Latest release in HD quality.

Voting Rights is a place for discussion and an arena for political battles. Here the most acute socio-political problems of the country are raised. There are no indifferent speakers and indifferent spectators in this studio.
Everyone has the right to speak and be heard. We ask politicians and officials uncomfortable questions because we want honest answers. Here the microphone is always on for those who are not indifferent and cannot be silent. If you have an opinion, you should have a say! Big discussion for a big country.

Voting rights - Trump the price of victory (07 09 2017)

The far from friendly relations between Russia and the United States have once again deteriorated. Washington, in an ultimatum form, demanded to stop the activities of the Russian consulate in San Francisco, trade missions in the US capital and New York. The Russian Foreign Ministry consulted with experts to file suit against America to hold it accountable for the confiscation of diplomatic property. Will there be a winner in the war of diplomats?

The right to vote issue of 07 09 2017 watch online

Watch online Voting rights on TVC latest release on any mobile device (tablet, smartphone or phone). Regardless of the installed OS, be it Android or iOS on iPad or iPhone. Open the series on your phone or tablet and immediately watch online in good quality HD 720 and absolutely free.

Leading TV programs Voting right» Roman Babayan and Olga Kokorekina discuss topics of various directions with the invited guests, however, each of the topics discussed concerns any citizen who is not indifferent to the fate of his country. With each new release of the talk show, vivid and unforgettable political discussions are shown, which are full of different phrases and quotes. At the debates, questions that concern each person are discussed, most often, any such problem necessarily finds a reasonable answer based on the results of the program. In addition to all of the above, each issue raised is considered by invited experts from various aspects that may affect people of different levels of life, profession, age, nationality and other important aspects.

The presenters of this TV program approach the process of explaining this or that problem with caution and professionalism and involve best experts in branch. Roman and Olga take into account all sorts of nuances that could affect the perception of discussions by the audience. The presenters will try to find out what kind of dreams the citizens of our country live in, how the country is developing culturally and economically against the backdrop of the emerging political, structural and financial realities in the state.

Watch online talk shows without borders on TVC

In the “Right to Vote” program, you can discuss issues of absolutely any nature, no matter how complex they are, no restrictions are set here. The discussion is carried out in an open manner, it is thanks to this approach that any of the guests will express their own opinion on the merits of the topic under consideration. This approach is the only true one for our realities, because every citizen of our vast country has his own right to vote. The television program is already enjoying great popularity among the audience, which is absolutely no surprise.

What happened today, yesterday? This applies to all of us!

The studio of the Right to Vote program is a place for the most intense discussions and a real arena of gladiators for the political players of the country and international partners. It is here that the most acute and urgent socio-economic problems of citizens can be discussed. An indifferent audience or experts without knowledge of the subject are not invited to the studio. Here everyone can be heard, at the same time everyone has the right to express their own opinion on any of the issues under consideration. Politicians and officials of the country are forced to answer the most tricky questions of the hosts in order to give the audience honest and reasonable answers. The microphone in the studio is always waiting for those people who can no longer be silent and want to be heard. If your opinion matters to you, it should matter to the whole country, so you have your own voice! The magnificent and professional presenters of the program Roman Babayan and Olga Kokorekina will do their best to ensure that guests in the studio receive maximum answers to all questions that concern them here and now.

Voting Rights is a place for discussion and an arena for political battles. Here the most acute socio-political problems of the country are raised. There are no indifferent speakers and indifferent spectators in this studio.
Everyone has the right to speak and be heard. We ask politicians and officials uncomfortable questions because we want honest answers. Here the microphone is always on for those who are not indifferent and cannot be silent. If you have an opinion, you should have a say! Big discussion for a big country.

Voting rights — Russian interest (21 09 2017)

The mass media of Western countries are forced to recognize Russia's activities in the international arena as quite successful. This is especially clear in relation to Syria. Here in Russia, both military successes and in the political sphere, you will hardly find slogans about the need to remove Assad. Does it foreign policy Russia successful or not? Has Russia become a significant player in the world today?

