Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese step by step recipe. Lazy cottage cheese dumplings - fast and very tasty

dumpling recipes

Delicious lazy cottage cheese dumplings - a recipe that will help feed even those who have a poor appetite! We cook according to a step-by-step recipe with photos and videos.

30 minutes

140.3 kcal

5/5 (10)

I don't quite agree with the name of this dish. Due to the fact that they are easy to make and do not take much time to cook, they are often called sloths. Of course, these dumplings cook faster and less troublesome than the classic ones. But nevertheless, in this recipe, you also need to knead the dough, roll it out with your hands and cook. I would call this dish simple or quick dumplings.

What are lazy cottage cheese dumplings? These are pieces of dough with a high content of cottage cheese, which are quickly boiled in boiling water. The main rule in cooking this dish is to make sure that the dumplings do not fall apart during cooking. And try not to put in too much flour. Firstly, from this the taste of dumplings will become less saturated. Secondly, the dough will become hard, like rubber. There is an easy way to cook flourless dumplings - with semolina.

So, we begin to cook lazy cottage cheese dumplings according to the classic recipe.

What kitchen utensils do you need for making dumplings? Meat grinder, sieve and cooking pot.

Required Ingredients

How to choose cottage cheese

When you prepare any dish, it is important that the quality of all ingredients without exception is the highest. But first of all, you need to pay attention to the ingredients, which are the most in this recipe. The main product in our recipe is cottage cheese. It should be with a slight acidity, pleasant smell and uniform color. Bitterness - main feature spoilage of sour-milk products.

When buying cottage cheese, it is important that it is natural. There is a simple test for the presence of starch in cottage cheese. You need to drop a little iodine on the cottage cheese - if the drop turns blue, then it contains starch. If it remains brown, the product is natural. But it is unlikely that you will be allowed to do such experiments in the supermarket. Moreover, all the cottage cheese is packaged there. There is only one thing left: test the product at home. And if he showed a bad result, do not buy more cottage cheese from this company.

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese: a step by step recipe

  1. If you took homemade cottage cheese, pass it through a meat grinder or rub it through a sieve. Supermarket cottage cheese has a more uniform texture, so it doesn't need to be pre-treated.

  2. Add sugar and salt and mix thoroughly with curd.

  3. Add the egg and mix thoroughly again.

  4. Add flour and knead the resulting mass until smooth. Adjust the amount of flour to your liking. If you want a pronounced curd taste, add less flour.

    Did you know? Flour performs the function of gluing. If you take too little, the dumplings may fall apart. Therefore, before cooking all the dumplings, cook one first. If it turns out the correct structure, you can cook the rest.

  5. Roll the dough into a sausage with your hands, no more than 2 cm in diameter. Then cut into small pieces. Such pieces, unlike large ones, will cook faster and have a neater appearance. Make a flat circle out of each piece.

  6. Boil water and salt it a little. Throw dumplings in there and stir so that they do not stick to the bottom.

    How long do lazy dumplings boil? Approximately 2-3 minutes after they pop up. There should be plenty of water in which dumplings are boiled so that they float freely without sticking to each other.

  7. Ready dumplings should be taken out with a slotted spoon and put immediately on a plate. Now add cream, sour cream or butter.

Did you know? If you are preparing lazy cottage cheese dumplings for children, then pour them with jam or jam. But I think that the most delicious lazy dumplings are salty ones. Therefore, I do not add sugar at all, but put only salt.

Video recipe for lazy cottage cheese dumplings

Also check out this great video recipe showing how to make lazy cottage cheese dumplings quickly and easily. pay attention to original idea for the design of such dumplings. In this form, the dish will surely be very popular with children.

Lazy cottage cheese dumplings are one of those few cottage cheese dishes that even those who do not burn with a special love for cottage cheese are happy to gobble up. Which is not surprising, because they turn out to be light, but satisfying and very, very tasty! It will take you no more than 30 minutes to prepare. Agree, this is a decent time saving, given that the taste of the dish only benefits from such a “simplification”. I propose to make the simplest lazy cottage cheese dumplings. A step-by-step recipe with a photo will certainly come in handy if you make such dumplings not so often or for the first time, and have not yet had time to learn all the intricacies of the process. Delicate, moderately sweet and fragrant, they perfectly keep their shape and do not fall apart during cooking. Very tasty!


