Where to find a guy for a serious relationship. Where to find a decent man for a serious relationship

Every girl dreams of meeting a reliable young man, create a family with him and confidently move on in life. Social roles in society are distributed in this way: a woman gives birth to children and is engaged in their upbringing, and a man earns money, becomes a support and protection. Choosing a guy for Serious relationships, the representative of the weaker sex is trying to make the right decision, which can positively affect her entire future destiny. How to find a worthy man will be discussed in this article.

From this article you will learn:

  • How to find a decent man and where to start
  • Where can you find a decent man
  • How to find a decent man on a dating site
  • How to keep a decent man after meeting

How to find a decent man - where to start

Before you start looking for a life partner, you need to understand yourself, your character, desires, interests and needs. Only by knowing herself, a woman will be able to understand what kind of man is able to make her happy.

If you feel that you are unable to cope with the study of your inner world, contact a specialist (psychologist), sign up for a self-knowledge training or read the relevant literature. When engaging in personal development, do not forget that your appearance and manners must also be at a high level, they must be constantly improved, achieving perfection. To speed up this process, record a small part of your life on video. Looking at yourself from the outside, you will very quickly see all the shortcomings and understand in which direction you should work to eliminate them.

With advice on how to find and attract a worthy man, a large amount of literature has been released. Many books describe visualization techniques. It works like this: you need to imagine in great detail your ideal life partner. First, write on paper what features a man should have, then decide on external data, manners, and clothing style. Finally, think about the negative qualities and decide which ones are acceptable and which ones you absolutely do not accept.

After compiling a list of character traits of an imaginary person, analyze which of them you yourself have and which properties you do not have. This will allow you to understand what can unite you with a future partner and in what direction you need to work on yourself.
When composing a visualization, do not rush. Let it take several weeks to prepare the finished image, because the main thing is not speed, but high-quality thinking over all the details. When you decide on all the features of an ideal partner, begin to imagine that this man is already present in your life, but you do not know him yet. You don't have to crave for it to show up. Just be sure that it will happen soon.

1. Change in life attitudes.

If you are haunted by failures in love, you need to find out their cause. The fault may be childhood psychological traumas that lie deep in the subconscious, but affect a person's behavior in real life. Perhaps your father mentally or physically suppressed his family, and now you are unconsciously afraid of a serious relationship with a man.

It is not always possible to get to the bottom of the true reasons why you are unlucky in love. However, do not give up, the main thing is the mental attitude. How to do it?

  • Change your settings, tune in to a wave of positive and good luck.
  • Hang out more with people who are content with life and happy in relationships.
  • Do not look back at negative experiences, forget old grievances.
  • Learn valuable lessons, free your heart from negative emotions to let true love in.

2. Creation of an image of a future partner.

So, you have come a long way of working on yourself, parted with past grievances and guilt and are open to everything new.

However, the human mind is constantly loaded with a stream of information that comes from all sides, from different sources. We are surrounded by a lot of people, we try to do everything in time, and in this fuss, sometimes we stop understanding anything at all. In order not to get confused, not to make a mistake and to clearly understand who you need, make a mental image of an ideal life partner. After all, for sure, thinking about how to find a worthy man, you already roughly imagine what your lover should be like. Then let go of the situation and wait. Live your normal life, do not strain and look out for your ideal in a crowd of people. The main thing is to understand who can make you happy.

The day is near when the hypothesis of the materialization of thought will be scientifically proven, but today many people have already seen from their own experience its reliability. Make a kind of love card for yourself. To do this, take a sheet of thick paper, you can even give it the shape of a heart. Stick pictures on it that match your fantasies about happy love and harmonious relationships with a partner (these can be images of a kissing couple, a candlelit dinner, relaxing on the ocean, photos of a wedding and a happy family nest). It’s good if the characters of an imaginary romantic story outwardly resemble you and your ideal man.

Look at the collage every day and imagine that all this is already in your life. Think about how you will feel being with your loved one on the ocean, feel his palm in your hand. This will bring you closer to achieving what you want.

4. Self-development.

Before that, you yourself assessed your person and decided what exactly in your appearance is good and what is not very good. Now look at yourself from a different angle. What should be the woman who likes the man of your dreams? Do you match this image? If not, then you need to work on yourself more. Decide on a list of character trait inconsistencies and start correcting them sequentially. Otherwise, arguments about how to find and attract a worthy man will remain words that did not lead to the desired result.

5. Plan.

The power of visualization is certainly great, but even that needs help. To speed up the moment of meeting with your beloved, it is advisable to visit places where this can happen. For example, if you want to meet a successful, athletic man, it would be a good idea to sign up for a premium fitness club. If you are interested in creative people, then visit exhibitions, art lectures, various workshops and art fairs. It will be easier to attract the attention of a smart and ambitious man at a discussion club meeting.

A timid girl, most likely, will not dare to approach the guy she likes. But waiting to be noticed is also not always profitable. Shy people can use dating sites or ask friends to help in this matter.

Active representatives of the weaker sex are offered a list of places where the probability of meeting a handsome young man is very high.

10 places where you can find a decent man

1. Work office.

Suppose you spend all your time at work and at home. But this does not mean that you do not have a chance to meet your love and you can put an end to all attempts to find your happiness. According to statistics, the strongest relationships are tied between colleagues. And this is quite understandable, since you have been working together for several years now, spend all days of the working week together, know each other well, share your experiences and always sit next to each other at corporate events.

If you did not find a suitable candidate in your office, expand the search area. Surely in the building several companies whose employees visit the common dining room use the same elevators. Look around, perhaps your potential lover is now buying the same salad as you.

Let's assume that until now there has not been an acquaintance with a handsome man whom you regularly meet in an elevator. However, you certainly want to get to know him better. In this case, start to say hello to this young man. Try to find out his name, and try to strike up a conversation with non-intrusive phrases about the weather or a busy parking lot, while remembering to smile.

2. Resort.

Rest liberates people. All cares and worries are left at home, within a few days a person feels free from domestic problems. On vacation, as a rule, many holiday-makers acquire new acquaintances.

