How to make a husband a slave lessons. How to make a man your slave

Is it good to have a henpecked husband? How to make a henpecked man?

    Well, but, probably, this type of men is not suitable for everyone. For some girls, it is important that there is a real man nearby, behind whom she would really feel like behind a stone wall. Henpecked women are more suitable for powerful women who love and know how to control everything, they know how to solve problems and a husband should always be at hand. Such men can also be a salvation for an insecure girl who is not appreciated and not noticed at work, and at home everything will revolve around her, she can assert herself and win back on such a man, thereby feeling more confident.

    Even if it turns out to make a henpecked man out of a man, which is very difficult, if he is not one, then when a real man is needed, he simply will not be.

    I consider my husband not something that would be henpecked, but a person who adheres to my point of view))). It’s just that the term henpecked I don’t quite like it, although my husband is henpecked - very comfortably. The main thing is not to say or even hint under any circumstances that he is doing everything according to your plan. A man should always think that this is his idea and that this is exactly what HE wanted (and let all your merits in this be in the shade - the main result). Sometimes, however, the husband tries to do it in his own way, which I did not like at all. In this case, I release leashquot ;, but not much. It is necessary to let the man feel his strength and will, and at the right time to pull the leash smoothly, so that you do not feel that you hit again)))).

    But seriously, there should be understanding and equality in the family (but still a little more in my favor)))). As our 7-year-old son says: Dad is the master of the house. And mom is the mistress of dad)))).

    Well, for example, you can’t make me a henpecked.

    He lived a lot in his 33 years.

    One of my girlfriends even robbed a kiosk. And I got her away from the bandits. Even saved from something that is not worth talking about.

    After that, we met for a short time.

    But, I can say one thing, henpecked is a girl's dream. Especially one who thinks she's strong. But in reality it is not.

    So, for example, this girl married a rag, and lives happy. And there are children.

    Sometimes we communicate and say to each other - thank you for running away.

    But, sometimes I think, it can be easier to be henpecked, to pretend to be one, and on your own mind, than to lose many girls.

    After that I think not. I am who I am. Until another girl left me again for disobedience :)

    Having a henpecked husband is bad. The fact is that henpecked people are not able to take responsibility. It may be that women with a strong character also like that there is a man nearby who listens to everything, but in life there are situations when only a man can decide something.

    If you have a henpecked husband, then keep in mind that absolutely everything and always will have to be decided by yourself.

    The answer to the second question is that there are already henpecked people, men usually do not have the right upbringing. To make a henpecked man out of a normal man is a perversion, this should not be done. If you want a henpecked husband as your husband, then look for a man who is already ready, weak-willed, incapable of making a decision.

    I have already answered similar questions many times on BV, it is interesting to read different opinions. And my opinion is that if you are lucky and you are next to a loving and beloved person, then he will become anything for you, if you want, then he will be henpecked. I agree that there are men who, from sissy, smoothly flow under the heel of their wife. It’s more comfortable for them to live this way. But there are also those who have their own opinion, have great authority at work, constantly solve difficult problems, but at home turn into natural henpecked people. These are exactly the most best husbands. Lucky for me, I have one!

    I agree with Ins that women who

    they want a henpecked husband. Well, or they themselves make a henpecked husband. So they realize their great need to command. Horror. I'm a girl and I don't like them. When I just started living separately from my parents, my first flatmate was just like that - for commanding it was the meaning of her entire existence, she often tried to command me and that she didn’t try just for this. Horror. I don't envy her husband if she has one now.

    It is impossible to make a husband henpecked. If a man is real, then he will not be able to become one, even if he loves you and will try very hard. This is against the nature of man. A man is a leader and protector by nature. There cannot be two leaders in a family.

    But it is quite possible to find a henpecked husband. These are almost all boys raised by mothers alone without a father. Here are the perfect henpecked ones.

    But is it good to have a henpecked? If you are a leader, then good! Take responsibility for your family. But if not, then difficulties in the future are provided for you.

    Unfortunately, women no longer understand who a henpecked is, or rather, they have their own concept for this.

    For them, a henpecked man is strong and courageous, can move mountains, knows how to make good money, is the soul of the company, a courageous defender, self-confident, etc., but at the same time he fulfills every whim of a woman, crawls in front of her on his knees, runs, looks after her around the clock, obeys unquestioningly and in general something like a slave.

    In fact, you rarely see this anywhere ...

    Usually henpecked = dead, unable to make decisions. Which a woman gets bored very quickly simply because she has to decide everything herself.

    I recently watched one program, there is a rather famous singer. He proudly called himself a henpecked. At the same time, he noted that he did not react to the whims and provocations of his wife. He behaved rather harshly and categorically spoke out towards women. That is, he listens to his wife, but does not grovel before her. And, of course, he rules the family. That is, he invests in this concept not at all what women may want.

    Look for someone who will respect you, who will listen to you, but at the same time will not sit under the heel, but on a horse. And there will be no need to redo anyone.

    And you can't make a henpecked man out of a normal man. But a normal man will never offend his woman.

    It seems to me that henpecked people are born. Often these are men who grew up in incomplete families. My friend raised her children alone and always solved their problems, even when they grew up.

    Now the boy got married and turned out to be a complete henpecked. He literally looks into his wife's mouth. And she pushes them around, even humiliates them in front of others. But he endures.

    Another type of henpecked is guilty men. These are those who cheat on their wives and at the same time completely obey them. I know one. Their wife is a brawler in their family, and he is a womanizer. It is not clear which is the cause and which is the effect. He is a womanizer because his wife is a brawler. Or the wife is a brawler, because he is a womanizer. Or maybe they found each other and jointly realize natural inclinations - one for scandals, the other for treason. In this sense, they are almost in harmony.

