Eduard Limonov: Navalny's mysterious impunity. The effect is comical.

Sergey Brilyov is a TV journalist, member of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, member of the Academy of Russian Television, deputy director of the VGTK Rossiya TV Channel. The only Russian journalist who interviewed two current and two ex-presidents of Russia and the United States.

Sergey Brilev was born into a family of employees of a trade mission, who often went on business trips abroad. The boy was born on July 24, 1972 in Havana and became the only white child in the Cuban maternity hospital. True, Moscow is indicated in the documents as the city of birth, because at that time embassy employees were not allowed to register children indicating the actual place of birth. But the Cuban authorities allow Sergey Brilev to fly to Liberty Island without a visa.

The journalist's childhood passed in Latin America, where his parents worked at that time. Spanish and English became almost native for the young man. Sergei already received a school leaving certificate in Moscow, it was in 1989.

After school, Brilyov decided to enter the Faculty of International Journalism of MGIMO, successfully passed entrance exams and became a student. In parallel with his studies at the university, Sergei raised the language level in Montevideo. In 1995, Brilev graduated from MGIMO and continued his education at the University of Westminster in London, but due to a busy work schedule, he never completed his studies.


Sergei Brilev began to engage in journalism in his student years. First, the young man worked at Komsomolskaya Pravda, then wrote and filmed for the Uruguayan media. The Latin American theme was close to Sergei, it became the main one for him when the young man worked as a correspondent for Moscow News. The analytical abilities of a journalist and a light style attracted the attention of specialists from the State Duma of the Russian Federation to Brilev. Sergey was invited to work as an expert on Latin America. In parallel with this work, Sergey collaborated with the Formula 730 and International Panorama programs.

Sergey Brilev came to work on the Rossiya TV channel in 1995 - the journalist was invited to the position of special correspondent. Brilyov filmed reports from Budyonnovsk, Chechnya, and already in next year was among the finalists of the prestigious TEFI 96 award.

In 1996, Sergei moved to London, where he trained on the BBC channel and filmed reports for Russian television. In the same year, the reporter was offered the position of head of the London bureau of the TV channel - he accepted the offer. In this position, Brilev visited all the countries of Europe, sometimes he had to shoot stories in several states in one day.

In 2001, the journalist came to work on the Russia 1 TV channel and first appeared in the evening program Vesti. Sergei Brilev remembered the first broadcast for the rest of his life, because it lasted 5 hours and was dedicated to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in America. In 2002, Brilev received the TEFI award as the best TV presenter in Russia. Sergei hosted the Sunday issue of Vesti Nedeli, Fifth Studio and other programs.

In addition to working as a TV presenter, Sergey Brilev devotes a lot of effort to documentaries. The journalist released his first documentary film in 2011. The film was called "Heavy Oil" and was dedicated to the development of the oil market in Russian Federation. A year later, the picture “The Caribbean Crisis. An incomprehensible story ”, which was presented in the form of a journalistic investigation about the period of confrontation between the two great powers at the time of 1962.

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of his birth, Sergei Brilev released the film "Constitutional Practice", and a year later he shot the documentary "The Secret of Three Oceans", dedicated to the Pacific ship, which contributed to achieving victory in 1945. The picture was awarded the main prize of the international television festival "Man and the Sea".

Documentary films dedicated to the biographies of political figures also included the films “Evgeny Primakov. 85”, “Mikhail Gorbachev: Today and Then”, “Shaimiev. In search of Tartary. Sergey Brilyov did not bypass the history of the creation of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum by releasing the film "The History is Just Beginning".

Now Sergey Borisovich leads and goes on the air with the program "News on Saturday". The TV journalist also holds the post of deputy director of the VGTRK TV channel Rossiya. But viewers consider the annual program “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin” to be the main television achievement, where Sergey has appeared as a host for several years. This program is watched both in Russia and abroad.

