MDF interior doors: installation, painting, reviews. How to paint MDF doors at home? How to repaint interior doors from MDF

Repair in your house or apartment is quite common, although many are afraid of it, but still agree to do it, however, a reasonable question may arise - how to paint an MDF door? At first glance, it would seem that there is nothing complicated in this - take a brush and paint, but not everything is so simple - the result may be different.

Below we will discuss the most practical and effective methods, and in addition, you can watch the thematic video in this article as additional material.

What do we need

Explanation. MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard, MDF) is a medium density fibreboard.
Such material is made by dry pressing of fine wood shavings.
Melamine-modified urea resins serve as a binder there.

Tools and materials

Note. Manufacturers produce their products already primed, that is, ready for use, so it should not be primed.

  • First of all, you should figure out how to paint MDF doors, that is, we mean paints and varnishes. The best, one might even say the only option for such work are water-based acrylic paints for wood products. Despite such a seemingly “flimsy” base, like water, they have an excellent saturated color, do not fade, they can be washed with a wet rag (sponge) without any problems, and besides, they are practically odorless.
  • Some try to use a substance such as Zinga conductive paint for this, but this is more like a cold galvanizing method and is more suitable for metal products than for lumber. But fire-retardant paints for metal Polistil, although they can be used for wood, are afraid of active exposure to moisture and are additionally covered with enamels. (See also the article.)

  • For applying paint to the surface of the door, it is most convenient and qualitatively more efficient to use flat narrow and wide paint brushes. Panels, of course, are more convenient to paint with wide brushes, but if there is glass in the door, then, of course, a narrow brush will be much better. When buying them, you should pay attention to the working part and check if the bristles are climbing, otherwise you will have to constantly remove the hairs from the surface or you may not even notice it, and after drying it (the hair) will leave a mark. (See also the article.)

  • If you have an ordinary door with two panels, then for the speed of painting work and to save paint, you can use a terry or woolen roller, and already paint the recesses with a brush. Just do not use a foam roller, as it slips and the coating is obtained with bald patches.

Getting to the "painting"

So, apply the first coat of paint with a brush or paint roller, or using both one and the other tool and at the same time do not be afraid to paint the ends. The fact is that poorly painted door ends are a fairly common occurrence, because if there is an extra thin layer there, after a while problems begin to arise - the door stops closing normally - it rubs against the box.

After that, it is often necessary to sink the canopies or break the box with spacers.

This does not happen with a water-based acrylic coating, as the liquid soaks into the wood and the film is completely unimportant. After you have applied the first layer, you can rest for 15 or 20 minutes - during this time the door will be dry, but what you see may upset you - the surface will change little (especially for light colors) and besides, it will stains and stains!

But don't let this bother you - after all, you have to apply the next layer - and you will do it, and in addition, such actions are provided for by the instructions that are printed on the package (jar, canister).

After the second coat has dried, carefully inspect the surface so that it does not leave flaws in the form of spots or uneven tone. If you do not notice anything of the kind, and everything suits you, then you can use it, but if necessary, it is better to apply a third layer, which will certainly be the last.

But even now the canvas is subject to inspection after drying, because you could simply skip any of the sections, and this is not surprising, because at this stage the shades will merge strongly and it will be possible to distinguish fresh from old only by brilliance.

When everything is ready and the door is completely dry, you can start the operation process and forget about the roller and brushes for several years, and this is quite normal, but there are people who have a creative gyrus hidden somewhere deep in the brain, which always haunts, even when everything is fine.

Well, then you can add a little variety that won't catch your eye, since it's a pure classic - look at the photo above - it uses regular bronze and a thin brush.


Now you know how to paint an MDF door and understand that it is quite simple and, one might say, even pleasant, since you won’t even smell it during the process. Just do not neglect the instructions and do not use other paints, then your door will turn out beautiful and will last you a long time!

Sometimes you want to change the design of the MDF door leaf. This can be done in different ways: by purchasing a new door or painting the old one. For those who decide to go the second way, MDF door paint is sold, which forms a uniform coating on the surface. You just need to decide on the desired color and characteristics of the paintwork in order to purchase suitable composition. If there is a desire to radically transform the doors, it is worth clarifying whether the surface can be lightened. The light canvas fits well into any interior.

MDF doors

How to paint the door?

In the manufacture of products from MDF, a special board is used from pressed or glued chips and wood fibers. Density distinguishes it from fiberboard canvas. If for fiberboard this parameter is considered average, then for MDF it is higher.

