Who are Freemasons and why are they dangerous. The most famous Masons

We've all heard of the Freemasons and their supposed goal of global domination through a new world order, but how many of us know anything substantial about the subject? Freemasonry is one of the oldest and largest brotherhoods in the world. And in fact, this society is not so secret.

Freemasons claim that their only goal is to make people better, and his ideals of friendship, mercy and brotherly love have survived through the centuries even in the most powerful political, military and religious conflicts. Freemasonry is not a meeting or a place of worship. It is not a religion, as many people think, it does not teach religious philosophy. But there are still many questions about this brotherhood.

The number of Freemasons worldwide is approximately equal to 5 million (of which about 480 thousand in the UK and 2 million in the USA).

Many people think that Freemasonry is a secret society, but it is not. Freemasons are free to declare their affiliation, although they cannot reveal the secrets of the order.

The generally accepted date for the appearance of Freemasonry is June 24, 1717, when the Grand Lodge of London was created. After this date, the Grand Lodges began to govern other lodges.

The Masonic Society uses the methods and tools of Masons to educate its members in the principles of morality, friendship, and brotherly love. Therefore, the compass and the square became the main emblem of the society.

It is generally believed that Freemasons use symbols to keep their activities secret. However, the symbols appeared on the most early stages the formation of the fraternity, when many of its members could not read. Abundant symbolism served as a reminder of the lessons of brotherhood.

The oldest Masonic symbol can be called a compass and a square. It is also the most universally recognizable sign, although its exact meaning varies from country to country.

The Masonic "Lodge" is not just the name of a building, but a group of people who hold meetings in this building. Each lodge receives letters from the "Grand Lodge", but basically the principle of self-government operates. There is no single ceremony for conducting meetings, the rituals vary from group to group.

It is impossible to become a Freemason by being an atheist. The primary requirement for potential members is Belief in some higher power.

There are two well-known branches of Freemasonry. The Regular, ruled by the United Grand Lodge of England, and the Liberal, represented by the Grand Orient of France.

Freemasons usually recognize each other by various "Secret" signs, such as rings with the Masonic emblem, patches on clothes, and sometimes the famous Masonic handshake (during the handshake, the thumb touches the other person's hand in a special way), although the latter mainly refers to Freemasons from San Francisco and Washington.

Anders Breivik, who committed the massacre in Norway in 2011, was a practicing Freemason.

Freemasons have a rule not to testify against other Freemasons. They admit that this can lead to perjury, but for them not to protect their own is a much greater sin.

There is no one person who expresses the opinion of all Masons. The Fraternity is made up of a large number of people in many organizations under their territorial grand lodge. No member may speak on behalf of the entire Freemasonry. This is the responsibility of the grand lodge that unites the territory.

There is a connection between Freemasons and the Statue of Liberty. The author of the statue, Frederic Bartholdi, was a Freemason.

The masons used secret handshakes and passwords to distinguish between insiders and keep the secrets of the guild. Now these rituals are associated with Freemasonry.

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin was a member of Clear Lake Lodge 1417 in Texas. He piloted the lunar module on Apollo 11 on the first manned lunar landing in history. When he set foot on the moon, he had a special commission from his grand master to declare the moon to be the territorial jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Texas. John Glenn was also a Freemason.

Katherine Babington so wanted to find out what kind of Freemasonry it was, what more than a year hid inside the pulpit during meetings. When she was discovered, she was held captive for almost a month.

The most famous Freemasons include Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, John Edgar Hoover, Benjamin Franklin, and the first president and founding father of the United States, George Washington.

Freemason conspiracy theorists associate the Illuminati. But this is not too close to the truth, since the Illuminati society is so secret that some still do not believe in its existence, while Freemasons are free to declare their affiliation.

Hitler believed that Freemasons were run by Jews, and between 80,000 and 200,000 Freemasons were killed during the Nazi rule.

In the USA, women cannot become Freemasons, while in Europe they are usually allowed to be initiated.

At the heart of Freemasonry, and perhaps other communities, is the worship of the sun.

In the form of Freemasonry practiced in the United States, members must believe in God in some form.

The Masonic Temple in Chicago, Illinois was built in 1892. At one time it was the tallest building in the world, having a height of 22 floors.

During civil war in America, the soldiers of the fighting sides, identifying each other as Freemasons, helped each other and saved each other's lives. Even during the war, Masonic loyalty to the brotherhood did not weaken.

Masonic symbol. Secret signs in the heart of the country

Some symbols of Masons in the architecture of Moscow are quite well preserved and have survived to this day. It is worth noting that even now there is an active lodge in the capital. One of the most common symbols is the cornucopia. It was in this form that the architect Bazhenov planned his last building - the Yushkov House, which currently houses the Russian Academy of Sculpture, Painting and Architecture. At one time, Masons often gathered here in order to perform their secret rites. Later, in this house, the publisher Novikov, also a member of the Order, organized a reading room where people could come, regardless of their origin.

Symbols of Masons in Moscow are quite common. For example, Pashkov's house. This is perhaps the most famous Masonic building in the city. It is believed that it was from the roof of this house that the heroes of the once-forbidden work by M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, Azazello and Woland admired Moscow. In the last century, Masonic meetings were held within the walls of this building. It is relatively easy to find secret symbols on it: salamanders and chimeras, a plumb line and compasses, acacia branches and pearls.

On the buildings where the Masonic meetings were held, there are many symbols left by the Freemasons. Such buildings include the Menshikov Tower, the temple of the icon "Joy of All Who Sorrow", a museum dedicated to the work of A. S. Pushkin, the Sklifosovsky Institute and others.

“Here, look, in the Gospel of Matthew,” she urged. “If your eye is clear, then your whole body will be bright.” The same with the ajna chakra - the “third eye”, which the Hindus mark with a dot on the forehead, and ...

