Bath attached to the house: construction technology. Do-it-yourself bath in the country: a project, materials and a guide on how to build a bath Sauna in an annex to the house

It is convenient when all this is decided within the framework of one building.

In fact, this is unimportant. If you plan everything in advance, then there are no particularly serious problems to bring communications. It’s just that, as a rule, a bathhouse is built already when it’s too late to conduct some communications from home. And so - if there is a project for a bathhouse and a project for a house, then nothing complicated.

I would like to build a combined house from warm ceramics, and the second floor from timber, the type of foundation is a slab, with water warm floors. I would like to implement a Russian bath, with a closed heater, etc. I would like advice - experienced ones, since I still have a clean sheet, how to implement it correctly, perhaps the materials of the walls of the bath extension should still not be from large-format blocks? In general, advise on the basis of your knowledge and mistakes where to start.

First, start by not rushing. If circumstances are pressing, it means you need to study faster, and not build faster. Until you understand the main nuances of the project, it is better not to start construction. And in general - it is necessary to build according to the project. Thus, everything should be by itself. You will make a house project, a bath project, and if they suit you, start construction.

From my experience - I specifically made a bathhouse separately from the house in order to place a bathhouse, a gazebo and a utility room under one roof. As a result, I received a structure of 7.5x8 meters. And I can say that I was greedy in terms of area. It would be necessary to do 7.5x10, but it didn’t fit well for me on the site, so a compromise came out.

Due to the fact that I did not think about the heat supply of the bath before its construction. More precisely, I thought that I would not start doing a bath soon, but it turned out that it was already on next year after building a house. So now, if I knew everything, I would do the same, but I would bring the heat supply from the house.

And so because of this, I decided to lay a brick oven. This a good choice, but with its own nuances.

So personally, it seems to me that it makes sense to make a bath separately and you will have a closed courtyard between the house and the bath.

A bathhouse does not have to be made from a log house, it’s another matter that a purely stone structure is not the best the best way. What is warm ceramics? If we are talking about a porous hollow ceramic block with facing bricks and mineral wool between them, then a bath can be made in such a structure. For a steam room, it is enough to plaster, stick foil or cheap porcelain stoneware and close it with a massive wooden lining on top. Definitely underfloor heating.

In the washing room, you can do it in a similar way, but it’s better to stick EPPS on the brick on the foam and stick tiles on top of it - there will be a good hot washing room. Again, be sure to warm the floor.

Recreation room - how living room, but the coating is less resistant to moisture.

By area. Usually the normal layout is as follows: Steam room - 2.3x2.7, washing room - similarly, but we need to discuss what exactly you want there, and KO - 3x4. Although KO can be 2.5x3, it will be a little cramped. All dimensions are clear.

In the bath, it is necessary to discuss what exactly will be, for example, whether a font, a bathroom, a douche, a locker room are needed, sleeping place in KO, etc. etc.

What kind of baths do not exist in the world: this is a Russian bath, and a Finnish sauna, a Turkish hammam - their difference is the country of origin and some nuances of the bath procedure itself, but the essence is the same, it lies in the greatest benefit to the body. And this benefit is due to a unique combination of the four most powerful elements: fire - air - water and earth.

This became the basis for the popularity of facilities that provide for the presence of their own bath, enabling its owner to enjoy it at any time.

Attachment, in what cases is it beneficial?

Excellent and very convenient when there is a lot of space on the site and building a separate bath is not difficult. And if not? Then the rational solution would be, add baths to the house.

Moreover, such a solution as an extension will significantly improve the possibility of using the bathhouse in winter, when you don’t have to run to a separate building to go to the bathhouse, but it’s enough to open the door and go “to another room”.

Enough common cause, along which the bath is attached to the house, there is also a lack of space in the already existing bath. For example, the original sauna steam room project and the washing department did not provide for a rest room, and after a while the owners decided to finalize the missing ones and for this purpose connect the nearby bathhouse with the main residential building.

