Redemption on the grave with flowers. How to make a strong love spell in a cemetery

Magic surrounds a person from the day of his birth. She is in his inexplicable actions, in choosing a life partner, even in success in the labor field. Magical actions, whatever they may be, help in achieving certain, complex goals. Another question, how do you want to dispose of it? Skeptics say that random events are a coincidence, a believer will write off troubles for trials sent to his mortal soul before paradise, and only an experienced magician will recognize a strong magical influence at first sight.

Any magical effect entails reactions of the human body

Complex rituals for sickness and death

The death ritual is one of the strongest rites, requiring a special concentration of inner strength and morale. When using such powerful magic, you should know what price you will have to pay for it in the future. It just so happens that the people around you do not always respond to your actions with mutual kindness or sincerity, enemies put sticks in the wheel, and turntails take respectable husbands away from the family. Such is life in all its vile manifestations. A painful experience, for some - a reason to show humility, and for others, an impetus for decisive, reciprocal action. You are not obliged to endure the tricks of enemies, to wait until the universe returns the perfect atrocities like a boomerang. Stop watching fate as something weightless and abstract. You are your own master, your own friend and best companion. Don't let others influence you. The ritual for the death of a person at home is a responsible step, deciding on which you consciously agree to all the future consequences.

The principle of damage to health

Any magical effect entails the reactions of the human body, on which damage or a serious evil eye has been sent. Sometimes, negative tendencies appear from time to time, and sometimes diseases are taken by surprise in a matter of days. Factors affecting the strength and effectiveness of the rite are the qualifications of the magician, the period of the ritual, the use of special symbols and attributes. The more time you devote to preparing a magical action that leads to diseases of an enemy, the longer the ritual will work. The main feature of conspiracies for death or a severe illness is that their cause is very difficult to determine and recognize in a timely manner.

Rites for inducing ailments

Neither doctors, nor various tests, nor consecutive examinations can establish a correct diagnosis, while the enemy “dries up” before our eyes. Damage affects all important human functions - immunity, heart function, gastrointestinal tract. So, a person who is spoken to death loses his vitality, vigor and good mood. By nature, every living being has an energy background, in which so-called holes are formed due to external interference. Is it worth resorting to black magic to achieve the desired result? Evaluate situations from the outside, abstract from pressing problems, remain calm and weigh the pros and cons.

Is the enemy worthy of your attention, spending free time and internal energy? Will you get satisfaction from perfect rituals? Will it become easier on your soul or not? First of all, take care of yourself. Your peace of mind is more important than restoring justice or punishing a vile person. If, after careful consideration, you are still determined to conduct a rite for death or a severe illness, then with trepidation, even perseverance, study everything important nuances future ceremony. A correct ritual guarantees not only a lasting effect, but also protection for the one who performs it.

Signs of induced damage to waning health

Recognize the strongest evil eye common man harder, but still doable. Watch for changes in the behavior and character of the person. If one of your relatives has noticeable the following symptoms, there is a high probability of a strong evil eye on the disease:

  • sudden illnesses that arose out of nowhere;
  • the new disease progresses rapidly;
  • traditional methods of treatment do not help;
  • one disease accompanies another (or hides it);
  • deterioration of the general condition puts pressure on the psyche of a sick person;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • unjustified infertility;
  • a sharp decline in all forces;
  • lack of regular sound sleep.

If you decide to cause damage, then similar symptoms will be observed in the enemy. With the help of obvious signs of the evil eye, you will be able to trace the impact of the conspiracy on the deterioration of health and predict the imminent outcome of the secret ritual. Conspiracies that have a magical message are difficult to cancel, but such a possibility still exists.

Corruption is a kind of magical effect

Quick conspiracy on the disease of the enemy

The rite of death is carried out either with the help of an experienced sorcerer, or at home, but with the obligatory observance of all the instructions and recommendations of professionals. Revenge, which is guided by those who send strong damage, poisons your life every day. It corrodes from the inside and destroys all the good in you. Therefore, getting rid of a sense of injustice or resentment is easiest with the help of a quick, but effective conspiracy to the health of the enemy. For correct operation ceremony, you will need a thing saturated with the energy of a person or his image in full growth. Thus, the action of magic through conspiracies will be purposeful and powerful.

Before proceeding with the main stages of the ritual, you should secure your own energy. To do this, it is recommended to visit a church or temple, confess or light candles for the health of loved ones and relatives. Seemingly harmless actions will provide you with the best results with minimal consequences for you. Then, pick up all the paraphernalia necessary for the ritual:

  • picture of the enemy;
  • a vessel with holy water;
  • transparent container.

Experienced magicians claim that a picture of a person (his old photograph) keeps echoes of his energy for up to 10 years. But for those new to magick, recent images will come in handy.

How to conduct a ritual

A powerful and fast plot for deteriorating health can be modified, so choose the option that is most suitable for you. Wait for the departing moon, and only then perform the ritual:

  1. Lock windows and doors, retire to a secluded place.
  2. Pour holy water into a container.
  3. Dip the image of the enemy into the liquid, saying spells:

    “The body of the slave (name) burns, the blood boils, then proceed, do not find peace. To be according to my word!

  4. Dry the photo and the next night, take the picture to the cemetery.
  5. Find the headstone of a person whose name matches the name of your enemy.
  6. Bury the image near the grave.
  7. Upon returning home, read "Our Father" and let go of past resentment.

Sometimes, to enhance the work, conspiracies are supported by mechanical influences on the photo (the help of a simple sewing needle). The ritual begins to work literally from the first minutes. Be patient, soon a slight indisposition of your enemy will develop into a serious illness.

Aspen conspiracy for a deadly disease

An alternative way to take revenge on the enemy is to make a secret conspiracy on deadly disease using aspen branches. Home active force possesses magic applied in several successive stages. Strong rites are not performed in one day, because the objects participating in the ritual should be saturated with the necessary energy as much as possible. The image of a person (photo) is the most appropriate connecting element that can be obtained quickly and without attracting too much attention.

What is needed for the ritual

Find a picture of the enemy thanks to modern technologies and social networks, such a task will take a couple of seconds, and then prepare all the necessary “ingredients” for the future ritual. So, you will need:

  • photo of the ill-wisher;
  • silk scarf;
  • Holy water;
  • aspen branch;
  • church candle.

