Home divination: three easy ways to find out your future. Fortune telling that can be done at home How to tell fortunes for the future at home

    Tried for fun divination on the phone. I called, a young man picked up the phone, who was on roaming. He was very angry with me for an expensive call and quickly hung up. A couple of weeks later he called back and apologized for being rude. We started talking on the phone. And this month he comes to get acquainted and on our first real date! That's how it happens!

    Alexandra, that's it! Fate! And many do not believe in fortune-telling! I myself really like to guess according to the table with numbers, as described here in the first method. It always comes true by the way! It is very interesting now to tell fortunes by phone, by SMS, by elevator - I will definitely try it! Simple and interesting! Thanks! Now I also tried to tell fortunes on the keyboard - it turned out just what it is)).

    I am a supporter of traditional fortune-telling, and when I saw this article, at first I did not believe that this happens. Is it possible, by writing random names in a Word, to hope that this will be the same one? After reading, immediately done and forgot. And now I'm writing a comment here, because I turned out to be wrong. Well, can it be a coincidence that I chose Polina? We've been dating for two months now. And according to other fortune-telling, it also converges that she is the one I was waiting for. For example, for this, for love: .

    This is how I met my boyfriend) At the party, we sat with friends, made fun, sent SMS. And they sent it to a random number. It turned out that he lives almost in a neighboring house and came to our party, after which we began a romantic relationship) Thanks to this fortune-telling, I am very happy)

New Year and Christmas divination has always been of particular interest. And all because of the fact that there is a belief: from January 6 to 19 and in New Year predictions give the most accurate results. Also, such days include a person’s birthday and name day.

However, no matter what day you decide to find out your future, it is worth remembering that when opening the curtain of secrecy, you ask for help from higher powers, but what forces will answer you is a separate topic for conversation. Do not be afraid, but many magicians warn that fortune-telling at home is possible only with clear rules.

How to guess on your own

There are a few simple rules that will ensure you a successful result.

By following these simple rules, you will get the right result, which you can focus on.

How to become a fortune teller

First you need to decide whether you want to perform some rituals all the time or you just need to tell fortunes for yourself and your loved ones for the holidays. If you decide to become a fortune teller, then responsibility for the result falls on your fragile shoulders. And it is quite logical that you are wondering how you can tell fortunes at home. Check out some of the practices. The rest you can find yourself. It is better to practice first on yourself, and only then demonstrate your knowledge to friends and family.

Divination options at home

Often, the fair sex wants to know more about the future or current boyfriend. You can, of course, use the services of a professional fortune teller. But is it worth it? From you, this will require money and a careful choice of a person who will look into your destiny. Divination for love at home can be done independently. And the result will be no worse than in a magical salon.

Divination options:

Divination for love at home is also recommended to be carried out on mirrors. One of the methods may seem scary, but many who have tried say that the result is worth it. To carry out the ceremony, take 3 mirrors, put 2 on the sides and one in front of you (this way you get a kind of mirror corridor), undress completely, sit in front of the mirrors and light a candle. And now wait and watch carefully. Your loved one should appear clearly in the reflection.

Christmas divination is the most accurate. Get in the magic mood! Look into the future, understand the present or find your betrothed! Don't waste time while the Christmas magic is still in effect - draw your cards! Look into the future, understand the past, get long-awaited answers with Tarot cards.

During the year there are a number of moments when divination is the most accurate. But, if you really need to know something, you can guess at any time.

You can guess:

  • on tarot cards
  • on the ordinary cards(fortune-telling)
  • on runes
  • by mirrors
  • by wax
  • on coffee grounds

If you do not know how to guess at all, it is best to purchase any of the books on divination and interpretation of dreams, and read, choose interesting options for yourself. Self-instruction books give not only an idea of ​​the meaning of the Tarot and the possibility of its intuitive comprehension, but also its reflection in the phenomenal world, as well as ways of interpretation and application at the everyday level. You can learn a lot of interesting and useful information which will be useful to you in life.

Divination by Tarot cards. Astrology, personal insights and symbolism in everyday life are revealed through the cards. Constantly changing combinations reveal the entire human experience. There is a deck of tarot cards great multitude, the essence of all of them is approximately the same, pictures-interpretations differ. You can choose any deck - the one whose drawings and themes seem closest to you.

Fortune telling by Tarot cards is the oldest and most popular card system in Europe. Until now, many serious researchers of this art continue endless disputes about where and when the Tarot deck first appeared in its traditional form. The vast majority of researchers agree that the origins of knowledge that are hidden in the Arcana should be sought in the mysteries of Ancient Egypt - the ancestral home of the main secret cults of Europe...