Sergey Brilyov also acts as a writer and publicist. In 2008, the author published the book “Fidel. Football. Falklands. Latin American Diary”, which used the observations of a TV journalist about the peculiarities of the social structure of the countries of South America. In 2012, the TV journalist published the book “Forgotten Allies in World War II” about the contribution of small states to the cause of defeating fascism. The presence of little-known facts fundamentally turns the reader's view of the Second World War only as a battle of the titans.

Personal life

Sergey always speaks about the family with warmth and love. The TV journalist's wife's name is Irina, young people met in the Komsomol district committee of the Cheryomushkinsky district. Before entering MGIMO, Sergei's mother washed the shirt along with the Komsomol ticket.

At that time, such an oversight could cross out Brilev's future, but the guy decided to try his luck and restore the ticket. In one of the district committee windows, the young man saw a pretty, friendly girl who entered into his position and wrote out a new document under her own responsibility. So Sergei met Irina. Young people met for a year, but then the paths parted.

The second time Sergey and Irina met in 1998 in Moscow and soon got married. The celebration took place in London, where Sergey Brilev worked at that time. Irina - teacher in English, so the girl did not have any communication problems in the new country.

On August 11, 2006, the long-awaited daughter was born in the Brilev family. The girl was named Alexandra. Sergey's work is associated with frequent business trips, so the journalist jokingly calls his wife a "single mother." Brilev has an excellent relationship with his girls - the journalist spends his free time with his family. True, Brilev goes skiing with her daughter, because Irina does not share her husband's passion. Otherwise, the spouses have “infinite happiness to be together,” as Sergey says.

Sports allow Sergey to keep himself in good shape. With a height of 172 cm, Brilev does not gain weight above average, which is important for public work.

Sergey Brilev now

In 2018, Sergey Brilev managed to participate in many projects. In February, the TV journalist prepared a documentary “Churkin. Documentary Sergey Brilev", which was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the diplomat. The participants in the conversation with the journalist were family members of the politician, childhood friends, politicians and statesmen.

At the All-Russian Forum of Agricultural Producers, Sergey Brilev met again with the President of Russia and prefaced the conversation with a memory of the previous meeting, where the issue of illegal intelligence was discussed. In response to the moderator's remark, Putin replied that the country first of all needs its own bread, and only then - intelligence.


  • 1995-1996 - Vesti (special correspondent)
  • 2001-2003 - evening "Vesti"
  • 2001-2007 - "Direct line with the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin"
  • 2002 - "Fort Boyard"
  • 2003-2007 - "News of the week"
  • 2005-2006 - "News. Details»
  • 2007-2008 - "The Fifth Studio"
  • 2008-2018 - "News on Saturday"
  • 2009-2010 - "Federation"

Russian TV presenter, head and presenter of the program "Vesti on Saturday with Sergey Brilev", member of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, member of the Academy of Russian Television, deputy director of the VGTK "TV channel" Rossiya ", the only Russian journalist who interviewed both of the last couples presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States: Putin with Bush and Medvedev with Obama.


Born July 24, 1972 in Havana (Cuba). He spent his childhood and adolescence between Moscow, Ecuador and Uruguay (where his parents worked). At school and as a student, he played in an amateur theater (in Moscow school 109, the "school of Yamburg" in the 9th microdistrict of Teply Stan).

Education: MGIMO (1989-1995, international journalism). Took academic leave, during which he graduated from the Institute foreign languages Montevideo (Uruguay). In subsequent years, he took courses from the BBC (Great Britain) and the Agency for International Development (USA). He tried to study at the Faculty of Management at the University of Westminster (London), but dropped out due to workload.

Fluent English and Spanish.

Married. Raising a daughter.


1990-1993: Komsomolskaya Pravda. Intern, fellow, correspondent-trainee of the department of science and education.

While studying in Uruguay (1990-1991), he became a regular contributor local newspapers La Republica, EI Observador Economico. At the same time - the first television experience: co-author of the 5th Uruguay TV channel program "SODRE" about Russian Old Believers in the Rio Negro department.