    It's okay if you're willing to take matters into your own hands. A henpecked person will not take the initiative on himself, both in relationships and at work. Therefore, do not expect any financial achievements from such a man if he is not provided in advance. Therefore, making henpecked is a rather unpromising occupation. This is rather a luxury, because there is little sense, but there is pleasure.)))

All free white love plots are aimed at helping a person solve his life problems. For example, white love conspiracies for a man help to bring love into life, the effect is light, but quite effective. You don’t have to bind your loved one to yourself against his will, everything will happen naturally. Witchcraft will act as a magical amulet for love, relationships with a partner will be strong and real. Magic will make your union strong and reliable, keep you from breaking and losing each other in this cold and indifferent world.

Read on the growing moon. You need water from the church, which you need to take on the day before Christmas. If church water is not available, pure spring water will do. At midnight, take a glass of water in both hands, turn in the direction where your beloved boyfriend lives, and say magic words three times. Pour water on the threshold of the house where your loved one lives.

“Jesus walked through the forest, walked through the meadow, followed the cart, followed the plow, saw a beautiful girl in the flood fields, on the bast roads. And Jesus said to her the following word: “You, the servant of God (name), would go the way? The road to the house of the servant of God (name), would take his white hands in your white hands, take his red mouth in your red mouth, take his flesh is hot into his flesh is hot. So be it. Servant of God (name) servant of God (name) love every day. Amen".

The conditions for this love plot to attract a guy are the same as in the example above.

“How the grass dries without rain, how the tree burns from the fire, how the fish cannot live on land, so that it dries for me, the servant of God (name), the servant of God (name). I, the servant of God, will go out, cross myself, go along the wide street, being blessed, I will reach the fast river. As I quench my thirst with clean water, so the servant of God (name) will quench his longing and sadness next to me. Look at me, listen to me as you drink the water I serve. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A certain amount of charmed water must be given to the object to drink, adding to any drink, but not alcohol.

On a full moon, after sunset, take a bowl of spring water. And when no one is around, throw a pinch of sugar into the bowl with your left hand, saying at the same time: “How people love sweetness and cannot do without it, so that my husband loves me the same way and cannot live without me, not a day, not an hour not a minute to pass, everyone would follow me and admire me, bathe in my sweetness. Amen".

Add 12 drops of charmed water to your husband in the morning drink.

Independent white conspiracy from a photo for love in marriage

You can draw running water into a cup, you can also from the tap, but you need to do this in the early morning so that no one sees. The moon must be growing. Hide that water until evening, and when it gets dark, go completely into an empty room, stand in the middle and hold that water with both hands and read like this:

Just as a bird cannot live without heaven, a forest animal cannot live without a forest, a wild flower cannot live without a land, so may the servant of God (name) not be able to live without me, servants of God (name). To miss and grieve, I didn’t see the white light, I couldn’t live and be without me for an hour, servants of God (name). Amen.

Repeat this three times. And sprinkle the matrimonial bed with water, and what remains - pour it out the window.

A safe conspiracy of white magic against her husband's mistress

If the husband before the wedding had another woman whom he loved, then such a conspiracy will help from old love. You need to take water, consecrated in the church, and as soon as the full moon passes, get up early in the morning, pour water into a cup. And go to the window with a cup. Read over the water these words:

The former love was - the former love has passed, faded, withered, withered, died. New love - The old love was - the old love has passed, withered, withered, withered, died. New love is alive and green, like a pine tree in a dense forest. For a long time? Long for that pine tree to live, all our life be a servant of God (name) and a servant of God (name) love to be. My word is strong, so it will be. Amen.

White love plots for a man to return love to his wife

You need to take the consecrated water from the church, pour it into a glass glass and, on the growing moon, stand at the window early in the morning with water in your hands. Read over the water the words are:

In the middle of the sea? Ocean there is an island, on the island there is a mountain, on the mountain there is an oak tree, under the oak tree there is a hole. The beast Frost lives in that hole, he chilled the love of the servant of God (name), froze it, threw it into the icy sea. That firebird flew over the sea, caught love from the sea, revived it with its heat and returned it to me, the servant of God (name). And may my husband from this day, from this hour, love me as before and never stop loving me. Amen.

Then go and sprinkle all the husband's clothes, but not much, so that the husband does not guess anything. And pour the rest of the water over the threshold. And to be affectionate with her husband all day long, not to argue with him in anything.

You need to wait for the full moon, take the water consecrated in the church. Pour water into a glass. At night, preferably at midnight, stand at the window so that there is no one around, and holding a glass in your left hand, read like this:

As a flower blooms in the sun, so does the love of my wife, the servant of God (name), at the sight of me, the servant of God (name), ignites. The heat flares up, descends through the body, spreads through the loins, my wife clings to me, smiles. During the day without me, she cries, she is killed, all night long she caresses me. The way it is. My word is strong. Amen.

That water, twelve drops, pour the next morning to his wife in any drink. Sprinkle the matrimonial bed and wife's belongings with the remaining water.

If a woman cannot be in bed with her husband, has cooled off towards him, then you need to read such a white conspiracy for love. To do this, you need to take spring water collected at dawn, a liter jar, and at midnight, on the very full moon, but so that this is not Sunday and not a church holiday, go to an empty room in one nightgown. The shirt must be new. And you will also need a pelvis. Put that jar on the table in an empty room and read like this:

I was born a woman, I was baptized a woman, I will be a woman. Az, the servant of God (name), I will never forget the male blessing. Mouth to mouth, hands to hands, feet to feet. Amen.

So you need to say exactly twelve times, and then stand with your feet in the basin and douse yourself with all that water. Remove the shirt and then dry without washing. And the next night, go to bed with your husband in that shirt.