The right to vote issue of 21 09 2017 watch online

Watch online The right to vote on TVC latest episode on any mobile device (tablet, smartphone or phone). Regardless of the installed OS, be it Android or iOS on iPad or iPhone. Open the series on your phone or tablet and immediately watch online in high quality HD 720 and absolutely free.

The program RIGHT TO VOTE on TVC is a video of a political talk show in which well-known political scientists, journalists and public figures discuss current world news, events in Ukraine and the situation in the Donbass, the situation in Syria and the entire Middle East, the confrontation between Russia and the United States, Russia's relations with the European Union and other powers.

Watch your own truth with Roman Babayan on NTV.

Roman Babayan's program Own Truth on NTV (video) today 09-09-2019 Exchange with Ukraine

The first issue of Roman Babayan's program on the NTV channel is dedicated to the relations between Russia and Ukraine. The results of the exchange of prisoners and the policy of Vladimir Zelensky are discussed by political scientists of the two countries.

The program includes: Kirill Vyshinsky, Maxim Yali, Sergei Stankevich, Konstantin Kosachev and others.

Latest release in HD quality .

The right to vote on TVC (video) 11-07-2019 Georgia: checkmate?!

The latest events in Georgia became the topic of today's program of Roman Babayan on the TVC channel. How did you react Russian President experts in the studio are discussing insults and how Russia should respond at the state level.

The program includes: Vitaly Tretyakov, Boris Nadezhdin, Nikolai Topornin, Alexander Sosnovsky, Timofey Sergeytsev and others.

The right to vote on TVC (video) 10-07-2019 Politics instead of history?!

The world community will soon be celebrating the anniversary of the outbreak of World War II. The West is trying to rewrite history in which there will be no place for the victorious Red Army. Who benefits from manipulation public opinion and for what purpose it is used in politics.

The program includes: Vladimir Kornilov, Evgeny Spitsyn, Vladimir Mamontov, Alexander Sosnovsky, Maria Steinman, Alexander Sytin and others.

The right to vote on TVC (video) 09-07-2019 Ukraine on the verge?!

Events in Ukraine are discussed by well-known political scientists of Roman Babayan's program. Vladimir Zelensky's statements to Russia and Vladimir Putin do not inspire hope for quick talks on Donbass.

The program includes: Vadim Karasev, Gordey Belov, Alexander Okhrimenko, Vasily Vakarov, Vladimir Oleinik, Araik Stepanyan, Vladimir Kornilov, Spiridon Kilinkarov and others.

The right to vote on TVC (video) 08-07-2019 Who blocked the world?!

Participants of Roman Babayan's program discuss Vladimir Putin's interview with an Italian newspaper. The number of problem areas on the planet is growing and security issues are coming to the fore. How will the world order develop in the event of the disappearance of the NATO bloc.

Participants of the program: Andrey Sidorov, Araik Stepanyan, Sergey Oznobishchev, Michael Bom, Andrey Nikulin, Igor Korotchenko, Nikita Isaev and others.

The right to vote on TVC (video) 03-07-2019 The end of the liberal idea?!

In today's program of Roman Babayan, political scientists discuss the theory of liberalism within Russia and in the West. Why liberal values ​​are raised to the flag and who benefits from promoting such an idea inside the country.

The program includes: Timofey Sergeytsev, Vitaly Tretyakov, Oleg Barabanov, Vladimir Mamontov, Afanasios Afgerinos, Boris Nadezhdin and others.

Voting rights on TVC (video) 28-06-2019 G-20: between politics and economics?!

The meeting of the leaders of the G20 is discussed by political scientists and experts of the Roman Babayan program. Vladimir Putin's meeting with Donald Trump and other leaders of the major powers aroused worldwide interest.

The program includes: Vitaly Tretyakov, Alexander Gurnov, Sergei Stankevich, Andrey Sidorov, Alexander Sosnovsky, Michael Bohm and others.

The right to vote on TVC (video) 25-06-2019 Ukrainian fantasies?!

Ukraine threatens to leave PACE if Russia returns there. Who benefits from aggravating relations between the two countries and what to expect from President Zelensky on this issue.