Preparation for the ritual begins exactly 13 days before its main action. An aspen branch must be plucked from a healthy tree; a selected dry shoot will not work for such purposes.

For an aspen plot for a deadly disease, a silk scarf is needed

How to conduct a ritual

The 12-day preparation for the ceremony includes the repetition of the same action - the torn branch is placed in holy water at night, and the next morning it is dried in direct sunlight. Then, proceed to the main ritual:

  1. Take a photo of an enemy that stores information about the owner.
  2. Wrap a silk scarf around the picture and throw it to the floor with a jerk.
  3. Take a dry rod prepared in advance and beat the bundle with it.
  4. Speak to yourself the basis of the spell:

    “Beyond the distant mountains there is an iron sea, on the sea there is a stone pillar from earth to heaven, a wooden man stands on the pillar, he says to the whole world: iron, stones, wood, you fall to the slave (slave) (name), torment him (her ), prick him (her), flog him (her). As the bows of castles are strong, so are my words of molding. May it be so".

  5. Repeat the words of the spell 3 times.

Cross yourself and hide the handkerchief along with the photo in a secluded place so that no one will find it.

The power of such a ritual will not fade as long as you keep the charmed photo. The enemy will begin to feel unwell, then attacks of sharp illnesses will begin, and then the body of the ill-wisher will weaken to such an extent that a serious illness will arise. Death rituals according to the photo, today, are the most popular among both experienced magicians and beginners in such a multifaceted magical business.

A deadly disease, as a punishment for perfect meanness, as retribution and righteous revenge. To some people, such drastic measures will seem frightening, while others will understand what caused a strong pull in revenge. The modern world is arranged in such a way that victory can be maintained only if fast response. Do you want a happy, carefree life? Then get it one way or another. Get rid of enemies, give yourself moral support and let go of past grievances. If you are still wondering how to damage the enemy, then do not waste time, perform a home ritual in a matter of days. The ritual rite (conspiracies for death, conspiracies for a severe illness or a simple evil eye) is performed only in strict secrecy. Neither your friends nor relatives can know about such manipulations.

Every day that goes by is a waste. How much money goes through our hands? We pay for everything: travel, food, treatment, gifts for loved ones, clothes, shoes. No wonder they say that cheese is free in a mousetrap.

Money is a necessary element of our life

And how many of us can say with certainty that there is enough money? That in any situation there will be no problems with payment. If you conduct a poll, then out of a hundred percent there will be a maximum of 2. And what about the rest? How many jobs do you need to have to fully satisfy your needs?

Black witchcraft is good, not so bad

More attention in modern times is gaining magic and its secrets. The desire to attract money only with the help of rituals that take a small amount of time is so strong that even beginners get down to business.

Magic rituals give good results, both in attracting money and in attracting good luck, but the main thing is to decide for yourself how much you need to get what you want.

White Magic, which does not harm others, which can improve financial situation and luck, is very easy to perform, but may not completely satisfy the need. Do not forget about the existence of Black Magic. Some are afraid and do not even try to delve into the essence of her rituals. But it is this magic that can attract wealth and good luck, in the amount that is necessary, and even increase what is expected. The main thing is to be confident in your actions, because following the rules and knowledge, Black Magic brings everything only good, prosperity and prosperity.

Conspiracy for wealth on a pear

A ceremony for money, which is held in the fall and always on the growing moon.

To carry out, you need the following magical set of tools:

For the ceremony, you need to take a ripe pear

  • ripe pear;
  • a denomination of 100 monetary units;
  • foil.

How to conduct a ritual

The ritual is simple and will take about an hour of your time. But the rite itself contains several stages.

Stage one

  1. Choose a pear at your own discretion, there is no difference where the pear will appear in the house, from the store or from the tree of your own garden.
  2. Wash the pear well and cut into two parts.
  3. Remove the bones from both halves to form dimples.
  4. Take a bill of one hundred hryvnias and roll it into a tube.
  5. Put inside the pears.
  6. Fold the two halves of the pear into a single whole and read the plot:

    “Just as a pear is fed with money, so whoever eats it will be fed with money. And that person will have a lot of money, as he never dreamed of. And behind the black is black, even if it is not whitened where. Amen."

  7. Speak the plot three times.
  8. Then take the foil and wrap the pear with it.

Stage two

  1. Put the fruit in the oven and bake.
  2. Wait about 25 minutes for the pear to cook.
  3. After that, remove from the oven, unwind the foil and read the plot:

    “I’ll eat a pear, I’ll become rich, but I’ll lose it in another.”

  4. Read once, and then eat a pear and be sure to have a banknote.

The results of the ceremony will be visible immediately, be sure to conduct it alone and keep it secret from strangers.

Rite to make money stick to hands

A black ritual for money, which is mandatory on the growing moon and after sunset.

Before performing a ritual for wealth and prosperity in the family, you need to prepare the following magic set:

In order for money to stick to your hands, you need to purchase honey.

  • trifle;
  • plate;
  • large bowl;
  • pouch.

How to conduct a ritual

This strong ritual in carrying out is simple, but has its own nuances:

  • honey must be fresh;
  • no need to save on trifles, there should be a lot of it, the more the better.

Having prepared everything you need, you can begin to conduct:

  1. Take a deep plate and pour honey into it.
  2. Pour little things into a large bowl, in quantity it should be at least a liter jar.
  3. Dip your hands in a container of honey, bathing so that every finger, every piece of the hand is completely smeared.
  4. Take out and hold for a few minutes over a plate of change.
  5. Lower your hands as much as possible immersed in a trifle so that the money sticks to your hands.
  6. When the coins stop sticking, take out your hands, reading the plot aloud:

    “Aginumba, as it is now, so it will always be. Let my hands be so that money sticks to them. And the bigger the money, the more let it stick. You do this to me, and I will give you the treasured. And I will never refuse my words, everything is for you.

  7. Speak only once.
  8. Peel off the coins from your hands, and wash your hands well from honey.
  9. Leave the coins in such a honey state, put them sticky in a bag. Take the treasure to a place unknown to outsiders.

Luck with money will amaze starting the next day.

Money conspiracy for water

The ritual attracts wealth, must be carried out after the new moon, according to the account on the third night. If the night is clear and the birth of the month is clearly visible in the sky, it can be held, if not, then it should be postponed.