If the bath is not quite nearby or its location is not suitable for neatly connecting with the house, then the problem will be solved g-shaped bath project, thanks to which the buildings will look quite aesthetically pleasing.

Is it so easy to add a bathhouse?

It is quite possible to attach a bathhouse to the house, but this must be taken with special care so as not to entail a violation of the structure and a decrease in its strength.

The first difficulty is the practical impossibility of adding a new one to one wall. For this reason, it is advisable to lay a small connecting insert between the house and the bath attached to it, which will also hide the contrast of the junction.

The second difficulty is the foundation. It must be built in without fail only to the depth to which the foundation of the main house is made. This is necessary, first of all, in order to exclude the separation of the extension and avoid the withdrawal of joints due to shrinkage of the structure, which always occurs after the winter period.

To make an extension, try to use the same wall materials as the base of the building, so the heating inside will be uniform.

Also, it should be borne in mind that an extension cannot be made in one season. First, a foundation is built and only the next year, after shrinkage, you can begin to build a building on it.

Do not forget that shrinkage tends to occur unevenly, which means that it also leads to the destruction of joints. Floating fastening of the profile to the wall will help to avoid such trouble.

We are ready to help you with the extension of the bath

For those who decide to build a new bath, our company is ready to help - "Take a Bath". Our experience in this field is more than 10 years.

We provide our customers with fast and high-quality execution of orders, we guarantee the reliability of the structures we have built.

For you, we can offer ready-made projects, or develop an individual sketch, in accordance with your requirements, site capabilities. Here you can order a bath of any shape and size, as well as from required material(not only wood, but also brick, expanded clay blocks and others).

On our site, many projects are already presented, you can get acquainted with them, as well as with their distinctive characteristics, perhaps you will like one of them.

We will help you choose suitable option internal and exterior decoration, the design will be attractive and aesthetic.

Easy steam for you!

Sooner or later every owner personal plot thinking about building a bathroom. No wonder: your own steam room is both a pleasure and a wonderful tool for relaxing, relieving stress, and recuperating.

Most often, baths are built in a separate building, usually in the corner of the site. However, this is not always possible and convenient, especially if the area is small. Firstly, if it is inhabited, there may not be a trite place for a new building on it. Secondly, according to the building codes of SNiP, the distance from the bathhouse to the neighbor's fence should be at least 3 meters, to his house - 8 meters, and if both buildings are wooden - then all 15 m!

So if you have small plot, build on it wooden bath is a huge risk. An inspection can always come and determine the building for demolition. How to do everything right? We will tell you about this in this article.

Is it possible to build a bath combined with a house?

A couple of decades ago, it was strictly forbidden to build a bathhouse in a residential building or adjoining it in our country, due to the rules fire safety. However, everything has changed, and thanks to new technologies and materials, it has become possible to build attached baths that meet all the requirements of the PPB. So now the bath can be inside the house legally.

What do you need to obtain a permit to build a bath in the house?

In order to attach a bath to the house or place it inside it, you must obtain a building permit from the BTI of your area. To do this, you must submit the following documents:

  • ownership certificate for land plot or a long-term lease agreement with permission to build on it;
  • typical or individual project houses and baths;
  • site plan before construction and after construction;
  • a statement from the owner of the house or his authorized representative.

The design of the bath is of primary importance, since it is there that all Construction Materials. It depends on their choice whether you get permission or not.

What bath can be built in the house?

The most common question is whether it is possible to build a bath inside the house if it is wooden? Yes it is possible. Main condition - interior walls, which connect the bath and the residential building, must be made of non-combustible building materials

Non-combustible material can be used both for building a wall and as a gasket between walls. Non-combustible building materials include:

  • bricks;
  • gas blocks and foam blocks;
  • expanded clay brick;
  • and concrete.

As a spacer between wooden walls asbestos-cement sheets or drywall can also be used.

