What tissues are living organisms woven from? Plant and animal tissue

Lesson on the topic: “Generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic “Tissues of living organisms”.

Senkina N.N., teacher of biology, MBOU "Sosh No. 14"

Lesson objectives:

Educational: to reveal the students' knowledge of the factual material, the level of its comprehension; correction of students' knowledge.

Developing: to continue the development of skills in the analysis and synthesis of educational material;

The ability to apply knowledge in practice, to be creative in solving educational problems.

Educational: fostering mutual respect, the formation of a sense of responsibility and objectivism.

Lesson type: correction and control of knowledge.

Lesson form: individual, group work.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

We got to know you with a variety of plant and animal tissues. You learned about their structure, what functions these tissues perform, their location in the organisms of plants and animals.

Our task in this lesson:

1. Systematize knowledge about the diversity of tissues.

2. Learn to distinguish between fabrics in the drawings.

3. Prove the relationship - “structure - function” (slide 2)

    The main part of the lesson.

1 exercise. Let's put things in order.

A) frontal survey: Students are given a VOC with spaces for each desk,

they, filling in the gaps, give definitions to terms or concepts

B ) individual board work:

1 student Task: Collect tissues that are characteristic of plants

2 student Task: Collect tissues characteristic of animals.

We open a slide on which the basic concepts and terms on the topic “Tissues of living organisms” are written in disorder. From each row, the student goes to the interactive whiteboard and enters his terms into the table.

Demonstrating slide 4.

    Plant tissues

Animal tissues

    coverslips(epiderm - skin, periderm - cork)

    Conductive(xylem - vessels, phloem - sieve tubes)

    Mechanical(collenchyma, sclerenchyma - bast)

    Main(parenchyma, photosynthetic, storage)

    Educational(apical meristem, cambium)

    epithelial(types of epithelium: cuboidal, ciliated, etc.)

    Connecting(bone, cartilage, fat, blood)

    Muscular(striated, smooth, cordial)


2 task. Recognize the fabric from its photograph. (slides 5-11)

In the previous lessons, you performed laboratory work, examined plant and animal tissue under a microscope. Can you recognize fabrics in photographs and drawings? Students name the type of fabric, explaining why they think so, i.e. name the main structural features of the tissue, their location.

On the board are shown photographs of different fabrics:

    Epithelial tissues of animals

    Integumentary tissues of plants;

3) Animal connective tissues

4) Conductive tissues of plants;

    Are these types of tissues characteristic of a plant or animal?

    Is it possible to assume the function of these tissues from the drawing?

    Give the names of these tissues, name the features of their structure.

5) Muscle tissue,

    Are these types of tissues characteristic of a plant or an animal?

    What types of muscle tissue are there in the body?

    What are the properties of muscle tissue?

    What feature of animals is associated with the presence of muscle tissue in them?

    What other tissue is closely related to the function of these tissues?

6) Photosynthetic tissue,

7) Nervous tissue.

Having considered the structure of different tissues - plants and animals, we can do the following


1. According to the structure of cells and the characteristics of their vital activity, it is possible to determine what type of tissue they belong to and what function they perform.

3 task. Compare and draw a conclusion. (slides 12 - 17)

Multicellular animals and plants have tissues similar in structure and function.

(It is necessary to bring the reasoning of children to the fact that the structure and functions of tissues are interconnected.)

Let us define tissues that perform similar functions in plants and animals.

Slideshow (slides 13 - 20), which depict the tissues of plants and animals in comparison.

1. Slide 14. Name the tissues that perform a protective function in plants and animals. What other function can these integumentary tissues perform?

2. Slide 15. What are the tissues that communicate between different organs, are involved in the conduct of various substances? What are the similarities and differences between these tissues of plants and animals?

3. slide 16. Animals and plants have tissues that support their shape, i.e. are the backbone. What are the similarities and differences between these fabrics?

(Bone tissue cells are composed of minerals; mechanical tissue cells have thickened membranes).

4. Slide 17. What tissues mainly form the entire body mass of a plant and an animal?

Why are these tissues so different?

