What to do so that the eggnog is not sticky. Mogul-mogul - recipes with photos

Adults and kids are happy to eat eggnog, the main component of which is egg yolks, although proteins are sometimes used, depending on taste preferences. Such a tonic drink can make up for the lack of protein in the body, so we have collected several recipes to help you prepare this delicacy.

What recipe to use for cooking?

This cocktail can be both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, in the latter case it includes sugar, cinnamon, black bread, cocoa or coffee, milk, nutmeg, vanilla and other ingredients that help improve the taste and aroma of the yolks. When preparing an alcoholic drink, you can use rum, cognac, white wine and even whiskey to get rid of hangovers, drowsiness and weakness.

The composition of such a delicious drink contains the following substances:

  • animal protein (13 g in 1 egg);
  • vitamins A, B, C, group B;
  • potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium;
  • fatty acid(16% linoleic, 23% palmitic and others).

Content useful substances depends on the auxiliary components and the type of eggs you use: chicken, quail, duck and others. In any case, properly cooked eggnog will benefit the body, it is recommended to eat it for children, people who play sports. An alcoholic drink has a therapeutic effect on colds, beriberi, and poor appetite.

Important! Many people do not drink this drink for fear of getting infected. infectious disease salmonellosis. But do not be afraid, because the pathogens are contained on the shell, and not in the protein or yolk. Just wash the eggs before cooking to prevent infection. Recommended for cleaning clean water, baking soda and fragrance-free soap.

Classic eggnog with milk and white wine

At home, you can easily prepare this delicious drink in 2-3 minutes, because the eggs are beaten raw, without requiring long heat treatment. When preparing the dish, follow these recommendations:

  • use 2 eggs to make 1 serving;
  • grind the yolks with 20 g of sugar using a regular fork;
  • add 50 ml of milk to the mixture, beat it, then pour in 50 ml of white wine, mix everything again;
  • pour the finished drink into glasses or bowls;
  • beat the remaining whites with 20-30 g of sugar, you can decorate the cocktail using the resulting foam.

If you are preparing this drink for children, you can only add milk. Drinking a cocktail is immediately after preparation, its taste will improve a piece of black bread!

Recipe for children suffering from colds

If the baby is sick and does not want to eat anything, then you can pamper him with a homemade healing cocktail prepared according to this recipe:

  • 2 raw yolks must be beaten with 1 tsp. honey, which can be replaced with the same amount of sugar;
  • 10-15 g of butter, a pinch of cocoa and nutmeg, beat again.

A child can drink this nutritious eggnog in one gulp, eating it with biscuits or black bread. If the baby is naughty, then decorate the healing drink with nut crumbs or protein peaks, add a cocktail tube!

Nutritious and tonic drink with rum

Alcoholic eggnog is not just a tonic drink, but also an excellent tool to help relieve headaches, hunger cramps, and fatigue. To create you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5-6 chicken eggs;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 100-150 ml of rum;
  • 200 ml of milk and the same amount of heavy cream;
  • a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla stick;
  • dark chocolate, nuts to taste.

Rum can be replaced with whiskey, bourbon or vodka, it is recommended to prepare a drink like this:

  • mix milk with cream, add cinnamon to the liquid, you can replace it with nutmeg, cocoa or vanilla. The resulting mixture should be put on the stove, and then brought to a boil. After cooling, it is necessary to express the liquid using gauze;
  • yolks must be beaten with sugar using a mixer. The result should be a fairly thick mixture;
  • it is necessary to introduce yolks with sugar into milk with cream, beating the mixture all with a mixer;
  • at this stage, it is worth adding rum to the drink, after which the future eggnog should be mixed with a spoon or wooden spatula.

Drink with cognac and cherry juice

Real gourmets can make an incredibly delicious eggnog for themselves using the following ingredients:

  • 2 yolks and 2 whites, grated with 20 g of sugar;
  • 50 ml brandy, cherry juice and milk.

The yolk must be ground with sugar using a fork. Beat the protein and sugar with a mixer, it is recommended to send the resulting mass to the refrigerator for 10-20 minutes. It is necessary to add cognac, juice and milk to the yolks, after which the mixture should be beaten for 3-4 minutes. Decorate the finished alcoholic eggnog with protein peaks, grated chocolate and fresh cherries!

