The man leaves the woman but comes back again. Why do guys go back to ex-girlfriends

Nothing lasts forever under the moon ... And sometimes even the strongest relationships end in parting. The bitterness of loss, tears in the pillow, longing for a loved one and memories of the past - all this is experienced by a woman when a man leaves.

But it also happens that he suddenly suddenly decides to reappear in her life. Often this happens when the pain of separation subsides and the woman no longer hopes to return her beloved.

Many of the fair sex in such cases wonder: why do men return after parting? And what to do with it?

Time sets its accents, and young people can reconsider their attitude towards an ex-girlfriend. Quite often it turns out that they are not ready to let her go and want to return to her. Why is this happening?

Reasons why a man returns after a breakup

  • "When we lose, we cry." Alas, but often the male representatives understand how much they love their chosen one, only after separation from her. They suddenly begin to appreciate in the girl something that they had not previously paid attention to or that seemed to them not so important.
  • If the breakup occurred through the fault of a man (treason, quarrel, rude attitude towards a woman, etc.), then he may suffer remorse, repent and ask his former lover to forgive him and accept him again.
  • The longer and more serious the relationship was, the stronger the man was able to become attached to his passion and the higher the likelihood that he would want to return to her. For many young people, it turns out to be unbearable to live apart from the one who understood him perfectly, whom he trusted so much, and who supported him so much.
  • If a man has found another girl for himself, then, willy-nilly, the current lady is compared with the previous one. And it often turns out that the former lover wins in this regard: she can be smarter, more caring, sincere, more interesting in sex, etc. The man understands that he does not want to miss her and seeks to return.
  • Most men are possessive by nature. It is difficult for them to come to terms with the fact that a woman can belong to someone else. Therefore, even after breaking up, they try to keep abreast of how she lives and with whom she meets. And many, having learned about the new relationship of their ex-girlfriend, suddenly appear on the threshold of her house and again try to win the attention of their beloved.
  • Some men cannot let go of a woman because they want to dominate her. Especially if they feel dependent on them. They return to amuse their pride and assert themselves in this way. It is possible that such an egoist will one day leave again, regardless of the feelings of a woman.
  • If a man was overwhelmed by a wave of new love, and he went to another woman, then, of course, there is a possibility that the sudden passion will pass, feelings will cool down, and he will want to return to his former chosen one. After all, only sex connects him with a new passion, and in the previous relationship there was more depth, trust and mutual understanding. They say about such men: "Worked up." But whether a woman will take him back depends entirely on her.
  • Another reason for a man to return to his former lover is his conservatism. It is extremely difficult for some representatives of the strong half of humanity to change something in life. For them, it is better to return to the old relationship than to establish a new one. Such men strive to “put everything on their shelves” again. This makes them feel calmer and more confident.
  • Do men return if the reason for the breakup was the betrayal of a woman? Yes, but a deceived man is ready to forgive only when he has strong love for her. In this case, he seeks to win the attention of his lady of the heart and return the relationship, even if the lover is firmly established in her life.
  • If in marriage a man and a woman are connected by joint children, then love for them can also serve as a reason for his return to the family. For many male representatives, the situation when another person will take part in the upbringing of their children is completely unacceptable.

It is important for a woman to analyze the reasons why a man who is parting with her wants to return in order to draw the necessary conclusions and make the right decision: whether or not to renew relations with him.

What do men think and feel after a breakup?

Some take a break in order to properly analyze everything and understand themselves, to understand their desires and the seriousness of their intentions regarding a woman.

Men can in their thoughts return to the moments spent together with their ex-lover, regretting the past time, experiencing nostalgia, which enhances the desire to renew the relationship.

A man can immediately (and maybe after a thorough analysis) begin to make plans for how to return to his beloved.

Young people may feel longing for their girlfriend and their former relationship.

Men are at a loss, have doubts about whether it is worth resuming the old connection.

They may feel jealous if the former chosen one has a new man.

Resentment against a woman from the side young man usually present when it was necessary to leave on her initiative (or because of her betrayal).

What can men do who want to return to their beloved?

Immediately after a breakup, a man can spend all his free time doing something to cope with negative emotions and calm your nerves. These are meetings with friends, and the emergence of new hobbies, and immersion in work and sports.

Some engage in self-deception, try not to think about the ex-girlfriend, to deny the desire to return to her. Such men can immerse themselves in new relationships, seek solace in sex, trying to forget their beloved. But it doesn't work for everyone.

