Spell to sleep well. Help with insomnia, strong conspiracies and prayers

Difficulties at work, financial setbacks, problems in family life, large volumes of training material are the main causes of poor sleep. Subsequently, a person throughout the day is nervous, irritated, dissatisfied, cannot set up communication and business relationship. If, after the examination, it is found that there are no health problems, a decision is made to try the conspiracy to sleep.

Soft plot for a good sleep for an adult

The advantage of such rituals is their harmlessness and lack of magic, and, accordingly, their connection with dark rituals. On the contrary, in addition to good dreams, you can resort to luck, find out unusual facts about yourself. If you follow the recommendations and the compiled algorithm of actions, then it will be quite difficult to harm yourself. They are elementary in carrying out and can be more effective than drugs. Real insomnia a rare thing, in which a person will need a weak conspiracy lapel.

What do we have to do

It happens that you wake up late at night, and then attempts to fall asleep are not crowned with success. Fixing this problem is real. First you need to sit comfortably in bed with your back down. Hands need to clasp the celiac plexus. Whisper or silently voice the following text:

“I walked along a sleepy path, did not lead me, but the ending is not at all visible, and I have no sleep in my eyes.

I invite you to sleep again, I wish you to reach the end. Let slumber and bliss come to me without hindrance.

At this moment, keep your eyes closed, and thoughts go in a good direction. You need to repeat the plot 7 times.

Rite with the use of charmed milk and honey

If a simple plot to fall asleep did not work, the bottom line is that heated or boiled milk of any origin is placed on a nightstand or table near the bed of an insomniac. Waiting for it to cool down, say 2-4 times:

“Milk cools down, honey collects in itself. And insomnia flies away, heavy, restless thoughts take away with it. Good night to me, and good sleep to me. Amen".

After the milk has become warm, add one tablespoon of honey to it. This mixture must be carefully split and gradually drunk, pronouncing the words:

“Insomnia goes away, bliss comes to me. As a heavy thought leaves, so a healthy dream comes.

If the plot did not work, repeat the procedure next time, increasing the volume of milk and the amount of honey.

Rite for sound sleep and prophetic dream in adults

It is necessary to do the ritual on Saturday. For this you will need things:

  • fresh bread products;
  • sacred salt.

Gently sprinkle the bread with a few pinches of salt. After placing the products near bed. In the process of gradually falling asleep, speak bread and seasoning:

“Sunday with Monday, Tuesday with Wednesday, Thursday with Friday, and you, beloved Saturday, have no friends, here’s bread and salt for you, and in return you give me a clear dream.”

There are no special food requirements. Bread just needs to be fresh, and seasonings can be chosen to your liking.

Prophetic dreams can help you find out the hidden truth about another person or yourself. It is also possible to see life path loved ones in the form of a film or photo. Meeting in a dream with relatives or friends is a bad sign. If you take away an important thing from a dear person, you can provoke trouble.

A strong conspiracy for sound sleep in an adult

The causes of poor falling asleep and sleep itself can be not only health problems. Difficulties arise for those who have been spoiled, the evil eye and other rituals with a bad purpose. In such cases, the most effective is a plot using seven candles.

Necessary materials

What items are needed for the ritual? It is necessary to find or remember in advance such magical attributes:

  • church candles in the amount of 7 pieces;
  • clean white paper;
  • the text of the prayer.

Please note that candles must be bought in a church, temple or other sacred place. There they are endowed with the energy of peace and tranquility.

What do we have to do

This conspiracy good dream has a strong effect on the body of an insomniac, so it is important to maintain the sequence of all actions so as not to harm, but to help. Follow this plan:

  1. The ritual is held at midnight in a separate room in the absence of household members.
  2. Arrangement of candles wooden table or other stable surface should resemble the shape of a round object.
  3. Sit at the table as comfortably as possible and light the candles.
  4. Watch their flames very carefully.
  5. Focus on the desire to be free from a long absence of normal sleep.
  6. It is necessary to read the conspiracy text in a whisper:

“Let the Servant (or Rabinya) of God (or God's) (voice your name) walk and walk during the day, and at one o'clock at night, let peace await him. I wish that the dark night would cover me with a soft, warm slumber, so that my thoughts would not circle over my head like black crows. Let the night take my thoughts to itself, and give me a sound sleep. And if suddenly an enemy or foe tried, and sent damage to me, then let him have a bad ending. He will weep like wax candles. If done to me, it will return a hundredfold to him. As soon as the candles go out, so darkness will close all evil into lifelong captivity. I will get rid of heavy and angry insomnia. I will sleep soundly at night like a baby. All that I have said will come true. Amen".

