Do-it-yourself wooden blind area step by step instructions. Do-it-yourself blind area around the house: step by step instructions, video

After the construction of a house or any other building, the priority is to build a blind area around the perimeter of the building. This protective layer, encircling the building along its border, and serving to divert water from the house at a certain distance. It performs a number of useful functions that ensure the protection of the foundation and long-term operation buildings in general. The purpose of this article is to show how you can make a blind area around the house with your own hands, choosing the most suitable option for it.

  1. Foundation protection. Being properly laid, the blind area prevents the penetration of rain and melt water to the foundation of the building. This helps to maintain the integrity of the foundation, which can be broken by moisture penetrating into the ground and freezing.
  2. Increasing the thermal insulation of the foundation and at home in general. The blind area creates an additional insulating layer that reduces the impact of negative temperatures on the soil around the building.
  3. The blind area complements the building, giving the house completeness. Often appearance blind areas are selected so that it is in harmony with the structure.
  4. Practical application in the form of a footpath. Thus, the possibility of convenient movement around the building or between neighboring buildings is achieved.

Types of blind area

Before you start making a blind area, you need to decide which of its types you will use. We list the possible options:

Tip: It is not recommended to use porcelain stoneware as a blind area cover. When placed in the top layer of concrete, it will have a different coefficient of expansion with temperature fluctuations than concrete. The result may be rupture or cracking of porcelain stoneware.

Construction rules

When building a blind area around the house, you should be guided by several mandatory rules:

Tip: Be sure to cover the wooden slats used to make expansion joints with some kind of water-repellent material to prevent them from rotting. It can be bitumen diluted in kerosene, drying oil, mastic, etc.

We make a blind area from concrete

This is a building classic that is used for most buildings. The concrete pavement around the house must be made in accordance with all the rules applicable to this type of structure. It is quite reliable and simple design.

What is required for construction:

  • bayonet shovel, which will remove the soil;
  • cord for marking;
  • building level for correct exposure formwork and ensuring the angle of inclination of the pour;
  • Master OK;
  • rule for smoothing the solution;
  • sand;
  • boards for formwork and expansion joints;
  • crushed stone;
  • water;
  • ready-made concrete mortar or cement;
  • roofing material or bitumen to create expansion joints;
  • container for mixing the solution, if it will be made independently.

The procedure for the manufacture of a blind area of ​​​​concrete

Now consider how to fill the blind area around the house with a concrete solution.

1. Marking the construction site. At this stage, pegs are driven in along the perimeter of the building, located at equal distances from the walls of the building. A distance of 1.5-2 m is maintained between the pegs. A cord is pulled, limiting the width of the future formwork.

2. By means of a bayonet shovel is removed ground layer to a depth of 30 cm. As a result, a trench should form between the foundation and the stretched cord. To improve the waterproofing properties of the blind area, it is recommended to lay a layer of clay on the bottom of the trench.

3. The trench bottom is compacted. For this purpose, it is best to use a rounded log.

Tip: If plant roots remain in the trench, then the bottom of the trench is additionally treated with special chemicals to destroy them. Such processing will not allow plants to destroy the already finished formwork.

4. Formwork is placed along the perimeter of the trench. For its manufacture, you can use boards, pieces of flat slate and other materials. Boards can be fixed to the pegs with self-tapping screws, and other materials are fixed with spacers.

5. Sand is backfilled into the trench with a layer of 10 cm, which is desirable to moisten with water and compact.

6. Crushed stone is laid on the sand, but gravel can also be used. Backfill layer - 6-8 cm.

7. Across the trench, with a step of 2 meters, boards are placed on the edge, which will compensate for the temperature shifts of the concrete layer. In addition, the boards will play the role of beacons during concreting.

8. A reinforcing mesh is laid on the crushed stone or a frame is made of reinforcement with a cell of 10 cm. If reinforcement is used, then all joints are interconnected by welded joints or wire.

