How to build a wooden veranda with your own hands. Do-it-yourself veranda: step-by-step solutions for self-attaching to the house

The simplest structure around country house or at the dacha of additional landscaped space - minimum work, and maximum pleasure. This is a veranda, patio, covered barbecue area or outdoor terrace. Here, in any weather, you can enjoy lunch and dinner outdoors with your family or with welcome guests. Or, in the afternoon, chat online with friends, inhaling the aromas of a flowering garden over a cup of mint tea with a berry pie. But it is better to read a book in solitude during the midday heat or in rainy weather and indulge in pleasant memories and dreams under the measured rocking of a sofa swing. But you never know what you can do in the most pleasant part of the garden - at the junction of wildlife and urban amenities with garden furniture and sofa cushions?!

Terrace format selection

No matter how beautiful new house out of town, without garden paths, flower beds, porch and thoughtful outdoor terrace, it looks unfinished. Yes and in summer time, no matter how comfortable it is in the house, I want to take out an armchair and a table to eat outdoors with the whole family. And it is better when the rain does not drip behind the neck, and the sun does not blind. A veranda and a terrace, a covered barbecue area, a gazebo, a patio and a covered gallery, a shady arcade with grapes or climbing rose bushes… All these are close concepts, although each structure has its own characteristics. But we will not go into details and differences, although it is worth telling more about the open terraces, photo:

1. An open summer terrace is the simplest building in the form of a canopy on one side of the house, used in the warm season. At the base it has a landscaped area, and can be with or without a fence, on a foundation or paved paving slabs, with piers between the bases for floors or decorative ornaments carved or forged.

2. A closed country terrace is used all year round, therefore it involves a wall and insulation. Usually this is a more solid building with waterproofing and a foundation, which should be built according to the project, preferably simultaneously with the construction of the house. It is more like a lightweight extension at the entrance to the house, that is, there is another opportunity to increase living space. A medium-sized room involves heating and lighting, air conditioning and ventilation, as well as stationary furniture that is not taken out into the garden. Often there is winter Garden or early seedlings are germinated, and if full heating is provided, then the family rests there and in winter period. Such a structure is also an additional thermal buffer between the house and the external environment in cold climates.

3. Another variety is a universal open terrace to the house, for example, with frameless glazing, which is maximally open in summer and closed and insulated in the cold season. Sometimes it is advisable to install ready-made double-glazed windows and doors in ready-made window openings or niches for the winter, which are removed in the summer. The enclosed space is heated for the duration of the visit by the owners of the dacha with efficient electric heaters, and if not needed, heating is not used. This is convenient when a suburban household is visited periodically, and the general heating is designed only for the residential part of the house. Such a terrace is designed initially according to the needs of the owners, so that seasonal transformations are possible.

Attention: It makes no sense to plan the costly construction of an insulated covered terrace if the cottage is used only in the summer season. If this is a country house or cottage where it is not supposed to live all year round, a simple canopy or open terrace is enough. And when visiting a private household every weekend, it is better to use the 3rd option.

Tip: It is not necessary that an open terrace in the country house be built right next to one of the walls. It can be a landscaped area between two auxiliary buildings, for example, a bathhouse and a garage, where grapes are used instead of a roof.

One wall of an intermediate platform with a full roof without climbing plants is best made of a translucent material to limit drafts. Or you can build an open terrace near the barbecue in a remote part of the garden, where it is convenient to relax with your family in the evenings.

If you have already understood what type of terrace you need, then it is important to decide on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bbuilding. Do not make it too big if there is not enough space in the yard or on the site. In addition, it will require a lot of building materials, even if it is the simplest foundation and planed boards. An example is an open terrace to the house, photo:

A terrace or a veranda is a patio decoration, so it makes no sense to save on construction, thanks to waste materials at hand and the use of low-quality “humped” wood. It is better to make a small platform soundly without a foundation, in the form of a simplified design, and then decorate it with carved half-walls or neat wooden sides.

Tip: Any construction is done once and for a long time, therefore, with a lack of high-quality building materials, it is better to carry out part of the work in stages, and when new funds arrive, complete the spectacular building. For example, an open terrace in the country, photo:

If an open extension is made near a large house on a grand scale, then it is important to take into account the style and overall landscape design of the site. Everything should be in harmony with the appearance of the estate. It makes no sense to “fun” a terrace more luxuriously than a small country house, although the modest porch of a luxurious house also looks somehow “scanty”. A single architectural ensemble creates a magnificent impression.

You can also make a patio with a pool, which is different from the terrace - it is more tied to the house and raised above ground level. Sometimes an open terrace is a modified or extended porch that includes steps and railings. And the ennobled area in the courtyard of the house is sometimes zoned with a hedge, laid out with paving slabs and a crate is made instead of a roof for climbing plants - also the simplest option for garden furniture.

Tip: Until your site has a full roof during the construction process, use an awning or beach umbrella using the unfinished terrace for its intended purpose.

Is it possible to make an open terrace on your own?

There is nothing easier than the construction of the simplest summer cottages, such as outdoor terraces with your own hands. Main stages of work:

  • allocate space for a construction site for a terrace;
  • draw a rough sketch or draft a structure with dimensions;
  • remove all objects, debris and vegetation residues;
  • make markup according to the project or drawing;
  • we prepare a place for the foundation and make it;
  • we lay beams and logs under the flooring;
  • along the perimeter of the foundation we strengthen the bearing supports of the structure;
  • we make the basis for the roof or visor;
  • lay out piers between the supports;
  • we complete the trim or sheathing, leaving room for window openings if it is a warmed version;
  • we complete the construction of the roof in accordance with the general plan;
  • engaged in interior decoration and arrangement.

Tip: Whichever version of the proposed illustrations you like, it is important to adjust it to suit your conditions. The construction of the terrace should be functional and practical, adapted to your site and home, and also take into account the lifestyle of the owners and the seasonality of the use of the building.