What is needed for the ritual

It is possible to carry out the ceremony only with the presence of a glass of melt water and the necessary conspiracy.

How to conduct a ceremony

  1. If everything coincided, and the phase of the moon, and the clarity of the sky, then you can proceed.
  2. Take a glass and pour water, approach the window, looking at the month to read the plot:

    “In the dark nights, dark forces came out and began to do evil. And I helped them in that evil and contributed, and they rewarded me with money. As for this I gave everything that was asked, so I began to live richly.

  3. Read three times in a row, and then drink water.

The results will appear a month later, after the ceremony.

Black conspiracy for wealth on bird feathers

Magic ritual attracts money.

What will be needed to carry out

To conduct a ceremony for wealth, you need:

To perform a black rite for money, you must sacrifice a chicken

  • live chicken;
  • small pillowcase.

How to conduct a ritual

To accomplish a magical effect, you need to buy a chicken or use it from your own farm.

  1. In the usual way, as for the cooking process, deprive the animal of life and pluck the feathers to the bare carcass.
  2. Speak a conspiracy on the carcass:

    “I will discard the unnecessary, and I will take away the main thing so that nothing interferes with me on the path to wealth.”

  3. Place the chicken in a pot of water and bring to a boil.
  4. While the carcass is cooking, take the feathers and wash well.
  5. Fluff dry feathers and fold them into a small pillowcase, say to it:

    "Gyorn, give them strength so that wealth finds me, and pluck yourself from me wherever you like."

  6. Read the plot three times, and then sew up the pillowcase.
  7. Put it under the mattress of the place where you go to sleep.
  8. Boiled chicken must be eaten whole and alone, this food cannot be shared.

Wealth will be found even where it was not expected. The rite will amaze with its power.

What is money without luck? It is imperative that always and in everything luck accompanies life. You can call her to yourself.

Magic spell for a candle

It will make sure that luck will always be with you. Must be done on a full moon night.

What is needed for the ritual

To conduct the ceremony, you should prepare such a ritual instrument:

  • church candles;
  • pin.

How to conduct a magical rite

Before proceeding with the action, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning in the house.

  1. Wait until midnight and light the church candle.
  2. Go around the whole house with her three times.
  3. Using a candle, circle your legs, lower back, stomach, shoulders and head.
  4. In this way, the negativity of oneself and one's home was cleansed.
  5. Take a new church candle, ignite and wait until the wax begins to drip.
  6. Bring the pin so that the wax flows through its hole.
  7. At this time, quietly repeat the words of the conspiracy three times:

    “The power of the elements will pass into this object, the spell will pass by the spirit. Through the hole, it is I, the servant of God (name), I conjure the spirits of all so that they remain in the pin and do not go anywhere. I conjure all the spirits so that they save me, so that they bring me good luck all the days, so that they don’t leave me in difficulties and protect anyone from evil. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen."

  8. The pin from the minute you read the last time the conspiracy will become magical.
  9. You need to pick it up on clothes so that it is not visible to outsiders, and always wear it as a talisman. When changing
  10. clothes do not forget the pin to change clothes.

To carry out the above rituals for wealth, you can present such a ransom:

For the duration of the ceremony, you must stop smoking.

  • three days before the ritual, you should fast;
  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • do not have intimate relationships;
  • donate money, food or things to the poor.

When donating, you need to give the ransom not directly into your hands, but put it next to you, saying “Paid”. You can't talk to beggars or other people you meet along the way.

Some people are afraid of Aggressive Magic, because when we ask the Higher Powers for help, we offer something in return. There is a fear that having received money, you can lose health or love. This fear comes from a lack of knowledge. There is a concept of ransom in Black Magic, and completely absent in White Magic.

The concept of redemption in Black Magic and how to do it correctly

The ransom is a sacrifice to the spirits that are involved in the action of the rites. It is with their help that the result is obtained. It must be presented, especially if it is Aggressive, Black witchcraft.

The ransom depends on the chosen rite

The main thing is to choose the most suitable rite for yourself. If there is some fear, you can perform the ritual at home, presenting the above payoff. After getting what you want, it will be seen that there are no negative consequences. Subconsciously, you will become ready for more serious rituals that will make it possible, satisfy the need as much as possible. Such rituals are held in the cemetery and require a special kind of ransom.

Redemption at cemetery rites

Before starting the process of magical deeds, it is worth making contact with the main spirit of the cemetery.

You can do it this way:

  1. Arriving at the cemetery, it is worth reading the following:

    “So accept, but do not reject, then delight, then be filled with power, but my work will come together, even words spoken are harder than flint. This ransom is for you, prepare what is indicated for me. May it be so".

  2. Put a ransom.
  3. You can start the ritual.

As a ransom for good luck and money, for carrying out cemetery rites, we can consider:

  • alcohol;
  • meat,
  • blood;
  • sweets;
  • Honey comb;
  • black bread.

Black bread can be used as a buyout for good luck and money.

Be sure to take into account some rules of behavior in the cemetery specifically for magical deeds:

  1. You need to carry out actions in the cemetery where loved ones are buried, they will be protection against evil spirits.
  2. No need to be afraid or ashamed, you need to be confident in your goals and actions.
  3. If there are wounds on the body or these are the days of menstruation, it is worth postponing the plan.
  4. Follow the instructions for the ceremony.
  5. Do not desecrate the grave, it is better to present a ransom separately for the spirit of the deceased, on whose grave a magical rite is performed.
  6. Do not bring salt with you, objects that cut or prick.

When you are consciously ready to conduct and are confident in your strengths and knowledge, you can easily begin to improve your life for the better.

Rite for money (at the cemetery)

Attracting money, with the help of a ritual, will be fast and very effective. Perform the ceremony on the first night of the new moon.

What is needed for the ceremony

To fulfill your plan, you need to put a ruble under your left heel in a shoe.

  1. Arriving at the cemetery, present a ransom to the owner and establish contact with him in this way.
  2. Say a spell:

    “Chur, chur, the dead, your place is holy, And let my place be rich. To you, the dead, a sound sleep, And to me, the servant of God (name), gold and silver. Chur, chur, the dead, your place is holy, And in my pocket - silver and gold.

  3. After reading the plot, you need to turn around on your axis and leave immediately.
  4. An easy-to-carry black ritual for money will give a 100% result and ensure a comfortable life, the main thing is not to go astray. Speak clearly and loudly.

