Recipe for eggnog mogul with powdered sugar. Gogol mogul recipe at home

Among the most popular desserts, mogul-mogul occupies not the last place, the classic recipe of which provides for the presence of two mandatory ingredients: sugar and raw eggs. However, this original drink has a huge number of possible variations.

How to cook the famous mogul in the conditions of home cooking?

The classic recipe, which is most often found in reference books, contains the following set of components:

  • 1 raw egg;
  • a little salt;
  • ¾ cup whole milk;
  • 1 tablespoon of wine.

The method of preparing the drink is extremely simple:

  1. Crack the egg into a clean bowl.
  2. Add some salt, wine to it and beat lightly.
  3. Enter milk. At this stage, the beating should be more intense.
  4. Strain the drink directly into the glass through a sieve.

This option is slightly different from the basic recipe. However, it is perfect for those who don't like sweets.

How to cook without wine

Not everyone can afford to drink drinks that contain alcohol. But this does not mean that you need to immediately abandon your idea. How to make eggnog without wine or anything else alcoholic beverage? There may be many options here. One of those closest to classic recipe can be used by almost everyone.

To prepare it you need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • a little salt;
  • sugar (to taste)

For decoration:

True, the technology for preparing such a drink will be somewhat different:

  1. First you need to break the eggs and carefully separate the whites from the yolks at once. This can be done using a special separator or the same eggshell.
  2. Remove the whites for 10 minutes in the refrigerator. This is necessary in order to make it easier to whip them later.
  3. At this time, beat the yolks well with salt and sugar. Here you can not do without a mixer. Continue the process until the mass is doubled.
  4. Do the same procedure with proteins separately. In the presence of sugar and salt, they will gradually turn into a lush foam.
  5. Combine the yolk and protein masses.
  6. Pour the drink into a glass and decorate to your liking. Whipped cream and grated nutmeg are best suited for this.

Such an amazing dessert will not leave anyone indifferent.

chocolate drink

Real sweet tooth will definitely like the homemade eggnog mogul with the aroma of chocolate.

In this case, you will need to take:

  • 20 grams of sugar;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 10 grams of butter;
  • 5 grams of cocoa powder;
  • a couple of pieces of chocolate (for decoration).

To prepare this drink, you need:

  1. As in the previous recipe, slowly separate the whites from the yolks. Pre eggshell to avoid unwanted contamination, the outside must be thoroughly wiped.
  2. Yolks, using a mixer, grind well with sugar.
  3. Without stopping mixing, add butter and cocoa to them.
  4. Whisk egg whites in a separate bowl until stiff peaks form.
  5. Mix both masses.
  6. Pour the prepared drink into a bowl (or glass).
  7. Decorate with grated chocolate on top.

This is a good dessert to make in the morning. It doesn’t take much time for this, and the ingredients that make up the drink improve your mood and give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

with vanilla flavor

Using various food additives, the drink can be given any taste. For example, vanilla eggnog can be an excellent start to the day. A homemade dessert will be not only tasty, but also very useful if you take not chicken, but quail eggs for work. Today, they can be purchased at any grocery store.

For such a cocktail, you need to prepare in advance:

  • 0.5 liters of whole milk;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 18 small quail eggs;
  • 1 sachet (10 grams) vanilla sugar

The cooking method is also not particularly difficult:

  1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl. For better whipping, they need to be kept in the refrigerator for several hours before that.
  2. Add all other ingredients at once.
  3. Blend using the attachment of an immersion blender for 3 minutes.

After such intensive mixing, the mass increases by 2–3 times. This must be taken into account when choosing containers. The finished vanilla drink will only need to be poured into glasses. And it is better to drink it through a cocktail tube.

Cooking with cognac

For those who still prefer alcohol-containing desserts, it will be interesting to learn how to make eggnog with cognac. Of course, this option is not suitable for children.

For work you need to take:

  • 75 grams of sugar;
  • 40 milliliters of cognac;
  • yolks of two eggs.

The whole process consists of two stages:

  1. The yolks must first be thoroughly rubbed with sugar.
  2. Add alcohol. Once again, mix everything thoroughly.

In order not to spoil the taste of the drink, it is better not to take cheap cognac. A specific alcohol flavor can ruin everything.

Mogul with lemon

According to one of the legends, mogul was created as a remedy for colds. Therefore, it is quite logical to include in its composition the popular citrus (lemon) and, of course, honey.

