How to meet a man at the gym. How to meet a guy you like at the gym? Choosing the right girl

These sophisticated men are good for everyone - the only pity is that they are in leggings. It happens that you run along the path, admire the men in the power zone, and you want to tell your girlfriend next to you - look, what ... that one in pantyhose! This playful interpretation of the dress code is now gaining momentum, thanks to the efforts of sports brands. And we, as it were, are not against beautiful pumped up male legs in leggings, but ... the key word is "beautiful". Although even guys with perfect quads and calves in such leggings are questionable - they broadcast, you know, mixed messages. Looks like they're playing for the wrong team. Oh, and there are also men in bicycles, we won’t talk about them at all.


He did fitness at home for a long time - on simulators assembled from shit and sticks, but somehow it turned out that he got into the gym. This did not make him go to the "Sportmaster" and dress up: he dresses like a gastic. Sweatpants from the gloomy nineties, sneakers, a fake Adidas T-shirt - he did not come here to show off. Yes, he doesn’t care, and in general vegetables are usually silent, like graves. They swing in the free weights hall - simulators are pampering for them. In general, the guys are gloomy and let's not touch them at all anymore.


At first he liked to eat. Pies are, you know, just a way not to get bored while the second one is warming up. But whether it’s VKontakte publics, Zhigan’s songs, or the inscriptions on the fence “Enough drinking, go in for sports” - we don’t know what prompted the fat man to come to the hall. But he came. He will actively need help - come up to you and ask how this or that simulator works, tenderly looking into your eyes. If this kind of charity is rarely on your gym to-do lists, avoid the fat one. His only plus is that at least he is not a leggings.

  • JOBS

These guys with intimidating muscles and the cold eyes of Tywin Lannister are not the worst thing that the audience can look at. But, unfortunately, they think too much of themselves. Visiting other people's monasteries, enthusiastically brandishing their own charter - this is their strong point. Get ready: you will be corrected and commented. Comment and correct. Whether you like it or not.

One such guy constantly rolled up to me on hyperextension, showing exactly how to deal with the back in this difficult exercise. "Keep her straight as a stick!" he assured. "It's like a leaf of steel on your ass!" I, too, am an unrecognized symbolist poet. Thank you for the eternal allergy to hyperextension. If you get very tired, exhale and try to remain polite. Just think - what would the Dalai Lama do now? Peace to you.


This one is dressed like Kindergarten to rhythm. Sometimes his mother escorts him. His arms (as well as his legs) in the thickest place can be clasped with fingers. He drinks gainers three times a day, eats like a bastard and still does not get fat. But his excessive zeal is not so bad: the drisch is ready for anything. Despite her mother's prohibitive cries, she takes the biggest barbell and tries her best. He reads instructions from a smart fitness book aloud and follows them scrupulously. I loved to sit next to Drish and just watch once again how and what he does. Talent imitates, you know, genius steals.

  • BOYS

A provincial semi-gopnik, who a couple of years ago, on foot, like Lomonosov, came to the metropolis and has not yet trimmed himself. This is the guy who thinks oral sex perversion and drinks live beer on the bench. On his T-shirt he has a double-headed eagle or the inscription a la "Crimea is ours", and in general he is somehow too federal. He may even come to meet you - sports girls without bad habits fit perfectly into his paradigm of an ideal spouse (as well as those who know the word "paradigm"). Do not be angry at such a move - never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity. Logically explain to him that he is not welcome in your bed, and change the room.

Passionate gym enthusiasts are not very interested in girls. They are much more interested in men. Not in this sense, but in the sense of men's approval and envy. Communication on a sports theme. Prot. Pharma. Sneakers. Complexes of exercises ... In short, everything that is directly related to their passion.

Therefore, to please a passionate lover of pumping is almost as difficult as to interest a gay. Especially in the gym, where he is doing what he loves. But if the amateur is not so passionate, then what the hell is not joking. Here is a letter from a girl and let's hope her chosen one is not a fan, but an ordinary guy who goes to the gym.


"Hello Evolution!

Thank you so much for what you are doing. I read your blog and often want to scream in surprise - some situations that happened in my life are so accurately described.

I decided to write you a letter for analysis, and if it interests you, I will be very happy.

Although there is nothing to disassemble, in fact. Rather, I am an illustration of an unfortunate fish that wants something, but cannot do it.

The fact is that I really like one young man. He is tall, handsome, athletic brunette. He goes to the same gym as me. And it's all. I don't know his name or what he does, I tried to find him on social media. networks (there is a group of our sports club in one social network), but it is not there (in any case, I did not find it). The first time I have this - not knowing anything about a man to blush and turn pale from his mere appearance.