We will discuss the choice of a place for the construction of a terrace and its shape

The best place for an open terrace is to combine the functions of a porch or veranda, that is, at the entrance to the house. Sometimes a large country house is supposed to have 2-3 doorways, then it is most convenient to make an exit from the kitchen or hallway leading to the living room. It happens that there is nowhere to make a terrace below, since everything has already been paved up to the garage. As an option - an open terrace on the second floor, like a vast balcony with a canopy. This is convenient to do if the living room is located in the same place, next to the bedrooms.

Most often, the construction of an open terrace is done instead of a porch, and this is reasonable, especially at the main entrance. Even if there is no separate exit to a covered canopy that functions as a terrace, it can be made from the side of the kitchen so that food and drinks can be served through the window. Then it is desirable that the window has a wide window sill on both sides, like a tabletop.

Attention: In winter, snow will fall on the terrace and roll off the roof, so a light tarpaulin awning or a weak structure may not withstand the load!

When a landscaped area in a small courtyard is built arbitrarily, without reference to windows and doors, they always take into account:

  • in what climate zone is the cottage;
  • where and how the sunlight falls to shade;
  • are there drafts and strong winds to close the wall;
  • whether there are prolonged heavy rains in the summer;
  • is there enough lighting or a lot of shade from garden vegetation;
  • is it possible to organize artificial lighting in the evening, especially if the family sits up for a long time at dinner in the evenings.

Tip: In a cold climate, a terrace is built on the south side of the dacha, and in a hot climate, at the north wall. Additional shade is created by climbing plants. If there is little light, then the roof or visor is made transparent - glass, polycarbonate, plexiglass.

It is also important what kind of view will open from the terrace, because you want the garden ensemble to please the eye. If there is a need to hide the family from prying eyes, then it is better to relax during patio. For those who want to impress the neighbors landscape design and the beauty of home ownership, you can make an open terrace at the entrance to the courtyard. When no one can see anything behind a high fence, except for periodically invited guests, the location of the equipped site is not important, it would be convenient for the owners.

The shape of the terrace does not have to be rectangular; a semicircular platform looks original or in the form of a polyhedron. However, such an arrangement of an open terrace will require much more building materials, the amount of lumber waste will increase, and there is a need for additional finishing. The same can be said about the configuration of the roof. And don't forget the roof drain!

Do you need a terrace project?

Before making an open terrace in the country, they usually make a project. It could be simple drawing or a sketch indicating all dimensions for the simplest design canopy against the wall. If this is an integral architectural ensemble of a country estate, then the design should be done by a specialist.

Everyone knows that any quality work starts with a well-thought-out plan and cost estimate, down to the smallest detail. Then a common foundation is made for the house and the terrace, the structure can be combined under a common roof.

If the terrace is built later, it is still preferable to finish it with common roofing materials. At the same time, it is important how it will be “sewn” to the main structure through reinforcement, and sometimes it is made as an autonomous covered structure. Careful study of all details during the design reduces construction time and minimizes unaccounted for factors that have to be eliminated along the way.

A light covered terrace is not a permanent structure, so it can be without a foundation and tied to a house. All these points are important to take into account in the project, which makes it easier to calculate construction costs. And the more competently it is compiled, the clearer the stages of the construction of a covered area and the consumption of materials.

If the project is made by an architect, he takes into account:

  • soil features;
  • climatic conditions;
  • precipitation intensity;
  • foundation load;
  • dimensions and overall dimensions;
  • type of supporting structure;
  • roof configuration and slope angle;
  • terrace glazing type;
  • ladder structure;
  • decorative trim.

Building materials for outdoor structures are selected resistant to moisture and fire. It is better to take wood with antiseptic impregnation and fungicides, with fire-fighting treatment. It is an ideal material for the construction of structural supports, its finishing and floor arrangement. Brick for piers is used light (hollow inside).

It is undesirable to make thick walls in order to minimize the shrinkage of the building. Lightweight foam concrete blocks are ideal for an insulated "winter" terrace. You can also use composite materials and homemade adobe bricks, if appropriate for the design of the country house. Waterproofing is required between foundation, concrete structure and flooring.

Any terrace project should be as economical and thoughtful as possible, taking into account the proposed furniture and free space. If there are only a sofa swing and a couple of chairs at a folding table or console, then 2-3 meters wide will be enough. In the case when a whole set of soft garden furniture rattan with soft pillows, a full-fledged table and chairs for 6 (or more) persons, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe covered building can be increased to 5-6 meters from the wall of the house.

When choosing material for an open terrace, it is important to know that a full-fledged roof is not always justified. In the garden, climbing plants, grapes or flowers will successfully replace it, but it is important to decide:

  • what type of green spaces is preferable;
  • how often they will be planted;
  • on which side of the terrace is it more comfortable for them to develop;
  • how watering and fertilizing will be organized;
  • whether harvesting is convenient if it is fruit plants.

Attention: Honey plants and strongly smelling plants should not be used. This will attract insects - bees, wasps and flies to the landscaped outdoor dining area. It is worth considering how to scare them away.

Advice: Right choice materials and competent design - a guarantee of quickly completed work. As a rule, it is proposed to take on the construction of such structures for those who have elementary building skills, tools and practice in working with wood. If certain stages cause difficulties, for example, laying the foundation or roofing, then it is better to entrust this to specialists.

Final stage:

  • exterior and interior decoration of the terrace;
  • landscaping and furnishing with garden furniture.

At a very modest dacha, you should not order an expensive project, which is usually entrusted to specialists. Here you can limit yourself to 2-4 pillars to support ceilings for an awning canopy or a polycarbonate visor. For such an accomplishment, it is enough to lay out the floors of the terrace with pebbles or tiles, decorate with plants in pots, adding hanging planters with flowers. Against the wall, you can make a sofa bench with handrails in the form small table- this is the simplest version of an open structure in the form of a veranda or terrace.