You can easily attract money and good luck if you really want it and make an effort. You should not regret the ransoms that are presented to otherworldly forces, they pay several times more. Don't stop there. You need to develop, you need to develop in yourself the ability to cooperate with the spirits, and not to be afraid. Fear can be visited only in carrying out the first few rites; overcoming it, you can make your life not only successful, but also rich.

Rites for good luck Black Magic makes it possible to carry out without visiting the cemetery. And redemption, for a good result, will even be useful. Because fasting for three days is tantamount to a diet that can only make the human body stronger, and serving to the poor should, as far as possible, not even for “Payment”, but to help those who are less fortunate.

Money Black Magic brings to life different ways. You can choose a ceremony for home conditions, having learned a good result, or you can follow the instructions and conduct it in a cemetery, enriching yourself and your loved ones.

There should be no concept of good or evil magic, there should be a desire to achieve a positive result. Is it evil to want good luck and the absence of poverty?

The magical work carried out in the cemetery goes far beyond such a common practice. cemetery love spell . Certainly, love magic has its own special relevance and great importance, which is why so many different rituals and rituals exploit the power of the underworld to search for love, mutual attraction, bring destinies, and so on.

But not less important topic and the direction of magical work is to attract success and good luck, help in achieving material well-being and financial independence, freedom. Money and prosperity is a very important element of the quality of life, helping to improve life, eliminate health problems, give an influx of new experiences from joint trips and interesting, exciting hobbies. This is correct. The saying “With a sweet paradise and in a hut” is true only for the first time, when relationships are rich in strong feelings. But in order to support and strengthen them, no doubt, a good material basis is needed.

So, what to do if you want to attract the energies of good luck and success to yourself by the forces of the afterlife? For such a purpose, I propose at the same time a simple and effective ritual to attract success and good luck in the cemetery.

Doing magical work

The ritual can be performed at any time of the day, especially in clear and sunny weather. You need to not be stingy in advance and purchase a gold coin. It doesn't need to be very expensive. You can choose the simplest and cheapest of those that are sold in the bank.

Gold often becomes an element of funeral ceremonies. This noble metal conducts the energies of the afterlife well and can, like a magnet, become a talisman for good luck, attracting positive energies of success and prosperity to its owner.

You need to choose a grave for magical practice in such a way that your name and the name of the deceased match. So it will be easier and easier to enter into interaction with him. Approaching the grave, stand near it for five minutes. Listen to your feelings. You must feel the response. If you are fine, comfortable in this place, nothing worries you, there are no fears and doubts, then you can continue your plan. Otherwise, you need to come on another day and to another grave.

Light an ordinary candle and put it on the grave. The element of fire will purify the space. After that, put gifts and gifts on the grave, that is, a ransom that you give with respect to the deceased and, in a broad sense, to the world of the dead for asking you to help.

Coming to the grave and conducting a ritual for success and good luck, you should already know what you want. It's good if you ask for something specific. But not so much that the action would end there. Let me explain this idea. You can wish, for example, the successful completion of a transaction. But then that's where it all ends. You can ask for success in all matters, but this wish will be very broad. In addition, "in all" matters - this means both in good and in bad. So you need to correctly formulate your request.

Put a coin on the grave, in the center, and then refer to the soul of the deceased. It is better to do this mentally, but you can also say your desire aloud.

The coin that lies on the grave during this time itself becomes a talisman, absorbs and consolidates the union between you and the spirit of the deceased, who will agree to help you.

By the way, the coin actually no longer belongs to you. She passes into the possession of the soul of the deceased, conducts his energy into the world of the living, becomes a talisman.

But, having a coin, you for yourself and for your own benefit receive this help in fulfilling your wishes.

At the end of the ritual, you do not need to extinguish the candle, but you need to take the coin and keep it with you, wear it like a talisman.

Amazing things sometimes happen to people who have experienced tragedy. Without knowing it, they perform a ritual during the funeral of a loved one to attract wealth. Subsequently, they cannot understand what happened. Wealth is on the heels:

  • a highly paid job is offered all of a sudden;
  • business begins to grow like yeast dough;
  • an inheritance falls on your head or a lottery win.

And when the magicians tell them about the ritual performed, they refuse. They goggle in surprise: “Who did the ceremony for money in the cemetery? I AM? Can not be". Naturally, after all, these people did not put any thought of wealth into the funeral procession. Let's see how they got real magic.

How they did it in the old days

In ancient times, it was believed that a dead person could take all the hardships and failures of his kind to that world. An ancient rite for wealth through a cemetery is built on this. Its technology is simple:

  • so that failures left the family with the deceased, it was supposed to place in the coffin (on the right) a twig from the old broom (broom), which swept the yard;
  • the oldest woman in the family did it;
  • a twig was imperceptibly thrown into the coffin when the ropes on the legs were untied.

The woman had to say these words:

The road is dark - the ground is cold. Rest in peace, rest in peace. Take away all misfortunes, pains and misfortunes. Sweep with a broom, do not open your eyes!

Vorozhe was forbidden to go to the wake. She had to sit alone until the morning after the funeral. And at dawn she swept the whole yard, and carried the broom along with breakfast to the grave. She buried it there, breaking it into small pieces and tying them with a rope that she removed from the deceased yesterday.

Attention: the rope, which is used to tie the legs of a corpse, has great black power. It is not recommended to experiment with it. It is better to conduct the ceremony according to the modern system.

How can a person "accidentally" spell during a funeral

Let's analyze how money rituals spontaneously come out at the cemetery. We started with the fact that some unfortunate people do magic by accident. And it turns out they are much better than those who did the ritual intentionally and purposefully. The logic of the process is as follows:

  1. The unfortunate man goes behind the coffin, sorting through the memories of the deceased in his head, analyzing what was done wrong, where he offended in vain, and the like.
  2. His grief is sincere. Often a person blames himself for something, tries to realize how it was necessary to act.
  3. Repentance is one of the ways to get rid of corruption (especially for well-being). While the funeral is going on, this unfortunate man cleanses himself.
  4. The spirit of the deceased sees all this and takes the negative energies with it.

Attention: this process does not depend on the degree of relationship. People are all interconnected. If you follow the coffin stranger and repent, admitting his guilt, then his spirit will take the negative with it.