Dan Brown. "The Lost Symbol"

Some, when mentioning the All-Seeing Eye, recall Masonic organizations, some - about Big Brother, some - about Egyptian symbolism. And the first, and the second, and the third will be right in their own way. The All-Seeing Eye is an ancient and powerful symbol that has an almost incommensurable sacred weight. This symbol is present in almost all peoples and religions. The meaning of this symbol comes down to one thing - the knowledge of truth. Whether it is the personification of the solar Egyptian gods or the Great Architect of the Universe, this is the embodiment of the Higher Reason and the Highest Truth.

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato called the eye the main solar instrument capable of intuitive vision. The stars are ten thousand celestial eyes of the night, personifying vigilant vigilance. In architecture, the idea of ​​the All-Seeing Eye was often embodied in the form of an opening that opens access to the heavenly worlds, in the dome of a temple or any other building. Also in some cultures it can mean an androgynous creature - as a set female symbol inside the male.

In the West, the right eye means the Sun, day and future, the left eye the Moon, night and past.

In the East, the situation is reversed. The symbolism of the eye can take on a pheasant feather.

Among the American Indians, the eye of the heart sees everything. It is the eye of the Great Spirit and omniscience.

For Buddhists, the eye symbolizes light and wisdom. The third eye of the Buddha, a flaming pearl, is spiritual consciousness and transcendental wisdom.

In the Celtic epic, the evil eye, symbolizing evil intentions and envy, is opposed to a good heart, nobility and compassion.

In Chinese and Japanese symbolism, the left eye is the Sun, the right eye is the Moon.

In Christianity, the eye symbolizes the all-seeing God, omniscience, strength, light. The light of the body is the eye (Matt. 6:22). The seven eyes of the Apocalypse are the seven spirits of God. The eye in the triangle represents the Head of God; and in a triangle surrounded by a radiant circle, her infinite holiness.

Heavenly eye of god Horus

Among the Egyptians, the eye has a rather complex symbolism. The Eye of Horus is associated with the North Star, a symbol of illumination. The eye and eyebrow of this eye mean strength and power. The two eyes are North and South. The right eye is the Sun, the god Ra and Osiris, the left eye is the fickle Moon and the goddess Isis. The left eye of Horus was damaged in a fight with Seth, and therefore the Moon changes its phases.

V Ancient Greece the eye symbolizes Apollo, the observer of the heavens, the Sun, which is also the eye of Zeus (Jupiter).

For Hindus, the third eye of Shiva (the pearl in the middle of the forehead) represents spiritual consciousness, transcendental wisdom. The eye of Varuna is the sun.

In Iranian mythology, the Good Shepherd Yima possesses the solar eye and the secret of immortality.

In Islam, the eye of the heart is the spiritual center, the seat of absolute intelligence and enlightenment.

Among the Japanese, the right eye of Iza-nagi gave birth to the god of the moon.

Among the peoples of Oceania, the sun is a large eyeball. Plato believed that the soul has an eye, and the Truth is visible to it alone.

In Sumerian-Semitic mythology, the eye personifies the Lord of the Sacred Eye of Ea or Enki, where it symbolizes wisdom, omniscience, wakefulness.

The Phoenicians Kronos had two open and two closed eyes, which means constant wakefulness.

Alchemical woodcut showing the All-Seeing Eye of God floating in the sky

The mystical all-seeing "third eye", which is sometimes called the "eye of the heart", symbolizes spiritual vision, which in Hinduism is correlated with the power of fire and the god Shiva, in Buddhism - with inner vision, in Islam - with clairvoyance.

Of particular importance in world history is the sacred meaning of the All-Seeing Eye among the Masons. The All-Seeing Eye, or Radiant Delta, is one of the most famous symbols of the Illuminati. It is a triangle with an eye enclosed in it - a sign of enlightenment, a sign of the presence of a Supreme Being. According to Masonic ideology, this symbol is a mathematical point that has no size and precise coordinates, but is everywhere and fills the entire boundless space. This is an allegory of the attention that the Higher Reason shows in relation to each member of the lodge, and the attention that the Mason shows in relation to the world around him.

Christian version of the Eye of Providence enclosed in a triangle symbolizing the Trinity

The All-Seeing Eye is a complex symbolic and allegorical construction that personifies the Great Architect, the All-Seeing Higher Mind. The pyramid or triangle means the accumulator of all the knowledge that exists in the world, and the eye is the mediator between the source of knowledge and its recipient. The eye does not look at the All-Seeing Masonic Eye, but radiates, radiates Higher knowledge! This symbol is present in the design of every Masonic lodge, and not only. In 1782, the All-Seeing Eye was adopted as part of the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States of America.

The Eye of Ra - one of the incarnations of the All-Seeing Eye - personified fire and light, capable of burning any enemy, power and authority. Most often depicted as a cobra, sometimes with a solar disk and wings, accompanied by the goddesses Nekhbet, Maat, Hathor, Sokhmet, Tefnut, Mekhit - goddesses who are among the solar gods.

Medal for the coronation of Nicholas I

Medal of Elizabeth Petrovna

War against Napoleon 1812

Sevastopol, Museum of the Black Sea Fleet

The Brotherhood of Freemasons distinguishes and brings them world influence and the lion's share of the money of the whole earth - a special system of signs and symbols, which is their magical amulets. Masonic symbols are interesting, multifaceted and complex, and their true understanding is available only to members of the Masonic lodge, but the approximate meaning of some has come down to us. In this article, we will look at famous Masonic symbols and their meanings.

Video What is Freemasonry?


Owl of Minerva sitting on a book - an emblem used by the Bavarian Illuminati in the degree of "Minerval"

Illuminati (German Illuminatenorden, from lat. illuminati), or enlightened (from lat. illuminatus, illuminated, enlightened, enlightened), - in different time the name of various associations (orders, brotherhoods, sects, societies) of an occult-philosophical and mystical nature, to varying degrees permitted or secret, often in opposition to political and religious (clerical) authorities.

Most often, the term is used in relation to members of the Bavarian Illuminati Society of Professor Adam Weishaupt.

Also, this term is used in conspiracy theories, suggesting the existence of some kind of secret organization that secretly controls the historical process.