See how dangerous it is to be a fish.

If you like a guy, smile at him right away. Try to strike up a conversation right away. Otherwise, you will think about him, dream, search for him on the Internet, his figure in the field will grow, his significance will increase, and it will really become problematic to get to know each other in such unequal conditions. At least too exciting. He is already beloved and dear to you, and you are an unfamiliar girl for him. Imagine the dissonance.

Therefore, you noticed that you like it, appear immediately, do not pull. It will also not be scary to get a lapel-turn, as long as the significance is small.

“I look pretty good, I have an attractive figure - a thin waist, a round butt, abs, I have been doing sports for many years and it shows. gym and I'm not the only one there. Plus, I have a lot of complexes - so I can't rely on my appearance with confidence. I like to take care of myself, watch my weight, nutrition, clothes; everything is fine with work - I love it and make good money I have a good sense of humor, I get along well with people.

Theoretically, as far as I understand, you need something to interest this young man, somehow hook him on the hook, but with what - I can’t imagine. Thought about asking him about one exercise he does (I haven't seen him anywhere before). Perhaps it will please him. I am pleased when I am asked for advice in the hall, I am always happy to help. Sometimes we run side by side on a treadmill, but distracting a person while running is not the most best idea, it seems to me. I wanted to clarify that he always goes to the gym with a friend and helps him (a friend is a beginner), and my sympathy has been practicing for a long time - this can be seen both in technique and in figure.

And why do you hope to immediately please him? Especially when asking for help. If he does not even notice you, he will not experience any delight from this. You, like the girl from the previous letter, on the one hand, understand that the initial data are different: you are interested in him, he is not in you, but you don’t want to accept this to the end, build illusions that he will be very pleased. No, he will be almost nothing most likely.

You must show your attention. Smile at him, start a conversation. You can ask for help, but not to make him feel good about it, but to thank him warmly and possibly get to know each other after that. You can even say: you helped me so much, let me treat you to coffee? Here he will surely be pleased. Even if he is married.

You don't have to be anything special just yet. It's enough that you're a nice girl in your own right. You show him sympathy and it will be a big plus in his eyes. Other cute girls are closed to him, but you will open up. And this is how you win. And further, when communicating, you can like him even more. Or maybe not. But without throwing a bait, you will not catch anything. Need to try.

“But when I see him, I start to panic: I get lost, crumpled, start fiddling with the phone in my hands or do some other stupid thing. Once he asked me if I was doing one of the simulators, and I All she could do was squeeze out "no".

I absolutely don’t understand if he notices me at all, well, that is, he sees, of course, like I do everyone else in the hall, But I’m almost sure that he doesn’t single out me in any way, Sometimes it seems to me that he somehow looked at me, but, I think it's all my fantasies and desires.

I’m rushing from “yes, fuck him, don’t waste time, nothing will come of it” to “if you don’t try to at least get to know each other, you will regret it, I don’t know anything about him and if he stops going to my gym, I’ll just never I won't see."

I feel absolutely helpless: I don’t understand how to attract attention to myself, how to make him at least a little interested in me, so that we at least begin to say hello when we meet. Everything is complicated by the fact that when he appears, I am completely lost. I am far from stupid, by the nature of my activity I have to communicate a lot with people, it is difficult to confuse me, I have a coherent and fairly competent speech, I can compose words into a sentence) but not in this case.

You are so tormented by the fact that you are very scared, what if he does not fall in love with you. But it's not scary. Look, now he is definitely not in love with you. And nothing, you are alive and well. That is, he can either fall in love or not fall in love. You either get it or stay with yours. You just feel like you're missing something. You will only lose the illusion that he is already in love. No, he's not in love yet. And calm down.

"I think I'm missing something very important in this story (so to speak).

If you read my letter, perhaps I will understand. I understand that all this somehow looks childish and stupid, but maybe someone else is familiar with this situation and information on how to get out of such situations will come in handy.

Thank you in advance!"

You need to learn how to get out of such situations.

If you do not learn to take the initiative, you will eventually decide that it is not profitable to be interested in anyone at all, you have to wait until they are interested in you, and before that be closed and indifferent. But indifferent and closed, almost no one is interested. This is Rapunzel's tower, and on high tower almost no one climbs. At least very rarely anyone climbs. What for? If there are a lot of open and friendly girls around.

Become like that too, your chances of love will increase dramatically, even if nothing works out with a particular man. He may be in a relationship. Or gay. Or, God forbid, of course, a passionate lover of the gym. But you still have a chance, and most importantly, it is an opportunity to change at least a little for the better.

