight diseases.

Longevity Secret

Jessie Galana, lived to be 109 years old

Jessie is a self-sufficient and independent woman who has never been married and has no love relationship with men. She loves healthy food, in particular, cereals, but at the same time she has a different secret of longevity: “My secret is in the absence of men. They are more trouble than good, ”the woman shared her observations. At the same time, Jessie has been working since the age of 13, surrounded herself with people she likes, and every day she does a lot of physical exercises.

Eight glasses of pure water a day is the minimum that every person should follow. Many people do not realize the importance of the drinking regime, and it is water that helps to deliver nutrients to cells, helps to remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body.

One of the recipes for longevity of the inhabitants of the Republic of Costa Rica in Central America is the use of mineral water. An increased concentration of magnesium and calcium in it is necessary for bone and muscle strength.

The rules of proper nutrition are known to every person from the school bench, but nevertheless, they are observed by a few. To be healthy and keep mental clarity up to 100 years and beyond, make the basis of the diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean on whole grains and milk, products containing healthy fats and seafood.

Limit your consumption of industrial sweets and refined sugar, salt, fatty and fried foods, and red meat if possible. Remember that one of the main causes of aging is inflammation. For their prevention, lean on vitamins A, C, D, E and B, fish fat and L-carnitine are known to fight aging at the cellular level.

Longevity Secret

Alexander Imich, lived to be 111 years old

“My secret to being in great shape and feeling good is healthy eating and abstaining from alcohol. The basis of my diet are fish and poultry (chicken)." In his youth, Alexander was engaged in gymnastics and swimming, he continued his studies in adulthood.

This indicator clearly demonstrates how quickly food is absorbed by our body, and what jumps in blood glucose a certain food causes. Foods with a high glycemic index (eg potatoes, bread, alcohol) make the pancreas work harder. The more often this happens, the more actively the processes that accelerate aging take place in the body.

Longevity Secret

Durand Willardov, lived to be 108 years old

Every centenarian morning begins with a low-glycemic oatmeal, fruit, and one cup of coffee. For dinner, Durand prefers to eat fish and vegetables. At the same time, every day, even in old age, he did at least seven push-ups.

Today, there are several dozen theories of body aging, and one of them is hormonal. Many experts are sure that our well-being and how capacious our “baggage” of diseases depends on the level of hormones. Depression, excess weight, insomnia is only the beginning of a list of symptoms and conditions that are somehow associated with changes in hormonal levels.

With age, the production of some hormones decreases, but if you replace them with special therapy, you will turn back the clock and feel younger.

According to the American Heart Association, 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity, such as walking, will prolong your life and leave you feeling fresh and energized. At the same time, you need to devote to sports at least 5 days a week.

And their colleagues from the respected journal of the American College of Cardiology (Journal of the American College of Cardiology) claim that daily jogging increases human life expectancy by reducing the risk of death from heart disease by as much as 58%! At the same time, the program is considered effective - 5-10 minutes of running per day at a speed of 6 km / h.

Longevity Secret

George Boggess, 105

“My secret to longevity is walking. I don't strap myself into a car seat, but I try to spend more time on my feet, taking long walks."

It is no secret that the quality of sleep decreases with age, the older we get, the more difficult it is for us to fall asleep. Hence insomnia and other disorders and related diseases.

The National Sleep Foundation, USA (National Sleep foundation) prescribes to spend at least 7-9 hours daily in the arms of Morpheus. At the same time, each person has his own norm: for someone, 7 hours is enough to get enough sleep, for another - at least 9!

Longevity Secret

Misao Okawa, lived to be 117 years old

Japanese-born Misao's mainstay is sushi, a popular Mediterranean low-fat dish, but that's not the only secret to her longevity. “I sleep at least eight hours every day, that’s how much time I need for a good rest,” said the long-liver.

You cannot change your genetic code, but knowing your "weak" points - that is, a genetic predisposition to certain diseases or conditions, you can take better care of yourself, which means preventing or delaying some "family" problems.