Quick blender recipe

This recipe will ideal solution for breakfast:

  • put 1 peeled banana, 2 yolks into the blender bowl, pour in 100 ml of milk;
  • add nutmeg or 1 tsp to the mixture. cocoa, 2 tsp Sahara;
  • shake the cocktail for 30-60 seconds.

The drink must be poured into glasses, eggnog should be served with cookies or fresh bread!

Baked eggnog

If you don't like raw eggs, you can make eggnog and then bake it in the oven. The recipe is very simple:

  • Mix 6 raw yolks with 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara. It is necessary to beat the mass for at least 5 minutes, be sure to add vanilla or nutmeg to the egg mixture, otherwise the finished dish will have a sharp aroma;
  • melt in a water bath or in microwave oven 100-150 g butter;
  • carefully pour the oil into the yolks, add 1-1.5 tsp. cocoa, beat the mass well;
  • pour eggnog on ceramic or silicone molds, send them to a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.

Decorate the resulting eggnog with berries or chocolate, it should be consumed warm. Banana can be replaced with strawberries, citrus fruits, or seasonal berries. Bon Appetit!

Mogul-mogul is a tasty, healthy and nutritious drink. This recipe comes from Polish cuisine. Around this drink there are a lot of legends that interpret the history of its occurrence. What is noteworthy in Poland, in the homeland of the eggnog, even small children know these myths, but they also believe in them and do not consider them fairy tales.

According to one legend, the mogul was invented by the singer Gogel from the small town of Mogelev. He often suffered from the loss of his voice, which was essential to his work. To solve this pressing problem, Gogel began to look for a way to restore damaged vocal cords. The recipe turned out to be the simplest, and now eggnog is a very popular drink. Its basic component is a chicken egg.

Do not forget that eggnog is also an excellent medicine that helps to cope with a sore throat, cure a cold or a slight cough.

When making eggnog, you can experiment, improve on the classic variation, and add new tasty elements, such as wine, cognac, rum, honey, cocoa, fruit juice, berries or nuts.

Mogul-mogul: a classic recipe


  1. Chicken egg - 2-3 pcs.
  2. Sugar - 3 tsp
  3. Cinnamon - for decoration


  • Separate the yolks from the proteins, place the proteins in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  • Add a pinch of salt and 2 tsp. sugar into the yolks and beat well with a whisk until a thick mass forms. It is necessary that the mass increased by 2.5 times in volume.
  • Add 1 tsp to chilled proteins. sugar and a pinch of salt, beat into a dense and fluffy foam with a mixer. Then combine the protein foam with the yolks and beat well again.
  • Pour the drink into glasses, garnish with cinnamon.

Coffee Mogul: Recipe


  1. Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  2. Quail egg - 5 pcs.
  3. Milk - 300 ml.
  4. Ground coffee - 50 gr.
  5. Sugar - to taste


  • Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Rub the yolks with sugar until smooth using a mixer.
  • Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat with a mixer in a thick foam.
  • Take a glass, pour milk on the bottom, pour coffee on top, then lay out the protein mass, then the yolks with sugar.

How to cook mogul-mogul in Polish?


  1. Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  2. Milk - 300 ml.
  3. Berries - 100 gr.
  4. Nuts - 25 gr.
  5. Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.


  • Wash the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks.
  • Pound the yolks with sugar with a mixer until smooth, rich lemon color.
  • Wash the berries and grind with a blender.
  • Mix the berry mass with sugar yolks.
  • Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until fluffy, dense foam.
  • Put the berry-yolk mixture in a glass, add protein foam and garnish with chopped nuts.

Mogul-mogul: a cough recipe


  1. Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  2. Sugar sand - 150 gr.
  3. Cocoa - 100 gr.
  4. Butter - 10 gr.


  • Take the eggs, carefully separate the proteins from the yolks, then grind the yolks with sugar with a mixer until a homogeneous shiny mass.
  • Add cocoa and butter, continue beating until fluffy.

