Chemical properties of phenols. Phenols

The hydroxyl group in the molecules of organic compounds can be associated with aromatic core either directly or separated from it by one or more carbon atoms. It can be expected that, depending on this property, the substances will differ significantly from each other due to the mutual influence of groups of atoms. Indeed, organic compounds containing the aromatic radical phenyl C 6 H 5 -, directly associated with the hydroxyl group, exhibit special properties different from the properties of alcohols. Such connections are called phenols.

Organic substances whose molecules contain a phenyl radical associated with one or more hydroxo groups. Like alcohols, phenols are classified by atomicity, i.e., by the number of hydroxyl groups.

Monatomic phenols contain one hydroxyl group in the molecule:

Polyhydric phenols contain more than one hydroxyl group in the molecules:

There are other polyhydric phenols containing three or more hydroxyl groups in the benzene ring.

Let's take a closer look at the structure and properties of the simplest representative of this class - phenol C 6 H 5 OH. The name of this substance formed the basis for the name of the entire class - phenols.

Phenol is a solid, colorless crystalline substance, t° = 43 °C, t° = 181 °C, with a sharp characteristic odor. Poisonous. Phenol is slightly soluble in water at room temperature. An aqueous solution of phenol is called carbolic acid. Upon contact with the skin, causes burns therefore phenol must be handled with care!

Chemical properties of phenols

Acid properties. The hydrogen atom of the hydroxyl group is acidic. The acidic properties of phenol are more pronounced than water and alcohols. Unlike alcohols and water, phenol reacts not only with alkali metals, but also with alkalis to form phenolates:

However, the acidic properties of phenols are less pronounced than those of inorganic and carboxylic acids. So, for example, the acidic properties of phenol are approximately 3000 times less than those of carbonic acid. Therefore, by passing carbon dioxide through an aqueous solution of sodium phenolate, free phenol can be isolated.

Adding hydrochloric or sulfuric acid to an aqueous solution of sodium phenolate also leads to the formation of phenol:

Phenol reacts with iron(III) chloride to form an intensely purple complex compound.

This reaction makes it possible to detect it even in very limited quantities. Other phenols containing one or more hydroxyl groups in the benzene ring also give a bright blue-violet color when reacted with iron (III) chloride.

The presence of a hydroxyl substituent greatly facilitates the course of electrophilic substitution reactions in the benzene ring.

1. Bromination of phenol.

Unlike benzene, phenol bromination does not require the addition of a catalyst (iron (III) bromide). In addition, the interaction with phenol proceeds selectively (selectively): bromine atoms are sent to the ortho and para positions, replacing the hydrogen atoms located there. The selectivity of the substitution is explained by the features of the electronic structure of the phenol molecule discussed above.

So, when phenol interacts with bromine water, a white precipitate of 2,4,6-tribromophenol is formed:

This reaction, as well as the reaction with iron (III) chloride, serves for the qualitative detection of phenol.

2. Phenol nitration also occurs more easily than the nitration of benzene. The reaction with dilute nitric acid proceeds at room temperature. As a result, a mixture of ortho- and para-isomers of nitrophenol is formed:

When using concentrated nitric acid, 2,4,6-trinitrophenol is formed - picric acid, an explosive:

3. Hydrogenation of the aromatic ring of phenol in the presence of a catalyst occurs easily:

4. Polycondensation of phenol with aldehydes, in particular, with formaldehyde occurs with the formation of reaction products - phenol-formaldehyde resins and solid polymers.

The interaction of phenol with formaldehyde can be described by the scheme:

The “mobile” hydrogen atoms are preserved in the dimer molecule, which means that the reaction can continue further with a sufficient amount of reagents:

The polycondensation reaction, i.e., the reaction of obtaining a polymer, proceeding with the release of a low molecular weight by-product (water), can continue further (until one of the reagents is completely consumed) with the formation of huge macromolecules. The process can be described by the overall equation:

The formation of linear molecules occurs at ordinary temperature. Carrying out this reaction when heated leads to the fact that the resulting product has a branched structure, it is solid and insoluble in water. As a result of heating a linear phenol-formaldehyde resin with an excess of aldehyde, solid plastic masses with unique properties are obtained. Polymers based on phenol-formaldehyde resins are used for the manufacture of varnishes and paints, plastic products that are resistant to heating, cooling, water, alkalis and acids. They have high dielectric properties. Polymers based on phenol-formaldehyde resins are used to make the most critical and important parts of electrical appliances, power unit cases and machine parts, the polymer base of printed circuit boards for radio devices. Adhesives based on phenol-formaldehyde resins are able to reliably connect parts of various nature, maintaining the highest bond strength in a very wide temperature range. Such glue is used to fasten the metal base of lighting lamps to a glass bulb. Thus, phenol and products based on it are widely used.

