How to cook fish on the grill. Grill, fish dishes

There are several simple ways grilling fish. You don't always need foil and special tools. Cleaning is also fast and there is no need to throw or wash anything. With a minimum of hands-on training and the right seasonings, you'll be a pro in no time.


Preparing the workplace


    Choose a fillet. When choosing fish to grill, the first thing you need to know is how tough it is - how it can withstand the torture of a live fire. Scaly or delicate fish like flounder or sole will not work. You need to take fillets or steaks thicker than stronger contenders, for example:

    • Halibut
    • Tuna
    • Fish-sword
    • Haddock
    • Salmon
    • mahi-mahi
    • Sea bass
    • If you do choose delicate fish, then you'd better cook it in foil or use a grill basket, otherwise you risk the fish meat falling through the grate into the fire.
      • Of course, you can always take a whole fish and fillet it yourself.
  1. Cut into small pieces. This will not only make it easier to control on the grill, but you can also be sure that the fish will cook through and through. The thin part of the tail does not take as long to cook as the thick part of the fillet. Cut the fish into pieces of equal thickness to make sure you don't end up with raw pieces as well as over-dried ones in one serving.

    Season or marinate the fish. If you wanted to try some kind of marinade, then do it. Just don't marinate the fish for more than 30 minutes. Both salty and sweet marinade have a negative effect on the taste if the fish is left in them for too long.

    • However, all the fish really needs is to coat it with olive or coconut oil and salt and pepper. The art is in the frying - just make sure the fish is evenly fried on both sides.
  2. Place it skin side down and diagonally on the grill. Not only does this give those master marks you can see in restaurants, it actually makes it easier to flip the fish because it's at an angle. The general rule of thumb is to cook the fish for 8 minutes for every 2.5cm of fish thickness, which means about 3-5 minutes per side.

    • Reduce the heat to medium, cover the grill and let it cook! Don't touch the fish until you see that the skin is beautifully fried and looks crispy - if you move the fish, the fish may fall apart. If you don't know when to check the fish to see this, try using the sharp end of the spatula to lift the fish up a little after a few minutes. If it doesn't rise easily from the grill, leave it to cook for more and check at 20 second intervals until it does.
  3. Turn the fish over. So, the fish rises from the grate and it has the correct color on the bottom. It's time to flip. First, you need the right tool. A wide spatula with a thin, pointed end is best because it can slip under the fish and also wide enough to hold the whole piece of fillet when you turn it over. To make your life easier, you can use a second spatula to make it easier to flip the fish.

    • If you are trying to roll over but feel too much resistance, just stop and walk away. If you've cleaned and oiled the grate properly, the fish will let you know when it's ready to be turned by pulling away from the grate a little.
  4. Cover, leave to cook and check for doneness. When the meat is done, it will be firm to the touch, easily pierced with a fork, and opaque through and through.

    • Take a fork and carefully pry off the small piece in the center. If the fish is opaque and only slightly translucent in the center, then it is time to remove it. If you are using a food thermometer, remove the fish when it reaches an internal temperature of around 54-57 degrees Celsius and let it reach 60 degrees Celsius while it rests.

Whole fish

  1. Buy whole fresh fish from your local store or market. Look for shiny scales, clear eyes, and bright red gills. Perhaps the fishermen among us would prefer to clean and gut the fish themselves. The rest will ask the seller to do this so that when they arrive home, the fish is ready for cooking.

    Make small oblique cuts in the meat. Make deep cuts in the fish 2.5-5 cm apart on each side of the fish. Make at least 3-5 cuts in the meat, perpendicular to the spine, on each side of the fish. You do it to open inner part fish for the fire so that it cooks more evenly.

    Start the inside. Sprinkle with a thin layer of salt and pepper. Smaller fish don't have much room for stuffing, but you can at least add a few lemon wedges and sprigs of your favorite herbs. Here are some toppings to try:

    • Chopped garlic with rosemary
    • Orange slices and paprika
    • lime wedges and cumin
    • Sliced green onion and soy sauce
    • Chopped red onion and basil
    • Crushed garlic puree with butter
  2. Brush the fish with oil. Olive or coconut oil works well. The grill grate should already be oiled, but the fish should also be oiled, in particular to prevent sticking.

    Preheat grill to medium-high heat. Wait until the grate is well heated before putting the fish in. If it does not warm up, then the fish will stick. A steady, medium heat is best, otherwise the skin will burn before the fish is done. If possible, keep the tail away from the fire, as the thin tail will cook faster than the rest.

