Crafts from matches are simple and fun. Crafts from matches with your own hands

Designing from matches is a fascinating process, which results in not only interesting souvenirs, puzzles, but also real masterpieces. In addition, match architecture develops attentiveness, perseverance, a sense of composition and frees the brain from a continuous stream of thoughts.

They share two main techniques for products from matches with their own hands - with and without glue. In the first case, all structural details are glued together, in the second case, the structure “holds” itself, due to the correct distribution of load-bearing elements.

What do beginners need to learn?

For crafts, ordinary household matches or large ones are used - fireplace, gas.

In some products, paper is useful - as a basis for gluing. PVA glue, hot glue (applied with a thermal gun).

The details are painted with felt-tip pens, markers, acrylic paints or gouache. To increase the shelf life finished structure can be covered with clear varnish.

DIY DIY Tools:

  • work surface, accessories - plasticine, a square for installing matches;
  • breadboard knife, pliers for shaping parts;
  • scissors, brushes;
  • press (coin, piece of glass or plastic).

Example of gluing panels for beginners

Matches with and without heads are used.

To construct a panel with straight edges you will need:

  • cut a sheet of A4 paper into several strips, so that the width of each matches the length of the match;
  • place the strip on the work surface (wooden plank);
  • sort matches into two groups, heads in different directions;
  • apply glue to the strip;
  • stick matches in a "chessboard" order, alternately from each pile. This measure helps to level the panel - matches have different thicknesses at the base and near the head;
  • after gluing the panel to the desired length, turn it over with the paper up and place it under the press.

A panel with a comb edge is glued in a similar way. Stripes - the bases should be two heads narrower. Thus, the matches will protrude beyond the edges of the workpiece in a checkerboard pattern.

Many people do not even think about the fact that many amazingly beautiful things can be made from matches. A variety of voluminous houses, planes, ships, decorations, doll furniture, paintings, panels and a lot of other interesting handicrafts are made by craftsmen. But this type of creativity is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Beginners should start honing their skills with the help of the most simple circuits.

Despite the fact that this type of creativity does not require a large number of tools and auxiliary items, Pre-preparation is still needed. A complete list of necessary things will depend on the complexity of the work and the experience of the author.

You can involve children in the process of creating crafts from matches for beginners with your own hands. This type of creativity contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, increased attention, and improved memory.

But while working, you need to carefully monitor the child. A large number of small items can be dangerous for the smallest. It is worth attracting kids to such activities at 3-4 years of age.

Making a house without glue

Various buildings are the most popular production option from matches. Small houses, castles, churches and other objects are very realistic, voluminous and beautiful. Very large models are usually made using modules.

One of the basic blanks is a house. Several collected samples will allow you to make a whole castle or create a full-fledged model of a rural yard.

You will need 7 to work. matchboxes, a flat work surface, several coins with a face value of 5 rubles. Step-by-step instruction a house of matches without glue looks like this:

Such a homemade product is quite simple. More experienced craftsmen need not be limited to the final stages and not rush to form a roof. A cube-shaped figurine will allow you to create multi-storey buildings using a similar scheme. The modules can be fastened together with toothpicks or matches.

Some models are made simply, but glue will have to be used to fasten some of the elements. One of these crafts is a well. You can make crafts from matches with the help of several additional tools and materials. To work, you need glue, a thin rope or thread, scissors, a clerical knife.

Well manufacturing instructions:

Crafts from matches with glue are suitable for beginners. With the help of additional fastening, the structure is more durable. You can improve the model with a pen. The easiest way is to use a longer toothpick and make a small break at the end.

Chamomile pattern

The appearance of some crafts makes you think that for manufacturing it is necessary to have a high level of professionalism. But this view of things is not always true. For example, what can be made from matches with your own hands, even for a beginner, is chamomile. Looks great, but The creation process is very simple:

The scheme of this simple and easy craft is suitable for any level of complexity. Chamomile turns out to be very realistic and looks amazing. The main thing is to wait a sufficient amount of time for the glue to dry completely.

Create a cube

The master class of some crafts is designed for experienced artisans who have basic skills in creating models and matches. Very complex figures include a three-dimensional heart, a windmill or a wheel. To obtain good results, it is necessary to additionally create drawings, accurately measure dimensions, and use special equipment. You can start creating such products only after the confident implementation of the basic elements. One of these items is a cube. The creation process is incredibly simple, but requires care and concentration.