A love plot of white magic if the husband has cooled off to his wife (a conspiracy for intimacy)

Like a bear in a den in a hurry to a bear, like an eagle flies to a nest, so my husband, a servant of God (name), strives for me, a servant of God (name), cannot live without me, everything yearns for me, misses, but does not see other women, does not notice. Every evening he hurries to me, he quenches his passion with me. Amen.

After that, go to the bedroom, sprinkle three times on the sleeping husband, only so that he does not wake up. And with the rest of the water, sprinkle the bed and all his things.

For this conspiracy, you need to take water from a consecrated church. Wait for the full moon to pass and the moon to go to damage. Take a liter jar of that water, get up early in the morning, before dawn, when it is still dark, and get up with that jar in the middle of the kitchen. And no one can see you. Lean over the water and, looking at the bottom, read these words:

As the brownie does not leave the house, he does not come to another, so with neither one - neither with the beauty, nor with the pockmarked one - my dear will not betray me, God's servant (name). So it will be, and my dear will not forget me. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Read this nine times. Then, with that jar, go around the entire apartment clockwise, and sprinkle all the corners with that water. And then add the remaining water to the husband in the morning drink, nine drops each, until the water runs out.

If the husband found another and was about to leave for her, here's what to do - take the spring water or the one in which the silver lay for a day. Pour it into a cup. And at midnight to go out with this cup for the threshold. Say these words:

I speak to you, servant of God (name), for bread, for water, for salt, for sugar, for sunlight, for a rainy day. You cannot be without me, servants of God (name), like a sun without a sky, like a river without banks, like a forest without trees, but if you leave me, you will begin to grieve, yearn for me, dry up, there will be no way for you, you will not be able to place in life without me to find. If you leave, you will come back to me anyway, so be it. The word is firm, will be forever. Amen.

Then sprinkle the threshold with that water and pour the remaining water into the husband's drink.

White love plot to turn a mistress away from her husband

This lapel should be done on a waning moon. At night, so that no one sees, stand at the window and in front of you a glass of running water put. Read these words while looking at the water:

There is a house under the mountain, a garden near the house, and in the garden on a branch there is a plum, ruddy apple. A magpie bird flew past, white only from the side. She grabbed the apple and took it with her. Dragged into the nest. But there will be evil in that nest as long as someone else's apple lies there. So it will be both evil and evil for the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) forever and ever, and all holy people cannot help them and do not reconcile and marry: not today, and not tomorrow, and not the day after tomorrow, and never. My business, my word, and you're done. Amen.

Drink three sips yourself, add three sips to your husband and sprinkle his linen that he will put on that day with charmed water. Do not keep the rest of the water in the house, but pour it out through the window or over the threshold.

A love plot for the husband to return home to the family from a rival

You need to take a candle and a little consecrated water from the church. Pour water into a glass glass, and when the moon goes up, get up early and put it on the window so that no one sees the lit candle, and next to it is a glass of water. Read these words:

As I, the servant of God (name), was baptized in the church with my mother, and with the mother of the godmother, and with the mother of the Lord. Holy Mother of God, for the sake of baptism, give me forgiveness. Please, help me, Mavo's husband, God's servant (name), turn to me. Amen.

Three times so to speak, and wait until the candle itself burns out. And then sprinkle the husband’s things with the charmed water. &one

A source:
White love spells for a man
All free white conspiracies are aimed at helping a person solve his life problems. For example, white love plots help bring love into life.

Unrequited love, the infidelity of a loved one, the coldness of the chosen one make you look for a way out with the help of magic. Many psychics believe that a love spell based on a photo is a very effective tool. You can try to make it yourself - the main thing is that there is a sincere and strong desire to achieve love from the object of sighing and the exact observance of all the subtleties of the ritual.

Turning to magic should be deliberate, because at the slightest deviation from the rules of a magical rite, various unpleasant consequences are possible both for the object of this influence (girl or guy), and for the one who makes the slander. Deciding to do love spell from the photo, you need to know the following:

  • You can not do a love spell with evil intentions. If you want to take revenge, or the goal is to destroy someone else's family, it is better to leave the idea of ​​​​turning to magic.
  • The magical effect of photography is mutual.
  • If everything goes well, the effect will last a lifetime.
  • The photo must be no more than three years old.

There are several ways to make a love spell from a photograph. Most magicians believe that one should stop at only one of them, and not go through all the known ones. By focusing on one thing, you can achieve much greater results. Targeted exposure gives stronger and cleaner energy, minimizing the risk of side effects.

In addition, if you do more than one love spell for one person, but several, then you can unwittingly harm him. If you have the slightest germs magical power(you may not be aware of this), or the combination of external circumstances is extremely favorable and contributes to the strengthening of magical fields (you may also not be aware of this), then the vital energy of the object of influence can be greatly weakened. You need to act prudently, and if in doubt, then consult with a real magician.

This love spell is done 3 times a day at dawn, at noon and at sunset, until the young man begins to show signs of attention to you. Here is the course of this ritual:

This love spell is especially powerful on a full moon. Therefore, start the ceremony a few days before the full moon, so that after a few sessions, the magical effect has gained maximum strength.

There is another way to call the love of a guy, which you need to do on a young growing moon. You need to get a photo of a cute in full growth or waist. Prepare also a red thread, canvas and a red candle. On the back of the photo, write your name on the top, and the name of your lover on the bottom.

Sew the photo with red thread, connecting the top and bottom lettering, leaving a small thread tail. In this case, the stitches must necessarily pass through the chest (more precisely, the part where the heart is located) of your man depicted in the photo. While sewing, imagine the images of your future with him as vividly and clearly as possible.