    Place on the grill and wait. An important step to take after placing the fish on the fire is waiting. Fight the impulsive urge to fiddle with and move the fish - you'll tear the skin, lose some of the flesh, and ruin everything. Instead, wait 3-4 minutes. The fish is ready to be turned when the skin no longer sticks to the grill.

    • In general, fish weighing 220-450g will take 5-7 minutes per side. Cooking larger fish, 700-900 g, will take about twice as long. One more general rule cooking a whole fish is 10 minutes on each side for 2.5 cm of thickness.
  3. Turn the fish over. To turn the fish, keep tongs and a large spatula (oiled on both sides) handy. Turn the fish over carefully. It should completely move away from the grate. If she doesn't leave, then don't force her. Return the fish to its place and return to it with a spatula, using pressure to remove the fish from the grill. You don't want to take the fish off the grill and leave half of the skin and meat stuck to the grill. When you turn the fish over, cook it for another 5-6 minutes.

    • If the skin sticks to the grill, which is very difficult to avoid in general, don't worry. The fish may not look as beautiful, but it will still be just as tasty.
  4. Check for readiness. Stick a thin skewer or toothpick into the thickest part of the fish. He must slip all the way. When the fish is done, the meat should come off easily with a fork and should be completely opaque. Also, the meat should easily move away from the bones.

    • Place on a serving platter and enjoy!
  • Try serving with:

    Salsa of 2 tomatoes and coriander (cilantro):
    2 tomatoes, peeled and finely chopped
    2 medium red onions, finely chopped
    juice of 2 limes,
    2 tablespoons of honey
    2 tablespoons fresh coriander/cilantro, chopped
    Salt and pepper.

    Mix all ingredients and serve.

  • Use wooden planks, skewers, or baskets if you want to avoid tipping.
  • Alternative seasoning method:

    A. Melt 1-2 sticks (depending on the amount of fish) of unsalted butter
    B. Add two garlic cloves and half a chopped onion
    C. Add your favorite seasoning and some freshly ground black pepper
    D. Saute until the flavors blend.

  • If you are using a fillet that still has the skin on it, you can also cook the fish skin-side down on an oiled grill. The skin is easier to remove after cooking.
  • Another way to check for doneness is to stick a small metal skewer into the thickest part of the fish and leave for a second, then remove and touch the tip. If it is still cold, then the fish is not ready. If it is warm (but not hot), the fish is done.
  • For a slightly smoky flavor, you may want to add special coals. You can consider the option of alder or cedar coals.


  • Be careful not to overcook or burn the fish. It doesn't take long to cook, so keep an eye on it. Fish becomes tough when overcooked.

On one side, a grill is a culinary appliance, a grate for cooking over an open heat. On the other hand, it is a way of cooking food. Its distinctive feature is that no fats are needed when grilling. When we cook a product in this way, we add the word "grill" to it. It becomes clear what, for example, grilled fish is.

Grilled products are very healthy, because they are processed only with spices and temperature, with a minimum amount of oil. A large number of meat and fish dishes are cooked on the grill, vegetables are fried, fruits are baked. Grilled fish dishes are always tasty, original and festive. Grilled fish and meat are the healthiest forms of cooking and eating them.

There are several ways to prepare such fish dishes: grilled fish in a pan, grilled fish on a wire rack, grilled fish in the oven, grilled fish in foil. In these ways, you can cook grilled fish with vegetables, grilled fish.

Before the hostess, the question will definitely arise - what kind of grilled fish is better to cook? The best grilled fish should not be too dry (hake, pike perch, pike) or too oily (butter, halibut). You need to choose something in between. Any grilled red fish, mackerel, herring, sea bass, etc. are excellent. If you have a fish that is not very suitable for this, pickle it. Grilled marinated fish - this method of preparing the product improves its taste and texture when grilled. You can take a marinade for grilled fish either ready-made from the store or cook it yourself according to recipes from our website. You can also show your imagination and come up with your own way of marinating, it definitely won’t be worse. How to marinate fish for grilling is a matter of your taste. Use salt, pepper, lemon juice, vegetable oil, garlic and any aromatic herbs for the marinade: thyme, rosemary, cilantro. They perfectly enhance the taste of fish, with such a marinade you will definitely get delicious grilled fish.

