Andrey Vorobyov resigns. New term of governor Vorobyov: pros and cons

The Internet continues to be disturbed by news from the small village of Urdoma in the Arkhangelsk region. Local residents are sure that soon in their area will appear garbage dump, where waste will be brought from Moscow region. The residents of Urdom are not convinced by the promises of officials that so far they have nothing to worry about and the project is only at the development stage.

In Komi, residents of the village of Madmas in the Ust-Vymsky district are most closely following the situation in Urdom. The settlement, in which about 700 people live, is located 20 km from the possible site of a solid waste landfill. Tatyana Pronko acting The head of the administration of the village of Madmas said that local residents are concerned about the news from the neighboring region.

We are negative about what is happening. The Komi government tells us that for the time being the stage of survey work, and as a result, a plant for processing wood and waste will be built in Urdom, but they do not specify what kind of waste. But we see that work is already underway there. Now a petition has been created, which has been signed by more than 300 people. We oppose the construction of a landfill on the border with the Arkhangelsk region, - Tatyana Pronko emphasized.

The administration also said that they are discussing in the village that specialists supposedly will soon arrive from Moscow to Madmas, who will hire workers for the Shies station.

People without work, they will be satisfied with everything that is offered to them. They talk about 200 jobs. They already come to the administration and ask when these Moscow specialists will arrive? And we don’t know anything about it, - the deputy head of the village is indignant. “We are afraid of the lack of information.

The journalists of KP-Komi saw for themselves that it is difficult to get full information about the purpose of the construction site on the border of Komi and the Arkhangelsk region. There is a feeling that the inhabitants of the regions prefer to be kept in the dark, rather than give detailed answers and allow them to be responsible for their lands. The editors will continue to monitor the development of the situation.

Residents' opinion

Anton Mityugin (Kotlas):

Such projects should not be pushed through quietly, without discussion with the people who live in the region and who are directly affected by the problem of environmental violations.

Irina Ryabchikova (Urdoma):

I am against the Moscow waste dump, as this is an environmental disaster for the entire district and the entire region. I want to live quietly to old age and that my children and grandchildren live and grow nearby. And what awaits them?

Lyubov Shchegoleva (Yarensk):

This is arbitrariness and lawlessness! Why, one wonders, do we need a giant garbage dump from the capital, when we have enough of our own! The people of nearby settlements, including those included in Komi, are in a panic: how so? Equipment arrives at the station every day, the forest is cut down, a foundation pit is being dug - why such a volume of work? Although we were told that nothing would be built without surveys on the territory of the station and public hearings! Does it mean we were deceived?


Tatyana Tikhonova, candidate economic sciences, head Laboratory of Environmental Economics of the Institute of Socio-Economic and Energy Problems of the North:

I do not consider it expedient to transport garbage from the Moscow region to the Arkhangelsk region. What prevents Sobyanin and Vorobyov from building a waste processing plant in their regions? Moscow and the Moscow Region have every opportunity to process and dispose of municipal solid waste in the most advanced ways. But if it is actually planned to create a waste sorting line, then I do not exclude that this will be a partnership project. It is possible that a plant will be built, which, together with imported garbage, will process solid waste from the Arkhangelsk region.


Ivan Ivanov, Deputy Chairman of the "Committee to Save the Pechora"

Several points can be highlighted. Firstly, it is immoral to carry garbage from Moscow to the regions. They could not do anything with him near Moscow? Secondly, the place - no one believes that there will be some kind of processing and sorting of garbage. There will be such huge dumps as near St. Petersburg and Moscow, because Russia is not ready to sort garbage. Third, any waste disposal project requires an environmental review. Plus, there should be public hearings, but none of this happened! No one has seen the project, but work is already underway. Also, the area is marshy. ground water lie low, because of this, local soil and surface water will be infected.

We must understand that the whole of Russia is now under threat, and in the future we need to unite the regions to which this garbage can be taken. After all, it is not a fact that he will not be taken to Komi. We also have many places where you can bring garbage, unload it and no one will even notice it.

Information for thought

5 questions left unanswered by Komi residents

Why carry garbage 1200 km from Lyubertsy to the Arkhangelsk region?

What kind of waste will be processed in Shies?

How can construction work go on at Shies station if the project has not yet been approved?

Who owns the land at Shies station?

Will public hearings on the project be held among residents of the Arkhangelsk region and neighboring Komi?

Where will the garbage be taken after the closure of the Balashikha landfill? Residents fear that spontaneous illegal dumps may appear in the Moscow suburbs

View of the Kuchino landfill in Balashikha. Photo: Sergey Bobylev / TASS

After the Balashikha landfill, where, according to some sources, about 80% of all Moscow's waste was located, was closed overnight, a natural question arose - where will the garbage be sent? Up to a thousand trucks take it out of the capital every day.

Vladimir Putin gave Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyov a month to close the Kuchino test site. The governor saluted and did it in one day. The Minister of Ecology of the Moscow Region, Alexander Kogan, said that there would be no problems: Moscow garbage would be transported to other landfills near Moscow, such as Aleksinsky Quarry, Torbeyevo, Timokhovo and Khrabrovo.