A man can start looking for meetings with a former passion, call her, write messages.

It is not uncommon for a young man, after parting, to overwhelm a girl with gifts, flowers (even if during the entire period of their relationship he did this extremely rarely).

Sometimes men follow women, they can resort to threats, especially if they are jealous.

Some turn to mutual friends or girlfriends of the girl for help, so that they somehow influence her and help recreate their relationship.

What to do if a man wants to return?

  1. It is important not to indulge in a fit of feelings and not run headlong at the first call of a former lover. It is necessary to ascertain the sincerity and seriousness of his intentions. Wait a while. Let the man work hard to win you over again.
  2. Analyze everything that violated the harmony in your relationship, the reasons for the breakup and possible threats for the future. If you already decide to recreate the union, then you need to take into account past experience and not make the same mistakes.
  3. Answer yourself a few questions:

Are you confident in the reliability of this person? Do you want serious relationship with him?

Do you love him or are you ready to accept him again only out of pity?

What depends on you in the success of your relationship with him? Are you ready to change something?

4. Be desirable, attractive, love yourself, this will always attract a man.

And it is important to remember that strong relationships cannot be built without trust and respect for each other!

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Frame from the film "Three meters above the sky"

Most men will try to get back with their girlfriend after a breakup, even if it doesn't happen right away. And, frankly, the reasons why they do this are not the most noble.

1. Good sex

Most guys don't want to miss out on good sex, and if a relationship doesn't work out, they'll try to keep at least the sex. Then they begin the bagpipes: "I miss you, but I'm not ready for anything else yet." It's almost unmistakable: he doesn't miss you, he misses having sex with you. Which, of course, is flattering, but to no avail.

2. He became less attractive and lost his arrogance.

Maybe he got fat or bald. Maybe he lost a lot of friends who used to boost his ego, and a lot of potential lovers who found themselves a better match. And you, on the contrary, have become prettier, acquired a bunch of fans. And then many men will want to return you in order to return some attention to themselves.

3. He thought you were a failure, but now you are successful.

He left you because he thought you didn't deserve his time. Maybe he was even ashamed of you in front of others. And now he noticed that you were successful, remembered how much you loved him, and decided that not everything is so bad.

4. You were his second choice, and the new girlfriend dumped him.

The most popular reason for cheaters. They are torn between several options, but in the end they are left with nothing. They come with the words: "I had a difficult period" or "I did not appreciate what I had." Don't fall for it.

5. You make good money, but he has a crisis

He could leave you because you didn't earn as much as he wanted. But after the breakup, he himself lost his job, and now your earnings seem not so small compared to his lack of money. A typical hunter for a purse, and a woman's.

6. He wants to control you.

If he comes back just when you started to forget him, then he simply does not want to let you out of his control. It doesn't give anything more, but it actively prevents you from living your life. This is not love.

7. He does not want to start all over again, but realized it too late

It is very difficult for men to meet new girls. At first, it seems to them that “the grass is greener” in the neighboring yard, but in fact, after parting, he realizes how much effort was spent on that relationship, and he does not want to spend so much energy on a new unknown person again.

8. You have become cooler

Maybe you lost a lot of weight after the breakup. Or she just took care of herself, changed her style, became more confident. Then the ex will definitely want to know the “new you”. But this is only a superficial, physical desire.

9. He misses all the good things that happened between you.

It seemed to him that he missed the bachelor life, but in fact, becoming lonely again, he understands what he lost and how good it was.

10. You became inaccessible.

As we often say, as hunters, men love the taste of the chase. When you were together, you were completely at his disposal. But now you are not available, and this is a new challenge for him.

11. He really changed

This is the rarest reason of all, but it still happens if a man really wants to change.

12. He wants to flatter himself

He wants to prove to himself that he can get you back if he wants to. He wants to flatter himself that you can’t forget him and are ready to take him back, no matter what. It's cruel, but it happens.

13. He regrets how he behaved with you

Guys often don't realize how badly a girl has been treated until she leaves. And then they start to regret. But the reunion after that still will not lead to anything. At first he can be good, but then, when he gets used to it again, he will start acting the same again. Has it ever happened that the ex pops up like the devil out of a snuffbox? He writes again, sends flowers, calls to meet, but not a word about what he wants to return you to. Usually, it's just a "need to talk" or a chance meeting on the way to work.