  • cottage cheese (I have 5%) - 400 g,
  • egg - 2 pcs.,
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l. with a hillock
  • vanillin - 0.5 sachet,
  • salt - 0.5 tsp. in the dough + salt water when cooking dumplings,
  • flour - 1-1.5 tbsp. + a handful for dusting.

How to cook lazy cottage cheese dumplings

We take a cup suitable for kneading dough, and send cottage cheese into it. I made lazy dumplings with different cottage cheese and, for my taste, they are softer and more tender with more fat - from 5% and above. Excellent varenichki come out of the curd mass, but here it will already be necessary to adjust the amount of sugar.

Pour sugar to cottage cheese, add salt to it.

Add the eggs to the cup and grind the mass until smooth. I like the grains of cottage cheese in dumplings to be noticeable, so I just stir everything with a whisk. To get a less gritty mass, it is better to use a blender.

Add vanillin to the sweet curd mass. You should not put more than half of the bag - the curd dough will be bitter.

Next, sift the flour into a bowl, followed by the vanilla. I don’t write its exact amount, because even with the cottage cheese of one manufacturer it always turns out differently. This time it took me exactly 1.5 cups.

The dough should turn out soft, grainy (if you did not use a blender). It will stick to your hands, so flour for dusting when working with it is definitely needed.

As soon as the dough is ready, you can put water for boiling dumplings, they will form very quickly. We cut off a small piece from the dough, dusting it with flour, roll it into a tourniquet. Adjust the width and height of the tourniquet at your discretion, depending on what size dumplings you want to get.

Next, cut the tourniquet into approximately equal pieces. In principle, already in this form, lazy dumplings can be sent to boiling water for cooking. But if there is a desire and time allows, you can quickly make them a little more accurate. We turn the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces of cottage cheese dough with a cut down and, dusting them with flour on both sides, flatten them a little. It turns out oval-shaped dumplings with a small depression in the middle.

Now with a fork we give relief to these oval dumplings. We press the fork not hard, only to indicate “striping”. All this is very fast.

It took me literally 10 minutes to make a batch of 40 dumplings. The second batch went to freeze.

By this time, the water has just boiled, we lower the dumplings into it and add some salt. Gently stir them so that they do not stick to the bottom and stick together, and cover with a lid.

As soon as it boils, remove the lid, let it boil for a maximum of a couple of minutes and you can take it out. In many recipes I read that when cooking, lazy dumplings need to boil for 5 minutes. In my opinion, this is too long! During this time, they manage to become very soft, become sticky and too soft (this is not good for dough products). Dumplings need to be cooked like pasta - to the state of "al dente". That's when they really taste good!

You can serve lazy cottage cheese dumplings with butter, sour cream, jam or any sweet syrup. Bon Appetit!

A recipe for those who are always short of time: delicious lazy cottage cheese dumplings. Quickly prepared, very beautiful, incredibly soft and insanely tender. This recipe will come in handy when you need to prepare a quick and hearty breakfast. Vareniki are soft, tender - and very tasty. Homemade dumplings with cottage cheese retain all the benefits dairy product and its unique taste.


  • 450 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 0.3 teaspoon of salt;
  • one tablespoon (or to taste) of sugar;
  • fresh chicken egg;
  • 140-180 grams of flour.

Delicious lazy dumplings. Step by step recipe

  1. Drive one fresh chicken egg into a deep bowl.
  2. Add salt and a tablespoon of sugar.
  3. Advice. If you like it sweeter, you can increase the amount of sugar to your taste.
  4. We send cottage cheese of any fat content to a bowl and mix all the ingredients well.
  5. Advice. Most of all, soft, moderately fatty cottage cheese is suitable for lazy dumplings. It is advisable to grind dry and loose cottage cheese beforehand so that there are downed lumps left.
  6. Sift flour into a bowl through a sieve.
  7. Knead the dough first with a spatula in a bowl, and then continue with your hands, on the table.
  8. Advice. Adjust the amount of flour yourself: it may need more or less, it all depends on the moisture content of the cottage cheese.
  9. The finished dough is soft, elastic, elastic, slightly sticky to the hands.
  10. Immediately divide the dough into two parts, for convenience.
  11. From each part we roll out a sausage, with a diameter of 15-20 millimeters.
  12. Cut into pieces that can be cooked immediately.
  13. But I propose to make dumplings not only tasty, but also beautiful: moreover, it is so simple.
  14. Take a piece of dough and a fork. We put the dough on a fork, press it well with fingers sprinkled with flour. Then we roll the dough from the fork with a roll, fix the end of the roll with a fork. You can see in more detail how I do it on my video under the recipe.
  15. Dumplings can be cooked immediately, or you can freeze for future use.
  16. I will cook right away. Pour water into a saucepan, salt and let the water boil.
  17. I dip dumplings into boiling water, cook until they completely float. I take it out with a slotted spoon or throw dumplings into a colander.