So, the tissue cells of multicellular organisms are specialized to perform a specific function. This specialization increases the efficiency of the whole organism. But at the same time, all tissues must also work in concert. How is this problem solved?

Plants have a special system of regulation of biologically active substances that are distributed throughout the body in dissolved form.

In animals, this problem was solved with the advent of nervous tissue.

5. Slide 18. What ability do animals have, unlike plants?

The active lifestyle of animals is determined by the work of muscle and nervous tissues, which are distinguished by their ability to quickly respond to irritation, turning into an excited state.

Students put down the corresponding tissue functions in the empty cells of the LOS.

4 task.Think - biological tasks:(slides 18-20)

What is the practical significance of knowledge about the tissues of organisms?

The study of the structure and functions of tissues became possible thanks to light microscopy using various techniques for fixing and staining materials.

Modern methods allow the growth of individual tissues outside the body. This method of preserving cell viability is called tissue culture.

1. What practical value can this method have?

Student's story "Cells and tissues of plants grow in a test tube."

2. From a small piece of plant tissue, scientists manage to grow several thousand adult plants. What tissue do you think plants take for these experiments? Why don't these animal experiments succeed?

3. Why is plant growth much easier to control than animal growth?

4. Is it possible for an animal to exist that lacks any type of animal tissue?

    Let's summarize our lesson:

Fill in the gaps in the LOS for the topic "Tissues of living organisms." VOC discussion. (slide 21)

Conclusions.(slide 22)

    The body of most multicellular plants and animals is made up of tissues.

    Tissues are made up of cells and intercellular substance. All tissue cells are interconnected.

    Fabrics are different types. Each type of tissue performs a specific function.

    The presence of tissues and their coordinated work allows multicellular organisms to successfully carry out vital processes and adapt to various environmental conditions.

IV. Students complete work with VOC, hand it over to the teacher for verification.


V. Knowledge control.


Option 1.

1. The epithelial tissue of animals is located:

A) only outside the body, b) inside hollow organs; c) outside and in the internal organs.

2. Completely consists of educational fabric:

a) the upper part of the shoot; b) the lower part of the root; c) young leaf; d) the germ of the seed.

3. Conductive tissue of plants:

A) tissue in which organic matter accumulates

B) is formed by cells with very strong membranes

C) carries out the movement of dissolved nutrients throughout the plant.

4. Tissue that gives the body of the plant elasticity:

A) mechanical, b) integumentary, c) educational.

5. Complete the phrase: " The blood contains a liquid intercellular substance - _

Option 2.

    A tissue whose cells are capable of dividing throughout life is called:

A) mechanical, b) conductive, c) educational.

2. The integumentary tissue of plants includes:

A) bark; b) bast fibers; c) wood; d) core.

3. The main conductive elements of wood are:

A) blood vessels b) sieve tubes; c) companion cells; d) fibers.

4. Choose an animal-only fabric:

A) educational B) integumentary C) nervous, D) storage.

5. The functions of adipose tissue do not include:

A) storage of substances, b) preservation of heat, c) ensuring the flexibility of the body, d) protection from damage.

VI. Self-control - on the board - the correct answers.

Homework: repeat chapter 3, complete the test in the notebook on pages 22 - 24.

Last name of the student ______________________________________________

Logical reference diagram on the topic "Tissues of living organisms"

Cells +

(the science - ___________________)

intercellular substance


(the science - ____________________)

? ________

Plant tissues

animal tissue

1. Covers:

Cells adhere tightly

1. epithelial

(peel -________________,

_____________- periderm)

2. Main:

Cells are located _________:

2. Connecting

(parenchyma: storage,


developed _____________ substance

(bone, cartilage, fat, _______________)

3. Conductive:

3 . Muscular

(_____________ - xylem,

sieve tubes - _________)

4. Mechanical:

4. nervous tissue

(collenchyma, sclerenchyma)



    Protective; 2. Support;

5. Educational:

3. Reserve;

4. Photosynthetic;

(meristem -_______________

5. Holding solutions of substances;

___________ - secondary growth)

6. Constant division - growth.

7. Perception of irritations

8. Make up the bulk of the body


1. The body of most _____________________________ plants and animals consists of _______________________________.

    Tissues are specialized to carry out a certain ____________________, this can be determined by the _______________ of their cells.