We build a terrace in the country (video) - we warm country house and attach a terrace to it.

Many owners of private houses, wanting to increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, seek to attach various structures to it. One of the most common is an open veranda. Consider how a terrace is made of wood - the most affordable building material in our country.

We draw up an extension project

Before you start building a veranda made of wood and any other materials, you should carefully consider project documentation. That will allow you to pre-calculate all necessary materials, decide on the shape of the future structure, avoid possible mistakes during construction. Even if you do not have the necessary level of drawing or similar tools, we recommend that you make the simplest sketches of a future building with an indication of its dimensions.

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During the preparation of the project, you should consider the entire sequence of work, the most optimal methods for its implementation. Similarly, you should decide on the equipment and tools necessary for the construction of the terrace.

Stage one - laying the foundation

After determining the sequence of construction, a do-it-yourself veranda made of wood is built step by step. You need to start from the base of the terrace, which is a tape shallow or columnar foundation.

As a rule, both types are quite widespread when performing self-manufacturing house outbuildings. Consider the features of the data for the future terrace.

Column by Column

Simple and less expensive in terms of materials and physical effort is the columnar foundation of the veranda. It consists of several separate supports of rectangular section in a horizontal plane. The following materials are used for manufacturing:

  • red ceramic brick;
  • foundation concrete blocks;
  • construction concrete blocks;
  • masonry sand-cement mortar.

Before installation, pits of 0.6-1m are dug for future posts. The depth of penetration under the terrace supports depends on the quality of the soil and the mass of the future structure. The bottom of the pits is covered with sand and gravel with intermediate tamping. On top of the backfill under the base of the terrace, a concrete pad is poured for leveling.

The wooden veranda should evenly rest on all the elements of the foundation. To do this, the pillars are brought to a common level in height. For this purpose, partially cut blocks or bricks can be used, as well as various thicknesses of joints. After installing all the supports for the terrace, they must be protected from moisture. In this case, use ready bituminous mastic and roll waterproofing. Similarly, the waterproofing of the heads of the columns under the veranda is carried out.

Tape under the terrace - the pros and cons

For the terrace requires a lot of effort during construction. Main stages:

  1. marking the tape along the perimeter of the walls of the terrace;
  2. digging a trench to a depth of at least 0.6 meters with a width of about 30 cm;
  3. installation of formwork for lifting the tape above the soil level to the beam strapping of the veranda;
  4. filling the bottom of the trench with sand and gravel;
  5. manufacturing and installation of a reinforcing frame made of steel rods;
  6. preparation of concrete mortar in sufficient volume, pouring the tape to the upper edge of the formwork;
  7. waterproofing of the frozen tape using ready-made compounds;
  8. backfilling the trench with soil.

As can be seen from the description of the process, the installation technology strip foundation under a wooden terrace - the process is quite laborious and lengthy, it requires more highly qualified than when installing a columnar base. In case of improper erection or high mobility of the soil, the tape can be torn and bent, which will necessarily affect the entire structure.

Stage two - the construction of the frame of the building

On the finished foundation, the frame of the structure is being installed. A wooden terrace is made quickly, even alone. For work, you will need a construction beam with a section of 150x150 and 100x100 mm. The first beam will fit on the lower trim - the base of the veranda floor, the second - on the racks and supports for the railing.

Fitting the bottom trim

We lay a beam with a section of 150x150 on a foundation for a terrace previously lined with roofing material. If the dimensions exceed 6 meters - the standard length of lumber in our country, you will have to splice the strapping elements. The technology of the angular and longitudinal connection of the timber is as follows:

  1. Select the most even, not behaving lumber.
  2. At the ends, mark the cuts for half the thickness of the timber. The length of the future groove is equal in our case to 150 mm.
  3. Saw the timber along the markup using a manual or mechanical tool - a carpenter's saw, circular or chain saw.
  4. Connect the parts groove to groove at an angle or along.
  5. Strengthen the connection further by driving in 2-3 #150 nails.

To avoid possible displacement of the terrace frame relative to the base (this should be considered at the stage of foundation construction), several pieces of steel reinforcement with a diameter of 8 or 10 mm and a free end length of 200-250 mm are left in the upper part of the pillars or tape. Before laying the strapping, holes of a larger diameter are drilled at the exit points of the steel rods, and the beam is laid on the pins, which are then bent flush.

After completing the timber strapping of the terrace floor along the perimeter, lay several transverse bars of the same section in the same way, installing them in pre-marked and sawn grooves in increments of about 1 meter, fastening them with long nails.

We install racks

To support the roof of a wooden veranda, it is necessary to install several vertical bars at the outer corners and along the long side parallel to the wall of the house. The length of which is chosen in such a way that the height of the terrace roof from the floor is at least 2 meters, and the slope of the roof from the main building is observed.

Scheme of connection of strapping and racks

If the terrace strapping beam is allowed not to be planed, then the racks must be pre-planed with an electric planer. This will give them a more aesthetic appearance and simplify further finishing and processing of the veranda. Fasten the racks to the strapping with self-tapping screws using reinforced steel corners. In the upper part, the ends of the beam are attached to the terrace strapping, which is a frame element that serves to increase the strength of the veranda structure.

The top harness is best made from planed timber 100x100. Assembly is carried out on the ground in detail, after which it is installed on the ends of the racks and attached to them. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the vertical parts are perpendicular in two planes. To do this, use a plumb line or building level.

Stage three - installation of the terrace floor

The step-by-step process of installing a wooden terrace continues with the manufacture of the extension floor. Particular attention should be paid to the correct selection of material, these are operating conditions associated with constant exposure to moisture and sudden changes in temperature.

A standard pine or spruce floorboard is the worst you can get for a veranda. If you decide to use it, you must definitely treat the lumber twice with antiseptic compounds that protect the tree from decay and damage by various microorganisms. Pay special attention to the processing of boards from the end.

