Where to find a girl for dating. Where can you meet a good girl? Museums, art galleries, exhibitions, theaters

meet a girl for a relationship in a big city seething with life, you can suddenly, even quite by accident. Although such acquaintances are rare, it all depends on you, women “make eyes” to some men every day, urging them to take the first step, and sometimes start a conversation themselves with the hope of continuing to communicate.

But this does not happen often, so let's discuss the question - where and how to meet girls in Moscow.

I am sure that by entering in any of the search engines “how to meet in Moscow”, “meet a woman”, “meet a beautiful girl” - we will be offered the most common type of dating - dating sites. Have you been on dating sites? And how do you?

In fact, it is not so important where we meet the fair sex - it is important how. Understand that girls want to meet themselves- they dream of a good guy, whom they will show to their girlfriends, admire and love. Often they even want to meet in pairs in order to find a boyfriend not only for themselves, but also for their girlfriend. Now I'll tell you where in Moscow this happens.

How many times a day do you think they want to meet a pretty girl? One, two, three times? I don’t know, maybe more, maybe less, but girlfriends always say that someone catches them or wants to get to know them. That's why rule number 1 It's not the place that matters, but the approach.

Approach is how we get to know each other what we say and how we behave. This is not the topic of our article, you can find out about it on websites or books on effective methods dating girls. It is important that you understand that they are really tired of boring "hello, let's meet" or "hey, pretty" - all these phrases are ineffective. To meet effectively- you must stand out - behavior, manner of communication, appearance, you should become interesting to her from the first seconds, hook her with something.

You need to interest women, be able to seduce them. But if we are not pick-up artists, it is difficult. Therefore, it is important for us that the girls also want to get to know each other and are disposed to communicate. Everyone wants to communicate with beautiful girls who are themselves in search of a guy, right? That's why rule number 2- you need to get acquainted where the girl is located for communication, acquaintance or flirting. Agree, if you snuggle up to her in the subway, a fat man will fall on you from behind and after that you will say: “Hey, beauty, let's get to know each other” - it is unlikely that something will come of it. Read carefully below to choose the method of dating.

So, where do girls want to meet in Moscow:

R When considering a place to meet a good girl, it is important that your goals match. That's why rule number 3- meet where they come to meet for a relationship, where they are serious and want to get to know themselves. Read below where girls go to find a guy for a relationship!

Where girls come to meet for relationships in Moscow

Watched the series "Sex and the City"? Or the film "Removal Rules - The Hitch Method"? And the girls were watching. They like everything unusual and new. These films show a way that allows you to meet 15 new people in 2 hours at once. Imagine that you are in looking for your companion, if you want to get acquainted, come to the cafe, and there are 15 girls who want to get to know you at once! Did you know what it is? Surprised?

Yes, this is possible in Moscow. This is (speed dating). An equal number of men and women gather in a cozy cafe to meet for a relationship or just have a good time. After 5-7 minutes of communication with a girl, men change seats and get acquainted with the next one. After the gong rings, they move to the next one. So in 2 hours you can meet 15 girls in Moscow.

Dating is very easy:

  1. Contacts of the ladies with whom sympathy arose, the organizers will collect and provide you. You just have to call the girl and meet with her to continue dating.
  2. In the cozy atmosphere of the cafe, people are ready to communicate and are open to new acquaintances.
  3. The girls themselves will note that they like you - after the event you will find out who liked you and what the names of these beauties are.

To find out more about this method of dating, the date and place of the events, click on the button below

In order to find new friends and expand the circle of acquaintances, the main thing is to have a desire. After all, many are very closed and afraid to let new people into their world. Someone is simply too lazy to communicate and does not budge. Some people are terrified to come up and get to know each other.

If you are reading this article, then you are full of desire. Below you will learn how to meet new people and make friends. You will also find places where you can do it.