1993-1995: Moscow News. Special correspondent for the international department. He wrote mainly about Latin America. Among other things, he became the first MN correspondent who made his way to Cuba after the ban on the distribution of MN there (during the crisis with refugees on rafts). At the same time, he was a Moscow correspondent for the Uruguayan EI Observador Economico and the Argentinean La Razon and an expert on Latin America State Duma RF. While working at Moscow News, he began to regularly make television reports for the programs International Panorama (with Dmitry Yakushkin) and Formula 730 (where he received an offer to go to work on television in the Vesti program).

Since 1995 - TV channel "Russia" (RTR):

In 1995-1996 - special correspondent for "Vesti" (including during the "First Chechen War" and the events in Budennovsk).

In 1996-2001 - head. office in London

Host of the evening Vesti (2001-2003), Vesti Nedeli (2003-2007), Vesti on Saturday (since 2008). During breaks and pauses, he hosted the programs "Fort Boyard", "Fifth Studio", "Direct Line with the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin", as well as "Federation", "Nazarbaeev's Line" and "Is that all?" about Anatoly Chubais and the end of the activities of RAO UES (on the channel "Russia-24").

One of the main areas of professional activity is exclusive interviews with "first persons". These are the presidents of Russia Putin and Medvedev, all the prime ministers of the Russian Federation, all the heads of the Russian Foreign Ministry, the President of the USSR Gorbachev. Abroad - US Presidents Bush and Obama, Prime Ministers Major and Blair (Britain), Presidents Yushchenko and Yanukovych (Ukraine), Chavez (Venezuela), Nazarbayev (Kazakhstan), Ortega (Nicaragua), Minister Mentor Lee Kwan Yew (Singapore) ), Presidents Makalis (Ireland), Kocharian and Sargsyan (Armenia), Aliyev (Azerbaijan), Prime Ministers Stoltenberg (Norway), Olmert and Natanyahu (Israel), Koizumi (Japan), Presidents Assad (Syria), Halonen (Finland) , Correa (Ecuador), Morales (Bolivia), Sanguinetti (Uruguay), Bachelet (Chile), Kwasniewski (Poland), Nguyen (Vietnam), Foreign Ministers and Secretaries of State Kissinger, Schultz, Powell, Rice (USA), Cook, Straw , Beckett and Miliband (Britain), Barnier, Douste-Blazy and Kouchner (France), Councilor of the State Council of Cuba Fidel Castro Jr., etc.


Order of Friendship (2007), medal "300 years of St. Petersburg" (2003), medal "1000 years of Kazan" (2005), medal "200 years of the Consular Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia" (2009), gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (2003 and 2008), finalist " TEFI-96" (nomination "Reporter"), winner of "TEFI-2002" (nomination "News anchor") and "TEFI-2006" (nomination "Host of the information and analytical program"), winner of the "Best Pen of Russia" awards (2002 ), "Master" (2004, St. Petersburg), "Career of the Year" (in the nomination "For the bold handling of the air", 2007), "Honor is higher than profit" (in the nomination "Volsky Prize", RSPP, 2009), "Crystal Pen" (in the nomination "Person of the Year", Tatarstan, 2010), the Prize of the President of Kazakhstan (2010), the Rospechat Prize "For exemplary knowledge of the Russian language", the winner of "TEFI" -2018 (the best presenter of the information program).

Sergey Brilev - presenter of television programs, deputy director of the Rossiya TV channel. Every week it goes on the air with the author's program "News on Saturday". Specializes in interviewing "first persons". Possesses two TEFI figurines. The article will present the biography of the journalist.


Brilev Sergey Borisovich was born in Cuba in 1972. The boy's parents worked in Latin America at the USSR Trade Representation. But Sergei's birth certificate still lists the Soviet Union. There was an interesting rule in those days. Absolutely any Soviet citizen born in the countries of the socialist camp could indicate the capital of the USSR in the column "place of birth". Brilev's father and mother took advantage of this right. At the same time, Sergei received a lifetime opportunity to come to Cuba without a visa.