There is an opinion that holiday romances are short-lived. However, this statement is true mainly for those cases when the participants in the relationship did not seek to continue them. If you are thinking about how to find a worthy man and connect your future life with him, then you should not pay attention to stereotypes. There are many examples when a guy and a girl met on vacation and found their happiness. So it all depends on the purpose of dating and interest in its continuation.

3. Excursions, hikes.

At first glance, one gets the impression that this is entertainment for older people, and it is certainly impossible for a girl to find and attract a worthy man during the tour. However, at present, the tourism industry is changing dramatically, new routes are being developed that are also interesting for a young audience. The popularity of excursions is gaining momentum, as many boys and girls seek to expand their horizons.

For example, on a tour of the set of a famous action movie, there is a real chance to meet an attractive young man. Of course, in small towns there may not be suitable tourist routes, but do not immediately discard this idea, study all the offers. Maybe, suitable options there will be.

4. Supermarket.

Of course, a supermarket is not the most romantic place, but the result is important for us, not the surroundings. Let's say that in the evenings you often meet the same handsome guy in the store and you understand from his set of products that he is lonely. Acquaintance tactics may be similar to those used in the office. Start greeting him and smiling. Ask where the young man found this wonderful Italian pasta. Ask to be escorted home if it is already dark and late.

However, it is worth visiting not only grocery supermarkets, but also sports, as well as specialized stores selling digital and household appliances. In such places, there will be even more reasons for dating. After all, a lonely girl needs the help of a specialist to choose the right, for example, cross-country skis or light bulbs for a new chandelier. By the way, you can take a closer look at both the visitors of the trading floor and its employees, because often very nice guys work in the departments with sports equipment.

Statistics say that most often, future spouses meet at events with mutual friends and buddies. So if you are looking for ways to find, conquer and keep a worthy man, then you should not refuse invitations to a wedding, birthday or theme party.

You can even deliberately ask a friend (the hostess of the celebration) to call single guys, asking in advance about each young man in order to get preliminary information to form a certain opinion.

If you have closed in on your problem, stopped communicating with friends and have not received invitations to events for a long time, do not despair! In this case, you should renew old ties, start corresponding with in social networks, let people know that you are open for friendship and will gladly come to visit.

6. City holiday.

Holidays are a great occasion to get to know each other. Usually, many free young people gather at city festivities, because they are not burdened with household chores and love to have fun. The atmosphere of fun is conducive to rapprochement. In the crowd, a conversation with the guys standing next to it starts by itself. It is permissible to exchange jokes, discuss the details of the event and funny things that happened. Then you can continue the evening in a common company.

7. Bookstore.

A trading establishment of this type seems not the most suitable place for dating, however, it is not.

  • First, here you will have a reason to turn to any guy to ask him to get the right book from the top shelf or for advice about a gift for the husband of a close friend.
  • Secondly, it is highly likely that in a bookstore you will meet an erudite and educated man who is not indifferent to books. You will always be interested in talking to him.

8. Fitness club.

The cult of a healthy lifestyle is in full swing. Most young people, especially single ones, consider going to the gym a must. Currently, many companies are opening small fitness centers at their offices in order to attract their employees to a healthy lifestyle. If you are looking for a way to find a decent man, then feel free to go to a sports club. Here there is a high probability of meeting a suitable gentleman.

The fact that many companies are able to pay their employees not only medical insurance and food, but also fitness is pushing them to go in for sports. In addition, a modern man also has an excellent motivation to keep himself in good shape - he is equally interested in attracting the fair sex, for which the muscles must be strong and toned.

However, many young people consider the fitness center as a place to meet girls. So it will be absolutely natural if you talk to the guy you like and discuss with him new simulator or achievements on the treadmill.

There are a lot of reasons to start a conversation in a sports club. You can greet regular visitors like old friends and gossip about newcomers. The fitness room will be a comfortable environment for both you and men. After all, you have been coming here for a long time and you know every little thing, so communication will be relaxed and relaxed.

9. Foreign language training courses.

In linguistic courses, you can immediately kill two birds with one stone: learn a foreign language and find a decent guy. Pay attention to promising Chinese, at present, many large companies require specialists with knowledge of this language. It follows that the courses have a chance to meet a man who is engaged in self-education and strives to achieve new goals.
When choosing the necessary classes, rely not only on your preferences, but also on the ability to find a suitable gentleman there. For example, if you like French speech for its beautiful sound, then think about it, is it likely to meet an adult and successful man at lectures? Most likely, your hopes will not come true. But Japanese, German, Chinese and English are in great demand today for business communication. On them and stop your choice.

However, remember that choosing this way of meeting a gentleman is rational only if you really like to study foreign languages. Otherwise, you risk looking stupid. It's hard to force yourself to learn something you don't like. And looking like a weak link against the background of other successful listeners does not suit you.

10. Dating party.

You can meet a guy on special sites. However, users often post a lot of false information there, so it is quite difficult to form a true opinion about a person. At the same time, you have to look through many profiles, select the right candidates, then correspond for weeks in order to get to know each other better.

Therefore, for those who are thinking how to find a worthy man, we offer another option - meeting at a party. During this event, you can chat with several candidates in reality and decide on your sympathies.

Flirting parties appeared in Russia relatively recently. But in foreign serials, we often see stories when the characters get to know each other at such meetings. Perhaps in small towns this type of leisure for single people is not very popular, but in megacities you will find several similar offers at once and you will be able to choose the best option for yourself.

At a flirting party, you are insured against the fact that you will not get a gentleman. The organizers select an equal number of men and women in advance. Then all participants are seated in pairs at the tables, they are given approximately ten minutes to communicate. After that, the couples change. Thus, during the evening it is possible to talk with several applicants at once. If you liked one of them, you should give the organizer a note with the number of the chosen one.

A detailed description of the four ways to meet a man in a public place can be found on the website:

How to find a decent man on a dating site. TOP 5 web resources

1. Mamba Dating Service — https://www.mamba.ru/ru/search.phtml.

This is one of the most famous dating sites, takes first place in the rating of similar Internet resources. It was founded in 2003, the audience is more than thirty million people from different countries peace. Over the fifteen years of its existence, the portal has helped many people find their soul mate and find family happiness.