Rules for communicating with new acquaintances

To begin with, understand that there is no reason to be shy. Communication is a need that nature has endowed us with. Man is a social creature. Be confident in yourself, and you will definitely be able to make new friends.

If you met a person, understand that this is not enough, you need to interest and win over the interlocutor:

The main rule of a new acquaintance is a smile and friendliness.
A new acquaintance is unlikely to want to be friends with a person who is dissatisfied with something, dull or angry.

Ask the interviewer questions and listen carefully to the answers. Keep up a conversation with a new friend.
Thus, you show your interest and intention to be friends.

Tell us about yourself, about your hobbies and preferences, let your new friend gets to know you better.
For this, general classical themes are suitable. Such as: movies, sports, books, childhood stories, profession and others.

Invite a new friend to meetings and walks.
How to meet new people? Take the first step towards getting to know each other. It may seem like an obsession, but you must "draw" a new acquaintance into friendship. Of course, you need to adequately evaluate the acquaintance, and if you are unequivocally constantly refused, you should look for a new friend.

If your new acquaintance is far from you, start conversations through messages or telephone conversations.
Thanks to social media, making friends has actually become easier. Free messages filled with emoticons. Possibility to send video, audio or photos. This gives you a huge chance to make friends with new people.
Be sure to add your new real friend on social networks as a friend. Rate the photos, leave interesting comments.
Try starting a conversation with a new friend by discussing popular videos on the internet.

Be polite and wish your friend happy holidays.

Be mindful of current events in your new friend's life and take an interest in their development.
Becoming true friends is not easy, but when you find your man, the acquaintance will go "like clockwork."

Where can you meet new people

There are a lot of opportunities for dating. If you are not ready to walk up and speak first on the street, then choose places where interaction will become mandatory.

1. You can find new friends in various training courses. Practice shows that in unfamiliar circumstances people are forced to start communication, and get acquainted on the basis of common difficulties.
These can be: Automotive courses, Cooking courses, Seminars and trainings in psychology or Master classes of professionals, Linguistic courses and others.

2. Currently, various collective games and quests are very popular, such as Mafia, games in Anticafe and the like.
Participation in such games brings a lot of pleasure and involves the interaction of meeting new people.

3. Use available opportunities.
Start conversations with work colleagues or classmates, because you are probably surrounded by a lot of people. Attend, corporate or joint group trips.
If, suddenly, you find yourself in a hospital hospital, get to know your roommates.
If you are on the beach, then take part in beach active games. Usually there are such companies everywhere, and they will gladly accept you into their ranks.

4. Go on weekend hikes.
In almost every city there are active people who are fond of hiking weekends. Join such a group and you will meet new interesting people there.
The main thing is to remember personal safety, and when joining such groups, read reviews on the Internet, ask your friends. Take care of yourself, otherwise you risk falling into the hands of scammers.

5. Go in for sports
In choosing a sport, be guided by your own skills and interests. It is most effective to choose a sport where people interact with each other. It can be volleyball on the street near the house, or football, basketball, hockey, chess and the like.

6. Organize your own interest group in social network and promote it.
Organize a group and invite everyone who suits you or likes to it. Create in a group interesting topics. Maintain communication. After a while, you can set up a meeting of group members and switch to more friendly communication.

8. Tourism
Active and courageous people manage to make new friends on tourist trips. This will be easier if you are traveling with a group of people from the same travel company. So, it will be easier for you to start a conversation. It will be possible to discuss expensively, perhaps difficulties with resettlement. You can meet for lunch.

9. Communication with parents of children
Be active at meetings at school, express your opinion, ask questions. Offer help to the parent committee. Perhaps your child is still a toddler, then communicate with parents on the playground.

10. Visit exhibitions, museums, reading clubs
In such places you will meet many like-minded people. Plus, people often come there alone and are ready to discuss the exhibits.

11. If you are a creative person
For creative individuals, the doors of the Houses of Culture of your city are always open. Various theater clubs, vocal lessons, dancing and more will diversify your life and give you the opportunity to find new friends.