Such a wonderful grilled fish dish, its recipe should enrich your culinary knowledge. And how beautiful the grilled fish looks on the table! Her photo is so appetizing that it is not possible to refuse such a treat. If you want to cook fish on the grill, be the first to choose recipes with photos. Prepare this dish for your guests, please your loved ones with a festive treat. By the way, not everyone has tried grilled homemade fish, everyone will definitely ask you for the recipe. In addition, cooking fish on the grill will give you pleasure.

You might be curious about some of our tips for grilling fish:

If, before laying the pieces of fish, grease the grill grate with vegetable oil, then they will stick to the metal less;

Experienced chefs recommend grilling fish in the so-called envelope. The main bones are removed from the fish, the skin remains. The carcass is cut so that the pieces can be folded in half: the pulp with spices and any filling is inside, and the skin is outside. The envelopes are stacked on the grid. The fish turns out tender, juicy, does not burn on the grate;

On the grill you can cook any sea and river fish. But in each case there are nuances that become clear with experience. It all depends on the size of the fish, its fat content, richness of taste;

Thyme, rosemary, cilantro can be replaced with more common parsley and dill. It is better to use not greens, but their stems, they are more juicy. You can marinate fish without greens: just pour the pulp with lemon juice, and add a little crushed garlic to it;

For high-quality pickling, 20 minutes is enough;

Do not overdo it with spices, you can spoil the dish. The taste of spices can interrupt the taste of fish and significantly change it.

Grilling fish is considered to be the healthiest way to cook fish. In addition to the fact that for the entire cooking time you will not need to add any cooking oil, the carcass will already turn out to be fried and crispy due to being on the most heated surface, the crispy crust will also help to keep all its juice in the fish.

There are several ways to cook a carcass on the grill: in a pan, in the oven, or directly over the coals. We will discuss each of these methods below.

Grilled fish

The most common and accessible way grilling is one that requires a special one for its implementation. It is enough to heat such a frying pan well and you can achieve the effect of baking over real coals.


  • trout (small) - 1 pc.;
  • a slice of lemon;
  • garlic - ½ clove;
  • on a sprig of thyme and rosemary.


Having prepared the carcass (that is, having cleaned it of the insides and scales), rinse the trout thoroughly and dry it. Rub the fish with a paste of minced garlic with salt. In the abdominal cavity, place a slice of lemon and sprigs of aromatic herbs - a standard set. For greater reliability, the abdominal wall can be fixed. After, place the trout on a well-heated surface of the grill pan and fry, without turning, for 5-7 minutes. Then repeat the procedure on the other side.

Grilled fish in the oven

When cooking fish in the oven, there is no need to stand over it, the dish under uniform heating will seize from all sides. If you are cooking in the "Grill" mode, then set high temperature, which allows you to cook fish in a minimum time and at the same time leave it juicy.


  • salmon fillet - 680 g;
  • butter - 15 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • - 55 ml;
  • starch - 5 g;
  • rice vinegar - 10 ml;
  • thyme leaves - 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon slices - 2 pcs.


It is not necessary to remove the skin from the fillet, but it is necessary to remove the bones. After rinsing and drying a piece of fillet, grate it and set it aside. Now to the frosting. For her, dilute starch in cold orange juice. Melt the butter and add chopped garlic to it, after half a minute pour in vinegar, juice with starch and add thyme. Wait for the glaze to thicken and refrigerate it after. Spread the glaze over the surface of the fillet itself and place it under the grill (at 210 degrees) for 8-10 minutes. When serving, accompany the fillet with a couple of slices of lemon.

Grilled fish - recipe


  • sea ​​bass fillet - 280 g;
  • tamari sauce - 35 ml;
  • honey - 25 ml;
  • sesame seeds - ½ teaspoon;
  • carrots - 35 g;
  • onion greens - 2 tbsp. spoons.


Before marinating fish for grilling, clean and rinse the perch fillets. Place the finished fillet in a mixture of honey with tamari and onion pieces. After 10 minutes, the fish can be placed on the grill grate, putting grated carrots on top and sprinkling everything with sesame seeds. It will take about 4-5 minutes to cook.

Who is able to refuse fried a piece of red fish under a layer of lacquer glaze? Not us, and therefore we start cooking fish according to an elementary, but effective technology.

Spring is the barbecue season, loved by many outdoor enthusiasts. Holidays or weekends the best time for a fun picnic with family and friends, accompanied by the preparation of delicious and fragrant snacks on an open fire. Grilled fish will help diversify the menu for a trip to nature - this is a juicy and fragrant dish that neither adults nor children can resist.