The Society or Order of the Bavarian Illuminati (German der Illuminatenorden) is a German secret society of the 18th century, founded on May 1, 1776 in Ingolstadt by the philosopher and theologian Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), a well-known supporter of deism, who intended to use his organization to spread and popularize this teaching , as well as the liberal ideas of the European Enlightenment. He himself called his society the Order of Cultivators (Perfektibilisten).

Officially, the goal of the Illuminati was declared to be the improvement and ennoblement of mankind through the "building of a new Jerusalem". The order suffered an internal split before being banned by the Bavarian authorities in 1785. Weishaupt lost his position and died in exile in Thuringia.

It is one of the most famous Illuminati societies in history.

Many conspiracy theories have been associated with the Bavarian Illuminati and secret societies in general. Most often, the motivation of secret societies is the thirst for world domination, total control over human, scientific and financial resources.

Freemasonry is based in the USA and Western Europe. This organization is divided into lodges that unite people - members of the Masonic society territorially. Local lodges are part of the Grand Lodge, according to the rules, there should be one such organization in the country, it is led by the Grand Master. Each Grand Lodge has its own jurisdiction and is itself free to recognize or not recognize other Grand Masonic Lodges.

The emergence of the United States, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the construction of a modern banking system, the management of politics, world domination, these are just a few that are prescribed to the Masonic society. But in order to let at least a thin ray of light into this darkness, let's turn to history and fast forward several centuries ago.

One thing must be said right away: we only know what we are allowed to know.

To begin with, exactly how the Masonic organizations originated is still a mystery. There are several theories about the emergence of this society on the world stage. The theory, which the Freemasons themselves adhere to, says that the origins of Freemasonry arose in 1000 BC. e., namely during the reign of the wisest king on earth, Solomon, whose life is described in detail in the Bible. Freemasons intertwine their past with one of the greatest architectural structures of mankind, with the temple of King Solomon. Masons believe that they adopted their knowledge and skills from Alif Kheram, the man who led the construction of the temple.

Another theory intertwines the origin of Freemasonry with another no less secret organization - the Knights Templar. This time we are interested in the XI century. At this time, one of the most significant events in the history of mankind takes place on the world stage, namely the crusades. In 1099, the Crusaders were able to recapture Jerusalem, they became the first Europeans to visit the Temple Mount, where Solomon's temple was located 2,000 years ago. The crusaders were so amazed by the grandeur of the temple mount that, without hesitation, they called themselves "the poor knights of Christ and the temple of King Solomon."

Masons it is. The origin of Freemasonry

Already in modern times, Masons created texts where they proved the ancient origin of their order. If you ask who the Freemasons are and what they do, you will notice that they are seriously different from their predecessors. The first texts, written in England in the late Middle Ages, told of the ancient craft of masonry and the discovery of its secret by English craftsmen. After the formation of the London lodge, the history of the order was counted from biblical times. The appearance of Freemasons (experts in the secret of masonry) in England was attributed to the era of King Athelstan (X century).

In England in the XIII - XIV centuries, the appearance of the name "Masons" as a designation of masons is recorded in documents. The documents also refer to them as "Freemasons", which may mean that the masons were not bonded or serfs.

A master mason had to get a good education in his teens: learn Latin, serve as a page to a knight in order to learn manners. After he studied the profession of a bricklayer and geometry. As a young man, a mason received the status of apprentice and had to submit a "masterpiece" (do a building or design job) in order to receive the status of a skilled worker.

To become a master, a bricklayer had to complete some large and meaningful project. Master Masons are mentioned in documents as leaders of works with a high social status. The recipient of this status went through an initiation rite, the details of which were kept secret.

Already in the Middle Ages, Masonic lodges are mentioned as organizations of masons. In the XVI - XVII centuries their members were people who had nothing to do with the craft of masons. Among them were philosophers, alchemists, and also the nobility (“noble disciples”).

Gradually, those admitted to the fraternities became the keepers of the traditions of the lodges of freemasons. Practicing masons, on the contrary, forgot them, concentrating on their direct activities. The traditions and teachings of medieval masons began to be interpreted in a new way and laid the foundations of the esoteric society of Freemasons.

So, who are the Illuminati and Freemasons? The difference between them is very significant, some are convinced. Others believe that these are identical concepts.

Now the topic of secret conspiracies of the world government and underground societies is very popular. This was mainly due to films and books. For example, a series of novels by Dan Brown and their film adaptations.

In such fictional and semi-documentary works, mysterious sects and secret organizations are mentioned more and more often. These, of course, include Freemasons and the Illuminati. Let's look at the similarities and differences between them in this article.

The secret societies already mentioned are out of competition in terms of the frequency of their mention. They are by far the most popular.

Mason is. Who are the Masons?

Not so long ago, the general public became aware of the existence of a secret organization of Masons, which has been functioning for more than one century. What is this association? Who are the Masons? What goals do they pursue? There can be a lot of questions about this. Let's try to answer the most important of them.

How did Freemasonry appear?

This religious and ethical movement originated in England in the 18th century, and a little later spread to the United States, India and European states. This teaching united people in brotherhood through love, mutual assistance and equality. It is believed that Freemasonry is an order, since it is an organized society of people.

In 1717, the "Grand Lodge" was created in England - the cradle of brotherhood. She directs all the organizations of the Masonic society, located in different countries. Six years later, James Anderson, a preacher from London, creates a "Book of Charters" that defines the basic rules for the conduct of members of the organization. According to her, a freemason should not be an atheist or a freethinker, he is forbidden to take part in political movements. He must fully support the current government.

Who are the Masons?

This association gained wide popularity in the circles of the bourgeoisie, often prominent thinkers of that time became its participants. Over time, Freemasonry acquired an aristocratic character, this trend is especially noticeable in European countries. Who are the Masons? These are people striving for spiritual growth and moral self-improvement within the framework of certain principles and beliefs.

In the ranks of the order were such famous personalities as the Prussian kings Frederick II and III, the Swedish monarch Gustav III, English crowned persons. Among the Freemasons were some US presidents (Washington, Truman, etc.), statesmen (Churchill), famous philosophers, writers and composers (Goethe, Haydn, Voltaire, Mozart).