The program includes: Vasily Vakarov, Evgeny Kopatko, Yuri Kot, Vladimir Kornilov, Sergey Markov, Andrey Okara, Spiridon Kilinkarov, Alexander Okhrimenko and others.

The right to vote on the TVC channel 24-06-2019 Georgian chair?!

The Georgian scandal is being discussed by the experts of Roman Babayan's program on the TVC channel. Who put the Russian representative in the chair of the head of the Georgian parliament and who benefits from destabilization in the center of Tbilisi.

Program participants: Sergey Stankevich, Nadana Friedrichson, Gevorg Mirzayan, Alexander Sosnovsky, Andrey Sidorov, Araik Stepanyan, Boris Nadezhdin and others.

The right to vote on TVC (video) 21-06-2019 How to destroy a superpower?!

The confrontation between Russia and the West is being discussed by well-known political scientists and experts. What are you ready to go western world in order to collapse the standard of living of Russians and arrange a new Maidan in Russia.

The program includes: Evgeny Tarlo, Timofey Sergeytsev, Vladimir Kornilov, Pavel Gusev, Ilya Shablinsky, Andris Lielais and others.

The right to vote on TVC (video) 19-06-2019 European spring?!

According to media reports, Britain and Russia are exploring the possibility of rapprochement. At the same time, European politicians continue the policy of sanctions and support Ukraine in the confrontation with the Donbass. Should we expect significant negotiations at the upcoming summit in Japan.

The program includes: Igor Korotchenko, Alexander Gushchin, Boris Nadezhdin, Yakub Koreyba, Nikolai Topornin, Sergey Markov and others.

The right to vote on TVC (video) 18-06-2019 Honeymoon Ze?!

Zelensky's visit to Europe has become the main topic of today's program of Roman Babayan. Following the meeting, Macron expressed hope for a settlement of the situation in Donbass.

The program includes: Yuri Kot, Andrey Suzdaltsev, Vasily Vakarov, Vladimir Kornilov, Spiridon Kilinkarov, Vladimir Skachko and others.

The right to vote on TVC from 17-06-2019 The world is in suspense?!

US Secretary Mike Pompeo accused Iran of attacking oil tankers. The incomprehensible footage provided by the Americans resembles a test tube with Colin Powell's white powder. What are the Americans ready to do and what kind of reaction to expect from Russia.

The program includes: Veniamin Popov, Sergey Oznobishchev, Andrey Sidorov, Sergey Stankevich, Araik Stepanyan, Yakub Koreyba, Nikita Danyuk, Andrey Nikulin and others.

Voting rights today 01-02-2018. Morality War

Today's edition of Right to Vote discusses the struggle for morality in modern Russia. Recently, the Ministry of Culture has revoked the rental license of a film about Stalin. Thus, the scandal caused a stir and forced the curious viewer to search for the film on the Internet. At the same time, live does not look shocking.

Whether it is worth introducing censorship in Russia and what such bans will lead to are discussed by well-known politicians and analysts. The program includes: Vladimir Mamontov, Boris Nadezhdin, Natalia Pochinok, Maria Steinman, Marina Kudimova, Dina Kirnarskaya and others. Watch in youtube.

  1. New US military budget
  2. Confrontation between Russia and the West
  3. Events in Ukraine

Roman Babayan's program "Right to Vote" June 26, 2017 - Ukraine on its knees?!

On June 26, in the Right to Vote program, well-known political scientists and journalists discuss the political situation in Ukraine, where the impeachment of the president and the military situation in Donbas are being prepared. How will Petro Poroshenko's voyage to the US and EU countries affect the country's economy and what will happen to gas project Nord Stream-2.

The program includes: Andrey Okara, Elena Bondarenko, Tatyana Voronina, Vyacheslav Kovtun, Spiridon Kilinkarov, Sergey Markov, Ruslan Rygovanov, Vladimir Kornilov, Vladimir Zharikhin, Andrey Suzdaltsev and others.

On June 6, 2017, the “Right to Vote” program was called “Ukraine: Games of the Radicals” and discusses the latest developments in the neighboring country, where the radicals are trying to lead the administration. Will it be possible to resume the Normandy format and what is happening in the Donbass today.