Sound continuously until the candles are completely extinguished at home. Next, you need to go to sleep with the mood for a good and sound sleep full of good ones. Provided that all the points are made correctly, there should be no problems with falling asleep.

Conspiracies for a baby for sound sleep

Difficulties with laying down small children happen in every young family. Subsequently, constant whims, crying, tantrums, discontent. You can help the baby without resorting to magicians, psychics or other magical practices at home, because the energy of a loving mother is the strongest. If the baby does not want to go to bed, but at the same time is naughty from fatigue, this may indicate the consequences of an unkind look from the outside, in such a case, the baby’s conspiracy to sleep well will be the right choice.

A simple plot for a sound sleep of a child

Qualitative actions will lead to a sound sleep of the child, the vision of bright dreams. Stroke the baby's face with your fingers very lightly and gently. In the process of laying down a restless baby, there should be no other children in the room. The child's eyes must be closed. You need to read the entire passage:

“Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, by the Power of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross, and the Holy Guardian Angel of my child, and all for the sake of the saints who care for us, have mercy and save me and my child, as Good and Humanitarian. Amen"

After the ritual, kiss all the children, and the baby on the crown. A sense of security and sincere maternal love will make the baby's sleep peaceful.

An easy ritual and a conspiracy for a calm sleep of a child

First of all, wet the baby's legs, hands and face with some water consecrated in the temple. You need to carry out the procedure during sunset, turning the baby towards him. Speak the text below:

“Don’t ruin my baby insomnia, don’t wake me up. Find an owl bird, walk with it, do not offend my child. Do not discredit the dream, fly away, I drive away.

Be sure to repeat about 3-4 times for effective action. You can also do it while standing by the window.

Folk conspiracies and prayers for the sleep of young children

Observant individuals have long paid attention to the fact that it is really possible to regulate the baby’s sleep with the help of special words, that is, sometimes using a conspiracy to make the child sleep soundly. But many experts also recommend paying attention to prayers. Holy Mother of God. But you need to understand their power and use only in critical situations. If a child has a problem with falling asleep, but the doctor does not find deviations, folk conspiracies and prayers for the sleep of young children will be a worthy alternative to strong drugs.

Conspiracy to sleep children: a folk rite with a prayer

Slavic peoples have always believed in the power of nature, so often effective conspiracy on a baby's sleep is connected precisely with it. Having chosen a plot for a calm sleep of a child, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Dress your baby in clean white shirt or a nightie.
  2. Stand near the bed and stroke the child with all motherly love.
  3. It is necessary to read the conspiracy words:

“Healthy sleep, you are sweet! My child (indicate the name of the child), put to sleep, Take it to sleepy mansions. So that his spirit rests, So that my baby sleeps soundly.

It is advisable to give the baby chamomile or other herbal tea in a bottle. This will enhance the effect of the rite, strengthen and strengthen the conspiracy to sleep the child. Before reading, you need to put things in order in your thoughts so as not to be distracted by anything.

A conspiracy to sleep a baby using plants

Fridays are ideal days for reading a conspiracy text. It is necessary to read them when falling asleep your beloved baby. The parent who will speak the text to the baby needs to prepare:

  • grass or a bouquet of greenery, but preferably sleep grass;
  • fiery red thread of strong wool;
  • memorized text of the prayer.

When these attributes are prepared, it is necessary to carry out the following:

  1. Collect branches of sleep-grass in a neat bundle.
  2. Tie this herbal bouquet with a thread of bright red color made of wool.
  3. Overshadow the baby with the resulting product three times.
  4. Speak phrases:

“I baptize with the Cross, the servant of God's child (name the child) I lie down to sleep. Sleep tight, don't be afraid, and wake up - have fun from the heart. Amen".

It is better to do it several times in order to avoid similar sleep problems in newborns in the future. Restful sleep at night in children is primarily a guarantee of their health and proper development.

A conspiracy to sleep a child from N. Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova was a very kind and smart woman, her responsiveness and participation in the life of children has already helped many mothers. Many of Steppanova's rituals are used by mothers to treat children, but there are also special rituals for sleep and good sleep for babies. With the help of a certain conspiracy of the problems of poor sleep and the crying of babies during the day and night, it is really possible to get rid of.