9. Concrete mortar is poured in compliance with the appropriate slope. Using the rule, the solution is smoothed between wooden beacons.

10. While the solution has not solidified, ironing of its surface is carried out. To do this, the concrete surface is sprinkled with cement and smoothed with a trowel. This helps to reduce the porosity of the finished surface.

Making a soft blind area

The so-called soft blind area around the house can be independently made using the following materials and tools:

  • bayonet shovel;
  • cord and pegs;
  • crushed stone;
  • clay;
  • sand;
  • roll waterproofing material.

A crushed stone blind area around the house is usually done in cases where the owners do not plan to regularly repair this structure, as well as with insufficient financial resources. She has enough simple design and set up time is kept to a minimum.

Manufacturing procedure

1. The site is marked and the cord is pulled over the driven pegs.

2. A trench is dug between the cord and the wall of the house, having a depth of 30 cm.

3. The trench is lined with a layer of clay of at least 10 cm. The clay is well compacted.

4. A roll waterproofer is laid on the clay. A thick euroroofing material is best suited. It must definitely go on the wall by 10-15 centimeters.

Important: Do not lay the waterproofing membrane with an interference fit, as expanding water and soil movements can break it in the cold. Let be better material is located freely and has several folds.

5. The water insulator is covered with a small layer of sand.

6. The rest of the space up to the surface of the trench is covered with rubble.

It is advisable to make such a blind area if water does not get on it from the roof. Otherwise, the water will form gullies in it.

We looked at how to make a soft blind area around the house. . If desired, you can ennoble the design, making it more attractive. A layer of rubble on top can be covered with sand, and paving slabs can be laid on top.

Blind area insulation

A warm coating will increase the temperature in the basement, making it more comfortable to stay in them. For work, it is better to use extruded polystyrene foam, popular in the construction environment. It has a high density and cuts well.

The insulated blind area around the house is made in the following sequence:

  1. Formwork is installed by analogy with a concrete blind area.
  2. A 15 cm trench is covered with dry sand.
  3. The sand is covered with roofing material, which goes to the wall.
  4. Sheet insulation is cut with a knife to the specified dimensions and placed on top of the roofing material. Ensures that there is no movement of the material. A heater of the same thickness and one structure is used.
  5. A reinforcing mesh is placed on top of the insulation.
  6. The last layer is concrete.

Such insulation of the blind area with extruded polystyrene foam does not outwardly differ from the usual concrete pouring, but is more desirable for houses with heated basements or with shallow foundations, as well as for heaving soils.

Making a blind area around the house yourself is a great way to relatively inexpensively and efficiently protect your buildings from the harmful effects of moisture. When the work is done independently, there can be no neglect of the subject of construction.


Before you start building a house, its future owner must understand that it is not limited to the construction of a solid foundation, walls and roof. We also need a foundation blind area, which will protect not only the foundation of the house, the basement, but also the basement (if any) from moisture and subsequent destruction. It is about the blind area of ​​​​the foundation, and the technology of its manufacture, that will be discussed in this publication.

What is the blind area for, and its components

Before explaining how do-it-yourself blind area is done step-by-step instruction, you need to tell in detail what it is for, its varieties, and the materials that are used to make it.

The main function of this design is that it protects the foundation of the building from the ingress of moisture into it, which can eventually cause irreversible damage in the form of cracks and chips of concrete. Not a single house or cottage can do without it. Therefore, it must be done around the whole house, leaving no space.
Modern builders distinguish two layers in the blind area device:

  • underlying, which performs the direct function of protecting the foundation of the house from moisture and other harmful effects of the soil;
  • decorative, which serves to give the structure, aesthetic appearance, and additional protection base (underlying layer).

Depending on the arrangement of the layers of the foundation blind area, it is divided into hard and soft. In the first case, traditional materials will be used, which will include concrete, reinforcing mesh, waterproofing and insulation materials. The decorative layer will need natural stone, paving slabs, or other hard materials. If, on the contrary, the blind area is soft, then clay, a little crushed stone, and sand will be needed to make it.

