Can you eat spicy food when you have a sore throat? What can not be eaten with a cold and cough? Symptoms of different forms of sore throat

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From the article you will learn what to do when:

  1. Sore throat and painful to swallow
  2. How to gargle
  3. How to treat a throat

When your throat is inflamed and you experience burning and pain when swallowing, it is very difficult to drink and eat. What foods should be used in this situation, and which ones should be avoided?

With a sore throat, of course, it is desirable to eat something that is easy to swallow. Food that is soft and light, does not require additional effort to chew, and is less likely to irritate an inflamed throat, will be preferable to hard and dry food. Warm (but not hot!) food and drinks will help soothe your sore throat.

So, you can opt for the following products:

  • broths and soups
  • not crumbly porridge
  • freshly cooked pasta with cheese / mild sauce
  • omelet, soft-boiled eggs
  • various purees
  • vegetable stew
  • gelatin desserts
  • fruit or vegetable smoothies
  • yogurts, curds
  • milk
  • non-acidic juices
What to drink when you have a sore throat?

You should avoid food that is cold, hard to swallow, spicy, i.e. one that will cause additional discomfort and aggravate inflammation in the throat. It is better to exclude the following foods from the diet for a while:

  • crackers, bread
  • spices and sauces
  • carbonated drinks
  • sweet drinks
  • alcohol
  • chips, pretzels, popcorn
  • raw vegetables
  • sour fruits such as orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, etc.

I would like to pay special attention to products that are deservedly recognized as medicinal and are widely used for colds:

Honey is great for treating a sore throat, as it is a natural antiseptic and has beneficial nutritional properties. It can be added to a warm drink (milk, tea, compote), or you can simply dissolve it in your mouth.

Beware of fakes! Only high-quality natural honey has medicinal properties.

In addition, I want to say that in order to relieve pain symptoms and speed up the healing process, it is necessary every 2-3 hours and be sure to gargle with some antiseptic solution after each meal. To do this, you can use the simplest handy tool, as a salt-soda solution with the addition of iodine, and infusions from medicinal herbs, and ready-made pharmaceutical solutions. I would like to bring to your attention two effective options gargle:

- solution Colloidal Silver NSP(1 teaspoon per half cup of warm water)

- solution tea tree oils(3-5 drops in half a glass of warm water).

When gargling with such solutions, which have a pronounced bactericidal effect, pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolic products are washed off from the inflamed tonsils and mucous membrane of the throat, swelling and pain are reduced.

And finally, I want to warn you against self-treatment, as a sore throat can be caused by a serious illness. Treat yourself under the supervision of your doctor, and you can use these recommendations as additional means for a speedy recovery.

Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis) is characterized by the localization of discomfort and pain in the throat. It is not surprising that eating with angina is associated with some difficulties, often patients refuse to eat at all, but this is not an option! It is necessary to know the basic principles of nutrition during a sore throat so that food does not cause additional discomfort and gives the body the energy necessary to fight the disease.

We recommend reading:

It is important to choose the right diet during a sore throat - food passing through the throat can provoke increased pain, so doctors recommend sticking to a sparing diet. In addition, during a sore throat, the body fights toxins - in particular, the liver actively fights them, and if it is still loaded with heavy food, then the patient's well-being will only worsen.

When compiling a diet for angina, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the diet should contain a reduced amount of fast carbohydrates (up to 300 g per day), it is necessary to limit the intake of protein and fats (up to 70 and up to 60 g per day, respectively);
  • you need to eat at least 5 times a day, portions should be small;
  • all food should be chopped - for example, you can cook a stew or baked dish, and then grind it in a blender, or eat mashed soups;
  • in the menu of a patient with a sore throat, it is imperative to include cereals and fortified drinks - they will give the body the necessary energy and strengthen the immune system;
  • dishes should be eaten warm, but in no case hot or cold;
  • during a sore throat you need to drink a lot - fruit drinks, teas, compotes, jelly can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

Do not forget that with angina, appetite is significantly reduced - this is a natural process. Especially often this happens in childhood - the child categorically refuses to use even previously beloved foods. No need to focus on this point, and even more so force-feed the child - this will lead to nausea and vomiting, which will worsen the general condition of the patient. It is advisable to feed the child in small portions, and if he completely refuses to eat, then you need to let him rest, sleep - perhaps the appetite will return.