How is the ritual carried out?

A prerequisite is the reading of the prayer text by the mother of the baby. Having prepared necessary attributes, follow these steps:

  1. Coal residues from a fireplace or a fire put in your hand.
  2. Type in the early morning in the desired container of liquid (it is allowed to choose a simple water).
  3. In a whisper, say the conspiracy words:

“You are midday malice and you are a tired noon,

You are a midnight mother and you are a painful midnight woman,

Day, night, midnight, don't rage, don't bully a small child,

Do not dean over the servant of God (insert the name of your beloved child),

Baptized child, my prayer blood,

Galsya, dekan over black soot, but over someone else's arc,

Above the transverse patch, and above the unnecessary galitsa. Amen."

Wash or pour over different parts of the baby’s body in the morning, in the daytime and in the evening with charmed water throughout the day. The best solution will learn the prayer.

Always monitor the behavior and health of the child. If any deviations are noticeable, consult a doctor or use conspiracies.

Healthy and sound sleep is very important for each of us at any even a young age. With our rhythm of life, a good and sound sleep is not enough for many. Nerves, worries, constant stress, poor ecology and other factors slowly but surely drive us into insomnia, and so sometimes medicines are powerless to do something worthwhile, they help, but somehow only at first and then not for long.

In such cases, it is better to turn to the help of magic, it is not so difficult to read a plot at night, but there will be a lot of benefits from this. After all, having a good night's sleep, you will not only rest at night, but also during the day, feeling a surge of strength and vigor, you will redo more necessary things.

A conspiracy to sleep soundly for yourself

It is better to use a similar rite every evening (night) before going to bed, at least until your sleep returns to normal. Within a few days you will feel that you have begun to fall asleep and sleep much better, and during the day there will be some freshness and vigor, which will undoubtedly add strength to you.

At least half an hour before the ceremony, and preferably an hour, try to move away from all the negativity that may surround you, the Internet, movies, high-toned conversations, showdown, and so on.

To conspire to sleep, you will need to buy a new handkerchief, and you should not take change and thank the seller. When you are ready for bed, tie a handkerchief into three knots, after each time say:

“I will tie a sound sleep with three knots. So that no one would wake me up at night, would not fornicate next to me, in a dream I would not have a nightmare. To keep the devils and dark forces away, they did not frolic near me. So that my guardian angel would protect my sleep and drive away all troubles. And so that restless legs would not wander in my dream road. And to see (a) I would have sweet dreams, but wonderful dreams. So that, as soon as my eyelids closed, they would not open until morning, and I would not know anxiety, I would not see pampering. So that I, the servant of God (servant of God) (name), sleep, as if in the Lord's arms, forget about troubles, not to know grief. Amen.

There should be three knots on the scarf, and you should read the plot three times. After the scarf, without untying, put it under the pillow and you can fall asleep peacefully. At the same time, try to drive away extraneous thoughts, and you certainly can’t think about something bad or disturbing you, this destroys magic, and on your own part.

A conspiracy for insomnia, which once helped me

You must have heard something from traditional medicine that it is easiest to lure a strong and good sleep with a glass of hot milk and a spoonful of honey, it is not for nothing that the grandmothers of their grandchildren drink warm milk at night. This action can be strengthened with the help of a conspiracy, which has long been used by the Kuban Cossacks.

Boil a glass of milk in some small saucepan, you can take half a glass if, for example, like me, you don’t really like milk. Then pour the milk into a glass and put it to cool near your bed, and while it cools, you need to say several times:

“Cool milk, drive away insomnia”

I drank milk still hot as tea, because I like it more. You can wait a bit for it to be at a comfortable temperature before drinking it, but it must be kept warm before drinking.

Just take a spoonful of honey and eat it, not necessarily at one time, I did it in several approaches and washed it down with warm milk, while you need to say:

"Insomnia irrevocably go away, healthy and sound sleep come"

This part of the plot also needs to be spoken several times.

I know that some may think that I am a magician-healer and I should not have health problems, but I don’t have any, despite my age. But first of all, I am a person and I also have difficult periods in my life, and just in one of such periods, when it became difficult for me to fall asleep and sleep at night, I took advantage of this conspiracy before bed.