Painting the plates is somewhat difficult due to the fact that the components that make up the material have different characteristics. As a result, some areas are painted easily, while the composition does not fall on others. In order for the updated canvas to acquire an aesthetic appearance, the paint must be:

  • No harsh odor. It will not work to find a completely neutral composition, but it is still recommended to choose paints with a subtle odor, for example, water-based ones. It is preferable to refuse the use of nitro enamels or alkyd paint;
  • Quick dry. Acrylic and water-based paints have this property;
  • With gloss. Matte paint will not work, as on a sponge-like MDF surface, the formed coating will turn out to be unaesthetic. You will also need to purchase a varnish designed specifically for MDF. It is pre-poured into a prepared container to get rid of the air bubbles present. A varnished door can be installed even in the bathroom;
  • Highly adhesive. Given the characteristics of the base, it is important to take care of the strong adhesion of the formed coating and the surface. The level of adhesion of the composition is indicated on the packaging;
  • With little expense. This will reduce the cost of painting;
  • Required color. The painted door should harmoniously fit into the surrounding interior.

Advice! When determining the right amount paint, remember that you will have to update the surface of not only the door leaf, but also the box. In order for the paintwork material to be exactly enough, 10% is added to the calculated amount.

The canvas and the box do not have to be painted in the same tone. Depending on the chosen stylistic design, you can purchase paint of one color for the canvas, and a contrasting one for the box. When choosing, remember that if the area of ​​​​the surface to be painted is relatively small, then the color seems a little darker.

How to paint the surface of MDF?

In order to please the result, carefully prepare for the work, and also follow their sequence. In this case, the finished result will please and be sure to last for a long time.

Cooking tool

To start painting, prepare the following:

  • Tassels. You will need a narrow brush for small details and a little more for the canvas. Instead of a larger brush, a roller or spray gun will do;
  • Container for mixing paint. Its volume should be sufficient to accommodate all the paint. Especially if you plan to do tinting manually;
  • A mixer or drill with a nozzle, with which it is easier to ensure uniform mixing of the composition;
  • Paint container. Choose a relatively small amount. A special plastic bath is suitable if it is decided to take a roller for work;
  • Adhesive tape, stencils, sponges, if it is planned to form a pattern on the door leaf;
  • Zero sanding.

It is advisable to purchase gloves for yourself. Make sure you have clean rags and thinner to clean up any spilled paint drops. You will need a sufficient amount of paper for the floor and a beam on which it will lie. door leaf during staining.

Preparing the foundation

In order for MDF doors to acquire an aesthetic appearance, they must be carefully prepared for painting. To do this, the door is removed from the hinges and completely freed from the fittings. If desired, you can later install new handles, locks and hinges. This will further transform the appearance of the door.

Dismantling the door

The canvas is laid on a beam lying on the floor. They are placed strictly horizontally to exclude visible streaks. The old coating is removed from the surface by heating or using special chemical compositions. The first option is better, as it excludes wetting and swelling of the wood fiber material.

The base is carefully polished. It is better to refuse to use a special tool so as not to damage the material. Removed layers of material are carefully collected. With their help, you can prepare putty for MDF. You just need to add some wood glue. This mixture can be used to get rid of defects on the surface of the door leaf. Particular attention is paid to the insertion of the lock and handle. During the operation of the door in this area, defects always appear that need to be removed.

Sanding the door leaf

Let's start painting

First, a primer is applied to the surface to be painted. Before this, the surface is thoroughly dried and dust-free. This will allow:

  • Level the surface;
  • Reduce paint consumption;
  • Increase the adhesive characteristics of the base;
  • Form a layer of paint of the same thickness.

Attention! When applying a primer, it will be possible to detect defects that previously remained invisible.

If defects are found, scratches, cracks and small chips are masked with putty. Then the puttied surface is sanded and another layer of primer is applied. After waiting for the primer to dry completely, paint hard-to-reach places with the thinnest brush.

Then, armed with a roller, spray gun or larger brush, paint the canvas completely. To make the layer uniform, it is advisable to apply another layer of paint.

Paint application

Attention! Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. It is better to refuse the use of fan heaters so as not to impair the quality of the formed coating.

If you want to paint an MDF door, feel free to get to work! You can even change the color of the door leaf at home. Properly selected composition and properly prepared surface will quickly achieve the desired result.

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From MDF allows you to save money and get a door that is fully consistent with the interior design.

How to paint MDF doors

It is very convenient and practical to paint interior doors with acrylic varnishes and paints. They dry quickly, almost do not smell, non-toxic. Random drops are easily cleaned from hands, with floor covering. The painted surface is resistant to damage, all dirt is easily washed off with ordinary soapy water.