But you suffered for a year and threw it away in tears! And he, as if nothing had happened!

First, indignation passes in a wave, and then the thought returns on repeat: “Why not? And suddenly changed? Maybe he loves? And this is the biggest meanness of the situation.

The former, like a boomerang, flies unexpectedly and rarely by.

I'll tell you what happened to you, and why he needs you again. Read, understand, memorize!

So, 5 reasons for his comeback, which do not need to be conducted:

1. Revenge

Was it a chance meeting or he saw a new photo in your profile - it doesn't matter.

Such a man will sit on your head and dangle your legs.

2. Good sex

On the one hand, even a compliment addressed to you. You may even think that you were his “best”. But on the other hand ... yes, when he is in a new relationship, or has already stepped over after breaking up.

Many want sex, but few enjoy it.

If he felt good with you, and then was not impressed, he will come for more. And, most likely, he knows what you want, what you fantasize about.

Women's gloss for the most part claims that such a nostalgic is not a crime at all. Even the norm.

And he gives a bunch of arguments: convenient, safe, you can experiment, take the initiative.

But let's be honest... You broke up because there was a reason. In men and women, one of the leading roles is also taken over by emotional intimacy.

Yes. Maybe convenient. But pleasure as then - no one promised you. People are changeable not only in views, but also in preferences.

And nobody guarantees you safety. God alone knows who he slept with after you.

To warm up his interest can also be something that you chose to forget. And it encourages some to prove that he can still do it like no other.

Think carefully before agreeing. He will play enough and quit, and then you have to close another gestalt.

3. He is lonely

If we compare life, then the second often wins in the storyline.

Maybe he is bald (of course, not as cool as me :)). Or he got fat, fell into depression, his life does not add up as a whole (this, fortunately, bypassed me).

They knocked down his arrogance, because they want better, and you liked something more about him than “clothes”.

There are a couple of nuances. And let's be honest. He realized that you were generally good and wants to return to this state at YOUR expense.

Often this impulse is unconscious. Like happy childhood memories that you keep coming back to.

Honey, there's no need to save anyone. Everyone needs to work on themselves and on relationships at the same time. This is the whole point of personal growth.

4. You became successful

You got what you long dreamed of without his participation and help. This point is slightly different from the first point, although they are similar in one thing: success, like happiness, is different for everyone.

She wanted to travel, promoted a blog, organized an exhibition of her paintings and sold each for a million, and he kept saying that there was no talent, that you couldn’t earn money from this.

I doubted, underestimated, instead of support and encouragement ...

“Sveta has already opened a beauty salon, Masha paints pictures, but not as cheap as you, but Irka, my classmate has already traveled all over Europe, where are you before her! Do you have any ideas?"

This is a success!

It doesn't matter who dumped who. He made me doubt myself - you can’t stay with such a man and return to him too.

Such men usually count themselves among the witnesses of your triumph. They believe that their pseudo-motivation became the main impetus to success.

If you have already tried on the role of "strong and independent" and the former suddenly appeared on the horizon - think about it. It's time to work hard on yourself.

Bring back the lost and forgotten femininity to attract worthy and strong men.

5. He wants to start over

FROM former relationship stacks up like an old frying pan.

You see a brand new and beautiful in the window - with non-stick coating and a heat-resistant handle, but you pass by. Because on an old woman, eggs are fried easier and tastier.

Same with men, you have two options: create and develop in new relationships with a new man or get stuck in those that are easier and more familiar with the old one.

Honey, everything that is connected in the past takes energy to create the present. Think about it!

What are you missing?

If you look at his profile on Facebook again and remember before going to bed “how good it was then” - it's time to diversify life. Remember a forgotten hobby, go to, upgrade your personality, meet friends.

But, most importantly, live in the present!

Yes, there are good reasons why you can and sometimes even need to get in touch after breaking up. For example, you have a common child.

But this is a topic for another article. The approaches and psychology of interaction are also completely different. And a relationship is not even necessary for this.

Remember, you have a thousand chances to become happier.

With faith in you
Yaroslav Samoilov.

Most women have experienced this at least once in their lives. Parting with a loved one was very difficult. Life seemed meaningless and nothing could console you. You desperately tried to move on and hoped that your lover would return. But this did not happen. Time has passed and your grief has dulled. Tears dried up, and life gradually began to play with new colors.