The only thing is that this conspiracy to sleep is best read every night before going to bed for at least 10 days in a row. I took a small jar of honey and a liter of milk, drank a little more half a glass, and it was enough for me for a long time, then I bought one more liter of milk, and there I don’t even remember how there were no problems with sleep.

On the red thread

You need to take a strong red thread made of natural, but not synthetic wool, tie it around your right wrist and say before going to bed:

“Just as this thread is strong and does not break, so my sleep will be calm and strong and no one and nothing will disturb it. As he said (a), so be it. Amen"

The thread must be worn like this and read the plot for a sound sleep at least for a week, preferably one and a half. Also, in addition to this conspiracy, you can use some folk remedy. For example, simple green or onion has a calming and even some hypnotic effect. Onions can be used to make a decoction or simply delicious salad shortly before going to bed, but this is if you don’t kiss anyone at night.

Read also:

How to deal with insomnia folk remedies

Modern life with its pace and stress carries a lot of dangers, and one of them is a chronic sleep disorder - insomnia. It is already known and proven by scientists that the sleep of our ancestors was calmer, longer and of higher quality, which contributed to better health, endurance, resistance to various diseases in our ancestors, in comparison with us ...

When a person sleeps soundly, he relaxes, the work of all organs improves, and brain activity rests. You can compare this state to a computer restart.

Therefore, when a person does not sleep for a long time, there is a failure in the normal functioning of the body, which will be followed by serious psychological disorders.

Sleep problems

Everyone has had sleep problems. Stress at work, anxiety for loved ones - all this is understandable. But what to do if insomnia has become a habit? How to get normal sleep? After all, this is very important.

Why do you suffer from insomnia

There are many reasons for insomnia, and they often depend on the psychological well-being of a person. Of course, you can drink sleeping pills before going to bed, but this is a harmful chemistry, which is also addictive. And the problem remains the same.

Major problems associated with insomnia:

  • Anxiety, excitement, fear, stress, depression.
  • Mental overstrain at work (at school, college).
  • Long sitting at the computer.
  • Mental disorders, disease of the nervous system.
  • Bad habits such as smoking and alcohol.
  • Overeating at night, drinking coffee.
  • A change in the usual environment, an uncomfortable bed (for example, while staying at a party or a hotel).

What is the danger of sleep disturbance

Any sleep disorders negatively affect well-being and reduce the quality of life. Chronic sleep deprivation causes the following conditions:

  • performance decreases;
  • increased irritability;
  • there is a breakdown;
  • a person gets depressed.

There are much more serious problems caused by insomnia:

  • there is a risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • the work of the brain is disrupted;
  • the risk of problems associated with the endocrine system increases;
  • agnosia of nerve cells occurs.

That is, daily lack of sleep is fraught with serious health problems. So, it is necessary to deal with sleep disorders. It does not hurt the patient to undergo an examination in order to choose a technique. The drugs used should have a sedative effect, eliminate anxiety, restore the functions of the central nervous system and, as a result, normalize night sleep. Indications for the use of sleeping pills are the symptoms of insomnia, which are observed with a regularity of more than a month.

The pills prescribed by the doctor will help to cope with the problem of sleep disturbance, but after determining the causes that cause the failure of the night cycle. In pharmacies, a wide range of over-the-counter drugs is presented. These are usually herbal preparations. Homeopathic remedies are the safest to use. This group includes:

  • valerian;
  • Novo-Passit;
  • Persen;
  • Neurostabil and others.

This non addictive pills, they help to relax, relieve stress, make it easier to fall asleep, improve the quality of sleep.

There are many chemicals. They are prescribed by a doctor and have the most effective effect, but can provoke serious side effects. And some are dangerous, as they have a psychotropic effect. New and most modern drugs for insomnia:

  • Lunesta;
  • Rozerem;
  • Zolpidem;
  • Zaleplon.

From tranquilizers for insomnia more commonly prescribed:

  • Lorazepam;
  • Phenazepam.

They are released exclusively by prescription.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can see a lot herbal dietary supplements with a sedative effect. Among them are such medicines:

  • Sedistress;
  • Neurostabil;
  • Sedonic;
  • Palora.

Drugs with sedative and hypnotic effects, of course, will help overcome insomnia, but they can be used only for a short time to avoid addiction or, even more dangerous, psychological dependence. But in order to get rid of restless sleep, sometimes it is not necessary to run to the pharmacy for sleeping pills. Good help in the fight against insomnia can be provided by common folk methods or prayers and conspiracies.

