Lombard loan secured by securities. Lombard loans

Although it is easier to get money at a pawnshop, the documents you need are almost the same: a passport and a certificate of ownership of property (if provided). Of course, no one will ask for documents for jewelry, but for an apartment, car, land, etc., you need to provide a complete package. Moreover, you will have to prove that real estate (or other) is not pledged by other companies.

Requirements for the borrower:

  • age from 18 years old, in some from 21 years old;
  • citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • registration in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Most often, pawnshops are more loyal and limited to: passport, age and property documents. After checking the papers, the specialist evaluates the collateral. Looks at condition and market value.

Important! The term of a loan with a pledge of securities cannot be longer than for the securities themselves. That is, if the money on securities is to be issued in 3 months, then the period will be up to 3 months.

Then the numbers are announced. If the client agrees, then contracts are signed and money is issued.

Pros and cons compared to banking products

A pawnshop loan is certainly different from a bank loan. But the demand for it is only growing. Let's see why:

  • easier to get a loan
  • do not need certificates from work;
  • period from 1 day to a year (and can be extended);
  • high chance of approval;
  • urgent issuance of money;
  • The credit limit does not depend on family income.

A consumer loan in a bank has its advantages:

  • has a lower percentage
  • appraisal is carried out at market value;
  • a deposit is not required;
  • long term contracts.

Another plus of lending in a bank: .

For each situation, you need to consider individually what is better to take. Sometimes pawnshops bring conditions closer to banking ones, but due to the high degree of risk and the lack of such a voluminous insurance resource as banks have, their activities will not make sense if you do not set a high percentage or make an expensive assessment.

Individuals and legal entities try different variants lending to receive funds on optimal terms. Banks offer loans with the involvement of guarantors, secured by property, non-targeted and targeted loans. Sometimes it is problematic to determine what features are inherent in a particular form of lending. Everyone knows that pawnshops are an alternative to banks and microfinance companies. These are organizations that issue short-term loans secured by material assets. Then jewelry or other things have to be redeemed for the amount with accrued interest. In the absence of the required amount on the day of redemption, the values ​​are re-mortgaged - the borrower pays interest, and the repayment period is extended for another month. Some banking institutions that issue so-called pawn loans also operate according to the same scheme.

How to solve financial problems: the main nuances of secured lending

Pawnshop credit is a form of consumer loan, without specifying its purpose. This is a short-term loan that is issued against the security of property rights or movable property. The main feature of this financing option is a one-time repayment. A regular consumer loan is usually repaid in several installments. When issuing funds, the bank accepts the values ​​that remain with the creditor until the required amount of money is deposited.

The amount of the loan depends on the valuation of the collateral and its face value, which is determined by experts in an expert way. This applies not only to the authenticity of jewelry, but also to other valuable things for which you need to set a real price. The collateral valuation means the maximum loan amount as a percentage of the value of the collateral. An item can be valued at an amount ranging from forty to one hundred percent of its face value.

The issuance of a pawnshop loan has its own characteristics. This form of financing provides for the availability of specially prepared premises for the storage of the borrower's material assets. Therefore, not all banking companies offer such financing options.

Individuals and businessmen: who can get a loan?

A pawnshop loan is the best solution to financial problems if a certain amount of money is needed urgently and without unnecessary requirements. Individuals and legal entities can apply to a banking organization and provide movable property for temporary storage. This is convenient because no additional documents and proof of solvency are required. The bank receives on time valuable property client and returns it only after making the entire accrued amount, together with interest. Features of such financing include:

  • Minimum Requirements to clients (only a passport is enough) to issue a loan.
  • No guarantee required. It is possible to get a considerable amount in just a couple of hours.
  • An examination is carried out to indicate the exact value of the pledged item.

These nuances make a pawnshop loan unlike other forms of loans.