How to make a blind area

In order to make this structural element of the house correctly, you will need a desire, and some knowledge. In principle, there is nothing complicated, and if you adhere to the technology that will be described below, you can count on good protection of the house from moisture, as well as a beautiful aesthetic appearance of the building itself. To make such a structure around the house correctly, it is necessary to adhere to the following algorithm of actions (first, the option of a hard blind area will be considered, and then a soft one).

Algorithm for erecting a solid blind area

Soft blind area around the house

As mentioned above, this requires clay, gravel and sand. It is easy to make, and you need to follow this algorithm.

  1. First, a trench is dug, the device of which is similar, as in the case of a solid structure.
  2. The next step is to create a sand and gravel cushion. It is no different from the one that is made for a solid foundation.
  3. We must not forget about the expansion joint, around the whole house. How to do it is described above.
  4. The pillow is waterproofed and insulated, and then clay, crushed stone, sand are taken and all this is mixed with the addition of a small amount of water. In this case, a reinforcing mesh is not needed.
  5. When this mixture is tamped and solidified, you can proceed to decorative element(top layer).
  6. On top of the hardened first layer, a mixture of mixed clay and sand is poured, to which a small amount of cement is added. After that, a stone is laid decorative tiles or other material. Further, all the gaps are sprinkled with cement, and watered. After a while, the top layer is ready.

It is important not to forget that the soft blind area also provides minimum slope 1.5 degrees, and does not provide for the presence of thermal insulation joints.

There is nothing complicated in the instructions for creating a blind area. The main thing is to understand its role, and follow the developed algorithm. If at least one element is missing during its construction, be it a pillow or an expansion joint, then it will not last long and will quickly collapse. Therefore, before starting work, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of the blind area.

The blind area is designed to protect the foundation from damage, which can be caused by contact with atmospheric moisture. Additionally, the blind area will protect the structure from the destructive effects of the roots of various plants. Many owners ignore the need for this element device absolutely in vain. The blind area can be made with your own hands, and thanks to this element, which is easy to erect, the service life of the building will increase significantly.

Why is a blind area needed?

The blind area performs a number of important functions, including:

  • ensuring reliable protection of the foundation of the house from the harmful effects of atmospheric moisture and other negative factors;
  • diversion of any kind of water from the building into the drainage system. Special discharge gutters are equipped on the surface of the blind area, due to which the risk of wetting the base and base is significantly reduced;
  • improving the appearance of the building. Thanks to the blind area, the foundation will look more harmonious and complete;
  • additional insulation of the foundation. On condition proper arrangement all layers of the structure or the use of special thermal insulation materials, the soil close to the house will freeze much less;
  • practicality. Quite often, the blind area is used as a convenient path around the building, along which you can move without harming plants and other landscape elements of the site.

Thus, the blind area is a functional and aesthetic element that must be equipped around your home. Study the proposed instructions, and you can make a high-quality and reliable blind area with your own hands.

The structure under consideration consists of a covering (upper) and underlying (lower) layers. Due to the underlying layer, the evenness of the surface is ensured. However, the base should not be 100% horizontal, but should have some slope.

If concrete is used as the top layer, the bottom layer must be made horizontal. The slope will be created already directly at the stage of pouring concrete. Thanks to the slope, fast and high-quality water drainage from the facade of the building will be ensured.

At the end of the work, a drainage groove is created along the outer edge of the perimeter of the blind area. The slope is usually maintained at the level of 5 cm per 1 m of the width of the blind area.

The underlayment and overburden can be made from different materials. So, clay, gravel and gravel are suitable for arranging the lower layer.

Practice shows that it is best to use crumpled clay as the basis. This material initially has good waterproofing properties. The standard thickness of the bottom layer is 25-30 cm. If the base of the blind area is made of clay, it will be enough to equip a 15-20 cm layer of the substrate.

When using gravel or gravel, sand must be poured over the main part of the underlying layer. The thickness of a separate additional layer of sand should be 7-10 cm.