What were the goals of the Order?

Their goal is to do everything possible to qualitatively improve this world.

The organization opposed itself to the active church. She sought to create a secret society whose members, united by religious fraternal ties, live and work in accordance with the intended goals.

The order did not seek to replace religion, it did not publish theological works. Discussions on religious topics were strictly forbidden at meetings of the society. With all this, faith in God is the basis of their principles and teachings.

Brotherhood activities

Having dealt with the question of who the Freemasons are, it is impossible not to mention the main direction of their activity. Members of the society take an active part in charity, they are engaged in patronage, but they do not advertise themselves.


Members of the organization unite on a territorial basis, forming small lodges of 40-50 people. Between themselves they call each other brothers. All factions of the order collectively form the Grand Lodge. Its head and leader is the grandmaster or grandmaster. Usually there is a Grand Lodge in every country.

The lowest step in the hierarchical ladder of the order is the student. Then comes the apprentice, then comes the master, and finally the great master.

Russian Freemasons

Tsar Peter and his associates are considered the founders of the order in Russia. In the forties of the 18th century, several lodges were organized by General John Keith, the first members of which were foreigners. However, soon the number of Russian bourgeois, representing the order of Freemasons, increased significantly.

In 1822, by decree of Alexander I, the lodges were closed. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Masonic movement in Russia revived, but under a new name - the "Great East of France" and had a pronounced political character. Since 1917 lodges have been completely banned.

freemasonry takes its roots from With the influence of the traditions of the work of workshop masons and the postulates of medieval knightly orders . The principle of education is the same - a closed elite association of people with certain goals and ideology. It is impossible to trace the exact date of the appearance of this ideology due to the fact that Freemasonry is surrounded by secrets, legends and mysticism .

It is only known for certain that first Grand Lodge was founded in England in 1717.

masons and builders (not necessarily literally masons - also people who participate in the spiritual construction of the universe, scientists, entrepreneurs, politicians and religious figures) are endowed in Freemasonry with a certain moral mission. These people unite in a secret brotherhood, undertake to observe certain rules and esoteric rituals, participate in meetings, discussions and discussion of pressing issues. Which ones - the lodge decides.

In general, everything related to the immediate life of Freemasons within the community remains in the strictest confidence. However, its Masonic affiliation may not be hidden.

Thus, Freemasonry is attracted educated people , not poor and capable of influencing world processes in the field of culture, economy, politics.

Freemasonry symbols

Since Freemasonry is a secret teaching, they have a lot of symbols and tools of allegory. Perhaps the most common of these is crossed compass and angle ruler . There is no single interpretation of them, just as there are no Masonic dogmas. But often this is deciphered as having the tools to accurately measure and understand one's position and impact on the world .

In Freemasonry a large number of symbols are used in the form of building materials, tools, many go back to architectural art. This refers to the comparison of the construction of buildings and the construction of man and society.

The most common symbols of Freemasonry:

  • Hammer;
  • Master OK;
  • Protractor;
  • Level;
  • Plumb;
  • stone slabs;
  • Apron;
  • Gloves;
  • Acacia flowers;
  • "Radiant Delta" - a pyramid with an eye inside as a symbol of God.

Almost all masonic symbols have ancient analogues in religious treatises and legends, but it is impossible to know their exact interpretation.

Masons also have their own non-verbal language - gestures and handshakes with which they communicate with each other and exchange secret signals in public places.

Freemasonry FAQ

  • So what do Freemasons actually do?

The main practical activity of Masonic orders is charity and engaging in financial transactions that they believe can change the world for the better. Everything else relates to spiritual activity - the observance of the principles of the brotherhood of man, the conduct of rituals, discussions, the study of philosophy and secondary sciences.

  • Masons - sectarians or not?

Against all theories Masons are not a sect . In fact, they have nothing to do with religion at all, although the main symbols and legends have something in common with Christianity and Judaism. These are rather esoteric-philosophical associations.

Become a Freemason if you are an atheist, it is impossible. Each member of the Masonic lodge professes one or another religion of his choice. The Lodge does not interfere in this part of life, but any of the existing images of God is called only the Great Architect of the Universe. That is, in terms of religion in Freemasonry, pluralism and democracy - everyone is free to believe in what is close to him. There are no discussions on the topic of religion in principle.

It can be said here that no Jewish Freemasons » does not happen - the community does not consist exclusively of Jews . According to available data, they do not even have a numerical advantage.

  • Can a woman become a mason?

freemasonry divided by European and American . The differences between the two directions are what rules the visitors of the lodge follow. So in the European tradition women can enter into a brotherhood, in America it is categorically impossible.

The only woman who tried to learn the secrets of Freemasonry and entered the lodge building in Kentucky was caught and held v captivity for a month.

  • Do Freemasons have their own book or commandments?

Yes, there is - it is set of principles and moral laws community called landmarks ("markings of the earth"). Freemasons do not have a dominant class, each lodge is in self-government, so any disputes or disagreements that arise are regulated precisely through landmarks.

The catch is that their number and content varies in each lodge. In Europe, it is generally accepted that there are 25 of them (formulated by Albert Mackay in 1856) or 40 (by George Oliver, 1863). The Americans went further and established a different number of landmarks in different states. So in the lodges of New Jersey there are 10 of them, and in Kentucky there are as many as 54.

  • What do Masonic lodges look like?

About, how do they look from the inside, we know little and only through the cinema - it is impossible to judge the authenticity. But from the outside, these are unremarkable buildings, often in European style. Is that on the facade can be freemasonry symbol image .

The building built in 1892 was especially distinguished. Masonic Lodge in Chicago . It was a building with a height of 22 floors, which was considered the tallest in the world.

Lodge must be permanent location , that is, to occupy some kind of structure. They have hierarchy , any new one first receives permission from the superior and only after that can be considered Masonic Temple . Often lodges can differ from each other in contingent: there are those in which people of a certain profession gather, in some - living nearby.

