Modern harmonious options for finishing the attic with your own hands: photos, basic materials, original ideas. Attic floor design: interesting interior options Examples of attic room layouts

The most probably The best way to increase the useful area of ​​​​your own house is to replace the gable roof of the house with a mansard. In this way, one, two or even three additional rooms can be purchased without carving out additional space on the site and without getting involved in the very laborious processes of pouring a new foundation and erecting walls. And in order to find out how to make the attic correctly, you need to consider all the stages of its arrangement, starting with calculations and ending with the roofing of the roof and finishing the resulting additional premises.

In order for all work to be successful, first of all, you need to make sure that the existing walls (if the add-on will be built in the old house) are able to withstand the additional load. It will depend on this factor whether it is worth starting such a construction site, and if so, on which design of the mansard roof it would be better to stop.

It should be noted that the load on the load-bearing walls will increase significantly - due to a larger number of rafters, due to the mass of interior decoration of walls and floors, windows and doors, insulation systems, as well as all elements of the interior filling of attic rooms. All these factors indicate that you need to start with choosing the optimal attic design, with calculations, drafting and drawings of the future superstructure.

Types of attic superstructures

According to current building codes, an attic is considered to be a room under a roof that has a height from ceiling to ridge of at least 2500 mm. If this parameter is less than the specified limit, then the room is considered an ordinary attic.

  • If the vertical racks that determine the height of the walls of the room are 1500 mm in size, then the attic space can be considered a full-fledged floor.
  • A semi-mansard is an attic room in which there are no vertical racks, or if they have a height of 500 to 700 mm.

At the heart of any roof structure are always triangles with their “rigid” structure.

There are several types of attic superstructures, but the most popular of them are high gable and broken structures. Their popularity can be explained by simpler calculations, relatively simple installation work and ease of use. In third place, after gable and broken structures, one can name a shed version of the roof, which is also sometimes used to equip the attic. Unfortunately, not every house design can use this type of superstructure, since it requires not only the reconstruction of the roof, but also raising the height of the already built walls, which significantly increases the load on them and on the foundation.

If erected new house, and the second floor is planned in the form of an attic, then a shed version of the roof is well suited for this purpose. In addition, it will help save on roofing material.

More complex structures - domed, four-pitched, as well as with various protrusions-consoles arranged in the roof slopes (single-level and multi-level), are used extremely rarely and only in exclusive projects, as they have a complex design both in engineering calculations and in installation.

The figure below the numbers shows:

1 - Gable attic.

2 - Broken attic

3 - Single-level console attic

4 - Multi-level attic.

Gable attic

attic space under d with a wuska roof, which is arranged at an angle between the slopes of 80 ÷ 90 degrees on the ridge, it may well be converted into an attic. To create full-fledged living quarters under it, it will be necessary to carry out a number of necessary reconstructions, for example, very often it is not possible without strengthening attic floor. All these alterations and plus to this - the necessary insulation will certainly “eat up” a significant part of the usable space under the roof, so you should not expect that the rooms in such an attic will be spacious and with high ceilings.

Of course, if the dimensions (length and width) of the house are large enough, and the roof has a significant angle of inclination (45 degrees or even higher), then after alterations it will be possible to count on a relatively spacious attic room.

broken roof

A room under a sloping mansard roof will be much more spacious and with a fairly high ceiling. Such an attic can be easily divided into two separate rooms.

The interior of the attic, made according to the "broken" type

The sloping roof has four planes of slopes. They are located at different angles - the upper slopes are called ridge, and the lower ones are lateral. They, for the most part, play the role of walls.

This type of mansard roof is somewhat more difficult to design and install, but the result will please you with spacious rooms and a respectable appearance of the house.

One-level console attic

This type of attic has an even more complex design than the previous one, as it implies a displacement of the attic space to one side or the other.

Using this version of the attic device, you can get spacious rooms, much larger in area than under a gable roof.

The design of a single-level mansard roof can repeat not only a gable, but also a shed version - this will depend on how much it is supposed to take the console out of the attic and raise its ceiling.

Layered add-on

A multi-level structure is the most difficult to design and install. In its development and construction, the help of qualified specialists will definitely be needed. The supports for the levels of the attic rooms are different truss systems and ceilings, which are combined with the main one. A multi-level system involves the location of rooms at different levels of the attic, which is why the consoles should be located that way.

Having chosen the most desirable type of attic, it is necessary to determine whether it is possible to arrange it on the old walls of the house, or whether they will have to be strengthened. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out accurate calculations and draw up a project.

Roof truss basics

Most roofs, and the attic in this matter is no exception, have one of two types of truss system, or a combination of them. Each of these varieties has its own characteristics, which depend on the location of the load-bearing walls of the building.

Hanging system

The hanging truss system is determined by the fact that it is supported only by two external capital walls located along the length of the building, in which there are no internal capital partitions.

Such a system is used provided that the distance between the main supports is no more than 13 ÷ 14 meters. In any case, this design gives a fairly large load on the walls and foundation of the building.

To reduce the loads in this system, various support structures are used. elements - crossbars, grandmas, struts, puffs, racks and other details.

For example, headstocks, as it were, suspend the entire system to the ridge beam with the help of a puff, and struts pull the overlapping beams to the rafter legs.

For the attic floor in this system, it is necessary to use thick bars, logs or boards that are installed on the edge. Their thickness can be determined from the table given in this publication, based on the distance between the support points.

In order for the floor to be reliable and durable when using a hanging system, you need to carry out accurate calculations, and if it is difficult to do it yourself, then it is better

Layered construction

The layered system is distinguished by the fact that it has supports not only on external main walls, but also on internal partitions, which have a foundation under them.

Therefore, starting the construction of a house in which an attic is planned, you need to think in advance about the location of the internal capital partitions.

For a house with an attic, a layered system is the best option, since the beams overlapping the house will be firmly and securely fixed to the walls and partitions.

When erecting a broken attic roof structure, you can use a combined version of the truss system, that is, use elements of both a hanging and a layered system.

Attic design

When drawing up a project for the construction of any type of attic, it is recommended to consider it in different projections in order to visually determine the location of all supporting elements. Calculating all the parameters of the attic, they must be immediately included in the project.

Based on the calculations made, the places and methods of installation of all structural elements of the truss system are determined. The calculation is also necessary to accurately determine the materials needed for the construction of the attic and their parameters.

Structural elements

Any of the wooden structures of the mansard roof consists of certain elements that are interconnected by connecting nodes that have different configurations. In order to better understand the design of these connections, it is recommended to draw each of them, and when conducting installation work- be sure to have this drawing on hand.