When making stitches, say a spell: " As the thread reaches for the needle, so you (guy's name) will curl behind me". Sew the picture from top to bottom and then up and finish where you started sewing. Pull up the thread with reverse side photos (pull towards you, to your chest). As a result, leave the tip of the thread ten centimeters long, tie it with the tail left at the beginning into a triple knot.

Light a candle, drip wax onto the thread knot on the back of the photo, sealing it. When you finish, say decisively: So be it!» Put the photo, put a candle next to it and wait until it burns out. Then wrap the stub of the candle with the photo in a canvas cloth and hide it in a safe place where no one will see.

When making this or that love spell in the photo, be careful and calm. You must be in a good, high spirits. Expecting the effect of a magical ritual (and it can come either immediately or after a certain time, even after a month or two), also try to always be in a good mood so that the spell does not dissipate and your efforts are not in vain. Do not lose optimism in any case.

A source:
How to make a love spell from a photo?
How to make a love spell on your own from a photo? To do this, just take a photo and just love a guy or a girl!

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This is how slavery goes.

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7 ways to make a man henpecked.

It will be sharp, so I recommend skipping this text without a sense of humor.

Sometimes you really want to have a man nearby who does not spoil your nerves and agrees with everything. How to drive your man under the heel.

1. We manipulate with affection

Whatever it is, don't take it out on the man at the beginning of your plan. It is better to show weakness, caress him, hug him if he refuses to fulfill your request. Affectionate words and touches will certainly make a man soften.

2. We deprive the initiative

If before a man decided where you will go, how you will spend your weekends and where you will put a flower pot, it's time to take matters into your own hands if you want everything to please you. At first, a man will respond positively to your initiative, and this should be used. Decide everything yourself, without his participation. Gradually, he will get used to the fact that he does not need to decide anything and will blindly agree with everything.

3. Scandalte

If your missus never took your things to the dry cleaners, didn’t donate a fur coat, didn’t cancel the meeting with his mother, you can’t lose sight of this. It's better to make a huge scandal right away! Yes, and such that later it was disrespectful! Then the man will understand that disagreeing with you is more expensive for himself.

4. A woman is always right

You need to convince your man of this. You can emphasize that women are the weaker sex, so you need to fulfill their whims and give in to everything. You can also put pressure on pity, complain about a difficult female lot, and he will have a strong conviction that life is more difficult for you than for him, so you need to give in.

5. Take control of the family budget

Present everything to a man in such a way that it will be easier for you if he gives you money. After all, you are the keeper of the hearth and you know better what bills to pay and what to spend on. Depriving a man of money will disarm him and drive him under the heel.

6. Isolate him from those who can be a bad influence

First of all, they are friends. There will be one who will say something like “Come on! Stop listening to her! It's a woman!" Therefore, try to isolate the man from harmful influences.

7. Don't Forget the Gingerbread

A henpecked person needs constant confirmation that someone needs him and is doing everything right. Therefore, do not forget to encourage him after what he has done for you. Men often become addicted to your "carrots".

And why do you need a henpecked?

I always do this, for some reason men themselves are led to it unconsciously.

I'm too lazy to be responsible for everything and decide everything. Yes, and not a woman's business, by nature. And I can caress and scandalize anyway, without manipulation, just according to my mood.

In order not to spoil the nerves and agree with everything, it is written!

To quit later, you need to make a man henpecked. I know these ladies. Although, in my opinion, you can make a normal man figs henpecked.

In fact, 95% married men- henpecked.

I had a couple of henpecked - not mine. Let the man get tense.

Well, if someone needs a rag nearby, then you can read the tips and take note.

I do not believe that in a relationship someone should be humiliated and infringed. And I just wouldn't be able to respect a soft-bodied squishy guy on an instinctive level.

Why is it necessary? A person must remain an individual!

I know such ladies who are so comfortable when a man is henpecked. Especially if a man initially idolizes you, then you can twist ropes out of him. A friend has been doing this for a long time, she herself is a flint woman under the guise of a cute girl, but in fact - a gray cardinal. Absolutely everything happens the way she needs, by any means. And she loves everything!

How do you litter train them?

I wouldn't feel comfortable, 100%. I can’t imagine my man with a heel. In a family, everything should be on an equal footing, without men in heels, and without women who are afraid to say a word across the peasant. Everything in moderation.

I wouldn't want to be a man in a family relationship. It is better to be a girl, and for a man to be the main one (but, of course, you don’t have to be a slave or a sheep - these are already extremes).

My ex once told me at the end of a relationship that he was afraid of me. Campaign, I unconsciously used the above schemes, and "crushed" him. Now my husband and I are reconsidering my behavior, I don’t want to sculpt myself slobbering next to me: “As you say”, “As you wish” - fu, it’s so uninteresting.

A normal man will never be henpecked.

It will if you love it a lot. Unfortunately. I saw examples. Lost my best friend! In general, a lot depends on a woman in a relationship, since female nature is more flexible and prone to manipulation.

Anyone really loving man a little henpecked.

Well, after all, listening to your beloved and giving in, or being the one whom the woman humiliates is different. How was it lost?

I constantly practice tips 3 and 4, I can still pout for 3 days and not talk, but he only pretends to obey, but he does it in his own way.

Well, why is it necessary to do everything yourself? Think for yourself, do it yourself, so that you like everything. I made it easier: I found a man in whom I am sure, and it is he who thinks and does everything and exactly the way I like it! And I live relaxed and enjoy, I take care of the house (by the way, with pleasure!). It is necessary to look for the right men, and not to disfigure the first thing that came into your hands. And then you will throw it out yourself and the other one will then get bored.

My husband is much smarter, older and more reasonable than me. Therefore, all decisions lie on his shoulders, and I'm henpecked, it turns out.