Speaking of insomnia, you need to know that it includes not only problems with falling asleep, but also shallow sleep associated with frequent nocturnal awakenings. This is sometimes so exhausting that a person feels overwhelmed all day. before resorting to costly chemicals, you need to try other methods to normalize sleep:

  • herbal treatment;
  • prayers;
  • conspiracies.

Recipes for falling asleep quickly using medicinal herbs have been invented for a long time. Not only are they not obsolete, but they are becoming Lately more and more relevant. To the most simple means include herbal supplements in teas and decoctions. It can be flowers and leaves of chamomile, mint, lemon balm. Add honey, raisins, hops and lavender to your evening tea.

Prayers for insomnia

Let's take a closer look prayers and conspiracies as a means to get rid of the problem of poor sleep. Sometimes it is they who will lead to the expected result, and nothing else will be needed. Most often, having already tried all means, they turn to prayer. And this is wrong. It is especially necessary to resort to prayer in the first place, if it concerns a child. The words of a magic spell will also be more useful than tablets with sedative tinctures.

Prayers for the normalization of sleep are pronounced at the icons of saints:

  • Nicholas Ugodnik;
  • Mother of God;
  • youths of Ephesus;
  • Saint Irinarch;
  • Alexander Svirsky.

Most often, if those suffering from insomnia do not know which image to turn to, they rely on their requests to Nicholas the Wonderworker. And it is right. You can ask the saint in your own words, as long as they are sincere. Or you can memorize such a small prayer and say it before going to bed :

  • Wonderworker Nicholas, the saint of God, my Protector. Give me humble humility and do not torment my soul with demonic excitement. Protect my mind from harmful thoughts, bring night weariness. Let my body rest from the bustle of the day, the anxiety of the day will go away. Forgive me all the sins that torment me day and night, I believe in God and His power. May your will be done. Amen.

And here's another one strong prayer from insomnia in an adult, which should be read by the sick person himself or for him, and it is addressed to the Monk Alexander Svirsky:

  • O sacred earthly angel and heavenly man, reverend and God-bearing Father Alexander, saint of the Lord and the consubstantial Trinity, I flow to your mercy with faith and love, help! Ask for the temporary blessing of peace and tranquility for my life, for my eternal salvation, which I still need. Contribute with your representation, saint of God, may the Lord give me and all of us intercession in every sorrow and in every circumstance. In a difficult hour of life, as in the hour of death, appear, intercessor, don’t give my soul to ordeals, in the power of an evil enemy, but make us rise to the Kingdom of Heaven, our father! Hear my hopes, ask for me, a servant of God (name), intercede before the throne of the Most High and the Life-Giving Trinity, and ask, together with all the saints, who glorified their greatness in the villages of paradise, give me the grace and mercy of God forever and ever. Amen.

Another prayer for adults to sleep, recited before the face of the Monk Saint Irinarch of Rostov:

  • O Reverend Father Irinarsha! We pray to you diligently: intercede for us God, ask us, the servants of God (name or names), peace, health, silence and prosperity. Save us from all the enemies visible and invisible, give us a fence, cover us with your intercession from all troubles and sorrows, from the temptations of the enemy, we all glorify the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
  • God, send us peace of mind and body, with prayers to the holy and reverend Irinarch of Rostov. May Your will be done. Amen.

The holy words of prayer over the restless sleep of a baby are pronounced in the presence of the icon of the seven youths of Ephesus.

  • O marvelous saints seven-numbered youths from Ephesus city, we and the whole Universe send our hope to you! Look from heavenly heights and glory at us, sinners, who honor the memory of you with love, we resort, Christian babies, to your intercession. Bring down on the child the blessing of Christ our God, do not leave the child, come to the rescue. Bring healing to the sick, comfort to those who are grieving, keep their hearts pure, fill them with meekness, plant and strengthen the seed of confession of the commandments of God in the ground, grow that seed from His power. And all of us, standing before your face, servants of God (names of the child and parents), praying now, vouchsafe the Kingdom of Heaven in help and give voices of joy glorifying the magnificent name of the Holy Trinity. Amen.

This prayer should be read every day over the cradle of the child, putting the icon in the head or under the pillow. After three days of continuous prayer, the result will be noticeable. Holy words addressed to the seven holy youths will help the child fall asleep soundly.