The design of a broken mansard roof includes the following components of the system:

  • Mauerlat - element, made from wooden beam and laid on the main walls of the building in its length. It serves to evenly distribute the load from the structure of the truss system to the wall and foundation. Rafter legs are installed and fixed on the Mauerlat. This element is mounted both in a gable and in a broken structure of the attic roof.
  • Floor beams, which are laid on the main walls of the building and are the basis for the future floor of the attic and the ceiling of the first floor, as well as for the installation of the entire truss system.
  • The rafter leg consists of one straight element - bar or boards in a gable type of roof, or from two parts - in a broken structure. In a broken mansard roof, the upper part fixed to the ridge is called the ridge, and the lower part, which forms the walls of the attic, is called the side. Obviously, the side leg will be installed on a layered basis, while the upper ridge rafter - usually becomes hanging
  • For the ridge, a beam or board of a certain thickness is used. Sometimes they do without it, connecting the upper ridge parts of the rafter legs together, which form the ridge.
  • Racks are supporting elements systems. They support the rafter legs and take some of the load off the walls and foundation of the building. Racks in the future will become a crate for the walls, which will be installed in the process of finishing the attic.
  • Bevels or other elements installed diagonally are additional supports that hold the rafters and retaining beams together, making the system more reliable.
  • Between the rafter legs for rigidity, bars are installed, called inter-rafter runs - they also give the system rigidity.

Carrying out basic attic calculations

It is quite difficult to develop a mansard roof project on your own, since this process requires certain knowledge and skills in designing and carrying out specific architectural calculations. If you make mistakes at the same time, the design of the attic will be unreliable, and besides, with its weight it can damage the walls and foundation of the building.

Everything must be taken into account in the calculations - from the beginning of construction to the finishing of the premises.

However, if a not too complicated design is conceived, then you can try to cope on your own.

Skate Height Calculation

The size usable area of the attic room depends on the height of the roof ridge, and the latter is determined by the selected slope of the slopes - the smaller this angle, the lower the ceiling and, accordingly, less effective area attic space.


H- the height of the skate;

L- ½ the width of the building (if we are talking about a gable symmetrical roof);

α - the angle of inclination of the slope of the truss system.

Scheme - for clarity

As an example, you can substitute the above data into the formula:

Building size 8×10 m, slope angle 30°, tangent 30°= 0.58

H \u003d 8/2 × 0.58 \u003d 2.32 m

The height of the skate will be 2,32 m.

In great detail, with all possible nuances and necessary reference tables, the process and all other parameters associated with it are described from a separate publication dedicated to this particular issue.

The area of ​​​​the interior space of the attic

The technique used to determine the area of ​​​​the attic space will make it possible to calculate the amount of material needed for the construction of the truss system, for insulation and decoration. Especially accurate calculations are important if the attic will be used to equip additional living rooms, as they require special design.

Usually the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room under the roof is calculated, that is, both useful and the so-called "deaf". The living space is limited to the installed racks, which will be the basis for the installation and finishing material of the walls. The zone behind them is considered deaf, that is, most often not used.

The total area is calculated quite simply: the width of the overhangs on both sides is added to the width of the building. The resulting amount is multiplied by the length of the building.

It is also easy to find the area of ​​\u200b\u200bliving space: for this you need to measure the width of the attic space between the racks installed under one and the other slope of the roof, and multiply the resulting parameter by the length of the attic from gable to gable.

Roofing area

To determine in advance the amount of roofing material, it is necessary to calculate the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof slopes.

If a decision is made to install a broken or even more complex structure, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball sections of the roof. To do this, you need to break it into separate geometric shapes, and then calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach of them and add the results.

For those who do not firmly remember the formulas for calculating the areas of flat figures, a "cheat sheet" scheme is given.

Shed roof area

If the attic roof is pitched, then its area can be calculated using the formula: Sabcd = Lcd × Lbd.

The area of ​​​​one slope - there is nothing easier

Pay attention to the drawing. When calculating, not only the length and width of the roof structure of the slope are taken into account - we must not forget about the cornice overhangs from all sides.

gable roof

With a symmetrical arrangement of roof slopes, for calculating a gable roof, it remains only to multiply the value obtained above by two.

For example, take the same example as discussed above. The size of the building is 10×8 m. The angle of the slope is 30 °, the height of the ridge H = 2.32 m. It is easy to determine the length of the rafter - S

S = H / sin α = 2.32 / 0.5 = 4.64 m

We accept cornice overhang 0,7 m, gable overhang 0,7 m. According to the shed roof formula, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone slope is calculated.

(10 + 2 × 0.7) × (4.64 + 0.7) = 60.88 m²

Then, to get the total area of ​​​​the two slopes, the resulting result is multiplied by two.

Q = 121.76 m²

This technique is designed to calculate the continuous surface of slopes, excluding windows, ventilation channels and a chimney.

If the roof has a very complex structure, then it is better not to take risks and still seek the help of professionals who will make the necessary calculations using special computer applications.

When using slate, soft roofing, other profile materials, you can use a simplified calculation formula.

Starting from the drawing:

So, the following formula is applicable for calculation:

Q\u003d K × (B + 2A) × (L + 2C)

Q- the required amount of roofing;

V the width of the building (along the gable wall);

A- the width of the planned eaves of the roof;

L- total length of the building;

C- the width of the side overhangs of the roof.

TO is a coefficient that takes into account the angle of inclination of the slope with respect to the horizon (α). By and large, it is a trigonometric function of secant (sec), equal to the reciprocal of cosα.

In order not to delve into the theory, it is easier to give a coefficient table TO in absolute, that is, numerical measurement:

Tilt angle, degreesK factorTilt angle, degreesK factorTilt angle, degreesK factorTilt angle, degreesK factor
1 1.0002 18 1.0515 36 1.2361 53 1.6616
2 1.0006 19 1.0576 37 1.2521 54 1.7013
3 1.0014 20 1.0642 38 1.2690 55 1.7434
4 1.0024 21 1.0711 39 1.2868 56 1.7883
5 1.0038 22 1.0785 40 1.3054 57 1.8361
6 1.0055 23 1.0864 41 1.3250 58 1.8871
7 1.0075 24 1.0946 42 1.3456 59 1.9416
8 1.0098 25 1.1034 43 1.3673 60 2.0000
9 1.0125 26 1.1126 44 1.3902 61 2.0627
10 1.0154 27 1.1223 45 1.4142 62 2.1301
11 1.0187 28 1.1326 46 1.4396 63 2.2027
12 1.0223 29 1.1434 47 1.4663 64 2.2812
13 1.0263 30 1.1547 48 1.4945 65 2.3662
14 1.0306 31 1.1666 49 1.5243 66 2.4586
15 1.0353 32 1.1792 50 1.5557 67 2.5593
16 1.0403 33 1.1924 51 1.5890 68 2.6695
17 1.0457 34 1.2062 52 1.6243 69 2.7904
35 1.2208 70 2.9238

Let's go back to our example:

Q= 1.1547 × (8 + 2 × 0.7) × (10+2 × 0.7) = 123.74 m²

With considering overlaps slate sheets - it turns out almost the same as in calculations carried out by a different method. Of course, on the advice of experienced builders, another 10 ÷ 15 %

(The figure shows a gable roof, however, the formula is fully suitable for calculations with the required level of accuracy for shed or hip roofs. True, with a caveat - at the hip roof, the steepness of the main and side slopes must match. If not, then the calculation is carried out for each pairs of rays separately, and then the value is summed).

Total weight from truss system and roofing

It is equally important to correctly choose the optimal material for roofing and correctly make a crate for it. This calculation is carried out taking into account the length of the rafters and the angle of their slope.

