Monochromatic matte wallpaper. Beautiful plain wallpaper for walls in the decor of various rooms

Wallpaper without a pattern for walls is extremely popular, not a single collection of wallpapers is complete without plain canvases, a special energy and charm are hidden in wallpaper without a pattern. They can be used in any interior and style, suitable for office and residential premises. A solid color finish is ideal for walls decorated with paintings and decor, for a room with a beautiful, bright, designer furniture, for the style of minimalism and futurism.

Selection of wallpaper without a pattern for the walls

For the correct selection of wallpaper without a pattern for walls, you need to familiarize yourself with their classification:

The choice of wallpaper color without a pattern for the walls

All colors are divided into groups:

  • warm colors - yellow, red, orange and all their tones. These colors are well suited to kitchens and nurseries.
  • Neutral monochrome colors - white, gray and black look good in office spaces.
  • Cool colors - blue, purple and all their possible shades are ideal for hallways and living rooms.
  • Green color - depending on the shade, it can be both warm and cold, thanks to this uniqueness it is suitable for any room. Psychologists say that shades of green help a person relax and recharge their batteries.

Choosing a color for wallpaper without a pattern for walls is a key step. Lighting should be taken into account. In rooms located on the east and south sides, almost any color of wallpaper can be used, and on the west and north sides it is better to prefer warm colors of the wallpaper. Pasting all the walls with the same color is a classic. You can experiment with different shades of the same color, using a variety of colors in the same room is a rather risky move.

Wallpaper without a pattern for the walls in the bedroom

One-color wallpaper for the interior of the bedroom convenient solution, it is easy to emphasize the windows by choosing bright or stylistic curtains. In the bedroom, an accent wall above the bed is appropriate, where you can paste wallpaper with a large and unusual pattern, hang a picture, apply decorative elements.

There is no need to use "heavy" wallpapers (washable, vinyl or fiberglass), the permeability and humidity are minimal, so choose "light" and environmentally friendly materials.

Wallpaper without a pattern for the walls in the nursery

The main requirement for wallpaper in the nursery is their environmental safety and breathability. Applying the zoning of the room, for the resting place we choose simple paper wallpapers in pastel colors, and for the play area - non-woven fabrics in bright colors. Psychologists do not advise overloading the nursery with drawings. Decorating walls or using photo wallpaper on an accent wall is suitable here.

Wallpaper without a pattern for the walls in the kitchen

In kitchen wallpaper, the main thing is durability and moisture resistance. Non-woven wallpaper for painting meets these requirements, they will allow you to “refresh” the color outside the repair. The choice of color, with a small area, it is better to stop at warm pastel colors.

Wallpaper without a pattern for the walls in the hallway

Usually, it is small and dark room with high traffic. Taking these facts as a basis, we choose vinyl wallpapers. The horizontal combination looks good with the use of warm, saturated colors at the top, and light pastels at the bottom.

Wallpaper without a pattern for the walls in the living room

Here the key factor is the area of ​​​​the room. In a large well-lit room, orange, bright green, blue and purple wallpapers are preferable, they make the room expressive, and give its inhabitants cheerfulness. With insufficient space, it is necessary to use moderate tones: sand, beige, grayish - this will help to visually enlarge the space.

Wallpaper without a pattern for walls in modern interior have a number of advantages, and the right color scheme can change any room for the better, and create a great mood for its inhabitants. There are no clear limits in the selection of colors, rely on your own taste and fantasize.

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Despite the seeming simplicity, plain wallpaper can become a highlight of any design. Their main advantage lies in the ability to set the background and right mood the whole setting. Wall decor does not overload the visual perception of the environment, but creates a relaxing and calm atmosphere, which is confirmed by the photos of the rooms pasted over with it.

Stylish plain wallpaper for the walls of a comfortable living room

The absence of patterns and drawings on such canvases allows the use of bright and original accessories in the interior - paintings, frames, shelves. Also, materials favorably set off furniture and curtains. In addition, today you can buy monochrome coatings with a textured surface or a pronounced relief. The unusual texture is attractive in itself and does not require additional decorations.

Varieties of monochrome paintings

Coatings of the same color are divided into the following groups:

  • according to the material of manufacture - paper, vinyl, fiberglass, non-woven, textile. Paper products are inexpensive, while fabric and fiberglass are more expensive;
  • according to the structure of the canvas - single and duplex;
  • by color - factory stained or for painting;
  • by texture - smooth and embossed;
  • by texture - stylized natural materials, under the fabric / or without it.