The main types of loans secured by valuable property

Lombard type loans are divided into several types. Let's consider the main ones:

  • on the security of goods - when liquid things are accepted, the assessment of which does not exceed 60 percent. This form of issuing loans is especially convenient for non-banking institutions;
  • for the provision of precious metals. An organization that plans to engage in such lending needs to without fail obtain a license for the sale of precious metals. The appraisal cannot be less than 95% of the actual value;
  • secured by securities is a lending option that is most often used by banks. The collateral valuation of securities reaches 80%, while shares and bonds of enterprises do not exceed 60%. The bank can only accept shares or other securities that have an official quotation on the stock exchange. According to the quotation, the nominal value of the documents is determined. If the borrower is satisfied with all the conditions of financing, he is obliged to transfer the shares of the banking company. In case of non-fulfillment of credit obligations, the thing of the borrower passes to the lender. The written contract necessarily reflects the main points regarding late payments.

Many citizens believe that the terms of such financing are extremely disadvantageous. In case of violation of the conditions and late payments, valuable property pledged remains the property of the creditor. But there is also positive points, because you can immediately get cash without having to do long preparations. necessary documents and attracting guarantors.

Lombard credit is a form of refinancing in which the Central Bank of the Russian Federation provides loans secured by security. Unlike loans secured by real estate (mortgages), pawnshop operations are loans secured by movable property. The subject of collateral is primarily reliable securities quoted on the stock exchange. Loans are issued within a certain part of their market value, because a fall in the exchange rate is possible. Along with state obligations, bills of exchange can be accepted as collateral.

The list of securities accepted for pledge is determined by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. These are, as a rule, government securities, but in some cases there may be corporate securities.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation establishes a pawnshop loan limit for the country as a whole and for each Main Territorial Administration (National Bank).

The formation of a portfolio of pledged securities and the procedure for their accounting are important in the lending process. For this, Depo accounts are used. Such accounts serve to reflect all transactions related to the storage of securities. "Depo" accounts are maintained in depositories, i.e. in organizations that have been granted the right to store and record shares, bonds and other securities.

A portfolio of securities is a list of all securities owned by a commercial bank. A portfolio is formed from it, which includes only the totality of pledged securities. The pledge operation itself is carried out by transferring the value of the portfolio from the Depo account of a commercial bank to the Depo account of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in one of the authorized depositories. The content of the portfolio is preliminarily coordinated with the local administration of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Lombard credit is provided on the basis of:

· an annual general loan agreement.

It provides for the principal conditions for lending. Each loan is provided for up to 30 days and is formalized by drawing up a separate loan agreement.

  • · At the same time, a commercial bank must issue an obligation to repay the loan within the stipulated time and transfer to the territorial body of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation a power of attorney for the right to sell securities accepted as collateral if the loan is not returned on time.
  • Application for a pawnshop loan at a fixed interest rate or a satisfied (partially satisfied) application for a plot in a pawnshop loan auction, which indicates both the total and the minimum amount of the pawnshop loan requested by the bank (in case of partial satisfaction of the application)

Lombard credit is provided in the amount of up to 75% of the market value of securities accepted as collateral. The central bank monitors the market price of these securities on a daily basis. If their value decreases, a commercial bank is obliged to increase the amount of collateral accordingly by transferring an additional amount of securities from its “Depo” account to the “Depo” account of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, the Main Territorial Administration (National Bank) recovers the missing amount of security.

In situations where the market price of the collateral increases, the commercial bank has the right to return the additional collateral to its Depo account.

As already noted, a pawnshop loan is issued for a specific period, but a commercial bank can repay the loan ahead of schedule and return the pledged securities to its disposal. For the use of a pawnshop loan, a commercial bank pays interest, the rate of which is approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. He can change it depending on specific tasks. monetary policy. However, for an already issued pawnshop loan, the rate is not revised. Upon the due date of repayment of the loan, the corresponding amount, without the consent of the commercial bank, is debited from its correspondent account in the settlement and cash center of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The right to receive a pawnshop loan is enjoyed by banks that meet certain conditions:

  • Before applying for a loan, they must have been successfully functioning for at least 1 year
  • · comply with the established standards, timely transfer money to the reserve funds of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • Submit reports to him on time and in full. Reporting integrity and compliance accounting confirmed by the audit organization.
  • · At the time of issuing a pawnshop loan, a commercial bank cannot have overdue debts on loans previously received from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Territorial administrations and national banks of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation began to practice the issuance of pawnshop loans only since 1995.