Serve cottage cheese dumplings with butter or sour cream, sprinkled with sugar if necessary. A great addition to such a breakfast is condensed milk, sweet butter cream or chocolate fudge. You will find even more recipes with my video on the site "Very tasty". Bon appetit and good mood.

Lazy dumplings - this is the case when it is both simple and fast, and at the same time incredibly tasty and even healthy! From the simplest set of ingredients, you can cook a wonderful main dish that will appeal to both adults and kids. By the way, the latter will not only be happy to eat lazy dumplings on both cheeks, but will also be happy to participate in the process of sculpting them. After all, the occupation is simple and does not require any special skills. If with ordinary dumplings you have to work hard and waste time, then with “sloths” everything is very trivial - knead the dough right away with the filling, roll it out with sausage and cut it into pieces. Such dumplings are cooked very quickly, so in just 15 minutes you will be able to prepare a hearty breakfast, a nutritious afternoon snack or a light dinner.

Lazy dumplings are not only a variation of the traditional dish with cottage cheese, familiar to almost everyone, but also dumplings with potatoes, mushrooms, cheese and herbs, cherries, raisins and other fillings. What is not a great reason to pamper your family with new dishes, spending a minimum of time and effort on it? In general, lazy dumplings can be prepared from the same products as ordinary dumplings, with the only difference being that there is much less trouble with them. It is also allowed to cook unleavened dumplings, which are then supplemented with sauces to taste. Among other things, lazy dumplings are convenient in that they can be prepared for future use, stored in the freezer, while this does not affect the taste at all. Well, just a solid find for hostesses!

Try to strictly observe the proportions of flour in the recipes for lazy dumplings, since with an excess of it, the dumplings will turn out tough, and if you do not add enough flour, the dumplings may fall apart. For lazy dumplings with cottage cheese, it is best to choose fatty, non-acidic cottage cheese. Granular cottage cheese is recommended to be rubbed through a fine sieve, scroll through a meat grinder or grind with a blender. By the way, in no case should you try to get rid of sour cottage cheese by preparing dumplings - your dish will be hopelessly spoiled. Lazy dumplings are usually small in size, and to make them neat, the dough should be formed into a rope with a diameter of about 2-3 cm, then cut into pieces about 1.5-2 cm wide, holding the knife at an acute angle. If desired, decorative grooves can be made on the dumplings by pressing them down with a fork. You can also roll out the dough and cut dumplings of any shape from it. Lazy dumplings cook in salted water for about 5 minutes, and once they float to the surface, they should be removed from the pan with a slotted spoon, so watch the cooking time carefully and do not overcook, otherwise the dumplings will become too soft and sticky. Lazy dumplings are served with melted butter, sour cream, jam, jam or topping sauces.

The recipes for making lazy dumplings are extremely simple, and everything that is simple, as you know, is the most delicious! Shall we start?

450 g cottage cheese,
150 g flour
1 egg
2 tablespoons of sugar
salt to taste.

Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, then stir with the egg. Add sugar, lightly salt and mix thoroughly. Add the sifted flour and knead the dough, which will not stick to your hands. Form a tourniquet from the dough and cut into pieces with a knife, slightly flattening them. After that, lazy dumplings are either boiled or frozen.

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and semolina

200 g cottage cheese,
1 egg
4 tablespoons semolina,
1 tablespoon sugar
a pinch of salt.

Lightly beat the egg with sugar, adding a pinch of salt. Add cottage cheese and stir with a fork. Add semolina, mix and let stand for 15-20 minutes until the semolina swells. Form dough into small balls by pinching off pieces of dough. Boil dumplings or send them to freezer for storage.

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and cherries

250 g cottage cheese,
60 g flour plus flour for sprinkling
1 egg
cherry to taste
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt.