Whatever the cause of insomnia, in order to get rid of it, it is recommended not only to offer prayers, but also to try some strong conspiracy, magic. Healers from insomnia practice light rituals that are associated with the words of prayers and turning to God. These ceremonies should not be confused with actions to induce a prophetic dream, to which, for example, the plot "77 Brahmins" belongs. Consider several of these light rituals aimed at gaining peace of mind and getting rid of insomnia.

To conduct them, the house must have church candles and holy water. Candles must be lit, and the room (bedroom) sprinkled. Carry the candle in all corners, where it crackles a lot - hold it longer. The room after this action must be ventilated. You can go to bed, but before going to bed, say a conspiracy.

A conspiracy that is used for adults and children, more often for boys:

  • I take off, I take off my insomnia from the servant of God (name), from the clear falcon, from his beautiful face, from his bright eyes, from cherished thoughts. I point at his bright eyes and on his face white dream strong, night sleep. My words are strong, my will is mighty, everything I say will come true, what I said - yes it will come true. Come, sleep at night, to the servant of God (name). I close my words with a golden key, I throw that key to the bottom of the deep sea. Amen. Amen. Amen. May it be so.

If you put your child to bed, but he is restless and sleep still does not come, start lightly stroking his head with your hand, moving to your eyes, and accompany your actions with the following conspiracy words:

  • guardian angels, heavenly warriors, stand at the head of the servant of God (name), stand on the right side, stand on the left side, guard the servant of God (name). Protect from evil spirits, from envious black tongues, from enemies and all evil. Let him fall asleep sooner and sleep peacefully, kindly and righteously. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You should know that the cause of poor sleep can also be a conspiracy, the so-called magic insomnia. In this case, drugs will not help. Here you need to remove the induced ailment with the help of a similar rite. For the ritual of removing the slander, you will need seven church candles and a poppy flower (you can buy poppy seeds in the store). You need to perform magic on the night when the moon is waning. Such a lunar force, leading to a decline in terrestrial energy, will take with it problems with sleep.

This rite is done both for oneself and for a close relative. It is necessary to place lighted candles on the table and carefully peer into the flame. Thoughts should be completely focused on the desire to be cleansed of extraneous feelings and emotions. The more feelings are invested in the spoken words, the faster you will be able to fall asleep well.

The words of the magical conspiracy:

Attention, only TODAY!

Good sleep spell no wonder it is in demand.

Probably, it is not worth saying that the current rhythm of life is not only harmful, but even dangerous to health.

And if you can deal with food in the slightest degree, excluding those that are clearly harmful, then what about sleep?

After all, how much and how much a person lives depends on the quality of sleep.

Constant violations of the process, whether you like it or not, lead to negative processes, or rather, to diseases.

Hence the need to find a magical conspiracy for a good dream arises.

And it is simply necessary to ensure that sleep is normal, leading to complete and complete rest.

Otherwise, a person will not differ from an alcoholic or a drug addict.

No, he doesn't use harmful substances. It just “poisons” your body in a completely different, indirect way.

It is bad that at school we are not told about such “little things” from the point of view of those who develop programs.

There is different means and methods of "fighting" with the problem. Some are labor-intensive and "energy-consuming", others are simple. Here we'll talk about them.

The fact is that you can “agree” with your own body. Do you know that you can "ask" him to get a good sleep?

Yes, a conspiracy.

This is a kind of mental "medicine". You involve in the work on your health not chemical elements but natural forces. Sometimes, it's more efficient.

And most importantly - absolutely not harmful.

Any such ritual is performed immediately before a night's rest.

This is not a medicine, you can use it every day. It's not addictive (just kidding).

After a short time, you yourself will feel: you have become much better to rest. Even a short sleep will fill you with freshness, cheerfulness.

Just with the help of a conspiracy, you turn off the "centers of concern." They also “grind” problems and anxieties in their heads at night.

There are some rules for using these magical rituals.

The main one is: try to avoid negativity before going to bed. Movies, books, conversations that can cause anxiety should be forgotten for a while.

When you learn how to work with conspiracies, be sure of their effectiveness, it will be possible not to strictly adhere to this recommendation.

After all, magic for the most part rests on the belief that it is omnipotent (in this case).

It is better not to put yourself in a position where events will fuel doubt or disappointment.