The crate for roofing material can be sparse, mixed or solid. For example, a metal tile, corrugated board or slate is fixed to a sparse crate, and soft roof- only on a continuous one.

When choosing a roof, you need to get information about it performance characteristics. It is from them that the durability and reliability of the roof structure will depend. roofing material it is also necessary to choose taking into account the specific region and its climatic conditions, especially factors such as temperature changes and strong winds.

An important factor is the weight of the roofing, especially if mansard roof will be installed on the old walls. Therefore, you should estimate the weight of the roof in advance and find out how much the load on the building structure will increase, and whether it will be acceptable.

Roofing material for mansard roofRoof slopeMaterial weight kg / m²
Asbestos cement slate sheets with medium profile1:10 to 1:211
Slate with reinforced profile1:5 to 1:113
bituminous tilesFrom 1:10 and more6 - 8
Soft roofing, taking into account the continuous lathingFrom 1:10 and more9 - 15
Galvanized metal sheets with single seamFrom 1:4 and more3 - 6,5
With double foldsFrom 1:5 and more3 - 6,5
Ceramic tiles1:5 to 1:0.550 - 60
Cement-sand tiles1:5 to 1:0.545 - 70
metal tileFrom 1:5 and more5 - 7
OndulinFrom 1:10 and more3 - 3,5

Most often, soft roofing or ondulin is used to cover attics, since these materials are one of those that have the lightest weight and are easy to install.

For example, you can calculate the weight of 1 square meter of roofing, where ondulin is used for coating, taking into account the crate and insulation - sprayed polyurethane foam. To do this, you need to find the sum of the weight of each of the materials and multiply by a factor of 1.1 (this factor takes into account the overlap on adjacent sheets of roofing material).

  • The weight from a flat crate, 20 mm thick (plywood or OSB) is 14 kg / m².
  • Insulation - polyurethane foam, 100 mm thick, has an average weight of 3 kg / m²
  • The average weight of ondulin is 3.3 kg / m²

We get in total:

(14 + 3 + 3.3) × 1.1=22.3kg /m²

To calculate the total weight load of the roof on the walls, you need to multiply the weight of one square meter by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe entire coating. In our example, this will work:

M = 123.74 × 22.3 = 2751.82 kg.

A lot - almost 3 tons gives only a very light roofing with a crate and also a very light type of insulation.

But that's not all! Snow loads on the roof winter period, plus wind pressure, all year round. These parameters are also necessarily taken into account when calculating the necessary wooden structural elements of the truss system and floor beams, and when taking into account the total load of the roof structure on the walls and foundation of the building.

- Then, the whole system is closed with a vapor barrier film, which is fixed on the logs with brackets.

- Boards or plywood sheets can be laid on top of it.

- A decorative coating is laid on them - it can be linoleum, laminate, parquet board and other materials.

Additional insulation can be created by laying an electric cable or infrared warm floor under the decorative coating. It is better to read about these possibilities separately in the article devoted to

  • If the floor is mounted on floor beams, you will have to work from the side of the first floor.

- From the side of the lower room, boards are mounted on the floor beams. It is desirable that they be even, you can even use a floorboard for the subfloor.

- After that, a vapor barrier film is laid on these boards from the side of the attic, which will cover not only the subfloor, but also the floor beams.

- On top of it, another layer of vapor barrier is laid and attached to the beams.

- Then, logs are fixed to this coating perpendicular to the beams.

- Another layer of insulation is mounted between the lags, for it it is better to choose mineral wool, as it, straightening out, is tightly installed between the bars, leaving no voids.

- Then it should also be covered with vapor barrier material.

If it is decided to cover the floor with one of the decorative coatings, then plywood sheets are laid on top of the log, and then laminate, linoleum or other materials are laid on them. Again, nothing prevents in this case from using, for example, film floor heating.

Installation of insulation on the walls and ceiling of the attic

Having finished the installation of the floor, you can proceed to the installation of insulation on the walls.

- If material in mats is chosen for this process, then before laying it, sheets of vapor barrier material are fixed on the rafters.

It is fixed in such a way as to close the entire space and deepen it between the rafters.

If the vapor barrier is fixed on the other side of the rafters, then the mats will independently hold between two wooden surfaces.

- If one of is selected, then you do not need to pin under it vapor barrier film. It will be enough waterproofing, which is laid on the rafters outside the structure.

Spraying polyurethane foam - quickly and efficiently, but requires special equipment and work skills

To use this insulation technology, you must have special technological equipment, or you will have to invite a specialist who will do the work in one day. It is not easy to carry out this operation on your own without experience - in order to do the work without harming your health, you need to know the process technology and have the necessary protective equipment.

After carrying out insulation work, wall cladding is carried out.

Prices for popular types of heaters


Attic wall decoration

Before you start finishing the walls, you need to resolve the issue of electrical wiring, the cable of which must be well insulated with double-layer corrugated pipes.

After the wiring of the electrical cable is done, you can safely proceed with the installation of the finishing material.

Usually used for finishing wooden lining, drywall or plywood with a beautiful textured pattern.

For any of these materials, it is desirable to make a crate of slats on the rafter legs and vertical racks with a section size of approximately 20 × 70 mm. These guides are fixed in increments of 500 ÷ 600 mm. In addition to the fact that the crate of the slats becomes the basis for fixing the finish, it also forms a ventilation gap between the finishing material and the vapor barrier.

  • made quite simply. It leaves walls smooth and neat, ready for painting, traditional wallpapering or even liquid wallpapering.

Therefore, drywall finishing should be chosen by those homeowners who like to often change the interior design of the premises.

  • Clapboard wall decoration is a longer and more laborious process than. For such a sheathing, a crate with the above parameters is also perfect. The only thing to think about is the direction of the lining boards, that is, it should be located vertically with the horizontal orientation of the crate and vice versa.

If desired, after installation, the wood can be varnished with a water-based varnish or give it a deeper color using a stain.

Wood is an amazing material that can create a special atmosphere in the room with the aroma of the forest, which has a positive effect on the structure and well-being of the residents. That is why natural lining very often chosen for sheathing the floor, walls and ceiling of the attic.

Video: insulation of the attic room and finishing it with clapboard

  • You can come up with a beautiful plywood finish. But that's only if it will not be covered with paint on top, then you need to choose a quality material that has a beautiful natural pattern. Plywood is mounted much faster than lining, and makes the walls even, covering large surfaces at once.

This material can be covered with varnish, paint or any kind of wallpaper, but you can leave the walls in their natural state only by carefully cleaning possible defects in the form of protruding splinters or burrs.

The construction of an attic is a rather laborious and complex process that requires high experience in the construction craft. If there is no one to understand about the above technological operations, then you should not take it on your own - it is better to invite professional masters to perform the work. They will save you from unnecessary problems and build an attic according to the project conceived by the owner of the house.

Video: an example of the construction and decoration of the attic

Low-rise housing has not recently been associated with budget housing. To date, private houses of small number of storeys most often appear in elite villages. And designers already offer typical and individual projects. The greatest demand today is for projects of houses with an attic floor. At the same time, the presence of a full-fledged living space under the roof remains a prerequisite, since the attic is a great way not to waste free space.