When determining the required amount of coatings, it should be borne in mind that not only the door leaf will be painted, but also the frame, platbands. On average, you may need 1 kg of acrylic varnish or paint and the same amount of primer to paint one set.

The standard formula for calculating the amount of coatings needed to paint interior doors is the approximate paint consumption (indicated on the can) plus 10%. The purchase of a small can of putty will help you avoid unnecessary trips to the store if you find small defects in the painted surface.

To avoid conflict between paint layers, it is recommended to purchase products from the same manufacturer's product line for wood products.

From a huge variety of colors and shades acrylic paints You can always choose your preferred color, which is suitable for painting the MDF door and will be in harmony with the decor of the room.

To give paintwork materials the desired shade, you can additionally buy a special color scheme or use the services of professionals. Typically, building markets offer tinting paints, which allows you to get any of the 10,000 shades. In this case, it is more convenient to have your own color sample with you. It should be taken into account that:

  • on a large surface, light tones appear darker;
  • color perception depends on lighting - for a maximum color assessment, you can go outside with a sample;
  • the finished paint always appears lighter than the sample.

Usually the program professional equipment remembers specific tinting schemes, but it is better to prepare the coloring composition immediately in the required volume. Small differences in the shade of paintwork materials from different batches will not allow you to achieve an ideal resemblance to the previous version of the color scheme.

Tools, equipment

When planning work on painting the door kit, you need to prepare in advance necessary tools, expendable materials. At the same time, care should be taken to organize the storage of working equipment. This approach will help reduce the time of work, avoid unplanned costs.

A set of working tools:

  • brushes - narrow for painting small details and medium for painting the door leaf, roller or spray gun;
  • a container for mixing paintwork materials during manual tinting - it should fit all the paint or varnish required for work;
  • a drill with a nozzle or a mixer - you can rent;
  • working container for paint - a small can or a special tray, if planned with a roller;
  • adhesive tape, stencils, sponge - if desired, decorate the door leaf with drawings, ornaments;
  • sandpaper-zero;
  • gloves;
  • clean rags;
  • solvent.

You should also take care of the work site - cover the floor with paper, prepare wooden bars on which you can put an interior door, door frame, platbands. Need to ensure normal conditions with the possibility of safe and convenient movement both during work and during the drying of the layers of paintwork materials.

How to paint MDF doors

Before applying paint, it is necessary to putty all cracks and cover the door with a primer layer.

Before painting an interior door made of MDF, the elements of the box, platbands, it is necessary to prime them. The primer performs several functions at once:

  • finally removes dust from the surface;
  • prevents unnecessary consumption of more expensive coatings;
  • improves adhesive properties;
  • ensures color uniformity.

At the same time, the priming process helps to detect minor surface defects - chips, scratches, cracks.

You can tint paintwork materials on your own only in one container; most likely, it will not be possible to accurately repeat the desired shade in different buckets. Before opening cans of paint, you must once again carefully study the manufacturer's instructions that came with the color scheme. First, you can prepare a sample of paint in a small jar. In order to correctly evaluate the resulting shade, it is better to wait for the complete drying of the colored sample.

  1. A primer layer is applied to a dry interior door.
  2. Small cracks, scratches, chips are smeared with putty.
  3. The surface is polished with fine sandpaper.
  4. A second coat of primer is applied.
  5. All inconvenient places are painted over with a brush - the ends, the lines of the panel pattern.
  6. The wooden product is painted completely - with a brush, roller or spray gun.
  7. If necessary, a second layer of paintwork is applied.

When painting with acrylic kit interior door each stage of work is carried out only after the complete drying of the previous layer.

It is not recommended to speed up drying with the help of heaters, fans, heat guns.

Water-based coatings slightly lift the pile of wood. Therefore, before applying each next layer of acrylic varnish or paint, the previous one is carefully sanded with zero sandpaper.

Of course, there are no trifles in repair, each work requires attention and respect. But still there are those who do not require much knowledge, skills, or time. These include solving the issue of how to paint MDF or wood interior doors.

The choice of how to paint interior doors is quite large both in terms of paint color and its basis.

It is only necessary to choose the right paint specifically for work in the interior, impeccable from an environmental point of view, but the rest of the operations should not cause any difficulties.

The photo shows only a small selection of possible proposals.

Although there are many operations to be done.