The last option is the most optimal, since such a wall can be both a wall of a house and a bath at the same time. Gypsum board refers to environmentally friendly non-combustible materials and is widely used in interior decoration rooms for leveling walls.

Can a built-in or attached bath be made of wood?

Many homeowners believe that the bath must be with wooden walls. And they can be understood, because despite the flammability of the tree, it has a lot of advantages:

  • the tree has a low thermal conductivity, so the steam room heats up quickly and cools down slowly;
  • due to the high vapor permeability of wood, condensation does not accumulate on the walls and fungus does not appear;
  • wood is a very light material, as a result of which for wooden bath an overly massive foundation is not required;
  • wooden baths have the best air exchange. Even if the steam room is not used for a long time, it, unlike a brick one, will not have a musty smell.

Answering the question posed: according to fire regulations, when building a bathhouse adjacent to the house, it is allowed that it can be wooden, provided that the internal walls are made of fire-resistant materials, both inside and in the places where heating and heating devices are located.

Observing all fire safety rules, you can safely build a bathhouse inside a residential building, having received prior permission and including it in the building project. This will save space for suburban area, will make your rest comfortable, and will allow you to bathe in it at any time of the year, without going outside.

What type of wood is suitable for an attached bath?

In the old days, bathhouses were built from logs. But to build a log bath as an extension to the house is a bad taste. Firstly, it is very difficult to create a normal view of such a building. Secondly, there may be difficulties with the selection of logs. Thirdly, you have to wait until log house will shrink.

It is much easier to use dried profiled timber for the construction of an attached bath. Such bars have the same geometry and are almost perfectly adjacent to each other. To insulate the log house, you can use linen, as in the old days.

What size should the attached bath be?

The size of such a building can be any. It all depends on your wishes and the free area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe personal plot. Even small bath can be made very comfortable if you make a competent layout in it.

Although, if conditions allow, it is better not to save on size. For example, a 6x8 m log bath (48 m2 useful area) will be a great place for relaxation and gatherings, which will surely please not only your family, but also friends. If the site allows, you can make a more spacious bath.

Another recommendation: you can make the rest room an order of magnitude lighter if you choose a bath project with a bay window. This will allow you to install 2-4 additional windows. And on the porch of the bathhouse you can have a pleasant time with a cup of tea on warm summer evenings.

What should be considered when installing walls and floors in a bath?

In the construction of a bath, how and what the walls and especially the floor are made of are of great importance. If your region is quite warm, and "Siberian frosts" are not characteristic of it, then this is done as follows:

To support the floor beams, salary logs are used. For the durability of the beam structure, it must be impregnated with an antiseptic. Another option is impregnation tar.

Next, coniferous cut or tongue-and-groove boards with a thickness of 19 to 29 mm are laid. This option is suitable if a bath is designed no larger than 2 by 3 meters. For larger buildings, logs should be placed on brick or concrete pillars, on which a section of 25 by 25 cm is applied.

The distance between the posts should be about 80 cm. It is better to take sand or concrete as a basis.

Do not forget about the base under the stove and the preparation of the drainage system for water flow. An ordinary pit is suitable if the soil in the area under the bath absorbs water well and contains a lot of sand.

The dimensions of the pit are selected individually for the size of the bath. The soil near the drainage pit is compacted and covered with fragments of brick, gravel or other things. It is necessary to create a slight slope towards the pit and cover it with a roofing cloth.

More effort will have to be spent on the construction of a drainage system if the soil has clay properties. You will need a concrete pit, a drain pipe and a water seal. The parameters of the pit are as follows: depth - 0.4 m, wall thickness - 0.1 m, size - 0.5 by 0.5 m. Pipe diameter - at least 5 cm. The pipe should be placed deep enough, but not less than 10 cm from the bottom.