What is an attic?

Usually the attic is a large open space that can be used for various purposes: as a living space or attic. The main difference between these two rooms is that the attic is an unheated storage room for storing old and unnecessary things. A the attic is a full-fledged rest room.

Although, according to the BTI documents, the height of the ceilings in the attic should be from 1.5 to 2.5 meters. If the walls are lower, then this is an attic, and if higher, then this is a full-fledged residential floor. But when drawing up documents for a house, please note that the functionality of the under-roof space is subject to separate taxes. So, the attic is not included in the total living area, and a house with an attic on the roof is regarded as a two-story cottage.

From design features house and roof depends on the internal usable area of ​​the attic floor. Here you can equip a guest bedroom, a children's area, a study with a library or a winter garden.

Before proceeding with the construction or improvement of the attic, it is necessary to determine the type of roof:

  • Shed - the ceiling of such an attic has an inclined shape, and the room itself remains small and cramped. And such attics are equipped very rarely.
  • Gable or gable - perhaps the most popular option in construction country houses. The roof slopes are connected at an angle with a ridge.

  • Broken line - a kind of variety gable roof. Free space in this case is increased due to the complicated roof structure.
  • Four-pitched - allows you to place 4 windows on each roof slope.
  • Single-level with remote consoles - a complex type of roof that cannot be done on your own if you do not have special skills and knowledge. Such asymmetric roofs are relatively rarer than all the others. In such an attic, you can place two or three spacious rooms.

At the same time, before crossing the slopes, the ceiling height should reach 1.5 meters, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to be in such a small room. The most optimal indicator is 2.5 meters.

Low ceilings can create the illusion of an enclosed space. In addition, according to psychologists, in a small dark room a person feels like in a confined space, which has a negative impact on the psyche and mood.

Any under-roof space can be converted and converted into an attic. When choosing the type of roof, consider the loads on the supporting structures of the log house and the foundation. Without this, it is impossible to draft an attic floor. This also takes into account the height and width of the roof. And no matter what purpose you choose for the attic: residential or non-residential - you must follow certain rules and regulations for construction. But still, it is recommended that at the stage of developing a plan for the future home, work out the option for arranging the attic, this will allow you to use the additional space to the maximum.

The main requirements that are put forward to the attic:

  • insulation - the additional room should be warm;
  • high-quality waterproofing - you can’t do without a layer of waterproofing material; when arranging the attic, you must be sure that rainwater will not get inside the room;
  • vapor barrier - does not allow condensation to form due to the temperature difference in the room and on the street;

  • lighting is the key to coziness and comfort;
  • soundproofing - raindrops hitting the roof, or snow falling in early spring can become a serious problem for a comfortable and relaxing holiday;
  • layout and division of space into separate zones should be well planned.

How to arrange outside?

A private house with an attic can be built from foam blocks, bricks or timber. But all roof elements must be light and durable. Do not use concrete and stone - they will create an additional load on the floors. The most suitable materials for roof sheathing are metal tiles, slate. Mineral wool or basalt slabs can be used as insulation.

The facade of the house should fit into the surrounding area and match the landscape of the site. Therefore, you can use decorative trim: siding, tile, artificial brick or stone.

A square private house is a great option not only for seasonal suburban area as well as for permanent residence. In such a room it is easier to equip inner space and harmoniously place all the necessary zones. And so that outwardly such a house does not look like a squat cube, attach an open or closed veranda near the porch. Also dilute the boring appearance bay windows, columns or a balcony will help attic floor.

Zoning rules

The room under the roof may have a non-standard shape: broken, triangular, with asymmetrical sides, and so on. But this does not hurt to arrange an office, a rest room, an extra bedroom, a library or a winter garden in the attic.

Designers also offer two ways to decorate the attic:

  • use roof slopes as walls;
  • sheathe the walls and ceiling with drywall, creating a room of the correct rectangular shape.

The main thing is to be warm and comfortable in the room.

House 6 x 6 m

A building with an area of ​​​​6 x 6 m is considered great option for garden house. Subject to the construction one-story house with an attic, the total area will be about 50 m2. For seasonal living of a family of 3-4 people, this is quite enough. But in order to avoid clutter at home, it is necessary to plan the space, as well as to approach the choice of furniture correctly:

  • Built-in cabinet furniture and spacious storage systems in the corridor will relieve the space in the rooms.
  • To save space, you can also use the space under the stairs to equip a small pantry.

  • On the additional space on the attic floor, you can also find a free corner for storing household appliances.
  • You can increase the living space of the house with the help of a covered terrace, which can be used as a summer kitchen.
  • It is better to make a bathroom common, and instead of a bathroom, install a shower cabin - for living in the warm summer period and on weekends it will be quite enough even for a large family.

Key Benefits small house are a quick process of building a building, as well as savings on utility bills.

House 6 x 8 m

In a house with an area of ​​6 x 8 m, you can confidently accommodate an additional bedroom and a dressing room. The project of such a house is not much different from the layout of a house of 6x6 meters:

  • The hallway can smoothly move into the kitchen-living room - this is the best option for modern design Houses. And besides, the combined room looks more spacious and spectacular.
  • On the first floor you can also place two bedrooms and a bathroom.
  • The attic floor can be used as a workshop, office or a separate room for storing seasonal items.

House 6 x 9 m

The size of the house with an area of ​​​​6 x 9 meters is not too big, but still allows you to accommodate several full-fledged zones:

  • On the ground floor, you can place a spacious entrance hall with spacious storage systems for outerwear.
  • The kitchen and living room can be combined in one space or separated by partitions.
  • It is recommended to combine the bathroom, and use a shower cabin for guests instead of a bath.

House 12 x 13 m

A house with an area of ​​12 by 13 meters is the best choice for a comfortable stay for a large family:

  • Each member of the family can be allocated a separate spacious room.
  • On the ground floor you can arrange a kitchen-living room, two bedrooms and a separate bathroom.
  • Also on the ground floor there will be a place for a boiler room or a small pantry.
  • And in the spacious attic there is a place for another bedroom, a children's area or a study.

With such a layout, it is most reasonable to equip a staircase in the hallway in order to avoid walk-through rooms.

What should be inside?

A private house gives the owner the freedom to choose the layout and design. And based on the available area of ​​the house, the attic space can be equipped for residential or non-residential purposes.

The main stages of arrangement of the attic floor:

  • Drawing up a plan for the future home - when creating a project, the dimensions of the room are taken into account.
  • Selection and calculation of building materials for interior and exterior decoration of the house.
  • Insulation, lighting and waterproofing of the attic floor.
  • The construction of internal partitions for zoning and dividing the premises into separate rooms.
  • Finishing the ceiling, walls and floor of each zone

In the developed attic project, the materials that you will use for the interior and exterior decoration of the floor, as well as insulation and waterproofing, must be indicated.

What rooms can be placed on the attic floor:

  • bedroom
  • children's room;
  • office or library;
  • guest bedroom;
  • home cinema;
  • dressing room;
  • winter Garden;
  • gym;
  • hobby room or workshop.