For the installation of the cover layer, use a hard and moisture-proof material. The most commonly used materials are concrete, natural stone, asphalt. Sometimes paving slabs and bricks are used.

Preparation for work

Before starting work, you need to decide on the main parameters of the future blind area. First of all, set the appropriate width. Most regulatory documents indicate that the blind area should be at least 60 cm wide. However, this is only the minimum recommended value. Before finally choosing the right width, there are many additional important factors to consider.

First of all, pay attention to the features of the eaves of the roof of your house. The outer border of the blind area should be approximately 25-30 cm further than the most protruding edge of the roofing cornice.

At the design stage of the blind area, one cannot but take into account the architectural and design features of the house. For example, if the site is designed using different kind unusual design elements, the blind area can also be given an original look, competently and organically linking it with other elements of the landscape.

A very important parameter is the type of soil at the construction site. For example, if the house is on subsiding soil, the width of the blind area should be at least 90-100 cm. Experts recommend that the blind area be more than 1 m wide. Under such conditions, the design in question will be able to simultaneously drain water and serve as a convenient path around the building.

It is important that the blind area is continuous. Any kind of web breaks can lead to a decrease in the protective functions of the blind area.

After determining the appropriate width, you will need to set the optimal blind area slope. In order for the design to effectively cope with the tasks of diverting water, the slope should be at least 2-5 degrees in the direction from the house.

To determine the exact value of the slope, it is also necessary to take into account the climatic features characteristic of the location of the house, and the type of material used to equip the top layer of the structure. For example, if the flooring layer is made of paving slabs, the slope of the blind area can be slightly reduced compared to that for a crushed stone structure.

The slope can be directly created at the stage of laying the bottom layer or during the installation of the front cover. This moment depends on what specific materials are used to equip the structure in question.

After determining the optimal parameters of the system, calculate right amount materials and collect the required tools. At the stage of creating the underlying layer, you will need gravel and sand or clay.

The top layer of the blind area is most often made of concrete. If you decide to make your choice in favor of this material, first prepare a concrete mixer or a container for preparing mortar, fittings and wire, several shovels, a level and other small accessories.

Step-by-step instructions for filling the blind area

The process of installing a blind area will be considered using the example of a concrete structure. If you are a beginner, pay attention to this option, because. in most moments, it is easier to arrange compared to other existing types of blind area. Perform every step of the work, and you will get a reliable, durable and efficient design.

First step. Mark out adjoining territory. It is enough to measure the selected distance from the walls of the house, drive in pegs from any suitable material along the measured line and connect these pegs with a rope. Make sure that the marking points are on the same line.

Second phase. Remove the soil over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe blind area. The depth of the pit is selected individually, taking into account the type of system and the characteristics of the materials used. In most cases, the thickness of an ordinary concrete blind area is about 25 cm, excluding the front finish.

Third stage. Treat the roots of plants at the bottom of the trench with special herbicide products. Such processing will not allow the roots to germinate in the future and disrupt the structure of the blind area.

Fourth stage. Collect formwork. As source materials you can use unedged board and wooden blocks for props. The thickness of the boards must be at least 2 cm. Place the boards along the outer edge of the trench.

Fifth stage. Seal the bottom of the trench and lay a 5 cm layer of clay on it. Carefully compact the clay, lay a 10 cm layer of sand on top of it and tamp it down. For better compaction, sand should be spilled with water. Lay a layer of gravel on top of the sand.

Sixth stage. Lay the reinforcement bars on the prepared pillow. Maintain a step of 10-15 cm. As a result, you should get a reinforcing mesh. Connect the connection points with steel wire. Thanks to the reinforcement, the structure will have higher strength and resistance to various kinds of loads.

Seventh stage. At the junction of the blind area with the building, make an expansion joint. A 1.5 cm wide joint will suffice. Fill the joint space with sand and gravel or bitumen.

