Is it possible to have an intimate relationship. How old do they have sex

Questions of sex, as well as its safety, are relevant at any time. Some are interested in the age threshold, others are interested in medical restrictions, and others are interested in moral and moral motives. At what age is it safe to have sex if you have already started thinking about sex for a long time? If you understand in detail, then in reality all three components are important.

Sex according to the law

Here it is immediately worth deciding: with voluntary consent and under duress, a connection occurs. If the latter, then sexual intercourse will be regarded as violence even at 20, 30 or 40 years old. At what age can you have sex, so as not to get into an awkward position? In the vast majority of states, the age of consent for sex is 16 years, in a number of countries it is up to 14. In their list:

  • Yemen, where sexual intercourse is officially allowed from the age of 9;
  • Italy, Canada, Chile, the Vatican, where intercourse is allowed from the age of 12;
  • Spain, Austria, Serbia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, China - from 13;
  • 48 other countries in the world allow sexual intimacy from the age of 14.

Earlier in Russia arbitrage practice recognized the age of consent as 14 years. But then everything was revised and returned to the framework of 16 years. Now it is this threshold that is considered the boundary from which one can begin sexual activity.

But if the guy is under 18, he can be prosecuted with a conviction for sexual relations with a minor. However, if he, like the girl, is not yet 18, then he does not bear any criminal punishment.

Sex in terms of physiology

In each specific region of the globe, puberty occurs when a certain number of years is reached. Somewhere they grow up earlier, somewhere later, so the beginning of sex is strictly individual. Much more important is mutual consent and the absence of sexual diseases.

Oddly enough, the presence of a vaginal infection affects the quality of the first intimacy. Any ailment can cause pain. Also, stress and anxiety. It is they who become the cause of discomfort, since muscular tightness does not allow the genitals to relax normally. So the rupture of the hymen can be accompanied by pain not only in adulthood, but also at a fairly young age.

Sex from the point of view of psychology

In this case, it all comes down to a long-known saying about what you want, and prick, and mom does not order. But still, at what age can you make love without harm? That is, each individual situation depends on upbringing, including the intimate side of life. The hypocrite will react in one way, a person of normal upbringing in another, a perverted nature in a third. Therefore, the question of whether early sex is good or not is perceived differently.

Some young ladies believe that they should not lag behind their friends and look like a black sheep against their background, so they start having sex at the age of 12-13, since there are plenty of accelerators in our time. Other girls, on the contrary, are much more comfortable psychologically to remain a virgin before marriage, others - until they meet their beloved. That is, everything is individual. One thing is for sure: the first sex should not take place under pressure “if you don’t give it, I’ll leave”, spontaneously or under the persuasion of a guy.

Precautionary measures

  1. If menstruation began quite early and is drawn to sex, the risk of pregnancy is not excluded, so protection during contact will be useful. The most reliable means is a condom. It will protect against infections, sexual diseases and unwanted pregnancies.
  2. At the time of the first sexual intercourse, severe pain can be noted if the girl is worried and strongly clamped. Therefore, you should not start sex if there is not enough excitement, and it is signaled by discharge from the vagina - a natural lubricant. With its lack, it is recommended to use a special lubricant available in a regular pharmacy. The stress factor can also be influenced by fear.
  3. Another caution concerns personal hygiene. It is advisable to wash before contact, as well as after it. This will prevent the entry of external microflora (from the labia) into the vagina.
  4. If pain occurs, the girl does not need to move away from her partner. On the contrary, she should lean forward, going towards him. This reduces the time of psychological stress and pain.

At what age can you have sex without harm to health, and in general, at what age is it normal? Before starting sexual intercourse, you should definitely go to a gynecologist and consult about suspected inflammations. If such processes take place, it is better to be treated, because an infection or disease can cause additional pain. Yes, you can infect someone you love.

After the first intimacy, it is preferable not to have sex for several days. This will allow the wounds of the hymen to heal, which must be lubricated with glycerin after each washing. The signal that everything is normal is the absence of tingling when applying the drug.

With subsequent contacts, there is some discomfort, but it does not pose any threat. Just inner part The vagina adapts to the friction and pressure of the male member. To reduce discomfort, it is enough to use a lubricant.