In most cases, the former lover is like a bolt from the blue. It reappears on your life path and says that he wants to try to return the relationship. You've almost forgotten him, and he returned again. In this difficult situation, a woman is left with a difficult choice. Re-enter the same river or snatch love from the heart. How to proceed? How not to make a mistake? And why did he even come back if he left on his own?

The opinion of psychologists

Women experience a breakup much faster, but harder than a man. Perhaps the reason is that he did not immediately realize your absence. While you were coming back to life, he began to feel empty and alone. It's strange, the former lover returns just when the woman begins to forget about him.

What's this? The law of meanness or life's injustice. You suffered so much for him, and he returned just then, how did it become a little easier? How to act in this situation, so as not to be left with nothing? First of all, take off your rose-colored glasses. He returned to you no matter what, and again hurries to confess his love. Everything looks exactly as you imagined.

But don't make this situation too romantic. Do not think that a man has realized everything and will become a different person. No. He is still the same, he just realized that the performance was not a success and you no longer plan to return it. Perhaps he initially left you in order to return. Finding out the truth is not easy.

In fact, his return has nothing to do with you. Perhaps the breakup helped him prioritize and realize that he needs you a lot more than he thought. There can be many reasons, depending on the nature and behavior of the man. In order to understand the situation, it is necessary to turn to the difficult, male psychology.


Perhaps the reason for the return was banal loneliness, which could push a man to restore relations. Being with you, he felt loved, felt affection and care. Often men get tired of increased attention and rush to leave such relationships. Only when they are without a woman, they can understand that they really need her.

This situation often happens with family men. They get tired of the constant care of his wife and decide to change the situation. As a rule, another woman intervenes in the case. The inspired man hurries to leave his wife and go to a charming stranger. However, the euphoria passes very quickly. The mistress turns out to be not as good as the beloved wife, besides, she does not seek to indulge his eternal whims. The traitor begins to miss his wife, wants to return to her, as a result of which he breaks up with his mistress.

Some men need to “miss” their woman in order to rekindle feelings for her. It's strange, but they begin to appreciate the beloved only after they lose her. Such men can easily be called selfish, because they are guided only by their own desires.

Disappointment in life

Excessive love and care can lead to disastrous consequences. A man may decide that he is capable of much and that he simply does not need such a woman. He hurries to leave her and embark on a great journey, and find his happiness. However, the reality is harsh. Failed Casanova waiting for unexpected news.

He realizes that he is not as attractive as he thought, and practically nobody needs him. Left alone, the poor man hurries back to the woman, who in most cases is looking forward to him. In this case, you should seriously consider whether you need such a relationship at all.


One of the main reasons for returning. Some men refuse to share a woman with another, even if they have already broken up. He firmly believes that a woman belongs only to him and must suffer for the rest of her life. Only after hearing that you have a new boyfriend, the jealous will return to remind you of his existence.

Before you happily accept him, think about whether he really loves you? Maybe it's all about banal jealousy. Jealousy does not always mean love. You can make a big mistake by agreeing to return the relationship.

sudden realization

Many men do not tend to be responsible for their actions. When he parted with you, he promised himself that he would never look in your direction again. However, time passed, and feelings made themselves felt. The former lover began to seem ideal to him, and his own decision was stupid. Realizing the haste of his conclusions, the man hurries to return to his beloved, and asks to start all over again.

Harmony in bed

Another reason may be understanding in sex. If you and your partner had an ideal intimate relationship, then this can be a good reason to return. For many men, sex is a very important part of life and is almost in the first place. Once alone, a man may decide that he will never find a woman who understands him the way you do.

Decision is on you. It must be remembered that sexual relations play a huge role in the life of any couple, but do not think that they are the only component of a successful family life.

Innate sense of duty

Some men cannot calmly look at the difficulties of a former lover. He no longer has love for her, however, he cannot calmly look at her misfortunes. Such a person will rush back to help. The restoration of relations will not be long in coming, however, such an alliance will not bring the expected happiness.

Desire to be with children

Some men return because they cannot be separated from their children. They cannot even imagine that their children will be raised by a new dad and prefer to return to their home. The relationship between a man and a woman does not play any role here.

And love?

It seems that love cannot be the reason for the unexpected return of a man. This is not true, because love is the most common reason for the restoration of relationships. A couple may try to mend a broken relationship again, even when it seems almost impossible. The reason for this can only be love.

Frequent quarrels and conflicts can lead to separation. Sometimes a stupid quarrel separates people and almost makes them enemies. However, the lovers continue to have feelings for each other and suffer greatly. Often they do not dare to start communication, even if they really want to.