The best choice for a veranda floor is a larch floorboard. Its advantages:

  • resistant to moisture and damage by fungi, mold, insects;
  • has a beautiful wood structure;
  • lends itself well to additional processing with protective and decorative compositions.

Instead of larch for outdoor terraces, artificial floor material- decking.

To improve the decorative properties of the entire product as a whole, lay flooring it is possible not only traditionally along one of the sides of the terrace, but also at an angle to them. With this method, the expense of the floorboard on the veranda will be increased by 20 percent, but it's worth it. It is also carried out diagonally from the center, which requires precise angular cuts that can be made on a miter circular saw.

Stage 4 - installation of the roof

Protect visitors to the veranda and flooring a quality roof will help from rain and solar heat. Its frame is made of wood, using a vertical strapping of the terrace and a horizontal beam-base, fixed on the wall of the house. When erecting the roof of the veranda, it is necessary to provide for a slope to in relation to the horizon of at least 15-20 ° in order to avoid the accumulation of large masses of snow.

As roofing materials for terraces, they are used as traditional metal sheets or soft roof, and less common glass or colored cellular polycarbonate. Thanks to the use of the latter, the roof of the veranda can have a radius rounding or a domed shape. Of course, this will require the manufacture of a more complex truss system, but will give the appearance of the terrace originality.

Stage 5 - installation of railings, finishing

Restrict inner space verandas and protect visitors from falling with wooden railings. They are made from profiled metal or planed timber. Balusters will add zest to the exterior interior.

After completing the installation of the fence, the wood should be treated with stains, mordants or oil-based paints, in other words, protect and prepare for use.

In this article, we examined the issue of building a veranda, as it turned out, this is not at all difficult. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and step by step algorithm.


Terrace attached to the house - comfortable place, where it is pleasant to relax in the circle of close people and, oddly enough, its construction can be done quite easily with your own hands. To understand how to do this, you need to learn more about the main features of this extension.

Distinctive features of the terrace

Before designing an extension on a personal plot, you should decide how the structure will be framed - in the form of a terrace, veranda or gazebo. All of these types of buildings are similar to each other, but also have significant differences.

Compared with analogues, the terrace has several distinctive features:

  • is located on the common foundation of the building or on a separate one, but combined with the main one;
  • its main purpose is a summer vacation, since, basically, it is built in the form of a large open area;
  • not protected by walls, their role is played by railings;
  • can be installed near any wall of the house or even around the entire main building.

All types of extensions to the house have one purpose - this is a place for outdoor recreation in the circle of a large campaign. Choice the best option will depend on the decision of the owner of the plot.

How to choose the best place to build a building?

Since the terrace is built for a pleasant pastime, the choice of its construction site should be approached thoroughly. It must match the following parameters:

  • well lit by the sun;
  • have a wonderful appearance;
  • in harmony with the main building and with the features of landscape design.

In addition, when choosing the location of the future structure, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the soil, since this will determine which material is better to use in the construction of the structure, and which form will be most suitable.

What material is used to build the terrace?

Most often, wood is used for the construction of an extension of this type. It is quite strong and reliable. In addition, a wooden terrace will create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere while spending time on it.

Some homeowners choose to build an extension out of brick, concrete, or stone. Although such materials are durable, they are also quite expensive, and it is also more difficult to work with them than with wood.

The foundation for the construction of a structure can be the most diverse, but in order to make it easier to build a terrace on your own, use a ready-made curb stone as a base. Thus, part of the work is significantly reduced.

Therefore, the laying of the foundation of the structure will be considered the initial stage of construction. To do this, it is necessary to designate the perimeter of the future building with the help of wooden stakes, on which the twine is pulled. At the corners of the marking, temporary supports made of bricks about 0.4 m high are placed.

A twine is pulled over the lag, after which they can be removed, and instead of bricks, concrete supports can be placed. Between them, trenches are pulled out under the curb stone, it is installed and poured with cementing mortar. After the cement has completely hardened, the entire base area can be covered with expanded clay to provide thermal insulation.

Construction of the terrace platform

After laying the base-foundation, you can proceed to the construction of the terrace area. For this, wood is most often used.

Logs are laid and fastened to the foundation, onto which the bars are fixed with the help of fasteners in such a way that small gaps for ventilation are formed between them. Before laying, the boards must be carefully treated with an antiseptic solution in several layers.

After the flooring is laid, its edges should be trimmed and the surface painted or varnished.

Roof installation

The installation of a roof is not necessary for the construction of a terrace, it is considered an auxiliary element. For these purposes, you can use one of several roofing options:

  • wooden bars;
  • transparent slate;
  • polycarbonate;
  • awning.

As a rule, the roof on the terrace is not fixed. Many building owners usually use structures that can be quickly removed, such as large umbrellas.

Creating interior decor

Looks good even on outdoor terrace wooden fencing, which consists of racks, balusters and railings. Such elements are assembled together and attached to the roof supports or to individual beams.

The extension is decorated with various elements decor, such as fresh flowers, tulle fabric overlaps and others. Be sure to put furniture on the finished terrace for the convenient location of all guests, as well as sun loungers, if there is an opportunity to sunbathe.

This is an extension to the house that allows you to admire nature, while at the same time being in the comfort of home. It can be made of brick or wood, and we offer you the most elegant and least time-consuming option - a veranda made of.


First of all, it is necessary to develop a construction project, and for this you need to clearly understand why you need it, what kind of veranda you want, what kind of view you will observe from it. The veranda can be used as a hall, dining room, children's playroom, make it a winter garden, a living room.