The Bank of Russia provides pawnshop loans in two ways:

  • · At the request of banks. In this case, a pawnshop loan is provided on any working day at a fixed pawnshop interest rate set by the Bank of Russia, the loan term is determined in the bank's application;
  • · According to the results of the conducted Lombard credit auction;

Lombard loan auctions are held by the Bank of Russia in Moscow as percentage competitions for banks' applications for obtaining a pawn loan.

The basis for the auction is the official agreement of the Bank of Russia on holding a Lombard loan auction, which establishes the method of holding the auction, the total amount of the loan offered by the Bank of Russia at the auction and the period for which the loan is provided.

The bids of banks accepted for the auction are ranked according to the level of the interest rate offered by banks, starting from the maximum.

The final decision on the cut-off rate and on the amount of pawnshop loans provided on the results of the auction is made by the Credit Committee of the Bank of Russia after receiving and analyzing banks' applications for loans.

The exhaustion of the established amount of the loan put up for auction is the basis for reducing the amount of the last application (a proportional reduction in the amount of each application of the bank, which indicates the rate accepted by the Bank of Russia as the cut-off rate) in the list of satisfied applications. In this case, the applications of banks can be partially satisfied, i.e. in this case, the amount of the pawnshop loan provided to the bank must not be lower than the minimum amount specified in the application. Partially satisfied applications, for which the minimum amount requested by banks does not meet the specified criteria, are not executed by the Bank of Russia.

After the Lombard Credit Auction is held, the Bank of Russia publishes its results, indicating the current cut-off rate, in the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia

Some people may have a situation where the money is needed immediately, and there is no one to borrow it from, but at the same time there is confidence that the unfavorable financial situation will soon be restored. In this case, it is quite possible to consider the option of pawnshop lending (unless, of course, there is something to offer as collateral).

What is a pawn loan?

A pawnshop loan is a short-term loan that is secured by property with a high degree of liquidity, which, in the event of a default on the loan, the organization can easily sell. The pledge is a guarantee for the lender.

Examples of collateral include securities, jewelry, antiques, Appliances and electronics, clothing, real estate, cars, etc. Lombard credit is most often repaid in a lump sum.

This type of loan is an alternative to a bank loan.

The legal basis for the activities of pawnshops

The pawnshop acts as a creditor, whose activities are regulated by certain provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 196-FZ "On Pawnshops" .

According to the established standards:

  • pawnshops do not have the right to dispose of the borrower's property;
  • pawnshop employees are required to keep professional secrecy regarding information on received pledges;
  • a thing handed over to a pawnshop must be evaluated on the basis of its market value and the agreement of the parties;
  • a pawnshop loan must be formalized by an agreement in writing, etc.

Some features of obtaining a pawnshop loan

Having made a decision on pawnshop lending, you need to be aware that not all values ​​​​are accepted as collateral by a pawnshop. So the employees of the organization insure the pawnshop against possible difficulties in the sale of the pledged property in case of non-return of funds.

Property is accepted only after providing the passport of the borrower who has reached the age of majority. Persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol are not served.

Features of property valuation

The future collateral is not assessed at its full value:

  • precious metals - taking into account the net weight and sample (i.e., the presence of precious stones and decoration by jewelers);
  • household appliances and electronics - subject to condition appearance, technical condition, release date;
  • clothes - taking into account the degree of wear, etc.

Thus, the collateral value will always be below the market value.

Advantages and disadvantages of a pawnshop loan

The advantages of this type of loan include:

  • the granting procedure does not provide for a complicated procedure for checking the solvency of the borrower;
  • speed of registration;
  • no need to provide information about the place of work, income, position in society, etc., and, as a result, the package of documents is minimal (a passport and documents for an expensive pledge, for example, a car are required);
  • if for some reason the borrower does not pay the loan, his property is sold by a pawnshop at an auction, but at the same time he is exempt from payment;
  • the goal can be any;
  • no penalties for early repayment;
  • a pawnshop is practically an analogue of renting a cell in a bank, only it is much cheaper;
  • the decision of the pawnshop to issue a loan is absolutely not affected by the credit history of the client (except when the pawnshop maintains its own credit history);
  • there is a possibility of extending the contract (the service is called a re-pledge, and the condition for its provision is the payment of interest), and the number of such extensions is not limited;
  • the possibility of obtaining a loan for pensioners.