Sometimes people need to break up in order to realize how much they need each other. Separation only strengthens their love and makes them closer. People begin to relate to their feelings in a completely different way, and value their partner more.

How to understand that a man wants to return?

Many women dream of rebuilding relationships. Even if they caused them a lot of pain and suffering. In an attempt to return a loved one, women begin to invent non-existent things for themselves. It begins to seem to them that the man intends to return, even if this is not so. How to understand that a man wants to return to you and still loves you?

Everything is very simple. loving man who wants to return your relationship will not disappear. He will try to catch your eye, and a more determined one will begin to write in in social networks. Do not expect decisive action from men. He may come up with a stupid reason to talk, like calling and claiming he has the wrong number. This will be a great opportunity to start a conversation.

A loving man will try to please you and make amends if he has committed an offense. If you really need this relationship, you should pay attention to it. However, if you do not observe decisive actions from a former lover, you should not wait for him. Many men do not return to their previous relationship only if they love the woman very much.

Do not torment yourself with empty hopes and try to start life from scratch. Perhaps your happiness will come to you.

How to behave?

And yet, it happened. Your lover has returned and wants to return the relationship again. There were many quarrels and conflicts between you, however, he wants to leave this in the distant past. How should a woman behave? How to adequately get out of the situation and not remain humiliated, because the resumption of relations does not mean their happy continuation.

Psychologists advise not to forget about yourself. Try not to show a man your weakness in front of him. Think about your decision and try to do right choice. If you don't feel like a man loves you, leave. If he is still rude and acts down, you should not agree to a restoration of relations.

It is important to remember that men do not always come back! Do not rely on his love, because many men cannot return because of their pride. If you need it, don't be afraid to take the first step. Perhaps it will completely change your life. If you have found your hero, cherish him and do not let go of trifles. Take matters into your own hands and start living with your mind, not your emotions. Only in this case, you will be able to find the long-awaited harmony with each other.

Yesterday I looked into your eyes
And now - everything is squinting to the side!
M. Tsvetaeva.

That's all. The fairy tale is over. The curtain fell. Life has lost its colors. He left. It is unlikely that one of us, having fallen in love desperately and without looking back, imagines that a romantic relationship, so bright and exciting, will end with a tightly closed door and silence in an empty apartment .... And the heart will freeze not from tender confessions, but from cold words: “It's all over. I'm leaving". But it also happens. Often.

Come back, love!

No one was more intimate to me
So no one tormented me,
Even the one who betrayed the flour,
Even the one who caressed and forgot.
A. Akhmatova

Do men come back after a breakup? Do they regret their decision?.... What to change in themselves in order to get it back?.... A left woman is desperately looking for answers to these questions, calls "him", asks her friends, goes to a psychologist for advice. Crying, struggling with pain and depression. It's hard to believe after everything that's happened, but yes, they're coming back. Often. When you don't expect it.

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry…

I will stop waiting for you
And you will come quite suddenly.
V. Tushnova

A broken heart recovers for a long time, but now the pain is not so sharp, life has improved, a career has gone uphill and even a fan has appeared. And suddenly a call: “Hi, dear! How are you without me?". You can hear from the intonations that he regrets and is ready to try to restore relations. And life narrows down to a single question - why do men return after breaking up?

Nobody loves me like you do

The power of passions is a coming thing.
Slowly learn the strength of another.
People have body adventures.
There are adventures of thoughts and feelings.
E. Evtushenko

Psychologists identify several main reasons that the "former" reappears in the life of a woman abandoned by him. One of them: I walked up, compared and realized that I rushed to conclusions. He wanted novelty, sharpness of feelings, adventure. It turned out that new partners also want an easy relationship, pleasant sex and no responsibility.

The return of a man after a breakup occurs when he gets tired of "physics" and wants him - sincerity. What the abandoned woman gave him: devotion, sincere love and tenderness. Yes, and delicious dinners, an ironed shirt, cleanliness in the house will not be superfluous.

Mine and point!

Prey can be - well, anything:
Career, woman, family or friends.
You just have to keep it for a long time.
It is impossible to share “game” with rivals.
From the Internet

In men, two feelings are very closely intertwined - jealousy and possessiveness. Leaving a woman, he is sure that she must now suffer for the rest of her life from love for him and remain faithful. Having learned that someone has taken the “holy place”, the “former” will decide to urgently return everything “to normal” and will begin to call, make appointments and assure of newly flared feelings.