It is especially easy to get a solid three-dimensional cube using a stand with holes around the entire perimeter. It is easy to insert the missing elements into such holes. All that remains is to complete the bottom between the already filled elements. The main perimeter is placed perpendicular to the base. It is important to carefully tamp the workpiece at each stage. At the final stage, it remains to remove the almost finished model from the stand and strengthen it with 4 missing matches.

The main thing for beginners is not to lose patience and motivation during needlework. Not all crafts can be done the first time.

The material for creating beautiful things is quite inexpensive, so matches should be purchased with a margin. It is better to start the path with the simplest schemes, achieving quality and accuracy.

A simple and affordable material for creativity is ordinary matches. Making man-made works from them develops perseverance, coordination of movements, accuracy and attentiveness. Souvenirs from matches can be made with or without glue, and the design will be kept due to friction and tension inside. In the article we present interesting examples and a master class on creating match crafts with your own hands for beginners; working without glue is somewhat harder than with it, so if you are not confident in your abilities, as well as to work with children, you can use it.

  1. Choose a place to be creative. A table, chair or floor area - this should be a place where it will be convenient to work, and at the same time you will not interfere with others.
  2. Stock up on matches. Often their required number exceeds the expected.
  3. Sometimes you need to draw up a diagram to work.
  4. For glue, select a small container, cover the work surface with oilcloth; A rag will do to wipe off the excess.
  5. Go through the matches: only smooth and durable ones are used in the work.
  6. If you need to cut off the heads, do it with a clerical knife.

Children's crafts from matches

The easiest option for children to use matches in creativity is to make a picture on cardboard using them.

You will need cardboard, a pencil, glue, matches and any other materials that you see fit.

1. First you need to make a pencil sketch.

2. After that, decide which parts of the pattern can be made from matches, stick them on the base.

3. If necessary, paint the drawing with paints, add elements from other materials.

Matches can also be used to create figurines of anything. It just takes a little ingenuity and imagination. Experiment! And the children's match drawings obtained in this way can also be pasted onto cardboard.

A "fence" of matches can become part of a future large and voluminous craft, a stand for it, or just a fence for the house. When making it, we glue the matches, alternating the heads and "tails".

For example, you can use the previous blank to make a table or a stool. In addition, you will need 5 more matches for the legs, which must be glued as in the photo.

House of matches

From simple to complex. Let's move on to creating crafts without glue. This is what the next master class is about.

So, you will need:

  • 7 boxes of matches (stock up on a lot - matches often have marriage);
  • a couple of coins;
  • disc box.

1. We prepare the base, we have a regular disc box. We put a couple of matches on it in parallel, but at a distance.

2. On these matches we put 8 matches of the foundation perpendicularly. The distance between them must be the same.

3. Lay out another "layer" in this way.

4. After that, lay out the "perimeter" from the matches.

5. Repeating the last two points, we make 7 rows.

6. We lay the 8th row of matches so that the heads look in the opposite direction to the matches of the foundation.

7. We continue to make a house. On 8 matches we lay 6 perpendicularly, and on top - a coin.

8. We insert matches into the holes in the corners. Carefully adhere to the design.

10. Correcting. Matches should stick tightly together.

11. Add matches, completing the walls of the house.

14. Alternate direction, insert matches perpendicularly.

16. From pieces we make a roof, windows of the house, doors and a pipe.

This is how the house turns out.

Video on the topic of the article


Sometimes your child begins to act up not because of a bad temper, poor health or omissions in education. A kid can show adults in such a way that he has nothing to do. Children are so arranged that perseverance and the ability to do one thing for quite a long time develop only with age.

In order not to be led by children's whims, it is better to take the initiative into your own hands and try to captivate the baby with something new. What can be more affordable and easier than getting a matchbox and doing the most magical thing - creativity! What can be made from ordinary wood chips? It turns out that a lot. One has only to dream a little, and matches will definitely show their capabilities.

The advantages of "match" creativity

The process of creating match crafts is both a sure way to enjoy co-creation and a good opportunity for a kid to show his abilities. Any kind of creativity or needlework has a developmental value.
Therefore, ordinary matches can become an occasion for activities that develop in children:

Matches are a fairly small ornamental material that requires due attention from the little master. Parents should be provided with a convenient and well-organized workplace. Comfortable furniture and availability of all necessary materials will allow the baby to engage in an exciting business for a long time, not be distracted by trifles and achieve a good result.

Working conditions should be such that the child can freely leave the unfinished craft until the next day.