The woman just by cunning, caress, intrigues drove away my friend from "unnecessary", in her opinion, friends, plus he does everything in her interests. Now he owns it alone.

Good anecdote. Smiled.

As for me, this is disrespectful to the interests of another person. And only weak people do this, are they afraid, or what, that they won’t hold back?

When you read this and realized how women control men.

Normal such methods, efficient.

I just tried with a frying pan, it did not help.

Apparently it wasn't cast iron.

And then what to do with such a man? I have a rag in my bathroom, I need a man in my life.

It could be called this: How to make men behave like this.
Not a rag, but a personal Hottabych.

Especially some people kill by manipulating their pussy, if you don’t give it, another one, more accommodating, will give it.

Every wise woman is a manipulator, only what is described above is a manual for kept women. And so the thought is true, but in other ways, in others.

Is this for someone with a primitive level of development, such as a teenage gopota?

I immediately remembered the aphorism: "A kept woman is someone who has something to support. And if a woman has nothing to support, let her plow herself."

Strange post. A normal woman does not want to see a man as a weak-willed doll. Men need to be respected and show him that you are always there and irreplaceable! And with such advice as in this post - get a boy, you will be a hen for him. In the worst case, of course, get in the eye for such an attitude. And then he will find a mistress who will consider him a man. Here is the end of the story.

Damn, but henpecked and rags (in a good way) are born, not become.

Depends on upbringing. More often, children raised out of wedlock, or with one mother, become henpecked. Since it was explained to them that a woman will decide everything for you, and feed and clothe you, you should not think about it, my little son. Or when a woman is the head of the family, well, yes, more education, and they are also the same as their fathers.

I do this without advice.

And why make a man henpecked at all? Does anyone like it? So it's not just men anymore.

All women know these methods, only what to do with it later, and why this “it” will be needed.

And in FIG then such a rag is needed? Brad, not a post, and the one who came up with it. First they whine, then they turn them into henpecked people, and as a result they cry about what to do, he is a rag, I’m like a man, I don’t need one like that.

There are many, you just have to find yours. And there are so many idiots. And henpecked people are looking for a woman in whose house he will be the master.

It is impossible to make a henpecked man out of a man. He must be born and formed this way. Usually men are henpecked with low self-esteem, complexes and intelligence, like a chicken. There are few such men, but it is with them that a woman will be happy, since in a family a woman should be the main one. And to re-educate an ordinary peasant will not work, if he is also smart.

- "- Honey, what is the name of a henpecked woman?
- Clever!
- Well, I'm serious!
"A very wise woman!"
It's better this way! What the hell do you need a rag man for?

Well, why do you need it? You can't break a normal man! And nobody needs a snot.

In marriage, sometimes you have to negotiate, but I like my husband to be in charge.

Bottom line: you will become a man in the family.

Ugh. I don't like this. I love it when my Man is capitalized. Of course, somewhere cunningly I will direct it to the result that I need, but do not break it and do not make a rag.

Are these tips written for downs?

And as a result, chicks nightmare their men that they are rags.

Here's another. Men without initiative annoy me. I'm a man, right? I don't want to decide anything, I'm a girl, I want new shoes and a dress!

I know one henpecked man, recently he was only humiliated, but he does not react in any way, everything suits him. Then his wife came, who was 4 years older than him and gave us all love, and took her henpecked man by the hand from the bad guys. Matches on all counts!

And why do I need a henpecked? I need a normal man whom I will respect.

Well, why do you need such a man?

How to train your sex slave

Laura Antoniou

One of the biggest misconceptions in the world of sadomasochism, domination and submission is about the role of the sex slave. Whenever I meet someone who says they are a sex slave, I know they mean two things:

1) he does not do housework;

2) he has sex with his "upper".

Obviously, there is a mistake in this definition of a sex slave, and this mistake is in the absence of a “slave” proper. Frankly, this is rarely the mistake of a potential slave: they are well aware of their limits and preferences. I like to do household chores myself, and if sex is all that the “top” wants, then his desire, in principle, is quite easy to satisfy anyway. But let's face it, adult relationships usually involve sex. The sex slave differs from the silver polishing slave in that his only, and most important, task is to help his top achieve orgasm. To do this within the framework of unusual types of sex, outside the box, within the boundaries of domination and submission - that's the trick. That's where you are - responsible, smart, demanding, knowledgeable, sexy and above all dominant"upper" - build incredible power of your role. (And on top of that, you're getting the best sex of your life while also pleasing your partner or partners. What a good deal, right?)

First of all, let's formulate some necessary concepts. I believe that between two or more people there is a business, adult relationship in which they agree that at least one of them takes control and a dominant role - this is the "top" (it is also called the Mistress, Master , Master, Lord, Lady, Dominant, Dad, Mom, Ruler of the Universe, etc.). And the second person agrees to take on the role of a submissive partner who has transferred leadership and power to the “upper” and trusts him to a certain extent. This role I call the "bottom" (also known as slave, submissive, boy, girl, pet, etc.). People who move from one role to another are called switches.

Consent is a basic requirement, one of the main points of such a partnership. But you also need to agree on what your relationship will be like. Does this arrangement cover all the time or just the weekends when you are together? Is the relationship limited to a certain list of activities, a certain period of time and place? How much time will the “bottom” devote to this occupation, refusing to perform other duties and accepting some restrictions for this time? Can the top punish the bottom for a mistake, and if so, how? The more things you talk about before you start your relationship, the less you will have to stop, stop, and figure out “What is this?”. Nobody needs it.