However, along with the advantages, there are also such disadvantages:

  • evaluation of jewelry at the price of scrap;
  • there are restrictions on the values ​​accepted as collateral;
  • to receive you need to large sums, you need to pledge especially valuable property;
  • high percent;
  • the term of the loan usually does not exceed one year;
  • harsh fines;
  • there is a risk of irretrievable disappearance of the pledged things (in the event of a robbery of the pawnshop).

Thus, a pawnshop loan is most beneficial in cases where money is needed for a short period, or if the bank has refused to provide a loan service, or if the borrower bad credit history, or had a criminal record, or if a loan is needed urgently and without paperwork.

Among the many mortgage programs that currently exist in Russia, the so-called pawn lending, or lending secured by the borrower's real estate, is also developing.

In the understanding of the Westerner, any unmortgaged real estate means frozen money. “Any real estate can bring money to its owner, and people prefer to use this opportunity,” says Alexander Chernyak, General Director of ATTA Ipoteka. citizens modern Russia they are not in a hurry to mortgage their property “in a pawnshop”. And not all banks are ready to provide pawn lending services. Nevertheless, experts note an increase in the number of such transactions in the Russian real estate market. For example, in the City Mortgage Bank, today the share of such loans is about 20%. And the bank DeltaCredit notes that "lombard mortgage is already actively used in the market of new buildings."

According to Anita Berzina, Head of the Consumer and Mortgage Lending Department at Hansabank, the share of this segment in the lending market compared to conventional mortgages is approximately 30%.

simple circuit

The scheme of pawnshop lending is simple. “I gave my property as collateral to the creditor - I received money for it, I returned the money - I received the property back, I didn’t pay - the pledge remains with the creditor,” explains Natalia Kirpichenko, General Director of Miel Brokerage.

Holders of capital square meters every year they become richer, but for many this does not make it too easy to solve housing and other pressing issues, even with the help of a classic mortgage, although it could. After all, the potential borrower already has real estate. And this real estate, according to the press secretary of the City Mortgage Bank, Ekaterina Pravdina, is actually frozen money.

The pawnshop lending system allows you to unfreeze money - on the security of your own real estate, the borrower receives a certain amount of money that he can spend on his needs, gradually paying the lender the amount of the pledge and interest. Most often, the purpose of the loan is negotiated with the bank.

What to spend?

Vasily Belov, CEO of Fosborne Home, identifies two types of loans secured by real estate, which differ significantly in their riskiness for the bank. “The least risky of them is for non-target expenses secured by existing real estate: in this case, the borrower takes a loan, as a rule, for a small percentage of the value of his property, for example, 20-30%, in order to spend it on any of his goals,” says expert.

Another type of loan is the issuance of a large loan secured by real estate (up to 100% of the value of the pledge) "for the establishment or development of the business of the owner of the property." In this case, the bank lends to entrepreneurial risks to some extent, because there is no guarantee that the business will go. In case of failure of a businessman, the bank will face the issue of selling real estate to collect a loan. And according to Maria Bazyaeva, head of the department for processing loans at Contact - Elite Real Estate, the process of "rejecting" real estate is by no means the goal of the bank. “The purpose of the bank is to make a profit from loan payments,” she clarifies. Due to the high degree of risk, rare banks go for pawnshop lending to businesses.

Basically, in Russia, pawnshop lending extends either to non-targeted expenses (leisure, education), or to the purchase new apartment, renovation of the old, construction of suburban real estate. “For example, you can mortgage an apartment and go to play in a casino, or you can buy another apartment,” says Natalia Kirpichenko. According to Natalya Vetlugina, head of the analytical service of the Novy Gorod company, they mainly resort to a pawnshop loan in order to buy a second apartment without parting with the first one.