So, if your loved ones suffer from heart disease, you can put more emphasis on a healthy lifestyle - exercise regularly, stop visiting fast food outlets and lean on convenience foods, give up bad habits, and regularly undergo preventive examinations with a doctor. All of the above is a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

That endurance exercise and fasting prevent premature telomere shortening. The slower the ends of chromosomes shorten, the longer duration life. O latest research tells "".

Telomeres are the end sections of chromosomes that perform a protective function. From infancy, their size is gradually reduced: on average, twice by adulthood and four times by the elderly. This is considered one of the reasons for the aging of the human body. A reduction in the rate of telomere degradation is thus directly related to an increase in life expectancy.

Transcriptional regulatory mechanisms associated with human telomeres are not yet fully understood. In the new study, scientists have moved forward by pointing out two factors that influence this process: the activity of the PGC-1α and AMPK proteins. The experiments were carried out in two stages. At the first stage, available human telomeric sequences were screened for the presence of transcription factors. The in silico method was used. At the second stage, doctors organized experiments with cyclists, including a biopsy of skeletal muscle tissue.

Analysis of telomeric sequences located at the ends of chromosomes revealed the PGC-1α protein. The protein interacts with telomeres at the site where TERRA transcription occurs. This molecule is a non-coding RNA that maintains the integrity of the telomeres. The PGC-1α protein acts as a regulator of cell energy metabolism, which, as previous studies have shown, is triggered after endurance exercise or caloric restriction of food consumed.

At the second stage of the experiments, the scientists decided to find out whether the PGC-1α protein is really involved in the energy metabolism of the cell. The protein, as it turned out, acts as a transcription switch of the TERRA molecule, and its activity is regulated by the AMPK enzyme. This enzyme is also produced under the influence of various stimuli, in particular during exercise and fasting. The scientists tested their findings on ten healthy volunteers.

Participants of the experiment were engaged on an exercise bike for 45 minutes. To obtain different levels of AMPK activation, the subjects were divided into two groups, depending on the severity physical activity. The first included those who achieved 50 percent of their VO2 max, and the second included those with 75 percent of their VO2 max. The parameter VO2 max, used in sports medicine, characterizes the ability of tissues to absorb and assimilate oxygen. A biopsy of muscle tissue, performed before and after cycling, indicates that 2.5 hours after exercise exercise the activity of markers associated with PGC-1α in the representatives of the second group increased tens of times, and the production of TERRA increased by tens of percent.

Image: East News

If Belgian doctors suggest prolonging life through physical exercise, then Brazilian and American scientists have found that the synthetic male hormone danazol promotes the production of the telomerase enzyme. The use of a hormonal drug by 27 patients with aplastic anemia showed that, on average, the length of telomeres in each of them increased by 386 pairs. In addition, the level of hemoglobin in the blood rose to an almost physiologically acceptable level.

“In a healthy adult, telomere length averages between 7,000 and 9,000 base pairs. Telomeres typically shorten by 50-60 base pairs per year, and in patients with telomerase deficiency, by 100-300 base pairs per year, lead study author Rodrigo Calado said. “In patients treated with danazol, telomere length increased by 386 base pairs over an average of two years.”

However, danazol therapy has significant drawbacks. In particular, the abuse of the hormone can lead to testicular atrophy in men and masculinization in women. Danazol is also toxic to the liver. Currently, experiments are being carried out with drugs based on nandrolone, which have much fewer contraindications. Doctors agree that the use of drugs that affect life expectancy makes sense only when their effect outweighs the possible risks and contraindications.

Physical inactivity is the second risk factor for premature death after smoking. A study conducted by Swedish doctors showed that the more the body is able to absorb oxygen during exercise, the better. Swedish colleagues from Norway, Australia and the United States hastened to reassure the public that in order to neutralize the negative effect of seated image life enough moderate physical activity.