“In Tsargrad, in the Crystal Country, a miracle sits on a malachite wall. The miraculous, miraculous, sparkles with rays, summons misty images to itself. He gives to each according to his merit. To whom - a nightmare, to whom - a horse with a plow. You, Miracle, look at me. Give me peace in the land of the night! May all nightmares and passions remain with you from adversity. May the night sleep that will cover my world be calm, worthy of kings. Amen!"

A conspiracy to sleep soundly

Get a new handkerchief. Tie it in three knots while saying:

“I will tie a sound sleep in a knot. So that he does not wake up, does not fornicate, the nightmare does not come. So that the devil and Satan remain at the bottom. So that the Angel guards the dream, drives away trouble. So that the anxiety of the legs does not rush along my sleep path. To inspire sweet dreams and wonderful visions. To close the eyelids and not open, so as not to know anxiety and pampering. Sleep the Lord's servant (name), as in the Lord's arms. To rest - not to know troubles! Amen!"

"God! Bless! Lord, free me from sin. The Lord's servant (name of the baby) will lie down in bed, the Lord's seal on him, Angels - in the head and legs. Savers on the eyelids and lips. Guard his soul from evening to morning, so that he sleeps - rests, without waking up. To see sweet dreams, to my surprise. Amen!"

Conspiracy for sound sleep to the patient

In order for a person suffering from an illness to have a good rest, it is recommended to carry out the following ancient rite.

  1. Take his shirt (anything he wore during the day).
  2. Put it in front of the Icon (better than his Guardian Angel).
  3. and read three times:

“God, Almighty! Your kindness is upon us. Below us is Satan's emptiness. Lord, bless Thy servant (name) for a peaceful sleep, bringing balm to the soul. To your holy rest, may his soul be with you! Let him not be disturbed in the night by ailments or the servants of the devil. May the Angel with its wings drive away dark clouds, evil eyes, nightly fears and stove ailments! Amen!"

This ritual is performed for a person who often wakes up at night, insomnia begins.

It also happens when it is impossible to calm down and sail away to the country of Morpheus from daytime experiences and ups and downs.

You can do the ceremony for yourself or for a loved one.

  1. Wash your face with cool water.
  2. Say like this:

“In the day of the Lord, the slave (name) worked tirelessly, not knowing peace. Now the pitch-black night has come, bringing peace with it. Let the night cover me with drowsiness, free me from black thoughts, which stirs my soul in the morning. Let the black crows fold their wings, it was day - now it's night, the fuss is gone. The birds have fallen asleep, the animals have rested, the whole world has drowned in silence, and it is calling me, the dream will not go away. It will catch up with me and cover me, drive away the thoughts that bother me. The slumber comes, it does not accept resistance. Amen!"

When reading for someone else, instead of "me", say "Lord's servant (name)".

If it didn’t help right away (this happens during periods of strong excitement or frustration), then repeat the words of the conspiracy in bed.

It is advisable to pronounce them in a calm whisper, stretching a little. Do you know how lullabies sing songs? Approximately the same.

Other words can be said:

“The moon was in the sky, it was full of ideas and dreams. She saw me and sent handfuls of dreams. Sweet, not bad. She bound the brain in chains. Yes, I didn’t take it into slavery, I took it to the land of dreams. There, moths flutter, circle their heads and put them to sleep. I will take the moon by the hand and dive into the night with it! Let it stay until dawn. Doesn't let you get up, only sweet sleep! Amen!"

We cannot know exactly what the future holds for us. To find out, you can go to a fortuneteller or learn to guess yourself. Or should you see prophetic dream. Here it can be argued that not everyone dreams of such dreams. Not all people are endowed with the gift of prophecy, but if you read the plot for a prophetic dream, you will receive the necessary information. The most effective is a conspiracy to water. But you need to choose the right time to read it and prepare for the ritual.

Most effective way to see a prophetic dream is a conspiracy to water


In order for the prophetic dream plot to work, pay attention to these details.