There are a huge number of recipes for cooking a delicious grilled dish: roasting a whole carcass, barbecue, steaks. The fish is cooked with mayonnaise, cheese, vegetables, herbs, aromatic herbs and various sauces, it can be marinated and smoked. And a huge variety of marinades will help turn a trip into nature into an excellent gastronomic holiday with bright tastes and inimitable aromas.

What kind of fish to grill?

Grilled fish is much better and healthier than regular fried fish. In the process of cooking, it retains its original fishy taste, is saturated with the aroma of herbs, spices and wood smoke. The grill does not use vegetable oils, which, when frying, release a large amount of carcinogens and other harmful substances. Therefore, grilled fish retains a huge amount of useful components.

Which fish is suitable for grilling:

  • red fish - coho salmon, salmon, sturgeon, sockeye salmon;
  • river - trout, crucian carp, bream;
  • sea ​​- mullet, herring, trout, perch;
  • dorado;
  • sea ​​bass;
  • mackerel;
  • tuna.

Lean white fish in many cases is too dry after grilling, so it's best not to use it. And carp and pike are also not suitable, as their meat is rather dry, with a lot of small bones.

Fish for cooking on the grill should not be very oily or too dry, have a lot of bones. Carcasses small size you need to clean, gut and you can bake whole on both sides alternately. On the sides of the fish, you can make several cuts - this will allow the meat to be completely fried and soften the bones.

It is best to make steaks or fillets from large ones, which go well with vegetables and other side dishes cooked on the grill. Large fish should be fleshy, with a minimum of bones in the back area.

It is best to choose medium-sized carcasses - this is the best option for those cases when there is no time for a long pickling. You can not pickle it in advance, just pepper, salt, season with aromatic herbs

Delicious and unusual option for a trip to nature - a fish skewers. It is recommended to cook it from the fillet, cut into slices and strung on skewers. Basic condition right choice carcasses for barbecue - it should be elastic.

Did you decide to organize the trip spontaneously and didn’t have a brazier at hand? Do not despair - you can please yourself with delicious and juicy fish dishes with the help of foil. The fish must be washed, cleaned, the insides removed, sprinkled with salt, pepper and other spices, poured with vegetable oil and wrapped in foil. You can fry the carcasses simply on the coals, not forgetting to turn them over several times.

Fish preparation

The best option for a fish dish in nature - freshly caught carcasses. But, if fishing is not included in your plans, you can buy them in the store, where they are presented in a frozen and already gutted form.

Basic rules for choosing fish:

  • if the carcass is with a head, it should have clean eyes without a film, pink or light red gills;
  • a carcass with a light and pleasant fishy smell without impurities;
  • the scales are dense and elastic, do not fall off the meat;
  • the fish should not have any damage or spots on the body;
  • steak or fillet dense, uniform.

The success of the grilled dish depends on how correctly the fish is chosen.

Frozen fish must be thawed before cooking. To do this, it can be put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for several hours. It will defrost naturally. Frozen carcasses cannot be grilled, as they will fall apart and will not hold their shape.

Grilling Secrets

For grilling, it is best to choose fruit or hardwood types of wood. Conifers must be discarded, they have a very rich smell that can interrupt the aroma of the dish.

A few secrets that ensure the success of the fish dish:

  • Small carcasses are cooked whole, fried on each side for 5-6 minutes.
  • Large fish may brown, but do not bake inside - in this case, it is recommended to wrap it in foil and put it on the wire rack again.
  • Skewers of red fish should be cooked no more than 7 minutes.
  • To make the kebab juicy and soft, in the process of cooking it is poured with white wine, oil or lemon juice.
  • Before cooking the fish, the grill grate must be greased with oil - so the meat will not stick to it.

As kebab skewers, it is best to use long wooden skewers - the steak that is being prepared will not stick to them if they are first soaked in cool water for half an hour.

marinade recipes

There are a huge number of variations of marinades for fish dishes. Most recipes use freshly squeezed lemon juice, white or red wine, chopped garlic, herbs, olive oil, aromatic herbs - cilantro, basil, rosemary, sage, thyme. These ingredients perfectly emphasize the fishy taste and make it even richer.

Important subtleties of pickling:

  • It is recommended to marinate the fish for no more than 15-30 minutes.
  • You do not need to add too many spices to the marinade, because they can completely kill the taste of the snack.
  • It is recommended to add salt to the sauce - it will help the fish keep its shape during cooking.
  • If the marinade includes onions, it is better to cut them into small cubes and add salt, due to which it remains juicy.
  • Long-term marinating is required for frozen fish; for fresh, 5–10 minutes is enough.