To make the right eggnog, you need to take:

  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 55 milliliters lemon juice;
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 270 milliliters of milk;
  • 80 grams of honey.

How to prepare a medicinal drink:

  1. Squeeze juice from citrus. It needs to stand for a while to warm up to room temperature.
  2. Bring milk to a boil over low heat, and then cool to about 30 degrees.
  3. Beat the egg white well with a little powder. The foam should be fairly thick.
  4. Introduce the yolk into the milk. Beat food with a whisk. Add lemon juice to this as well.
  5. Connect these two masses.
  6. While continuing to mix, slowly add the remaining powdered sugar.
  7. Introduce honey, preheating it to a liquid state.

After the final mixing, the drink can be poured into glasses. It is better to drink it warm.

coffee cocktail

Homemade eggnog can be made from anything. If you take, for example, freshly brewed coffee, you get an excellent cocktail.

To prepare two servings of this drink you will need:

  • 200 milliliters of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 30 - 40 grams of finished coffee;
  • 75 grams of sugar.

Making such a cocktail is not at all difficult.

You only need:

  1. Brew ground coffee and let it cool.
  2. Beat egg yolks thoroughly with sugar. The mass should be lush and smooth.
  3. Add milk carefully and mix well.
  4. Pour in coffee. Mix again.
  5. Beat egg whites with a mixer until foamy.
  6. Add them to the total.

Now a magnificent cocktail with a pleasant coffee aroma will only be poured into glasses and drunk with pleasure. For beauty, you can sprinkle it lightly with grated chocolate.

Baby eggnog with milk

Children usually like original puffy desserts. For the smallest, you can cook eggnog mogul from proteins with the addition of milk. It will turn out an airy sweet cocktail that children will drink with great pleasure.

For this option you need:

  • 2 egg whites;
  • 25 grams of sugar;
  • 50 milliliters of warm milk and the same amount of any fruit juice;
  • 1 - 2 grams of grated chocolate (for decoration).

How to make this drink:

  1. Proteins must first be beaten well with sugar in a stable foam.
  2. Enter juice. It can also be replaced with any fruit puree.
  3. Continuing to stir, pour in warm milk in a thin stream.

Mogul-mogul is a sweet creamy cocktail with the smell of childhood, which easily improved mood and increased vitality for a child with a sore throat, hoarse throat, colds and poor appetite. However, growing up, many were surprised to learn that the mogul-mogul is not only a sweet medicine, which was both a cure, a consolation, and a reward and compensation for the disease that everyone needs so much in childhood. Eggnog is a gourmet dessert with lots of options and therefore ingredients to satisfy every palate. Let's discuss how to make a mogul that decorates life on weekdays and holidays for adults and children.

IMPORTANT! The basis of all eggnog recipes are raw eggs. To avoid trouble (salmonellosis and other intestinal problems), only organic and proven eggs should be used. There is a point of view that the cleanest eggs are quail, given their size, for all recipes you need to increase the amount of yolks and proteins. Before preparing a cocktail, any eggs must be thoroughly washed and wiped.

Children often do not like to take medicine, act up and spit it out. Mogul-mogul is a tool that will help get out of this impasse. You need to take 2 yolks, add sugar or powdered sugar to taste and grind thoroughly until a homogeneous white state. To this mixture, add a little soft butter, grind again and cheers! wonderful medicine is ready. For a change and entertainment of the child, a little cocoa powder can be added to the classic cream.

Adults, especially singers, use eggnog to support and improve the sound of the voice. Professional eggnog for adults (singers, actors, announcers) from crushed yolks and sugar is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, 2 teaspoons.

Classic mogul recipe


  • yolk of one egg;
  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon or orange juice;
  • 6 tablespoons of honey.


Grind the yolk, add milk and honey to it. Everything should be knocked down with a whisk or a mixer. Then add juice and beat again. Instead of the yolk, you can take the whole egg and beat it, then add the rest of the ingredients. Another variation of this recipe involves mixing all the products and, at the last stage, adding protein whipped with sugar.

Video recipe

Mogul with milk and rum

This recipe, as well as mulled wine, is very good in winter for warming and healing. Recipe for 6 servings.


  • 6 yolks;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 50 g of rum.