    The presence of tissues and their coordinated work increases the efficiency of the whole organism, and provides ____________________

to different habitats.

General lesson on the topic:

Plant and animal tissue

Afanasyeva Olga Veniaminovna,

KOGOBU SOSH with UIEP of Yaransk

  • Generalize the concept of tissues.
  • Repeat the features of their structure, function and location of tissues.
  • Continue to develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
  • To continue the formation of the ability to work with a microscope and micropreparations.
  • Continue the process of forming the skills to work with various sources of information, analyze, transform it from one form to another by means of a subject.

Set the type of plant tissue:

1. Small, constantly dividing cells with large nuclei form ______________ tissue.

2. Among the cells of ____________ tissue there are living and dead ones.

3. Cells of _________ tissue often have a lignified thick shell.

4. Water with dissolved mineral salts rises from the root along _________ tissue.

5. The pulp of an apple is formed by ________ tissue.

6. The apricot pit is formed by _______ tissue.

  • educational
  • Integumentary
  • Mechanical
  • Conductive
  • Main
  • Mechanical

Set match:

A) main

B) educational

B) cover

D) conductive

1. Root tip

2. Leaf pulp

4. Vessels in leaf veins

5. Skin of the leaf

1-B; 2-A; 3-B; 4-G; 5-B

photo riddles

Identify Animal Tissues

1 - bone (connective)

2 - blood (connective)

3 - cartilaginous (connective)

4 - muscular

Select a general concept:












Cork, bark


  • animal tissue
  • Plant tissues
  • Connective tissues
  • Integumentary tissues
  • Main fabrics
  • Tissues with developed intercellular substance*

Laboratory work

Determining the type of fabric

1. Examine the finished micropreparation under a microscope.

2. Determine the type of fabric.

3. What do you see as the features of this fabric? What does it form in the body?

4. Draw a general conclusion.

What confused Pinocchio?

Papa Carlo, today I learned that you are not made of the tissues that I am made of. It turns out that you have connective, mechanical, nervous, epithelial, muscle and basic tissues. You are covered with epithelial tissue, your muscles are muscle tissue, your bones are made of mechanical tissue, and you think you are the most important - the main tissue.

Oh, Pinocchio, your wooden head! You got it all wrong again!

Problem questions:

1) Imagine that the skin of the leaf is no longer transparent. What would be the consequences of this? Why?

2) How should the number and arrangement of stomata on a leaf change in a plant that is moving from an aquatic to a terrestrial lifestyle? Explain the reasons for these changes.

3) What is the difference between the integumentary tissues of the stem and leaf? How can these differences be explained?

4) Which plants - aquatic or terrestrial - have a more developed mechanical tissue? Give a reasoned answer.

5) What cellular organelles can be found only in the cells of the photosynthetic tissue, and what organelles will be abundant in the storage tissue?

6) It is known that among ferns there are trees up to 25 m high, and the sizes of the largest mosses do not exceed 15-20 cm. Suggest which tissues are better developed in ferns compared to mosses.

Problem questions:

7) Name the plant tissues formed by dead cells. How can these structural features be explained?

8) Are there tissues in the animal body formed by dead cells?

9) From a small piece of plant tissue, scientists manage to grow several thousand adult plants. What tissue do you think plants take for these experiments? Why don't these animal experiments succeed?

10) Why is plant growth much easier to control than animal growth?

11) Is it possible for an animal to exist that lacks any type of animal tissue?

Finish the sentence:

And I didn't know that...

Finally, I realized that...

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    slide 1

    Tissues and organs

    slide 2

    is a collection of cells and intercellular substance, united general structure, function and origin.

    slide 3

    Epithelial tissues, their structure and functions

    single layer

    slide 4

    Its epithelium specific traits buildings
    Covers the body, lines cavities, forms glands Cells are tightly adjacent to each other, there is no intercellular substance Deprived of blood vessels Cells are located on the basement membrane High ability to regenerate

    slide 5

    Single layer epithelium

    slide 6

    Stratified epithelium
    Cells are arranged in several layers.

