What does soue mean in fire safety. Fire alarm

  • Sound.
  • Light.
  • Combined.
  • Speech.

Types of warning systems

  1. The first and second types of alerts are light and sound alerts. That is, according to a signal from ASPS (automatic system fire alarm) or ASPT (automatic fire extinguishing system) sirens (sound alarms), strobe lights or beacons (light alarms) or combined alarms (light and sound in one housing) are turned on.
  2. The third, fourth and fifth types of notifications are speech of varying degrees of complexity. That is, instead of a siren, a recorded message is broadcast at the facility. The third type of notification is the simplest voice notification, and the fifth type of notification is used on objects that are exclusive in complexity.

The choice of the type of SOUE depends on the purpose of the building, the number of storeys, the number of people arriving in it or the category of explosion and fire hazard (for industrial buildings).

SOUE structure

The warning and evacuation control system in case of fire consists of central equipment to which one or more warning loops are connected. Depending on the types of notification, either light-sound or voice annunciators are used in the loops. In the event of an alarm, that is, in the event of fire or smoke, the fire alarm system or AUPT issues a control signal to the central equipment of the SOUE. The central equipment generates a signal broadcast by annunciators.

Composition of SOUE

  • Text part.
  1. General data (General part; Main technical solutions; installation instructions).
  2. Electroacoustic calculation.
  3. Specification.
  • The grafical part.
  1. List of drawings.
  2. Structural diagram of SOUE.
  3. Scheme of external connections.
  4. Plan for the location of equipment and laying routes.
  5. The territory of a detached building.

What objects require

The main condition for ensuring the safety of people during fires and other natural disasters is their organized and prompt evacuation to safe areas, where the impact of hazardous physical factors is excluded. The fire warning and evacuation management system, SOUE, is called upon to implement this in modern conditions.

How the SOUE works and what it consists of, what requirements are put forward for warning systems, how they are classified - is described in this article.

The fire alarm system is integral part fire alarm, which, according to the law, any enterprise or organization, regardless of the form of ownership, must have in its buildings and structures. It is a collection technical means and measures, the purpose of which is the timely notification of people in the building or on the territory of the facility about a fire and reporting to them information about the procedure and ways out.

The principle of operation and composition of fire warning and evacuation systems

The management of evacuation in case of fire is thought out even when planning buildings, which must have such a spatial design that will ensure a quick exit from the zones affected by fire or combustion products.

Proper functionality is ensured by:

  • By giving light, sound signals, broadcasting records of specially composed texts with appeals and instructions on actions, directions of movement;
  • Switching on emergency lighting;
  • Accommodation in without fail illuminated signs fire safety on the routes of movement of people to safe areas;
  • The operation of remotely opened locking devices at the exits;
  • Establishing a connection between the dispatchers of the fire post and the warning zone;
  • Other methods.

Thus, the fire alarm and evacuation control systems include the following devices:

  • Annunciators;
  • Light boards;
  • Direction indicators, including light ones;
  • Acoustic communication systems for informing attendants and staff;
  • Access control electronics for opening locks;
  • SOUE control devices.

Our company offers to supply modern elements fire warning systems, develop and install and launch fire alarm systems of any complexity at various enterprises and organizations.

Classification of fire alarm systems and requirements for their work

Requirements for fire alarm systems are reflected in various regulatory documents. First of all, this is Federal Law N126 FZ, which is called "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements". In addition, the country has Fire Safety Standards (NBP), in particular NPB-104-63 and NBP 77-98, which also describe fairly strict requirements for warning systems.

To date, there is a certain classification of fire warning systems. Depending on the degree of autonomy of work, it can be autonomous or work as part of a larger system. There are also 5 types of SOUE, the choice of which is dictated by the number of floors in the building, the responsibility of the facility and other factors.