Beat the yolks in a bowl and grind them with powdered sugar until white. In the same bowl, while stirring, add boiling milk in portions, do not allow cooling, add rum, mix everything and serve hot in ceramic mugs.

fruit eggnog

This recipe makes a non-alcoholic cocktail on a hot day.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • half a glass of berry or fruit juice (most often cherry or strawberry);
  • 2 glasses of cold milk;
  • half a glass of cold (ice) water.


Beat the yolks with salt and sugar, pour in the juice and mix. Pour milk and water into this mixture, mix and add the whites whipped into a steep foam. Pour eggnog into glasses and sprinkle with chopped nutmeg, in combination with which egg white gives the cocktail a delicate aroma.

Video recipe

Mogul-mogul cocktail "Golden Cockerel"


  • 200 g of alcohol (food) or 2 glasses of vodka;
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 0.5 cups of chilled boiled milk;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 5 yolks;
  • 1 tablespoon caster sugar.


Mix alcohol, condensed and boiled milk, add vanillin to taste and pour this mixture into a mixer. Grind the yolks with powdered sugar and transfer them to the mixer to the prepared mixture. Beat everything together, pour into a bottle and refrigerate for at least 12 hours. Pour cold eggnog into glasses and sprinkle with grated chocolate, cookies or coconut flakes.

Mogul recipe with champagne

INGREDIENTS per serving:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar;
  • freshly squeezed juice from half an orange;
  • 1 teaspoon of liqueur;
  • chilled champagne;
  • crushed ice.


Grind the yolk with powdered sugar and mix with orange juice and liqueur in a mixer. Strain the mixture into a tall glass, add ice and fill everything with cold champagne.

coffee eggnog

Grind the yolk of one egg with or powdered sugar until the color changes. Beat the protein until a stable thick foam (you can drop 1-2 drops of lemon juice or citric acid solution to stabilize the foam). Pour a little warm milk or cream into four coffee cups, then brewed coffee, put ¼ of the pounded yolk and ¼ of the whipped egg white on top. Serve without stirring.

Video recipe

The main feature of the eggnog, which distinguishes it from other creams and cocktails, is rubbing the yolks with sugar or powdered sugar. At the next stage, they are mixed with a variety of drinks from milk to cognac and champagne. You can come up with your own unique recipes for adults and children with your favorite flavors and aromas. At the same time, it must be remembered that mogul-mogul cannot be stored for a long time and made in advance, except for specified cases.

What is your favorite eggnog recipe?

Adults and kids are happy to eat eggnog, the main component of which are egg yolks, although proteins are sometimes used, depending on taste preferences. Such a tonic drink can make up for the lack of protein in the body, so we have collected several recipes to help you prepare this delicacy.

What recipe to use for cooking?

This cocktail can be both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, in the latter case it includes sugar, cinnamon, brown bread, cocoa or coffee, milk, nutmeg, vanilla and other ingredients that help improve the taste and aroma of the yolks. When preparing an alcoholic drink, you can use rum, cognac, white wine and even whiskey to get rid of hangovers, drowsiness and weakness.

The composition of such a delicious drink contains the following substances:

  • animal protein (13 g in 1 egg);
  • vitamins A, B, C, group B;
  • potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium;
  • fatty acid(16% linoleic, 23% palmitic and others).

Content useful substances depends on the auxiliary components and the type of eggs you use: chicken, quail, duck and others. In any case, properly cooked eggnog will benefit the body, it is recommended to eat it for children, people who play sports. An alcoholic drink has a therapeutic effect on colds, beriberi, and poor appetite.

Important! Many people do not drink this drink for fear of getting infected. infectious disease salmonellosis. But do not be afraid, because the pathogens are contained on the shell, and not in the protein or yolk. Just wash the eggs before cooking to prevent infection. Recommended for cleaning clean water, baking soda and fragrance-free soap.

Classic eggnog with milk and white wine

At home, you can easily prepare this delicious drink in 2-3 minutes, because the eggs are beaten raw, without requiring long heat treatment. When preparing the dish, follow these recommendations:

  • use 2 eggs to make 1 serving;
  • grind the yolks with 20 g of sugar using a regular fork;
  • add 50 ml of milk to the mixture, beat it, then pour in 50 ml of white wine, mix everything again;
  • pour the finished drink into glasses or bowls;
  • beat the remaining whites with 20-30 g of sugar, you can decorate the cocktail using the resulting foam.

If you are preparing this drink for children, you can only add milk. Drinking a cocktail is immediately after preparation, its taste will improve a piece of black bread!