Mogul-mogul is a drink that helps create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth in the house. It is associated with many people with the New Year and Christmas. The recipe is very simple. It is based on chicken eggs and sugar.

Mogul-mogul is a dessert, the main components of which are a beaten egg with sugar. There are many variations of this drink, with the addition of wine, vanillin, honey, fruit and berry juices. Often used as a remedy for colds and loss of voice.

Mogul-mogul is prepared from egg yolks, whites (or from a whole egg), sugar, mashed berries or fruits, or juices from them. Some recipes add milk or wine. By classic recipe In Polish cuisine, the yolks are first ground white with sugar, after which the pounded fruits or berries, or juices from them are added, then the whites whipped into foam and the mass is kneaded until it becomes homogeneous. Cognac, lemon, wines and juices can serve as additives to eggnog.

Some eggnog recipes:
* beat 1 egg with 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. wine and a little salt. Mix all this thoroughly, pour in 150 ml of boiled milk and strain. Depending on the taste, you can add a little grated nutmeg instead of wine;
* beat 1 egg yolk from 1 st. l. sugar, add a little salt, 2 tbsp. l. wine and 2/3 tbsp. milk. Mix all this, strain and combine with whipped protein. Stir before serving;
* grind 1 yolk with 1 tbsp. l. sugar, add a little salt, pour in 150 ml of milk, mix again and strain;
* beat the yolks into a thick mass of lemon-yellow color with 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar, and proteins - in steep foam.
Pour 2/3 tbsp into the beaten yolks. rhubarb juice, add a pinch of salt. Then enter 2 tbsp. cold milk, 1/2 tbsp. chilled boiled water and mix well. Pour the mixture into the beaten egg whites. Sprinkle with nutmeg before serving.

The easiest recipe: recommends whisking a couple of egg yolks with sugar and taking two teaspoons on an empty stomach in the morning. But nowadays mogul-mogul has become quite widespread, and it can be prepared in many ways.

Honey eggnog also helps very well if the throat hurts, of course, when there is no allergy to honey, lemon and orange juice. So, beat the yolk, add two glasses of hot milk and six tablespoons of honey, then two tablespoons of orange or lemon juice, all this needs to be warmed up a little and add the protein, whipped with sugar; taken on an empty stomach.

Children's eggnog was also prepared by Aibolit in Chukovsky's fairy tale, and not a single kid will refuse this delicacy. And if your throat is hoarse or a sore throat has crept up, then this drink will become just a lifesaver for those children who do not like medicines. Just please, when offering it to your child, remember if your baby is allergic to egg yolk. If not, then feel free to give him this delicacy: in addition to the therapeutic effect, the cocktail will cheer up the baby, and if you also offer him cookies and a good bedtime story, then the disease will completely run away without looking back.
To prepare, grind the yolks with sugar, add melted butter and a little cocoa, beat the resulting mass well with a mixer.

Fruit eggnog can be prepared with the addition of fruit juice (cherry, apple, pomegranate, currant, orange, apricot). Beat two yolks with a mixer, add a pinch of salt, three tablespoons of sugar and half a glass of juice, still stirring, add two glasses of cold milk and half a glass of ice water, then add the protein whipped to a steep foam and sprinkle with grated nuts. So we got a cocktail that you can drink through a straw.

Mogul-mogul "in Polish" is prepared with the addition of strawberries or raspberries with drops of lemon juice. First, wipe the yolks with sugar, and beat the whites into a fluffy foam. In Polish, the name of this cocktail sounds like "kogel-mogel".

Coffee mogul is prepared at the rate of one egg for four coffee cups. Beat the protein with a mixer, and grind the yolk with sugar. Pour warm milk at the bottom of the cup, and then freshly brewed ground coffee, add a little yolk on top, and then, in the center, protein. At the same time, you need to drink this drink from a cup without stirring.
The alcoholic eggnog served in bars is more aimed at the female half of the visitors, as it turns out to be too sweet, but I think men with a sweet tooth will like it too. To prepare it, mix the yolk, cream, sugar syrup, ice with rum (wine, cognac, brandy, whiskey), then filter and serve in a tall glass with crumbs of nutmeg.