For nutrition with angina, a special diet has been compiled - table number 13, the essence of which is to eat low-allergenic foods that are perfectly digested and can cause an appetite attack. What you need to know when compiling a dietary menu during a sore throat:

Buckwheat, rice, semolina and oatmeal cereals need to be cooked in a large amount of liquid - as a result, they should be viscous. It would be appropriate to cook pureed cereals, excellent choice become quickly boiled oatmeal.

  1. Bread and pasta are not prohibited, but yesterday's bread should be offered to a patient with a sore throat, fresh pastries should be discarded, and pasta should be purchased small and not seasoned with spicy sauces.
  2. milk and dairy products. Excellent during a sore throat, ryazhenka, sour cream, grated cottage cheese, kefir are suitable for patients - they are easy to swallow, they have sufficient energy value and do not create problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. From egg dishes, a patient with a sore throat will do boiled eggs soft-boiled and omelettes. Moreover, the latter must be cooked not in a pan with oil, but in the oven.
  4. Vegetables must be present in the menu of a patient with a sore throat, but it is categorically not recommended to use them raw - their solid structure will irritate the inflamed tonsils.
  5. Sweet fruits can be eaten fresh, but only grated or whipped in a blender, and without peel. It is advisable to bake them in the oven - the acids will “evaporate” and there will be no negative effect on the sore throat. If a sore throat patient prefers to drink freshly prepared fruit juice, then it will need to be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. From sour and sweet fruits, you can and should prepare fruit drinks, compotes, mousses, jelly and kissels.

If a person often suffers from a sore throat, then over time he develops his own nutrition system - some, for example, prefer to use salty broths (salt can reduce pain in the throat) or ice cream (cold, as it were, "freezes" the inflamed areas). But doctors do not recommend experimenting in this way - this can lead to increased intoxication, cause an aggravation of the inflammatory process.

You should not eat foods and dishes for the digestion and assimilation of which the body will have to spend too much energy. In addition, with angina, you need to exclude junk food, which will increase the load on the digestive tract. What should be excluded from the diet for angina:

Hot food and drinks are excluded from the diet - they not only make intense pain in the throat, but also injure the inflamed tissues of the tonsils, which provokes penetration pathogenic bacteria into their deeper layers.

Doctors say that following the recommendations for correcting the diet ensures a speedy recovery. But there is a warning from experts: you should not stop the diet immediately after the condition is relieved - for 3-4 days, even after a complete cure, you should take care of your own body, give it time to fully recover.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Sore throat is a symptom that occurs with a number of diseases, in particular, with pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, infectious mononucleosis, etc. The mucous membrane covering the back wall of the oropharynx, palatine arches, palatine tonsils, laryngopharynx, inflamed, becomes hyperemic, painful. In addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, the following recommendations will help to get rid of inflammation in the mucosa, and hence from a sore throat:

Meals should be frequent, small portions

Food must be thoroughly chewed so that large pieces of food that are not chewed do not mechanically irritate the inflamed mucous membrane. It should also be remembered that with prolonged chewing of food, the lump is more abundantly saturated with saliva, after which it is easier to swallow

Foods such as crackers, dry biscuits, dry gingerbread, crispbread, biscuits, waffles, etc., should be excluded from the diet, because when eating in a hurry, with insufficient wetting and impregnation of these products with saliva, they can scratch and injure inflamed mucous membrane

The dishes from which the menu is compiled must be liquid or semi-liquid

well suited and sparse cereals

Dishes must be warm.

everything cold and hot is excluded

All spicy foods are excluded.

Fatty foods are recommended, especially those containing vegetable oils. These oils - sunflower, olive, corn, rapeseed, soybean, etc. - nourish the mucous membrane well and help reduce the inflammatory response. Many vegetable oils contain vitamin E, which, as an antioxidant, helps the body cope with bacterial and viral infections faster. Oils, in addition, cover the mucous membrane with a microscopic sticky film, which effectively protects the sore throat from exposure. adverse factors external environment - from drying out of the mucous membrane, from hypothermia, pollution, etc.