  • on the corner;
  • from the end;
  • from the front of the house.
It is most convenient to choose for the construction of the veranda the place where there is an entrance door to the house, so you can get into the veranda directly from the house. However, if your flight of fancy is not limited to such stereotypes, if you wish and have tools, you can make an additional doorway. Anyway, the entrance to the veranda can only be from the street, but then it will be more like a gazebo. Another option is that it will be possible to get to the veranda only from the house, the entrance from the street is not provided.
If making another doorway is not a problem for you, keep in mind that a good place for a veranda will be from the western or eastern wall of the house, then it will be well lit and at the same time protected from summer heat. Some even build a wraparound veranda around the perimeter of the entire house.

Important! Do not place the entrance to the veranda opposite the entrance to the house-because of this, there will always be a draft on the veranda.

Next, you need to decide on the size. Verandas look good along the entire length of the wall of the house, but you can build smaller ones. But it’s not worth building verandas protruding beyond the length of the wall of the house - they look too heavy.

The most common shape for such an extension is rectangular, but it can also be in the form of a polygon or circle.
The veranda can be open (without walls) and closed. If you put sliding panels, then the closed building will easily turn into an open one if necessary.

Project drawings must be submitted for approval to the relevant authorities, and the construction of the veranda (even with your own hands) must be legalized, otherwise problems may arise in the process of selling the house or transferring it in some other way.

List of materials and tools

To build a veranda, you will need the following tools:

  • bucket;
  • concrete mixer or tub;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • level and water level;
  • cord to align the posts;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • drill of the appropriate diameter;
  • perforator;
  • electric saw;
  • electric planer;
  • jigsaw;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • square.

You will also need the following materials:
  • concrete (cement, sand, crushed stone or gravel);
  • brick, metal posts or bars;
  • boards and nails for formwork;
  • water;
  • waterproofing on the foundation;
  • bars 100x100 mm;
  • floor board 30x100 mm;
  • aluminum or polycarbonate profile;
  • self-tapping screws and special self-tapping screws for polycarbonate;
  • nails 100 mm, nails with a small head;
  • staples;
  • metal corners;
  • anchor bolts;
  • dowel;
  • rails 30 mm;
  • wooden lining;
  • plinth;
  • vapor barrier;
  • aluminum adhesive tape;
  • insulation.

The veranda differs from the terrace by the presence

If you attach a do-it-yourself porch made of polycarbonate, then since this is a fairly light material, the foundation can be poured using the columnar method. However, the final choice of the method of pouring the foundation depends on the condition of the soil (frozen, swampy).

If you want a small extension, then the number of posts will be 4 pieces (1 in each corner). If you conceived a large veranda, the columns must be set every 50 cm.
Step-by-step instruction for pouring the foundation of the veranda with your own hands is as follows:

  1. Dismantle the porch and the canopy above it.
  2. Collect all trash.
  3. Remove the top layer of earth (15 cm).
  4. Mark the places for the columns.
  5. Dig holes under the posts with a depth equal to the depth of the foundation of the house.
  6. Pour 10 cm of sand at the bottom of the pit, and 10 cm of crushed stone or gravel on top of it.
  7. From wooden planks build formwork of appropriate height.
  8. Pour concrete to ground level or to the entire required height of the foundation.
  9. If you chose asbestos, metal or wooden posts, then before pouring concrete, you need to insert these posts, covering them with solutions to protect metal or wood.
  10. Allow the concrete to dry well, periodically watering it with water if the weather is hot outside.
  11. Take out the formwork.
  12. Fill the distance between the concrete and the ground with sand or fine gravel.
  13. If you chose brick columns, then lay out the brick to the required height.
  14. Align the height of all columns, taking into account that the floors in the house must be 30 cm higher than in the extension, otherwise its roof will not fit under the roof of the house (relevant for one-story mansions).


We will consider the process of mounting the frame for the veranda with our own hands step by step:

  1. Carry out waterproofing of the foundation with the help of roofing material or bitumen, spreading it over the entire foundation.
  2. Insert into the anchor posts, having previously drilled a hole.
  3. Mark the first outside corner of the veranda by driving in a nail.
  4. Starting from the first nail, outline all 4 corners of the building, carefully measuring the right angle (90 °).
  5. Run the lower strapping (first layer), laying out the prepared bars 100x100 mm and joining them at the corners using the “half-tree” method (when half the bar is cut at the ends of the two bars using an electric planer). If the bars are not connected at the corner, the bars can simply be joined to each other.
  6. Between the bars it is better to lay a heater.
  7. Fasten connections metal corners or staples.
  8. Check with the help of a water level how evenly the strapping is done.
  9. Check with a square to see if the corners are warped.
  10. Fasten the strapping to the foundation with anchor bolts.
  11. Again, check with a water level and square to see if the strapping is warped.
  12. Cut holes for racks. The optimal distance is 50 cm, you need to consider the placement of windows and doors.
  13. Install the racks by attaching them to the bottom trim with brackets. Racks must be cut strictly vertically, this is easy to check with a level.
  14. Before installing the upper trim, so that the racks do not warp, install temporary spacers - they nail the rails between the racks.
  15. In the bars for the upper trim, cut holes for the racks.
  16. Using staples, attach the top trim to the uprights.
  17. Remove spacers.
Since we will use polycarbonate as the material for the walls, it is permissible to install aluminum or polycarbonate profiles instead of wooden racks, then the veranda can be given a rounded shape.


The roof of the veranda can be:

  • lean-to if the extension is attached to the house with a wide part;
  • gable when the veranda is attached perpendicular to the house.
Polycarbonate coating allows you to make the extension lighter and visually more voluminous. This material is impact resistant very coldy and strong heat, it is light, it can be bent, drilled, cut, it does not let in sounds and heat. At your request, you can choose a colored or matte material, honeycomb (there will be a translucent roof) or monolithic (it looks no different from glass).
In order to cover the veranda, you must follow the following procedure:
  1. Make markings with a level and drill holes for anchors in the timber and wall of the house.
  2. Attach the beam to the wall with anchor bolts.
  3. Make grooves for the rafters in the timber and in the upper harness.
  4. Install the rafters in a “half-tree” way from the wall to the upper trim so that they protrude beyond the trim (otherwise the rain will flow right down the walls of the veranda). The distance between the centers of the rafters is maintained at 101 cm. The angle between the rafters and the wall, between the rafters and the top trim must be straight.
  5. Attach the rafters with metal staples, corners, nails.
  6. Make a frame using aluminum or polycarbonate profiles, screwing it to the rafters with self-tapping screws.
  7. Attach polycarbonate sheets with screws or fixing profiles.