Do you need control

There are companies whose programs clearly limit the intended use of the loan. For example, the refinancing company ATTA Ipoteka, which works with more than 100 banks, entered the Russian market in 2005 with the Remontny mortgage product. " Individuals on the security of their housing, they receive money that they can use to repair both the mortgaged apartment and any other residential premises,” Alexander Chernyak explains the essence of the proposal. And another product of the company - "New Apartment - 2" allows banks to issue loans only for the purchase of a new apartment. “Misuse of the issued amount is completely excluded,” says Chernyak.

“The bank can check the intended use of credit funds by obliging the client to provide an agreement with a contractor for the provision of services, a contract for the sale of real estate, an agreement on equity participation in housing construction, etc.,” confirms Anita Berzina.

If, for example, a client mortgages an apartment in order to purchase another real estate and clearly stipulates this with the bank, the bank may ask to present the relevant documents. “For example, to buy a new building, you need to present an investment agreement or a sale and purchase agreement,” explains Maria Bazyaeva. - But, in my opinion, control is not always needed. After all, if the bank has a liquid apartment as a pledge, in which no one is registered and with the implementation of which the bank has no problems, then there is no point in controlling documents.

For example, in DeltaCredit bank, according to Alla Tsytovich, vice-president of DeltaCredit, “when issuing a pawnshop loan, the borrower does not need to confirm intended use credit resources. So it is in many other banks: mortgaged real estate is a guarantee that one way or another the loan funds will be returned. However, the lender always retains the right to verify the intended use of the loan.

The circle is narrowing

There are a number of requirements for mortgaged property. First of all, the property must be owned by the borrower - this is a prerequisite for all banks. Another condition is the number of people registered in the apartment. Some banks (for example, Sberbank of the Russian Federation) take as collateral only a “clean” apartment, that is, one in which no one is registered. Other banks allow registration in the mortgaged apartment of the borrower, but do not allow registration of minor children. As they say in the company "Contact - Elite Real Estate", you can find a loan program when registration of minor children is allowed, but without the right of ownership.

Many experts note the general trend of softening the requirements for the collateral object in the face of fierce competition. "Contact - Elite Real Estate", according to Maria Bazyaeva, "works with banks that mortgage an apartment where not only children, but also grandchildren are registered, there is an illegal redevelopment, the previous owners are not written out."

Another condition is the location of the property. The acceptability of the location is determined by the lenders. Contact - Elite Real Estate considers as collateral real estate objects located on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow Region, no further than 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road. DeltaCredit Bank provides a loan secured by an apartment located in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Tolyatti and a number of other cities where the Bank's programs are being implemented. Some banks allow the pledge of an object located at the place of work or residence of the client in another city, if there are their branches there.

As for the mortgaged object itself, it can be any real estate: an apartment in apartment building, townhouse or cottage, land plot. But it is necessary that the market value of the object be relatively high, and the object itself must be liquid.

In addition, given that the loan amount is no more than 70% of the value of the collateral (there are interest rates and higher, but mainly in banks that work with elite real estate), when mortgaging a small apartment, the amount received is only enough to repair it.

Therefore, it makes sense to mortgage real estate that will be of interest to the bank.

As Natalya Kirpichenko says, "in practice, it is easiest to mortgage residential urban real estate." According to Alla Tsytovich, few banks provide loans secured by commercial real estate (offices, warehouses) and suburban real estate (houses, cottages, land plots). “In the case of suburban real estate, the bank may have its own ideas about the value of the object, which will not always correspond to the realities of the market,” says Natalya Kirpichenko.

According to Oleg Repchenko, head of the analytical center IRN.ru, “when evaluating suburban real estate, there are many more parameters that can make real estate illiquid. This is due to a much larger number of evaluation criteria than, for example, when evaluating an apartment.”

The main criteria by which suburban real estate is assessed are location, communications, infrastructure, the availability of all necessary documents, as well as the parameters of houses themselves, which, unlike apartments, are more individual and therefore less liquid. If, for example, a house is being built on a suburban area owned by the borrower, then the land plot can become the subject of collateral. But few banks go for lending secured by a land plot.