Advantages of Mamba Dating Service:

  • sufficiently large audience and coverage;
  • the admissibility of using numerous filters that significantly narrow the search area to select a suitable candidate. Provided that the applicants fill in certain information about themselves, you can choose a young person based on his profession, financial situation, the presence or absence of bad habits, type of appearance, etc.;
  • stories about acquaintances that started on the site and ended with a wedding;
  • the ability to have a personal diary in your profile.

Cons of dating service "Mamba":

- a lot of spam and suspicious personalities who behave inappropriately, for example, send intimate photos or write obscene messages;

- weak functionality, if you do not purchase VIP accommodation. Questionnaires with VIP status are reflected above;

– the absence of negative comments, due to their removal from the site by the administrator;

- fuzzy work of employees when supporting the functionality.

2. Service "Dating @mail.ru" - https://love.mail.ru/ru/search.phtml.

This site is ranked second. Mail.ru launched a dating service in 2007. The main purpose of the resource is to make contacts with new people. Registration on the site is free and appropriate for those users who do not have e-mail on mail.ru.
Advantages of the [email protected] service:

  • a large number of participants from Russia, unlike other sites;
  • the presence of useful options that in a playful way help people, especially shy ones, start communication, for example: “Kiss and get to know!”, “ Sweet couple"," Vybirashki";
  • the convenience of filters when searching for an interlocutor located on the main page, where you can also see the total number of people registered on the site;
  • the presence of the option to view recently registered users;
  • compilation by the resource of the list of "Top 100" guys and girls in your city;
  • the ability to search for fellow travelers to travel to another city or country;
  • help in correspondence for beginners: the site offers interesting and original greetings that can help out a beginner.

Disadvantages of the [email protected] service:

- the presence of a large number of users who are not interested in getting to know each other, but who collect personal information of the site's customers for their specific purposes;

- the quality of filling out the questionnaires leaves much to be desired;

- the presence of spam.

3. Portal "Photo Country" - https://fotostrana.ru/people/dating/.

One of the ways to find a worthy man can be the social and entertainment network "Photostrana", which ranks third in the ranking of similar sites. It has a large audience - over 61 million profiles, and this figure is constantly growing. Participants are offered a large number of services: you can meet and chat, get a virtual pet, participate in contests, play in real time and even read the news. Registration on the site is free, it takes a little time.

Advantages of the entertainment network "Photostrana":

  • wide audience;
  • the presence of various entertainment services with which you can have a good time;
  • organization of various events, tournaments, competitions, etc.

Cons of the entertainment network "Photostrana":

— an imperceptible transition of the user from real life to virtual life due to participation in multiple entertainment promotions provided by the services;

- the presence of inadequate personalities capable of being rude;

- Availability of paid services.

4. LovePlanet website - https://loveplanet.ru/.

This is one of the most famous and popular dating sites, located in fourth place after the above sites. The name translates as "Planet of Love". The service was created in 2005 and already has about twenty million users.

Advantages of the site "LovePlanet":

  • a well-designed search engine that includes more than 100 criteria and allows you to choose a partner in accordance with personal preferences;
  • the ability to leave comments under the photos of other participants;
  • the presence of a private chat for communication;
  • the presence of the function of obtaining "likes";
  • the possibility of keeping a personal diary;
  • organization and holding of competitions, various promotions;
  • compiling a rating of participants;
  • availability for using chat, forum, photo album, mailbox;
  • the right of the applicant to send surprises or voice messages.

Cons of the site "LovePlanet":

- the presence of virtual (fake) personalities;

- fee for deleting the profile;

– checking photos for a long period;

- Crashes in the function of ignoring an unwanted user.

5. Badoo Internet resource - https://badoo.com/search.

Fifth place in the TOP 5 web resources is occupied by the international social dating network Badoo. The platform has more than 330 million users. The site is popular with foreigners, so if you are thinking about how to find a decent man in another country, then you are here.

  • attracting people from all over the world;
  • free use of all services;
  • a huge number of registered users.

- conversations with the robot, distracting from real communication;

- the minimum set of criteria for the selection of suitable questionnaires, set in the search function.

Do you want a decent man? Then remember this phrase: "I like you, I'm interested in you."

There is a myth that it is not necessary to confess to a man in sympathy, he himself must take the first step, in no case do not take the first step. When someone chooses you, then you will choose him. And you don't have to pick anyone first. And I like it because a lot of girls think that way. It is very scary for them to take the first step. But to provide for a man when he lives at her expense, when he is a gigolo, when he lies on the couch, cannot provide for children - this is normal. But the first step - no, what are you. Therefore, if you want a normal man, you should be able to pronounce this phrase or at least write it on social networks: “Hi, I liked you”, “Hi, I liked you as a man”, “Hi, I am interested in you as a man”. This is the first phrase, write it down for yourself, and, of course, try it. Right now you can use it somewhere in social networks, in SMS, in a messenger, in Viber.

Three useful books that will help you find a worthy man

1. Sarah Harvey, Steve Harvey. Act like a woman, think like a man.

Sometimes even smart beautiful women they cannot understand why the partner does this and not otherwise, they are lost from his unpredictability. In this situation, the work of Steve Harvey will come to the rescue. This book tells how to find and attract a worthy man, build a relationship with him based on mutual understanding. According to the author, the difficulty lies in the following: when a woman has problems with a partner, she goes to another woman for advice. This is fundamentally wrong. After all, only a man can know what exactly needs to be done to build relationships with a partner. Therefore, recommendations should not be asked from a mother or a friend, but from a male friend. We advise you to read the book if you are interested in the opinion of men about relationships with girls.

2. Rosa Syabitova. The man of your dreams. Find and be happy with him.

How to find, conquer and keep a worthy man? What type of young people are you attracted to? What's stopping you from building harmonious relationship? The well-known Russian matchmaker Roza Syabitova answers these and other questions in her book. The author has a lot of experience in building relationships between a man and a woman, as she is the head of a dating service. In addition, Rosa regularly takes part in the popular TV show Let's Get Married as a co-host.