12. Join a fan club or volunteer organization

Strange places to meet

Below is a list of places that I find strange and inefficient for meeting new people.

1. Outdoors
Agree, you will be alerted by a person who, for no reason at all, approached you with a smile and offered to meet you. The question will arise in my head: “Who are you, man? Oriflame, avon or sect?
I think that this way you can run into an annoying representative of a dubious organization or even a fraudster. Such a new acquaintance can be regretted.

2. Acquaintance on the train, in public transport
In fact, if you have already been eating with a fellow traveler for a week, it’s hard not to make an acquaintance. Often, on trains, people learn interesting stories and even start romances. Such new acquaintances are quite an adventurous thing.
Again, I urge you to be vigilant, remember that scammers often ingratiate themselves in order to gain their own profit.

3. Theater, cinema, disco bars, karaoke
These are places where people usually come with friends already. They have their own atmosphere and mood, rarely when people generally pay attention to loners. Of course, it is possible that against the background of general fun, you will be able to make new friends.

4. Church and similar religious places of worship
It would be strange for me to start a conversation in church, I came there with a very personal pain or joy, and here is a new friend. I think he's crazy or a religious fanatic.

Remember, in order to meet new people, be open in communication. Accept invitations from friends and keep in touch and take the initiative. Spending time together will help you become true friends.

Also, you can go to

In this article, we have collected 9 places where you can meet for serious relationship in Moscow. Well, not only for the serious ones. For any weather, mood and wallet. Choose what you like and act!

So let's start with the obvious - Parks

The most famous park for acquaintance is Gorky Park. There are most of all active young people and girls, which means it is easy to find an excuse to start communication. Some people come there specifically to get to know each other. You can often see a couple of well-dressed, bored girlfriends, or guys looking out for pretty girls. One minus, the park is a place where you can get acquainted in warm weather, so it's only open five months a year;)
How to start communication? In parks where there are boats, rides, you can offer to make a company and ride together. Any park is suitable for acquaintance - Kolomenskoye, Tsaritsyno, Kuzminki, Izmailovo, VDNKh and even small district parks. If you are shy, take your friends with you!

Busy Way: Speed ​​Dating

If there is no time left for walks in the parks, and the work requires full dedication, then they will suit you. In the cold this is the most convenient place to meet! The event is fun and unusual: communication with 15 strangers 7 minutes is a real adventure. The organizers will offer you topics for discussion for each date, and you will see how comfortable it is to get acquainted on speed dates! Feels like talking to old friends! And yet, there is a large selection of applicants: during the evening you will meet 10-20 people from your age group at once, each of whom is single and wants a relationship! If you are looking for where to meet for a serious relationship in Moscow, you are welcome to speed dating.

Shopping centers

Oddly enough, shopping and entertainment centers have long been on the list of places where you can meet in Moscow. Initially, shopping centers were chosen by pick-up artists, as you can meet a lot of pretty girls in them. But you need to remember that girls come for shopping, and by no means get to know each other, so they can send in a rude form. The girls can only hope that a handsome young man will approach them to get acquainted. Only the very brave will dare to come up first. If you are looking for where you can meet today, then it is better to choose something else - in shopping centers there is too little chance of getting to know each other.


If acquaintance in a museum is not an easy task, then on an excursion everything is much easier. You can ask a question, or continue the walk after the tour. Members of the excursion group feel each other as one company, even if they do not communicate with each other. The reaction to the acquaintance will be positive or neutral, but it is unlikely that you will be rudely sent. To visit the tour, you do not need to go abroad, now there are many offers with excursions in Moscow (and even free ones), the Moscow Region, and the Golden Ring. Choose what interests you and go on a mini-trip. If the trip is designed for the whole day, the group will surely begin to get to know each other: joint adventures, impressions and a long shaking on the bus are very close. Guys are best suited: on such excursions you can often meet free girls. This is the place where you can get to know each other seriously. We will not recommend girls: it is more difficult to meet single guys on excursions.