Mogul-mogul "in Dutch" is called "Lawyer", and it is prepared with the addition of cognac as follows. First, the yolk is beaten with salt and sugar until a thick mixture of lemon color is formed, then cognac is added and this mass is placed in a water bath. The cocktail is prepared over low heat, stirring gently, the main thing is not to overheat, the drink should be warm, not hot. After removing from the water bath, you need to add vanilla, and then make a "cap" of cream. And thus, a cocktail turns into a dessert that is not drunk, but eaten with a spoon.

Of considerable interest is the history of the birth of this cocktail. Its name comes from the Low German expression Kuddel-muddel. It is believed that the eggnog was invented by confectioner Manfred Keukenbauer during experiments on canning sweets, and a well-known food concern acquired a patent for its mass production for one and a half million marks.

But, going deep into history, you can find out that there is a legend that says that more than a hundred years ago this drink was invented by the synagogue cantor Gogel from Mogilev, who lost his job due to loss of voice. In search of a remedy that could restore his voice, Gogel came up with a recipe that was as follows: “take egg cheese and cock it in a mug, crumble bread, salt and shake.”

The ancient recipe today has acquired a sweet color and smell of spices, and you can prepare a cocktail for any occasion, and I wish you never lose your voice, and drink this cocktail only in order to diversify the menu and cheer up.

Mogul-mogul is a famous drink with a wonderful aroma and taste. Many people use it as a cure for various diseases. There are many options for its preparation. The main ingredients of the appetizing remedy are eggs and sugar. At will and taste, gourmets bring their own additives - nutmeg, fruit juice, vanillin, milk, honey, cognac, rum.

The calorie content of the dish varies significantly and depends on the products present in the recipe. On average, it is 250 kcal per 100 g. How to make eggnog, you will learn by reading this material, which describes several variations step by step and with a photo.

The benefits and harms of a mogul-mogul

What is the benefit of the product:

  • The egg is rich in useful amino acids;
  • Minerals: zinc, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium;
  • Vitamins: C, D, A, B12, B3.

Medicinal qualities:

  • A great dessert will help treat a sore throat, loss of voice, respiratory diseases;
  • It has a beneficial effect on vision, the condition of teeth, hair, nails;
  • Well satisfies the feeling of hunger;
  • Although the dish is considered low-calorie, fat and animal protein will help you gain weight quickly. The remaining additional components bring their healing and beneficial properties to the drink.


  • With liver diseases, diabetes, problems with the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, atherosclerosis;
  • With an allergy to eggs.

It is advisable to give homemade eggnog to babies from the age of five.

The testicles must always be used fresh (without cracks), from healthy chickens, and pre-washed with a brush and soap. You can’t keep such a drink from eggs for a long time, but only use it freshly prepared.

The original recipe for mogul-mogul

The classic eggnog recipe is the most common and popular and serves as the basis for other types.

You will need:

  • A pinch of salt;
  • 3 small spoons of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Nutmeg or cinnamon - for decoration.


  1. Separate the yolks from the proteins, put the latter in the refrigerator for 15 minutes;
  2. We introduce 1/2 sugar into the yolks, salt, beat ourselves with a mixer. The mass should double, or a little more;
  3. We take out the cooled proteins, put the rest of the granulated sugar, add a little more, beat until foam appears with a mixer;
  4. We mix the yolks and proteins, again carefully work with a mixer;
  5. We shift into a bowl, sprinkle with nutmeg, cinnamon.

Miracle medicine with honey

It strengthens strength, helps with coughing, treats seasonal depression. For cough, a warm "elixir" is taken in the morning before meals. You can just eat it chilled at any hour.

List of ingredients:

  • Powdered sugar - 2 large spoons (can be smaller);
  • Egg;
  • Honey - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Lemon juice at room temperature;
  • Warm milk - a glass.

Detailed recipe:

  1. Separate the protein from the yolk, add honey to the latter and grind with a mixer until almost white;
  2. Pour milk, continue to beat;
  3. We introduce lemon juice;
  4. Beat the protein with sugar until soft peaks;
  5. Pouring tasty mix into glasses, filling them 3/4 at the same time. Decorate with a "hat" of protein.