Rune divination. For divination on runes, you need to do it yourself or purchase a ready-made rune set- on plastic natural stones, wooden dice. The runes are also accompanied by instructions that tell in detail how exactly you need to guess.

Runes are not only the oldest oracle of the Scandinavian and Germanic tribes of Northern Europe, it is also an established magical system of divination that helps to find answers and solutions to the most different problems and questions. At decent attitude to the Runes as a serious divination, you will find that the Runes can help find the right solutions in difficult situations, direct your own decisions in the right direction, showing likely events, providing several paths to choose from and offering a solution to the problem in case an unfavorable prediction is all is destined to come true.

The most interesting are the runes carved on natural stones, because. stone enhances divination.

Divination in the mirror. In the dark dark night quiet - quiet room, sit near two mirrors placed opposite each other. Light two candles and say a spell: "My betrothed, mummers, show yourself to me." Scary? Do not be afraid! Carefully peer into the gallery of reflections - your fiance will appear to you.

Both for yourself and as a gift: today tea is produced in very beautiful gift boxes.

We wish you bon appetit, new discoveries, good news during fortune-telling!

Many people are very fond of guessing, using completely different ways. If you also want to know your future, then this article will be useful and exciting for you. IN modern world almost all items can help, they are used for divination. TVs, elevators, cell phones, microwave ovens… It would seem that everyday things that every person uses now. But no, with the help of the same elevator or microwave, you can find out your future, not only cook food (climb to your floor).

Fortune-telling, which came to us from antiquity, can accurately predict future events, but this does not mean at all that modern methods of “looking” into the future will not help. The current methods of divination do not require any special training or special items. Everything is simple and clear here.

How can you know your future using a regular book

Many people like to read, so the method of divination from a book is very famous and familiar to almost everyone. A person who is going to guess using this printed edition needs to guess the page number and paragraph (top or bottom). After you make a wish, open desired page, find a paragraph and read what awaits you. Very basic but effective way. Of course, fantasy books are not exactly suitable for such divination. It is better to take something "more serious" - the Bible, the Gospel. There, the description will be more detailed, and there is no extra information.

Modern methods of divination have gone somewhat forward. They began to use not only books, but also TV and radio. You make a wish, determine the time frame to find out if it will come true or not. At this time, you need to turn on the radio wave (previously guess it) or the TV channel. Thus, everything said at this time, through this channel, will be your future. After a few days (weeks), you will understand how true that fortune-telling was. This way you can find out what awaits you at least every day.

How to tell fortunes using a cell phone

You need to use this type of fortune-telling only during that period of your life when you want to know whether the transaction will be successful, whether it is worth taking that step, and so on. That is, it is important to take that segment of your life when you are in a state of choice, at a crossroads. So, how to guess using a mobile device?

Sit back, focus on what you need to know. Next, with your eyes closed, you open the first contact in your address book. The number must be written out on paper, and then all the numbers should be added together. For example, the number was: 910 - 565 - 11 - 11. You add up 9+1+0+5+6+5+1+1+1+1. It turns out the number 30. The number 3 and 0 must also be added: 3 + 0. It turns out 3 - this will be the answer to your question.

Now in more detail how to decrypt the received digit from the phone number. Here it is important to turn to the great science of numerology.

The number 1 there means future luck, success in all planned affairs and undertakings.

Two - you will have to compromise in order to achieve your goal. Think about the best way to do it, with the least loss.

Three - the situation must be analyzed and studied from all sides. Do not make a decision in a hurry, carefully weigh everything.

Four in numerology indicates that circumstances can be stronger than you. Do not become their victim, think sensibly.

Five - your faith and an active life position will help you succeed, everything will be fine.

Six - think positive, set yourself up only for a successful outcome.

Seven - it is important to listen to your intuition. She won't let you down this time.

Eight - be careful, prudent. This position will help you achieve what you want.

Nine - prove yourself, then triumph awaits you.

How to tell fortunes using an elevator

To do this, you need to take the elevator to the middle floor of your entrance. Get out of the elevator, and you have to wait until someone calls him. At the same time, you think about what you thought (about desire). If the elevator goes up, it will come true; if down, no.

How to tell fortunes on a computer

To do this, you need to go online, in some kind of chat. The first person you meet there will be needed for divination. You need to find out his real name (not a nickname). Exactly the name of a man or woman will be called your husband / wife (depending on who is guessing).

You can also guess on the keyboard. To do this, you need to remove all the keys (use the old, already unnecessary, keyboard). Of the many letters, they must be turned upside down (so that you do not see the letters), choose one letter. It is on her (this letter) that the name of your future husband or wife will begin. Do not forget to remove b, b s, y ahead of time - they are not needed. If you forgot to do this, then your husband (wife) may be called a strange, awkward name. And why do you need it?!