Board game nights

Board games are a good way to get to know each other. No need to think about how to start a conversation. One problem is to find where board games are organized in Moscow. If you can't find it, try organizing it yourself. Call friends with friends, and unfamiliar friends from the social. networks. You will get a company where you can really get to know each other!

Mass races, races on roller skates and bicycles

There are a lot of such events in Moscow. You must have heard about the night bike parade. If you feel the strength to drive, or run a significant distance - try it! You will have a large and active company united by common interests! It is much easier to get acquainted there than with passers-by on the street! Are you looking for a place to meet people who lead an active lifestyle? That way!


Go to a pair dance class convenient way become acquainted. Find out where open dance lessons are held for everyone. As a rule, there are such in Gorky Park. And you can come to grips with dancing: for example, enroll in a bachata school. By the way, schools hold club events for their students for 100-200 people. Guys often use this method, because there is a shortage of males at dances. Girls are not always happy with the male contingent at the dance, and there are not enough partners for everyone. A little life hack for girls: guys prefer more "hot" types of dances, for example, kizomba. In kizomba lessons, there are even more males than females. Well, and at the waltz lessons - you yourself understand ... Are you looking for where to really meet? Dancing is quite real!

Charity or volunteering

Organize a charity event or join a volunteer organization. You will be able to kill two birds with one stone: help those in need and make new friends! Volunteer organizations are communities of young people with an active lifestyle! There can be many topics: helping children, animals, the elderly, protecting nature. Choose what interests you. An unobvious place where you can meet for a serious relationship.

Trainings, master classes, conferences and advanced training courses

It sounds strict, but it works with a bang. And by the way, for those who want to find serious and purposeful people - what you need. Looking for where you can meet at 30, 40 years old? That way! The main thing is to choose topics that you are really interested in. Participants in such events willingly make contact with like-minded people. Feel free to ask questions and sit close to people. Avoid lonely places "in the gallery." It is even easier to get acquainted at the master classes, where interaction is provided. Trainers will do all the work for you! This place can be safely recommended to girls: at professional conferences and trainings for personal growth, the male gender often predominates.


In the last article, we looked at ways to meet girls on the street, and now we will add more places suitable for dating.

Where to meet girls is one of the most frequently asked questions, the answer to which is already obvious. After all, girls are absolutely everywhere, respectively, and you can meet them anywhere. It would be more logical to ask the question “How to meet a girl?” , but I'll talk about that later.

Now let's take a look at the five most successful places with you, where to actually meet a girl?

Top 5 places to meet a girl: where to go?

1. Shopping and entertainment centers

Girls love shopping and often do it to cheer themselves up. They are not in a hurry, they have plenty of free time. In addition, there are more than enough cafes in shopping centers.

A cup of tea before the second round of shopping is just right. And where else will you meet so many girls for one square meter? Unless in the club, but more on that later.

You can walk and choose at least all day, there will be no fewer girls.

And in addition to attractive visitors, as a rule, very nice consultants work there. Shopping malls are the #1 place to meet girls!

2. Fitness club

Here you have all the cards in hand. It is immediately clear who is what.

You have the opportunity to choose the most well-groomed and attractive ladies. You can immediately examine the figure, follow how hard she trains.

These "sporty" representatives of the fair sex carefully monitor themselves, love themselves and know their own worth.

Yes, and imagine how it looks outside the hall. Now think about how everyone will stare at you when you communicate with her. This is the best thing you can do for your self-esteem.

3. Cafe

I can say with confidence that a cafe or pub is an ideal place for a quick and easy acquaintance.

In the cafe, no one is in a hurry, and the atmosphere itself is conducive to easy communication.

Especially if the place is popular and crowded. In addition, the likelihood of meeting beautiful girls in a cafe much more than in any other place and even a club.