Painting order

The following is to be done:

  1. first carefully examine the condition of the old paint and make one of two decisions:
  • if the old paint “sits” well and it has not lost its appearance, then it is not at all necessary to remove it completely, just very carefully (but there can be no compromises here) remove waves and bumps,
  • putty them completely, and,
  • clean with sandpaper;

The instruction does not oblige to remove first old paint, but it is highly desirable to do so

  • if a decision is made to remove the old paint, then you can’t do without special devices:
  • first we try to move as far as possible with a conventional spatula, being very careful with the wood without damaging it;
  • then we prepare a hair dryer, better - a special, powerful building one - and we remove it with a spatula, preheating the paint layer;
  • a more radical remedy - an iron or its construction analogue - can help a lot to remove paint; this one will not be able to help in difficult uneven places, but on flat surfaces it is simply irreplaceable;

Mechanical grinding is required after removing paint and putty

  • complete removal of paint obliges then to grind the surface, preferably with a grinder;
  • as a final chord, we prime the entire surface;
  • we wait for it to dry completely and grind everything again;
  1. when, one way or another, the problem of the paint layer is solved, the surface is primed, and the primer is processed with sandpaper, we proceed to painting. Here it will be necessary to follow only one strict rule - painting must be carried out in at least 2 layers, and the first one should be applied with a thicker consistency, before applying the second layer, be sure to wait for the first to dry completely.

Everything can be done with your own hands, especially in hard-to-reach places for a typewriter.

Useful advice! There is another, very effective, way to remove old paint - the so-called chemical, using special solvents, which are also called "paint destroyers".

But we do not recommend using it indoors, and even on a vertically placed door. You will have to remove the door and do all the outdoor work. By the way, all other work on the doors is also best done when they are removed and in a horizontal position.

Perhaps, before painting, the puttied door will not look very aesthetically pleasing, but in just an hour everything will change dramatically

Paint selection

It remains to solve only the most important question, how to paint interior doors. He will immediately say that specialized, more related to the cold galvanizing method, zinga electrically conductive paint will not work here (learn also how and with what to paint the plaster).

Do not use fire-retardant paints for metal polystil. But even with this exception, the choice does not impoverish at all.


But first, about the selection requirements:

  • Firstly, the paint must be good from an aesthetic point of view, and its appearance must be kept for a long period of time after completion of work.
  • Secondly, paint must be impeccable from the point of view of ecology, this is a requirement for all materials used in interiors.
  • Thirdly, since the paint for the door, it must be strong enough for abrasion, because the interior doors are in motion and in constant use for all 24 hours a day.
  • Fourth, and this is very important, the paint must be resistant to fire, God forbid, if you ever have to check this quality, but we highly recommend checking this characteristic when buying.

Painting can be done with a roller, it’s faster, but you can’t do without brushes, in any case, put at least two layers


We have several paint options on the market to choose from:

  • Alkyd. This is now the most common, due to its durability, a large number of colors and cost. But the alkyd paint base for 2-3 days, until it dries completely, emits a not very pleasant smell. On the scale of environmental friendliness, this paint also cannot be given a maximum score of 100 points - it is not higher than 80. In other words, you should not paint the door to the nursery and where people prone to allergic reactions live with this paint.
  • acrylic enamel. There is also a large range of colors, no smells for you. But it is already noticeably more expensive and strength suffers, so often the paint layer is additionally coated with acrylic varnish.
  • Nitroenamel. The high cost of this proposal for many is more than compensated by the wonderful appearance of the surface on which this paint will fall. But such paint requires increased attention to personal safety during the work, it is toxic.

If the work area is small, then everything can be done in just a few hours, do not forget that the putty must be allowed to dry completely


Painting an interior door is the operation that you always strive to perform on your own and it’s not even a matter of saving money. I just sometimes want to do something with my own hands, when the price of work in terms of time costs is not so great (find out here how and with what materials to prepare drywall for painting).

Treat your work with the utmost respect, as always, carefully prepare the entire surface by removing the door from its hinges. Before you finally decide on the paint, test its samples.

Be sure to watch the additional video in this article, it will help you more accurately navigate when choosing.

After purchasing an apartment or after a certain period of time living in one place, you may want to make cosmetic repairs. If everything is clear with wallpapering, rearranging furniture, replacing flooring, then how to update door panels. Not every person knows how to paint MDF interior doors.

MDF is medium density fibreboard. It is made from wood chips, which can be large, medium, small fractions. It is pressed using special equipment. To bond the chips, adhesives (urea resins) are added.

The peculiarities of this material are that, due to its heterogeneity, MDF absorbs a large amount of the coloring composition. In addition to this, it is required to choose high-quality paint, otherwise, under the influence of environmental factors, the decorative layer will be covered with cracks. Due to the addition of urea resins for gluing plates, the environmental friendliness of the material is deteriorating. In order not to harm the human body, it is required to choose only environmentally friendly coloring compositions.