  1. And after a certain time (it is different for everyone), the life situation changes for the better. Money begins to appear by itself in large quantities. And the bottom line is that the negative, bad energies left along with the deceased.

Ritual on the churchyard with a castle

Conspiracies for money are quite diverse. It must be remembered that they have the same basis - the transfer of negativity to the spirit leaving for another world. He will gladly accept it and take it away. And to fix the result and create a money amulet, an ordinary lock with a shackle will help.

The following is to be done:

  1. On Friday, on the waxing moon before noon, you should purchase a castle. Delivery is not recommended.
  2. You will also need:
    • a piece of yellow fabric (it would be nice to buy brocade);
    • an old broom that was used at home (natural);
    • a pinch of salt (you can take the one that is at home).
  3. Divination is held on Thursday on the waning moon.
  4. It is necessary at midnight to spread the fabric in front of the window into which the moon looks.
  5. Put an open lock on the material.
  6. The key (the only one, the rest should be drowned in advance) is held in the left hand.
  7. Read the conspiracy:

“In the dark side, hell is on fire. Cold fierce on the world sends. I unlock the gates of hell with a key, I release the black forces from myself. Burn in an icy flame, leave forever the souls of the Lord servant (name) house. I lock the gate with the key (close the lock at this moment), I let wealth into life. As long as the key lies in the grave, no one will take away the gold from me. Amen!"

  1. Immediately wrap the lock in a cloth and hide it securely.
  2. The key is sprinkled with salt, a small twig from a broom is placed next to it.
  3. In the morning you need to take it all to the churchyard.
  4. Wait for the funeral procession and go along with the people behind the coffin.
  5. While moving, think about mistakes, repent and the like.
  6. The key with salt and a twig must be thrown into the grave with earth.

When will it work

The duration of the effect of magic is determined personally. As a rule, if the ritual was performed on Thursday at the cemetery, then in a week the first result will appear. For some, the magic appears earlier. Here it is important to work well during the procession. The more sincere repentance, the more negativity the spirit will take with it. The field will be cleared, life will become much happier.

You can perform the ceremony more than once. There are no prohibitions. It is advisable to go to church in three days and put a funeral candle for the buried person. This should not be done right away. And the castle must be kept away so that no one sees or touches it.

Let's take a closer look at the plot on the cemetery land - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

The cemetery is the most mysterious, special place with the strongest energy. Therefore, all ceremonies, rituals performed in the realm of the cemetery have a powerful force.

Of all the branches of modern magic and ancient sorcery, graveyard rituals are the most powerful.

But if there is no magical experience, it is impossible to perform any witchcraft in a cemetery alone without the help of a magician - this is dangerous. Because, doing rituals in a cemetery, they attract the power of dead people, and they do not like to be disturbed. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out all actions delicately, correctly, with the exact execution of the ceremony.

Types of cemetery love spells

The most effective love spell in its power is the cemetery one, which is classified as black magic. It comes in two types:

  1. A love spell with the help of the cemetery power of the earth, where the energy of the underworld operates. This type of love spell does not deal with the souls of the dead. All the strength of the cemetery is in the energy concentrated among the graves.
  2. A love spell with the help of the earth taken with you with the entry of the power of the soul of the deceased. This ceremony is carried out in order to control the entire magical ritual, because there are levers of influence on the soul of the deceased, which, for a certain tribute, does everything required.

The consequences of a love spell in the cemetery

Like any love spell, the ritual performed in the cemetery, where the grave land is taken, has its consequences. Therefore, a competent witch will always put up protection against the influence of the afterlife. If a cemetery love spell is done independently with the help of grave earth, then everything must be carried out exactly according to the described rules, otherwise you can not only get seriously ill, but also lose your life. The boundary between the living and the dead world is very thin, and when performing a love spell among the graves, the soul of a living person and the deceased (the one who was called for help) can be tied.

Love spell in the cemetery with the help of grave energy

This is a very simple love spell that even a person who is not very experienced in magic can do.

You need to come to the cemetery on the growing moon, you can during the day. You must have two photographs with you, which must be folded face together and folded into an envelope. Entering the cemetery gates, you need to say the following words:

"Spirit of the cemetery, you are between the living and the dead, be my ally, help me succeed in my affairs."

"What is united in the cemetery, will not be separated in the world of the living."

When you walk through the cemetery grounds, you must definitely think about love relationships, but you should not linger at the graves for a long time. Grave energy is enough for such a love spell. You need to walk for about an hour with thoughts about future relationships. And leaving to say:

“What is connected in the cemetery, no one will separate. May it be so".

And before leaving the territory of the cemetery, you need to burn the envelope with photographs - this action will start the whole process of love spell, which was saturated with grave energy.

A love spell for the return of a loved one, which is held in a cemetery

If a loved one has left for another, then a love spell with the involvement of grave energy will help. You need to find a name among the graves that is the same as the name of your loved one and, standing at the grave, read the following words:

“You (Name of the owner of the grave) are lying in the damp earth, cold and dumb. And my (Object name) lives with another. Give me the deceased (Name of the owner of the grave) with your blessing, Attraction to me (Name of the object). May he always be only with me, may he forever forget about the other. And so that the deceased (Name of the owner of the grave) burns in hell, And (Name of the object) die without me.

Love spell with cemetery land on a guy

This love spell is also done on the growing moon.

An Easter candle is required for the ceremony.

You need to have a jar with you in which you can put earth, an Easter candle, three needles with threaded red threads, two glasses and a bottle of vodka, a slice of rye bread and two sheets of paper where you should write:

“Dead spirit, churchyard dweller, here I turn to you, and I call on you to help me in fulfilling my cherished work. Bring a slave (name), bring him suffering, give a terrible love torment, give him a deadly longing for me, a slave (name). Let me become an obsession for him, a single thought, cherished words. Let lust grow in him, let lust become like poison, let him suffer torments without seeing me nearby, let him desire me, look for a meeting, sew him to my hem, pave the way for him to the churchyard. Said with a cherished word, but sealed with a faithful deed, amen, amen, amen.