There are one-, two-, three-atomic phenols depending on the number of OH groups in the molecule (Fig. 1)


In accordance with the number of fused aromatic cycles in the molecule, there are (Fig. 2) phenols themselves (one aromatic ring - benzene derivatives), naphthols (2 fused rings - naphthalene derivatives), anthranols (3 fused rings - anthracene derivatives) and phenantrols (Fig. 2).


Nomenclature of alcohols.

For phenols, trivial names that have developed historically are widely used. Prefixes are also used in the names of substituted mononuclear phenols ortho-,meta- and pair -, used in the nomenclature of aromatic compounds. For more complex compounds, the atoms that are part of the aromatic cycles are numbered and the position of the substituents is indicated using digital indices (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. NOMENCLATURE OF PHENOLS. Substituent groups and corresponding numerical indices are highlighted in different colors for clarity.

Chemical properties of phenols.

The benzene nucleus and the OH group combined in the phenol molecule affect each other, significantly increasing the reactivity of each other. The phenyl group pulls the lone electron pair away from the oxygen atom in the OH group (Fig. 4). As a result, the partial positive charge on the H atom of this group increases (indicated by d+), the polarity of the O–H bond increases, which manifests itself in an increase in the acidic properties of this group. Thus, compared to alcohols, phenols are stronger acids. The partial negative charge (denoted by d–), passing to the phenyl group, is concentrated in the positions ortho- and pair-(with respect to the OH group). These reaction sites can be attacked by reagents that tend to electronegative centers, the so-called electrophilic ("electron loving") reagents.


As a result, two types of transformations are possible for phenols: the substitution of a hydrogen atom in the OH group and the substitution of the H-atomobenzene nucleus. A pair of electrons of the O atom, drawn to the benzene ring, increases the strength of the C–O bond, so reactions that occur with the breaking of this bond, which are characteristic of alcohols, are not typical for phenols.

1. Substitution reactions of the hydrogen atom in the OH group. When phenols are treated with alkalis, phenolates are formed (Fig. 5A), the catalytic reaction with alcohols leads to ethers (Fig. 5B), and as a result of the reaction with anhydrides or acid chlorides of carboxylic acids, esters are formed (Fig. 5C). When interacting with ammonia ( fever and pressure), the OH group is replaced by NH 2 , aniline is formed (Fig. 5D), reducing reagents convert phenol to benzene (Fig. 5E)

2. Substitution reactions of hydrogen atoms in the benzene ring.

During halogenation, nitration, sulfonation and alkylation of phenol, centers with increased electron density are attacked (Fig. 4), i.e. substitution takes place mainly in ortho- and pair- positions (fig.6).

With a deeper reaction, two and three hydrogen atoms are replaced in the benzene ring.

Of particular importance are the condensation reactions of phenols with aldehydes and ketones, in essence, this is alkylation, which takes place easily and under mild conditions (at 40–50 ° C, an aqueous medium in the presence of catalysts), while the carbon atom is in the form of a methylene group CH 2 or substituted methylene group (CHR or CR 2) is inserted between two phenol molecules. Such condensation often leads to the formation of polymeric products (Fig. 7).

Diatomic phenol (trade name bisphenol A, Fig. 7), is used as a component in the preparation epoxy resins. The condensation of phenol with formaldehyde underlies the production of widely used phenol-formaldehyde resins (phenolic plastics).

Methods for obtaining phenols.

Phenols are isolated from coal tar, as well as from pyrolysis products of brown coal and wood (tar). industrial way The production of C 6 H 5 OH phenol itself is based on the oxidation of the aromatic hydrocarbon cumene (isopropylbenzene) with atmospheric oxygen, followed by decomposition of the resulting hydroperoxide diluted with H 2 SO 4 (Fig. 8A). The reaction proceeds with a high yield and is attractive in that it allows one to obtain two technically valuable products at once - phenol and acetone. Another method is the catalytic hydrolysis of halogenated benzenes (Fig. 8B).


The use of phenols.

A solution of phenol is used as a disinfectant (carbolic acid). Diatomic phenols - pyrocatechol, resorcinol (Fig. 3), as well as hydroquinone ( pair- dihydroxybenzene) is used as antiseptics (antibacterial disinfectants), introduced into tanning agents for leather and fur, as stabilizers for lubricating oils and rubber, as well as for processing photographic materials and as reagents in analytical chemistry.

