Aries man and Scorpio woman are famous couples. Horoscope: Compatibility of Scorpio Woman and Aries Man

Liana Raymanova

Aries is ruled by the elements Fire and the planet Mars, Scorpio is ruled by Water and Pluto, respectively. The compatibility of the signs is far from ideal, since both the planetary and the zodiac influence do not favor this union.

The relationship between Aries and Scorpio is a series of fierce battles that emotionally exhaust both partners. Any trifle can become a reason for a quarrel, but the real reason is struggle for leadership. Both signs are very stubborn, do not want to share the palm even with a loved one.

Despite numerous signs of incompatibility, representatives of the Fire and Water elements are quite capable of existing under the same roof for decades. It also happens that the feelings between lovers are so deep that they are ready for almost any sacrifice in order to preserve the relationship. In this case, both partners resign themselves to the idea that the family altar will become a battlefield for them.

Scorpio is much more prudent, he is distinguished by a cold mind and insight

In this difficult union, it is more difficult for Aries. He is quick-tempered, emotional, impatient. Representatives of the Fire element are unable to keep their plans secret for a long time, so their attacks are often impulsive and poorly thought out.

Scorpio is much more prudent, it is distinguished cold mind and insight. People of this sign have a well-developed intuition, which allows them to calculate the actions of others in advance. Thanks to these qualities, Scorpio gains some superiority over Aries and willingly uses it at every opportunity.

Aries and Scorpio Compatibility Chart

Compatibility of Aries man and Scorpio woman: the pros and cons of relationships

Aries is a bright and charming man who is popular with the opposite sex. This strong-willed and goal-oriented person inclined to achieve what he wants by any means. He begins to have novels at a very young age, but usually they do not last long.

The Fire sign man is looking for the perfect woman. As soon as he is convinced that the next partner does not meet his requirements, he immediately leaves her. Aries have an imperious character, they strive to completely subjugate their beloved. But if they meet a woman who is a little stronger or equal in character, then they may well begin a long romance with her.

The prospect of constant rivalry does not frighten the warlike wards of Mars, but, on the contrary, attracts

The Scorpio woman is charming, has a peculiar charisma and a special refined charm. She is attractive in the eyes of men, but does not pay much attention to it. Suitors are also in no hurry to actively pursue their beloved, because deep down they are afraid of her. No matter how gentle and charming the representative of the Water sign may seem, others still feel her incredibly strong character.

Lady Scorpio is overly jealous, but does not like it when this feeling is shown towards her. She's also not ready to start serious relationship with anyone, although she does not need numerous novels to search for the ideal. Pluto's ward completely trusts her intuition and does the right thing - at the right time, the sixth sense always gives a hint.

The union between Aries and Sagittarius is unreliable, full of contradictions. But this is a very bright combination that can cause a storm of emotions in the souls of both partners.

Are they compatible in love?

Aries and Scorpio do not threaten to get bored in each other's company, together they will not have a moment of peace.

For this couple, a permanent heat of passion is the only possible norm.

Both partners will torment both themselves and their soulmate with jealousy. Both will be fixated on each other. Both will find joy in this strange love union, full of aggression and mutual recriminations. Over time, one of the two will happen: either the partners will get tired of the rivalry, and they will disperse, or they will get used to this state of affairs and begin to feel happy in each other's company.

Aries guy and Scorpio girl in sex

Partners have approximately the same passion and temperament, but the couple “he is Aries, she is Scorpio” is likely to have problems in intimate life. A man looks at sex as a simple physical process that brings pleasure. A woman takes this issue much more seriously, considering making love a special kind of sensual pleasure. On this basis, disharmony often arises, partners do not stop swearing even in bed. But if they discuss openly their claims and wishes, then an idyll will come in this area.

Partners have approximately the same passion and temperament

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

Aries and Scorpio should be prepared for the fact that after marriage, life together will become even more difficult. To the poor compatibility of characters will be added everyday problems, and then the couple will begin a real test of strength. Jealousy and the habit of regularly sorting things out in raised tones will not go anywhere.

But there are married and positive points. Scorpio's wife will pretend to recognize the head of the family in her husband. Aries husband will believe in this, and will be fabulously happy. In fact, the representative of the water element almost completely controls the state of affairs, keeping her husband in the dark with the help of the notorious female cunning. As a result, both are satisfied, there are much fewer conflicts in the family.