This includes, for example, walking at a speed of at least 4.8 kilometers per hour or cycling at a speed of about 16 kilometers per hour. The duration of the load is at least an hour. For those who spend about eight hours every day in a sitting position, loads for 60-75 minutes are considered optimal. Individual stages physical education can be spaced apart in time.

The World Health Organization has calculated that human health is approximately 20 percent determined by genetic factors, 25 percent by condition environment and 15 per cent by the level of medical care. The remaining 40 percent is due to the conditions and lifestyle of people. This indicator directly depends on the person. In particular, quitting smoking, drinking alcohol and fatty foods, in combination with physical exercise, will greatly improve the quality and length of life.

Probably everyone would like to be healthy and live to be a hundred years old. But there are so many visible and invisible threats in the world that it is quite difficult to make this a reality.

If you are closely monitoring your health, the tips below will come in handy. They will help you to keep healthy and live a long and happy life!

How to live to 100

  1. Read newspapers upside down
    And it's not a joke. By reading upside down, you expose your brain to a little stress that helps it repair damaged cells. You can also write with an unusual hand for you, listen to music that is unpleasant for you ...
  2. Eat red fruits and vegetables
    Few people know that Bell pepper contains more vitamin C than an orange. Beets, on the other hand, are rich in nitrates, which dilate blood vessels, and tomatoes are a source of lycopene, which protects against cancer and cardiovascular disease.

  3. run fast
    Running reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by as much as 30 percent. Instead of running, you can ride a bike.

  4. Be careful when using a public toilet
    Wash your hands thoroughly after every visit to a public restroom to get rid of bacteria that can not only cause serious illness but also weaken your immune system.

  5. eat bananas
    This fruit lowers blood pressure. Its potassium content helps counteract the harmful effects of excess salt in the diet.

  6. squat
    This simple exercise helps to strengthen muscles, which in the future, especially in old age, will help prevent falls.

  7. Drink at least one cup of tea a day
    Tea reduces the level of stress hormones in the blood and increases the chances of survival in the event of a heart attack by 28 percent, because the antioxidants found in tea,.

  8. Go to bed an hour earlier
    Sleeping just one hour longer helps lower and normalize blood pressure. Also, a long sleep helps a person to deal with stress.

  9. Eat yogurt
    Drinks with probiotics have a positive effect on the digestive tract.

  10. Use dental floss
    It helps to get rid of bacteria that cause cavities, which ultimately protects you from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and dementia.

  11. Breathe through the straw
    Do this daily to improve lung function, lower your heart rate, and lower your blood pressure. Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through a straw.

  12. Keep the house clean
    People who frequently clean their home have high levels of serotonin (the happiness hormone). It, in turn, has a positive effect on good dream, proper nutrition and, consequently, longevity.

  13. Eat bacon instead of sausage
    It may sound strange enough, but it is less high-calorie than sausage. Its use can prevent cardiovascular disease and obesity.

Why not?…

In the flow of modern life, we rarely think not only about the meaning, but also about the duration of the active part of our lives. “Live here and now,” says the popular slogan. Tomorrow is not in your power! You won’t return yesterday… But years pass (sometimes only a few years), health reserves begin to melt before our eyes, and the once noisy and energetic young man (or girl) turns into a heavily breathing middle-aged person with a bunch of problems and sores… And it’s not up to real things anymore and achievements. Climb to the second floor, drag your carcass to the sofa and stare at the telly half asleep ...

Sad picture!

In the seventies and eighties of the twentieth century, the theme of centenarians was very popular. There were many articles and hypotheses. And since I was an ardent young man in those years, I passionately wanted to live up to 100-150 years! 🙂 Youth loves life! I read and dreamed of going to the mountains!

Let's fantasize!

You are now forty or fifty. Geneticists unanimously claim that the margin of safety for an ordinary person is enough for this (warranty :)) period, and then ... And you probably have already tuned in that in ten years something old, toothless, collapsed and useless will remain from you. Pills, unfriendly doctors, pharmacies, a duck under the bed, etc. Horror!!! Is it really for the sake of this that your mother endured and gave birth, raised and fed, brought up? To such a sad ending?