“So far, the legislation in this area has not been sufficiently developed, and banks practically do not lend construction on the security of land,” Mirax Group analysts explain. Although the introduction into circulation of land plots owned by citizens should push, first of all, the construction of private houses.

However, Fosborne Home launched the Summer Offer program for the season - from 9% per annum for 20 years with reduced additional payments as part of bank preferences, according to a press release. Loan broker "Fosborne Home" cooperates with 27 banks, most of which provide him with preferences. The loan is secured not only by an apartment (up to 90% of the market value), but also by a land plot (up to 65% of the market value). According to the company, the program is also designed for private developers.

Hansabank reminds that “according to Article 5 of Federal Law N 102-FZ “On Mortgage (Pledge of Real Estate)”, a land plot, the rights to which are registered in the manner established for state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it, may be the subject of a mortgage , including the plot of the garden partnership.

Banks are also rather wary of objects under construction. For example, not all banks will undertake to issue a loan for an apartment in a new building (in an unfinished stage of construction).

“The difficulty lies in the fact that the construction object cannot be considered as a pledge until it is legally registered as existing,” explains Kirpichenko. As they say in "Contact - Elite Real Estate", "a new building cannot be an object of pledge, since in this case there are no documents on the right of ownership."

If the borrower owns not one, but, for example, two apartments, then he has the right to provide both as collateral, thereby increasing the loan amount. Miel Brokerage says that the client can pawn "anything, because all the risks fall on him." Therefore, the provision of not one, but, for example, two apartments as collateral for a loan is not prohibited, but only welcomed. Of course, provided that the client is the owner of both apartments.

A word to the appraisers

Valuation of collateral objects is carried out by independent appraisers accredited by the bank, who have certificates that give them the right to conduct a professional valuation of any real estate. The bank provides the client with a list of accredited companies, and the client determines which one is more convenient for him to work with. According to Oleg Repchenko, the appraisal of an apartment will cost the borrower from $100, but country house or a multi-million dollar apartment - from $500.

In addition to determining the current value of real estate, appraisers provide their forecast of the value of the object for at least the next year, which is especially important in a situation of rising prices. The company explains that “it is precisely on this basis that the bank lays down a certain coefficient, that is, it does not lend for 100%, but for a smaller amount.”

But the bank may underestimate the value of real estate. In this case, advises Natalya Vetlugina, you need to contact realtors. “However, it should be understood that no bank will give 100% of its value and even 90% for an apartment. The usual figure here is 60-70%,” she warns.

That's agreed

After the evaluation procedure, an agreement is concluded between the bank and the client. First of all, the maximum amount of a possible loan is determined. From the experience of the company "Contact - Elite Real Estate", whose field of activity is urban and suburban elite real estate, the maximum loan amount can be 85% of the appraised value. And in the DeltaCredit bank, according to the Delta Invest program for pawn lending, the maximum loan amount is 70% of the cost of the apartment, if it is used as the main housing. And if the existing apartment is used for renting out, the maximum loan will be 50% of its value. Given that the loan is given for 10 years, the borrower has the right to rent out both the mortgaged and the purchased property, partially covering the costs of monthly payments.

The next step is to discuss loan terms. In DeltaCredit the maximum term is 10 years, in the City Mortgage Bank - 25 years. “Terms are different everywhere. They depend on the age of the borrower and on his wishes,” says Bazyaeva. The longer the loan term, the lower the monthly payment. Therefore, for example, clients of retirement age are interested in having longer loan repayment periods. “It is more convenient to take out a loan for the maximum number of years, even if it is planned to repay it in a year, since the monthly payments will be lower,” advises Maria Bazyaeva.

The interest rate for all banks ranges from 9% to 15% per annum in rubles. In DeltaCredit, the interest rate is 11.25% if the loan is issued in US dollars, and if the loan is in rubles, then 12.5%. In the City Mortgage Bank, the minimum interest rate on loans in dollars is 9.9%, and in rubles - 12.25%. In Fosborne Home, which works with more than 30 banks, including Alfa-Bank, the minimum interest rate on a loan for 10 years (for the purchase of an apartment or suburban real estate) is 9%. In addition, the interest rate depends on the certificate provided by the borrower - in the form of 2-NDFL or in the form of a bank.