3. Vera Isaeva. How to understand if your couple has a future? 49 simple rules.

The author of this wonderful book is trying to convince readers that personal happiness does not depend on the length of the eyelashes, the depth of the neckline, the presence of an academic degree and exceptional external data. The main thing is to believe in yourself, not be afraid to take the initiative and be able to get acquainted!

In addition to the books listed, advice on how to find a worthy man will be given by YouTube. Here you can find videos in which psychologists, matchmakers and ordinary people share their experience and knowledge.

Statistics give disappointing figures: 60% of dating ends unsuccessfully due to the woman's misbehavior. What mistakes do ladies most often make and what should be done in order not to miss your possible happiness? We will try to give some recommendations.

  1. Never show your true intentions. You came to the fitness club not to meet a nice guy, but to strengthen your body and muscles. You should not frankly rejoice if a man came up to meet you. Remember that you are an inaccessible peak, which itself decides who to submit to, and not an overripe apple that easily falls into your hands.
  2. Do not rush to agree to a date. Say that you have a lot to do and the next few days are already busy. Try to get the young man interested in your phone number. In such a case, you can stock up on business cards, this will increase your status in the eyes of a man.
  3. Do not impose, keep the activity under control. If, after a short conversation, the young man stepped aside, step back and you; do not take the initiative and try to continue the conversation.
  4. If you like a guy, do not immediately attack. Give the man time to look at you. Perhaps after that he himself will take the initiative and come to meet you.

Thank you for reading this article to the end

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy halves, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding to families that were on the verge of divorce.

More than anything, I am inspired by the happy eyes of students who meet the people of their dreams and enjoy a truly vibrant life.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!

Dear readers, I welcome you to the site In My Home! V modern world marriage has ceased to be an obligatory item in the life program of every self-respecting woman. Young people have a simpler view of what even our parents thought was unshakable: career growth and self-realization have supplanted the family as the main goal of life.

However, apart from official terms and fashion trends, women still want to have a reliable support in life, a cozy home and that very quiet haven where you are happy to return after a hard day's work. So it doesn’t matter if they are looking for an official husband and a stamp in their passport, or just a partner for life.

Unfortunately, despite all the changes in the worldview, the problem that many cannot find a loved one remains. In this article we will try to figure out how to find a husband and where to do it.

What kind of husband do you need

First, it is worth deciding: who are you looking for, who do you need?

Not all women dream of finding a husband. Someone wants to have just a young man and not bind himself with long-term bonds. Someone already has enough experience in a serious relationship to understand that they need a reliable partner for life, able to share possible difficulties and help raise children.

Why do you want to get married

There are many reasons for marriage. Every woman has her own story, her dreams and her demands. It can be a natural need to have a congenial person with whom you can talk about anything, the need for help in everyday life, a thirst for love and care. Someone is still under pressure from stereotypes that “you are already over 30, and you still don’t have a husband”, someone is looking for financial stability and solvency in a spouse.

In order for the search for a worthy life partner to be successful, you need to honestly determine for yourself why you want to get married. The answer to this question is your own business, which it is absolutely not necessary for friends and acquaintances to know about, but a clear understanding of the goal will help you not waste time in vain and not end up with a broken trough.

For example, finding a soul mate for intimate conversations about the latest trends in art is unlikely to be successful at a sports equipment conference.

If you are looking for a life support in a man and financial well-being, then you are unlikely to be satisfied with the marriage with an unknown musician hovering in the clouds. By the way, on our website we have prepared a separate material on how to find a rich husband.

In general, to accurately designate a goal for yourself is the number one task.

To find a compromise

It is also important to understand that ideal princes on white horses exist only in melodramas. It will be very difficult to find a person who would satisfy absolutely all your requests. Learn to compromise and calmly accept the fact that you have to give in to something, because a successful businessman is unlikely to find time for daily washing dishes or cleaning.

Do not expect from a man a complete separation of your interests. Don't give up on a young man whose only flaw is that he doesn't listen to your favorite music or watch trendy shows. For these unprincipled family life shortcomings exist girlfriend.


Our age also leaves a certain imprint on what kind of husband we are looking for.

If you are between 20 and 30 years old, then the wishes, as a rule, do not differ from those that are usually presented to young guys. A man must respect his soul mate, take care of her, have common hobbies.

For women after 35 or 40, meeting your ideal becomes more difficult. Our character at this age has already been formed, we have acquired habits and beliefs, so it is more and more problematic to adapt to another person. To the established way of life can be added and unsuccessful attempts create a family in the past, as well as children from previous relationships.

And starting the search for a new husband, all these points should be taken into account in order to correctly formulate the requirements for a potential chosen one.

Visualization of desires

Psychologists believe that mapping desires also helps in finding a husband. Personally, I do not really rely on such visualizations, but if it helps someone, then why not?

To draw up such a map, you need to take a sheet of paper and draw or place on it a portrait of your ideal chosen one, cut out from some magazine, with those attributes that you consider important to yourself. This will help you better understand whether his external beauty, real estate, expensive cars, a good education, or the ability to work at home are fundamental to you.

You must place yourself on the map for the visualization to be complete.

Try not to show this collage to anyone, and treat it more like a formalized action plan.

Remember that just sticking a desire on paper is not enough - it's just a way to better understand yourself and your needs. Next, you will have to focus on the real work of realizing the dream.

Determining the pros and cons

After you have figured out the subject of your search, you need to think about how your ideal chosen one will see you.

Men, fortunately, are not at all as primitive as their caricatured images in jokes. It is not enough just to have a doll face, a wasp waist and long legs to successfully marry. There will be no guarantee of marriage and numerous diplomas of prestigious education.

This has its own plus: women with an ordinary appearance and a successful career should not a priori give up on themselves.

Chance for good husband everyone has it, the main thing is to soberly assess your capabilities and learn to present yourself in a favorable light.

There is another trick that psychologists have shared with us. It consists in a schematic description of all your strengths and weaknesses.

Take a sheet of paper, divide it into two halves. On the one hand, list all those qualities that make you stand out from the crowd and make you interesting in the eyes of the opposite sex. For example, a sense of humor, financial success, the ability to cook deliciously, excellent physical shape.

In another column, you will have to honestly write about your shortcomings. It may be excessive shyness, inability to lead household, dislike for ironing or excessive independence.