In order to make a cozy attic out of an ordinary attic, it is necessary to insulate the room. And you can't do without additional thermal insulation. Features and rules for installing insulation:

  • Vapor barrier materials should not allow moisture from evaporation in the room to pass through.
  • All heat-insulating materials must be designed for residential premises.
  • It is also necessary to equip the windows so that natural light enters the room. Windows must be well insulated to reduce heat loss.

When arranging the attic, special attention should be paid not only to insulation, but also to ventilation. In this case experts offer three solutions:

  • skylights in the sloping part of the pitched roof;
  • air conditioner;
  • supply and exhaust ventilation.

You can develop a project and build a house with an attic with your own hands, but for this you need to have certain skills and abilities. And also be sure to follow the basic recommendations and building codes:

  • An attic cannot be attached to a finished house. It is necessary to ascertain in advance the reliability and strength of the foundation and floors. Perhaps before the construction of the attic, additional strengthening of the structure will be required.
  • The attic floor must be with reinforced robust design, have additional supports, walls or columns.
  • For safety reasons, when designing an attic, it is imperative to provide an external staircase from the side of the street to a balcony or window. Any additional design will ensure safe evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Attic floor plan

Cottage or individual construction is at the peak of popularity today. Who among us does not dream of a cozy and spacious house where the whole family will live happily? has not only a special French charm, but also a lot of advantages, the main of which is the possibility of arranging additional living space. Such a low-rise private construction project opens up new opportunities for owners: additional living space at low financial costs. If there is a desire and need to attach an attic floor to the house, you must first draw up a plan and make a drawing. This will help correct errors at the planning stage, correctly calculate the load and the amount of building materials.

Features and Requirements

The layout of a residential attic is a laborious process, it requires knowledge and accuracy in calculations. the main task- prepare a project and detailed drawing. Any mistakes that were made at the planning stage of the attic floor will immediately negatively affect the quality of the operation of the premises.

Attic project

In order to prepare a construction plan, you need to comply with a number of requirements for the construction of the attic floor:

  • the walls in such a room must be at least 2.5 meters high, if the height of the walls is less, then this is an attic room;
  • the arrangement of high-quality thermal insulation is required, which will help in creating an optimal microclimate;
  • it is necessary to create impeccable ventilation of building materials and the frame in order to avoid deformation, dampness and, as a result, the appearance of mold and fungus;
  • special attention should be paid to the choice of building materials, giving preference to lightweight, high-strength and wear-resistant;
  • the entire structure of the house as a whole must withstand the load increased due to the construction of the attic floor; a detailed plan is needed for visualization.


The list of basic requirements should be taken into account at the stage of drawing preparation in order to correct possible shortcomings in a timely manner. Any mistakes can lead to catastrophic consequences: the appearance of cracks and even collapse.

Layout of the living room in the attic

Design rules

During the construction process, it is the project and drawings that are the main documents in accordance with which the work is carried out.The document displays the following:

  1. A description of the shapes, sizes, architectural geometry, angles of inclination of the roof slopes is carried out.
  2. A list of the required building materials for the construction of the attic floor is compiled.
  3. According to special formulas, accurate calculations of the attic load on all load-bearing structural elements of the house (beams, rafters, ceilings, etc.) are made. The data is clearly displayed in the drawing.
  4. The project includes information on the creation of a heat-insulating layer, the choice of appropriate materials based on thermal engineering calculations.
  5. Drawings of the attic roof are attached to the project. The drawing allows you to visually and most accurately reflect the shape of the roof, kinks and slopes.

Project of a house with an attic floor

All construction work on the construction of the attic floor must fully comply with the prepared project of the house.


At the planning stage, you should decide how many separate rooms will be in the attic. Zoning and communications are also marked on the plan.

There are various types of attics, which depend on the area, the shape of the roof and the height of the walls. If the attic room is small and narrow, you can equip a cozy bedroom or study. And if the room is spacious, with high vaults, then you can equip the living room.

The project of a residential building with an attic

One-story house: design features

The layout of a one-story building is distinguished by the need to create a staircase, the main function of which is the ability to get to the second level. Incorrect planning of the location of the stairs leads to the inconvenience of moving around the house.

One-story house with an attic

The layout of the residential attic is developed strictly at the design stage. It's necessary:

  • for comfortable placement of the staircase node;
  • to calculate the economic costs of usable area;
  • to draw up a drawing of a convenient exit to the second level.

The role of the attic in a one-story house is the so-called “quiet zone”. How to prepare a project? The layout of the staircase node of a one-story house with dimensions of 6 * 6 or 8 * 8, where a residential attic is planned, has a difference: about 6 drops out of the total area in the center of the building square meters, since it is possible to organize access to the attic floor only in the area of ​​​​the ridge of the roof of the building. If a house project is being drawn up with dimensions of 8 * 10, 9 * 12 or 9 * 9, it is less sensitive to the creation of a staircase assembly, as it fits more easily into the overall plan. When drawing up a staircase plan in order to get to the attic floor, it is important to take into account the fact that the approach to it must be provided from various rooms. In addition, one should remember about rational use space. Therefore, the choice of location for the stair node is an extremely important point. Using ready plan and a typical project, it is necessary to carefully evaluate all the risks, as well as study the technological features.

The layout of the attic in a one-story house

Plan-project of a two-story house in 10 steps

A two-story residential building with an attic is the most common type of building. The layout of the operated attic floor is very specific, so there are a number of important nuances:

  1. Movement intensity in two-story house above. The staircase to the second floor can be wide and gentle, the area allows it. Platforms in spans can be made large so that passers-by do not collide.
  2. The attic floor is located directly under the roof, the slopes of which are located at an angle. Layout may be subject to restrictions architectural features roofs.
  3. The entrance to the stairs is rational in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ridge, since it is in this place that the normal height for its arrangement is.
  4. The traditional attic roof has vertical walls, so the window openings are planned along the gables.
  5. The plan of the building with dimensions of 9 * 9 or 10 * 10, with the arrangement of the attic floor, depends on the placement of light openings. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows you to equip several rooms at once, and it is difficult to organize lighting through the gables.
  6. The drawing should reflect partitions, beams, that is, in detail the entire truss system.

The project of a two-story house with an attic


Barriers must be supported by bearing wall. The layout of the floors located below the attic directly depends on this.

  1. If the attic floor is operated, then the drawing should clearly reflect the location of all communications and engineering systems.
  2. If the attic floor area is more than 100 sq. meters, then sanitary conditions and amenity premises should be expanded taking into account the number of users.
  3. When drawing up a design plan for the truss system, it is important to take into account all possible factors that determine the load. These include the creation of thermal insulation, the material and type of truss elements, the type of roofing and more.
  4. The load on the floor of the attic floor is no less intense than on the standard floors. Calculate it, decide on the choice of materials for the structure, reflect all the information in the project without fail.

Attic layout in a two-story house

Planning an attic floor in individual construction is a laborious process that requires care, preparation and knowledge. Compliance with all the requirements and rules when drawing up a typical project of a house with an attic is a guarantee of the durability of the structure and a high level of living comfort. The result of the work will be the possibility of obtaining additional square meters for the arrangement of living space.