Fortune-telling, no matter how simple they may be, is important to be taken responsibly and seriously. No need to test your curiosity or "test the rites for strength." Only a serious attitude.

How to guess using public transport

This fortune-telling will be very informative in its content. For example, when you guess on the numbers of cars. If you calculate that the sum of the first two numbers of the number gives the third digit, then wealth awaits you. If you made a wish, looked out the window at a nearby car, and a man or woman is sitting there with a very gloomy look, then your future husband or wife will be like that (like that). And if a blonde is sitting behind the wheel of a car in front of you, then it is better to change lanes. An accident might happen.

Fortune telling in itself is very interesting and informative. Almost all the objects that surround us, we can use to recognize our future. The main thing is to make a wish as correctly and clearly as possible, to formulate the question that interests you. Then you will get a specific answer to it. Try to choose simple desires, or ask simple, monosyllabic questions. The more correctly you can formulate your thought, the better the outcome of fortune-telling will be. If you cannot decide what you want to know, then either you should not guess at all, or the fortune-telling will not be true. There is no third one here. You don’t have to be surprised later why it didn’t work out, or the result of fortune-telling doesn’t suit you - you did something wrong.

For example, divination for the dollar / euro. You need to ask, wondering if the rate will rise in the near future, and not: how much will one dollar or one euro cost. Yet fortune-telling is not a game, not a quiz. Therefore, watch what you ask, what thoughts are spinning in your head.

If you regularly (correctly!) Guess, no matter which way, then your life will become more interesting and even easier. After all, knowing your future, at least in general terms, you can change something in yourself (first of all), in your attitude to life, people around you, to influence certain events. Fortune telling people are more confident. They are active in life, they are practically not afraid of anything. And this is very important in today's world.

If the existing methods and methods of divination do not suit you, then you can come up with your own. Dream up, take a closer look at the surrounding objects, start guessing on them. Perhaps it is the invented ritual of divination that will become your talisman.

People bind magical abilities to objects. For example, a magic ball.

It is believed that by touching it, you can make any wish, and it will certainly come true.

Of course, there is something so amazing that you really can’t name anything other than.

Clairvoyant people.

In the twenty-first century, it is very difficult to find true clairvoyants.

Probably, in every locality there is a person who claims to be a great clairvoyant.

But how do you know if a person is cheating?

The first thing a real fortune teller can say is the past. If a person really sees the future, then it will not be difficult for him to look into the time that has already been left behind.

Also, before going to the predictor, you can find out reviews about it. Surely, in the locality where you live, there are people who have already contacted this person.

They say that every person has the ability to clairvoyance. But not everyone can develop them. How can you guess

Yes, and some abilities are given in larger quantities, and someone in very small quantities, and it is already more difficult to develop them.


However, almost every person has tried to guess in his life. Guessing, as a rule, at night. It is the night that people attribute magical actions.

The main time for divination is the New Year holidays.

With the help of the Internet. It is easy to find fortune-telling convenient for a person with a full description in it.

One of the most common divination during the New Year holidays is divination by shadow.

To do this, you need to take a blank sheet of paper, write on it what you want to know, crumple it, burn it. When the sheet burns out, look at the shadow on the wall. Correlate with what it looks like and with the question.

The main thing in this divination is a good fantasy to come up with what the shadow looks like and how it answers the written question.

Who has a cat at home, it is not difficult to guess with the help of it.

Go into a room where she is not. Make a secret wish.

Call the cat (preferably with the help of sausage, meat or the cat's favorite treat) and watch with which paw the cat enters the room.

If left, then the wish will certainly come true during the coming year. If it is right, then, unfortunately, the desire will remain unfulfilled.

How can you guess

Girls sometimes tell fortunes on felt boots.

For this fortune-telling, you need to go out into the yard (the house should be your own, and not a common apartment building), remove the felt boot from your left foot and throw it over the fence.

Go out and look in which direction the felt boot fell with its toe.

If on the other side of the threshold, then the girl will marry in the coming year or find a loved one who will become her husband in the future.

If in the direction of the threshold, then this year the girl will not get married.

Divination in the name of the future husband is carried out in different ways.

Firstly, you can write male names on the leaves, put them under the pillow, the next morning, waking up, get one piece of paper with the name. This name will be the name of the husband.

Second way- go outside at night, wait for the first man passing by, find out his name. This name belongs to the future spouse. How can you guess

There are many fortune-telling, everyone chooses to taste. But the main thing is to believe in what you are doing!