  • Type 1 is characterized by the presence of sound and light annunciators, signals, sirens, which give an alarm notification to all rooms where people can be. One line works, all annunciators turn on simultaneously.
  • Type 2 provides for the presence of the same technical means, as well as the installation of light indicators for the direction of movement during evacuation, light indicators "Exit".
  • Type 3 assumes the additional presence of repeaters of audio calls that will relay calls about evacuation routes and prevent panic among people at the facility. It is also assumed that warning lines will be switched on independently, two or more lines will work, warning zones will be created.
  • Type 4, in addition to all the above methods of notification and evacuation control on several independent lines, assumes the presence of a dispatcher's voice communication with warning zones. It is possible to implement various options for evacuation from building areas, manage personnel and evacuated people using feedback.
  • 5 is the most complex and modern, involves the introduction of full automation and various options for coordination and centralized management of the withdrawal of groups from a single post.

If you want to know what are the requirements of fire safety standards in this area, please contact our specialists by phone

Fire alarm - a set of technical means designed to detect a fire, process, transmit in a given form a notice of a fire, special information and (or) issue commands to turn on automatic fire extinguishing installations and turn on the actuators of smoke protection systems, technological and engineering equipment, as well as other devices fire protection.

Warning and evacuation management system - a set of organizational measures and technical means designed to timely inform people about the occurrence of a fire, the need to evacuate, ways and sequence of evacuation.

fire detector - a technical tool designed to generate a fire signal.

Fire alarm - a technical device designed to alert people about a fire.

Automatic fire alarm system.

The automatic fire alarm system (hereinafter APS) is divided into three main types:

Analog APS is able to determine the source of fire by the name of the fire alarm loop, which can contain up to several dozen fire detectors. This is a disadvantage of this system, since it is impossible to determine with great accuracy the immediate location of the fire. The advantage of this system is the low cost of equipment and system elements, ease of implementation commissioning as well as low maintenance costs. This type of alarm system is suitable for buildings with a small area and buildings with a small number of protected rooms.

Address threshold APS- uses addressing at the level of individual blocks (modules) of APS, which are installed close to the protected zones and interconnected by a two-wire line. Due to this, there is a reduction in the cost of cable products and the cost of implementation installation work. The advantage of this system is the definition of the service area by one APS loop with an individual address in the system.

Addressable analog APS- a system that provides the ability to adjust the operation of the system as a whole, depending on the characteristics of the object. The system is able to accurately indicate the source of fire in the building and collects and processes data on the state of the object and the system. These systems use detectors capable of providing information about the parameters that the detector controls and about its current state, such as smoke, dust, temperature, in real time. The advantages of this system include all the advantages of the APS threshold system, but with higher rates. The disadvantage of this system is the cost of the system components, but their number can be reduced by up to two times compared to analog systems. This system is suitable for buildings with a large area and number of storeys, as well as for a complex of buildings.

Addressable radio channel APS- a system that, in essence and functions, is an analog addressable APS, the only difference is that the detectors communicate with the control panel via radio channel lines. Suitable for buildings where installation cable channels on ceilings and walls are unacceptable, such as churches, museums and buildings of architectural and historical value.

Types of fire detectors

By way of actuation fire detectors (hereinafter PI) are divided into automatic and manual.

By type of controlled sign of fire automatic PIs are divided into the following types :

thermal - fire detector responding to a certain temperature value and (or) its rate of increase.

smoke - fire detector that reacts to particles of solid or liquid products of combustion and (or) pyrolysis in the atmosphere

flame - automatic fire detector that responds to electromagnetic radiation from a flame or a smoldering hearth.


gas - fire detector that reacts to gases released during smoldering or burning materials

combined - a fire detector that responds to two or more fire factors.


According to the configuration of the measuring zone smoke PI subdivided into:

point - fire detector reacting to fire factors in a compact area.

linear - fire detector responding to fire factors in an extended, linear zone.

According to the configuration of the measuring zone, thermal PI subdivided into:

toche realfire engineth detector reacting to fire factors in a compact area.

many spectacles - then automatic detectors, sensesthe elements of which are a set of point sensors of discretetno located along the line.

lineare - (thermal cable)

Choice of fire detectors

The choice of fire detectors is carried out depending on the type and purpose of the protected premises and the type of fire load (see Table 1).