Eighth stage. Pour concrete. Pour in one horizontal layer. Approximately every 230-250 cm, install transverse wooden slats. Thanks to them, expansion joints necessary for the normal operation of the blind area will be created. Pick up such slats so that their top is flush with the surface of the concrete structure. Previously, the slats should be treated with an antiseptic.

Ninth stage. Carefully level the concrete and create the required slope before the mixture hardens.

Tenth stage. Cover the filling with wet burlap. As the fabric dries, it will need to be re-moistened with water. This will prevent cracking of the concrete mortar.

After about 3-4 weeks, the concrete will dry completely and gain the necessary strength. If desired, you can lay porcelain stoneware, paving slabs or other suitable material on the dried blind area.

Thus, in self erection blind area is nothing complicated. All costs are reduced to purchase costs building materials. Follow the instructions and you can do everything just like a professional builder.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself blind area step by step instructions

Even the strongest foundation is exposed to moisture over time, which gradually reduces the load on the drainage system of the house, as well as on vertical waterproofing. To prevent this from happening, do-it-yourself concrete blind area is performed, the step-by-step instructions of which will be discussed in the article.

Concrete blind area is a necessary coating to protect the foundation

In addition to its main function (protection against interaction with moisture), this coating also allows you to arrange a pedestrian zone around the perimeter of the house and give the architectural appearance of the building a complete look.

However, before pouring the blind area, you need to pay attention to its design features and requirements for construction objects of this type.

blind area design

The concrete blind area has a fairly simple design, the preparation of which will require the following materials:

  1. Bedding (pillow). It is performed before pouring the solution. As a bedding use the most different materials: coarse or medium sand, sand and gravel mix, crushed stone, small gravel. The blind area of ​​​​the foundation does not fit on fine sand because of the likelihood of shrinkage, since in this case there is a risk that the base will crack. It is best to prepare a two-layer pillow: first lay gravel or crushed stone, which will compact the soil, and then sand.
  2. Reinforcement. The presence of a reinforcing mesh for a concrete blind area will give the structure more strength. The mesh size of this product is usually 30 x 30 or 50 x 50 cm. The mesh diameter should be about 6-8 mm, but it all depends on the type of soil.
  3. Formwork. Wooden guides located along the perimeter of the coating are required, as they will prevent the concrete mixture from spreading. The width of the formwork boards, as a rule, is 20-25 mm.
  4. Concrete solution. Filling the blind area is carried out using a certain composition of the concrete mixture.

The brand of mortar must be carefully selected, since the strength and durability of the entire structure will depend on its quality and characteristics. For such a coating, Mixture M 200 is usually used, the strength class of which is at least B 15 (a higher grade can also be purchased). It is also worth paying attention to the frost resistance of the composition, which should not be less than F 50. To ensure better resistance to drops temperature conditions, it is recommended to give preference to compositions with an indicator of F 100.

To obtain quality coating, it is best to make concrete mix on their own.

We make concrete mix for the blind area at home

To organize a concrete pavement around the house, it is not necessary to buy a ready-made mixture and order an expensive delivery with a concrete mixer. Knowing the proportions of the components, you can make concrete M 200 yourself, this will require:

  • 1 part cement (optimal is Portland cement 400);
  • 3 parts sand (better than medium, but fine-grained is also suitable);
  • 4 parts of coarse aggregate (gravel or crushed stone);
  • ½ part water.

Accordingly, to get 1 cubic meter of concrete, you need to mix:

  • 280 kg of cement;
  • 1100 kg of crushed stone;
  • 800 kg of sand;
  • 190 liters of water.

Also using PC 400, you can get other brands.

Healthy! First of all, cement and water are mixed, and only after the composition has turned out to be homogeneous, sand and gravel are added to it.

In order for the construction of the blind area to be strong, and the concreting to be durable, it is provided certain rules and requirements.