Marinades may consist of berries, fruits, vegetables, and other foods. For a pleasant sourness, dry white wine, table vinegar or freshly squeezed lemon juice are added.

Popular recipes:

  • Juniper berries need to be rubbed through a sieve, add a few spoons olive oil and warm up, add bay leaves, chopped onion, dill and other greens at your discretion.
  • Mix a glass of dry white wine with 150 ml of soy sauce, add 3.5 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of ginger root and olive oil, ground white pepper and chopped cilantro.
  • Juice and zest from one citrus are mixed with 2 garlic cloves, passed through a garlic press, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt the mixture, add spices and keep the fish for 35-50 minutes.
  • A large onion needs to be finely chopped, add a bunch of chopped parsley, a tablespoon of vinegar, 4 bay leaves, 6 sprigs of basil or thyme.
  • 70-100 ml of vodka or cognac, mix with the same volume of soy sauce, 4-5 chopped garlic cloves, spices and a mixture of peppers.
  • Provencal herbs, 3 tablespoons of olive oil and a pinch of marjoram should be poured into 220 ml of red wine.
  • Mix 3-4 tablespoons of soy sauce with 2 tablespoons of sesame oil, a handful of roasted sesame seeds, a spoonful of grated ginger, chopped garlic and chopped green onions.

You can safely experiment with any marinade recipes - replace ingredients, choose herbs and spices to your liking, experiment with new products. This will help make the taste of a traditional dish more vivid and original.

Tasty and original dish, which perfectly complements the traditional picnic menu. Vine leaves give barbecued fish a pleasant sourness that enhances its taste.


  • mackerel - 3-5 carcasses;
  • grape leaves - 3-5 pieces;
  • lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • salt;
  • pepper mixture.

Grape leaves should be dipped for a few minutes in boiling water. Peel the mackerel from scales, gut, grate with salt and a mixture of peppers. Each carcass should be laid out on a sheet, sprinkled with olive oil and grated with lemon. Put a few lemon slices inside the carcass. Wrap the fish tightly in a grape leaf, drizzle with oil again and put on a wire rack for 8-10 minutes.

If desired, grape leaves can be replaced with spinach, thin strips of bacon or ham

Grilled salmon with vegetables

A very tasty and light dish that is ideal for fans diet food. Salmon can be replaced with trout, tuna or any other fish.


  • salmon - 4 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 350 g;
  • carrots - 200 g;
  • eggplant - 250 g;
  • onion - 1-2 pcs.;
  • green onions, parsley, dill - ½ bunch each;
  • salt, pepper, vinegar.

To prepare a fragrant dish, you need to pickle the onion. To do this, it should be chopped, poured with a mixture of a glass of water, 3 tablespoons of sugar and 8 tablespoons of table vinegar. Leave it for 20 minutes.

Carrots, potatoes and eggplant must be cut into large slices and grilled for 4-5 minutes, add salt and pepper. Sprinkle vegetables with chopped herbs. Pepper, salt, sprinkle with vegetable oil and fry on a wire rack for 6-7 minutes on each side.

Salmon served with vegetables and chopped herbs

Dorado with herbs and lemon

Dorado meat is tender and juicy, it is great for a picnic, harmoniously combined with herbs and spices. The recipe for grilled fish is very simple and easy, and the result will exceed all expectations.


  • dorado - 2 pcs.;
  • any greens to taste - 6-7 branches each;
  • lemon;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Sprinkle the cleaned and gutted fish with spices and spices, leave for 25-30 minutes. On each side of the carcass, 3-4 transverse cuts should be made, sprinkled with pepper and salt, rubbed lightly. Lemon must be cut into slices, greens divided into two halves.

In the belly of the dorado, you need to put 2-3 lemon slices and half of the greens, wrap in foil and leave for half an hour

The grill grate should be greased with vegetable oil, as well as the carcass itself, fry for 15 minutes, not forgetting to turn the carcass over to the other side every 1-2 minutes. Decorate the finished dish with lemon and green leaves.

Mackerel with mayonnaise

To prepare mayonnaise, you can use mayonnaise, mustard, soy sauce. Such an unusual combination well sets off the light spicy aroma of fish on the grill.


  • mackerel - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise 6 tbsp. l.;
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • spices.