In the form of individual compounds, phenols are used to a limited extent, but their various derivatives are widely used. Phenols serve as starting compounds for the production of various polymeric products, such as phenol-aldehyde resins (Fig. 7), polyamides, and polyepoxides. Based on phenols, numerous drugs are obtained, for example, aspirin, salol, phenolphthalein, in addition, dyes, perfumes, plasticizers for polymers and plant protection products.

Mikhail Levitsky

Phenol C 6 H 5 OH - a colorless, crystalline substance with a characteristic odor. Its melting point = 40.9 C. V cold water it is slightly soluble, but already at 70°C it dissolves in any ratio. Phenol is poisonous. In phenol, the hydroxyl group is attached to the benzene ring.

Chemical properties

1. Interaction with alkali metals.

2C 6 H 5 OH + 2Na → 2C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2

sodium phenolate

2. Interaction with alkali (phenol is a weak acid)

C 6 H 5 OH + NaOH → C 6 H 5 ONa + H2O

3. Halogenation.

4. Nitration

5. Qualitative reaction to phenol

3C 6 H 5 OH + FeCl 3 → (C 6 H 5 O) 3 Fe + 3HCl (violet color)


After the discovery of phenol, it was quickly used - for tanning leather, in the production of synthetic dyes. Then medicine became the main consumer of phenol for some time. The development of the production of phenolics at the end of the 19th century, primarily phenol-formaldehyde resins, gave an active impetus to the development of the phenol market. During the First World War, phenol was widely used to produce a strong explosive - picric acid.

Diluted aqueous solutions of phenol (carbolic acid (5%)) are used to disinfect rooms and linen. Being an antiseptic, it was widely used in European and American medicine during World War II, but due to its high toxicity, its use is currently very limited. Widely used in molecular biology and genetic engineering for DNA purification. In a mixture with chloroform, it was previously used to isolate DNA from a cell. Currently, this method is not relevant, due to the presence of a large number of specialized whales for selection.

A solution of phenol is used as a disinfectant (carbolic acid). Dihydric phenols - pyrocatechol, resorcinol, and hydroquinone (para-dihydroxybenzene) are used as antiseptics (antibacterial disinfectants), introduced into tanning agents for leather and fur, as stabilizers for lubricating oils and rubber, as well as for processing photographic materials and as reagents in analytical chemistry.

Profile chemical and biological class

Lesson type: lesson learning new material.

Lesson methods:

  • verbal (conversation, explanation, story);
  • visual (computer presentation);
  • practical (demonstration experiments, laboratory experiments).

Lesson Objectives:Learning Objectives: on the example of phenol, to concretize students' knowledge about the structural features of substances belonging to the class of phenols, to consider the dependence of the mutual influence of atoms in the phenol molecule on its properties; to acquaint students with the physical and chemical properties of phenol and some of its compounds, to study qualitative reactions to phenols; consider the presence in nature, the use of phenol and its compounds, their biological role

Educational Goals: Create conditions for independent work students, strengthen students' skills in working with text, highlight the main thing in the text, perform tests.

Development goals: To create dialogue interaction in the lesson, to promote the development of students' skills to express their opinion, listen to a friend, ask each other questions and supplement each other's speeches.

Equipment: chalk, board, screen, projector, computer, electronic media, textbook "Chemistry", grade 10, O.S. Gabrielyan, F.N. Maskaev, textbook "Chemistry: in tests, tasks and exercises", 10th grade, O.S. Gabrielyan, I.G. Ostroumov.

Demonstration: D. 1. Displacement of phenol from sodium phenolate by carbonic acid.

D 2. Interaction of phenol and benzene with bromine water (video clip).

D. 3. The reaction of phenol with formaldehyde.

Lab Experience:1. Solubility of phenol in water at ordinary and elevated temperatures.

2. Interaction of phenol and ethanol with alkali solution.

3. Reaction of phenol with FeCl 3 .






Open lesson-study in chemistry

Chemistry teacher: Gramoteeva S.V.

I qualification category

Class: 10 "A", chemical and biological

Date: 14.02.2012

Phenol: structure, physical and chemical properties of phenol.

The use of phenol.

Profile chemical and biological class

Lesson type: lesson learning new material.

Lesson methods:

  1. verbal (conversation, explanation, story);
  2. visual (computer presentation);
  3. practical (demonstration experiments, laboratory experiments).

Lesson Objectives: Teaching Objectives: on the example of phenol, to concretize students' knowledge about the structural features of substances belonging to the class of phenols, to consider the dependence of the mutual influence of atoms in the phenol molecule on its properties; to acquaint students with the physical and chemical properties of phenol and some of its compounds, to study qualitative reactions to phenols; consider the presence in nature, the use of phenol and its compounds, their biological role

Educational Goals:Create conditions for independent work of students, strengthen students' skills in working with text, highlight the main thing in the text, and perform tests.