Important! In order for water to drain, the timber should be placed above the upper trim of the frame, making an angle of about 40° , but not less than 25° .

If the roof for the veranda is conceived in the form of an arch, aluminum or polycarbonate profiles can be used instead of wooden beams. Despite the fact that polycarbonate is a fairly convenient material for work, some nuances must be observed during its installation:

  1. Do not shoot protective film until the end of installation, so as not to deform.
  2. If an aluminum profile is used, then the edges of the polycarbonate must be sealed with a special aluminum adhesive tape.
  3. Self-tapping screws must be specially designed to work with polycarbonate, they have a special gasket that does not allow the material to deform.
  4. The grooves for self-tapping screws must be drilled a little wider, since polycarbonate can narrow or expand with temperature changes.
  5. For the same reason, you can not screw the self-tapping screw too tightly.
  6. Empty channels inside the polycarbonate should be parallel to the roof slope.
  7. For cutting sheets, it is better to use an electric jigsaw.

Important! Don't rush or take too long when cutting polycarbonate sheets-from the high speed of the jigsaw, they can melt, and from too low-burst.

Floors and walls

Floors are best made of wood, using special boards 30x100 mm. The laying of the floor occurs in this order:

  1. Soak the boards indoors for a day.
  2. Make markings using a water level and drill holes for anchors in the timber and wall of the house.
  3. Attach the beam to the wall of the house with anchors.
  4. Check with a water level that there are no distortions between the timber and the lower trim.
  5. Set the logs (base bars under the floor) perpendicular to how you will lay the floor boards, maintaining a distance of up to 1 m.
  6. Check the correct installation using a water level.
  7. Attach the logs using staples, corners, nails.
  8. Check the water level for distortion.
  9. Lay out the insulating layer.
  10. Install the floorboard, attaching it with self-tapping screws 2 times the width of the board.
  11. If necessary, the boards must be sanded.
  12. Treat the boards with special solutions.
  13. Cover with varnish or paint.

Did you know? To make the floor warmer, you can attach a subfloor before installing the lags, drill the lags to subfloor, and lay insulation between the lags. A finishing floor is laid on top of the insulation.

You can also make a concrete floor and install tiles on it.

To build polycarbonate walls on the veranda with your own hands, follow this sequence:

  1. If desired, an aluminum or polycarbonate profile can be attached to the wooden racks.
  2. Prepare polycarbonate sheets, if necessary, cut with a jigsaw.
  3. Glue the edges of the sheets with a special aluminum tape.
  4. Starting from the left edge, attach the polycarbonate sheets to the posts with special screws so that the empty channels inside the sheet are perpendicular to the floor.
  5. Attach a special profile at the junction of the sheets.
If you plan to combine an open and closed veranda, then you can install sliding walls on special rails for wardrobes.

Interior decoration of the veranda

To maintain harmony in the decoration, in combination with a wooden floor, it is better to decorate the wall of the house with wood. If the house is wooden, then additional finishing is not required, if not, you can use boards or wooden lining. The sequence of actions when laying the lining is as follows:

  1. Keep the lining for 1 day indoors.
  2. Drill holes for dowels.
  3. Using dowels, vertically install slats 30 mm wide every 1 m.
  4. Use a level to check for distortion.
  5. Attach the vapor barrier (polyethylene film, foil, roofing felt) to the rails with screws.
  6. Attach the horizontal rails to the vertical rails with self-tapping screws. The bottom rail should be 5 cm above the floor, and the top rail should be 5 cm below the top trim. At the same distance, it is necessary to place slats around windows and doors.
  7. Check the installation with a water level.
  8. Nail the first strip of lining with nails with a small hat to the rail. If you want to lay the lining perpendicular to the floor, then the first strip is nailed near the corner, if parallel, then at the top.
  9. Use a spirit level to check the setting.
  10. Next, nail the remaining strips, checking after each that there are no distortions.
  11. Complete the installation by installing the plinth.

Important! You need to nail the lining in the place where it begins connecting strip, further from the edge, driving in nails at an oblique angle.

Windows and doors

If the walls of the veranda are built of wood or brick, then you can insert monolithic polycarbonate windows that will move apart. For this:

  1. At the top of the window, attach with screws a guide along which the window will move. Doors in wardrobes move along such guides.
  2. The guide can also be screwed at the bottom of the window, then the window fastening will be more rigid.
  3. Cut the polycarbonate sheet to the required dimensions.
  4. Attach special rollers to the sheet that will provide mobility.
  5. Insert the structure into the guides.

Did you know? Glass windows are only 20% more transparent than polycarbonate windows, but polycarbonate is 20 times stronger than glass.

Installed in the same way sliding doors from polycarbonate. Using the same technology, you can make a fully sliding wall by screwing the guide to the top trim.

Depending on the type of guide, windows and doors can open in one direction, in both directions, or fold like an accordion.

Having built a polycarbonate veranda with your own hands, you will not only give a more noble look to your home, but you will also be able to enjoy the sunrise or sunset, drops of falling rain, landscapes, with a cup of coffee or tea in your hand, without suffering from unpleasant weather moments and saving on payment labor of workers.

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The veranda allows you to profitably expand the usable space of a residential building. In a properly erected and well-equipped extension, you can comfortably spend time both in the warm and in the cold season.

The extension is best erected so that it closes front door to the main house. Therefore, you will not be able to build a veranda from any desired side of the already finished main building. Otherwise, the veranda will be torn off from the main building and you will have to enter it through the street.