The birth of children will further strengthen the union between Aries and Scorpios

In the process of education, representatives of these signs will begin to understand each other better, will be less obsessed with their relationship.

Is there friendship if he is an Aries and she is a Scorpio?

Opposite-sex Aries and Scorpios usually begin to be friends from an early age. The likelihood that friendship between these signs will start in adulthood is extremely small. But the old connection, which has been strengthened since the school bench, will surely last for more than a dozen years.

The Aries man and the Scorpio woman do not always understand each other well, but they are ready for a lot for the sake of a friend. Mutual support and mutual respect- this is the basis of friendly relations between our heroes.

How to conquer an Aries man?

Aries is a powerful and strong man with the character of a leader. He is unlikely to like a girl who will try to take a dominant position. Therefore, it is much easier to win the heart of this guy with affection and care. Like any man, he likes to listen to praise in his address. But it must be well-deserved - Aries cannot stand flattery and other manifestations of insincerity. For the same reason, it is better not to try to make him jealous. Instead of starting to pay more attention to the girl he loves, he will consider her an insidious traitor and wave goodbye.

Aries do not like powerful women, but with all their hearts they gravitate towards active ones.

A modest gray mouse has almost no chance to attract the attention of a fiery guy, he stares only at spectacular and energetic ladies

Aries is looking for a partner who can maintain the same dynamic pace of life as his.

How to get the attention of a Scorpio woman?

The Scorpio woman is wise, insightful and prudent. She is unlikely to appreciate the romantic follies on the part of the boyfriend. But it will not be possible to win her heart without signs of attention at all, they just have to be solid. The Scorpio girl will be glad to be invited to a restaurant or to a secular party. She is looking for a responsible and fully formed partner who does not need to be rebuilt for herself in the course of living together.

The Scorpio girl will be glad to be invited to a restaurant or to a secular party.

To attract the attention of a woman of this sign, you need to use simple and honest ways. The Scorpio girl does not tolerate deceit and easily recognizes insincerity in the behavior of others thanks to her well-developed intuition.

Compatibility Horoscope for Aries Woman and Scorpio Man

The Aries woman is an emotional, impatient and extremely active person. She almost always achieves her goals, as she tends to show perseverance and inexhaustible fortitude. She is not averse to sometimes commanding in a relationship, but prefers strong men. It is advisable for the chosen one of the fiery lady not to skimp on gifts and compliments, to pay much attention to her beloved. In this case, she will be satisfied with the relationship, even if the role of leader in them went to a man.

In relationships, he tends to show signs of being possessive and jealous. Even a slight flirtation on the part of the chosen one can be a reason for a big scandal. Scorpio will not tolerate betrayal from his girlfriend, but he himself is ready to guarantee one hundred percent fidelity.

Love relationship

It will not be difficult for an Aries girl to attract the attention of a Scorpio she likes. The man of this sign will be so fascinated by the fiery lady that he will make every possible effort to win her sympathy. The relationship between representatives of the fire and water elements always full of passion, which at first clouds the eyes of lovers. Then they notice each other's flaws. From that moment on, their communication begins to be dominated by raised tones.

The relationship between representatives of the fire and water elements is always full of passion.

Aries woman and Scorpio man is one of the most inconsistent combinations. They can gently hold hands and whisper words of love, but after a few minutes their loud swearing will shake the neighborhood. A truce usually comes as quickly as the conflict itself. Surrounding such frequent mood swings among partners frighten and surprise. No one believes in a successful union between Aries and Scorpio, except for themselves. Lovers are often right, because they both like life in the style of Italian passions.

couple sexual attraction

The wards of Mars and Pluto have a magnificent sexual compatibility They complement each other perfectly. The bed often becomes a place of reconciliation for this couple. Partners are so eager to quickly throw themselves into the arms of a loved one that they are ready to make almost any concessions.

Jealousy can bring a slight discord into the almost perfect compatibility of these people.

Aries and Scorpio tend to be overly suspicious of each other, although neither of them is thinking about treason.


The relationship of the Aries-Scorpio couple rarely reaches the registry office. But if it comes to marriage, then we can confidently predict a long life together. It is unlikely that representatives of two stubborn signs recognize their marriage as unsuccessful and leave attempts to save it.