Boards are laid without gaps, but with the obligatory location of a hole for water drainage (directly above the drainage pit). Be sure to provide for the slope of the floor towards the drain. If desired, the floors in the steam room and shower compartment can be laid out with a collapsible coating of thin boards, and the dressing room with a dense coating of cattail.

If floors and walls are sheathed with plinth, then its water resistance must be taken into account. It is forbidden to open them with chemical coatings, in order to avoid intoxication at high temperatures.

The concrete floor is laid on a base of crushed stone and sand (10 cm each). Then the floor is insulated with materials at the discretion, on the insulation - another layer of concrete 5 cm thick. After hardening, the concrete floor is leveled, tiles are laid on it.

I want to attach a bath to the house - this is how many owners begin to think when on cold winter days they have to rake a path to the bath, carry firewood there, and then, after the bath, go to the house with an armful of clothes and towels.
Is it possible to attach a bath to the house and what benefits and problems it promises - let's try to figure it out.

Is it possible to attach a bath to the house?

You know, as people say - of course you can’t, but if you really want to, then you can. Jokes are jokes, but in this matter you need to dot the "i" once and for all.

So, you can attach a bath to the house. None regulations Or the law doesn't allow it. Moreover, the existing construction standards regulate the construction of this kind of extensions - after all, we are talking about an extension, and not the construction of a separate structure.

In this case, you need to know how to attach a bathhouse to the house and what tolerances should be maintained so that such an extension is safe in terms of fire and operational terms.

How to attach a bath to the house

There are three ways to attach a bath to the house. Let's consider all three.

Method number 1. Using the wall of the house

This is the way when the bath is attached to the wall of the house, using the wall of the house as the fourth wall of the bath. That is, the wall of the house is one of the walls of the bath, one wall of the house and the bath is common.

This method is the most budgetary in terms of execution. It allows a quarter to reduce the cost of erecting the walls of the bath. However, at the same time, you have additional costs for vapor barrier and fire protection.

  1. Firstly, with this method, it is necessary to protect the premises of the house from steam penetrating through the wall of the house. If the wall of the house is made of vapor-tight materials - reinforced concrete, expanded clay concrete, etc., then vapor barrier can be neglected. If, light blocks or wood, then a layer of vapor barrier material should be laid.
  2. Secondly, with this method, you need to think about fire protection at home. If the house is built of wood, then the wall to which the bath is attached is protected from possible fire. This is done using fireproof insulation, a layer of which is mounted on the wall from the side of the bath and then protected with a vapor barrier. High-density basalt wool sheets are suitable for insulation.

Attention! The ENTIRE wall of the house is subject to protection, for the entire height and width, and not just the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall to which the bath is attached!

Method number 2. Attaching a bath to the house

With this method, the log cabin of the bath (or box) is, as it were, attached to the house. The main advantage of this method is that you do not need to do a vapor barrier. The disadvantages are the same - mandatory fire protection for.

With this method, we have the usual transition to the bath through the doors. Only the passage will turn out to be two walls wide - the wall of the house and the wall of the bath. It will be useful to make two sashes in one large door frame. This will protect the house from the penetration of steam.

If you make one of the doors fireproof, then this will further increase the fire protection of the house from the bath.

Method number 3. A short transition to the bath

This method, strictly speaking, cannot be considered an extension of the bath to the house. In this case, the bath is close to the house and is connected to it by a short vestibule. The walls of the bath do not touch the walls of the house. However, through the vestibule it is possible to conduct electricity, plumbing and heating pipes into the bathhouse. You get a fully equipped bathing annex, but, as it were, at some distance.

In addition, in this case, it is also possible to connect the bath toilet to the general sewerage system of the house. And also equip a drain in a cheap bath and send it to the general sewer system of the house.

Which of the three ways to add a bath to the house is better to use? The most interesting from the point of view of security is method number 3. The most budgetary method will be method number 1. Just make sure that the desire to save money on building a bathhouse does not result in a desire to save money on your own safety and the safety of your family.