Extension dimensions are selected individually. For a family of 3-6 people, a 3x4 m veranda is enough. It is also important to consider general form from the street. For example, if you live in a large two- or even three-story house, and the veranda is very small, the overall architectural ensemble will turn out to be inharmonious. For compact houses, you can safely attach verandas the width of the entire wall of the main building - it looks great.

Important note! Regardless of the chosen size and, in general, the features of the extension, its construction must first be legalized. To do this, you must have a project in hand. You can find it in open sources or order it from a specialized company.

With the finished project, go to the local architectural department. Employees of the department will study your project, make the necessary changes and issue a permit. Keep in mind that it takes an average of 2-3 months to review and approve a project, so it is best to deal with this issue in the winter, before the start of the construction season.

Construction site marking

We are starting to prepare our construction site.

First step. We remove about 150 mm of the top layer of soil around the perimeter of the future building and take it to flower beds, a garden or another place.

Second step. Align the resulting recess.

Third step. We do markup. First, focusing on the project, we drive in metal or wooden pins at the corners of the site, then in the same way we drive in intermediate pegs every 1-1.5 m, and then we pull the rope between the pins. We will be guided by it in the process of arranging the foundation.

We make the foundation

Most often, verandas are built on the bases of a columnar or belt type. The depth of the support is taken equal to the depth of the foundation of the main house. It is strongly not recommended to connect the main support with the foundation of the extension, because. these designs will have widely varying weights. Therefore, the degree of their shrinkage will also vary. To prevent a heavy house from pulling a relatively light extension, the latter must be erected on a separate foundation. To do this, leave between the foundations of approximately 3-4 cm gap.

Important point! When choosing the type of foundation, consider, first of all, the characteristics of the soil in your area and the total mass of the veranda. For the construction of heavy structures on heaving soils, monolithic ones are best suited. Lightweight structures, for example, made of wood, can be built on columnar supports.

Tape base

The tape type foundation is optimally suited for the further construction of a veranda on it from building blocks or bricks. The thickness of the base, as already noted, is maintained equal to the thickness of the foundation of the house. If this is a new building, we keep the thickness at the level of 70-80 cm.

First step. We dig a trench along the perimeter of the walls of the extension.

Second step. We level the bottom and walls of the trench, from wooden boards or shields, according to the height of the future concrete support.

Third step. We successively fill the bottom of the trench with a 10-cm layer of sand and the same layer of gravel with the obligatory tamping of each ball of backfill.

Fourth step. We lay the reinforcing mesh of 10-12 mm bars. The recommended mesh size is 10x10 cm. So the base will be as strong as possible.

Fifth step. We pour concrete prepared from a portion of cement, three portions of sand, 4-5 portions of gravel and water.

Carefully level the fill and leave it to dry and gain strength for 3-4 weeks. In the heat, we pour concrete every day to prevent it from cracking.

columnar base

Perfect for a veranda made of timber or polycarbonate. Pits for poles are recommended to be made with a depth of 80-110 cm. If the veranda is small (up to about 3x4 m), it will be enough to install supports in the corners. However, professional builders recommend installing intermediate racks for any size of the veranda. We maintain the distance between the supports within 0.8-1 m.

First step. We dig holes in the places of future pouring of the pillars. The best way to do this is with a drill.

Second step. We fill the bottom of each recess with a 15-20 cm layer of sand. Additionally, it is recommended to pour about 10 cm of gravel. We compact each layer.

Third step. Pour the concrete to the ground level and let it harden.

Fourth step. Finished concrete supports coat with bitumen.

Fifth step. We fill the cracks between the ground and the supports with sand.

Sixth step. We erect the above-ground part of the brick pillars. We make the height equal to the height of the foundation of the main house.

Making a subfloor

The floor can be wood or concrete. For example, in a frame veranda made of wooden beam a wooden floor would be more appropriate. Concrete pouring will best fit into an extension made of bricks.

We do the wooden draft floor like this:

  • we fix the beam of the lower trim on the foundation. We use suitable fasteners, for example, anchors. To connect the beams directly, we first make samples at their joints and additionally fasten them with galvanized nails;
  • we attach wooden logs to the bottom trim. We maintain the step at the level of 50 cm - so the floor will definitely not fail. We use the connection option described above;
  • we fill the space between the lags with expanded clay;
  • we make flooring from unedged boards or plywood with a thickness of about 50 mm. We fasten the flooring elements to the logs with galvanized nails or self-tapping screws.

We do the concrete screed like this:

  • we fill the base with a 10-centimeter layer of sand;
  • pour a layer on top;
  • laying reinforcing mesh. For the floor of the veranda, a grid of bars with a diameter of 6-8 mm with cells of 25x25 cm is enough;
  • pour concrete.

Important! The screed should be as even as possible. We carry out the work with the obligatory use of the level.

We build a wooden veranda

Basic material properties

Wood is one of the most popular and ancient building materials. Even after the appearance on the market of all kinds of blocks and other budget and easy-to-arrange elements, wood practically did not lose ground.

With the construction of a simple frame wooden veranda, almost everyone can handle it. It is only necessary to properly mount the frame racks and sew them up with shields, clapboard or other suitable material.

The indisputable advantage of wood is its environmental friendliness, beautiful appearance and relatively low weight. The latter property allows you to abandon the arrangement of expensive and difficult to build foundations.

The main disadvantage of a wooden veranda is its fire hazard - installing a barbecue in such an extension or in its immediate vicinity is a very important undertaking that requires taking into account many nuances and trifles. Therefore, it is better to take the source of fire somewhere far away from the wooden veranda.

Another significant disadvantage of wood is its poor tolerance. high humidity, which is why the material needs serious pre-treatment with special ones. Without such preparation, the wood will rot very quickly.

Construction order

For the construction of the frame, we use a high quality wooden beam with a section of 100x100 mm. We already have the lower trim and the subfloor, so we continue to work following the instructions below.