Most likely, the partners will take a long time to reach mutual understanding, and after a few years of living together, they will still find it. Having children will speed up this process. Husband Scorpio is a good family man who will pay a lot of attention and mental strength to raising offspring. Aries wife is a born teacher, her children will surely succeed in life.

How are Aries girl and Scorpio guy friends?

Friendship between an Aries woman and a Scorpio man can only start if there are common hobbies and interests. Representatives of these signs can not always find mutual language, both are too passionate about the struggle for leadership positions. If in love relationships this feature is a minus, then in friendly games it should clearly be considered an advantage.

A spirit of rivalry hovers over the friendship of Aries and Scorpio, which effectively motivates both to new achievements.

How to win a Scorpio man and build a relationship with him?

Scorpios are lovers of everything secret and unknown. They like mysterious girls who need to be conquered. But the guys of this sign do not like pretense and lies, so do not try to pretend to be another person when communicating with them. You should not behave too openly either - Scorpio is not interested in direct tactics of seduction. To win the heart of this man, you must be able to balance on the fine line between pretense and the creation of an aura of mystery around your image. The chosen one of Scorpio must be an intellectually developed person, the guy of this sign is absolutely indifferent to stupid simpletons.

Guys of this sign do not like pretense and lies.

Is it possible to fall in love with an Aries woman?

There is every chance to win the heart of an Aries girl in strong, enterprising and original men. It is these guys that attract the attention of representatives of the fire element. To win the sympathy of one of them, you need to take action as soon as possible - invite the lady of the heart to the cinema and restaurants, give her flowers.

A good way to get close to an Aries girl is to play on her passion for rivalry. You need to captivate her with some kind of game: cards, chess, ping-pong or other similar competition for two. In this case, it is advisable for the chosen one to choose a variety in which he is stronger. If the Aries woman is constantly half a step away from victory, this will greatly provoke her. All the attention of the ward of Mars will be directed to the enemy, and there already the emergence of sympathy is just around the corner.

November 27, 2017, 04:29 PM


Psychological compatibility Aries men and Scorpio women in a relationship

Before Pluto was discovered, Aries and Scorpio were thought to be ruled by the same warrior planet, Mars. This alignment implies that both signs achieve what they want with an assertiveness that is inaccessible to many. However, due to the fact that they belong to different elements, their motivations do not coincide.

Aries men in a relationship respond to any challenge, regardless of how much they are personally affected by a particular situation. Having witnessed the massacre, they instantly choose a side, grab a weapon and actively join the process. Scorpio women are also not afraid of a fight, but they need a good reason to participate in it, or at least an emotional connection with the people involved in such a fight. This is the difference between the two warlike signs: Scorpio women, aware of the danger, carefully plan the transition to the attack; Aries, perceiving a threat, immediately begin to act. Aries men don't just love combat, they love fighters. In addition, they hate weakness, and Scorpios do not give reason to doubt their strength.

Aries always cut the truth in the eyes; Scorpios are constantly in search of the truth. They are ready for incredible accomplishments for the sake of those they trust, but all the honesty of the world does not keep them from the temptation from time to time to be convinced of the decency of people close to them.

Scorpio women like the principle of life of Aries men: "You get from me what you see in me." This openness is crucial for Scorpios, as they are convinced that everyone and everyone has ulterior motives. Of course, relationships with Aries will also go through a phase of distrust, but suspicions will dissipate immediately after Scorpios realize that their partner is simply not capable of being so prudent.

Aries men and Scorpio women are characterized by anger, but the reasons for it are different for them. Aries ignite instantly: if they don’t like something, they literally turn purple. Scorpios, on the other hand, show strong emotions only as a result of receiving serious mental trauma. Their rage means they are hurt and still hurt.

Sexual Compatibility Aries Man and Scorpio Woman

These signs are astrological "relatives" who share the same level of passion. (By the way, Aries men are completely fascinated by the deep and mysterious nature of Scorpio women, which gives their relationship a romantic flair.)