In addition to Liberty Island, the boy's parents often visited Ecuador and Uruguay. Naturally, Seryozha went with them. But Brilev went to school already in Moscow. And after graduation, he entered MGIMO at the Faculty of International Journalism. Sergei defended his diploma in 1995. Brilev also received another education at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(Montevideo, Uruguay). But Sergei did not become a polyglot. He was fluent in Spanish and English, but German the young man couldn't bear it.

Carier start

Sergei Brilev tried his hand at journalism while still studying at MGIMO. The newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" became his first place of work. He received a position as a correspondent in the department of education and science. Then Brilev got a job as an international reporter at Moscow News. In parallel, the young man made stories for several programs at once. In 1995, Sergei received an offer from the Rossiya TV channel. He was invited to the position of a special correspondent in the Vesti program.

As a correspondent, the young man worked for a whole year. Then Brilev moved to London to head the English bureau of Vesti. And the trip turned out to be unplanned. At that time, Sergei was taking advanced training courses at the BBC company in the capital of England. And Brilev was asked to replace the London journalist Alexander Grunov, who left for Moscow on urgent business.

Later, the correspondent decided not to return. The leadership of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company thought for a long time about who to make the new correspondent in London. At this time, there was a report on TV, which was led by Sergei from England. The head of the channel decided to leave Brilev in London on a permanent basis.

"News on Saturday"

Sergey moved to the position of TV presenter of this program in 2001. It so happened that his first broadcast fell on September 11th. Just on that day, a well-known terrorist attack took place in the United States with the destruction of the twin towers. It became a real baptism of fire for the presenter. Brilev Sergey worked all day, almost without taking breaks. Then in his journalistic career there were such programs as "The Fifth Studio", "Direct Line with Putin", "Vesti Nedeli". And in 2002, Sergei led the Russian season of the Fort Boyard program.

There is an unpleasant episode in the career of a TV presenter, after which he could finish professional activity. In one of the issues of "Vesti", going live, Sergei cursed. It was seen by millions of viewers. Although many people demanded that Brilev be fired immediately, the leadership of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company limited itself to a reprimand. Later, the hero of this article apologized to the audience and explained the reason for this behavior. The thing is that throughout the broadcast, Brilev heard a crack in the earpiece. This made it very difficult for the correspondent to broadcast, and he could not restrain himself.

Now the program "News on Saturday" is the main work of Sergei. He has been broadcasting since 2008. Brilev tells the audience about the most important political events in the world. The correspondent also specializes in interviews with "first persons". For 6 years, Sergei managed to communicate with several dozen of the most colorful politicians of our time. The presenter considers his interview with Barack Obama to be a huge journalistic success. For two and a half years, negotiations were underway to meet with the President of America. As a result, the US State Department did give its permission for the interview.


Over the years, Sergey Brilev has been awarded many different awards. The most significant awards were two TEFI figurines. In 2002, he was recognized as the best TV news presenter, and in 2006 - the best announcer of an information and analytical program. In addition, the hero of this article has the awards "For the Exemplary Russian Language" and "Crystal Pen".


Brilev Sergey has almost no free time. During the year, he makes about 80 flights to other countries. The presenter prefers to spend rare weekends with his family. Sergei is raising a daughter. Brilev also loves skiing. Picking up mushrooms is one of her favorite hobbies.

Personal life

About his own family Brilev Sergey always speaks with love and warmth. The host's wife's name is Irina. Their acquaintance took place in unusual place- the district committee of the Komsomol (Cheryomushkinsky district). Just before entering the institute, Sergei's mother washed his things, forgetting to take the Komsomol card out of her shirt. At that time, such an oversight could destroy the future of Brilev. But the young man hoped for luck and decided to try to restore the ticket. Arriving at the district committee, Sergei saw a friendly, pretty girl in one of the windows. She carefully listened to his story and issued a new document under her own responsibility. So the presenter met his future wife. The young people were together for a whole year, but then their paths diverged.