First step. We cut grooves in the beam of the lower strapping for the installation of vertical supports. We maintain a half-meter step.

Second step. We install vertical racks. To fasten the frame elements, we use staples and screws or nails.

Important! The roof of our veranda, as noted, will be sloping. Therefore, the vertical beam, installed at the bottom of the slope, is made 50 cm below the opposite racks.

Third step. We mount the beam of the upper trim. On higher racks, no questions will arise - we perform the connections in the same way as in the previous stages.

When installing the strapping of lower supports, we do the following: first we connect the posts longitudinally with a strapping beam, and then we fix the transverse crossbars connecting the high and low racks at the height of the low racks. We fasten the crossbars with high racks using pre-created samples and nails.

Fourth step. The top harness is ready. The resulting slope will allow us to lay the rafters for the roof. Additionally, we nail a girder near the roof slope. To fasten the beam with all supports, we use anchor bolts. For greater reliability, it is recommended to fasten the strapping beam with transverse boards or beams, if possible and necessary (we focus on the weight of the future roofing material). We will attach racks and struts to them for greater strength of the truss system.

Fifth step. We mount in increments of 50 cm. To do this, we use a wooden bar with a section of 100x200 mm. We perform the connection of structural elements by any of the previously discussed methods.

Sixth step. We sew the frame. For inner lining lining is perfect, for outdoor - siding or other material. Between the materials of the outer and inner skin we lay layers of hydro- and thermal insulation. We attach the film to the frame. The position of the insulation is fixed by transverse rails. The finishing material is also attached to them. When sheathing, do not forget to leave openings for windows and doors.

Prices for various types of timber

brick verandas

Basic information about building material

Brick is great for building capital verandas. In a building made of this material, it will be cool in summer and, if properly insulated, warm in winter. Brickwork durable, fireproof and unpretentious in care.

The main disadvantage of a brick building is a lot of weight. Such structures are built exclusively on, which does not have the best effect on the total cost of construction.

The order of the construction of the veranda

The foundation is ready and waterproofed, the screed is poured, the base is even and does not require any additional preparatory measures. Let's start laying out the walls.

We first select the appropriate type of masonry. Most simple options, perfect for self erection verandas are as follows:

  • spoon masonry. The final wall thickness will be 120 mm;
  • poke masonry. Wall thickness - 250 mm;
  • chain laying. Allows you to get walls with a thickness of 380 mm.

First step. We attach a mooring cord at two opposite ends of the foundation with a coupler. It should run along the edge of the base.

Second step. We expose the corner bricks along the cord, and then fill the space between them in accordance with the chosen masonry method. To fasten building elements, we use a standard cement mortar.

Third step. We check the evenness of the first row and similarly lay out the walls to the desired height, not forgetting to leave openings for doors and windows.

Important! will be inclined, so the wall falling on the bottom of the slope, as well as the side walls adjacent to it, are made a row lower compared to the wall supporting the top of the roof.

Having laid out the last row of walls, we equip the armored belt. To do this, we fix a formwork about 70 mm high on each wall on the upper surface of the walls, put anchor bolts in the corners, lay reinforcing bars and pour concrete.

We let the concrete harden, and then we attach a strapping of a wooden beam with a section of 10x10 cm to the anchor bolts. The further procedure for arranging the truss system remains similar to the situation with

If the veranda is planned to be used throughout the year, the walls can be laid in two rows, filling the gap between the rows. heat-insulating material. With a single laying, insulation, moisture insulation and interior decoration we perform by analogy with a wooden veranda. Exterior finish remains at your discretion. You can simply gently embroider the seams and finish it.

Masonry sizeLength, L
Width, VHeight, HNumber of bricks
thickness not included
mortar joint,
Number of bricks
taking into account the thickness
mortar joint 10 mm,
1 m3 single brick laying250 120 65 512 394
1 m3 thickened brickwork250 120 88 378 302
250 120 65 61 51
1 sq. m of masonry in half a brick (masonry thickness 120 mm)250 120 88 45 39
1 sq. m of masonry in one brick (masonry thickness 250 mm)250 120 65 128 102
250 120 65 189 153
1 sq. m of masonry in one and a half bricks (masonry thickness 380 mm)250 120 88 140 117
250 120 65 256 204
1 sq. m of laying in two bricks (masonry thickness 510 mm)250 120 88 190 156

250 250 65 317 255

1 sq. m of masonry in two and a half bricks (masonry thickness 640 mm)
250 250 88 235 195

Prices for building and facing bricks

Building and facing bricks

We make the roof of the veranda

And the rafters have been installed. It remains to make the crate, mount the insulating layers and lay the finishing roofing material.

The lathing can be continuous (for rolled materials) and sparse (for sheet roofing). We make a continuous crate from OSB boards. To do this, we attach them to the rafters with a 1-centimeter gap. We fasten the beams of a sparse crate with a step recommended by the manufacturer of the selected roofing material. On average, it is 30-35 cm. To attach the battens to the rafters, we use galvanized nails or self-tapping screws.

We fill the cells between the bars of the crate mineral wool for thermal insulation. From above we lay waterproofing film and attach it to the crate using a stapler with staples. In the case of arranging a continuous crate, we fix the thermal insulation from the inside of the room. We fix the insulation plates with the help of transverse rails, nailing them to the crate.

In conclusion, it remains to mount. It is better that it matches the roof covering of the main house. Otherwise, we focus on our preferences and available budget.

Finishing the floor

If the subfloor is wooden, we put insulation in the space between them and stuff the flooring from edged boards. Boards are painted and varnished.

over concrete screed you can also equip the boardwalk, similar to the previous method, or lay another material of your choice, such as linoleum.

At the end, the doors remain, furnish at your discretion and connect lighting if necessary. We will not pull the wire. It is enough to take the extension cord out of the house and turn on the necessary lighting fixtures.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself veranda