With sore throat, honey and lemon juice should be replaced with soft cocoa butter.

Mogul-mogul from sugar and proteins

In many variations, such a hearty drink is made from either whole eggs or yolks. But in their composition there is a large amount of cholesterol, so you can cook eggnog mogul from protein and sugar (without yolks).

In addition to proteins, any fruit juice that you like is added to such a dessert. Peach, apple, pineapple, grape are perfect. To decorate the dish, take cinnamon or nutmeg, grated chocolate.

Required components:

  • Fruit juice, boiled milk or cream - 50 ml each;
  • Grated chocolate - to taste;
  • Protein - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar (brown or regular) - a large spoon.

Cooking scheme:

  1. We split the eggs with a knife, salt the squirrels through the gap, add sugar, beat until a thick foam;
  2. We add juice. Add a few if you like. different types, or use mashed peaches or bananas, chopped with a blender;
  3. Next, add boiled milk or cream at room temperature;
  4. Sprinkle grated chocolate on top.

Recipe for a healthy drink for a child

If you are preparing a cocktail for children as a medicine, and not as a dessert, then it is advisable to use it warm. It will relieve sore throat and hoarseness well.

Such a "potion" is drunk on an empty stomach every day, 2-3 large spoons. A good effect will come with angina. It is also not forbidden to take this product just like that, for prevention. The ingredients use either honey or sugar.


  • Sugar - 3 small spoons;
  • Honey - 4 small spoons;
  • Milk - a glass;
  • Nutmeg - a pinch;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Juice - 5 - 6 tablespoons (apricot, pineapple, peach).

Cooking instruction:

  1. Separate the yolks and squirrels before whipping so that the mogul-mogul at home turns out to be airy and lush;
  2. Mix the yolks with honey or granulated sugar;
  3. Separately, beat the whites and sweet yolk composition. It is better to use a mixer;
  4. Add a pinch of nutmeg and juice to the yolk mixture, then mix it with whipped proteins;
  5. Pour the resulting cocktail into a glass, decorate with berries, nuts or sprinkle with cocoa powder through a stencil.

Another way to prepare a remedy for a baby

If a child has a sore throat, we offer you this version of a “magic” dessert. He is a lifesaver for children who are difficult to get to drink medicine.

Composition of products:

  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 10 g butter;
  • 2 testicles;
  • 100 g cocoa.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We break the eggs, separate the proteins from the yolks, grind the latter with sugar until smooth;
  2. Add butter and cocoa to the yolk mass, mix all the ingredients well;
  3. Whisk the egg whites and fold into the yellow egg mixture. Pour the healing "elixir" into cups, decorate on top with small pieces of walnuts or pieces of chocolate.

It is advisable to use testicles at home, good quality and not purchased. They must be at room temperature.

Healing "elixir" with cognac

It is necessary to take such a "mixture" for coughing 6-10 days before bedtime. Do not give to children, because alcohol is present in the components. Use the remedy for a dry type of cough, it perfectly disinfects and warms. Instead of cognac, you can take vodka in the same amount. Also in the recipe there is iodine, which has an expectorant property.


  • Cognac and honey - a large spoon each;
  • Iodine - a drop;
  • Butter - a small spoon;
  • Yolk.

Cooking description:

  1. Pour the yolk into a glass, flavor with butter;
  2. Stir, add cognac and honey;
  3. Stir again and drip iodine.

Medicine to restore the vocal cords

  1. Break an egg into a bowl, add salt, if desired, season with spices;
  2. Let's crumble bread, best of all - "Borodinsky";
  3. Mix well and eat with a teaspoon in the morning.

Video: A simple eggnog recipe

What do you associate eggnog with? I have a firm, one might say "biographical" association: eggnog is the most delicious medicine in the world. How I loved to get sick because of him as a child! Muddy autumn, fresh spring - these are just wonderful seasons! Because sniffing, sore throat, which means a warm blanket, an anxious mother, you don’t have to go to school, but you can read an interesting book ... And of course, this is it, eggnog - a magical cough remedy, to strengthen strength, and just seasonal depression.