It is recommended to eat seaweed regularly. This product contains iodine, which exhibits antimicrobial activity and helps to get rid of inflammation faster. sea ​​kale if you have a sore throat, eat it warm. You can add some vegetable oil to it and onion- this will only enhance the therapeutic effect

A good remedy for microbial and viral diseases is garlic. It is called a natural antiseptic and antibiotic. The healing properties of this product are due not only to the high content of vitamin C, but also to the content of phytoncides, bioflavonoids, essential oils. However, when the mucous membrane is inflamed, the consumption of fresh garlic can cause an irritant effect, therefore, at the beginning of the disease, when the inflammation is very pronounced, it is better to use boiled or soaked garlic. And only when the inflammation begins to subside, it will be possible to use fresh garlic.

destroys the pathogen

causes a rush of blood and lymph, thereby improving blood circulation and helping to remove toxic waste products of microbes from the focus of inflammation), on the other hand, it leads to increased urination and, therefore, to accelerated cleansing of the body

The diet should contain more vegetables, fruits and berries, which are sources of vitamin C. Also, do not forget about those foods that contain vitamins A (or its plant form - beta-carotene) and E

vitamins A, C, E - anti-oxidants that help the body cope with almost any infection.

A sore throat can occur at any time. It can be a symptom of a cold or a more serious viral infection. For example, influenza, acute respiratory illness or mononucleosis. So know what products will help cure sore throat useful to everyone!

Often the pain is associated with a bacterial infection, for example, as a consequence of streptococcus infection. It may also occur due to smoking, due to allergies, or simply due to the fact that you breathed through your mouth in a dream.

Whatever the cause of the sore throat, it is necessary relieve inflammation as soon as possible and prevent the condition from worsening. In this state, you do not want to eat, but it is important to remember that certain foods will help speed up recovery and cure sore throat.


Lemon with honey can help cure a sore throat

This is one of oldest funds fighting infections that are accompanied by a sore throat, cough and runny nose. Enough to make it mix two spoons lemon juice with a spoonful of honey. You can drink this drink right away, or dilute it with a cup of warm water.

Ginger tea or tea with honey

Well relieves pain and soothes irritation in the throat ginger tea or tea with honey.

Ginger tea has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and relieves irritation in the throat. Honey not only soothes a sore throat, but also acts as a natural antibiotic that can successfully fight infection.


This excellent dish for breakfast, oatmeal does not irritate the throat, and you can add such healthy foods, like honey bee or bananas. Oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, and it also contains quite a lot of vegetable protein, which improves physical condition and gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Whole wheat pasta

This extremely useful view paste supplies the body with such useful substances, microelements and vitamins, as , iron, zinc and vitamins B1, B2, B3 and E. It does not irritate the throat, is easily digested and strengthens immune system, helping the body fight infection. It is best to eat such pasta with a low-fat sauce.

boiled carrots

This vegetable contains vitamins A, C and K, fiber and potassium. strengthens the immune system and helps cure sore throats (but only when boiled). Raw carrots are too rough for an irritated throat and can make things worse.

Chicken bouillon

This favorite recipe of our grandmothers is still popular. And not in vain. Chicken bouillon boosts immune defenses, helps fight viruses, and relieves flu and cold symptoms such as a sore throat and runny nose.

He acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and prevents viruses from coming into contact with mucosal cell membranes. We recommend making the broth classic recipe by adding there carrots, onions, celery, turnips, potatoes and sweet garlic.

Fried egg or egg white

Eggs are well digested, they have a lot of protein and other useful substances. Scrambled eggs or egg whites help reduce inflammation and sore throats. Just eat them without spices and hot sauces.


This plant is known for its healing properties. It has been used since ancient times to treat sore throats. Sage contains flavonoids, phenolic acids, and enzymes that regulate oxygen consumption. You can make tea from it, or you can add it to soup as a condiment.

Garlic and onion

Both garlic and onions contain sulfur, so they act as natural mucolytic, that is, an expectorant. They are also powerful natural antibiotics. That is, they help fight the infection, which is the cause of the sore throat.