Before you cook juicy fish, you need to make a marinade. To do this, mix soy sauce, mayonnaise and mustard, add bay leaf. Pepper and salt the washed, peeled and gutted mackerel, cut into portioned slices about 3 cm thick. Marinate the fish for 50-60 minutes, then fry on the grill for 6-7 minutes on each side.

Pike perch with hot pepper and ginger

original and tasty dish, which is a combination of unusual tastes and aromas.


  • pike perch - 2 pcs.;
  • ginger root - 1 pc.;
  • hot chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • coriander and cumin - 1 tsp each.

Pike perch should be cleaned, gutted, washed and dried with a paper towel. Then prepare the marinade - combine finely chopped chili with grated ginger root, olive oil, spices and sea ​​salt.

On each side of the fish carcass, 3-4 transverse cuts should be made and rubbed liberally with the prepared marinade. After that, place the pike perch in a bowl with a lid and leave for several hours in the refrigerator. On a hot grill, fish should be fried for 5-7 minutes on each side, served on the table with greens.

juicy diet dish, in which the piquant tomato flavor goes well with herbs and mackerel meat.


  • mackerel - 3 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • lime or lemon - 1 pc.;
  • dill, basil or parsley - 1 bunch;
  • salt, aromatic herbs.

The fish needs to be prepared - remove the head, cut lengthwise and clean the abdomen, then remove the bones and unfold the carcass in the form of a leaf. Lime or lemon should be peeled, finely chopped, garlic cloves should be passed through a press, a bunch of greens should be chopped. Add 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil, spices and salt to these components, mix everything thoroughly. Marinate the fish in this sauce for half an hour.

Tomatoes need to be cut into even slices and put them on one half of the carcass, sprinkle with herbs and cover with the other half. In order for the meat to keep its shape, the halves can be fixed with several toothpicks.

Mackerel with tomatoes baked on the grill or in foil over charcoal

Sea bass with tartar sauce and garlic croutons

In this recipe, the juicy taste of sea bass is harmoniously set off spicy sauce Tartarus. Sea bass can be replaced with trout, cod, mackerel or any other fish.


  • sea ​​bass - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - ½ pc.;
  • wheat bread - 4 slices;
  • boiled egg - 1 pc.;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • dry white wine - 100-150 ml;
  • mayonnaise - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • salt, a mixture of peppers.

Grate the cleaned fish with freshly squeezed lemon juice and salt. After 40 minutes, fry it on the grill, sprinkling with lemon juice. Next, you should prepare the garlic sauce - add a few tablespoons of olive oil, chopped garlic cloves, salt, a mixture of peppers and chopped dill to the water. Fry wheat bread on a wire rack, pouring with cooked garlic sauce.

Tartar sauce is prepared separately - mayonnaise is mixed with white wine, chopped boiled egg, chopped pickled cucumbers and onions. Sea bass should be smeared with tartar sauce, served with sauce and garlic croutons.

Multi-colored kebab with garlic and herbs

An original and colorful dish that will definitely become the main decoration holiday table.


  • red fish fillet - 400 g;
  • white fish fillet - 400 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • lemon or lime - ½ pc.;
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • parsley or dill - a bunch;
  • spices.

To prepare an unusual multi-colored kebab, you need to stir vegetable oil with honey, lemon juice, spices, and salt. Cut the onion into half rings, chop the greens, pass the garlic through a press. Pour onion and herbs into the oil, mix all the products.

Separate the fish meat from the skin, remove the bones, cut into portioned slices about 4 cm in size. Marinate the fish for 15 minutes, then sprinkle with vegetable oil and string on skewers, alternating red and white slices.

Fry the fish shish kebab for 3-4 minutes on a grill greased with vegetable oil

Fish skewers with cherry tomatoes are prepared in the same way. For its preparation, it is recommended to use any fish fillet without skin and bones. It is cut into large pieces and strung on skewers, alternating fish pieces with cherry tomatoes. As soon as the kebab is browned, it can be greased with a mixture of vegetable oil with chopped garlic cloves and aromatic herbs, served with herbs or grated cheese.

Grilled fish is a tasty and juicy dish that will become a bright decoration of any table. It's great for a fun friendly picnic or family outing. The dish can be supplemented with vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, hard cheese, berries and fruits. Various cooking options will help make fish a favorite dish for adults and children.

Fragrant, tender grilled fish - very tasty and healthy! We have collected for you the most interesting recipes: in the oven, on a frying pan or grill.