If the kid is interested in this type of creativity, then you will have to stock up on matches of all types and sizes. It is reasonable for parents to pay attention to the samples available for sale and regularly replenish stocks.

If you have to work with glue, then you need to protect the surface of the table with a flap of oilcloth or film.

For glue, there should be a convenient special container where the composition did not freeze, and the baby could freely use this composition for creativity.

You also need to stock up on clean rags with which you can wipe excess glue drips from your hands and craft parts.

On your own or together with your child, before work, you need to sort through your material. Even matches are suitable for creativity, it is better to put non-standard matches in a separate box to be used in auxiliary operations.

If the selected craft consists of matches with a cut off burning head, then it is better to remove it with a clerical knife. Such an operation requires parental assistance or supervision, especially if the child is still young.

Materials and tools

In addition to perseverance and vivid imagination, children and parents will need some tools and materials. In order not to be distracted during work, it is better to prepare everything you need in advance.

  • Prepared workplace
  • Matches
  • Stationery knife and scissors
  • Cloths, trimmings of rope or braid, thread or other materials, according to the chosen craft pattern
  • PVA or clear instant glue
  • Cardboard for crafts

For crafts, paints and brushes, double-sided tape and other details can come in handy so that the baby’s work becomes as bright and attractive as possible.

Crafts from matches with your own hands

Describe everything existing species crafts from matches is impossible - there are too many of them. As in any work, the main driving force here is the author's imagination. But before

to conceive something grandiose, it is important to learn the basic techniques of working with matches and master the simplest techniques for handling this unusual material.

Drawing from matches

Starting with the simplest, many children quickly understand the principles of creating images from matches. An example of such work is a match pattern on a cardboard basis.

  • A preliminary sketch is drawn on cardboard with ordinary pencils.
  • After that, the contours are repeated with the help of matches, thinking over how best to complete this or that element of the image.
  • When the layout is completed, fix the pattern with glue.
  • At the end, the picture is painted or decorated with three-dimensional elements.

The original picture is ready, such a work can be placed in a frame or decorated with a passe-partout. The craft turns out to be very decorative and will successfully decorate a children's room or become a great gift for parents, teachers, grandparents or one of your friends.

Funny flat figures

This method of training does not require glue, serious preparation or a special workplace. But the creation of figurines perfectly develops spatial and abstract thinking, as well as perseverance and fantasy.

It is better to create a drawing on a blank sheet of cardboard, on which, in case of luck, the composition can be fixed with glue.

match fence

By itself, such a fence is not very interesting, but it is the basis of many large-scale crafts. Having mastered the creation of this small detail, the child will definitely want to connect several parts together to get a coaster for a cup, a house, or maybe a whole palace.

Match furniture

In this craft, the match fence already described above is used. This is a folding stool seat. The legs are made of two pairs of crossed matches, united by another one.

Are matches not a toy for children? But no! We have compiled a selection of the most different ideas crafts from matches for children. They are not only beautiful, but also useful. Working with this material develops logic, imagination, fine motor skills hands, and also contributes to the development of perseverance. If you add the use of plasticine or paints to the creative process, the kids will be even more happy.

We would advise you to do crafts from matches with your children. If you let everything take its course, they can quit this activity. If you captivate them, the process will be fun. Check out our selection, stock up on matches and get creative. We have tried to make the most detailed master classes to make it easier for you to master the process of assembling DIY crafts.

Simple figures

Crafts from matches and plasticine can be flat or voluminous. Choose any figure and fasten its body with bright plasticine balls.

In this way, you can assemble a simple house, a little man, a pyramid, any animals from matches. Take a look at the photo to understand the assembly principle and get inspired by ideas. You can easily repeat them.

Any of these figures can be placed vertically. If you need a match craft for kindergarten or elementary school, we advise you to make a house, a person and a dog. Put them on cardboard - you get a great composition!


You can make a nice panel out of matches with your own hands. The craft can be easily turned into a photo frame or a postcard - it all depends on the additional decor.

We need thick cardboard. Measure the length of the match and multiply this number by 4. If you are making a panel bigger size, then multiply by 5, 6 and so on. Draw the cardboard so that you get 16 equal squares. We fill the first square with matches, placing them vertically. One match looks up, and the second one looks down. The next square is filled horizontally. So we go through the whole cardboard.

Matches are best fixed with simple stationery glue. Just do not take too liquid, as it will soak the wood. From above, the craft can be varnished for wood. We glue a large beautiful artificial flower in the center, and beads or pictures along the edges.