Waves of sexual energy emanate from Scorpios, giving rise to an irresistible desire. Aries are always ready to respond to the call, but are not able to identify with the range of feelings experienced by a partner. The fact is that sex for Aries men means only physical intercourse, and Scorpio women give a love affair a deeper connotation, noticing all its nuances in order to appreciate its true meaning for themselves. If such a relationship suits both, then the combination gives excellent results; in the opposite version, it can develop into a dangerous confrontation between two strong-willed partners.

Business Compatibility Aries men and Scorpio women

Business relations are not recommended for this couple, compatibility is not favorable. The fire sign Aries will never get enough satisfaction from a job that does not fully involve its high energy potential. And the water sign Scorpio-woman will constantly extinguish the enthusiasm and activity of Aries-man.

What an Aries man needs to know about a Scorpio woman

Aries, Scorpios are harder than you. For them, life is full of mysteries and mysteries that they need to solve for their own survival. It is unlikely that you are able to understand such things. Like a radar, they track your every movement and intention. Treat this sounding as a given and try to treat it with the same respect you would expect female Scorpios themselves to have for your own quest for adventure and confrontation. It is obvious that you, unlike your Scorpio, perceive the people around you without any ulterior motive, but treat his research without judgment, which will undoubtedly prolong your life together. One last thing: remember that Scorpio women are extremely secretive people who do not want to show anything personal - no matter how harmless you find this or that information. Refrain from telling your friends any details of your relationship.

What a Scorpio woman needs to know about an Aries man

You must understand that not everyone is interested in analyzing their motives, especially for Aries, who do not tend to engage in self-esteem at all. In relations with them, you should rely only on your own feelings, since they will not try to convince you of their devotion and sincerity. According to Aries men, their very presence next to you means everything else, including what you are so worried about. They are simply inaccessible and uninteresting to the depths of your consciousness.

Aries man and Scorpio woman compatibility: chances for the future

These two signs are very similar. Their mutual respect for each other's needs is quite enough for the emergence of a long-term relationship, although they cannot avoid "bumps" in their life together. Scorpio women are fixed Water (deep and emotional) and Aries men are cardinal Fire (fast and inspirational). Being aware of these differences will help them avoid misunderstandings early in the relationship. Based on mutual understanding, these two are able to maintain true friendship, the main value of which will be devotion to a comrade. Aries men can also help Scorpio women cope with inner doubts and learn to respect the feelings of others themselves.

This combination is very promising, but its final success requires some maturity of the partners. Scorpio women, having found a person whom they unconditionally trust, become his friends for life. Aries-men for such a person will go into fire and into water. Their union can be surprising if both parties deal with their own problems and give up their claims to their own unconditional leadership in a pair.

The compatibility of a Scorpio woman and an Aries man is an interesting topic. And all because in the marriage union there are two people with strong characters, and besides, both are “Martians”. Therefore, the compatibility of the Scorpio woman and the Aries man can end either in strong, strong love, or in the worst war.

Briefly about the union

So, only independence, freedom, equality and independence can become a strong foundation for the relationship of this couple. And, of course, the desire to give the partner what he wants is important. What does the horoscope say about this? Aries-Scorpio is a couple in which a man needs care, affection and tenderness, and a girl needs reliability, a strong shoulder, determination and strength. And, I must say, both can satisfy the desires of their soulmate emotionally.

The Aries guy is courageous, with a strong, determined character who will always support his beloved. And the Scorpio girl is sensual, passionate, ready at any moment to surround her lover with attention and female care. Existing together, these people strengthen in each other such an important feeling as trust, gaining confidence in a joint future.


Many people consider the compatibility of a Scorpio woman and an Aries man to be something unrealistic, impossible. They believe that if a couple consists of such two strong personalities, then the relationship is doomed to failure, because people supposedly will compete with each other and fight for leadership. But not in this case. The Aries-Scorpio couple in love is surprisingly good. A real idyll can reign between a man and a woman, but only if each of them restrains his emotions and authoritarianism.

Aries needs to learn how to calm their impulsive nature and try to get rid of unreasonable jealousy. Willfulness, self-will, coercion - these are the negative qualities of a person born under this zodiac sign. Aries needs to get rid of this if he wants to continue a good relationship with a Scorpio girl. And she, in turn, in order to preserve the family hearth, needs to build up under her partner and quickly understand his specifics. In dealing with him, it is worth showing your natural abilities, which consist in the ability to dissemble and cunning, but only for good. If an Aries man wants praise and the feeling that his partner is listening, so be it. Why not satisfy such a desire? This will not be difficult for a Scorpio girl, but a man will be satisfied and confident in his authority.