When a man returns after a breakup, think - is it because of jealousy? If this is so, then having achieved his goal, he will again cool off to his “property”, and the woman will again plunge into grief, loneliness and tears.

As an experiment

Tell me why you play with me
Inspiring fragile unnecessary dreams?
From the Internet

If a man returns after a breakup, leaves again, then returns again - he is just an egoist. He is indifferent to rivals or their absence, he needs proof of power over a woman - absolute and limitless. Such, as an experiment, is able to break the life of one and calmly take on another. Interestingly, he will not feel remorse.

Or maybe even Love?

At this moment, I do not need anything from life,
I'm ready to give up everything now -
Just to freeze from your favorite look,
And from every breath you get drunk ...
Victor Hoffman

Can a man return after a breakup for reasons that are not so selfish and bleak? Maybe. Just because he realized that he loves her, abandoned and betrayed. He may have dated someone else. Or maybe he thought alone. Really suffered. He was afraid of a serious relationship, tried to avoid them, but was unable to live without her, the one and only.

Believe him or not? Any advice here is useless. Only time can confirm or refute the honesty of his confessions. If you have the strength to endure and wait, then give him a second chance.

A man is not judged by his rank,
Not for the money that brings to the house,
A man is not judged by height
They don't judge him by his age.
They are not judged by dexterity and strength,
Not by glory, which is sometimes empty,
And not because he is handsome -
External beauty will fade.
Judging is not for the reason
That all around they take an example from him,
but in relation to a man to a woman.
And this is the main court.
V. Orlov

The difficult period of separation is over. Wet with tears, napkins were thrown away, an empty container from under the wine migrated to the garbage container, all the advice of the girlfriends was listened to and taken into account. Life is getting better, sometimes a new love appears with all the bright colors adopted on this occasion. And here, like a bolt from the blue - "the return of the prodigal parrot", and just when (as a rule) a woman no longer needs it. Why do men return after a breakup? The psychology of return, what it is, let's try to figure it out.

Psychologists identify several situations in which a man tends to return to his former passion after parting. And it does not depend on who he left: from a gray mouse or a successful beauty, it's all about his own inner psychology, his ego, his life preferences.

Why such situations occur, one can only say approximately, the psychology of parting and returning has been studied, although quite well, but a person is not a soulless mechanism, in each case there are nuances and a man’s own motives, why he should return.

  • Nobody loves Me

The psychology of any person is such that he needs love. What can I say, the monotony in life is equally boring for both men and women, but due to natural egocentrism, the stronger sex can simply turn around and leave, his sense of responsibility is much less pronounced than that of women. But why do men return again after parting, the psychology of such behavior is as follows - compared, walked up, realized that he was in a hurry to leave. The novelty of feelings has become boring, the bright masks have been torn off, and it turns out that the previous relationship was better, “more comfortable”. Very often, experienced family men who are seduced by the beauty and youth of a new partner fall into such a trap, and happily change their “old” wife. But here an unpleasant surprise awaits them: the young passion is in no hurry to arrange a “heavenly life” with a cozy life, clean shirts and delicious lunches and dinners, but the man is so used to them. And when he gets tired of "physics", he returns.

  • Do not share "game" with rivals

Oddly enough, but the “legs” of the next reason why a man returns after a breakup grow from primitive instincts. The psychology of this is seen in the animal world, where jealousy and possessiveness rule the world. A modern man, leaving a woman, is one hundred percent sure that she must suffer and dry for him for the rest of her life and, God forbid, start a new romance.

Very often, jealousy and the presence of new admirers in an ex-wife becomes a good reason for a man to return.

Having learned that the “holy place” was taken by the rival, the man immediately returns after parting in order to “drive away the stranger” and reason with the former passion. Therefore, if a man who left once again began to call and look for meetings, think: this could be banal jealousy. Having driven away the opponent, he will again leave his native land, and this will always be the case.

  • As an experiment

If a man leaves, then returns and, again provoking a separation, disappears - he is just an egoist, a man who masterfully and with gusto loves to play on the "strings of the soul" of another person. At a young age, such "games" are often started by teenagers who want to establish themselves in a crowd of friends. Then the woman, her feelings and, in general, the presence or absence of rivals, her position in society and material status are indifferent. He wants proof of power over a woman, limitless and absolute! He methodically can break the life (sometimes fatally) of a woman and calmly switch to another, and, oh God, he does not feel any remorse. This murderous psychology is an experiment, nothing more.