Work on the shortcomings

Try to critically evaluate the result of such cataloging. Even if the positive qualities outweigh your weaknesses, the disadvantages are still worth working on. This will not only help in finding a loved one, but also add to your self-confidence.

If the shortcomings lie in the plane of psychology, it is worth seeking professional advice. Don't be afraid of psychologists good specialist will be able to explain how best to overcome their inner fears and insecurities, how to properly present themselves and their virtues, and also advise the necessary trainings.

Remember that it's never too late to learn. If you are a so-so cook, sign up for cooking classes. You will not only solve the problem, but also make new friends!

If you are not satisfied with your physical form - buy a subscription to a sports club. This way you will be prepared to meet the man of your dreams, you will be able to be proud of yourself, become more confident and make a lot of new acquaintances.

Take Advantage

Remember that it is worth working not only with weaknesses. Even your dignity without due attention will not be able to play on your side.

Carefully review the characteristics that you have listed as positive, and decide how you can use them in the most beneficial way in finding a spouse.

For example, you have beautiful figure. So, no need to hide it behind shapeless sweaters. Men, of course, are not so simple, but no one has yet canceled the axiom that they “love with their eyes”.

Are you great at football? Fine! In various bars during important matches, the concentration of men on square meter beats all records, and you can easily strike up a conversation in such an atmosphere.

Where to find a husband

So, you figured out your task and figured out your strengths. Now we need to start putting it all into practice.

Where to look for a future husband?

In the Internet

In modern conditions, virtual dating should be considered as one of the main options. If earlier this method caused smiles from girlfriends and horror from parents, now everyone has come to terms with it. Mobile dating applications have firmly entered our lives and have become almost commonplace. Therefore, you should not wrinkle your nose, but take seriously how your profile is designed on social networks such as Facebook, VKontakte or Tinder.

The information that you want to provide to potential suitors must meet the criteria by which you will select.

Remember that you should not give too detailed data: this will not play a special role at the first meeting, but it can be dangerous.

Your profile photos shouldn't look like ID shots, but they shouldn't be too revealing either. It is necessary to observe the measure in everything.

Of course, you should exercise some caution before agreeing to a first date in reality. Try to carefully look through his pages on social networks and make an appointment in public places.

In fact, the Internet is full of normal guys, and the most that can happen to you is not a very fun evening. But who does not take risks does not drink champagne, right?

At work or school

A little old-fashioned, but still win-win.

Working or studying together, you have a lot of common topics for conversation, and it’s hard to consider a stranger with someone with whom you spend most of your time every day, constantly talking on the phone, overcoming all sorts of deadlines and project deliveries.

In the case of workplace romances, consider your boss's attitude towards employee romances, as well as the fact that if your romance doesn't end with Mendelssohn's march, you'll still have daily encounters in the office.

speed dating

In addition to the usual places like cafes and bars, you can try the so-called “speed dating” (from the English speed dating). This idea came to us from the USA, and its essence lies in the fact that men and women who want to get acquainted gather in one place and communicate with each other, observing certain time frames.

At first glance, this seems a little artificial, but on the other hand, this approach has its advantages. All people who come to such dates are determined to make new acquaintances and are in search of a partner. Even if you are shy, you will be forced to talk about yourself and do it as quickly as possible, which means you will have to concentrate and show your best qualities.

Set yourself some simple rules.

  1. Talk to at least three men you don't know every day. Do not invent ornate schemes, banal phrases like “what time is it now?” or “how to get to the library?”. Do not forget to smile, and if this tactic still does not help with the search for a husband, you will at least get rid of shyness.
  2. Be positive and really believe that you will find your prince sooner or later.
  3. Look after yourself, dress neatly and elegantly, even if you just go to the store for milk or buy a book. Chance meetings often become fateful. Of course, we are not talking about even taking out the garbage in evening dress and appropriate make-up, but clean hair and neat clothes never hurt anyone.
  4. Agree to a date, even if it seems to you that the applicant does not live up to your standards in some way. First, you can't really appreciate a man if you don't give him the chance to have at least a cup of coffee with you. Who knows, maybe fate has prepared a surprise for you, and he is your real prince. And secondly, you can say “no” even after the first date.


There is a good saying “get married not to attack, no matter how married you are not to be lost”. Obviously, if you clearly set a goal for yourself and make enough efforts, then there will be a husband for every woman. The main thing in such an important matter is not to have a stamp in your passport as an end in itself, but to seriously approach the choice of a life partner. I hope that my advice will be useful to you in this difficult search.

It's easy to look for a life partner when you're probably not yet 25 years old. Even at this age, however, there are difficulties. At 30, there are still quite serious chances, because the body is still toned, and the soul is young. Many people think that meeting a man after 40 is a task that cannot be completed. Allegedly, you yourself are already afraid of relationships, you think in stereotypes and don’t want to “break” yourself, and there are practically no good unmarried representatives of the stronger sex. On forums on the Internet they write that men of this age mostly lie on the couch with beer and watch TV.

In fact, it's not quite like that. All ages are submissive to love, but people are different. Yes, there are those who are nothing. But there are also 40-year-old dream men. Who is looking for, in general. But let's start with women.

Portrait of a 40 year old single

A woman of this age may fall into one of the following categories:

  1. Divorced.
  2. Widow.
  3. A lady who has not entered into a formal relationship.

Each category is characterized by its own characteristics. Why talk about it in this article? The fact is that if a woman decides to meet someone to create a family or just for friendship, the first step towards her goal will be to work on herself.

Probably the “divorced woman” will be very afraid of relationships, because she had problems in her previous marriage.

If there are children, some concerns will be associated with them:

  1. How will the new man react to the child?
  2. Will they get along?
  3. How will the ex-husband behave?

Typical widow problems are related to the following:

  • she will try to look for a young man who is somewhat similar to her husband;
  • attempts will constantly be made to forget the former spouse, and this is not easy to do.

The hardest thing is for a woman who has never married. Here you can identify a whole range of fears. Naturally, they must be fought. V last resort, you should seek the help of a psychoanalyst.