    Slide 7

    glandular epithelium
    Glandular cells secrete

    Slide 8

    Epithelial tissues and their functions
    The epithelium separates the body (internal environment) from external environment, but at the same time serves as an intermediary in the interaction of the organism with environment(leather).
    Epithelial tissue is involved in secretion (external and internal secretion), absorption (intestinal epithelium), gas exchange (lung epithelium).

    Slide 9

    Connective tissues, their structure and functions
    blood and lymph

    Slide 10

    Connective tissue its characteristic features of the structure
    Consists of cells, intercellular substance and connective tissue fibers. It consists of bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, blood, fat, it is in all organs (loose connective tissue) in the form of the so-called stroma (skeleton) of organs. The intercellular substance is very well expressed.

    slide 11

    Bone connective tissue
    FORMS: bones of the skeleton FUNCTIONS: supporting, motor, protective STRUCTURE: Living cells with long processes, interconnected, intercellular substance - inorganic salts and ossein protein.

    slide 12

    STRUCTURE: Groups of fibrous, densely lying cells without intercellular substance FORMS: Skin proper, tendons, ligaments FUNCTIONS: Integumentary, protective, motor
    dense fibrous
    loose fibrous
    STRUCTURE: Loosely arranged fibrous cells, intertwined m / y. FORMS: Subcutaneous adipose tissue. FUNCTIONS: Fills gaps between organs. Carries out thermoregulation of the body.

    slide 13

    Fibrous connective tissue

    Slide 14

    Adipose connective tissue
    The cells are large and filled with fat. Adipose tissue performs nutritional, shaping and thermoregulatory functions. Adipose tissue is divided into two types: white and brown.

    slide 15

    cartilaginous connective tissue
    STRUCTURE: Living round or oval cells lying in capsules, intercellular substance dense, elastic, transparent
    LOCATION: Intervertebral discs, cartilage of the larynx, trachea, auricle, surface of the joints
    FUNCTIONS: Smoothing rubbing surfaces of bones. Airway deformity protection

    slide 16

    Liquid connective tissue
    Liquid connective tissue, consists of formed elements (cells) and plasma (liquid with organic and mineral substances dissolved in it - serum and fibrinogen protein)

    Slide 17

    Liquid connective tissue
    Carries O2 and nutrients throughout the body. Collects CO2 and dissimilation products. It ensures the constancy of the internal environment, the chemical and gas composition of the body. Protective (immunity). Regulatory (humoral)

    Slide 18

    Muscle tissue classification
    Muscle tissues

    Slide 19

    properties of muscle tissue
    Excitability Conduction Contractility

    Slide 20

    Consists of myocytes, having a large length (up to several cm) and a diameter of 50-100 microns; Cells are multinucleated, up to 100 nuclei;

    slide 21

    The properties of this muscle tissue is a high rate of contraction and relaxation. Its activities are controlled by the will of man. It is part of the skeletal muscles, as well as the walls of the pharynx, the upper part of the esophagus, it forms the tongue, oculomotor muscles.
    striated skeletal
    Under a light microscope, the cytoplasm looks like alternating dark and light stripes.

    slide 22

    Consists of multinucleated cardiomyocytes with transverse striation of the cytoplasm. Cardiomyocytes are branched and form connections between themselves - intercalary disks, in which their cytoplasm is combined. This type of muscle tissue forms the myocardium of the heart.

    slide 23

    striated cardiac
    A special property of this tissue is automaticity - the ability to rhythmically contract and relax under the influence of excitation that occurs in the cells themselves. This tissue is involuntary.

    slide 24

    smooth muscle tissue
    It consists of mononuclear cells - spindle-shaped myocytes 20 - 500 microns long. This tissue has special properties: it slowly contracts and relaxes, has automaticity, and is involuntary. It is part of the walls of internal organs: blood and lymphatic vessels, urinary tract, digestive tract.

    Slide 25

    Their cytoplasm in a light microscope looks uniform, without transverse striation.
    smooth muscle tissue

    slide 26

    nervous tissue
    Nervous tissue consists of neurons and neuroglia.
    Provides interaction of tissues, organs and systems of the body and their regulation.