A special pose, suitable for both young girls and older ones, will help reduce pain at the time of rupture of the hymen. The pelvis needs to be raised (for this, a small pillow or sofa cushion is placed under the buttocks), the legs are bent at the knees and pressed to the chest in a parted form. Relax the muscles of the perineum.

During defloration, the penis must be hard enough, so first you should wait for maximum excitement so as not to torment your partner. The upper position of the body will help control the situation: resting your knees on the bed and grabbing the girl’s hips (or her shoulders) with your hands. This will allow you to keep the situation under control at the time of the onset of pain.

With an early onset of sexual activity, it is worth considering: the genitals may lag behind development, which is expressed in a lack of natural moisture, which does not allow you to feel an orgasm normally. To solve the problem, doctors recommend using artificial pharmacy lubricants, which are freely available and do not require a prescription. After some time, the genitals mature on their own.

Desirable conditions at the first sex

Due to inconvenience, fear or embarrassment, partners may experience discomfort, which provokes muscle tightness, which is why the young girl is not able to reach orgasm. In such cases, turning off the light helps (if intimacy leaks in the dark) or a scarf that slightly covers the eyes. Mandatory conditions are:

  • mutual agreement of partners;
  • having a comfortable bed;
  • complete privacy;
  • use of contraceptives.

The best remedy is a condom. It is lubricated, completely ready to use, allow the penis to penetrate the vagina more easily. Available at any pharmacy, sold without a prescription, does not require prior medical advice and has no contraindications (except for the presence of a severe allergy to latex products).

When washing after sex, it is worth giving preference special means age-appropriate, since there are separate preparations for both 14-year-olds and 40-year-olds. At best, let it be plain water, but not shampoos, gels or hand soaps, as they can provoke irritation and itching due to the difference in alkaline balance.

Can you have sex at 16? There are several opinions on this matter. Caring parents and the older generation, for whom sex before marriage was a shame, of course, try to keep teenagers from early sexual experience with all their might. Scary tales of sexually transmitted diseases, teenage pregnancies and even bullying are used. But statistics say that by the age of 14, every tenth child loses his virginity. Therefore, the question of sexuality in adolescence worth considering in more detail.

What is the age of consent?

Is it legal to have sex at 16? In criminal law, there is such a thing as the "age of consent", that is, the age at which a person is considered capable of giving informed consent to sexual relations with another person. In most countries, the age of consent is set between 14 and 16 years, but this concept may not be in the legislation at all or as high as 20 years.

In Russia, the age of sexual consent is 16, which means that from that moment on, a person can legally have sexual relations. Voluntary relationships between persons under the age of majority are not punishable. It is interesting that in Yemen, for example, the age of consent is only 9 years; in Mexico, the Philippines and Angola - 12 years; in Italy, Germany, China, Hungary, Brazil - 14 years; in Egypt, Iraq, Malta, Turkey - 18 years old.

First time: when?

Already at the age of 13, a child has an idea of ​​what sex is. Some girls begin to have sexual intercourse with older boys already at this age, but the guys are liberated a little later - at the age of 15. But neither 13 nor 15 years is the right age for the first sexual intercourse.

There are several well-founded explanations for this. The female body, in theory, is already ready to bear a child, but this does not mean that the girl is ready for sexual activity. Full maturation of the body occurs on average at 18 years. But you shouldn't lose your virginity too late either. About 25 years, the hymen from a thin partition turns into a fairly dense tissue, so the process of its rupture will be quite difficult and painful. Attention should also be paid to the psychological maturation of both partners. Unpleasant consequences can be avoided only if each of the partners is ready for sexual contact.

Can you have sex at 16? Theoretically and legally possible, but in practice, many girls postpone their first sexual experience until a more mature age. In fact, there are no clear criteria and boundaries. The first sex should happen when both partners are ready for it, informed about the possible risks and contraceptives. The personal desire of the girl and confidence in feelings for the young man are important. You need to try to honestly answer yourself the question of whether this is the person with whom you would like to experience the first sexual experience. If the answer is yes, then you can move on to the next step.

How to prepare for the first sex?

Can you have sex at 16? Yes, if both partners are ready for this, understand all the dangers and risks associated with early sexual activity, trust each other and are able to hear and understand each other. Few young people, on the eve of such an important event as the first sexual experience, turn to their parents for advice, but in vain. Listening to friends and acquaintances of the same age is not worth it, because everyone has different experience, knowledge and characteristics of relationships.