She will be in a good mood because he is resting. And you can choose the right moment to start a conversation.

4. Club

Someone loves club parties, but for someone the club is still an impregnable fortress.

It has its own rules, it has its own atmosphere. Here you need to act quite differently than in ordinary life.

In the club people relax, in the club people allow themselves what they would not allow themselves in ordinary life. And if in ordinary life a girl can be modest, this does not mean that she will also sit on the sidelines in the club.

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Reasons why you have difficulties with a girl;
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You will see how she comes off, and you can see a real tigress in her, who works quietly in the office on weekdays and would not attract your attention. And xs, what if it comes to a serious relationship, and not just to a one-night stand.

5. Street

In fact, meeting a girl on the street is the hardest thing.

Girls have a belief that it is indecent to get acquainted on the street. Therefore, you can hear such phrases: “I don’t meet on the street” or even “I have a boyfriend.” But what to do if it was on the street or in the parking lot that you saw a beauty?!

Right! Act and spit on the prevailing opinion. A real man does not depend on circumstances. He creates opportunities.

On the street, we all happen most often, because there it is more likely to meet good girls.

And remember, you can find a fantastic girl almost anywhere. The main thing is not to think, but to act. Don't know how? Are you afraid?

Did you read the article? But how do you put all this information into practice? How to get step-by-step and comprehensive instructions to achieve a specific girl?

You will learn about this at a paid training How to turn a woman's NO into a woman's YES.

Get 3 video lessons from this course:

1. Reasons why you have difficulty with a girl
2. Thinking of a successful man;
3. 7 critical mistakes that you make when communicating with a girl.

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Huge. But you should pay attention only to the popular ones: they have more users, which means there is more choice. They work on a similar principle: the algorithm suggests candidates who fit your needs and are nearby. You select those who you like, but you can start a conversation only if you have mutual sympathy.


  • You begin to communicate only with those who you like, which weeds out at least unsympathetic ones.
  • The candidates are close to you, so it's easy to make an appointment.
  • Relationships are established here for one night, and for many nights, and for years - it all depends on your goals. And here they find friends
  • You can choose potential partners of both sexes.
  • The phone is always at hand - you can establish a personal life on the job.


  • You choose a book by its cover, but anything can be hidden under it. You risk weeding out an ugly, but interesting person.
  • If you don't like people on the streets, don't be naive to think that the app only has gorgeous candidates and applicants. There are still the same people from the streets.
  • Be prepared to receive personal photos of strangers and obscene offers.
  • Men willingly offer quick sex and act cheekily in correspondence, but many merge if the girl agrees to bed adventures without long preludes.
  • Some apps are only suitable for major cities.

1. Tinder

A popular and very simple dating app. The algorithm offers photos of people who match your needs and are close to you. You swipe them with your finger to the left if the candidate is so-so, and to the right if the person interests you. If the pair matched, you can start chatting, and then everything depends on you.


The sex dating app is obviously designed to look for partners for bed comfort. Everything is done on the condition of relative anonymity: you do not need to specify your mail, phone number, or log in through social networks. Only an avatar and location are required.

You have an hour to find someone nice on the map and arrange a meeting with him. After 60 minutes, the correspondence will be automatically destroyed. For men, the application is paid, which allows you to cut off people with frivolous intentions.

The main advantage of the application is that everyone knows what you are here for, so you can do without boring correspondence. Although some users on the sex dating app can bore you with conversations and then disappear. And your time will be wasted.

Sex as the purpose of dating is a perfectly healthy desire. You have the right to just want sex and dispose of your body and your desires as you see fit. This also applies to the fact that you have every right to get up and refuse sex at any moment, even the most intimate one.

Irina Nim, psychologist-sexologist at the Wings of Change Studio, gestalt therapist


The app shows you people you've crossed paths with in the past, either walking the same routes or buying a baguette from the same French bakery.

Dating websites

2. Mamba

A dating site with a 15-year history and a huge audience. Convenient search by a variety of parameters. Lots of positive user reviews.