What: one-, two-story, mansard house cheaper to build?

Ksenia Skvortsova. Chief Editor. Author.
Planning and distribution of responsibilities in the content production team, work with texts.
Education: Kharkiv State Academy Cultures, specialty “Culturologist. Lecturer in History and Theory of Culture. Experience in copywriting: From 2010 to the present. Editor: since 2016.

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Houses with an attic are the embodiment of a comfortable and pleasant country life. Such cottages allow great freedom in the choice of materials, design and layout of the house. In this article you will find the necessary recommendations, as well as projects of houses with an attic, free drawings and photos.

Features of a house with an attic

One of the most important features of a house with an attic is, since the upper part of the structure is subject to temperature changes. It is equally important to take care of the waterproofing of the room. Choose light materials for the attic floor. This also applies to interior decoration, and even furniture. Do not overload the foundation and walls due to the possible appearance of cracks.

A small attic area is best formed as a whole space, but if it is necessary to create internal partitions, drywall should be preferred. This material will not put additional load on the foundation of the house.

How to build a house with an attic?

When creating a house project with an attic, it is necessary to take into account the features of this building. Subject to the following rules, you will get a beautiful and reliable solid home.

  1. Additional load calculation. It is impossible to arbitrarily attach an attic to a one-story house, as this will entail cracks with the subsequent destruction of the base. If you decide to build an attic on existing walls, take care of strengthening them.
  2. Calculation of the height of the attic. The minimum floor-to-ceiling height is 2.5 m.
  3. Proper roof design. When designing it, it should be taken into account that the gable construction will add only 67% of the base area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. The so-called "broken" roof will add about 90% of the ground floor area. But raising the roof by 1.5 m can increase the area by 100%.
  4. provide communications communications between the base and the attic;
  5. think over planning, places for and windows;
  6. It is very important to comply fire safety requirements, evacuation plan from the attic.

Projects of a one-story house with an attic: drawings and photos

In one-story houses, the attic most often acts as a workshop or. Often a bedroom is located on this level, due to the comfortable location in a room with low ceilings, as well as additional insulation and a beautiful view of the starry sky from the windows. We have selected 10 best projects houses with an attic, below are free drawings and photos, as well as their description.

Project #1. The project of this house provides for a functional room on the attic level, which houses a bedroom, a bathroom and two additional rooms, which, at your discretion, can be equipped as living rooms or children's rooms. Cosy frame house involves the execution of brick and expanded clay concrete. Big windows make the interior of the house well lit. The building fully complies with all the requirements of a residential building.

Project #2. A cozy eco-style cottage with a large dining-living room on the ground floor. The project allows you to place three rooms, a bathroom and a small hall in the attic, as well as access to the balcony. A comfortable wide staircase is provided. On the ground floor there is also a second exit to the veranda. This house is perfect for a large family for a comfortable country holiday.

Project #3. A small and at the same time functional one-story house with a living-dining room and an office on the ground floor. The attic space occupies three adjacent rooms and a bathroom. A bay window in the living room and a flat-roofed skylight add variety to the simple form of the building. The house is perfect for both leisure and work.

Project №4. compact house in rustic style. On the ground floor there is a living room with a dining area, a kitchen and a toilet. The attic can be reached by a convenient wide staircase. There are three bedrooms and a bathroom here.

Project #5. A functional one-story house with an attic is suitable for a large family. The project includes a spacious dining room, office, bathroom and kitchen on the ground floor, as well as three adjoining rooms and a bathroom on the attic level. The shape of the house is complemented by a bay window on the ground floor in the living-dining room and access to the balcony, as well as a window with another additional balcony and a gable roof.

Project #6. The budget project of a house with an attic is perfect for living and relaxing. On the ground floor there is a large spacious living room (48.6 m2), which can simultaneously act as a dining room. On the attic - three bedrooms, a bathroom and a spacious balcony.

Project №7. A simple one-story house with a functional layout designed for a family of five. The simple form is complemented by a bay window and a balcony. The entrance through the hallway leads to the hall, where there is a staircase to the attic and doors to all rooms on the ground floor: living room, bathroom, kitchen and nursery. On the attic level there are three bedrooms, a spacious bathroom and two walk-in closets, one of which adjoins the large bedroom.

Project No. 8. By choosing a house project with an attic and a garage, you will save money on construction work by combining the main walls. In addition, the two-in-one solution reduces garage heating costs thanks to the warm walls of the house. And besides, there is no need to go outside in bad weather to get into the garage - the main part of the house is connected to the garage through a storage room. Large windows make the house bright, and two small terraces will contribute to pleasant outdoor recreation.

Project No. 9. The project of this cozy house provides for the installation of a twin house in a mirror design. The hallmark of this simple structure is the garage roof, which extends over the entrance terrace and is supported by three wooden beams. The exterior of the house is distinguished by a wooden frame of classic window openings. On the ground floor there is a living room, a kitchen combined with a dining room, and a bathroom, the attic level is occupied by two bedrooms and a bathroom.

The garage is directly connected to the house with a folding ladder, which saves space for storing tools and other necessary things.

Two-story houses with an attic have a presentable appearance. Such houses are designed for a comfortable country or summer vacation. As a rule, the layout of a two-story house with an attic provides for the location of common rooms on the first level (this can be a living room, dining room, kitchen), and private apartments on the second floor (master bedrooms, bathroom, children's). When choosing materials, you can stop at concrete, brick or wood. Combined options are possible, where one floor is made of timber, and the other is made of brick. Below is project number 10, the final one in our selection.

Useful space under the roof above the first floor can always be used rationally. Why do you need uninhabited cold attic when, with a reasonable approach, it can be turned into a full-fledged living space? The design of the attic will require attention, investment, as a result you get additional space, it can be turned into a bedroom, living room, office or cinema room. An insulated attic will save up to a quarter of the energy that is usually used to heat a house.

Second floor design

Previously, the attic was not intended for living. Later, servants were placed there. Today to do under the roof living rooms became fashionable.

If it is necessary to reconstruct the truss system for the equipment of the attic floor, the services of professionals may be required. When heating, ventilation and electricity are already present, the interior can be thought out independently.

Points to consider when creating the interior of a house with an attic:

  • Mandatory insulation, the presence of all engineering communications. In matters of arrangement, you need to be very careful, in their decision to be technically savvy.
  • It is good to think over how to use walls, beams, slopes in the interior of the room.
  • It is rational to approach vertical windows or located in lucarnes, with their help to achieve maximum illumination.
  • In the decoration, use those materials that show the greatest moisture resistance.
  • Do not get carried away with a lot of furniture, unnecessary details, accessories, remember the rule: low ceilings require the same low furniture.
  • Try to use natural finishing materials.
  • Rationally manage the space, in the process of being passionate about design development and not make it more cramped.

Little attic

The modest size of the room is not an obstacle to creating stylish interior. Sloping ceilings take up a lot of space. This can always be beaten, volume and area can be added with the help of successful lighting, window openings that are maximized in height and width, and harmonious colors.