Recipe for children suffering from colds

If the baby is sick and does not want to eat anything, then you can pamper him with a homemade healing cocktail prepared according to this recipe:

  • 2 raw yolks must be beaten with 1 tsp. honey, which can be replaced with the same amount of sugar;
  • 10-15 g of butter, a pinch of cocoa and nutmeg should be added to the mixture, beat again.

A child can drink this nutritious eggnog in one gulp, eating it with biscuits or brown bread. If the baby is naughty, then decorate the healing drink with nut crumbs or protein peaks, add a cocktail tube!

Nutritious and tonic drink with rum

Alcoholic eggnog is not just a tonic drink, but also an excellent tool to help relieve headaches, hunger cramps, and fatigue. To create you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5-6 chicken eggs;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 100-150 ml of rum;
  • 200 ml of milk and the same amount of heavy cream;
  • a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla stick;
  • dark chocolate, nuts to taste.

Rum can be replaced with whiskey, bourbon or vodka, it is recommended to prepare a drink like this:

  • mix milk with cream, add cinnamon to the liquid, you can replace it with nutmeg, cocoa or vanilla. The resulting mixture should be put on the stove, and then brought to a boil. After cooling, it is necessary to express the liquid using gauze;
  • yolks must be beaten with sugar using a mixer. The result should be a fairly thick mixture;
  • it is necessary to introduce yolks with sugar into milk with cream, beating the mixture all with a mixer;
  • at this stage, it is worth adding rum to the drink, after which the future eggnog should be mixed with a spoon or wooden spatula.

Drink with cognac and cherry juice

Real gourmets can make an incredibly delicious eggnog for themselves using the following ingredients:

  • 2 yolks and 2 whites, grated with 20 g of sugar;
  • 50 ml brandy, cherry juice and milk.

The yolk must be ground with sugar using a fork. Beat the protein and sugar with a mixer, it is recommended to send the resulting mass to the refrigerator for 10-20 minutes. It is necessary to add cognac, juice and milk to the yolks, after which the mixture should be beaten for 3-4 minutes. Decorate the finished alcoholic eggnog with protein peaks, grated chocolate and fresh cherries!

Quick blender recipe

This recipe will ideal solution for breakfast:

  • put 1 peeled banana, 2 yolks into the blender bowl, pour in 100 ml of milk;
  • add nutmeg or 1 tsp to the mixture. cocoa, 2 tsp Sahara;
  • shake the cocktail for 30-60 seconds.

The drink must be poured into glasses, eggnog should be served with cookies or fresh bread!

Baked eggnog

If you don't like raw eggs, you can make eggnog and then bake it in the oven. The recipe is very simple:

  • Mix 6 raw yolks with 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara. It is necessary to beat the mass for at least 5 minutes, be sure to add vanilla or nutmeg to the egg mixture, otherwise the finished dish will have a sharp aroma;
  • melt in a water bath or in microwave oven 100-150 g butter;
  • carefully pour the oil into the yolks, add 1-1.5 tsp. cocoa, beat the mass well;
  • pour eggnog on ceramic or silicone molds, send them to a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.

Decorate the resulting eggnog with berries or chocolate, it should be consumed warm. Banana can be replaced with strawberries, citrus fruits, or seasonal berries. Bon Appetit!

    Mogul-mogul is both a dessert and an alcoholic drink, and a remedy for sore throats and colds. It is also deservedly praised for its nutritional value, healing properties and pleasant taste. To cook eggnog according to the classic recipe, grind the yolks with sugar.

    After the yolks brighten, add crushed berries or fruits to the mixture, which can be replaced with juice if desired. Then add the whites whipped to stable peaks and gently stir the mass until smooth.

    You can also add ingredients such as alcohol (wine, rum, cognac), honey, cocoa, butter or lemon to the eggnog.


    It is most convenient to cook eggnog with a blender or mixer in a deep container.
    Mogul-mogul is best served in a cocktail glass or creamer.
    Since eggnog is prepared from raw eggs, their choice should be approached with special attention. Choose only fresh eggs to avoid salmonella contamination. Also, to prevent poisoning or disease, wash eggs thoroughly before breaking them.


    Restores the functions of the vocal cords;
    Strengthen the vocal cords;
    It has a therapeutic effect on sore throat and colds;
    Helps to get rid of cough;
    Quickly satisfies hunger.


    Compound: egg - 1 pc, sugar - 1 tbsp, wine - 2 tbsp, salt - a pinch, milk - 150 ml, nutmeg.