About the pros

Love, feelings, harmony, mutual understanding, respect, mutual assistance - all this can bring relationships to Aries and Scorpio. Confident man and a passionate woman, together they will achieve everything they want. By the way, the sexual compatibility of a Scorpio woman and an Aries man is great. This is one of the most important advantages of this relationship. Physical intimacy helps them to get closer spiritually, to better understand each other's desires, to feel their partner. It is worth recognizing that this aspect is important.

The characters of Aries and Scorpio are also similar. Both the girl and the guy in this pair are independent, sincere, straightforward, energetic. Such an alliance will definitely not be boring and mundane. And this is another reason why a successful relationship develops between Scorpio and Aries. The fact is that both simply cannot stand boredom in a relationship. They need the fire of passion, and this is the reason why they choose each other.

About harmony

It is worth noting that due to the raging whirlpool of feelings, passions and desires, their family boat sometimes shakes well. However, all of the above brings completeness, meaning and brightness to their life together - without this, neither Aries nor Scorpio can live. So their "boat" is quite stable. The Scorpio girl in this pair does not mind giving in to her ambitious partner in terms of leadership. She will even help him achieve success, for which he will definitely be grateful.

The people who surround this couple (friends, relatives, colleagues) are surprised by him. Self-confidence and incredible strength seem to come from these people. Even those around you feel it. And if Aries and Scorpio are nearby, then even no one has the idea that they are outsiders. It is immediately clear from them that this is a couple, and strong.

About cons

Well, from an exceptionally positive side, such compatibility of the signs of the zodiac (Aries and Scorpio) can be characterized? No, that's not entirely true. At first, quite frequent quarrels and even scandals can arise in this pair. This is because these people are not yet accustomed to each other, it is difficult for each of them to adapt to the character of their partner. Because of this, there is misunderstanding. But, in principle, everything can be avoided. But those relationships in which partners cannot be realized can end sadly. To prevent this from happening, they need to help each other. Otherwise, each of them will begin to dump aggression on their soul mate. It is very important that the anger of Aries does not meet with a similar emotion of Scorpio. Unfortunately, statistics show that the most serious criminal cases of a domestic nature occur in these couples. So in order to avoid negative consequences, they should both learn to restrain their emotions.

How to reach mutual understanding?

In order for the relationship between Scorpio and Aries to be harmonious, both of them need to be active and not sit at home. Any productive activity here will only benefit. If Aries and Scorpio succeed in any area and become socially or financially successful, then quarrels and misunderstandings will disappear from their relationship. They just don't want to fight. Plus, there won't be time for it. The fact is that the representatives of these zodiac signs are individuals for whom it is vital to feel successful. If one of them did not achieve what he wanted, then he will be angry. It ends badly, as you can see. So it is necessary for both of them to go to the goal and support each other along the way. Feeling the shoulder of a loved one, both Aries and Scorpio will be able to achieve what they dreamed of.

Family life

Marrying Aries with Scorpio is usually not in a hurry. Both of them will go to the registry office only when they understand: yes, this is the same person. Both Aries and Scorpio need confidence in the future. Perhaps, precisely because they take a long time to decide to sign, such marriages break up extremely rarely. They begin family relationships only when they gain confidence in their partner and resolve all issues that may arise.

Scorpio and Aries Friendship

If love between these people is not uncommon, then companionship is not common. But this does not mean that there will be enmity a priori. Not at all. The Aries guy appreciates the sincerity of the Scorpio girl, and she, in turn, is delighted with his truthfulness and openness. But this is not enough for strong friendships. Both of them are potential leaders. And if in family life someone can give up, realizing that his opponent is a loved one, a soulmate with whom he is united by a high feeling, then in terms of friendship this is not to be expected. A partnership between Aries and Scorpio can develop if they have a common goal or business. Then it will be successful, because both of them will wake up with excitement and a desire to act, and in tandem. They both understand that together they can achieve a lot, and this inspires them not only for action, but also for friendship.