Now imagine that you still have 30-50 years of active conscious awareness ahead of you. wise life! Imagine how much you can do! How many people can be helped, how much knowledge and experience can be transferred! And there is so much more to learn! How many books to read! How many wonderful moments to experience! Any dreams can be achieved, any goals can be achieved when you have so much time left. And if we multiply this time by the accumulated experience, wisdom and knowledge? Yes, not a single young wise guy will keep up! …

It's a matter of small. You just need to try to keep your body more or less healthy, and your brain active.

How you spend the first half of your life will largely determine what the second half will be like.

These simple rules, if implemented into your life, will really help to keep yourself in an active, healthy state for as long as possible. I do not promise that everyone who reads this post will live to be 100-120 years old, but I guarantee that if you take on the simple task of applying at least some of these recommendations in practice, the time allotted to you will pass much more interesting, pleasant and useful.


Watch carefully what you eat. If in youth the stomach can digest even nails, then with age this ability almost disappears. I advise you to completely eliminate or very limit yourself in the use of sugar (excessively sweet dishes), animal fats (fatty meats), flour dishes (including pasta).

Sugar is the best food for pathogenic microflora in the mouth, in the intestines, in the organs. This the best remedy for persistent illnesses, infections and ailments. And the older you get, the more categorical this rule becomes.

Animal fats in excess are one of the causes of heart and vascular diseases.

Excess flour makes it difficult to pass the intestines.

It is also important not to overeat. The digestive system is so arranged that the satiety signal does not enter the brain immediately, but after about 15-30 minutes. During this time, you can eat much more than you really need. Therefore, it is very useful to resort to all sorts of tricks to help avoid overeating. For example, use small plates, cut food into small pieces, generally put smaller ones on the table (within reasonable limits), just eat more slowly. After all, overeating is not only extra calories, it is a huge burden on the body, taking away the already small remaining energy. Digestion is a very energy intensive process, especially if the stomach is full.

Overeating is an empty, stupid and very bad habit. It is quite enough to accustom yourself to get up from the table a little earlier than full satiety comes. And just something!

A separate issue concerns bodybuilding, where, by definition, it is necessary to frankly overeat several times a day in order to build up a large muscle mass(alas, along with fat and belly). You must be very aware that you are constantly overeating (in fact, harming your health) in the name of a goal that is really meaningful to you ...

Vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, etc. - these are just successful additions that help support the body, not allowing it to wear out faster than it is really necessary. I think their moderate use is justified.

Take the time to study a few books on healthy eating. Choose and practice what is right for you.

Eat mainly products produced in the place where you live and from the raw materials that grow in your region. This will significantly increase the adaptogenic effect of food.

Eat often, varied, in small portions, include a lot of colored vegetables and fruits in your diet, a sufficient amount of protein, supplement your diet with dietary supplements, vitamins, and minerals.


The provision of the body with water is one of the key factors for maintaining the youthfulness of tissues, the rapid removal of unnecessary waste and a good metabolism.

Don't drink tap water. Make sure you always have clean fresh water. The easiest way to determine the purity of water is to evaluate its taste. This is a very precise method used even by professional chemists. Pure water tastes good or has no taste at all.

Do not neglect the advice to drink enough pure water. It is pure water, not tea, juice, coffee, etc. For the body pure water and any drink are two big differences. Start every morning not with a cigarette or a cup of coffee, but with a glass of clean warm water (even hot). This is very correct and useful in every way.


Keep your home, clothes, bed, workplace clean. Small dirt particles little by little lead to harmful changes in health, accumulating in the body. Dust enters the respiratory tract, microtrauma of the skin, mucous membranes. There are local inflammations, etc.

Growth and development

Have you really decided that there is nowhere to grow further? Is it too late to change something or start from scratch? Tell this to people who, until the very last days, have retained an amazingly sharp mind, the desire to grow and develop (Steve Jobs, Academician Ginzburg, Paul Bragg, etc.). Here they laugh! 🙂

Evolve or degrade - it's just your decision

No more, no less. As you decide, so be it ... Each person always has what he decided shortly before.