You can meet the man of your dreams in a completely unpredictable place. But sometimes there is neither time nor desire to wait for mercy from fate. Then you need to take the initiative in your own hands and make acquaintances yourself. One of the places where you can choose a potential "victim" is the gym. I want to tell you how knowtobathe with a manfitness room.

The gym is good because here you can appreciate a man in all its glory. If he looks good in a sports uniform, then he will look good in a suit. However, beware of pumped athletes. For the most part, such men in bed are of little use. Apparently, all their strength is spent in the gym, and taking steroid drugs has a detrimental effect on potency.

So, if you have already chosen the subject of your hunt, it's time to move on to offensive actions.


Women's legs, dressed in tight leggings, and breasts, favorably fixed in sports top, - such an outfit will make a woman even more appetizing in the eyes of a man. Therefore, take care of bright, stylish and high-quality sportswear.

Do not be afraid of the smell of your sweat. It turns out that this smell drives many men crazy, moreover, the female body, covered with droplets of sweat, seems incredibly sexy to them. Modern science has found an explanation for this ancient love potion. It turns out that human skin exudes mysterious volatile substances - pheromones. They then influence our likes and dislikes.

Loud moans

If you moan loudly and passionately during the exercises, you can be sure that you will definitely attract attention to yourself. But seriously, it is important not to get lost in the crowd of other such conquerors. You must stand out. To do this, you can leave classes in the aerobics room, and go to the simulators. It will be much easier to get acquainted with a man here.

Get sexy

If the simulators do not attract you at all, then try not to lose your sexuality when doing the exercises. Be sure to include the following exercises in your training program:

Raising the legs, standing on all fours;
- squats with a wide setting of the legs;
- Bent over barbell/dumbbell row;
- slopes with a barbell;
- bending the legs in the simulator (lying).

Ask for help

You may wonder if you can do your trip on the simulator while the man who worked on it rests in between exercises. Most likely, the young man will gladly let you through and, even after his approach on the simulator, will carefully place your load. And this is a signal to continue dating!

Or you can pretend that you feel bad. Do not immediately faint, a little dizziness is enough. He will certainly show concern by bringing water, or taking him to the doctor.

pretend to be incompetent

To do this, just ask the man you like to adjust the simulator you need. It is so typical for a girl and even somewhere it is supposed not to understand the mechanisms. Let him feel like a real man and do what he does better than you.

You can also ask a man to insure you when performing some difficult exercise. It's so close!

confuse him with a coach

Such a petty sycophancy, which, however, works! Approach the object of your desire and seek advice on how to perform this or that exercise. A man will be very flattered that you confused him with a coach, which means that his physical form indicates that he has already achieved something. And your consultation gives him the opportunity to feel like an expert and a mentor at the same time. Giving a person the opportunity to increase his assessment, extolling his "I", you automatically get his sympathy for yourself.

There is undoubtedly a 100% benefit from playing sports - and this applies not only seductive toned body and good spirits. For single girls, the gym can be place acquaintance with a charming and athletic man. All the advantages of a potential partner are immediately visible. However, there is an opinion that the guy should take the first step. As a result, the army of girls has been waiting for their soulmate for years instead of tying meeting an interesting young man. So how meet a man or the guy in gym so as not to spoil the reputation? A few rules and methods - in the next article!

How to meet in the gym?

You can get the most out of training - and it's not just about a beautiful, toned body and great mood. Single girls may well use a visit to the gym as way become acquainted with an attractive, athletic man without bad habits. Tempting? Then drop the constraint and act! We give a full account of the how become acquainted with a man in the gym.


Before you try meet you need to prepare a little. Not all girls think that the gym is the place where you need to look perfect, and this is their mistake. You will be much simpler become acquainted, if you are not in an elongated T-shirt and rolled up "training shoes", but in a stylish and fashionable tracksuit. There are many little things like this:

1. Training is not a reason to come without makeup. Certainly, evening make-up out of place, but a little mascara, light eyeliner and lip balm certainly won't hurt. If you have skin problems, use foundation.
2. Many girls come to training with a crooked ponytail on the back of their heads. Take the trouble to make a decent hairstyle that at the same time will not interfere with classes - it can be a braid, a bump or a ponytail.
3. Choose nice clothes for training, make sure that they match with shoes.
4. Do not use perfume before training! But the antiperspirant must be with you.
5. Do not come to training with headphones in your ears - this way you look fenced off from the outside world.
6. Take the trouble to learn the names of machines and exercises, read about training programs so that you have something to talk about with the athlete.

With this little preparation, you will notice that the male part of the visitors pays attention to you when you, beautiful and cheerful, appear at the door of the gym. Now you can act!