There are no windows in the lodges to add mystery and some mystery. Masons more familiar conduct their Events in the twilight. Doors, walls and all free space in the meeting rooms are decorated with all sorts of paraphernalia:

  1. Masonic flags;
  2. Star of David;
  3. Banners;
  4. Kabbalistic symbolism.

It is worth saying that the sight is not the most fun, for a beginner with weak nerves - a real shock.

In the most important rooms, intended for the highest Masonic ranks, everything is saturated with luxury. They are seated at a luxurious table and on chairs created by a skilled craftsman. The floors are covered with expensive carpets, gilded picture frames sparkle.

Lodge has a separate room for Masonic meal (agapes). In the dressing room, each member of the fraternity can put on special clothes, and with the help of a hairdresser and make-up artist, apply the necessary makeup and comb their hair.

  • Are Freemasons and Illuminati the same thing?

Not, illuminati - it's absolutely secret society "enlightened in the mysteries of the world" with German roots. Unlike Freemasons, members of the Illuminati community cannot disclose their affiliation and there is no official Illuminati.

freemasonry - one of the parts American culture . Getting into this society and asking questions yourself is quite difficult. But to come to the USA and study the issue on the spot - why not.

  • What is the variety of American Masonic lodges?

In addition to the Rosicrucians, whose first emperor was Spencer Lewis, there are many other directions and ramifications freemasonry .

All American Freemasons are proud of their country, confidently believe that it is " great Masonic superpower ».

In America, the headquarters of many societies of Freemasons of such varieties are located:

  1. Order of the Knights Templar.
  2. Jewish brotherhood of the Jews , in which members are admitted on a national basis, i.e., only Jews. All their deliberations are held in the strictest confidence.
  3. « Pilgrims of Zionism " also refers to the national Jewish organization.
  4. Order " b'nai b'rith "- the center of Jewish Freemasons. Its members occupy the most responsible positions in government and business structures.

Freemason Henry Ford recognized Freemasonry as a strong foothold for the United States. The main criterion is that they know exactly what their children should learn.

  • How to build a career through Freemasonry?

No matter how mysterious and not fully understood masonic society , in America, being in its ranks means the likelihood of more successful career .

A controversial attitude remains towards the Freemasons, but their influence on the development of society is quite large. Only a few adherents of the order are embarrassed by such membership. Basically, these are those who had to become freemason solely to make a career.

For most, this causes pride and a feeling of undisguised superiority. For example, representatives of this type freemasonry , as Rosicrucians (their duties include the promotion of occult literature), are sure that they have special exclusivity and significance. They carry high their right to possess "great secrets".

“And soon, soon the strife among the slave people will cease, you will take a hammer in your hand and cry out: freedom!” - wrote A.S. Pushkin, referring to one of the most famous Masons in Russia - General Pushchin. Who are they - Masons? This society seems too encrypted, but it always seems curious to lift the veil of secrecy. Successful old men in long robes with large hoods, who build their conspiracy theories while drinking whiskey - this is exactly the image of the Freemasons.develops in people, thanks to popular culture. What exactly do Masons do? Few people can answer this question with certainty. Let's try to understand the system of Masonic lodges and symbols, answer the main questions about their history and activities and make this "secret society" not so secret.

Who are the Masons?

Masons are such an organization of a religious and ethical orientation, which is spread all over the world. People belonging to this organization strive for self-improvement and knowledge of the world in accordance with certain principles. In total, there are about five million members of this society in the world. The philosophy of Freemasonry includes elements of different beliefs, but is not an independent religion. Initially, Masons gathered to solve some issues of ethics and morality. However, over time, they began to be occupied with the problems of the world order and world governance. This is how the famous Masonic conspiracy theories appeared.

Masons are a secret society?

Not really. Freemasons themselves do not call themselves a secret society, but a "society with secrets." They can calmly talk about their belonging to the Masonic clan. The only thing they must always remain silent about is the secrets of their order.

By the way, Masons have their own hierarchy: apprentice, apprentice and master. The degree of a Mason correlates with the level of his personal development.

So, at the stage of the student, the Mason is engaged in self-knowledge and self-improvement. In the second degree, a person carefully studies the world, the philosophy of its perception, the human mind. The master's degree implies the study of the subject of death. There is no higher degree than master, but some lodges may award additional degrees.

What is a Masonic lodge?

A Masonic lodge is a place where members of the society hold meetings (meetings are called "works" in Masonic parlance).

Lodges, like their members, have their own hierarchy.

The main ones - the great lodges - manage the smaller ones - the Masonic ones. As a rule, lodges are formed according to the principle of proximity to the place of residence. In some cases, they can be formed according to interests, professions. Master Masons may also form special research lodges in which members study Freemasonry itself. Masonic lodges are also divided into Ioannovsky, St. Andrew's and Red, depending on the adopted charter and faith. Moreover, depending on the rituals, for example, a separate feasting box or a bed of sorrow are singled out.

Who controls the Masons?

Freemasons do not have a single leader. None of the members of the Masonic lodges can speak on behalf of the entire brotherhood. Only the Grand Lodge has such a right. Even in landmarks (the so-called precepts of Freemasonry) the principle of equality of members of the brotherhood in front of each other is spelled out.

Where did they even come from - Masons?

Freemasonry has its origins in the late 16th - early 17th centuries.

It is believed that the first Freemasons were masons, which is quite logical, since the literal translation of the word "mason" from French is "freemason". The date of the beginning of the movement of the society of Masons around the world is considered to be the day of the founding of the Grand Lodge of London - June 24, 1717. It was on this day that four craft lodges: "Apple", "Crown", "Grape Bunch", "Goose and Tray", named after the taverns where they met, united into one "Grand Lodge of London".

In the XVIII century, Freemasonry is gaining popularity in Europe. Lodges of a secret society appear in Italy, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland. Moreover, they expanded at a tremendous pace: in Paris alone, in seven years (from 1735 to 1742), the number of Masonic organizations increased from 5 to 22.

I heard that Freemasonry was “brought” to Russia by Peter the Great. It's true?