Girls who are very nervous about whether it is possible to have sex at 16 should be advised to postpone the first experience until another time. With minor doubts, you can prepare for the first sex: read special literature, find out what the missionary position looks like - the best way for deprivation of virginity, take care of hair removal and beautiful underwear. You can drink a glass of wine, but no more.

The most common fear

Almost every girl before the first intimacy is worried about the pain of penetration. Much here depends on the behavior of the girl herself and her partner, as well as on physiological characteristics. Pain at break hymen it can be quite insignificant, and it can be tolerated if the first sexual intercourse is performed with a loved one. It is advisable to get a lubricant so that the penetration of the penis is easier and more pleasant, and you should not squeeze the muscles of the vagina, because for a painless sexual intercourse, the girl must be relaxed.

Blood loss during the first sexual contact is not a necessary phenomenon. There may be no blood at all, and if there is, it will not cause any discomfort and discomfort. It often happens that such discharge may appear during the second sexual intercourse. It is advisable to take a break between the first and second time of three to five days so that all tears in the vagina heal.

Is it possible to get pregnant

Can you have sex at 16? “For” and “against” you can bring a huge number, but one of the most common fears of both girls and young man is the fear of unplanned pregnancy. In adolescence, this can turn into a real tragedy. The first time is not a barrier to successful fertilization, so be sure to ensure that sex is "protected".

The condom provides approximately 85% protection against unwanted pregnancy, birth control pills provide up to 99%, and interrupted sexual intercourse - only 60% security. At the same time, only a condom as a means of barrier contraception also protects partners from STDs. If the couple chooses oral contraceptives, that is, tablets, you need to know that only a gynecologist should prescribe them.

Is it possible to have sex at 16 years old during menstruation? On critical days, sexual intercourse will reduce soreness and, possibly, shorten the duration of menstruation. But at the same time, the likelihood of transmission of infection from one partner to another increases. It is important that menstruation does not prevent pregnancy. In addition, you should not make love with heavy periods or pain in the lower abdomen. Proximity during critical days also requires more careful observance of the rules of personal hygiene.

The dangers of teen sex

Many young people are not well aware of all the dangers of teenage sex. This is not only an unwanted pregnancy with all the ensuing consequences. Sexually transmitted diseases are possible, especially if one of the partners already had sexual experience and did not bother to take care of contraceptives. Early sexual experience, if the partners are not psychologically prepared for it, can cause further fear of relationships and the opposite sex, dissatisfaction in sex and other psychological problems.

Hello, my name is Albina, 40 years old. I have a son and a daughter, they are 13 and 15 respectively. I'm very worried that they would not start having sex early. There used to be a rule "before the wedding, no, no," but now it's not like that. At what age can you start having sex?

Expert answer

Hello Albina. The decision to have sex is an extremely personal matter. If children ask their parents, they can name absolutely different age: 18 to 30 years old. Teenage friends are more likely to associate the onset of sexual activity with their age. Many of them boast and exaggerate their sex lives. As a result, some teenagers feel completely lost because they think they are still virgins, while their peers already have a rich sexual experience.

From a legal point of view, you can have sex from the age of 18. The medical point of view on how many years you can start having sex is very simple: upon reaching puberty. That is, at the age of 13-14, boys and girls can physically have sex. However, psychological maturation occurs later than physiological (somewhere by the age of 18, or even later).

Explain to children that they must be prepared to deal with any consequences of sexual contact. Sounds like a typical answer, but it's reality. Tell them about sexually transmitted diseases, birth control methods (condoms), etc.

Also let them know that they don't have to have sex just because their classmates tell them to. According to statistics collected in 2011 in Washington County, 51% of teenagers (ages 13 to 19) have not had sex of any type (including oral).

In 2010, University of Chicago researchers reported that between the ages of 75 and 85, about 40% of men and 17% of women are still sexually active. For a society in which the cult of beauty and youth reigns, such figures may seem unexpected. However, sexuality does not disappear with age. We tell how the intimate life of older people works, how it is useful and when it can be dangerous.