  • 1200 gr salmon
  • salt to taste
  • black pepper, aromatic herbs, spices to taste

Wash and clean the fish.

Cut into slices 3-4 cm thick.

Marinate in salt, spices and herbs. We leave for 20 minutes.

Preheat the grate.

We put the pieces of fish in the grate.

Flip the grill over to cook evenly.

Grilled fish can be served immediately to the table.

Recipe 2: asp fish in a grill pan

So that the asp does not turn out dry, it must first be marinated. Then the meat will be simply unusually tasty, juicy and tender.

  • asp fish (fillet) - 800 g
  • lemon juice - 2-3 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp.
  • seasoning for fish
  • salt.

We clean the fish and remove the bones. But I was not able to get rid of all the bones. So there is little left. We cut the fillet into pieces.

Put them in a bowl. Sprinkle with salt, seasoning, sprinkle with lemon juice and pour over with vegetable oil. You can also use lemon salt here. Mix and leave to marinate for 40-60 minutes. You can put the fish in the marinade overnight, the dish will only benefit from this. After all, the meat is well saturated with spices.

Before frying the fish, you need to put the grill pan on the fire. I have it cast iron, so it takes enough time to warm up. Lightly grease the pan with vegetable oil using a paper towel. Then excess fat definitely won't. But you can not lubricate, because there is oil in the marinade. And the fish will definitely be covered with it. We spread the asp and fry for about 2 minutes on one side.

Then flip over with a spatula to the other side. Fish is very fragile, unlike meat, so you need to turn it over carefully. It is convenient to use a spatula and a fork at the same time, holding a piece on both sides. The asp was fried very well, the characteristic imprint of the grill is clearly visible in the photo, which decorates this dish very much. And the ruddy crust is just lovely!

Recipe 3: grilled fish baked on the grill

  • fish (mackerel in the recipe)
  • lemon
  • salt pepper
  • seasoning "Hmeli-suneli"

Remove the insides from the fish, rinse. Remove head. You can carefully remove the ridge, or you can leave it - at your discretion.

Well, the most important thing! We prepare the coals in the grill, put the grilled fish and bake for 20-30 minutes.

Grilled fish is ready, bon appetit!

Recipe 4, step by step: dorado fish - grill on the grill

  • fish - 2 pieces 200-250 gr each (I have Dorada)
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • greens - 4-6 branches each (dill, thyme, etc.)
  • olive oil
  • sea ​​salt
  • black pepper

Grilled fish is very tender, juicy, smoky and crispy. A grilled dorado will amaze you with its great taste. The simplicity of preparing this dish lies in the fact that barbecue fish, in principle, does not need a marinade. But we still let her lie down with herbs for half an hour. To do this, preferably at home, wash the sea bream, gut it and cut out the gills (better ask the seller to do this).

We make about 3 deep cuts on each side. So the fish will bake faster inside, and the salt will get into the depth of the meat.

Salt and pepper the fish well on each side and rub the spices into the skin and cuts.

My herbs and lemon. We cut the lemon into thick rings, and divide the greens into 2 equal bunches. We put a lemon in the belly of the fish in an even layer, and horizontally bunches of greens on top. If the lemon circles do not fit, you can cut them into halves.

Marinade for fish on the grill is ready, you can cover it with something or wrap it in foil and leave for 30 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, the brazier should already be prepared: the coals should not give a strong heat, and the grate should already be heated. Fish on the grill is very easy to cook, but to prevent the fish from sticking to the metal, you need to preheat it and then grease the entire grill with olive oil.

To do this, take a silicone brush, soak in oil and carefully process the metal grate. Now, in the same way, we grease the fish itself with olive oil on both sides. We put the dorado on the grate so that it is within the brazier.

We press down with a second grate, also heated and oiled, so that the fish is tightly held inside.

Fry the dorado on the grill for 15-20 minutes, turning it over to the other side every minute. While frying, you can squeeze a little lemon juice on the fish. Another trick: so that the skin does not stick, after 8 minutes you can begin to slightly lift the bars, then put them in the opposite position.

We bring the dorado to the goldenness you need and remove from heat. I don't like deep frying because the fish meat will lose its juice and become dry.

Grilled fish is ready when the meat itself and effortlessly separates from the bones. Herbs and lemon from the abdomen, of course, are not worth eating. Arrange the sea bream on plates and serve with a slice of lemon.