What unites all these categories of ladies is that they have become accustomed to the routine and everyday life. For example, a younger representative of the fair sex, in case of failure on the love front, is likely to try to quickly find true love and forget about the heartache caused by previous relationships. 40-year-olds begin to concentrate on other things. And this does not contribute to the search for a man.

To "stay in the cage", here are some tips:

  1. Don't forget to take care of your appearance. Especially by the age of 40, more efforts should be made to this. A well-groomed and pleasant appearance is needed not only to attract men. If you look good, your mood will improve. Positive thinking is the key to success in dating matters.
  2. Learn to smile.
  3. Don't forget that you want to meet. It happens that a woman dreams of marriage, but deeds and worries are dragging her out. It seems that here he is - the man of dreams, we need to get acquainted. And in the end, you run past him on "important" matters. Remember that there is nothing more important than personal. Work can wait. Arrange your life.

About men

As for the representatives of the stronger sex, they can also be divided into groups. Among the 40-year-olds there are widowers, single people and those who managed to get divorced, maybe more than once.

The psychology of men of this age can be revealed using the following theses:

  • Guys only get better with age.
  • more women, and men - a deficit.

Perhaps that is why the stronger sex by the age of 40 begins to make excessive demands on the ladies. But there is nothing illogical in this. However, such beliefs interfere with building normal relationships.

According to many, by the age of 40, without exception, all men are lazy and alcoholics. Is it so? If these reviews were adequate to reality, only women:

  • would hold leadership positions in large companies;
  • coached by well-known sports clubs;
  • resolved political issues;
  • engaged in legal representation.

These are just some of the prestigious areas of activity. As we see, the president, for example, is still a man, and among the deputies the stronger sex prevails.

It is believed that decent, rich and successful men are taken apart quickly.

But success in professional activity nothing to do with personal relationships. A man who knows how to "make money" can get married quickly and file for divorce just as quickly. Financial solvency attracts ladies, and this does not mean at all that it is easy for a millionaire to find his beloved. He just has more choices than others.

Therefore, there are always chances to meet an adequate young man and marry him. Those who see only alcoholics around them, probably, do not communicate with those with whom they need to. You can find a man for a serious relationship after 40 if you look in the right places.

Where to meet

First you need to finally understand who to look for. However, everything here is quite traditional. The man must be:

  1. Lonely. Married people will not fit, or will not suit everyone.
  2. Strong, brave, independent.
  3. Secured.
  4. Kind.

Based on this, it is already possible to outline some places of acquaintance:

  1. Gyms and sports activities. These places are suitable for searching for those girls who put physical development in the first place. Guys in such places usually have serious views on a healthy lifestyle. And any lady will not hurt once again to work on her body. You can learn about the degree of freedom of a potential partner in the process. In any case, if people constantly go to the same fitness club, often see each other, they cannot avoid communication.
  2. If there is an intention to find a person with money, start spinning in an entrepreneurial environment. For a new acquaintance, it is not necessary to open an IP. Now, for example, a lot of business trainings are being held, a sufficient number of interesting men gather in the halls. The main thing is that the event is not allowed for free. Otherwise, there will be all those who have not yet achieved success in life. Paid entry is a good filter. Surely some men at the training will be free, ready for a serious relationship.
  3. The shops. A single woman over 40 should, of course, not go to the nearest Pyaterochka to get acquainted. And where well-to-do men appear: car dealerships, sales centers building materials, fashionable men's boutiques, etc. There is one old dating scheme in such places: you need to ask a guy for help, saying that you are choosing a gift for your brother or dad. This will serve as an occasion to start communication.
  4. You can meet people who sell goods and provide services. For example: with a doctor, lawyer, shop owner, etc. Let's take an example: one woman ordered plastic windows. The installers did something wrong. It came to a scandal. As a result, in order to smooth out the conflict, the head of the company came to a meeting with the client. He listened to the woman, personally participated in the elimination of shortcomings. There was some flirting in the process. Then the man found the lady's phone number in the documents, called her and invited her on a date. People lost their loneliness, became a wonderful couple.

Thus, the opinion about forty-year-old alcoholics and parasites, to which we return all the time, does not hold water.

It’s also possible to get to know a good man, whose main quality will be seriousness:

  • at work;
  • at events with friends and acquaintances;
  • in your own house - with a neighbor;
  • on vacation.

Some do not advise looking for compatriots for marriage, believing that they are unreliable.

They say it's better to pay attention to foreigners:

  1. Forty-year-old men who were lucky enough to live in European countries, for example, are sensitive to family values ​​​​and are looking for wives of the same age, not young girls.
  2. As a rule, everything is stable with finances. There are areas where the economy is lame. In general, things with wealth are better there than here.
  3. There is a chance to quickly and very successfully go abroad. Even if there is a divorce in the future, there is an opportunity to stay.

You can get acquainted with foreign citizens on various websites. Registration for women is free. On the Internet, you can find a spouse from your city. Online should be considered: dating sites, social networks, chats.

There is an opinion that on the Internet the chance of finding a man at the stated age is one in a million. But whoever seeks will always find a second spouse or first and only true love. The main thing is to fill out the questionnaire in detail, upload photos and videos, if possible in the service.

The matter remains small: choose interesting men, communicate and meet with them.

Thus, at the age of 40 and at a more mature age, you can find a person to your liking, if you really want it and follow the recommendations in the article.

With the achievement of a certain age, most women and girls face the question: how to find a man? Everyone makes their choice based on established criteria, which not everyone meets. What to do in this case?

To begin with, any woman must decide what she wants to have with this representative of the stronger sex: a family, a short romance, a child, or maybe she wants to get a rich sponsor to solve her financial needs? Having decided on this and on the main criteria for candidates, you can safely go in search of those places where it will not be very difficult for a woman to find a man.

Where does the search begin?

Before embarking on the search for the desired man, surprisingly, you should take care of yourself, because everyone knows the old, but very true saying that a man loves with his eyes. Realizing exactly its significance, you should definitely use it.

First of all, you need to take care not only of your appearance, but also the development of the inner world and potential, since the representatives of the stronger sex not only see what a woman is on the outside, but also, at some instinctive level, understand her standard of living from the inside. Any representative of the weaker sex, before asking questions about where to find a man, must develop the level of her sexuality, on which external attractiveness directly depends. In addition, you should pay attention to your manner of speaking, the timbre of your voice, laughter, the ability to dress and make up.