Attic bedroom

Depending on the degree of inclination, the room under the roof is adapted for different purposes. With a low angle of inclination, the attic will be an ideal place to place a bedroom there. Its comfort, romance will only benefit, it will become quieter, warmer, through the windows it will be possible to admire the starry sky.

To decorate the space, they choose the traditional style, equip it in an oriental or aristocratic manner. In any case, first you have to start from the height of the room, do not chase large details, stop at more compact ones. First you will need to arrange the most necessary furniture, fill the remaining space with other details.

When choosing finishes, they rely on the materials that were used in the design of the house. In the bedroom, an eco-style will naturally look, where there is a lot of wood, classic wallpaper decoration, which will emphasize beauty and comfort. Particular attention - textiles. He will place accents, give a unique look.

What can be done if the ceiling in the room is very low? Even in such a situation, you can equip a cozy bedroom. A bed - "tatami" will be a way out, and the entire interior must be kept in the style of oriental minimalism. The ceiling will visually rise if it is in bright colors.

Living room in the attic

A cozy living room in the attic can be made with a minimum of effort. The main thing is that the room for guests is spacious and solid. Carefully thought-out design can turn even a small room into a reception room for guests.

To visually expand the narrow volume of the attic, you need to strive for light colors in everything: use plastic, transparent glass furniture, make the walls as light as possible.

The first rule for accessories will be the unity of all details. Translucent fabrics are best suited for windows. Blackout curtains, blinds will look good.

The style of the living room should correspond to your interests, mood, and be in harmony with all the decoration of the house. Choose from the following areas:

  • Classic. She has luxury and elegance. Solid furniture, carpets, chandeliers will be required. The main decoration of the interior should be the fireplace area. There are no bright colors, everything is orderly.
  • Modern modern. Functionality, simplicity, practicality. The atmosphere of the room is dominated by warm pastel shades, there are dark elements. All details are in harmony.
  • Retro. The situation is typical for the end of the century before last. The living room is furnished and decorated with paintings of that time. Instead of a fireplace, you can build a cast-iron stove or its styling.
  • Provence. A popular destination due to its sophistication and romance. Finishing and furniture is subject to antiquity. The room is warmed by warm southern tones.
  • High tech. For modern art lovers. In the decoration, everything corresponds to the latest fashion. Lots of chrome and glass details. Strict forms, monotony, minimalism.

Covered kitchen and dining area

It's great if this idea comes to your mind at the stage of laying the building. The arrangement of the kitchen will require appropriate communications. Not only light and insulation will be needed, but also gas and water supply.

A well-thought-out attic interior with a kitchen and a dining room can become as comfortable and beautiful as possible, the choice of style, furniture, taking into account the nuances of the layout of the room, the height of the ceilings, and the shape of the ceilings are important.

Where the ceiling is sloping, place hob, install a sofa and a table with a sink. give preference modular systems, cabinets with sloping walls. The best option- multi-level furniture, preferably on wheels, no massive sets in the style of classicism. Avant-garde and techno functionality with bright color accents, unusual furniture will be more appropriate.

When designing the interior of the kitchen, you need to consider that:

  • natural light is best provided by large skylights;
  • it is better to buy furniture in bright colors, keep the walls and ceiling in pastel colors;
  • with an appropriate layout, place kitchen furniture against the wall, which is perpendicular to the slope;
    dining table it will be good at the window;
  • the colors of the kitchen and dining areas should be combined with each other, even better if the contrasts between them are opposite.

The design of the windows on the attic floor, where the kitchen will be located, may dictate a complete lack of decor. The most convenient option is roller blinds, blinds.

Children's room

"Dead zones", the inconvenience of planning - those claims that are usually made in the process of working on the design of the attic floor. In the case of children's sloping walls, not quite accessible corners can, on the contrary, create additional features. Features of the relief of the walls, differences in the height of the ceilings can be well beaten. High-mounted windows are safer than traditional ones.

First of all, you need to think about good insulation, the safety of all materials used, and the convenience of planning.

The child will like to be the sole owner of a separate room, which he can settle in at his own discretion. The room will be a good observation point away from close parental supervision. It is easy to organize several zones here: for recreation, games, storage of many toys, things, creative activities.

For a nursery, it is important to have an abundance of light, bright accents. Fits well into the interior unusual furniture, on sleeping places there are colorful textiles, all kinds of soft floor coverings, a lot of interesting colorful lamps in different areas of space.

Study, workshop or library

In a small private house, it is always difficult to allocate a separate room for an office or workshop. In the former attic, you can organize a cozy area for solitude, reading, and your favorite hobby. Large space is not required, a few square meters are enough. In the absence of restrictions in meters, impressive bookcases, a soft sofa or a fluffy rug with many cozy pillows for relaxing, a rocking chair in a separate corner with a floor lamp will fit here.

Decorating the attic room open shelves or closed shelving for books, tools, use all the space to the maximum.

In order not to reduce the open spaces of the attic floor, you should not sew up massive wooden beams drywall. This will not narrow the already limited space, will give the interior individuality, the atmosphere of the office with a lot of equipment and electronics will become warmer.

Bathroom in the attic

The attic floor, due to its specificity, sloping ceiling, walls with different levels, is rarely used for functional purposes. In a large metropolis, the entire apartment may turn out to be an attic area. When creating an interior country house utility rooms can also be placed under the roof itself.

There are some nuances here, when drawing up an attic design project, not only the size of the room is taken into account, the growth of the owners, ergonomic patterns are taken into account. It will turn out a comfortable, practical bathroom, it is better to place it above the kitchen area. This will simplify the work of water supply and sewerage systems. Most often, a toilet bowl and a bathroom are installed close to the inclined wall. If the dimensions of the room are small, then instead of it it is better to put a shower stall.

Plumbing, furniture should be compact, often use washbasins built into cabinets, cabinets, various suspended structures. It is better if the surfaces and doors are made of materials with a light, glossy, mirror surface. Floor tiles - appropriate.

With an impressive size of the room, the walls are decorated in any colors, if it is cramped, they stop at a light scale, which should visually expand the space. For the same purpose, it is worth abandoning the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhiding structures and saving space on this. We decorate them, make an interior accent.

home theater

Usually one of the largest rooms on the ground floor combines the functions of a dining room, living room, kitchen. This is convenient, zoning helps not to infringe on each of the segments.

The current design of the attic room, if there is no urgent need to save usable space, suggests the possibility of planning a full-fledged home theater on the second floor of a summer house or a private house. This room has a large sofa, a TV, a wall-to-wall projector screen. Wires, speaker system are hidden behind beautiful wall panels, where disks and other paraphernalia will also conveniently fit.

In the presence of funds, a rich imagination, a bar counter, a refrigerator for drinks, a popcorn machine, and coffee brewing are added to the arsenal. If you make the environment mobile, the room will be useful for holding dance parties and other mass gatherings.

Closet under the roof

It is unprofitable to arrange a storage system on the first floors due to the eternal lack of space. To equip a room under the roof for such purposes, even if it is a small area and with a specific shape, is a very good solution. Here you can take out the things of all family members. Non-standard layout, with a thoughtful approach, we turn ourselves into a plus.