Yes. According to historians, it was Peter the Great with his associates Franz Lefort and Patrick Gordon who founded the Russian Lodge.

According to legend, Peter the Great was a member of one of the lodges in Amsterdam. These are just guesses.

It is only known for certain that the first Masonic lodge in Russia arose in 1731. Masons have always been disliked in our country. Catherine II, for example, believed that Western European rulers would pursue their policy through secret societies. Masonic lodges were either opened or banned. And if in Russian Empire Freemasons had the right to exist, for example, under Alexander I, then in the USSR this became impossible. Only on June 24, 1995, the Grand Lodge of Russia was re-established. Its members meet once a month. At their meetings after the official part, during dinner, they always raise toasts to Russia, to the president of our state and to the box. By the way, women are not allowed to join the ranks of Russian "freemasons".

They say Pushkin, Suvorov, Kutuzov were Freemasons

Of course, singing the ideals of freedom, self-improvement, Freemasonry attracted the intellectual elite of Russia. The official website of Russian Freemasons says that Kutuzov, Suvorov, and Pushkin were Freemasons. Pushkin wrote in his diary: "On May 4, I was admitted to the Masons." However, according to literary critics, he was a freemason only on paper and soon left the lodge. But it is known for certain that Chaadaev, Trubetskoy, Zhukovsky, Bazhenov were involved in the "society with secrets". By the way, literary circles were actively created around Masonic lodges. And in the works of L.N. Tolstoy, Pisemsky, Gumilyov, Masonic themes are traced.

How to recognize Masons?

There are no special signs, symbols, algorithms that would help to calculate the Masons. The lists of all members of the Masons are kept secret. To distinguish "ours", certain signs and gestures are used. For example, the symbol of the pyramid (rhombus or triangle), the triple six (666 or the "ok" sign), the devil's horn, the sign of the hidden eye. Freemasons also have a special handshake style (the thumb is placed in the space between the second and third fingers of the hand of another Freemason).

In Freemasonry, as in any closed society, there is a certain symbolism. Among the main symbols are those associated with construction: the level is a symbol of the equality of estates, the plumb line is the pursuit of excellence, the hammer is a symbol of the fact that one should not give up life outside of brotherhood, the compass is a symbol of moderation and prudence, the goniometer is justice.

One of the main symbols is the acacia, which stands for purity and holiness. It is also common to use the "Radiant Delta" - a triangle with an open eye inside. This image itself is borrowed from Christianity: the triangle denotes the trinity, and the eye is the “All-Seeing Eye”. In Freemasonry, the "Radiant Delta" is a symbol of the Creator's all-penetration, and in liberal Freemasonry (yes, there is such a thing) it is a sign of enlightenment.

However, it is not necessary to immediately rank all the images of the “All-Seeing Eye” on architectural monuments as Masonic symbols. According to urbanists, everything that passes for Masonic symbols, in fact, is either the symbols of the guild of architects, or the symbols are originally Christian.

Freemasons and conspiracy theorists see their symbols in everything: on the American dollar, on the Ukrainian banknote of 500 hryvnias and even on the coat of arms of the USSR (the intersection of the hammer and sickle can be interpreted as establishing and maintaining the power of the Masons with the help of harsh repressions. Ears of wheat at the same time mean a symbol of wealth, money and prosperity).

What is Liberal Freemasonry? Is it like the liberal party?

What the liberal party has in common is the principle of freedom. In the case of liberal Freemasonry, this is the principle of absolute freedom of conscience. This trend was born in the homeland of everything liberal - in France.

It was the liberal Masons who allowed women to join their ranks.

There are two main currents of Freemasonry: regular, which is subordinate to the "United Grand Lodge of England" and liberal - under the leadership of the "Grand Orient de France".

And all American presidents were Freemasons.

Oddly enough, but many US presidents were indeed members of Masonic lodges. Among them: George Washington, Warren Harding, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Gerald Ford. The creator of the Statue of Liberty, Frederick Bartholdi, among other things, was also a Freemason.

How to become a Mason?

You don't need to possess any supernatural wealth, contrary to the popular stereotype. All requirements for candidates follow from the basic Masonic principles. According to them, a person must have the means to pay membership dues. However, in some countries Masons abolish this property qualification (for example, in Italy).

The main thing is that a person must prove his faith in God, reach a mature age (in most grand lodges - 21 years old), be "free and good morals", that is, accept independent solution about joining a fraternity, to have a good reputation and not to have problems with the law.

After the decision is made, one should go to the local lodge and get a few recommendations from its current members. Admission to Freemasonry is decided by secret ballot. In some lodges, if only one person voted against, then the candidacy is already rejected.

I'm an atheist. Will I not be accepted into the lodge?

Maybe. Freemasonry is always based on religious beliefs: Christianity, Judaism and others. To become a Freemason, you must believe in any higher power. In Liberal Freemasonry, however, it is assumed that a potential member of the society adheres to the philosophy of deism or believes in God as an abstract principle. The Grand Lodge of Russia, for example, sometimes even allows atheists to be members.

P.S. We hope that after reading the article, you will not look everywhere for secret symbols and conspiracy theories. By the way, Masons are very fond of Mozart. In their opinion, in his "Magic Flute" he revealed Masonic secrets, for which he was later poisoned. When it is played at the Vienna Opera, Masons are sure to get up. Well, it already is, another interesting fact.

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Freemasonry is not a religion, not a super-secret society, not a forum, not an army, not an assembly. This is an order like a knight's; a brotherhood of people united by common ideas, secrets and plans.

Their intentions, meanwhile, are not so insidious, as they like to report about it in exposing articles and mystical documentaries. So who are the Masons?

Freemasons are not a relic of the past, they openly exist to this day and do not hide their affiliation and views.

Total in modern world there are about five million representatives of the brotherhood. Geographically, most of them are located in America and England (about 50%), the rest are distributed throughout the world.

Being a Freemason does not mean being a secret spy. If your neighbor is a member of an order, he can calmly declare this while mowing the lawn or sitting at friendly gatherings. However, he is unlikely to spread about the secrets of the brotherhood, no matter how you try.