The most common places to find a soul mate

Many of the fair sex are sincerely surprised that they cannot find their soul mate when visiting a culinary club, fitness center or working in a women's team. This happens because the places where you can easily find a man are those areas where they generally live.

The best point for dating can be a billiard club or bowling, where guys often come in large groups. In addition, an inexperienced girl in the game can always ask for help from unknown man in mastering the skills of the game - he will certainly reveal several secrets, show his abilities and, most likely, the girl will get a new acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex.

Another option for finding a man is to change the workforce. This case is ideal only when a woman is not a careerist and there is no desire to reach heights in this field in her plans. However, if there are at least a few free guys in the work team, then maybe it’s worth taking a closer look at one of them? As practice shows, work is one of the the best places where it is very easy to find a man for life.

Good places to find a life partner can also be gyms, cycling clubs, driving schools and other similar places.

Social networks

Per Lately Another place where it is not difficult for a woman to find a man has gained wide popularity - the Internet. And although there is an opinion that only schoolchildren and young people live in social networks and dating sites, it is not true. In the end, any interested representative of the weaker sex can set all the necessary parameters regarding age in the search query.

Large dating sites are another place where many women try to find their beloved man. Such Internet resources are also great because during the search, you can ask questions not only about age indicators, but also describe the appearance of the partner of interest.


There are quite a few stories about how great love began with a holiday romance. Where can you find a man? One of the most the best options a vacation trip to some hot country or, conversely, to Altai or a ski resort is considered - it all depends on the interests of the woman herself.

As a rule, during rest, the human brain relaxes so much that the body involuntarily catches the pheromones of love hovering in the air. If you can’t find a soul mate in this way, then your horizons will definitely expand during the trip.

By the way, it often happens that people make excellent acquaintances even before flying to a vacation spot. Great option it can be an accidental conversation in the waiting room, at the baggage claim or in the queue for buying tickets.

Place of study

Another option is the place where you can find a man for a relationship very easily. It is similar to finding a partner among work colleagues. A considerable number of cases are known when couples were formed in adolescence and at a young age up to 25 years and subsequently existed for a long period. The ideal option the beginning of a serious relationship can be an acquaintance at a university, technical school or any other educational institution. As a rule, students gather among people who have common interests in professions in a particular industry, which determines the presence of similar tastes. A big plus in getting to know each other at the place of your studies is a huge amount of time spent together.

Promotions and events

An excellent option for a place where it is not difficult to find a man for a serious relationship are various sports sections in wrestling, boxing, as well as GYM's, where a considerable number of representatives of the stronger sex go, carefully working on the forms of their figure and endurance.

Where to find smart?

Many women dream that their partner is well developed from an intellectual point of view. Such representatives should be looked for at various seminars, trainings, symposiums. In addition, smart men often visit libraries and intellectual games. Also, a considerable number of experts in any particular field can be found in universities and institutes. Quite often, students, even during their studies, find a soul mate among classmates or young teachers - quite a good prospect.

As practice shows, too smart men can be quite boring for women who do not have high intellectual abilities. This is worth paying attention to.

Where to find a rich man?

Most women want to get a promising and profitable man as their husband, who knows how to cover all possible items of expenditure that a woman may have. It should be noted that it is quite difficult to take possession of such a representative of the stronger sex, since the competition is quite high. However, if a woman is all right with self-confidence, it's still worth a try.

So, where to find a man for a serious relationship who will have wealth? How can you recognize a person who is promising and ready for development among them? First of all, a woman can try to get a job as an administrator or secretary in a decent company or an expensive institution. As a rule, only money visitors go to such places, among which there will definitely be many representative alpha males. Alternatively, you can also get a job as a salesman in a car dealership or in a store that sells expensive men's clothing - rich men constantly look into such places, many of them even become regular visitors.

Wealthy men are present in large numbers at business forums, presentations, exhibitions, and they also love to visit places suitable for cultural development (theaters, museums, etc.).

man for family

A huge number of women want to find a man to create a family and raise common children together. That is why many of them are wondering where to find a normal man for such purposes?

First of all, you should pay attention to places such as supermarkets and shops, where an independent man, suitable for starting a family, probably goes shopping. In addition, it can be found at public transport stops, in a pharmacy or in any other institution or institution.

Many women ask their friends and girlfriends to introduce them to the men who are in their environment. This is how quite strong pairs are often created.

Where to find a man after 40?

It often happens that a woman who is already a little over 30 is also in search of a man for her family and for life. Where to look for this?

First of all, many experts in marital relations for this category of women, it is recommended to look around. As a rule, in a considerable environment of persons, which is usually formed at a given age in a normal sociable person, there are several representatives of the stronger sex who are divorced or managed to become widowed. Often they have children who have already managed to grow up and practically do not require attention from their parents.

In the event that a woman has a child who goes to college or school, one of the meetings can pay attention to the father of his classmate or classmate. Also, a woman should hint to her friends that she is in search of a reliable and accomplished man - they can certainly help with the solution of this issue by recommending someone from their environment.

How to choose a good husband

If a woman knows where to find a man for the family, she must certainly be able to identify those signs by which you can calculate the most worthy representative of the stronger sex.

First of all, if you plan to search for a partner for a long-term relationship and create a family, you should pay attention to those guys who grew up in a family where mutual respect and understanding for each other reigned. All this is due to the fact that, willy or not, any child, like a sponge, absorbs the atmosphere that surrounds him and considers any behavior of his parents to be normal, subsequently transferring it to his adult relationships.

Men who prefer to drown their sorrows and joys in alcohol should not be chosen. The same applies to the mentally ill and mentally unbalanced - it is unlikely that it will be possible to build a calm relationship with them.

Any woman should also pay attention to the marital status of the prospective candidate. It's no secret that in war all means are good, but still taking a husband and father away from a family is not the most noble thing, and, as you know, one cannot build one's happiness on someone else's misfortune. Although it is always up to you to decide what to do in a particular situation.