Design requirements

To fill the blind area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house with concrete, you must familiarize yourself with the regulations and recommendations of SNiP:

  • The width of the blind area should be 20 cm more than the roof overhang (SNiP 2.02.01-83). If the structure provides for a drain, then its indicators are also taken into account. The optimal value is 1 meter. In this case, you can lay out a tile path around the house.
  • The length of the do-it-yourself blind area around the house should correspond to the perimeter of the building. However, if you plan to install a concrete porch, then a "gap" is acceptable.
  • Depth. The level of penetration of the "tape" is half the estimated depth of freezing of the earth.
  • The thickness of the concrete blind area is also regulated by SNiP and, according to these requirements, should be at least 7-10 cm for the top layer. However, many make concreted parking spaces for private cars along with the blind area. In this case, the operational load increases, and the thickness of the concrete blind area can reach up to 15 cm.

  • bias. According to SNiP III-10-75, the slope should be from 1 to 10 cm per meter of width. Most often, it is 2-3 cm per meter - this is approximately 2-3 degrees. The angle of inclination must be directed in the direction opposite to the foundation. It is not recommended to increase the slope, as in this case it will be difficult to walk along such a path in winter time when ice forms on the surface.
  • Border. The device of the blind area at home does not include the mandatory manufacture of a border, therefore, in this case, the decision is made by the owners of suburban real estate. However, experts recommend installing such "limiters" if trees and shrubs with an "aggressive" root system (blackberry, raspberry, plane tree, poplar, and others) grow near the foundation.
  • Plinth height. For a hard type (concrete) cover, the plinth must be at least 50 cm.
  • The recommended height of the blind area above ground level is 5 cm or more.

There are also several schemes according to which a crushed stone blind area can be erected, in the form of a monolithic concrete coating, both for the usual type of soil, and for the “problematic” one.

Knowing the requirements of SNiP and the features of a suburban area, you can make a blind area with your own hands using the step-by-step instructions below.

We make a blind area on our own

The blind area device technology includes several stages that even a beginner in construction work can handle.


In order to start creating a protective coating around the house, prepare:

  • pick;
  • twine;
  • roulette;
  • tamper;
  • pegs for marking;
  • waterproof film (geotextile);
  • concrete mixture;
  • formwork boards;
  • hacksaw;
  • level;
  • nails;
  • reinforcement material, welding machine and wire cutters;
  • as a rule, trowel, spatula;
  • sealant for processing seams (it is better to purchase a polyurethane composition).


The arrangement of the blind area around the house begins with the preparation of the area for construction. At this stage, it is necessary to mark the perimeter of the future "tape", or rather a trench for it, with the help of a peg. There are several recommendations in this regard:

  • The step between the beacons is 1.5 m.
  • The depth of the trench will depend on the soil, but the minimum value for this value is 0.15-0.2 meters. If the earth is "heaving", then the depth increases to 0.3 m.

The easiest way to apply markup is to act in the following sequence:

  1. Drive metal or wood pegs into the ground in the corners of the house.
  2. Install intermediate beacons around the perimeter of the building.
  3. Pull the cord or rope, connecting all the pegs.

Healthy! Sealant can be used at this stage to separate the protective coating from the foundation.

After that, the slope of the system is formed, for this a trench is dug, in which the depth of one of its sides will be greater. To compact the resulting ditch, it is enough to use a tree. First, the log must be placed vertically, lifted and sharply lowered down with effort. Due to this, the bottom of the trench will be compacted.


For formwork, you will need boards on which it is better to immediately mark the height of the future pillow. Fasten the impromptu "box" in the corners metal corners(bolts on the outside).

Important! If you do not want to remove the formwork, after the concrete blind area is completed, be sure to treat the tree with an antiseptic compound and wrap the boards with roofing material.

Creating a pillow

In order for the concrete pavement to be made according to all the "canons" of construction, it is imperative to prepare a sandy or clay base for it. The thickness of the sand layer can reach up to 20 cm. It is best to lay the pillow in several layers, moistening and carefully tamping each subsequent layer. At the final stage, the surface must be leveled.