Development goals:To create dialogue interaction in the lesson, to promote the development of students' skills to express their opinion, listen to a friend, ask each other questions and supplement each other's speeches.

Equipment: chalk, board, screen, projector, computer, electronic media, textbook "Chemistry", grade 10, O.S. Gabrielyan, F.N. Maskaev, textbook "Chemistry: in tests, tasks and exercises", 10th grade, O.S. Gabrielyan, I.G. Ostroumov.

Demonstration: D. 1.Displacement of phenol from sodium phenolate by carbonic acid.

D 2. Interaction of phenol and benzene with bromine water (video clip).

D. 3. The reaction of phenol with formaldehyde.

Lab Experience: 1. Solubility of phenol in water at ordinary and elevated temperatures.

3. Reaction of phenol with FeCl 3 .


  1. Organizing time.
  2. Preparing to study new material.
  1. Front poll:
  1. What alcohols are called polyhydric? Give examples.
  2. What are the physical properties of polyhydric alcohols?
  3. What reactions are typical for polyhydric alcohols?
  4. Write qualitative reactions characteristic of polyhydric alcohols.
  5. Give examples of the esterification reaction of ethylene glycol and glycerol with organic and inorganic acids. What are the names of the reaction products?
  6. Write the reactions of intramolecular and intermolecular dehydration. Name the reaction products.
  7. Write reactions of interaction of polyhydric alcohols with hydrogen halides. Name the reaction products.
  8. What are the ways to get ethylene glycol?
  9. What are the ways to get glycerin?
  10. What are the applications of polyhydric alcohols?
  1. Checking the house. tasks: p. 158, ex. 4-6 (optional at the board).
  1. Learning new material in the form of a conversation.

The slide shows the structural formulas of organic compounds. You need to name these substances and determine which class they belong to.

Phenols - These are substances in which the hydroxo group is connected directly to the benzene ring.

What is the molecular formula of the phenyl radical: C 6H5 - phenyl. If one or more hydroxyl groups are attached to this radical, then we get phenols. Note that the hydroxyl groups must be directly attached to the benzene ring, otherwise we get aromatic alcohols.


As well as alcohols, phenolsclassified by atomicity, i.e. by the number of hydroxyl groups.

  1. Monatomic phenols contain one hydroxyl group in the molecule:
  1. Polyhydric phenols contain more than one hydroxyl group in their molecules:

The most important representative of this class is phenol. The name of this substance formed the basis for the name of the entire class - phenols.

Many of you will become doctors in the near future, so they should know as much as possible about phenol. Currently, there are several main areas of use of phenol. One of them is production medicines. Most of these drugs are derivatives of salicylic acid derived from phenol: o-HOC 6 H 4 COOH. The most common antipyretic - aspirin is nothing more than acetylsalicylic acid. The ester of salicylic acid and phenol itself is also well known under the name salol. In the treatment of tuberculosis, para-aminosalicylic acid (PASA) is used. And, finally, when phenol is condensed with phthalic anhydride, phenolphthalein, aka purgen, is obtained.

Phenols - organic substances, the molecules of which contain a phenyl radical associated with one or more hydroxyl groups.

Why do you think phenols were singled out in a separate class, although they contain the same hydroxyl group as alcohols?

Their properties are very different from those of alcohols. Why?

The atoms in a molecule mutually influence each other. (Butlerov's theory).

Consider the properties of phenols on the example of the simplest phenol.

Discovery history

In 1834 German organic chemist Friedlieb Runge discovered a white crystalline substance with a characteristic odor in the products of the distillation of coal tar. He failed to determine the composition of the substance, he did it in 1842. August Laurent. The substance had pronounced acidic properties and was a derivative of benzene discovered shortly before. Laurent called it benzene, so the new acid was called phenylic. Charles Gerard considered the resulting substance to be alcohol and suggested calling it phenol.

Physical Properties

Lab Experience: 1. Study of the physical properties of phenol.

instruction card

1. Consider the substance given to you and write its physical properties.

2. Dissolve the substance in cold water.

3. Slightly heat the test tube. Note the observations.

Phenol C 6 H 5 OH (carbolic acid)- colorless crystalline substance, t pl = 43 0 C, t bp = 182 0 C, oxidizes and turns pink in air, sparingly soluble in water at ordinary temperatures, miscible with water above 66 °C in any proportion. Phenol is a toxic substance, causes skin burns, is an antiseptic, thereforephenol must be handled with care!

Phenol itself and its vapors are poisonous. But there are phenols of plant origin, contained, for example, in tea. They have a beneficial effect on the human body.