In 1998, Irina and Sergey met for the second time. Soon the couple got married. At that time, Sergey Brilev, whose biography was presented above, worked in London. So the celebration had to be held there. In Russia, Irina worked as an English teacher. Therefore, in the new country, the girl did not have communication problems.

In August 2006, his wife gave birth to Sergei's daughter Alexandra. Since Brilev's work is associated with frequent moves, he jokingly calls Irina a "single mother." Sergey spends all his free time with his girls. True, his wife does not share his passion for skiing. But Alexandra is not averse to riding with her father for company.

Eduard Limonov

Let's compare the results of the performance of the swamp leaders.
The destruction is total. Self-destruction, and the power does not turn pale, holds them by the collar.

"Volodya" Ryzhkov puffed, puffed, pouted, scoffed, as on December 8, 2011 in the mayor's office, betrayed, pursued personal selfish, made sure that the registration of PARNASS did not help, just as a saddle on a cow does not make her a brave stallion, back in October 2012, an infamous election result, and has now landed a humble employee of Ekho Moskvy. Transfer "Interception".

Parkhomenko, from the arbiter of the fate of the Russian intelligentsia, the conclusion of deals with the authorities (the same mayor's office, the night of December 8-9, 2011) again shrank to the size of his Friday program "The Essence of Events" is still there on the Echo, and even his activities as a whistleblower dissertations of officials of the third category (if you count from Navalny as a whistleblower of the first category) somehow subsided.
There was no one, leaned out, and again became no one.

Nemtsov. A skilled apparatchik, he nevertheless blew the protest, sold it himself (in the company of Ryzhkov, Parkhmenko and a couple of dodgers then on the night of December 8, 2011) to the authorities, but was eventually deceived by the authorities.
Following the chain of betrayals, he lost two-thirds of his authority, and still participates in something only thanks to his exorbitant arrogance.
Does not matter former man. despite the audacity.
The authorities do not even punish him, thus expressing their contempt.

Gennady Gudkov tearfully begged for the right to disgrace himself in the election of the governor of the Moscow region. He was presented with municipal signatures. He was at least a demagogue-deputy, but he became a completely miserable figure.

Sobchak has turned into a disheveled housewife and is sunbathing somewhere, no one knows where.

Kasparov emigrated, he even bothered to dot the i's. He said that he would not return until the power in the Russian Federation was changed. Meaning, they say, until someone replaces her, and I am Kasparov, I wash my hands. And he said this out of caution, already being in Switzerland.

Nobody needs Yashin at all, even the authorities do not seek to punish him. By this, the authorities show the highest degree of contempt for him, as well as for Nemtsov.

The smaller people are also not in the best shape.
Kashin went to his wife in Switzerland and only pride brings him to Russia to show that he did not emigrate.

Ilya Ponomarev is about to go on trial for $750,000 received from Skolkovo.

The hero of the bourgeoisie, Navalny, with his cynical escapade of accepting 55 signatures from crooks and thieves, Mr. Navalny, apparently, was left only with stubborn, copper-headed fans. Normal people recoiled. It became clear that if he took signatures from his enemy, then he could not hesitate to receive money from Kirovles. I do believe that I did.
Tomorrow he will be convicted, but a sentence for fraud is not a merit in my eyes.

Only Udaltsov carried his reputation more or less untouched out of the marsh troubles. And now the authorities are preparing the most cruel punishments for him.
In addition to the punishments that await Udaltsov, he has another problem, they begin to forget him, yet he has been isolated from society since February.
The glory of the world passes quickly. Igor Gubkin, an ardent young communist, thundered on the threshold of the third millennium. Now he is serving a seventeen-year term, and only I remembered him now.
Even before his arrest, Udaltsov, talking with colleagues on the Left Front, was perplexedly thinking out loud that Limonov had been doing everything right for a long time, but since December 2011 he was “lost”.
Seryozha, do you understand now that Limonov did everything right in December?