Find among the graves the same name with the name young man who is being bewitched. Take a handful of cemetery earth, pour it into a jar, cut off a small piece of ribbon from the grave wreath, petals of fresh flowers. Mix all the contents of the jar and pour out the vodka and close the lid tightly. On the candle, you need to scribble the name of the bewitched guy, stick the needles, set fire to the candle, and while the fire is burning, you need to burn a sheet of paper and say these words:

“The spirit of the grave, the owner of the underground domina. Hear me, answer me, help me in my secret, mischievous business. Move away from your place, go to the slave (name), torment him, torment him, twist him, break him, without me, so that he does not live, at night he could not sleep without me. Let me keep one in mind. Castle to my word.

As soon as the candle burns down to the first needle, the fire must be extinguished, the needle should be put in a jar. Pour vodka into glasses, drink one, and put the other on the ground at the head and cover with a rye slice of bread. And immediately leave the cemetery, but not forgetting the banks.

Rye slice of bread for a love spell

When the next night comes, they light a candle with the rest of the needles and burn the second sheet of paper. Then you need to say these words over the jar where they laid the grave ground:

“How the flame of a red candle burns, how the letters burn. So the heart of the slave (name) burns from love, from longing for me. As the paper burns, so does the heart burn, the ashes remain. And (name) will come, he will confess his love, and he will be reborn again, amen.

When the candle burns down to the second needle, you need to hide everything in a jar where the grave ground lies. The next day, go to church, where to order a prayer for the repose of the deceased, from whom they took the land. Then immediately go to the cemetery to find among the graves the one from which they took the land.

Light the same candle, wait until it burns down to the last needle, thank the soul of the deceased and let go. Cinder, hide the needle in a jar of grave soil. Speak the words of a black love spell of a loved one with the help of cemetery land:

“Let our union last until death. My word, your work. No one can change. Forever, amen."

The land in the bank, along with the contents, is kept at home.

Love spell "Black wedding"

A wedding is an interweaving of destinies that are tied into a strong knot. They are married forever with the help of black magic. Before doing this, you need to think carefully about whether it is important to you that much. Black wedding works for a very long time, and it is not easy to remove it.

Gingerbread or other sweets are needed for a ransom

During the growing moon, they go to the cemetery at night, but so that there is no rain or wind. Take two photos with you - yours and your loved one. Find among the graves the one whose name coincides with the bewitched person. Bring with you any ransom (cookies, gingerbread, sweets) necessary for the soul of the deceased to allow the ritual to be performed, and leave the graves on the ground.

A black candle should be lit on the grave near the head. Near the candle, put the photographs face up on both sides. Say the following words:

“You (the name of the deceased) are lying in a musty grave, among worms and dirt. Come, tear through the roots and stones, become my witness. I crown, with my word, with my deed (the name of the man) and (the name of the woman) for a joint life, passionate love, lustful burning craving. May they be in peace and love, happiness to know and give birth to children. And you, the dead man (the name of the deceased), protect them from any evil, From the vile evil eye and from black corruption, Clear the road, and kindle the ardor of love. From now until the end of time (the names of those who are married) are crowned. My word is strong. May it be so".

Then you need to set fire to the photos, and while they are burning, read the love words of the Black Wedding again. When everything burns down, sprinkle ashes with grave earth and leave the cemetery without turning around.

All love spells with grave energy, in which earth is present, cemetery accessories require careful and precise execution, because they are classified as black magic. The ideal option to protect yourself - resort to the help of professional magicians or witches.

Instant love spell on graveyard ground

V modern world cemetery spells are very popular. This is because they are very effective and have great power. There are many varieties of love spells in the cemetery, but the most popular are rituals that use cemetery land.

Features of the ritual

These are very dangerous rituals that require a large supply of mental strength and strong natural energy. If you are not confident in your abilities, then such rituals should be abandoned. Otherwise, you can harm yourself, first of all, by spending a lot of energy on magical effects. In this case, even a lethal outcome is possible.

Any cemetery love spell begins to act almost instantly. But at the same time, of course, its strength is largely influenced by the energy of the performer of the rite. A person who is going to conduct a love ritual in a cemetery does not just have to be sure of own forces but also to have sincere deep feelings.

Graveyard ground has great power. If it is used in a love ritual, then success is sure to be guaranteed. The main thing in this case is to carry out a love spell on the cemetery land in accordance with all prescribed rules.

The negative consequences of the rite, as a rule, are associated with violations that were made during the ritual. Most often, incorrectly performed impacts cause severe headaches, both for the victim and the performer of the rite. Moreover, it is impossible to get rid of them with any medications.

Further consequences include other problems, such as:

  • Alcoholism;
  • Bad luck in all areas of life;
  • Aggressiveness;
  • Illness with incurable diseases.

Simple love spell

Black magic offers a very simple love spell on graveyard ground that has powerful powers.

It will require the following additional attributes:

  • Threads with a needle;
  • The item of clothing of the chosen one;
  • Buttons.

On the day of the ceremony, before visiting, which should be scheduled for the evening or night, you should go to three different temples. In each of the churches, it is necessary to discreetly place 9 candles upside down and leave three requests for the repose of the soul for the victim of the rite.

Having gone to the graveyard in the evening, you should find three graves, the deceased in which have names that match the name of the chosen one. From each grave it is necessary to take a handful of soil and be sure to leave a ransom. After that, you need to leave the cemetery without looking back. Arriving home, you need to immediately go to bed, and when you wake up early in the morning, go out to an open deserted place and scatter the cemetery ground around you.

At the same time, pronouncing the following magic words:

The part of the love spell associated with the scattering of the earth to enhance the effectiveness of the love spell should be carried out for three days in a row. That is, it is impossible to scatter all the soil at one time. It is also important not to bring it into the house, but to hide it in a secluded place on the street. In addition, you can pour a little cemetery land under the threshold of a bewitched person.

Strong rite

A strong love spell with cemetery land provides for a mandatory visit to the cemetery on one of the nights during the full moon. There you need to take the earth from forty graves, the names of the deceased in which coincide with the name of the beloved. To simplify the collection of cemetery land, you should first visit the cemetery during the day, and look after the required graves, it is desirable that they be located nearby.

The jar with the collected cemetery earth should be brought home, where the ritual actions should be continued. The ceremony should be carried out in complete seclusion in a separate room, while care must be taken that nothing interferes with the magical action. A jar of graveyard soil must be placed on the table, and a candle should be lit next to it.