A consequence of the polarity of the О–Н bond and the presence of lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom is the ability of hydroxy compounds to form hydrogen bonds

This explains why phenol has quite high temperatures melting (+43) and boiling (+182). The formation of hydrogen bonds with water molecules promotes the solubility of hydroxy compounds in water.

The ability to dissolve in water decreases with increasing hydrocarbon radical and from polyatomic hydroxy compounds to monoatomic ones. Methanol, ethanol, propanol, isopropanol, ethylene glycol and glycerin are miscible with water in any ratio. The solubility of phenol in water is limited.

Isomerism and nomenclature

2 types possible isomerism:

  1. isomerism of the position of substituents in the benzene ring;
  2. side chain isomerism (structures of the alkyl radical and numberradicals).

Chemical properties

Look closely at structural formula phenol and answer the question: “What is so special about phenol that it was separated into a separate class?”

Those. phenol contains both a hydroxyl group and a benzene ring, which, according to the third position of A.M. Butlerov, influence each other.

What properties of compounds should phenol formally have? That's right, alcohols and benzene.

The chemical properties of phenols are due precisely to the presence of a functional hydroxyl group and a benzene ring in the molecules. Therefore, the chemical properties of phenol can be considered both by analogy with alcohols and by analogy with benzene.

Think about what alcohols react with. Let's watch a video of the interaction of phenol with sodium.

  1. Reactions involving the hydroxyl group.
  1. Interaction of mo with alkali metals(similar to alcohols).

2C 6 H 5 OH + 2Na → 2C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2 (sodium phenolate)

Do you remember whether alcohols react with alkalis? No, what about phenol? Let's do a lab experiment.

Lab Experience: 2. Interaction of phenol and ethanol with alkali solution.

1. Pour NaOH solution and 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein into the first tube, then add 1/3 of the phenol solution.

2. Add NaOH solution and 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein to the second test tube, then add 1/3 part of ethanol.

Make observations and write reaction equations.

  1. The hydrogen atom of the hydroxyl group of phenol is acidic. The acidic properties of phenol are more pronounced than those of water and alcohols.Unlike alcohols. and water phenol reacts not only with alkali metals, but with alkalis to form phenolates:

C 6 H 5 OH + NaOH → C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2 O

However, the acidic properties of phenols are less pronounced than those of inorganic and carboxylic acids. So, for example, the acidic properties of phenol are about 3000 times less than those of carbonic acid, therefore, passing carbon dioxide through a solution of sodium phenolate, free phenol can be isolated ( demo ):

C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2 O + CO 2 → C 6 H 5 OH + NaHCO 3

Adding hydrochloric or sulfuric acid to an aqueous solution of sodium phenolate also leads to the formation of phenol:

C 6 H 5 ONa + HCl → C 6 H 5 OH + NaCl

Phenolates are used as starting materials for the production of ethers and esters:

C 6 H 5 ONa + C 2 H 5 Br → C 6 H 5 OC 2 H 5 + NaBr (ethyphenyl ether)

C 6 H 5 ONa + CH 3 COCl → CH 3 - COOC 6 H 5 + NaCl

Acetyl chloride phenyl acetate, acetic acid phenyl ester

How can one explain the fact that alcohols do not react with alkali solutions, but phenol does?

Phenols are polar compounds (dipoles). The benzene ring is the negative end of the dipole, the group - OH - is positive. The dipole moment is directed towards the benzene ring.

The benzene ring pulls electrons from the lone pair of oxygen electrons. The displacement of the lone pair of electrons of the oxygen atom towards the benzene ring leads to an increase in polarity O-H bonds. An increase in the polarity of the O-H bond under the action of the benzene nucleus and the appearance of a sufficiently large positive charge on the hydrogen atom leads to the fact that the phenol moleculedissociates in water solutionsacid type:

C 6 H 5 OH ↔ C 6 H 5 O - + H + (phenolate ion)

Phenol is weak acid. This is the main difference between phenols andalcohols, which arenon-electrolytes.

  1. Reactions involving the benzene ring

The benzene ring changed the properties of the hydroxo group!

Is there a reverse effect - have the properties of the benzene ring changed?

Let's do one more experiment.

Demo: 2. Interaction of phenol with bromine water (video clip).

Substitution reactions. Electrophilic substitution reactions in the benzene ring of phenols proceed much more easily than in benzene, and under milder conditions due to the presence of a hydroxyl substituent.