With a modern range of decorative finishing materials, it is difficult to call plain wallpaper boring, simple and uninteresting. A wide range of colors allows you to embody the most daring ideas in the tones of the main color or contrast. Plain coverings offer many advantages in residential applications and also require special attention during installation.

When pasting walls and ceilings in living rooms, each owner tends to choose these types of wallpapers in order to get a unique interior design. For ceilings, light discreet coatings are usually taken, with the exception of photo wallpapers, frescoes or panels, when the pattern naturally goes to the ceiling.

Plain wallpaper for walls has a number of advantages:

  • visually expand the boundaries of space;
  • favorably set off furniture, interior items, curtains on the windows and accessories;
  • allow you to combine light and saturated shades;
  • are excellent for zoning living rooms.

Monochromatic canvases contribute to comfortable rest and relaxation, as they do not overload a person’s visual perception of the environment, but create a calm atmosphere. Often monophonic materials for wall decoration are used by lovers of modern minimalist styles and high-tech style, since against their background any objects made of glass, plastic and metal in the interior look perfect. The only significant drawback of monochrome wallpapers is that they require a perfectly flat base surface for pasting. On monophonic coatings, especially light colors, even the smallest defects and irregularities are visible.

When choosing plain wallpaper, you must first carry out a thorough finishing plaster or cover the walls with plasterboard to eliminate surface irregularities.

Varieties of plain wallpaper

Monochromatic coatings with which walls are pasted over are classified in the same way as other types, but it is much more difficult to choose them for specific rooms.

Wallpapers of the same color can be divided into groups:

  • according to the material of manufacture (paper, non-woven, vinyl, fiberglass, fabric);
  • according to the structure of the canvas (single and duplex);
  • by texture (smooth and embossed);
  • by texture (under fabrics, under natural materials or without it);
  • by color (finished factory staining or for painting).

When choosing plain wallpaper for a living room, it is worthwhile in each case to proceed from specific conditions: the size of the room, the purpose of the room, architectural features, cost, complexity of pasting. Embossed wallpapers are available with small, large and abstract patterns. On paper and non-woven fabric, the relief effect is obtained using hot or cold stamping, and on vinyl - by spraying polyvinyl chloride onto a paper or non-woven base. Smooth wallpapers require a perfectly even base, while embossed ones hide minor defects.

When carrying out cosmetic repairs in new apartment it is worth giving preference to non-woven fabrics that do not tear when the structure shrinks.

It has long been no secret that plain, calm colors on the walls and ceiling of the bedroom create a calm atmosphere in the room for a comfortable stay. In the bedroom, it is desirable to use ecological "breathing" wallpaper: paper, non-woven and fabric on a non-woven basis. Since the walls in the bedroom are usually dry and not exposed to moisture, you should not use washable, vinyl or fiberglass wallpaper for pasting.

The embossed pattern on non-woven fabric, paper or fabric looks luxurious in the bedroom. Some owners, following the fashion, choose heavy vinyl-coated multi-layer wallpaper for the bedroom, forgetting to pay attention to their airtightness. Today on sale there are vinyl wallpapers with a relief structural pattern and micropores for air exchange, but they are more expensive.

Under plain walls it is easy to choose curtains for the bedroom. These can be striped curtains, with a small chintz pattern or a large ornament to match the wallpaper. Thanks to the simple monochrome design of the room, Roman, Italian, English curtains or multi-layer compositions with pleats and tails can be hung on the windows in the bedroom. Contrasting sliding panels look original in an oriental-style bedroom. If the design project of the bedroom provides for decoration in a rustic or country style, where the interior has a lot of decorative elements and accessories, then it is most appropriate to choose light plain coverings for the walls, against which Austrian curtains or curtains with ruffles and frills will look great.

In addition to design qualities, wallpaper for a children's room is subject to increased environmental safety requirements. Wall coverings in the nursery should not emit toxic substances when heated and should have a high rate of air and vapor permeability. "Breathable" wallpapers include paper, non-woven and vinyl wallpapers with micropores on a paper and non-woven basis. Child psychologists recommend not to overload the room with bright drawings, so as not to injure the child's psyche.