All banks require the client to confirm income with a certificate from the place of work in the form of 2-NDFL or a certificate from the place of work in the form of a bank. “This is a mandatory procedure, because even if the bank has a real estate object as a pledge, it must be sure of the client's solvency,” they say in the Contact - Elite Real Estate company.

Unexpected situations

The City Mortgage Bank advises: “If there are temporary difficulties with loan repayment, you should immediately contact the bank to agree on a mutually acceptable solution to the issue. This could be a revision of the loan repayment schedule or the sale of a mortgaged apartment.”

“Now many banks, meeting the needs of the borrower, offer to choose an alternative apartment of lower cost. In this case, a buyer is looking for an apartment that is pledged to the bank. In the transaction, the money is put into two cells: in one - the amount of the debt, in the other - the remaining amount that goes to the borrower. Often banks go on temporary installments. There are cases when, with the emergence of serious problems for the borrower, the bank, at the request of the borrower, went on a deferment and did not collect payments for several months, ”says Bazyaeva.

DeltaCredit confirms: “If the borrower warns the bank about the deterioration of his financial situation or the occurrence of other adverse circumstances that prevent the timely repayment of the debt, the bank meets the client halfway and offers various ways to eliminate overdue debts out of court (for example, through a new payment schedule). In any case, it is more profitable for the client to initially agree and coordinate everything with the bank on an individual basis than later as a result judicial procedures lose more."

The borrower also has a certain, albeit unlikely, risk that the bank may already be in trouble and then the mortgaged property may, according to Natalya Kirpichenko, “suspend” for an indefinite period. Therefore, many banks immediately advise clients not to take risks once again and not to pledge a single apartment.

Who needs it

According to Alla Tsytovich, “lombard loans are taken by owners of liquid apartments who would like to purchase a second apartment, for example, for parents or children.” Miel Brokerage says that "borrowers are mostly middle-class people who have decided to go into business and lack their own funds and partners' funds."

Soho Realty adds that in order to purchase additional real estate, pawnshop lending is resorted to in two cases: “The first is when the buyer is not ready to withdraw funds from the business (the cost of an expensive apartment is always a very impressive amount) and it is more profitable for him to resort to borrowed funds by registering an apartment pledge. Given the rate of growth in prices for expensive housing, buying on credit significantly improves the profitability of the transaction. The second case is when there is not enough money for the desired apartment.”

But in most cases, people are simply afraid to resort to this kind of lending. As explained by DeltaCredit, “there are few deals so far. First of all, this is due to the psychological barrier that borrowers have. Still, it’s hard to mortgage your only home.”

The City Mortgage Bank notes a gradual increase in transactions on pawn loans. Alexander Chernyak, in turn, is sure that pawnshop lending in Russia, as well as the lending market in general, will grow. Lending rates will decrease, its terms will increase, the number of primary creditors providing such a product will increase. "Public stereotypes about any kind of debt obligations will also be overcome," he adds.

“In the West, real estate has been mortgaged and remortgaged. In modern Russia, there is no such practice yet due to the lack of a legal framework. When it appears, then pledges can become a colossal market, - Natalya Kirpichenko predicts. - This will give people a greater degree of freedom and make it easier to get out of various life situations. After all, the circumstances are different - not necessarily a default.

“For some reason, banks are bypassing this niche so far, and this is despite the existing increase in real estate prices! - says the expert. - Let's imagine a situation where a person bought an apartment two years ago for $100,000 with a loan of $60,000. Now his apartment costs at least $300,000. Suppose that he has already paid $10,000, and there is a debt of $50,000 left. Why shouldn't this person give another loan? After all, it will be provided by the current price of real estate. I think that such a product should appear in the foreseeable future.”

Natalya Vetlugina also says that "not all banks are interested in this." Because it is one thing when a targeted loan is issued for the purchase of real estate, and quite another - pawnshop lending: there is a high risk that the borrower will spend the money on something else. “Although there is a very clear feeling that this market is growing,” she said.