Good day, friends. In today's article: “how to meet in the gym” we will talk about how a MAN can meet a GIRL in a gym (fitness club, gym) and vice versa, i.e. as a GIRL to drive up to the male she likes. Hmm, perhaps for some the article will seem meaningless, they say, there was a pick-up guru, with his own advice .. I myself know everything. Well friends, I'm happy for you, but a few practical advice how to get to know each other better and easier in the gym will never be superfluous (just read, take note, maybe someday, but come in handy, you never know). Well, let's not swing for a long time, let's get started 🙂

Many people think that the gym (fitness club, gym, HOUSE .. haha, in general, this place is called differently, that's not the point) is not suitable for dating, arguing that there are more suitable places, for example: the Internet (dating sites, VKontakte, Facebook, classmates and other crap) and nightclubs. That's often (actually) that's all, but in other places it IS IMPOSSIBLE. Well, at least that's what they say on the Internet.

What can be said about this?

Of course, I do not agree with this opinion and I think that you can get acquainted ANYWHERE, i.e. in any place, whether it be: a fitness club, street, transport (minibus, bus, taxi), nightclub, restaurant, cafe, bar, shop (hypermarket, supermarket ..), at some courses and trainings to study what or, ... the list can be continued indefinitely (I wrote that the first thing that came to mind), I hope I conveyed to you the very essence (acquaintance, it can happen ANYWHERE and ANYWHERE), it is much more important that you have a desire for dating, and even the place itself plays a minor role (take my word for it, whatever the pickup gurus say, well, judging by what I read on the Internet, they tease about it, almost on every corner, so we had to clarify this segment , once and for all, for every fireman). In fitness clubs, they still get to know each other, flirt and start relationships ... Just if you don’t do this, it doesn’t mean that others don’t.

Oh yeah, serious aspiring athletes should now step in with their opinion: the gym is primarily for training. And I agree with this, I don’t argue)), but still, not all people are like you (have you thought about this?) ... someone comes to the gym out of BOREDOM, for communication, dating, etc. Do you understand? Everyone has different goals, muscles are not important to everyone. Well, okay, that's sorted out. Move on.

In case you are stubborn as a sheep, now we will talk about why the fitness club a good place for acquaintance (arguing your arguments, of course), i.e. for those people who think that the gym (fitness club) is not the right place to meet, be sure to read)).

Firstly when a MAN (male) and a WOMAN (female) have similar goals (in this case, sport), then they already (before they meet) have at least ONE COMMON INTEREST, and this in turn means that it will be EASIER for BOTH of them to find mutual language(it’s already cool when a female and a male train together, because sports couples are achishuenny, whoever is in the subject will understand)).

Secondly, most people in the gym are natural, without external attributes that somehow distinguish them (show their coolness, such as expensive watches, fashion shoes, rings and other nonsense), in general, men are like men (but, in our time, sometimes you can tell a hell of a man from a girl, again, whoever is in the subject will understand)), but girls / women usually do not run a marathon ... t .e. they don’t wear makeup like they’re going to a party, they don’t wear extremely sweet perfumes, they don’t do complicated hairstyles, etc. in general, there is no all this pathos (show off), a person appears as he really is (<= вот то, что я хотел до вас донести, не подумайте, никого не хотел обидеть если что). В общем, все это дает шанс увидеть человека таким, какой он есть на самом деле.

Thirdly, as already mentioned, not all people who go to the gym do it seriously. Those. there are those who came from boredom ... or chat with friends, make new acquaintances (friends), in general, relax, and also work out a little: D. Those. I mean that in any fitness club there are men / women (girls) who themselves do not mind making an acquaintance (maybe they came for this).

Fourth, acquaintance in a fitness club can happen suddenly by itself (without even suspecting it).

Fifth, 99% that sports guys and girls have no bad habits (because alcohol and smoking are incompatible with bodybuilding).

At sixth, they (girls and men) are healthy (not always of course, occasionally even with a healthy lifestyle, there are rare diseases, what to do, such is fate), but still, classes in a fitness club imply a healthy lifestyle (health of a man and a woman, and in the last (girl) health is also future offspring).

Well, I hope I convinced you that dating in a fitness club is a suitable place for dating, in other respects, like other places (we will not single out this or that place, because this is not important), it is much more important to have a desire for dating.

How to meet a girl/boyfriend in the gym?

The main rule for serious swing when meeting is this: “Did you like a girl with a barbell? Wait until she is tired and take her. Guy, not a barbell - a girl!”)))) Ahaha.