After that, you should visualize the image of your loved one and say the following magic words:

The enchanted cemetery land must be stored in a secluded place. As a rule, such a rite begins to operate on the ninth day. After the beloved is next to you, you need to get rid of the cemetery land. It must be poured anywhere in the cemetery, and it is advisable to do this in the evening after sunset.

If it so happened that you realized that you were mistaken and in vain bewitched a person to yourself, you can’t leave everything as it is. It is necessary to remove the love spell and free the beloved from the spell.

The most powerful love spell in the cemetery

The rituals in the cemetery are among the strongest. However, keep in mind that such actions are black magic, and you make a deal with otherworldly dark forces.

Daily Rite at the Cemetery

Some rituals associated with visiting the cemetery require that you come there at night or at least after sunset. But not all women feel comfortable being alone among the graves at night. Rites performed at night are more effective. If this is too difficult for you, try a daily ritual.

Buy wedding rings without trying them on. One must be male and the other must be female. Bring the rings to the graveyard and place them in different graves. In one, a woman with the same name as yours should be buried, and in the other, a man with the name of your lover. Rings should be left there overnight. If you're worried about someone taking them, cover them with some earth.

Rings must be picked up the next day. You can't take them home. Find a deserted place where no one walks, dig a hole, put the rings in it.

Then read the spell:

Dig a hole and leave without looking back. It is very important to choose a place where no one will dig up your rings, much less take them for themselves. If this happens before the right man loves you, the ritual won't work. If you are already in a relationship or get married, your loved one will leave you.

Rituals with graveyard soil

To cast a love spell on cemetery land, choose a suitable day that would not be a church holiday or Sunday. Ritual arrangements may vary.

Bring a few handfuls of earth from the cemetery. You need to take it not on the graves. Any other land that is within the cemetery fence is suitable for you. To bewitch a man, you need to invite him home under any pretext. Then, also under any pretext, you need to leave him at home alone. Say, for example, that you urgently need to go to a neighbor, buy something in a store, etc. Walk around your house, casting a spell and throwing small handfuls of earth from the cemetery. The amount of land taken in the cemetery will depend on which house you live in. The larger and longer it is in length, the more material for work you should have in stock.

Read a love spell for a loved one:

The plot should be read throughout the ritual. The number of spells cast does not matter. Leave some earth, bring it home and put it in the man's shoes without him noticing. As a result, your loved one will constantly be drawn to your home, as if he really cannot leave your house.

This black love spell is done directly in the cemetery. Buy a candle in the church beforehand and visit the grave of a person with the same name as your beloved. Remember that this cannot be done on church holidays and on Sundays. The best time for the ceremony is after sunset, but before midnight.

Insert a candle into the grave mound, light it and read the spell:

You don’t recognize your relatives, you don’t call your loved ones.

I come to you without an invitation, without your knowledge and decision.

Understand (name of a loved one). Let him leave his life unmarried

He will choose me as his wife, and not another woman.

Come to him in a dream, tell him about me."

Leave the candle to burn out and leave without looking back. You can't talk to anyone along the way. Soon the right man will begin to show interest in you. When a relationship begins with your loved one, go to church and light a candle for the repose of the person whose spirit you have disturbed in order to achieve the desired goal.

This ritual is suitable if one of the parents of your loved one has already died, and you have access to his burial place. You can work with the mother's grave, but the father's grave is much more suitable.

Before the ritual, fast for at least seven days. You can do more, but a week is the minimum. During the fast, you should not eat not only meat. Avoid any hearty delicious food: sweets, pastries, etc. You can simply replace your meal with a piece of black bread and a glass of water. Before visiting the cemetery, it is advisable to go to the bathhouse. However, if this is not possible, a regular bathroom is also suitable. Buy a thick candle in the temple and visit the grave of the beloved's parent.

Insert a candle into the mound, light it and read the spell:

After casting the spell, ask the deceased for forgiveness in your own words and promise that his (or her) son will really be better with you than with any other woman. After returning from the cemetery, wash yourself in the bathroom. You should also clean or wash the clothes and shoes in which you visited the grave. The ritual can be repeated periodically if you do not notice that the beloved man has changed his behavior towards you. When the love spell works, put a candle in the temple for the repose of the parent of your loved one.

Love spell on a photo

With full body shot

You need a photo in which your loved one will be depicted in full growth. There should not be other people in the picture, not a single living being, not even a pet. To make a love spell in a cemetery, go there with a photo on an odd day. The picture must be hidden so that no one can take it. Take care to protect it from rain. You need to return for a photo the next day.

Bring the picture home, retire and read the plot by placing a photograph on the table in front of you:

Hide the photo under the mattress of your bed at the feet. A man will not only love you, but will be obedient and complaisant in everything.

With a portrait photo

To perform the ritual, you will need a portrait photo of your beloved man. The picture should show his chest. The most useful photo for you will be the one in which the beloved is depicted with a bare chest.

Bring some earth from the cemetery. A handful will suffice. Land must be taken from the grave of a woman who bore the same name as you. A handful must be carried in right hand. On the way from the cemetery, do not engage in conversations with anyone. When you get home, keep holding the earth in your hand. It can't be dumped anywhere. You need to undress and perform all other actions without unclenching your hands. Sit at the table, light a candle (you can already used it before) and put a photo in front of you. While reading the plot, you need to slowly pour the earth brought from the cemetery onto the chest of the beloved man in the picture.

A love spell on a cemetery in a photo, rings or any other object acts very quickly. Usually, after 2-3 weeks, the beloved man confesses his love to the woman who has bewitched him. But so that the cemetery magic does not harm you, be extremely careful. Wash your hands thoroughly after rituals. You are in contact with the world of the dead, traces of which should not remain on your body.

Love plot to read in a cemetery, a strong cemetery love plot to read on your own


A conspiracy in a cemetery made for love is committed for life. You can read a love plot on cemetery land both during the day in white light and on a black night under the light of the moon. Everything strong conspiracies for love that needs to be read in a cemetery is called a cemetery love spell for eternal love and refers to black magic. To independently perform a love ceremony on cemetery land and read a strong conspiracy, you need to be a very brave person and love the person for whom you are ready to perform a ritual ceremony. Conspiracies will reveal the great secret of the black wedding and you will know best love spells to read in a graveyard. By choosing and performing any of the rites, you will forever unite your souls and will love each other very much until the end of your life. After a conspiracy to love read in a cemetery You will have to accept your loved one as he is, with all his "cockroaches" and oddities. Therefore, you need to get to know him better so that after the conspiracy there is no disappointment. Same way all conspiracies and love spells performed on cemetery land have their consequences, about which we will not remain silent.