Asymmetry, all kinds of bevels of the ceiling will not always allow you to place a store assortment of furniture on the attic area. But you can think about how to use each corner with custom-made cabinets, shelving, shelves.

Cabinets and niches for long things are installed near high walls. Near the walls under a slope, a wardrobe with sliding doors. Near the low fragments of the wall, you can equip low cabinets, benches, which are convenient to sit on, store seasonal items there, shoes with a vacuum cleaner.

fireplace room

The attic is a non-standard space. Heated floors, electric radiators are not quite suitable for extraordinary people to create an atmosphere of romance and creativity. A fireplace can play both a purely practical role and a purely decorative one.

A traditional wood-burning fireplace is a massive structure. Since the ceiling of the attic floor is unlikely to withstand a half-ton structure, preference is given to compact models with low weight. Facing with heavy stone, ceramics is contraindicated. The most appropriate style is high-tech, steel, glass, cast iron parts, simple shapes without decorative frills.

The design of the fireplace in the attic is very individual, it must take into account the degree of load, the ventilation system. If the floors in the house are wooden, they stop at electric models or those that run on biofuels.

Important! If you want to have a fireplace in the attic, provide a place to store solid fuel. A smoke extraction system is required, but is associated with an additional financial burden. When using electric models, you need to choose the most powerful. Fan heaters draw a lot of energy, do not meet fire safety requirements, and dry the air excessively.

Ceiling materials and design

When choosing a ceiling finish, consider all the nuances of its structure, your future comfort depends on it.

The range of materials for work is quite wide. All known types of decoration can be used. Tension surfaces are suitable, from lining and plasterboard, the main thing is to take into account the roof structure. Sometimes the design does not allow embedding wiring with fixtures, the best alternative would be to make a false or false ceiling.

Tension covers are applied only when a vertical wall is present. Otherwise, given the small area, the close location of furnishings, there is a risk of damaging the surface. Tension systems do not make structures heavier, they are good for all forms of roofs, it is easy to hide any communications behind them.

The most common and available ways finishes - drywall and lining, it is also easier to attach decor elements to them.

Attics look very original, in which the ceiling is covered with wallpaper in light colors with a delicate pattern.

Spectacular multi-level plasterboard ceilings with height differences, a large number of unexpected protrusions. Properly beaten sloping roof significantly adds beauty and originality to the entire interior.

Attic wall decoration

The most popular material here is wood. No others compare to him. It is distinguished by the uniqueness of the woody aroma, the microclimate created only by it, and serves as additional thermal insulation.

The simplest solution is clapboard finishing, which has several types of profile and ways of positioning on the surface.

Often used wooden panels made from solid wood or from the same lining. Budget option - laminated and veneered panels, MDF with wood or bamboo veneer. The attic interior with such panels is more suitable for an office, a sports room, so it is better to resort to a combination with wallpaper, painting or decorative plaster.

Looks very good in comparison new material called wooden wallpaper. Like traditional ones, they are glued to the wall. This decoration of the attic "under the tree" is very decorating.

large drawing, dark color walls in the space of a small attic are not entirely appropriate. It is better to paste over the walls with white wallpaper. The soft color of the furniture and splashes of bright accessories will enliven the interior.

A very recent novelty in attic decoration is HPL panels, high-pressure plastic, with which you can implement the most spectacular design solutions.

From modern technologies it is worth mentioning the last "squeak" - the drapery of the walls with fabrics. Not all walls are decorated with exquisite textiles, but two or one in the center of the room.

Important! When arranging the attic floor, you need to monitor how accurately the technical requirements for thermal insulation of the ceiling and walls are met. If the insulation and ventilation do not meet all standards, there is a risk that the roof and windows will be covered with condensate in cold weather. Dampness and its consequences - the fungus can cause discomfort, household diseases, premature damage to furniture.

Floor covering materials

To the way the floor in the attic is arranged, always high requirements. This is due to two very important requirements: good heat and noise insulation. Traditional finishing methods do not solve these problems. The construction of not only a dry, but also the installation of a “floating” base is called upon to satisfy all requests.

For reliable insulation use mineral wool, glass wool. Good waterproofing is also very important. The flooring requires a special base, the role of which is played by boards made of fir, pine, larch, treated with special antiseptics.

The final lining can be anything: linoleum, laminate, parquet, chipboard, carpet, depending on the tastes of the owners, their views on the future function and style of the room.

It’s not worth saving on flooring, because poor quality materials will crack, burn out, and make extraneous sounds over time. A thick layer of insulating material is required. Carpets will serve as decoration, additional insulation, they are more than appropriate on the attic floor.

Choosing skylights

One of the main issues in the construction of the attic is to provide a high level of natural light. Each room should have at least one window, it is better if there are several of them, it is very good when they are not located on the same wall. The width of the windows can be specified, not wider than the distance between the rafters. The length is limited by the top and bottom edge, depending on the slope of the roof.

Modern design

More recently, the windows in the attic were deaf, did not open, they simply crashed into the roof. Now double-glazed windows have at least two glasses. The outer glass can be hardened to increase its strength, the inner glass is treated in a special way so that when it breaks, it does not break into pieces with sharp corners.

Modern frames are able to rotate in one axis or another, directly in the middle, 2/3 from the edge. Rotary devices work both in manual mode and with the help of the remote control.

Not only visible, but also hidden places in the structure wooden windows must be varnished, this is a guarantee of protection against moisture.

Make sure that the lower slopes of the window are perpendicular to the floor, and the upper ones are parallel. This will prevent the formation of condensation, contribute to better lighting.

artificial lighting

The organization of the light supply system depends on the zoning of the space, on how the furniture is located in the room, on the number and size of windows, on the structural features of the roof and ceiling.

There should be a lot of light in the attic. For this, local lamps are used: sconces, all kinds of floor lamps, portable lamps and rotary, point devices. Ceiling chandeliers of varying degrees of power will not become superfluous.

You can refuse the usual chandelier, install spotlights only in the most exploited areas. In the bedroom it is allowed to leave only spot lighting. In the living room, where gatherings and events are planned, install lighting fixtures of a general and local type.

To create a romantic ceiling pattern, the effect of the starry sky, fiber-optic lighting threads are used. In the attic room, any options for local light are good.

Color solution

Since the attic is a specific room, the color scheme in its design is of no small importance. Light colors are preferred, which is especially true for small interiors under the roof. The overall color range must be maintained on all surfaces, including furniture, walls, ceiling, floor. Finishing materials should also be in harmony with each other, make up a single whole.

A space with a deep ceiling needs light and glossy surfaces that reflect light. Visually it will expand the color contrast of the floor and walls. Dark floors and dazzling white walls that have no boundaries with the ceiling will create the illusion of infinity. Ceiling beams color matching with flooring, will become an original part of the design.

When choosing textiles and furniture, you should also give preference to light pastel shades. A small room will become even smaller if dark colors are abused in the design.

To somehow enliven the interior, bring bright strokes. Transparent curtains will not become an obstacle to light, but they will add a play of shadows, create the necessary comfort.

The choice of the purpose of the premises and the style of its design is always the prerogative of the owner of the house. What to choose depends on his tastes, financial capabilities, lifestyle.