During the discussion, both of you should understand why exactly you want to start sex slave training. First, the main reason is that it will improve your sexual relationship. Other good reasons include dominance and submission relationships, the excitement of playing with energy and power, the fun of role-playing, the satisfaction of learning something new, or both. In our unfair, often so arbitrary and cruel world, the opportunity to escape into the timelessness of an erotic relationship is priceless. It is a system where skill and virtue are rewarded, and punishment given with trust and love is an added bonus. So talk about it and identify the reasons why you really want to train a sex slave and why your slave wants to be trained that way.

You probably think you know what sex is. Here's the working definition I'm using; sex is any activity that increases the potential for orgasm.

Close your broken jaw. You didn’t think that sex was limited to the words “When two perverts love each other very much, a pervert boy inserts his cock into a ... pervert girl”? Once you expand the concept of sex beyond heterosexual procreation, it can become delightfully intricate. Yes, oral stimulation of the penis is sex! Yes, sex is cunnilingus, anal sex, intercourse between the thighs, between the breasts, handwork. That and telling your partner stories while she uses the vibrator. Long spanking, Japanese bondage, tango dance, masturbation, dirty phrases - it's all sex.

We cannot limit ourselves to activities in which orgasm is usually or at least most often achieved. If we were to rely on this definition, we would have to say that many women never have sex, even if they are vaginally penetrated. In addition, people with limited sensation in the lower genitals may never reach orgasm and still experience pleasure from sexual activities.

The field of activity for a sex slave is huge, isn't it? The sex slave should assist in any activity that increases the top's potential for orgasm. But this is far from a complete picture, because it misses the only element necessary for the system to work - active and manager the role of the top.

“But all I want from them is to have sex with me when I want it!” This is the usual cry of the “top”, who does not know exactly what to do with such a wonderful phenomenon as a potential sex slave. And it's not a lack of imagination: for many people, one or two partners who are ready to have sex with them anytime they want is a dream that can make them happy for many years. The problem, and partly the pleasure, for a good "top" is not only to impose his sexual desire on his beloved slave, when he wants sex, but also do it so how they both they want it. This is made possible as a result of a training regimen that includes exercises, tasks, rewards and punishments.

Training is, by its very nature, an act of power and dominance. The “upper” should strive to use any tool they have to testify to their power, otherwise their slaves will immediately turn the situation in their favor. Don't believe? Do nothing, wait, and you will see how many slaves quickly take control of the situation. If this makes you and them happy, you can skip this chapter and move on to the next topic. But if you want to build a more structured relationship where the top actually exercises dominance and the bottom actually hands over the reins to the top, you should try to train the sex slave.

Dominant/subordinate relationships and playstyles usually boil down to unusual species sex. Often these relationships are shrouded in clouds of misinformation. You should not be misled by people, albeit well-meaning ones, who say that you should be his slave 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, completely transferring power over you to him. The tips in this chapter are guidelines, use them the way you would use a recipe on a box of spaghetti. You can reproduce the recipe verbatim, or you can make changes: add more basil, less nuts, or an extra pinch of cheese. You have to create the relationship that works best for you and your partner, whether you're doing it as a spice on date nights, on weekends, just on vacation, or any other time you feel energized and can provide privacy. Just make sure you do it when and where it gives you the most pleasure.

Exercises and tasks

The first step in sex slave training is to identify your end goal. Yes, “a slave must always please the mistress” is a good sounding but completely abstract concept, so more specific goals should be defined. Learning, like the rest of nonstandard relationships, is a deeply personal matter for you. Never use anyone else's training program! What do they know about your preferences, your lifestyle, your relationships, your lovers? Nothing! Using their tutorials is like using their underwear: sure, it might suit you - but wouldn't you rather have your own? So start with what gives you pleasure - with pleasure, providing which your slave could become better. Let's say the mistress likes to have her vagina licked, and her slave does it very well, but he is not inspired by it. The goal is for the slave to become a cunnilingus master.

The "upper" then determines what training should be applied to develop the slave's talents. Of course, some exercises will be very intimate and sexy: “Lick me there. Stronger. Twist the tongue. Now suck my clit." These instructions, given while the slave is serving the top, are the most obvious start to the training program. You can also give the slave instructions before the action begins: "Using your tongue as a brush, spell out all the words of 'Bohemian Rhapsody' on my clitoris, and during the instrumental, suck my lips."

But this should not stop there. You can include other people in the training. If you have many lovers and you are not

stick to monogamy, bring in a special teacher or someone to practice with or on. Or add inanimate objects instead of mentors: dildos as penises, small lollipops as clitoris, pillows and balloons to develop skills in spanking, shaving and body painting. Due to restrictions on public nudity and sexual behavior, sex mentors have devised many ways to demonstrate erotic techniques on inanimate objects. Feel free to use them in your own curriculum. Of course, you can also send your slave to attend workshops taught by other people. When he returns, he will tell about what he learned. An order to study something - exercise within the training.

Assignments can be short and fun, such as "Find ten jargon terms for cunnilingus." They may include more serious research, such as "Read this book on anal sex and fisting." Or they may consist of an order to practice various techniques: "At the party next weekend, massage five people." They may correspond to a certain action or even a style of behavior. Let's say you and your partners enjoy an Edwardian house fantasy, with early suppers and tea, fine costumes, and strict master/servant roles. Instruct your sex slave to spend necessary work and set the stage for the afternoon tea and caning game you've scheduled for your next all-night date. Or have him read you some good Victorian porn on his knees while you drink tea or brandy.

When training goes beyond sexual methods to include role playing and other forms of behavior, your world also opens up to an incredible degree. Suppose the top not only enjoys sex, play and intercourse, but also the position of the bottom, which adds ecstasy to the relationship. Perhaps you enjoy the servility, the victim's fear of your diabolical schemes, and not the role of an unobligated happy whore! Or perhaps the role of "Yes, my lord and master" is more to your taste than "Surely, dear, right after I cure the worms in the cat." In any case, when ordering the “bottom” to behave the way you like during meetings, it is better not only to use your authority, but also to flirt with him.