Social media

  • in dating groups;
  • browsing other people's profiles;
  • in thematic communities.

The latter option is more suitable for, since, obviously, you already have common interests.


  • You can look at a person's profile and learn a lot about him.
  • There is a chance you will meet someone who is not actively looking for dating and would not be available in apps and on NW.
  • The fact that a person is no longer free is obvious in social networks in most cases, and you will avoid disappointment.


  • None for you. Even if you have closed everything that can be closed from prying eyes, this does not guarantee anything.

In the reality

speed dating

The traditional scenario: a woman sits at a table, and every few minutes a new man sits next to her. During this time, you need to have time to make the right impression, so that at the end the organizers will allow you to exchange contacts.


  • A lot of acquaintances and a minimum of time spent.


  • A few minutes may not be enough to feel sympathy.
  • Speed ​​dating has a bad reputation: it seems to be resorted to by those who are completely desperate.

Interest parties

A common cause brings together, especially if it requires teamwork. These can be, for example:

  • Mind games. It's only on TV that connoisseurs look like an elite club that you can't get into. In reality, "What? Where? When?" a fairly democratic game, and quizzes have completely moved to bars.
  • Bike parades. Everyone has common interests and even a common enemy - people walking along bike paths. During the parade itself, you are unlikely to talk, but before and after it, conversations are tied up by themselves.
  • Dog playgrounds. Sociability of dog owners can only be envied. And their memory too, because they know all the furry inhabitants of the district by name. The main thing is to get a pet at the call of the heart, and not for the sake of finding a soul mate.
  • Concerts and fan meetings. If you love one artist, you already have a lot in common. And if the fandom brought you together, then this is completely serious. Together you will be perfect and Rose, Iron Man and Pepper Potts, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson - you never know what your preferences are.

important positive attitude. A smile is regarded as an invitation to communication, approval. If you smile back, feel free to head for rapprochement. Remember that trying is not torture, and refusing is not a disaster. The first time is always scary even to smile. But the more often an experience is repeated, the more habitual it becomes.

Irina Nim


  • Such acquaintances are the most natural, just like in the good old days.
  • You have an abyss of common interests, because usually people intersect at such parties, having more than one common hobby.


  • To get acquainted by interests, you need to have them and be truly passionate.


The larger the company, the higher the chances of getting to know each other. In addition to our own office, there are employees of partner organizations, contractors and other contractors, clients who should not be discounted either.

Office romances are not uncommon, but companies are trying to deal with relationships in the workplace. Love interferes with work efficiency and career. And not everyone is ready to risk their career for the sake of a fleeting affair. By the way, according to statistics, every third started office romances. And only 13% were married.

Irina Nim


  • You know what the person does and have a rough idea of ​​his or her income level. Of course, the main thing is that a person be good, but financial independence is an important factor.
  • Candidates are nearby to find them, you do not need to make unnecessary movements.


  • Company policy may discourage flirting at work.
  • Some are not ready to work with a partner, as they need rest from each other.

Do not contact colleagues who are already in a relationship. Most likely, the situation will quickly become ugly, and this may cost you your job and reputation.


Real ones are good because they can happen at any moment. Including the wrong one. You can meet in line at the dentist on duty or at the airline counter after losing your luggage.


  • You will have a great story to tell your friends and grandchildren.


  • There is a high probability that such a spontaneous acquaintance simply will not happen.

My clients often complain that there is nowhere to meet. Including because it's just scary to get acquainted. Maniacs, perverts, greedy women, lustful men lie in wait everywhere. And suddenly they break their hearts again! The list of fears is endless. People want to know what will happen. And since it is impossible to know in advance, do what you need, and come what may!

Irina Nim

Rational fears protect against rash acts. We need them. But these fears fetter, fence us off from the world, this is our cage of unfreedom. And it is up to you to choose: to be afraid or to go further?