If you are making a postcard, for example, on March 8 or February 23, find ready-made thematic clippings and stick them to such a panel. Or just put a family photo in the center.


Most children love to draw trees, houses and the sun. Almost every such drawing can be made more interesting.

Take cardboard. Draw fairly large images of a standard house, fence, Christmas tree, apple tree, sun, or something else. If the cardboard is not colored, paint it in one color.

Take matches and lay them all empty seats. You can fix matches on PVA glue or even on plasticine.

It remains only to decorate the matches in the desired colors. It is best to use gouache, as watercolor requires a lot of water and is not too bright.

Painting on a substrate

It is very convenient to lay out pictures from matches on foam substrates. Wash it well (it probably had vegetables or herbs on it) and dry it.

Think of a picture with your child. You will need plasticine and a few matches. Lay out voluminous details, and simply press the matches into the rolled plasticine.

You can make a picture with the help of paints. True, watercolor on the foam will not fall. If you decide to paint the substrate, take gouache, and glue matches on PVA.

Such crafts from matches can be safely attributed to the competition in Kindergarten or primary school(grades 1-2).

Finished drawing

If you have a child, then your house is probably full of different coloring pages. If so, use a large image for the matchstick craft. You can also use various stencils and create your own drawing.

Glue the picture onto cardboard. If there is no background, it can be painted over. Next, we begin to lay out the matches, pressing them tightly to the paper and to each other.

Most match heads will need to be trimmed first. In some cases, their use may be appropriate.

It is best to stick matches with a cloth on stationery glue. If you need to fix a small part, it is best to choose superglue.

Complete the picture with any decor. If desired, the matches in this craft can be carefully painted with gouache or acrylic paints. Such works look beautiful in combination with autumn leaves and others natural materials.

Inexpensive set acrylic paints can be ordered on AliExpress (look at this link). Bright colours, great quality, high durability - a universal option for a variety of crafts.


For this craft, we will need not only matches, but also boxes. You also need to take 2 large "hunting" or matches for gas stoves. They are long, so they will be an excellent basis for the rails in our craft.

We lay out the rails from two matches vertically, then glue sleepers from short matches to them. Let them stick out a little around the edges. The easiest way is to glue long matches with glue, and then lay the standard ones on top.

In the first box we make two small holes - we will insert toy headlights into our train. Fasten the boxes together with threads or matches. We will make the wheels from unnecessary batteries. If not, use buttons. We attach them to the craft with superglue.

This craft will be very interesting for children, especially boys. After all, we will not just make and install it - you can play with it!


For this craft, you can additionally take toothpicks, although it is quite possible to get by with matches alone. It is not necessary to make a snowflake in winter - in children they go with a bang at any time of the year.

As a blank, take a snowflake stencil or cut out a regular octagon. First, we make edges - we glue matches or toothpicks so that they peek over the edges. Then we fill each sector with matches, placing them alternately: head up - head down.

It is best to stick matches first in the center, and then lay the edges. If the cardboard is visible, glue the cut matches to it.

On top of the first layer, you can lay out the second and third. It all depends on how voluminous you want to see a homemade snowflake. Glue glitter to the central part of the craft (make them from tinsel, rain or wrapping paper). You can also glue a decorative snowflake or foam plastic - an imitation of snow.

This craft from matches can be made with a child for the New Year for kindergarten. Or just as entertainment at home.

Vegetables and matches

Crafts from vegetables and fruits are always liked by children. If you add them with matches, it will turn out original and funny. Try making a hedgehog. Even the little ones can handle this job.

Take a potato and a tiny garden apple. Draw a hedgehog face on the potato with a marker. Stick the matches in as tightly as possible to make needles. Plant an apple on top. If you don't have an apple, roll it out of plasticine - this is a good alternative.

The craft is very simple, but it is perfect for kindergarten. And at home you can also play with it. Make a big hedgehog family - it will be fun.


With the help of this video tutorial, you and your child can easily make a toy furniture set. The table and chairs are useful for playing with dolls (albeit small ones) or kinder toys.

The build process seems to be confusing in words, so it's best to take a look at it. Step-by-step instructions will help you not to make a mistake and glue the matches correctly.

We hope that this collection of matchstick crafts will inspire you and help your child make best job to kindergarten or school. As you can see, all materials are very simple. In addition to a large pack of matches, you only need what almost every student has. Success in creative work!

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