  1. Halogenation

Bromination occurs especially easily in aqueous solutions. Unlike benzene, phenol bromination does not require the addition of a catalyst (FeBr 3 ). When phenol reacts with bromine water, a white precipitate of 2,4,6-tribromophenol is formed:

  1. Nitration also occurs more easily than the nitration of benzene. The reaction with dilute nitric acid proceeds at room temperature. As a result, a mixture of ortho- and para-isomers of nitrophenol is formed:

O-nitrophenol p-nitrophenol

When using concentrated nitric acid, 2,4,6-trinitrophenol is formed - picric acid, an explosive:

As you can see, phenol reacts with bromine water to form a white precipitate, but benzene does not. Phenol, like benzene, reacts with nitric acid, but not with one molecule, but with three at once. What explains this?

Having acquired an excess of electron density, the benzene ring destabilized. The negative charge is concentrated in the ortho and para positions, so these positions are the most active. The substitution of hydrogen atoms occurs here.

Phenol, like benzene, reacts with sulfuric acid, but with three molecules.

  1. Sulfonation

The ratio of ortho- and para-measurements is determined by the reaction temperature: at room temperature, mainly o-phenolsulfoxylate is formed, at a temperature of 100 0 С is a para-isomer.

  1. The polycondensation of phenol with aldehydes, in particular with formaldehyde, occurs with the formation of reaction products - phenol-formaldehyde resins and solid polymers ( demo ):

Reaction polycondensation,i.e., a polymer production reaction proceeding with the release of a low molecular weight product (for example, water, ammonia, etc.),can continue further (until the complete consumption of one of the reagents) with the formation of huge macromolecules. The process can be described by the overall equation:

The formation of linear molecules occurs at ordinary temperature. Carrying out this reaction when heated leads to the fact that the generatrix has a branched structure, it is solid and insoluble in water. As a result of heating a linear phenol-formaldehyde resin with an excess of aldehyde, solid plastic masses with unique properties are obtained.

Polymers based on phenol-formaldehyde resins are used for the manufacture of varnishes and paints. Plastic products made on the basis of these resins are resistant to heating, cooling, alkalis and acids, they also have high electrical properties. Polymers based on phenol-formaldehyde resins are used to make the most important parts of electrical appliances, power unit cases and machine parts, the polymer base of printed circuit boards for radio devices.

Adhesives based on phenol-formaldehyde resins are able to reliably connect parts of various nature, maintaining the highest bond strength over a very wide temperature range. Such glue is used to fasten the metal base of lighting lamps in a glass bulb.

All plastics containing phenol are hazardous to humans and nature. It is necessary to find a new type of polymer that is safe for nature and easily decomposed into harmless waste. This is your future. Create, invent, do not let dangerous substances destroy nature!”

Qualitative reaction to phenols

In aqueous solutions, monatomic phenols interact with FeCl 3 with the formation of complex phenolates, which have a purple color; the color disappears after the addition of a strong acid

Lab Experience: 3. Reaction of phenol with FeCl 3 .

Add 1/3 of the phenol solution to the test tube and drop by drop the FeCl solution 3 .

Make observations.

How to get

  1. cumene method.

Benzene and propylene are used as feedstock, from which isopropylbenzene (cumene) is obtained, which undergoes further transformations.

Cumene method for the production of phenol (USSR, Sergeev P.G., Udris R.Yu., Kruzhalov B.D., 1949). Advantages of the method: waste-free technology (yield useful products> 99%) and economy. Currently, the cumene method is used as the main one in the world production of phenol.

  1. From coal tar.

Coal tar containing phenol as one of the components is treated first with an alkali solution (phenolates are formed), and then with an acid:

C 6 H 5 OH + NaOH → C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2 O (sodium phenolate, intermediate)

C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2 SO 4 → C 6 H 5 OH + NaHSO 4

  1. Fusion of salts of arenesulfonic acids with alkali:

3000 C

C 6 H 5 SO 3 Na + NaOH → C 6 H 5 OH + Na 2 SO 3

  1. Interaction of halogen derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons with alkalis:

300 0 C, P, Cu

C 6 H 5 Cl + NaOH (8-10% solution) → C 6 H 5 OH + NaCl

or with steam:

450-500 0 C, Al 2 O 3

C 6 H 5 Cl + H 2 O → C 6 H 5 OH + HCl

The biological role of phenol compounds


Negative (toxic effect)

  1. medicines (purgen, paracetamol)
  2. antiseptics (3-5% solution - carbolic acid)
  3. essential oils (have strong bactericidal and antiviral properties, stimulate immune system, increase blood pressure: - anethole in dill, fennel, anise - carvacrol and thymol in thyme - eugenol in cloves, basil

    Phenol (hydroxybenzene,carbolic acid)itOorganicth aromatic compound with formulasOhC6H5OH. Belongs to the class of the same name - phenols.

    In turn, Phenols- this is a class of organic compounds of the aromatic series, in which hydroxyl groups Oh− linked to the carbon of the aromatic ring.