It is with this miraculous medicine from my childhood that I will begin the story of the eggnog recipes. Let's prepare a mogul-mogul with honey, take it from a cough in a warm form in the morning before meals. And if you just enjoy - then at any time, you can chilled.

Mogul with honey

  • egg - 1
  • warm milk - 1 cup
  • honey - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • powdered sugar - 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons
  • lemon juice at room temperature - 2 tbsp. spoons

How to cook eggnog with honey

Separate the protein from the yolk, try to do it carefully. Add honey to the yolk

and grind with a mixer until almost white.

Pour in the milk while continuing to whisk.

Add lemon juice.

Whisk the protein with sugar

to soft peaks. These are:

Pour the milk-yolk mixture into glasses, filling them 3/4 full. Put a hat of whites on top.

The "medicine" is ready for use. Well, who would refuse such treatment?
For sore throat, instead of lemon juice and honey, put soft cocoa butter.

The legend of the mogul

Mogul-mogul is a famous dish with a history according to which it was born precisely as folk remedy from angina and loss of voice. By the way, it was not sweet, but salty. At least, one of the versions of the origin of the mogul says so.

The legend says that once upon a time there lived in the world a certain Jewish cantor named Gogel. He lived in Mogilev (modern Belarus), and earned a living by singing in the choir. On one not the most beautiful day, he lost his voice, which left him without a livelihood. The poor father of a large family tried by all means to restore the work of the vocal cords. A simple mix of raw egg, salt and pieces of black bread, which he ate for breakfast with a small spoon.

It was this “salty” recipe that was popular for a long time in Russian Empire, and many today prefer it to a sweet recipe. Shall we try?

Mogul-mogul for voice restoration

Break 1 egg into a bowl, salt, you can season with spices. Crumble bread into a bowl (not necessarily white, with Borodino - just overeating), mix thoroughly and have breakfast to your health.

Mogul-mogul: who benefits, who harms

To finish with the “healing” part and move on to the dessert part, a few more words about the benefits of eggnog.
The egg is rich in vitamins A, B3 and B12, C, D; minerals: iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus, etc.; amino acids: biotin, cholein, folic acid.

Medicinal properties. Mogul-mogul will help with loss of voice, sore throat and respiratory diseases. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, teeth, nails, eyesight. With it, you can gain weight, although it is low in calories, but animal protein and fat contribute to rapid weight gain. All additional ingredients contribute healing properties, making a delicious drink more useful.

Contraindications However, it should be taken into account that not everyone can do it. If you are allergic to eggs, diabetes, atherosclerosis, liver disease, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder or pancreas, then eggnog, alas, is not for you.

Mogul and salmonellosis

This question necessarily arises, since the main character of the eggnog is a fresh egg, namely, fresh eggs are “sick” with salmonellosis. Whether there is such a danger, we understand.

Salmonellosis is provoked by bacteria, but they are not present in a fresh egg. The source of infection is chicken. Salmonella is contained in the droppings, which can get on the shell, and from there in a few hours into the egg.

Knowing this mechanism, you should protect yourself: the eggs should be fresh and from healthy chickens. The freshness of an egg is easy to check: read the date on it or on the package, or dip it in a glass of water - drowned means fresh. Finding out about the health of a chicken is more difficult, this question is on the conscience of the poultry workers.

What can be done? Egg, before you break, be sure to wash with soap and a brush. Do not use cracked eggs for eggnog. In no case do not cook from eggs bought without shells (the so-called "boy").

From salty medicine to sweet dessert

But back to the legend. It will be continued by Countess Bronislava Potocka, who loved to perform romances in a secular salon. Alas, the voice sometimes failed, treacherously breaking at the most inopportune moment. Learning about healing power dishes of Gogel, she decided to try it, however, radically transforming it. For it is not proper for a countess to eat brown bread, and in general one can do without it. And if so, then salt is not needed. What's left? That's right, an egg. Which she ordered to be supplemented with honey. And at the same time she renamed the gogel to the mogul. Oh those women.