Mash cottage cheese with a fork in a bowl. Add egg and mix. Add sugar and salt, mix and add flour. Knead a dough that will keep its shape well. Place a teaspoon of the dough on a floured work surface, form a circle, lightly sprinkle it with flour and place a few cherries in the center. Bring the edges of the dough together to form a ball. Ready dumplings freeze or immediately boil in salted water.

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese "Dietary"

200 g fat-free cottage cheese,
6 tablespoons oatmeal,
1 egg
salt to taste.

Rub the cottage cheese with a fork and mix with the egg. Add crushed with a coffee grinder oat flakes and mix until smooth. Pinch off small pieces of dough to form balls. Serve boiled dumplings with fat-free yogurt, fresh fruits or berries.

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and poppy seeds

200 g cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat,
1 egg yolk,
20 g butter,
2 tablespoons semolina,
2 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons of honey
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 teaspoons poppy seeds
a pinch of salt.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or chop with a blender. Add semolina, sugar and a pinch of salt. Stir and leave for 10-15 minutes for the semolina to swell. Add yolk and poppy seeds, mix. Form a sausage with a diameter of 3 cm from the dough, lightly press down and cut into pieces along the oblique. Pour the prepared dumplings with a mixture of butter and honey, which must first be melted.

Lazy dumplings with potatoes

6-7 medium potatoes
1 small onion
4-5 tablespoons of semolina,
1 tablespoon flour
salt to taste.

Boil potatoes in salted water, then prepare mashed potatoes. Mix puree with semolina and let stand for 10-15 minutes. Form a tourniquet from the dough and cut it into pieces or roll out the dough and cut out dumplings of arbitrary shape from it. Serve boiled dumplings sprinkled with fried onions.

Lazy dumplings, distinguished by their simplicity and speed of preparation, are a dish that must be in the arsenal of housewives who value their time. Cook with pleasure!

Cottage cheese lazy dumplings


250 g fresh cottage cheese medium fat (or low fat)
1 egg
2-3 tbsp. spoons of flour
vanilla and salt to taste

How to cook cottage cheese lazy dumplings:

    Cottage cheese is wiped and mixed with flour, egg, vanilla and salt, after which soft dough is kneaded, which should not stick to hands.

    Then the dough is placed on a board richly sprinkled with flour, a piece is cut off from it in the form of a sausage 1.5-2 cm in diameter, rolled in flour and cut into pieces of 1.5-2 cm.

    From each such piece, you need to roll a ball and cook the resulting dumplings in salted, strongly boiling water, which should be plenty so that the tender dumplings do not stick together.

    The finished dish is served with powdered sugar, sour cream, sweet milk sauce or butter.

Original lazy dumplings with strawberries and coconut


250 g cottage cheese
200 g strawberries
1 egg
1 st. a spoonful of butter
1 cup of sugar
1 cup flour

How to cook lazy dumplings with strawberries:

    Sugar should be beaten well with an egg until a light homogeneous mass, mixed with soft butter and cottage cheese, mixed again until smooth, add flour and knead the dough.

    If desired, you can use melted pork fat instead of butter, which is a 100% natural product. The curd dough is divided into portions and laid out on a floured board.

    Small cakes are formed from each portion, inside of which one strawberry is placed, the dough is pinched and rolled into balls.

    Then the dumplings are boiled in boiling water until they float, and then they are cooked for another 3 minutes, after which they are taken out with a slotted spoon, cooled and rolled in coconut flakes.

Potato lazy dumplings


500 g mashed potatoes
100 g flour
1 egg
spices and sour cream to taste

How to cook lazy potato dumplings:

    If desired, you can make golden onion frying in vegetable oil, which is mixed with potatoes. In order for the puree to become tender and airy, you need to beat it with a mixer and mix with flour, egg and spices.

    Then the dough is kneaded, a roller is rolled out of it and cut into equal pieces. Ready-made lazy dumplings are dipped in small portions into boiling water, brought to a boil again and continue to wadd in this way for another 7 minutes.

    Then they are taken out with a slotted spoon, put in a bowl, fresh butter is added to them and a little salt is added. Potato dumplings are served hot on the table, with sour cream, garlic and finely chopped fresh herbs.

    This dish is excellent for a Lenten table, but if desired, it can also be served with ruddy fried cracklings, which make it even more appetizing.