To make the design of the children's room interesting, it is enough:

  • stick photo wallpapers on a single-color background on one wall or in a niche;
  • combine a light background with bright borders;
  • make the panels more saturated in tone to the main one;
  • on smooth pastel walls, use stickers in bright colors.

When zoning the nursery into the sleeping and playing parts, you can use your own type of wallpaper for each of the zones. In the child's recreation area, the walls are pasted over with paper or non-woven wallpaper with an embossed pattern in light colors. And in the play area, vinyl wallpapers are used, which are more resistant to mechanical external influences.

When choosing wall coverings in a children's room, more important aspect it is always the safety of the materials, not their durability.

Solid kitchen - design features

Although the kitchen occupies a small area in the living space of our apartments and houses, it is where we spend most of the time. Therefore, to buy wallpaper for the kitchen, you need to consider several important aspects:

  • wallpaper design should support the overall style in the interior;
  • the color of the coatings should create a comfortable environment;
  • wallpaper should be as comfortable and durable as possible.

For a small-sized kitchen, light-colored monochrome wallpapers are chosen that visually increase the space: peach, wheat, coral, champagne. Against such a background, various kitchen accessories, dishes and bright curtains with an intricate pattern will look great. In a spacious kitchen, you should not get carried away with cold shades that make the interior deserted and uncomfortable. Restrained colors of gray, purple and blue shades are appropriate in rooms with good lighting, where everything is literally flooded with sunlight.

Despite their simplicity, they are considered universal, as they look perfect on the walls of the kitchen in any style and are combined with any colors. The most budget option for the kitchen is non-woven wallpaper for painting, which has increased moisture resistance. This choice allows you to change the color of the coatings without waiting for the next repair.

At the next painting of plain non-woven walls, you should choose a paint color that is several tones darker or brighter.

Rarely seen today living room where all the walls are covered with wallpaper of the same color. Modern designers offer enough ways to combine wall and ceiling coverings without significant architectural redevelopment and material investments. Why combine colors, patterns, texture, complicating repairs?

By combining, you can achieve different goals:

  • zone the room
  • emphasize the features of the layout;
  • hide architectural flaws (ledges, niches, cornices, ventilation or heating risers);
  • change the visual proportions of the room;
  • accentuate a separate wall or part of it;
  • introduce characteristic elements that reflect the interests of the owner of the room.

Plain wallpaper for walls with a light flux creates the appearance of a high room. Light walls combined with horizontal stripes expand the space. A large, saturated pattern on the wall opposite the light source, against a monochrome background, makes the room more spacious. In order to visually change the proportions of an elongated room, it is advised to paste over narrow walls with a solid saturated color, and wide walls with light wallpaper.

Using wallpaper of several colors or textures, you can make original design with some tips:

  • combine wallpaper with a complex pattern at the bottom of the wall with a plain coating at the top;
  • use wallpaper with a pattern, photo wallpaper, frescoes for one wall, while leaving the others in the same tone;
  • combine plain canvases and canvases with a pattern, gluing them alternately (this method is especially good in small rooms with a low ceiling);
  • use colored "self-adhesives" on a plain background (can be on one wall or on all);
  • decorate one wall against the main background in the style of a patchwork quilt (looks good in a nursery).

To create interesting design in the interior and avoid monotony, you can focus on part of the wall by pasting it with wallpaper with a catchy floral pattern or abstract geometric motifs. This method allows you to turn the wall into an art object and get a stunning effect of modern non-standard design.

When choosing a combined wallpapering of walls and ceilings, you should familiarize yourself with some secrets of combining colors, tones and textures.

Some manufacturers of finishing materials produce a whole series of wallpapers and coatings that combine perfectly. Combination options are attached to such series, which saves the buyer from looking for other methods. By following the manufacturer's instructions, you can create a flawless modern design rooms in any style.

Laconic plain wallpaper for walls is not a tribute classic style or design solution"on the hastily". Such coatings can truly transform the interior and make even the simplest idea exquisite and original. Properly selected background shades and professional wallpapering in a complex give an incredibly stylish result! Universal designs, not overloaded with unnecessary accents and intrusive details, look quite fresh, “tasty” and modern.

What is attractive plain wallpaper for walls?