Not every couple can boast of such a strong and passionate combination as this. These partners show incredibly strong compatibility. In love, they are just as good as in other areas. Although the Aries woman has a complex character and willfulness, the Scorpio man will pacify her without any problems. Harmony is explained by the honesty and fidelity of both lovers. And before considering this union in detail, it should be said right away that finding a more successful one is not an easy task.

How does an Aries and Scorpio relationship begin?

Scorpio is an incredibly demanding creature. Therefore, both in love and in work, he is drawn only to almost ideal people. Aries, with his directness and inability to play up, immediately attracts such a man. She must show that she is ready for a bright and long relationship. A woman who does not know how to be noticeable and seductive has a lesser chance of winning the attention of such a difficult object. But if this succeeds, in love in the future everything will be great.

They have an incredible amount in common. Among the most important features observed in this case, one can name an incredibly strong desire for creativity, an inexhaustible smell of labor energy, an original outlook on life and firmness in all matters. Scorpio impresses with its reliability. Aries can expect that this partner will remain faithful to her, even if there are many potential "objects" for treason nearby.

But they do not immediately imbued with trust in each other. A man is especially wary of his partner. He can evaluate and try on for a long time. And only when the ram earns his respect, in love they can get something truly worthwhile.

Interestingly, in love, these partners quickly reach the bed. There is an irresistible attraction to each other. Sexually, everything is also excellent, so the lovers sincerely enjoy each other not only in the platonic, but also in the physical sense. Sex itself is important for both. But more importantly, it allows the couple to become stronger.

Compatibility in love

Such a couple immediately catches the eye of others. The independence that distinguishes a woman quickly disappears when a stronger scorpion appears nearby. Complementing each other, they create a single whole. It is surprising that they periodically have scandals that do not particularly harm the relationship. Just partners know how to put up, which is a huge plus in love. The form of reconciliation can be very different: a bouquet of flowers brought, a luxurious dinner or spontaneous rough sex. The thing is that a man is inspired by his partner, and she reacts positively to his attempts to make peace.

In love, such a union shows excellent harmony. Mutual understanding is also always present. As a result, Aries and Scorpio form an almost mystical connection that does not allow them to part. As time goes by, the connection only gets stronger. A scorpio man sets new goals for himself and achieves more while a woman stimulates him to do so. It is not uncommon for situations when in love each of the partners achieves what they could not do alone.

Thus, in the love of this couple a huge number of pluses. But still, it is important that each of the lovers understands well what the other side needs.

How to improve your relationship as a couple

A distinctive feature that a scorpion possesses is a strong desire to know as much as possible about the chosen one. And therefore, the Aries woman must prepare that she will periodically be tested for strength. That is, the eternal fairy tale is not worth waiting for. In love, a man is sometimes scary and does such unexpected things that she is shocked. Still, she shouldn't doubt it. Therefore, it remains to behave as usual, that the scorpion calmed down and made sure that he made the right choice.

Another aspect that an Aries woman needs to know comes down to the man’s periodic attempts to remake his beloved. For example, Aries is often characterized by pronounced restlessness. She needs to run somewhere, strive for something, and so on. Scorpio, who usually does not like this, is quite capable of making attempts to give his partner more calmness. But to do this is incredibly difficult, so such attempts are most often doomed to failure. He will have to come to terms with the fact that in love people “remake” exclusively themselves, and not just at the request of the other side.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that partners often quarrel. The initiator of quarrels is usually a woman, since living with a scorpion is extremely difficult. It is important for them to learn to forgive, because without this relationship they will not be able to develop. The main problem is that Aries are not particularly patient. If something does not suit them, they openly express their claims, even if there are no real reasons. In love, it is very difficult to do without jealousy, and Aries is jealous. It is desirable for her to still restrain her violent impulses and not express unconfirmed conjectures.

A man, if he wants to increase compatibility, must learn to relate more easily to her whims, which will be quite a lot over time. These whims arise from the fact that a woman always remains a child in her soul. But this "child" is very honest with his chosen one. Scorpio himself should not be jealous, because the chosen one will not deceive him. If she has someone on the side, she will immediately say about it, but rather just leave. But the betrayals themselves in such an alliance are incredibly rare.