Necessary tools and materials

It is important to know not only how to paint, but also how to paint MDF doors at home. Initially, it is required to prepare tools, materials, additional devices that will be useful in carrying out the planned work.


  1. Brushes. They are necessary for coloring inaccessible and patterned places. The roller cannot catch them. The main thing when choosing brushes is to check the condition of the pile. It should not crumble and climb during work.
  2. roller. When buying this tool, you need to choose a terry or wool working part. Foam rollers are left empty seats when painting.
  3. Tray for coloring composition or primer. Its size is suitable for applying the coloring composition to the working surface of the roller for further work.
  4. To stir the paint, you can use any metal stick or an electric drill with a mixer.

These were the main instruments. You will also need a set of screwdrivers, a screwdriver or a mount. They are needed to remove the door leaf. Plus masking tape, scissors, a sharp blade for gluing decorative elements. Stencils are useful for creating decoration. The question of whether it is possible to paint MDF doors coated with PVC film often arises. In this case, it is required to initially make smooth plastic rough. To do this, you need to buy fine sandpaper.

Paint selection

Before you start painting the door leaf, you need to pay special attention to the choice of coloring composition. There are a number of requirements that you need to pay attention to when choosing a coloring composition:

  1. Choose paints that smell less. These include water-based formulations.
  2. It is important to choose formulations without the addition of toxic and harmful components to the body.
  3. When choosing a paint, you need to pay attention to wear-resistant compounds. Doors are used all the time. Not every coating can withstand heavy loads.
  4. Choose quick-drying paints and varnishes. This is typical for water-based and acrylic paints.
  5. MDF has a porous structure, and a matte paint composition will look ugly on such a surface. The glossy outer layer hides this flaw.
  6. On the purchased container should be written "high adhesion".
Important! Pay attention to paint consumption. The normal indicator is 1 kg of paint and primer on a door leaf measuring 2000 × 800 mm.

In the markets, in construction and hardware stores, you can find various paints. All of them can be divided into three groups.

Acrylic enamels

You can find a huge amount color shades. Advantages acrylic compounds in that they do not exude an unpleasant odor and dry quickly.

Alkyd and alkyd-urethane enamels

These compounds are considered the most popular. Consumers appreciate such paints for their low price, wide range of colors. Alkyd compounds have significant disadvantages. They exude an unpleasant odor for 3 days after application and dry for a long time. Alkyd paints should not be used to cover the doors to bedrooms and paint anything in rooms where people with allergies live.

Polyurethane enamels

The advantages of these paints are durability and beautiful appearance after application. But the high price, toxicity, unpleasant odor are not suitable for all buyers.

Attention! Any type of decorative coating needs a certain time to dry before further work is carried out.

Painting process

When tools, materials, accessories are prepared, it is required to create a working atmosphere. In order not to stain the floor, you need to cover it with polyethylene. Paper is not suitable for this, as it will be saturated with paint and traces will remain on the surface. When the surface is covered, you can begin to carry out the main work.

Preparatory stage

First of all, you need to remove the door leaf from the hinges. If the door is old, a mount is used for this. It must be placed on one side under the canvas to make a lever. With pressure on the other side, the canvas will go up and come off the hinges. In new doors, the hinges are fixed to the door with self-tapping screws. You can unscrew them with a screwdriver or screwdriver.

Two people need to remove the canvas. This is due to the large weight of the structure.

It is required to clean the door with sandpaper. Sweep away debris with a brush. Decorative inserts made of metal or glass are sealed with masking tape.


When the canvas is prepared, it is necessary to apply a primer. It will hide various defects. After applying the composition, you must wait for the time indicated on the package. When the first coat is dry, inspect the surface for scratches and cracks. In total, 3-4 layers of primer are needed. This amount will reduce the absorbency of the MDF.

Painting stage

When the primer is dry, you can start painting. First of all, hard-to-reach places are stained. For this, a brush is used. The surface is painted with a roller. The first coat must dry before continuing.

After drying, you need to apply another layer, wait until it dries, and cover the canvas with the outer layer. The final layer must be applied carefully. After coating, it is necessary to check the finished surface for defects.


To age the door, it is necessary to use a glaze as a finishing layer. This is a special thinner that can be purchased at the same place as the paint. It strengthens the structure of MDF, draws the structure of the material. The last layer in the work will be varnished.

When the varnish dries, you need to install the door leaf in place, remove the masking tape and throw out the trash. The varnish will strengthen the paint and protect it from mechanical stress.

To paint an MDF door, you do not need to have additional skills. It is important to know the features of this material, to perform a certain sequence of actions. We must not forget about sanding the canvas with sandpaper and coating it with a primer.