  • Naive as a child

Such a psychology of return is characteristic, first of all, of aging men who, having lived all their lives with one woman, naively believe that the “unearthly nymph” they met on the way is only interested in his gout, intellectual and physical impotence, belching, brightly shining bald head, but not a wallet. And when an epiphany comes to them, such men return after the breakup provoked by them and try to reason with the spouse pushing them back to the “nymph”: “how can you, we have grandchildren.”

  • Harmony in sex

Harmony in relationships is the key to a strong family.

Do not forget that sexual relations in the family for a man are in the first place. And when he does not get the proper discharge, he leaves. The reasons why this happens are different: the wife's pregnancy, her constant fatigue, illness, and much more. But if, in addition to sex, a couple had a harmonious emotional relationship, he, having received what he wanted on the side, returns after parting. Psychologically, this is explained simply - physically, he "fueled" himself, but emotionally, it turned out to be emptiness. And he, trying to fill the gap, returns after parting as if nothing had happened.
  • Call of Duty

Sometimes men return after parting because of a sense of duty, in connection with a series of serious problems that have arisen with the “abandoned woman”. Psychologically, there is no smell of love here, a man only has an innate sense of responsibility towards his former passion or children.

  • Love for children

From making the final decision to leave the family, children keep not only women, but men.

In some cases, men return after a breakup because they cannot imagine that another man will raise their children. Or the children themselves ask to return. Relations between adults in this case can be built according to various scenarios, but sincere love for children lies at the heart of the return.

  • Lifelong sprees

It happens that men who have already created a new family return after parting, because they began to miss their former wife, who over the years has become a loved one. In a new relationship, everything seems normal, but alien. Psychologists say that such "spree" can last a lifetime and take the form of "life for two families."

  • And you are beautiful again

Of course, no one will argue that life and family leave an imprint on a woman's appearance, and sometimes not the most attractive one. A man, going to the side, is looking for a beautiful object of adoration, and this is normal. But in the case when the abandoned woman realizes the reason for the departure of her lover and quickly puts herself in order, he, dumbfounded by her new unusual way, returns after parting. What bothered him was fixed, and everything else was to his liking anyway.

  • Get drunk with every breath

Oddly enough, but sometimes the question of why a man returns after a breakup can be answered: love. Yes, yes, he left the woman he loved, but only in order to understand and realize: he needs her. Perhaps he was comparing, perhaps he was just alone and, having sorted everything out, decided to return.

What to do?

According to psychologists, a man sees how a woman loses her youthful attractiveness, grows old, but in no case realizes that she has also grown old. Next to a 40-50 year old wife of the same age, he feels like the same little boy of 20-25 years old. When (after leaving) insight comes, the men return.

What should a woman do, how to understand the psychology of parting and separate the wheat from the chaff in time? Probably the best thing is not to make hasty decisions (he returned, this is his return), so you should take a closer look and check the sincerity of intentions. It is not necessary to idealize the situation, as practice shows, the “return syndrome” is more often a disease infantile men than a completely conscious choice of a strong husband.

Some women can understand a man only with a lot of effort, despite the fact that male psychology is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. However, this does not mean male mediocrity and predictability. The bottom line is their specificity and not love for complications.

It is required to know the basic properties of the psychology of the stronger sex, in order to improve the understanding of male characteristics and understand how to express a reaction to their actions.

Temper and emotionality

The strong sex is characterized by pressure, impatience and aggression, the ability to resist and willpower. They pride themselves on their determination and strength, and are determined to be superior to others because of their own vanity and sensitivity to the outcome of competition. Even if they do not express their feelings as emotionally as women, they also tend to be offended, annoyed and moping. But the facial expression, at the same time, can remain restrained and only indirect signs will help to guess about his bad mood. That is why male psychology causes such difficulties for a woman, because she cannot always understand what exactly worries her soul mate, because he does not express it in any way. Take it for granted: a man can get upset because of what can affect his pride.

Pride and self respect

Critical remarks, constant mention of his shortcomings and blunders have a tangible effect on male pride. You should know that once having said about an unpleasant moment, you need to close the topic and not return to it again. Because, men act in a similar way - having once expressed their opinion in conflict situation they don't mention it.