Problems in love

Most often, a misunderstanding in such a pair occurs when an Aries decides to become a leader. Then she still begins to unobtrusively, and sometimes directly indicate how the scorpion should act. He, in turn, does not like this. Scorpios are generally distinguished by their ability to suppress any attempts to encroach on their independence. Even if they feel good in their love, a serious conflict can break out. And the stronger the woman will push, the more violently the man will resist.

The next dangerous trait that can sow discord even in true and strong love is jealousy. Aries is jealous. But even more jealous can be a scorpion. At the same time, his vindictiveness sometimes borders on hatred. Once having suspected his beloved of treason, he will return to this over and over again and periodically remind his partner of her "punctures".

It will be possible to live for many years in love only on the condition that the woman does not give serious reasons to be jealous of her. In addition, she does not need to try to become a leader if the scorpion itself does not give such an opportunity. Otherwise, problems cannot be avoided. He is the undisputed leader of relationships. And where exactly the partners will move in love depends on him. No matter how strange it may sound, but Aries in this combination solves very little. This is a feature of strong and independent scorpions.

An explosive mixture with great prospects

With all the difficulties, partners can achieve excellent mutual understanding and form a strong alliance. But this is possible only on the condition that they manage to constantly listen to each other and clearly distribute roles. Then in love they can be accompanied by perfect harmony and order.

A man - Aries and a woman - Scorpio will be attracted to each other from the first meeting, because the couple has excellent astrological compatibility. Usually, the relationship between Aries and Scorpio develops into a marital relationship and lasts for many years. This happy union where love and understanding reign.

Partner interaction

Bright personality, self-confidence, sexuality, which is inherent in a woman - Scorpio will certainly attract the attention of Aries. He himself also has a bright, mobile energy and is always confident in his abilities. Ideas boil in him, the desire to move towards the new and unknown, comprehending high peaks on his way. A Scorpio woman also lends herself to adventures, has a fearless, sometimes masculine character.

Together, a couple of a man - Aries and a woman - Scorpio gives the impression of a happy couple that has a positive, and very active energy. Both signs have a beautiful, attractive appearance, charm and nobility, which gives them the opportunity to be favorites in any company. Sometimes others are able to wonder how two strong-willed personalities are able to get along together. But practice shows that Aries and Scorpio manage to do this.

The couple also has excellent compatibility in the intimate sphere. Being one of the most passionate signs of the zodiac, Scorpio is able to understand the desires of a man - Aries like no other. Aries will be an excellent support and support for a woman - Scorpio. Of course, this couple cannot do without conflicts, but they are quite capable of overcoming difficulties on the way to their happiness.

Relationship difficulties. How to avoid them?

As a man - Aries, and a woman - Scorpio has a difficult, stubborn and strong-willed character. They can show aggressiveness and irascibility in their behavior, especially if they do not realize themselves in their favorite business. Colliding, two difficult characters are not able to find mutual understanding. Therefore, the couple first needs to cool down a little so that their conversation is constructive. If each of them finds a job for himself, he will be able to direct most of his energy to unlock his own potential. So the couple can avoid tension between themselves and remain an interesting life partner for each other.

In view of the fact that Scorpio and Aries have strong sensitivity and emotionality, both are very vulnerable to criticism and claims addressed to them. At the partner's attempts to remake or point out mistakes in behavior, they can react very violently. Therefore, the couple needs to change tactics, trying to show more understanding and condescension towards their partner. A good influence on the world in the relationship of a couple of men - Aries and women - Scorpio is a common cause or interest. Everyone finds in each other an understanding and inspiring friend. This brings them closer and inspires respect and tenderness.

Scorpio is used to taking on a dominant role, as she is a real leader in life. Aries, like any man, does not tolerate pressure in his direction. Therefore, in relation to Aries, a Scorpio woman must learn to be gentle and use female wisdom. Aries, in turn, must provide an opportunity for Scorpio to take over leading role in domestic matters. She will be pleased, and the couple will only benefit from such an arrangement of forces.

Compatibility in work and friendship

Sometimes between Aries and Scorpio there is competition in work, because both are aimed at success and are confidently moving up the career ladder. However, they can combine their efforts, and in this case they will achieve success much faster.

The difficult characters of Aries and Scorpio do not give them the opportunity to establish a strong friendship with each other. Relationships are possible if the couple is united by a common business or family ties.