The most important rule when choosing a worthy partner for a romantic relationship is the presence of common interests with him. The more there are, the better. Otherwise, disagreements will certainly arise in a couple on the basis of opposing views on the world and its understanding, which undoubtedly leads to a violation of harmony in relationships.

What not to do when looking for a partner

As a rule, many women, even knowing where to find a worthy man, remain alone only because they make a considerable number of mistakes at the time of meeting him. An example of such can be excessive frankness on dating sites, when, wanting to attract the attention of the largest number of fans, ladies begin to post photos of intimate content or immediately begin to conduct sexual correspondence. In this case, the interest of the strong half of humanity, of course, is provided, but it will not go too far. The maximum how it can end is a couple of meetings and pleasant memories of a short-term hobby.

Many women, at the time of communication with a potential partner, begin to tell him about how lonely she was without a man and how she wants to get married faster - this is also not worth doing, since such behavior scares the guy very much even if he himself ready to get married.

Another mistake when choosing a permanent partner is a woman's failure to take into account the disagreement of the body, mind and heart. In strong love affairs, these three elements must act in unison. If at least one of them is "silent", then, as practice shows, a strong relationship with this man, alas, cannot be built.

I am 33. Man. I'll tell you my point of view. Until recently, I hung out on various dating sites and so on. There were no serious thoughts about future plans for life. And everything that concerns dating on the Internet and in real life, I know inside and out. Conducted many different experiments, opinion polls and other nonsense. In real life, I get to know each other without problems, in a day I could collect up to 10 numbers, not just, but whatever, but beautiful girls 20 - 30 years.

But it all ended with the fact that when they found out that I was not in a car, they stopped communicating. And it’s not like it’s written on my forehead that I’m rich, I don’t go in expensive clothes, in general, nothing that could lead to such an idea. As for the Internet. The fact is that my pictures do not turn out quite the way I look in real life. I can't and don't like taking pictures. He himself is not a freak, everything is in place, but not sweet, not cute. And according to the results of experiments on dating sites, girls just fall at the feet of someone who has sweet pictures, cute guys.

They themselves offer a meeting, and even agree to obscene proposals. Although everything in the questionnaires is indicated in the same way, and the type of communication is carried out in the same way. And from my profile, where my pictures are, about 5 girls respond to a hundred messages. In the profile of a cute guy, about 80% of girls respond to a hundred messages. The content of the questionnaires, photos, everything is almost monotonous, nothing superfluous, nothing is embellished anywhere, so that the results are more transparent. The dialogues began in both versions in the same way, so that it would not be that they say one clerk is from God, and interested, and the second is boring, and not interested. In general, at the expense of the Internet somehow.

On the Internet, the wrapper comes first. Yes, let's move on. With regards to real life, and cars. Yes, of course, everything is correct that a man is a breadwinner, there should be money, and all that. And a car is, as it were, an indicator that a man can produce. Now the most interesting thing: for the last three or four years I have been a small businessman. Stable average income. Which gave me the opportunity to absolutely do nothing, and do nothing but hang out on dating sites and walk around shopping centers, cafes, exhibitions and get acquainted. Buying a car is not a problem, but the problem is that I am constantly on the road.

Today here, tomorrow in another country, a month I can get stuck there, then two months in another city. But to buy a good car, and if you urgently need to fly away, to sell it at an unrealistic markdown, this is unacceptable for me, for my enterprising brain. And so every month is not an option to buy and almost doubly cheap to sell a car, if only the ladies saw that I had money. Go ahead. Now I have taken up a new activity, let's say more seriously. And I retired from all social networks, all sites, and let's say my worldview already “forbids” me to be frivolous.

For me, now a man and social networks and dating sites are two parallel ones that will never intersect. I use a phone without the Internet, I think in general it will be limited only email. And no connection. Who needs to find someone to contact, I will find a way to contact. Such thinking at this stage. My work involves almost full-time employment all day long.

The fact that I am here on your site, I entered into the search engine “where to meet a man” in order to find articles for women, although everything is clear, in the same place as usual. There is just no option for me so far. And imagine, up to the age of 33, I’m practically alone like this, the fact that I periodically have fleeting acquaintances, I don’t consider it. Although I know that I'm not some bald, pot-bellied, smelly freak, and not a bum who can't invite a lady to coffee, and not a nerd who can't connect two words.

I think that I fit into those very "female" frames. normal man. But somehow it doesn't work for me. And now it’s like that, I don’t know what will happen and how. When I'm practically cut off from the world. I don't know what's wrong? Or society has become more cynical, greedy, or whatever you want to call it. About 5 years ago, I remember everything was somehow different, in real life it was possible to get acquainted, and relationships developed, and now it’s even somehow wild for some. Perhaps this very Internet, and money spoils society. The very concept of civilization in a person kills human spiritual qualities. That is, the higher the civilization, the lower the humanity, the higher the thirst for money, greed. Material values come to the fore. I feel for myself what I was like when my salary was less than 30 thousand rubles a month. And what am I now. I stop feeling joy and euphoria in some small things, for example, just sitting on the seashore in the evening, or gathering with friends in an ordinary bar. Everything became somehow tasteless or something, insipid. And the fact that they don’t write to me on the site has nothing to do with this, of course. There are thoughts about creating a family, and not just anyone, but to find the same one, and make the daughter beautiful.

So far, nothing comes to mind how to do it all, given all of the above. On the site, my photos may radiate some kind of energy, then why in real life they get to know each other willingly, but everything ends with the “material” ... A mystery to me. Maybe this is God's plan for me. In general, I envy a little cute guys who are allowed everything on a dating site. When you feel how girls behave unusually, you feel that you are so much interested, even the inner world is filled with light, as if blooming.

And so it gets dark. And yet, when I travel, I often visit all sorts of hotels, youth hostels, this can be said to be my strong point. I make a lot of new friends, new relationships with girls are a must. Where no one is interested in whether you have a car or not, where sympathy simply arises and people get to know each other. And now, with my new activity, it will no longer be an option to go to hotels and hostels. I don’t ask anyone for advice, I think that whatever is done is for the better, it means that all this is being prepared for something. I just decided to share it so that the girls don’t get hung up on cars, and don’t judge by photos on dating sites, but get to know each other live.