  1. Choose the right day for the ceremony. Auspicious time is the waxing moon. But not all this period, but only the last few days before it becomes complete. If you read the water conspiracy these days, you will not only look into the future, but also learn how to solve the problem that worries you at this moment.
  2. Take care of complete privacy. For those who do not live alone, it will not be easy to fulfill it. This should be taken care of in advance. Talk to relatives or friends. Let loved ones spend this time with them. For a magical rite need for silence and solitude. Therefore, it is important to turn off all phones, tablets, computers and other equipment. There should be no one in your bed that day.
  3. Buy a church candle in advance and bring holy water. For a conspiracy to water, you can use a simple candle, water, but it is better to bring all this from the church.
  4. Room preparation. In the bedroom, hang herbs that you love to smell, let the room be filled with pleasant aromas.
  5. Bath. Before the ritual, take a soothing bath, adding to it essential oils lavender, mint, rosemary.
  6. Correct thoughts. Do you want the water plot to work? Forget about what worries you, do not worry. You must be relaxed to see a prophetic dream.
  7. When you read the plot for sleep, do not tell anyone about this rite. Before the ritual, it should not be spread about either.

If you follow all these rules and read the prophetic dream plot, you will be able to see something important for you.

Favorable time for a conspiracy is the growing moon

Carrying out a conspiracy

The rite itself, which allows you to see the prophecy, is not complicated. Light a candle. Take a glass, fill it with holy water. Say a conspiracy over it three times:

“Clean water, holy water, help the servant of God (the servant of God) (your name) see a prophetic dream. Let him (her) dream of everything that will happen and come true. Let him (a) remember everything, let him know. My word is the law, as said (a), so be it. Amen!". Or another option: “Purified transparent water, help the truth to dream. So that I, God's servant ( given name) was able to see a prophetic dream. May everything that is soon to happen appear to me in a dream and not be forgotten after. My word is strong, as I said - so be it. Amen".

Wash your face with this water and go to bed. Already in bed you have to say:

“I guessed (a) - it will come true!” or “Everything that you wished, let it come true!”.

This night you should dream of a prophecy.

You read a plot for sleep, but you didn’t dream about what you hoped for. What to do in this case, how to get rid of this bad dream?

Foolish or not?

First, find out if everything you see is negative. Maybe this is some kind of warning, a signal to be heeded? If after such visions you feel light at heart, then you do not need to worry. When an unpleasant and bitter aftertaste remains after sleep, then read a conspiracy that will help from bad dreams. They will help you deal with the situation. But remember that conspiracy is not a panacea. If it were that simple, people would easily avoid misfortune. A conspiracy from such dreams will either block the negative, or mitigate the consequences that could be. Instead of one tragedy, there will be minor annoyances that will ruin your day, but will not cause serious harm.

Conspiracy is not a panacea

How to act

What to do after a bad dream, how to behave? These simple tips will help you block its negative effect of bad sleep:

  1. Don't talk. On the day you saw him, be silent, do not talk to anyone until noon. If you saw him on Wednesday night, then do not tell anyone about him, wait at least until Friday evening.
  2. Linens. Take off your bedding, turn it inside out and put it back on.
  3. Starvation. From a dream, you understood that someone was going to die, you saw someone die. So that there are no consequences, drink only water on this day, refuse food. You will have to fast from morning to evening.
  4. Help animals. If you saw evil spirits or devils that scared you, go out on the same day and look for a stray cat, taking a treat for her with you. You need to feed her, and if possible, take her home.
  5. Crucifix. When a nightmare recurs constantly, hang a crucifix over the bed. Or you can put a "seal" of a mixture of your sweat and water in the headboard.
  6. Treasured words. After bad dreams, go to the open window and say:

    "All the good stay, all the bad go."

    Or go to the bathroom, wash yourself three times cold water and say three times:

    "Where the water flows, there the dream goes."

After bad dreams, read conspiracies that will help neutralize them. For the plot to work, say it as soon as you wake up. Before that, you can’t talk to anyone, just like getting out of bed or looking out the window, otherwise it won’t work.

“Rise a good dream, crack a bad one in half.”

Or say the words of this conspiracy three times. The words of the conspiracy from a bad dream are repeated three times, one after the other, immediately after waking up. If you forgot them, you can just say:

"Where the night is, there is the dream."

And this will help, but this is a lightweight option, it is not so reliable, but it is simple. Here is the full text of the plot:

“I had a dream, from the servant of God (name) rolled away into the far distance, into the endless distance. Where the night is, there is the dream. Or this one: “I will put on a holy robe, I will stand on the domes. Just as a shadow does not drop its shadow, a hand does not eat a hand, it does not curse its tongue, so a bad dream passes, does not come true. Lord Jesus Christ, protect me! Amen! Amen! Amen!".