Well, seriously, it is unlikely that serious rockers will get acquainted. The main goal of going to the gym for these guys is TRAINING. Everything is taken into account there: the rest time between sets, the number of exercises, approaches (sets), the time of the workout itself, etc. there is no time for all this even if you want to. The only exception can be the periodization of the same Kachenka, i.e. when he alternates workouts HEAVY-LIGHT. So, in an easy week, if there is a desire, everything is possible (there are light workouts, there is time for flirting, getting to know each other, etc.), but in a hard week, 100% is not. P.s. it's such a little secret)) for girls (to know, if anything, when to roll up), I'm sure that, for someone, it will come in handy.

Tips for Guys:

The main advice that I can give is very simple: the most important thing (in any situation, not just in dating) just stay the way you really are! You never need this pathos (show off), it does not lead to anything good. Don't pretend to be someone you are not.

Well, before you get acquainted, you need to do a preliminary analysis, so that there are no ridiculous situations, you need to:

First of all, you need to see if she is ready to get acquainted or comes to the gym just to train (in this case, two more subsections: 1. the girl is training, but wrong. 2. The girl trains correctly (experienced athlete) ).

Those. can be identified 3 types of girls:

  1. The girl herself does not mind meeting, or she came not to study, but to get acquainted.
  2. The girl is training, but wrong.
  3. The girl trains correctly (an experienced athlete).

I believe that in the first case everything is clear .. That is. remember, not all people go to a fitness club in order to train, someone is just BORED, for fun, communication, dating, etc. Do you understand? Everyone has different goals. If out of boredom, that is. for dating, flirting, etc. then you can get acquainted as you like, in principle, because for this she came there, talk about anything - you can’t go wrong 😀

In the second case if a girl is training, but your actions are not correct: help, hey ... correct her mistakes by showing care and attention, and then you can talk to her according to any scheme convenient for you (you can talk about anything in principle)), cinema, music, books, work, her hobbies, etc.), at the end it is not possible (and even necessary) to offer to meet, having previously taken her phone before that)).

In the third case , if a girl walks with the main goal (training only), you see that she is an experienced athlete, you can’t help with advice here and in general it seems that you can’t drive up in any way (this is the same as an experienced male bodybuilder, in fact), then in this case you need be more careful. In training, it’s unlikely that you will succeed, because for sure she has already seen all kinds of tackles from pick-up gurus and will easily figure out your “cunning”, so to speak, although everything is possible (if there was a desire). The main advice here: do not be intrusive .. you can ask to insure in this or that exercise, and then start a conversation and feel like that, just do the best thing to offer to talk after training, or even outside the walls of the gym. (see for yourself according to the situation).

Well, something like this. There will be no other recommendations. Because I either don’t know about them, or they are simply banal (take my word for it, after I wrote the above text, I re-read a lot of crap in order to try to add something .. and didn’t find anything normal), I won’t tell you advice to dress normally and smell good? Ahaha))), let's leave this game to someone else.

Tips for girls:

Well, the clearest and at the same time simplest option is to ask for help if he suddenly "accidentally" happened to be nearby (any request for help will do, the main thing is that it should not be intrusive), for example: disassemble the weights on the simulator (for example, if some “decent” person didn’t understand) either suggest the technique of this or that exercise (how this or that is done), or ask for insurance in some exercise .. well, in general, I think the essence is clear. This option is well suited if the male you like is not full of skinny (and is engaged for some time, yes, he knows something, in general, on alpha males)), i.e. It will definitely work for experienced bodybuilders (100% guarantee), but for frail ones - I don’t know, I don’t)). Although, the photo below says something, doesn't it?))

Although everything can be, this photo is proof of that 🙂

Well, if he is skinny (beginner), then with requests to suggest the technique for performing this or that exercise, as we have already found out, you can break off)), i.e. he himself doesn’t know what he can tell you?)) nonsense .. for sure, he admits that he is a beginner and will say that he doesn’t know anything or will send you to the coach (in general, he’ll come up with something) .. Alternatively, you can ask to disassemble / assemble the simulator, and only then start a conversation)), it will definitely work.

There is another good way that is suitable for confident and courageous girls. Although such people most often know what to do themselves)), in general, the essence is this: you can allegedly “accidentally” (I don’t know, being nearby, for example, near some kind of simulator on which you perform this or that exercise) overhear the conversation of a MALE you like (men) with his acquaintance or someone with whom he talks, say, about sports nutrition (sports nutrition), and intervene: “Sorry, I unwittingly overheard you here ... have you tried this yourself? It’s just that I just want to try it now, and I don’t know who to consult on this matter ..., well, it went on and on ...

Well guys, the article has come to an end. I hope you found it INTERESTING and to some extent INFORMATION))). All good.

Sincerely, administrator.