A waterproofing device involves laying several layers of roofing felt or other geotextile on a pillow.

  1. The material needs to be “wrapped” a little on the walls in order to get an expansion joint.
  2. Roofing material must be overlapped.
  3. A thin layer of sand is poured over the geotextile, and then 10 cm of gravel.
  4. If you plan to install drainage system, then it is laid close to the resulting "water seal".

Reinforcement, pouring and drying

Above the level of 3 cm from the layer with crushed stone, it is necessary to lay a metal mesh with a step of 0.75 m. After that, you need to mix the concrete and pour it in equal portions into the resulting formwork sections. In this case, the composition to be poured must reach the level of the upper edge of the wooden "box".

Healthy! After pouring, pierce the surface with an iron rod in several places to release excess air.

You can distribute the composition with a trowel or a rule. To increase the resistance of concrete, 2 hours after pouring, ironing is performed. To do this, the surface is covered with a layer of dry PC 400 3-7 mm thick.

Healthy! So that the composition does not crack, it must be moistened with water 1-2 times a day.

In addition to how to properly fill the blind area, you need to make sure that it does not crack during the drying process. To do this, you need to protect the coating from precipitation and the sun with a plastic film. It is believed that the blind area completely dries out in 10-14 days. However, according to the regulations for drying, it is worth taking at least 28 days.

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Far from the problems of construction, people often consider the blind area a convenient path around the house. My friend knows that nothing is done just like that. He completes construction country house and he is interested in a do-it-yourself blind area, step-by-step instructions on how to do it right. Question: why is this necessary, he asks me all the time.

blind area at home

A do-it-yourself blind area around the building protects the foundation

Vadik and I finished finishing the basement of his house. Before the onset rainy autumn you need to do the rest of the outdoor work with your own hands. The first question he asked was: what is a blind area and what are its functions?

Marking the width of the future trench around the house, I explained the step-by-step instructions and the purpose of the blind area:

  • the blind area protects the foundation from moisture and destruction;
  • it serves as additional insulation of the building along the perimeter;
  • rainwater is drained from the basement along it and melting snow flows down;
  • because it is necessary, it is used by architects as an element of outdoor design.

The blind area protects the foundation from moisture and destruction

Restoration of the old building begins with the finishing of the foundation and blind area. Without this, it is impossible to get rid of dampness, not only in basements but not on the first floor. Insulation of the top layer of soil around the perimeter reduces freezing of the soil near the foundation. A high-quality walkway around the house saves energy for heating, keeping the building warm. The work is not difficult and you can do it yourself.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a blind area with your own hands, as an element of outdoor design

Blind area around the house

Designers use the blind area as an element of composition. She emphasizes the line of the house, separating it from the lawns and the yard. Constructed from the same material with a plinth finish, the walkway visually makes the building taller. The façade is complete. The building appears to be massive. There is a step-by-step instruction on how to do everything yourself, without paying for the work of specialists.
To create a single ensemble of the house and the surrounding landscape, use the same coverage of the paths around the yard and blind areas. Material and color are selected according to architectural style building. Tiles can be massive from natural, artificial stone. For wooden buildings, a coating close to sand, natural tones is chosen. The avant-garde is emphasized by bright colors and non-standard forms. Strict glossy finishes and sharp corners are techno fit.

Dimensions and slope of the path around the house, do it yourself

Vadik and I walked around the house, marking the line of the roof overhang on the ground. The roof has a complex configuration and different size tilt and overhang. Choose the largest size, add 20 centimeters. We marked out the width of the future blind area, which we will do with our own hands. From the walls of the building in the corners were postponed same size perpendicular to the plane of the base. With the help of a cord, the lines were marked, continuing them in the corners to the knot - the intersection.
The width of the blind area must be at least 60 centimeters. At the same time, the size of the cornice overhangs is checked. Water from the roof should not fall to the ground, but flow down the path. From the border of the drain should retreat outward 20 - 25 centimeters. The resulting value is measured from the foundation. We defined largest size and marked it around the perimeter. Different width of the blind area is possible. But she looks worse. After all, the design of our home is also important to us.
Water should not fall on the junction of the path and the foundation. Therefore, a slope is made from the base. The edge must be above the ground.