Flirting? Why not? Flirting doesn't have to end just because your relationship has settled. And erotic games, whether they go on around the clock for a whole week or only in rare moments when you and your partner have time and desire, and also a secluded place where no one bothers you, should be flirtatious, sexy and be on your own reward. So tell your sex slave, "All day on Saturday I will hold you as my prisoner, tremble and obey!" This is a job that should be enjoyed. The worst thing that can happen is you laugh a little. It can be experienced.

When creating learning exercises for role play and fantasy, it is important to remember that you and your partner must keep pace. The parent/child game is very popular, whether it's playing the naughty boy being slapped on the knee by "Mom" or the precocious little slut trying to find out from "Daddy" what would happen if she did "It." But

if the supposed dad wants his darling girl to get up off her knees and shyly kiss him while teasing her with her white panties, while the supposed little girl wants dad to sneak into her bedroom at night and crush her in the dark with his body saying horrible things, then the date most likely will not work, and even more so it will not be a good example of training.

Reward and punishment

The next step in creating your personal training program is figuring out what to do when your slave does something:

1) wrong;

2) correct.

In both cases, it will be interesting, enjoyable, improve the quality of your sex and reinforce your Dominant/Subordinate roles.

These two stages are called punishment and reward, and I meant exactly what I said when I said that both should be fun. If something doesn't amuse you in your relationship, don't do it! Some people seem to be clueless about ways to make their lives more colorful and their relationships special - for none of them should this be a burden, including a punishment.

Remember, the goal of the training program is to improve your sex life and increase dominance and submission. Does your submissive partner already want to please you, already enjoy the voluntary execution of your orders? Being able to punish him for doing something wrong shows that you, the “top”, are the one with the power. It also shows that the "upper" pays attention to the "lower", which is perhaps even more important. Every person loves to be the center of attention, and the “bottom” even more than many others, even if they say the exact opposite.

Assume that the “bottom” participated in a rigorous toe-sucking training program – shrimping. This specific fetishistic technique is not so easy to learn, despite its apparent ease: to put a toe in your mouth, to suck, to repeat the action. However, problems can arise if the thumb needs to be tickled at the same time as sucking, or if the “top” likes certain actions with the tongue, or wants special attention to be paid to each finger in turn, or to be massaged with hands at the same time, or something. anything else in the same vein. One beautiful and sexy night and the bottom forgets the vital instruction to hold the top's heels with both hands. When the top emerges from the stupor of post-orgasm, he may announce with glee or, conversely, with a terrible and stern expression on his face, that the bottom, being unable to fully provide pleasure, should now be punished.

This moment of the scene perfectly shows why the partners must end all conversations and reach an agreement in advance. But even if the “bottom” sets the boundaries of what is permitted and says: “No, don’t beat me and don’t put me in a corner. No one puts a kid in a corner" and yet makes a reasonable argument, the top can always find some way to express their negative and dominant reaction to a mistake or rejection that doesn't bring up bad memories or make the bottom feel stupid. and unattractive, betraying the positive and sexual aspects of their relationship in one way or another. For some people, it's as easy as saying, "Do it again, slave!"

Sometimes a certain creative decision may be required, such as "To repair the damage done to my toe, you will have to go with me to a screening of a women's film about love and not utter a single snide remark about the film in the entire session." Believe me, they would certainly prefer you to spank them.

If spanking (as well as other sexual or playful activity) is scripted, punishment becomes what I call "another excuse to play." If your relationship is more formal, make the punishment something very different from what you use for fun. Use a cane instead of a bare hand or steel handcuffs instead of soft leather cuffs. Do it fast and hard and give the bottom a chance to ask for mercy (because it looks harsh) and then forgive him, hug him or otherwise calm him down and move on to improving the relationship. For many people who enjoy the role of a subordinate, being punished is one of the times they feel especially submissive, agreeing to something they would not like. Paradoxically, this expression of their obedience is very useful. Many bottoms report that moments of discomfort and embarrassment at the moment of punishment then turn into memories that they sort through with pride and pleasure, or even reproduce in fantasies accompanied by masturbation. Just make sure your whole game isn't punishment or your relationship with the bottom will end in his calculated defiance. Such actions will not be wrong if you yourself achieve it. But if you want to have a more positive learning experience, then you need to use the next item on the list of learning tools - the reward.

Reward is the opposite of punishment, the other side of the coin. The rewards can be whatever the "bottom" likes, ranging from "Do it again, slave!" and before accompanying him to the next time for a film about love with a minimum of snide comments during viewing. Or spanking. You can do a clever trick and reward the "bottom" with a new task. But whatever reward you use, make sure to accompany it with verbal praise and you'll see your relationship glow with pleasure and adoration again. For obvious reasons, rewards are easier to talk about than punishments—you won't often come across a reward that could bring up bad memories of abusive upbringing or dark school days. But it’s always worth knowing for sure and remembering that the “bottom” loves, so as not to announce a reward that he could accept with a raised eyebrow or even with a chuckle. Beware of Homer Simpson-style rewards: Don't give your sexy slave a bowling ball that fits your hand, give him a better butt plug that fits his ass.

Use your creativity

Ultimately, even the most jaded of the tops may find that they seem to have already taught their bottoms everything they wanted to. Usually this feeling is a combination of laziness and lack of proper imagination. Why should you stop creating more subtle ways to enjoy yourself? Expand your learning with variety. When your sexy slave has become the most amazing blowjob in the world, start teaching him how to lick anus. Or instruct him to find new variations in blowjob that are not in his repertoire. However, formulate tasks as precisely as possible so as not to look like a jaded lazy person. "Go think of something I like" is the worst excuse used by the "upper" after "Go online to find a manual for a sex slave." Either way, you will get what you deserve. Remember, this is a very personal relationship, so direction and leadership is in the hands of the top. Give your slave what it takes to get going! And if suddenly you express yourself very vaguely, accept what he or she offers, kindly. And try to express your next task as clearly and precisely as possible.