Who are freemasons and what does the Masons have to do with it?

The official formation of Freemasonry began exactly 300 years ago, in 1717. It was then that the first Grand Lodge appeared in London, dominating the rest of the communities.

However, secret professional guilds appeared as early as the 13th-14th century, and at first they were filled with completely simple and uneducated people, real freemasons - the builders of medieval cathedrals.

The very first temple, according to legend, was built by order of King Solomon. He was so pleased with the work of the architects that he gave them a special privilege - complete freedom from taxes.

The fame of the greatest builders quickly spread around the world, and they began to be invited to different cities and villages for the erection of cathedrals (with the same pleasant, "free" conditions).

Masons wandered around the countries without hindrance - there were no borders and visa regime for the builders of temples. The entire reward was divided strictly equally, and secret symbols and rituals were invented to protect themselves from impostors.

The ordinary working class, consisting of illiterate masons and architects, was the only one of all who could freely move around Europe: thanks to their special skills in building temples from raw stone, they were welcome everywhere.

They possessed valuable knowledge in geometry and astronomy and had an idea of ​​the laws of the divine - this distinguished freemasons from the general mass.

During the construction of cathedrals, masters and students preached the ideals of brotherhood, friendship and equality, which formed the basis of Masonic covenants.

They united in guilds and held meetings in special lodges. It all started with the construction of the temples of God, but then their ideas flowed into the symbolic construction of a new life based on morality and virtue.

It is believed that it was on the basis of the guild of stonemasons that an order was formed, into the ranks of which they began to accept great men, very far from architecture. In any case, the Freemasons themselves consider themselves followers and successors of the "Freemasons".

Until now, their main symbols are square and compasses (the main attributes of medieval architecture), combined into a fancy rhombus.

Why Freemasons are Considered Great Conspirators

By the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment, the circle of Freemasons included many of the greatest bright minds. They were scientists, writers, creators, political leaders.

At various times, Benjamin Franklin, Voltaire, Henry Ford, Winston Churchill, George Washington and Mozart were present in the lodges.

It was both a religion (with its own legend of Hiram Abiff, the builder of the very first temple, unjustly murdered by three envious junior workers) and a secret, powerful political party (which is credited with hundreds of plots to change the world).

Power-hungry persons and bureaucrats dreamed of destroying the Masons. Partly because the main priority for those was and remains free will. Their teachings and principles, close to the ideals of the revolutionaries, interfered with both the church and the elected government.

However, in the hands of the Masonic lodge concentrated enormous power- it included the most influential people of the era, who could implement the ideas of brotherhood on the ground.

In the 18th century, Freemasons began to be persecuted, over the years attributing to them many intrigues and hard facts, from devil worship to the destruction of the Vatican, from conspiracies with Jews to the murder of Princess Diana.

They could not destroy them, but at the end of the 19th century they were obliged to publish complete lists members of the order.

Symbolism and ideas of Freemasonry

All Masons are men. These are exclusively religious people, among them there are no atheists. Freemasonry since ancient times relies on monotheistic beliefs (in a single higher power), without singling out any particular religion.

In addition, the regulations and principles of those same “freemasons” formed the basis of modern Freemasonry.

Freemasons identify themselves with special symbols so that members of the fraternity can easily recognize each other. Often they wear rings with special engravings, decorate their clothes with strange inscriptions and stripes, and shake hands in a “special way”.

They undergo a mystical rite of passage (in which they have to “die” and “resurrect” three times), take an oath and fight for their brothers to the last (even refuse to testify against them in court proceedings).

Freemasons of individual cities unite in self-governing local lodges, which are subtly controlled by the Grand Lodge, which exists in each country.

The Mason is considered the free and voluntary builder of a new, virtue-based life. A man with a clear mind and noble thoughts, resisting the attacks of fanatics, despots and ignoramuses.

V Lately more and more often everyone hears the words: “freemason”, “freemasonry”, “world government”. These concepts are very firmly eaten into the mind. modern man. Newspapers and magazines are full of headlines about Masons, television broadcasts programs about the domination of the world by a certain handful of "chosen" people. Unfortunately, the vast amount of information available is often based on a shaky information base. The quality of the materials used leaves much to be desired, the actual material is minimal. Consequently, not everyone can boast of a complete understanding of the essence of the issue.

This article does not claim to be unconditional scientific reliability, however, it uses only the most reliable facts, it expresses the most common assumptions. Naturally, the purpose of the article is not a complete and comprehensive coverage of the issue of Freemasonry. Such a presentation would require the publication of many dozens of volumes. The task of the article is to consider aspects of Freemasonry in brief, to draw conclusions.

Information about Masons has always been classified as secret or top secret. To a greater extent, it consisted of government correspondence, operational materials of special services, archival documents.

Freemasons are "free" masons. This name has its roots in the Middle Ages. England is considered the birthplace of Freemasonry. In the XII century, the first workshops appeared on the territory of Foggy Albion. By the 15th century, the guild movement was gaining momentum, playing an important role in the life of the country and its population. Shops are opened in accordance with the handicraft orientation of production. The masons' guilds were not the oldest or most influential among the others. By 1481, this guild of masons received the basic rights and privileges of the most significant guild organizations in the country: it was included in the list of official institutions of the country, received its own coat of arms, members of the guild wore special uniforms. These masons were called “free” because, according to their kind professional activity they had to travel from one locality to another and erect buildings throughout the country (while all taxable strata of society were forced to strictly comply with the laws on settling down).

The Gothic style of architectural construction, which was very popular at that time, gave the masons a lot of laborious and long-term work, therefore, such a long joint activity united the workers very much, weeding out the superfluous. It should be noted that in addition to craft unions, there were also closer associations - the so-called. brotherhood of mutual aid of masons. Initially, Masonic brotherhoods were ecclesiastical and religious in nature. Associations of brothers are becoming more and more closed forms. Joining the ranks of Masons, the worker took an oath, received a set of passwords and secret signs by which he could recognize Masonic brethren. The order of work and discipline in the brotherhood was monitored by the senior master and his assistant guards. The masons lower in the hierarchy could not be initiated into the secrets of the higher ones. The Freemasons of one lodge never knew the members of the other. Written office work and minutes of meetings and meetings were not kept. When leaving or being expelled from the brotherhood, the former Mason had to strictly keep the secrets of the brotherhood until his death.