    According to the number of hydroxyl groups, there are:

    • monohydric phenols (arenols): phenol and its homologues;
    • dihydric phenols (arendiols): pyrocatechol, resorcinol, hydroquinone;
    • trihydric phenols (arentriols): pyrogallol, hydroxyhydroquinone, phloroglucinol;
    • polyhydric phenols.

    Accordingly, actually phenol, as a substance, is the simplest representative of the phenol group and has one aromatic nucleus and one hydroxyl group HE.

    Phenol Properties

    Freshly distilled phenol is colorless needle-like crystals with a melting point 41 °С and boiling point 182 °С. When stored, especially in a humid atmosphere and in the presence of small amounts of iron and copper salts, it quickly acquires a red color. Phenol is miscible in any ratio with alcohol, water (when heated above 60 °С), freely soluble in ether, chloroform, glycerin, carbon disulfide.

    Due to the presence -OH hydroxyl group, phenol has chemical properties characteristic of both alcohols and aromatic hydrocarbons.

    According to the hydroxyl group, phenol enters into the following reactions:

    • Since phenol has slightly stronger acidic properties than alcohols, under the influence of alkalis it forms salts - phenolates (for example, sodium phenolate - C 6 H 5 ONa):

    C 6 H 5 OH + NaOH -> C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2 O

    • As a result of the interaction of phenol with metallic sodium, sodium phenolate is also obtained:

    2C 6 H 5 OH + 2Na -> 2C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2

    • Phenol is not directly esterified with carboxylic acids; esters are obtained by reacting phenolates with anhydrides or acid halides:

    C 6 H 5 OH + CH 3 COOH -> C6H 5 OCOCH 3 + NaCl

    • During the distillation of phenol with zinc dust, the reaction of substitution of the hydroxyl group with hydrogen occurs:

    C 6 H 5 OH + Zn -> C 6 H 6 + ZnO

    Reactions of phenol on the aromatic ring:

    • Phenol enters into electrophilic substitution reactions on the aromatic ring. The OH group, being one of the strongest donor groups (due to a decrease in the electron density on the functional group), increases the reactivity of the ring to these reactions and directs the substitution to ortho- and pair- provisions. Phenol is readily alkylated, acylated, halogenated, nitrated, and sulfonated.
    • Kolbe-Schmitt reaction serves for the synthesis of salicylic acid and its derivatives (acetylsalicylic acid and others).

    C 6 H 5 OH + CO 2 - NaOH -> C 6 H 4 OH (COONa)

    C 6 H 4 OH (COONa) - H2SO4 -> C 6 H 4 OH (COOH)

    Qualitative reactions to phenol:
    • As a result of interaction with bromine water:

    C 6 H 5 OH + 3Br 2 -> C 6 H 2 Br 3 OH + 3HBr

    formed 2,4,6-tribromophenol is a white solid.
    • With concentrated nitric acid:

    C 6 H 5 OH + 3HNO 3 -> C 6 H 2 (NO 2) 3 OH + 3H 2 O

    • With iron(III) chloride (qualitative reaction for phenol):

    C 6 H 5 OH + FeCl 3 -> ⌈Fe (C 6 H 5 OH) 6 ⌉Cl 3

    addition reaction

    • Hydrogenation of phenol in the presence of metal catalysts Pt/Pd , Pd/Ni , get cyclohexyl alcohol:

    C 6 H 5 OH -> C 6 H 11 OH

    Phenol oxidation

    Due to the presence of a hydroxyl group in the phenol molecule, the oxidation resistance is much lower than that of benzene. Depending on the nature of the oxidizing agent and the reaction conditions, various products are obtained.

    • So, under the action of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of an iron catalyst, a small amount of diatomic phenol - pyrocatechol is formed:

    C 6 H 5 OH + 2H 2 O 2 - Fe> C 6 H 4 (OH) 2

    • When interacting with stronger oxidizing agents (chromium mixture, manganese dioxide in an acidic medium), para-quinone is formed.

    Getting phenol

    Phenol is obtained from coal tar (coking product) and synthetically.

    The coal tar of coke production contains from 0.01 to 0.1% phenols, in semi-coking products from 0.5 to 0.7%; in oil resulting from hydrogenation and in waste water taken together - from 0.8 to 3.7%. Brown coal tar and semi-coking wastewater contain from 0.1 to 0.4% phenols. Coal tar is distilled, selecting the phenolic fraction, which boils away at 160-250 °С. The composition of the phenol fraction includes phenol and its homologues (25-40%), naphthalene (25-40%) and organic bases (pyridine, quinoline). Naphthalene is separated by filtration, and the rest of the fraction is treated with 10-14% sodium hydroxide solution.