Scheme of the design of the blind area

The depth of the ditch under the blind area is considered according to the height of the layers that will be poured into it:

  • 10 cm - clay for compaction and leveling of the base;
  • 15 cm packed sand;
  • 20 cm crushed stone;
  • 10 cm sand under the tiles.

Now my assistant received step-by-step instructions and began to dig a trench with his own hands along the foundation around the house to a depth of 55 centimeters. So that the edges would not crumble, he immediately installed the formwork - knocked down boards. The edge of the shield should protrude several centimeters above the ground surface if the blind area is being filled.

Ceramic tile paving device

Preparatory work, perimeter insulation: step by step instructions

On soils that are normal in moisture, clay can not be poured and the gravel layer can be made smaller. In our case, the house is in a lowland, next to a river and we need enhanced waterproofing. The junction of the blind area to the base of the house should be tight. To do this, the surface of the foundation is completely cleaned.
Clay was poured onto the bottom with their own hands and, with the help of a square, they immediately tamped it with an inclination from the building. The difference in height was 2 - 3 centimeters in width. Waterproofing was laid on top, following the step-by-step instructions. You can use regular film. Vadik decided to play it safe, to make it last forever. A strip of roofing material was cut off 20 centimeters more and bent along the line of junction with the foundation.

Insulation and waterproofing of the blind area

Now our building has reliable protection against destruction by water. All moisture that gets from the soil will drain down the slope of the waterproofing.
Sand was poured in an even layer and compacted, maintaining the angle of inclination. The clamping bar attached to the base of the house a knot of roofing material on clay and geotextile laid on top of the sand. The porous fabric will allow moisture to pass through and hold the gravel, preventing it from pushing through the sand. In the same way, the second layer of matter was laid on rubble. If the blind area is poured with concrete, then the thickness of the crushed stone layer is greater, to the very top of the trench. For good shrinkage, they poured everything with water and waited a few days.

Insulation of the blind area with foam

Do-it-yourself filling of the blind area screed, step by step instructions

In areas with deep freezing of the soil, you can put a heater on the rubble with your own hands. It will be mineral wool or polystyrene, the owner decides. Hygroscopic material needs protection from moisture. It is covered with a film and placed on top metal grid. Along the junction line, the waterproofing is attached to the foundation surface. The angle of inclination must be maintained on all cushion materials. This is the protection of the foundation from destruction.

Filling the blind area with cement mortar

Filling the blind area is done by beacons. Cords are pulled along the foundation and along the edge of the track at surface level. Through each meter, a board impregnated with bitumen is installed, exposed with the upper end at the level of the marks. A solution is poured over it, the slope is determined. These strips remain in the concrete and serve as compensators for the linear expansion of the screed due to temperature differences. In places where the water supply and sewerage pipe assembly passes, it is necessary to make bends under the path in advance.
It is difficult to do a large amount of work on concreting the blind area on your own. I use slat separation and fill a meter between them. Then I level it upon completion of all work and rub it with dry cement - iron. I close the junction of the basement to the blind area with ebbs in the color of the finish. This prevents collapse and improves the design of the foundation.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for laying tiles

Blind area from paving slabs

My friend is not limited in funds and does construction work to protect the building with his own hands to increase his level. Therefore, the appearance of the yard is important for him. He designed the facade decoration, turning the building into a castle. The protruding part of the foundation and the plinth are laid out natural stone. For the blind area I bought plates from the same material.
We poured sand on the second layer of geotextile and compacted it. Then I started tiling. Vadik poured water over the gaps. To work with paving slabs need a skill. My auxiliary worker was afraid to spoil everything and just helped me. When everything was laid, we fixed the ebbs, protecting the junction.