    Cooking method: beat the egg, adding sugar, salt and wine to it. After that, carefully enter the boiled milk and stir everything. Strain the mixture and add nutmeg to taste. Sprinkle the mogul with nut crumbs before serving.


    Compound: egg - 2 pcs, salt - to taste, milk - 2 cups, sugar - 3 tablespoons, boiled water - 0.5 cups, rhubarb juice - 150 ml, nutmeg.

    Cooking method: separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks until smooth, the proteins - until a stable foam. Add juice, sugar and salt to the yolks, pour in cold milk, water and mix everything thoroughly. Gently pour the resulting mixture into the proteins and mix. When serving, garnish the eggnog with nuts.


    Compound: 2 eggs, 15 g sugar, 100 g cocoa, 10 g butter.

    Cooking method: separate the whites from the yolks. Mash the yolks with sugar, add cocoa and butter. Beat the whites with a mixer until fluffy and combine with the yolks. Pour the resulting mass into a cup and decorate as you like.


    Compound: 1 egg, 2 tbsp. sugar, 300 g milk, 50 g ground coffee.

    Cooking method: Rub the yolk with sugar with a fork, beat the whites until a stable foam. Pour warm milk into the bottom of the glass in which the eggnog will be served, then add a little coffee, put the yolk on top, and the protein in the center. Drink coffee eggnog should not be stirred.

Mogul-mogul is a tasty, healthy and nutritious drink. This recipe comes from Polish cuisine. Around this drink there are a lot of legends that interpret the history of its occurrence. What is noteworthy in Poland, in the homeland of the eggnog, even small children know these myths, but they also believe in them and do not consider them fairy tales.

According to one legend, the mogul was invented by the singer Gogel from the small town of Mogelev. He often suffered from the loss of his voice, which was essential to his work. To solve this pressing problem, Gogel began to look for a way to restore damaged vocal cords. The recipe turned out to be the simplest, and now eggnog is a very popular drink. Its basic component is a chicken egg.

Do not forget that eggnog is also an excellent medicine that helps to cope with a sore throat, cure a cold or a slight cough.

When making eggnog, you can experiment, improve on the classic variation, and add new tasty elements, such as wine, cognac, rum, honey, cocoa, fruit juice, berries or nuts.

Mogul-mogul: a classic recipe


  1. Chicken egg - 2-3 pcs.
  2. Sugar - 3 tsp
  3. Cinnamon - for decoration


  • Separate the yolks from the proteins, place the proteins in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  • Add a pinch of salt and 2 tsp. sugar into the yolks and beat well with a whisk until a thick mass forms. It is necessary that the mass increased by 2.5 times in volume.
  • Add 1 tsp to chilled proteins. sugar and a pinch of salt, beat into a dense and fluffy foam with a mixer. Then combine the protein foam with the yolks and beat well again.
  • Pour the drink into glasses, garnish with cinnamon.

Coffee Mogul: Recipe


  1. Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  2. Quail egg - 5 pcs.
  3. Milk - 300 ml.
  4. Ground coffee - 50 gr.
  5. Sugar - to taste


  • Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Rub the yolks with sugar until smooth using a mixer.
  • Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat with a mixer in a thick foam.
  • Take a glass, pour milk on the bottom, pour coffee on top, then lay out the protein mass, then the yolks with sugar.

How to cook mogul-mogul in Polish?


  1. Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  2. Milk - 300 ml.
  3. Berries - 100 gr.
  4. Nuts - 25 gr.
  5. Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.


  • Wash the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks.
  • Pound the yolks with sugar with a mixer until smooth, rich lemon color.
  • Wash the berries and grind with a blender.
  • Mix the berry mass with sugar yolks.
  • Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until fluffy, dense foam.
  • Put the berry-yolk mixture in a glass, add protein foam and garnish with chopped nuts.

Mogul-mogul: a cough recipe


  1. Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  2. Sugar sand - 150 gr.
  3. Cocoa - 100 gr.
  4. Butter - 10 gr.


  • Take the eggs, carefully separate the proteins from the yolks, then grind the yolks with sugar with a mixer until a homogeneous shiny mass.
  • Add cocoa and butter, continue beating until fluffy.

Mogul-mogul is a drink that helps create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth in the house. It is associated with many people with the New Year and Christmas. The recipe is very simple. It is based on chicken eggs and sugar.