Here, everything is quite simple. Take more, throw more. Well, what is it worth getting a pair of kettlebells or dumbbells at home? Look up some simple exercises on the Internet and just do them three times a week?

Muscles are health and vitality. A surprisingly large number of people neglect this simple rule. They do anything (diet, eat all kinds of nutritional supplements, practice breathing, starve ...), just do not train muscles. Therefore, the effect of all these actions is small.

There will be muscles in good shape, there will be a strong foundation for health

This is a strong base, a foundation, without which everything else will be extremely shaky and painful.

It has long been known that after the age of 35, muscle mass begins to “melt” by 1% per year, if not supported by strength exercises. This is a very subtle, but extremely insidious process. If you approach this wisely, it is not at all difficult to stop and even reverse this process.
Mine is one of the most effective and simple options development and maintenance of muscles in any conditions.

Heart and lungs

Just keep your heart in working condition, and you will avoid a lot of problems that come with age.

Cardio training - think about this term! This is pure heart training. Practice at least 3 runs per week for 30-60 minutes or 3 swim workouts. And your heart will not fail you either at 70 or at 90 years old.

However, do not think that these classes will replace full-fledged strength exercises. This is a very common mistake! Supplement - yes, but in no case will not replace. Power training develop muscles, running and swimming increase. Those are two big differences.


Joints are among the first to suffer with age. More than half of the world's population suffers from back, knee, elbow and shoulder pain.

To keep your joints healthy, give them movement! The structure of the joints is such that they cannot be healthy without movement. And even the smallest ones. Therefore, the more varied you move during the day, the better. Just “swing butsukha” with a barbell - it will not work!

Excellent methods of improving the joints are yoga, articular gymnastics (for example, Norbekova), (exercises to develop flexibility).

And this does not mean at all that you need to become a professional gymnast or yogi. It is quite enough to give this case from 10 to 30 minutes a day. It's worth it, believe me. Ease of movement, lack of heaviness in the back, pain in the knees - it's worth a lot.


I understand that the topic is somewhat unpleasant. But extremely important.

During life, tons of food pass through the human intestines. And its impact on human health and condition is difficult to overestimate. The healthier and more natural the food passing through the intestines, the better the whole body will be. Therefore, watch your diet.

Empty your bowels promptly. If this does not happen at least once every day, sound the alarm and look for reasons. This is a clear indicator of unhealthy changes in the body caused by infection, malnutrition, physical inactivity.

It is very useful to arrange bowel cleansing from time to time. A banal enema will do.


There are no extra words here at all. It doesn't cost anything to supplement a morning or evening shower with a cool or cold douche. It is better to finish a shower or bath with such a shower. The effect is immediately visible. You simply catch a cold less often.

I don't believe it's normal for a person to have a cold several times a year.

(or what is the already unconvincing host of the Health program trying to convince you of?).

However, don't go to the other extreme. Keep a balance of heat and cold. You don't have to chill all the time. From time to time you need to warm up. You should have a distinct, pleasant feeling of hardening, not blue fingers and nose.


There is a lot of nonsense going around about spirituality. Spirituality is that, spirituality is that… Reading the Bible, Koran, Torah? Such a mess in my head! But…

Spirituality is just a deep sincere active gratitude for all

And it doesn’t matter at all how you express it - go to church, pray, use foul language...

Learn to be grateful for what you have. Notice the good, this is also gratitude. Be grateful for the bad, for it taught you a lot. Do not assume that there are people worse than you. There is always something for everyone to learn. Influence your own life and the lives of other people if you sincerely believe that your intervention will make life better... Do everything to increase the amount of goodness in the world. Do everything to be happy yourself and help others to become happy ...

Just think about it at least sometimes. Spirituality is just a habit.

Speaking of longevity, you can touch on many more questions. But this will bring the size of this already large article beyond all decent limits. There will be questions or additions, write in the comments.

Can we make it to a very round date?