Interior decoration directly affects the microclimate that will prevail in the room. Saturation and a large number of small elements on the wallpaper do not always speak of a sense of style and an extraordinary approach to wall decoration. Sometimes restrained monochromatic coatings look much more exclusive and interesting! The main property of such materials is the ability to control the mood and lighting inside the room, set the background for the space as a whole.

If the plain colors of the wallpaper seem banal and boring to you, you can fill the interior with additional details and do some tricks:

  • create bright accents around the perimeter of the room;
  • choose wall coverings with a relief or textured surface;
  • use companion wallpapers by combining plain canvases of different colors;
  • develop your own design (stencil drawings);
  • experiment with decorative elements - curtains, accessories and more.

Coatings of this type also help mask the irregularities and imperfections of the walls, correct the shape of the room.

Wallpaper without a pattern: types and features of choice

Elegant plain canvases for wall decoration can be made from a number of materials:

  • vinyl (easy to clean, durable);
  • non-woven fabric (the surface is protected from mechanical damage, wear-resistant and durable);
  • fabrics (pleasant to the touch, provide excellent sound insulation);
  • paper (traditional, economical, environmentally friendly, universal).

The choice of type of coating, as a rule, depends to a greater extent on the aesthetic characteristics thereof. The most popular and exclusive are plain wallpapers in Moscow, which have a relief surface. The texture of such products can be roughness, small crumbs, convex elements. The textural features of the canvas for wall decoration should reflect the style of the interior and correspond to the specifics of the room.

An important selection criterion is the color scheme. Each shade in the "home" design plays a role:

  • catchy, rich, bright colors emphasize the dynamics;
  • dark motifs visually narrow the space and make the room more comfortable;
  • light - expand the room, refresh it.

Wallpaper without a pattern is a universal solution for any room!

Concise Decoration Materials for walls, made without images and photocells, with their functionality attract designers who create in all styles. Such wallpapers look organically in a classic interior, creating a backdrop for exquisite details and luxurious decorative elements, emphasize the rigor and solidity of modern high-tech solutions. However, not only the style of the room determines the choice of wall materials, but also the purpose. solid colors wallpaper is differently implemented in the rooms:

  • Living room. Dynamic tones are relevant here, zoning with the help of contrasting solutions is possible. It is advantageous to combine color and pattern, use photocells. A duet of striped and plain coatings looks graceful and not pretentious.
  • Bedroom. The choice of shade depends on the mood that you want to feel in the place of rest. Aristocracy and gloss are emphasized by brown, black and white, burgundy motifs, and warmth and comfort - it is better to buy plain wallpaper in delicate pink, beige, pastel colors.
  • Children's. The walls in the recreation area should be light and delicate, and in the playroom you can use bright and saturated options.
  • Hallway. If the corridor is small, it can be visually expanded with plain light wallpaper.
  • Kitchen. Warm and light shades awaken the appetite, but dark and cold colors are less polluted.

If you value simplicity and functionality in the interior, then buying wallpaper without a pattern in the Artique online store is a good decision!

Even in a simple interior, you can bring sophistication and originality. The design, which is not overloaded with unnecessary accents and details, creates a feeling of freshness and spaciousness. That is why plain wallpaper is incredibly popular.

Assortment of shades and textures

The advantages of the canvases of our catalog are modernity, durability and versatility. You can choose canvases for the living room, hall, bedroom and kitchen. We offer wall coverings of trusted brands: Paravox(Germany), art house(Great Britain), Chivasso(Holland), Carey Lind(USA), Loumina (Russia), etc.

Features of monochromatic collections:

  • the width of the rolls is 0.52, 0.53, 0.68, 0.70 and 1.06 meters;
  • the length of the canvas varies from 10 to 25 meters;
  • the catalog contains non-woven, paper and vinyl wallpapers for walls of various colors (with photo);
  • cost from 1800 rubles per roll.

Models with vertical lines are perfect for a room with low ceilings. Wallpaper with an ornament will fit into the interior of the hall. The geometric pattern will brighten up irregularities and other wall defects.

Where is it profitable to buy wallpaper

Visit our store in Moscow and choose plain non-woven, paper or vinyl wallpaper at a bargain price. You can also buy your favorite wall coverings online. Within 2 hours after the application is made, the manager will call you to clarify the method of payment and delivery. We accept payment by cash and card, Internet banking and electronic account.