Recipe 5: how to cook fish on the grill, in a pan

  • fish 2 pcs.
  • Caucasian seasonings 0.3 tsp
  • vegetable oil 1.5 tbsp
  • salt to taste
  • Provence herbs 0.3 tsp

Wash and clean the fish from scales and entrails, remove the fins.

Dry and cut into large portions.

In a bowl, mix oil with provencal herbs and Caucasian seasonings, add salt.

Spread the fish well with a mixture of oil and seasonings and leave to marinate for 20 minutes.

Heat the grill pan and fry the fish without additional oil until golden brown to get a rosy grilled fish.

A beautiful and tasty fish with characteristic grilled transverse stripes is ready, served with mashed potatoes and fresh vegetables.

Recipe 6: grilled toothfish with cheese in the oven

  • Fish 1 kg
  • Hard cheese 150 g
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Vegetable oil 1 tsp.
  • Lemon 1 pc
  • Salt to taste

Wash the fish, remove the scales. Cut off the fins. We sell toothfish already chopped, but the scales have not been removed. So make sure your fish is well cleaned.

Salt and pepper the fish, season with lemon juice.

Grease a grill pan with vegetable oil and heat well. Put the fish in the pan, loosely. Fry on each side for 5 minutes. While one side is browning, do not lift the fish steak. The grooves of the grill should be well printed on the fish and brown the meat.

When the fish is fried, remove it from the pan.

Fold the foil in thirds. Put fish on it. Pick up the edges of the foil and make a foil boat. Grate the cheese. Put it on the fish. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the fish in the oven for 10 minutes.

Serve the finished hot fish to the table with vegetables and herbs.

Recipe 7: Grilled Fish in Lemon Marinade

  • Fish 1 kg
  • Olive oil 4 tablespoons
  • Paprika 1 tablespoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Lemon juice 70 ml
  • Black pepper to taste

Wash fresh fish, remove scales and entrails.

Sprinkle the processed fish with spices, add lemon juice and olive oil.

Mix well so that the seasonings are not only outside, but also inside the fish. Leave the fish for 10-15 minutes.

Heat up a grill pan well. We spread the fish and fry.

Bon Appetit! Grilled fish has come to an end, you can try.

Recipe 8, simple: grilled fish with mayonnaise

  • Fish (oil) 1 kg
  • Mustard ordinary 1 tbsp
  • Soy sauce 1 tbsp
  • Mayonnaise 6 tbsp
  • Bay leaf 5 pcs
  • Seasoning for fish to taste

Clean, wash and gut. Cut the fish into slices 2-3 cm thick. Salt and pepper lightly.

Prepare marinade. Put the fish in the marinade and let it soak.

Place the fish on the grill (on the grate) and fry for 5-7 minutes. Then turn the fish over to the other side, pour over the rest of the marinade and fry for 5-7 minutes.

Recipe 9: Grilled pike perch with fragrant oil

  • 1 large walleye (or other freshwater fish)
  • 1 large onion, grated
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • Salt to taste
  • 4 tbsp olive oil or other vegetable oil

For butter:

  • 100 grams butter at room temperature
  • ¼ bunch chives or small green onions, finely chopped
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • Salt to taste

Peel the pike perch, gut, wash well under cold running water and dry thoroughly with paper towels. Make 3 deep cuts on each side, as shown in the photo.

Mix the onion with lemon juice, salt to taste and 3 tbsp. vegetable oil. Put pike perch on a plate and evenly overlay the resulting mass, not forgetting about the abdominal cavity. Leave to marinate for one hour.

Half an hour before baking, light the grill or preheat the oven if cooking in it.

Meanwhile, prepare butter. Place the butter, salt, zest and lemon juice in a blender bowl. Beat until smooth, add chopped green onions and mix well.

Put soft butter on cling film and wrap, giving the shape of sausages. Put in the freezer.

After marinating, remove all marinade and onions, and dry the fish thoroughly with a paper towel, not forgetting the abdominal cavity.

Lubricate the fish on all sides with the 1st tbsp. vegetable oil and put on the grill, over smoldering coals.

Bake, turning occasionally, until done. The fish should be well browned and white through the middle.

Serve the fish immediately, with fragrant butter on top, cut into circles.

Recipe 10: Grilled Marinated Fish (photo)

  • small fish 400–500 g 2 pcs.
  • red chili pepper 1 pc.
  • small ginger root 1 pc.
  • cumin 1 tsp
  • ground coriander 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil 1 tsp
  • sea ​​salt 1 pinch