    The resulting phenolates are separated from neutral oils and pyridine bases by blowing with live steam and then treated with carbon dioxide. The isolated crude phenols are subjected to rectification, selecting successively phenol, cresols and xylenols.

    Most of the phenol currently produced on an industrial scale is obtained by various synthetic methods.

    Synthetic methods for obtaining phenol

    1. By benzenesulfonate method benzene is mixed with vitriol oil. The resulting product is treated with soda and the sodium salt of benzenesulfonic acid is obtained, after which the solution is evaporated, the precipitated sodium sulfate is separated, and the sodium salt of benzenesulfonic acid is fused with alkali. Either saturate the resulting sodium phenolate with carbon dioxide or add sulfuric acid until sulfur dioxide begins to evolve and distill off the phenol.
    2. Chlorobenzene method consists in direct chlorination of benzene with gaseous chlorine in the presence of iron or its salts and saponification of the resulting chlorobenzene with a solution of sodium hydroxide or during hydrolysis in the presence of a catalyst.
    3. Modified Raschig Method based on the oxidative chlorination of benzene with hydrogen chloride and air, followed by the hydrolysis of chlorobenzene and the isolation of phenol by distillation.
    4. cumene method consists in the alkylation of benzene, the oxidation of the resulting isopropylbenzene to cumene hydroperoxide and its subsequent decomposition into phenol and acetone:
      Isopropylbenzene is obtained by treating benzene with pure propylene or propane-propylene fraction of oil cracking, purified from other unsaturated compounds, moisture, mercaptans and hydrogen sulfide poisoning the catalyst. Aluminum trichloride dissolved in polyalkylbenzene is used as a catalyst, for example. in diisopropylbenzene. Alkylation is carried out at 85 ° C and excess pressure 0.5 MPa, which ensures the flow of the process in the liquid phase. Isopropylbenzene is oxidized to hydroperoxide with atmospheric oxygen or technical oxygen at 110-130°С in the presence of salts of metals of variable valency (iron, nickel, cobalt, manganese) Decompose hydroperoxide with dilute acids (sulphuric or phosphoric) or small amounts of concentrated sulfuric acid at 30-60 °С. After distillation, phenol, acetone and a certain amount of α-methylstyrene. The industrial cumene method developed in the USSR is the most economically advantageous in comparison with other methods for the production of phenol. The production of phenol through benzenesulfonic acid is associated with the consumption of large amounts of chlorine and alkali. Oxidative chlorination of benzene is associated with a large steam consumption 3-6 times greater than when using other methods; in addition, severe corrosion of equipment occurs during chlorination, which requires the use of special materials. The cumene method is simple in hardware design and allows you to simultaneously obtain two technically valuable products: phenol and acetone.
    5. During the oxidative decarboxylation of benzoic acid first, a liquid-phase catalytic oxidation of toluene to benzoic acid is carried out, which, in the presence of Сu 2+ converted to benzenesalicylic acid. This process can be described by the following diagram:
      Benzoylsalicylic acid decomposes with water vapor into salicylic and benzoic acids. Phenol is formed as a result of the rapid decarboxylation of salicylic acid.

    Application of phenol

    Phenol is used as a raw material for the production of polymers: polycarbonate and (first bisphenol A is synthesized, and then these), phenol formaldehyde resins, cyclohexanol (with subsequent production of nylon and capron).

    In the process of oil refining with the help of phenol, oils are purified from resinous substances, sulfur-containing compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

    In addition, phenol serves as a raw material for the production of ionol, neonols (), creosols, aspirin, antiseptics and pesticides.

    Phenol is a good preservative and antiseptic. It is used for disinfection in animal husbandry, medicine, and cosmetology.

    Toxic properties of phenol

    Phenol is toxic (hazard class II). Inhalation of phenol disrupts the functions nervous system. Dust, vapors and phenol solution, if it comes into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract, skin, cause chemical burns. Upon contact with the skin, phenol is absorbed within a few minutes and begins to affect the central nervous system. In large doses, it can cause paralysis of the respiratory center. Lethal dose for humans if ingested 1-10 g, for kids 0.05-0.5 g.

    Kuznetsov E. V., Prokhorova I. P. Album technological schemes production of polymers and plastics based on them. Ed. 2nd. M., Chemistry, 1975. 74 p.
    Knop A., Sheib V. Phenolic resins and materials based on them. M., Chemistry, 1983. 279 p.
    Bachman A., Muller K. Phenoplasts. M., Chemistry, 1978. 288 p.
    Nikolaev A.F. Technology of plastics, L., Chemistry, 1977. 366 p.