However, time and the course of history make their own adjustments. From the second half of the XVI century. craft unions are going through hard times. Builders from France, Germany, Holland are striving for England. Gothic style leaves the forefront of the country's architectural construction. The Reformation has begun. Since 1547, organizations of a church, religious nature were subjected to severe persecution. However, the Masonic brotherhoods resisted. Removing religious ceremonies, they retained the ceremonies of receiving new brothers, annual feasts and banquets, and many other traditions of theirs. They adopted the brotherhoods from the workshops and building symbols (compass and square), and the degree of brothers' initiation into the secrets of the lodge. Guilds and brotherhoods are now completely organizationally independent of each other. It became possible to be a member of the brotherhood and have nothing to do with workshops - purely professional associations of masons. The ranks of Masonic lodges are more and more filled with people far from construction professions. The lists of brotherhoods include pastors, businessmen, scientists, writers and other rather intelligent citizens of the country. Increasingly, representatives of the nobility, the highest circles of society, become members of Masonic organizations. The reasons that pushed all these people into these lodges are not exactly known. Perhaps people were drawn there because of the Reformation, because many people now could not freely express their views. Perhaps the new brethren were attracted by the well-established organization of these associations and the closeness from outsiders. There are a lot of assumptions, but only one thing is clear - the high patrons of the unions did not allow them to decline and disappear, unlike the shop organizations.

The number of lodges grew quite rapidly. There was a need to coordinate their activities. In 1717, in London, 4 lodges at once united into one - the Grand Lodge. Judge for yourself the scope of growth and power of the unions, bearing in mind that from 1737 to 1907, 16 princes of the royal family were in the English brotherhoods, who later became the kings of the country.

At a rapid pace, the Masonic brotherhood is taking root throughout Europe. At the end of the first third of the 18th century, lodges appeared in such countries as: Italy, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, and also in Russia. If, for example, in Paris in 1735 there were only 5 lodges, then in 1742 (literally 7 years later) their number increased to 22 organizations.

However, it is worth noting that the existence and development of Freemasonry was not a cloudless and calm process. Freemasons were persecuted by the Catholic Church, accused of endangering the power of the church. Members of the fraternities were sharply criticized by secular society, claiming that the Freemasons are in alliance with the Antichrist, and their closed meetings are nothing but sinful orgies. Suspicions grew that political intrigues were being plotted at secret meetings. Bans on meetings followed (Holland - 1735, Sweden - 1738, Switzerland - 1745) and fines for involvement in the activities of the lodges. However, the strong ideological spirit of the Masons and powerful patronage did not allow the lodges to disappear. Freemasonry was gradually transformed into a synthetic ethical-philosophical doctrine, a universal and cosmopolitan movement. Freemasons on absolutely equal rights can be an Indo-European, an African American, and a representative of the Mongoloid race. It also doesn't matter to the organization if you are a Christian, Buddhist or Muslim.

It is very interesting that many of the world's famous people. Composers - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Niccolo Paganini, Joseph Haydn, Franz Liszt; writers - Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Walter Scott, Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde; poets - Robert Burns, Rudyard Kipling. Both Theodore Roosevelt and Winston Churchill were among the Freemasons. As well as businessman Henry Ford and the Rothschild family of oligarchs.

Freemasonry in Russia is a separate issue. Let's just say that the involvement of the great Russian commanders of the Napoleonic era - Suvorov and Kutuzov - with the Freemasons is not confirmed by factual material. A.S. Pushkin and A.S. Griboyedov were members of the Masonic lodge only on paper, and then for a very short time. On the other hand, the Russian Freemasons include: Gumilyov, Voloshin, Osorgin, Zhukovsky, Sumarokov, Bazhenov and many other figures. According to legend, Peter the Great brought Freemasonry to Russia. It was this tsar, who opened a window to Europe, who allegedly became a member of one of the Amsterdam lodges in 1697. All these statements are groundless and remain only on the rights of individual opinions. However, it is certain that the first Masonic lodge in Russia arises in 1731. It is organized by the same Grand Lodge of England and, in fact, implies a means of Western European monarchs for the implementation of their secret policy, as well as intrigues on the territory of the then Russian State. Such a network of agents aroused the suspicions of the Russian Empress Catherine II. After the Pugachev uprising and revolution in France, it became clear that the ideas of individual freedom and enlightenment of the masses are very dangerous for the government. With pamphlets, decrees and a tough policy of suppressing Freemasonry in the country, the Empress stops the functioning of the brotherhoods. A certain thaw for Masons followed already from the time of Paul I, and under Alexander I, the activities of the brotherhoods regained their legal status and resumed. Freemasonry was banned again in 1822. Many representatives of the lodges went into exile. Only the October Manifesto of 1905 again allowed Masons to unite and create their own organizations. But it was no longer free functioning. Strongly wary of the events in the country, the tsarist secret police vigilantly looked after the freethinkers, especially those who were in some kind of secret associations. With the advent of the October Revolution of 1917 and the establishment of a new Soviet power, Freemasonry died out. Mass terror, ideological censorship, tight control of the Cheka - all this deprived the Masons of any chance of functioning in the newly created USSR. The 75-year lull awoke again in 1991, when the union collapsed and new liberal currents appeared, greater than before, freedom of the press and speech.

Now the number of Masons is growing again. There are about 2 million representatives of Masonic lodges in the USA, about 500 thousand in Great Britain. There are many of them in other countries of the world. Clear statistics, of course, are impossible, because societies are secret and keep their secrets under seven locks. This is what gives rise to myths, conjectures and delusions of ordinary citizens. Let's hold on tighter to the scientific, historical point of view, and let's not let ourselves be deceived by empty rumors.