American scientists led by Natalia Gavrilova and Stacy Tessler Lindo from the University of Chicago studied the intimate life of older couples and found that at the age of 75-85, about 40% of men and 17% of women continue to live sexually, with 71% of men and 51% of women assessing the quality of sex is high.

Writer and sex therapist Ruth Westheimer (88) is not surprised by these figures: the author of the famous Dr. Ruth's Encyclopedia of Sex claims that sex is even more pleasant for women over 60, since they have no fear of an unplanned pregnancy.

For women over 60, sex is more enjoyable, as they have no fear of an unplanned pregnancy, - sex therapist Ruth Westheimer

The human body has some restrictions on the maximum age for reproduction, but sexual activity can be maintained until the end of your days. And although sex in old age is often considered a taboo topic, orgasm and the intimacy of partners do not become less positive phenomena from this.

Age-related physical changes and sex

With age, libido gradually decreases. Women tend to lose interest in sex due to menopause and hormonal changes, while men complain of erectile dysfunction. This does not mean that it is time to tie up with sex: many health problems can be solved or improved.

Menopause is associated with a decrease in libido due to desensitization of the genital area, vaginal dryness and decreased elasticity. In some cases, penetration can be painful for a woman, but this problem has been learned to be solved with the help of hormone replacement therapy and lubricants. In 2016, American scientists conducted 30 in-depth interviews with women aged 45-60 and found that sex in middle and old age is more enjoyable. The study participants spoke about a deeper understanding of their preferences, acceptance of their body and age.

The main barrier to maintaining sexual activity in older men can be impotence. By the age of 65, 15-25% of men face it. It becomes more difficult to achieve an erection and maintain it for sexual intercourse, and problems with the prostate, atherosclerosis or diabetes mellitus further complicate the task. Fortunately, modern medical preparations(Viagra, vardenafil, tadalafil) can improve the situation in 60-70% of cases.

What Causes Sexual Problems in Older People

Illness, disability, and the use of certain medications can affect the ability to have and enjoy sex, but even the most serious health problems usually do not become a residual barrier to sensual pleasure.

With age, sexual problems can be caused by the following factors:

  • Arthritis. in arthritis can make sexual contact uncomfortable. good decision there will be non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, exercise, rest, warm baths and careful choice of positions.
  • Diabetes. Many men with diabetes do not have sexual problems, but it is one of the few diseases that can cause erectile dysfunction. In most cases, medical treatment should help.
  • Heart diseases. Some patients who have experienced myocardial infarction are afraid that sex will cause another attack. The probability of this is extremely small. Most people can begin sexual activity 3-6 weeks after their condition has stabilized, but be sure to consult a doctor beforehand.
  • Incontinence. Urinary incontinence is most common among older women. Most often it occurs during exercise, coughing, sneezing, or lifting heavy objects. The extra pressure on the abdomen during sex can cause incontinence, which is why some people choose to forego intimacy altogether. This condition can and should be treated by restoring confidence and pleasure from sex.
  • Stroke. Sex is unlikely to cause a second stroke, which is why doctors don't stop stroke survivors from having sex. Moreover, even weakness and partial paralysis do not prevent some couples from continuing their sexual life. The main thing - do not forget about the control of blood pressure.
  • Medications. Some drugs can cause sexual problems. Among them are drugs to reduce pressure, antihistamines, antidepressants, tranquilizers, diabetes drugs, ranitidine and some other drugs that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Some of them have a negative effect on potency, others reduce libido. Be sure to talk about side effects treating doctor. Perhaps he will replace the drug, and you can again enjoy your sex life.
  • Stress and complexes. Men may be afraid of impotence, and women may worry about wrinkles or gray hair. Do not focus on youthful beauty and try to accept the changes that are happening to your body: they can give you a lot of new sensations.

Health benefits and risks of sex for older people

Previously, scientists have suggested that an active sex life increases life expectancy. In 2016, Michigan State University experts conducted a case study and found that in women over 57 years of age, sex normalizes blood pressure, improves the state of the cardiovascular system and has a positive effect on the emotional sphere.

In men of the same age, the risk of earning an attack of angina pectoris, stroke and heart attack is slightly higher, and excessive physical exertion is called the probable cause of this. To be on the safe side, it's best for men to exercise moderation, focusing not on orgasm, but on the pleasure of the process.

Do not forget also about the risk of sexually transmitted infections (,