And don't forget my definition of sexual behavior, do you get turned on by a long, slow dance? Then you should choose a good dancer for the role of your slave. Rubbing your back with fragrant salt crystals in a hot shower makes you ready to turn around and have sex with your partner pressed against the tiles? Then stock up on scented salts and a slave ready to jump into the shower with you as part of your training. Perhaps your slave will need to shop for new fragrances or simply keep a supply of your favorite salts. Or even make them yourself if possible.

In addition to serving directly at the genital level, don't turn your back on other SM pleasures. Many tops sincerely enjoy a long, sensual spanking or, conversely, a short and painful one. They simply confuse the act of receiving pleasure in this way with a subordinate position. There is a huge difference between getting a spanking and ordering someone else to hit themselves harder; knowing this and being able to enjoy what you like, whatever it is, is what it means to be a confident, strong top.

Unfortunately, many Dominants have also deprived themselves of the pleasure of becoming passive objects in intercourse or performing blowjobs with their sex slave due to the misconception that this will make them subservient. It is not the action that makes partners the dominant and the subordinate, but the attitudes and intentions of the partners. "Well, my slave, have you earned the right to fuck me?" - perhaps the strongest dominant statement that can be heard from the mouth of the "upper", while the "lower" is compressed into a quivering mass of flesh stuffed with eroticism. Or it could just be one of the many ways a slave can be sexually exploited - after all, it's your slave. His hands and penis are yours, as are his mouth and other orifices. How you use his body and their skills is part of their sexual service to you. And if your new slave is not trained in the art of active intercourse, make him happy: here you are completely new opportunity learning, accompanied by many tasks, rewards and punishments.


There is another aspect of learning that you can both enjoy and benefit from, and that is testing. I do not include it as one of the fundamental concepts, because, in truth, each of your meetings can be considered a kind of test. But you can schedule specific tests by announcing them to your sex slave as a fun surprise. You can use the test to mark the end of your prep period with it, or just to spice up a quiet weekend. Let's say your sexy slave has been cleaning your shoes for three months because the gloss makes you extremely aroused. And now you need your slave to learn this art to the smallest detail - your shoes will sparkle, and you will come to complete ecstasy. You can call a quiet house party by pulling out a pair of boots that have been hidden from your slave for months, or host a celebration at your local leather lovers' bar with all your mutual friends so they can watch and celebrate passing the exam. Your slave polishes his shoes, you grab him and fuck him on the floor in the basement or right there on the table, in front of the whole company. He passed the exam, wow! Everyone around is happy!

Or you've been ordering your sex slave to learn the most advanced and sophisticated fisting techniques for quite some time and you think he's now ready to give you an unforgettable adventure. But instead of setting up a homemade dungeon with a noose, candles and soft music, you are waiting for him on dining table with her legs up to the ceiling as she gets home from work. “Do it to me, slave,” you command. "Do it right, or you'll get hurt."

A sex slave's training certainly doesn't end with the usual unprepared exam.

Lastly, remember that your learning relationship is ultimately just a small part of normal human interaction with a partner. No need to make each other unhappy because of this. If this leads to opposition, or if you hurt each other's feelings in the process, stop learning and take care of what really matters to you. Keep in mind that your goal is to expand the field of your sexual activity, to strengthen your erotic connection. Intimacy and relationships are a complex set of exciting aspects of dominance and submission. If these goals are your number one priority and you are able to laugh at the occasional mistake without feeling threatened or humiliated, your role as leader and mentor, judge and arbitrator of rewards and punishments will satisfy both you and your sex slave. And your slave will definitely be grateful to you for it. And that's exactly what you need!

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How to make a guy henpecked many women are very interested in the question: how to make a silk man out of a proud and stubborn man, fulfilling all the whims of a henpecked man.

You will find the answers in this article on how to make a guy henpecked.

First you need to prepare the ground and create the necessary conditions

The first step is to praise him, encourage him for every little thing, show him how important he is to you.

If a man is flattered by pleasant praise, then he will try to please you with more force in order to receive a new portion of pleasant words to increase his self-esteem.

And now, when it has already matured, it's time to implement your plan. Gently and unobtrusively offer him to do various household chores - let him get involved little by little.

Remember that only you should make decisions.

Next time, you will already forbid him to hang out with friends in a bar, etc. If you do not comply with this, all your plans will be ruined.

But before moving on to such radical methods, you need to start small - you should not immediately sink the gas pedal to the floor.

Your opinion must be instilled in a man carefully

The main goal is to convey to him that your point of view is important and correct, and everything else is nonsense. There is a little secret: at first, tell him only those facts that he will easily accept.

Say, for example, that his favorite rock band or football team is the best. A man will be surprised and pleased that his views and interests coincide with the opinion of his beloved woman and trust will appear in your words.

Well, then you can safely inspire him with thoughts that his new secretary is vulgar, and his mother-in-law does not know how to cook.

Never leave your beloved the right to vote and choose. Do not ask about his desires. Let him be content with whatever you choose for him. At first, this can be disguised as a surprise.

Trust me, he will be happy with it. But then your "chic surprises" will come to naught and he will get used to it.

What to do if a man does not give in? There is an exit!

Cry, put pressure on pity, threaten to leave him. Pretend to be poor and unhappy, saying that no one loves you. This cunning move will melt and pity the heart of any man (if it is not made of stone) and he will surrender under your pressure.