They need a sense of freedom and independence. They do not hold self-respect, and self-esteem is most often overestimated, but this is forgiven to them, because conquerors and pioneers cannot do without it.

At the same time, while attaching great importance to the opinions and assessments of the people around them, they are extremely inattentive to themselves. Their half can change their hairstyle or put on new jewelry, not so long ago cry or worry about something, but this is not noticeable to a man.

Is it possible to understand a man's speech?

This is not so difficult to do, because, basically, the stronger sex tries to talk about what they really think. In the case of deceitful speeches, this becomes noticeable. The main difficulty lies in the male reticence. If everything is good, then there is no need to talk about it, and when something happens and requires immediate decisive action, a man prefers to engage in action rather than conversation. Because of this, they have difficulty in stressful or shock situations: they are hard to bear this news, but it is more difficult for them to pronounce problematic circumstances than to deal with them physically. From this follows the conclusion: the male unwillingness to talk is not an indicator of his indifferent or indifferent attitude, he may indeed not know what to say.

What should be done to understand male feelings?

Males feel love differently than females. Although their manifestation does not always involve flowers and beautiful everyday confessions. They are really sure that words spoken once are enough. Because talking a lot is not their forte. It is worth paying attention to the actions of a man, but not to his conversation about them.

When a man feels love for a woman, he singles her out from everyone, calling her his own, without hiding it from others: my soulmate, spouse, future wife. He will not be required to remind you of the necessary financial investments, he himself will try to provide for your needs in a timely manner. Will try to protect against all possible threats.

If his opinion is important to you, you should directly ask about it, without hinting. Do not be satisfied with banal affectionate words, find out further why he thinks so, and if there is no answer, there is a possibility that while maintaining your relationship, he pursues his goals and does not have strong emotions for you. A man in love will not make you wait for an explanation about his attitude towards you. #How to awaken feelings in him!?#

What makes a man come back?

Often, when parting with a man, a woman is comforted by the opinion that he, anyway, will return back.

There is a variety of data on this subject, because no one conducts official statistical studies. Only some women cannot understand what makes men leave and then come back. Most often, it happens when she has already begun a new relationship, and she managed to completely forget about the past. Others are tormented by doubts about the return of former men, since this did not happen to them themselves. And, nevertheless, the arrivals of the representatives of the stronger sex who left earlier are not uncommon, and, also, there are frequent cases of non-return.

In what cases can a man leave, but come back?

  1. He returns because he understood where exactly happiness is for him. However, this is the most desirable for a woman, but not such a frequent outcome: a man's departure from a long-term relationship, as a rule, goes into the arms of another woman and he does not need to remember an uninteresting former partner.
  2. It happens that a man who left the family boat, after a short time period, comes back, but it happens not from an unsuccessful comparison of one person with another. It's just that with a long relationship, a man suffers from a lack of novelty, under other favorable conditions. So the beloved appears on the side, and often the man leaves to try to get along, in another family, for a variety of sensations, but for a while, and not at all. As a result: they come back after a short time.
  3. The situation is special if the man has severed ties, and when he returns, he cares wonderfully and falls asleep with promises of mountains of gold. Most often this happens when the half left by him has already begun other relationships, marriage is expected. It is quite likely that men are led by banal envy: having heard that the person abandoned by him is improving his life, despite his disorder, he decides it is wrong that having lost such a miracle, she did not even put an end to her existence. What else can change this, if not the desire for spoiled living conditions for your, in the past, abandoned girlfriends. The task of all his courtship and exhortation is to upset the nascent relationship with a new partner. As soon as this happens and you give the returnee a second opportunity, he will retire from your horizon, since he simply did not need it.
  4. It happens: after the separation of the couple, the man does not call, does not write. Then, all of a sudden, a call comes from him and a real nostalgic conversation starts about his loneliness and about your past wonderful relationships. There is, of course, the possibility that he has already realized everything and, having returned, will change his behavior, and life will improve, but the truth of life does not confirm this, unfortunately. Most often, this happens from the desire of a man to change somewhere, some kind of temporary segment. He can systematically call the phone numbers of all past partners, hoping for pity, one of them, because female nature implies mandatory care for someone. When can we expect the return of such individuals? So the same hour, as soon as they feel sad or lonely. The abandoned half is a wonderful option that does not require conquest.

All this should help you understand the reasons for the male return and take the assurances of your girlfriends that this will definitely happen with a certain amount of skepticism.