The cemetery is the territory of the dead on which other orders of the underworld operate. Invading and disturbing black forces, be prepared for the consequences after a conspiracy in a cemetery read for love - you have to pay for everything. The negative consequences after carrying out a cemetery ceremony done independently with the help of a conspiracy are a bunch of the soul of a person and the soul of the deceased whom you asked for help. If you do not make a good defense before reading the plot, the consequences love plot done in a cemetery incorrectly can lead to death, especially if a person is already, by fate or for health reasons, inclined and disposed towards this. There is also a high chance of an accident and problems with your health. While you are reading the plot while on the cemetery land, the deceased clings to your energy and takes your life energy as payment for his work. If you are ready for such a fee, we will teach you this black wedding and tell you the most powerful love spells that you can read on your own.

A love plot in a cemetery from a photo

Some conspiracies held in the cemetery to enhance love involve the use of different objects and things, it is best to do love spell on photo. Remember doing plot for love with a photo on the grave You can only if you are ready to connect your life with this person forever. Since the consequences of rolling back this rite can be very unpleasant and scary for both of you. On a moonlit night, the cycle and phase of the moon is not important when you come to the cemetery, find a grave with the name of your loved one (you can do this in advance by coming to the cemetery during the day, then it will be easier to search). At the foot of the burial, you need to burn a photo of your lover, bury the ashes from the photo after the conspiracy on the grave, saying love spell words :

As a servant of God (name) no longer walk around the world,

so the servant of God (name) alive cannot live without me.

My word is strong and cannot be canceled.

Yes, it will be one way or the other. Amen.

Read the plot in the cemetery you need to slowly and in full voice nine times, after which, without turning around and without talking to anyone, return home. At home, after a conspiracy to love made in a cemetery, you can’t look in the mirror for a day. The action of the conspiracy will come as soon as you leave the cemetery gates, and the result comes in nine days. In no case do not tell anyone about what you have done or are going to do this rite.

conspiracy in the cemetery for eternal love

To independently make a love spell for love using land taken from the grave after waiting for the full moon, you need to go to the cemetery and from seven graves with the name of your loved one collect a pinch of cemetery earth into one vessel (jar). A conspiracy for eternal love to cemetery land must be read at home. When you get home, close all the mirrors in the house and put a jar of earth on the windowsill, read words of a love conspiracy that is done forever :

If I speak with the tongues of men and angels,

And I have no love, then I am a ringing copper or a cymbal sounding.

If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all the secrets,

And I have all knowledge and all faith, so that I can move mountains,

If I don't have love, then I'm nothing.

And if I distribute all my possessions and give my body to be burned,

But I don’t have love, there’s no use for me in that.

Love is long-suffering, merciful, love does not envy,

Love does not exalt itself, does not pride itself, does not behave violently,

He does not seek his own, is not irritated, does not think evil,

It does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;

He covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything.

Love never ceases, although the prophecies will cease,

And tongues will be silent, and knowledge will be abolished.”

“But to those who are married, I do not command, but the Lord:

A wife should not divorce her husband - if she divorces,

She must remain celibate, or be reconciled to her husband,

And the husband must not leave his wife.

To others I say, and not the Lord:

If any brother has an unbelieving wife, and she is willing to live with him,

Then he must not leave her; and a wife who has an unbelieving husband,

And he agrees to live with her, should not leave him.

For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the believing wife,

And the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the believing husband.

Otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy.

If the unbeliever [wants] to get divorced, let him get divorced;

The brother or sister in such [cases] is not related; The Lord has called us to peace.

How do you know, wife, if you can save your husband?

Or you, husband, why do you know if you can save your wife?

Just do each one as God has determined for him,

And each, as the Lord called.

Wives, obey your husbands as to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife,

Just like Christ is the head of the Church, and He is also the Savior of the body.

But just as the Church obeys Christ, so do wives obey their husbands in everything.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her,

To sanctify it, having cleansed it with a bath of water through the word;

To present her to Himself as a glorious Church without spot,

Or vice, or something like that, but that she be holy and blameless.

Thus should husbands love their wives as their own bodies:

He who loves his wife loves himself.

For no one has ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and warms it,

Like the Lord the Church, because we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones.

Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife, and the two shall be one flesh.

This mystery is great; I speak in relation to Christ and to the Church.

So let each of you love his wife as himself;

And the wife is afraid of her husband.

Therefore, I desire that men pray in every place,

Raising pure hands without anger and doubt;

So that also wives, in decent attire, with modesty and chastity,

They adorn themselves not with weaving [hair], not with gold, not with pearls,

Not with clothes of great value, but with good deeds,

How fitting for women who devote themselves to piety.

Let the wife study in silence, with all humility;

But I do not allow a wife to teach, nor to rule over a husband, but to be in silence.

For Adam was created first, and then Eve, and Adam was not deceived;

But the wife, seduced, fell into a crime;

However, he will be saved through childbearing, if he abides in faith and love and in holiness with chastity.

The charmed land must be removed in a bag and stored in a secret place. The consequences of the eternal conspiracy to love made on the cemetery land come on the 9th day after the ceremony. To take all the negativity away from yourself and your loved one, go to church in the morning and, after standing up for the service, put candles for yourself and your loved one for health - yourself at the Virgin, him at Christ and order a magpie for the health of yourself and your loved one.

A conspiracy in the cemetery for love to read in the afternoon

The text of a black conspiracy to love which is done during the day in the cemetery has come down to our days from ancient magical books. No one could confirm the effectiveness and safety of this conspiracy read in the cemetery, because it is strictly forbidden to talk about such magical rituals. To make a conspiracy for love before going to the cemeteries Do not take a thread from your loved one's clothes with you, preferably from underwear, and also take one thread out of your underwear. In the evening at home, light a church candle prepared in advance and tie both threads together with seven knots for each knot, reading conspiracy for love :

Fates come together

My (His name) beloved tenderly,

Associated with (your name) a thread of clothing.

We will merge with him forever,

We will never break.

With a strong word I fasten everything,