However, this is just another version of the origin of a wonderful dessert, in fact, there are many of them. The British can argue for the right to be called the birthplace of the recipe, because their language has consonant names: hoog-mug, hoogle-mugger, Germans with their Kuddel-mudel, Poles with kugel-mogel. All words are translated approximately the same and mean "mess".

Mogul Recipes

THE MOST SIMPLE RECIPE OF GOGOL-MOGOL: grind the yolk (beat with a spoon or mixer) until almost white with sugar. The amount of sugar - to taste: from a couple of dessert spoons to a glass.

What is important to remember: If you cook eggnog solely from the yolk, carefully separate the yolk from the protein so that not a drop of yolk gets into the protein.

MOGOL RECIPE WITH FRUIT SYRUP. Products: 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 0.5 cups of fruit juice of your choice, 2 cups of milk.
Cooking. Separate whites from yolks. Grind the yolks with sugar and a drop of salt until a thick consistency. Pour in the juice and mix. Add milk. Pour into glasses. Beat egg whites until stiff, spread out and sprinkle with finely grated chocolate.

RECIPE WITH COGNAC: 1 yolk, 40 ml of liquor and cognac, 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
Cooking. Grind the yolk with sugar. Add cognac and liqueur, stir thoroughly. Serve eggnog chilled.

RECIPE OF THE DUTCH "ATTORNEY": 1 yolk, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, vanilla, whipping cream, 50 ml of cognac.
Preparation: beat the yolk with sugar and salt, pour in the cognac, mix and put in a water bath, heat over low heat, stirring all the time (do not overheat, the drink should not be hot, only slightly warm), remove from heat and put vanilla, put in glasses top with whipped cream.
They eat such a mogul-mogul with a spoon.

MOGUL-MOGUL FOR SWEET TOOTH: 1 yolk, 50 ml cream, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar syrup, alcohol (rum, cognac, wine, whiskey, brandy), ice cubes.
How to do: beat the yolk with sugar syrup and cream, pour in an alcoholic drink with ice, mix and serve in a tall glass or glass, you can sprinkle with nutmeg.

WITH COFFEE FOR 4 COFFEE CUPS: 1 egg, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar (or to taste), 3 coffee cups of brewed ground coffee, 2 coffee cups of milk.
Cooking: separate the yolk from the protein; beat the yolk with sugar until creamy; beat the protein into a strong foam. Pour milk equally into cups, pour coffee into each, put the yolk and protein on top. You need to drink such a mogul-mogul without mixing.

WITH LEMON ZEST: 5 yolks, 2 liqueur glasses of rum, 6 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar, lemon zest from one lemon.
Preparation: beat the yolks thoroughly with powdered sugar; add zest and rum, stir. Serve in small glasses. They eat such a dessert in small spoons. Delicious with biscuit pieces.

MOGOL WITH ORANGE: 2 yolks, 1 liqueur glass of orange liqueur, orange zest from half a large orange, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar.
Preparation: Rub the yolks with powdered sugar, gradually adding the zest and liquor. Serve creamy dessert in wide glasses. Also good with biscuits.

MOGOL RECIPE WITH BERRIES: 2-3 tbsp. spoons of berries (raspberries, strawberries, strawberries and any other), 1 egg, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar.
How to make eggnog: divide the egg into protein and yolk, beat them with powdered sugar; add crushed berries to the yolk and mix; put in a glass, put the beaten protein on top.

WITH ORANGE LIQUOR AND COGNAC: 6 yolks, 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac and lemon juice, 5 tbsp. spoons of brown sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of orange liqueur, 1 teaspoon of lemon zest.
Preparation: beat the yolks with sugar thoroughly; add cognac, liquor, juice and zest and continue to beat for another 3-4 minutes; Arrange in glasses, which send to the refrigerator for an average of an hour. Serve garnished with whipped cream or sprinkled with cinnamon.

MOGOL WITH COFFEE: 1 egg, 5 tbsp. spoons of brewed strong coffee, 6 tbsp. spoons of milk, 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
Preparation: beat the yolk with sugar; beat the protein separately until a good foam, add it to the yolk and mix gently; pour in milk and mix, then coffee, and again mix very carefully.

Do not get sick, let the eggnog be just a sweet dessert or a delicious breakfast for you!