However, the head of the Mozhaisk administration, Vasily Ovchinnikov - it is there, 120 kilometers from Moscow, that the Khrabrovo landfill is located - has already stated that the capacity of their facility will not allow them to accept Moscow garbage. If you look at satellite images of the other three, which are also much further away than Balashikha near Moscow, it becomes clear that their size is not comparable to the Kuchino.

From the simplest calculations, it is clear that the capacity of landfills - namely landfills, not landfills, as they are commonly called - is sorely lacking, says Andrei Peshkov, director of the All-Russian Institute of Nature.

Andrey Peshkov Director of the All-Russian Institute of Nature“Where you can take and where you are being taken are different ideas. All waste reaches the Moscow Ring Road and then disappears. The Moscow region is counting on its territorial scheme for a little over 4 million tons. Total. The question is, where is the difference of several million tons located? All of this is hosted illegally. Where will it all be taken? They will be thrown into a ravine if there is no control, and now there is no sensible one. The criminal system that existed is being destroyed. So, we will wait for it in the nearest suburbs.

That is, in places like the same Balashikha, where such landfills already exist. Now local residents who fought against Kuchino fear that garbage will be dumped nearby, but in unexpected places, says Lisa Tareva, chairman of the Balashikha-1 initiative group:

Fox Tareva Chairman of the initiative group "Balashikha-1"“We have unauthorized landfills and not just one. At Tarelochkin Pond, not so far from Kuchino, everything around is covered, people are struggling with this issue. Garbage is also taken to Lisya Gora, where the ski resort is. Rostekhnadzor has already gone there. They also took garbage to Nagorenki, not far from the Bypass Highway in Balashikha, but now our Balashikha road workers are monitoring the dump there, we are in touch with them, the residents themselves also go and see that they don’t dump it there anymore. ”

Meanwhile in the department Federal Service on Supervision in the Sphere of Natural Resources Management in the Central federal district reported that in connection with the closure of the Kuchino landfill, they are trying to prevent the appearance of unauthorized dumps on the territory of the Moscow Region and are conducting a large-scale raid. On the website of the department, the telephone number of the operational duty officer is published, which should receive citizens' messages about violations around the clock, but a private person answers the call to this number. According to him, he does not know what he is talking about.

For a whole year, various media have been discussing politics and the possible departure of the Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov. Almost all commentators agree that Andrey Vorobyov overdid it with the reform of local self-government, drove municipal districts into urban districts, canceled the direct elections of the heads of municipalities, redistributed the powers of construction and land use by creating an ephemeral Town Planning Council, quarreled with both local and federal elites.

The most surprising thing is that the "temporary" status of Andrei Yuryevich was awarded in the very first weeks, they thought he would not sit through. It turned out that the godson of the Minister of Defense not only served 5 years, but also broke the entire control system in the Moscow region.

Andrei Vorobyov will step down as governor news: change of government in the region

At the end of May 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on local self-government, the procedure for electing which regions regulate independently.

2 days later, the Moscow Regional Duma received a draft from Governor Andrei Vorobyov, according to which direct elections of mayors with real functions remained only in Reutov.

In other cities, mayors will either be elected from among their own local deputies, or the position of the city head will be removed from the system. executive power depriving her of managerial functions. In the latter case, the real power will be in the hands of the heads of districts or heads of administrations (city managers) appointed by the governor. The law also affects the interests of municipalities that do not have the status of a city, where direct elections of their heads are also abolished.

The law was approved immediately in three readings in 24 hours, and the representatives of United Russia refused the initiative to discuss the draft with local authorities. According to representatives of the opposition, the hasty adoption of the law was due to municipal elections, and the cutting of districts with the cancellation of elections was carried out by the authorities for political and economic reasons. Thus, direct elections were eliminated or formalized in the largest cities in terms of population and economic potential. According to political scientist Rostislav Turovsky, with this law, the regional authorities refuse to dialogue with local elites, building a vertical and imposing centralized management.

In order to restore the forests near Moscow, affected by the epidemic of the bark beetle and subsequent sanitary felling, in September 2014, Vorobyov launched the action “Our forest. Plant your tree."

Andrei Vorobyov will step down as governor news: activity

In 2014, Vorobyov approved the governor's OSVV program, which provides for the sterilization of female stray dogs and their return to the street for free living in the urban environment. The implementation of this program is designed for the period 2014-2018. The program is being funded from the regional budget by public activists and organizations fighting for animal rights.

In May 2016, at the initiative of Vorobyov, a law was passed according to which the heads of urban districts and municipal districts are appointed directly by the governor of the region.

The possible resignation of Andrei Vorobyov was actively discussed at the end of May 2017, 3 months before the September elections, apparently, something went wrong and the resignation was canceled. The next elections will be held this year, and Andrey Vorobyov's term of office ends - 5 years. And the Kremlin's policy on the timing of the resignations of Governors is well known and is not a secret: a change for 3-10 months before the elections, so that the new Governor gets used to it, gets used to it and people get used to it.