Table 1

The choice of types of fire detectors depending on the purpose of the protected premises and the type of fire load

List of characteristic premises of production, technological processes

Type of fire detector

1 Production buildings:

Smoke, heat, flame

1.1 With production and storage:

wood products, synthetic resins, synthetic fibers, polymeric materials, textile, textile haberdashery, clothing, footwear, leather, tobacco, fur and pulp and paper products, celluloid, rubber, rubber products, combustible x-ray and film films, cotton

varnishes, paints, solvents, flammable liquids, GZH, lubricants, chemicals, alcohol products

thermal, flame

alkali metals, metal powders


flour, compound feed, other products and materials with the release of dust

thermal, flame

1.2 With production:

Smoke, heat, flame

paper, cardboard, wallpaper, livestock and poultry products

1.3. With storage:

Smoke, heat, flame

non-combustible materials in combustible packaging, solid combustible materials

Premises with computers, radio equipment, automatic telephone exchanges


2 Special buildings:

Smoke, thermal

2.1 Premises for laying cables, for transformers and switchgears, switchboard

2.2 Rooms for equipment and pipelines for pumping flammable liquids and oils, for testing internal combustion engines and fuel equipment, filling cylinders with flammable gases

flame, thermal

2.3 Premises of car service enterprises

Smoke, heat, flame

3 Administrative, domestic and public buildings and structures:


3.1 Visual, rehearsal, lecture, reading and conference rooms, backstage, foyers, halls, corridors, dressing rooms, book depositories, archives, spaces behind false ceilings

3.2 Artistic, wardrobe, restoration workshops, film and light projection, hardware, photo laboratories

Smoke, heat, flame

3.3 Administrative and utility rooms, machine counting stations, control panels, living quarters

Smoke, thermal

3.4 Hospital wards, premises of trade enterprises, public catering, service rooms, living quarters of hotels and hostels

Smoke, thermal

3.5 Museum and exhibition spaces

Smoke, heat, flame

4 Buildings and premises with large volumes:


Atriums, production halls, warehouses, logistics centers, trading floors, passenger terminals, sports halls and stadiums, circuses, etc.

5 Premises with computer equipment, radio equipment, PBX, server, Data and Call centers, data processing centers


Warning and evacuation control system in case of fire (SOUE).

The main purpose of the warning system is to warn people in the building about a fire or other emergency, as well as to coordinate their actions during the evacuation. SOUE is a set of organizational measures and technical means designed to solve these problems.

Depending on the method of notification, the division of the building into warning zones and other characteristics, the SOUE is divided into 5 types.

Table number 2

Characteristic various types SOUE

SOUE characteristic

The presence of these characteristics in various types of SOUE

1 Notification methods:

sound (siren, tinted signal, etc.);

speech (transmission of special texts);


a) light flashing annunciators;

b) light annunciators "Exit";

c) evacuation fire safety signs indicating the direction of movement;

d) light annunciators indicating the direction of movement of people, with a changing semantic meaning

2 Dividing the building into fire warning zones

3 Feedback of fire warning zones with the fire control room

4 The possibility of implementing several options for evacuation from each fire warning zone

5 Coordinated management from one fire control room of all building systems related to ensuring the safety of people in case of fire


1 "+" - required; "*" - allowed; "-" - not required.

Thus, according to table No. 2:

1st type SOUE includes obligatory sirens (tinted signals), and also allows the use of light flashing annunciators and the "EXIT" display.

2nd type SOUE includes obligatory sirens (tinted signals) and the "EXIT" board, and also allows the use of light flashing annunciators andevacuation fire safety signs indicating the direction of movement.

3rd type SOUE transmission of special texts) and the board "EXIT",fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement, division of the building into fire warning zones, feedback of fire warning zones with the fire control room, and also allows the use of a siren (tinted signals), light flashing annunciators.

4th type of SOUE includes necessarily voice annunciators (transmission of special texts), board "EXIT",fire safety evacuation signs indicating the direction of movement, division of the building into fire warning zones, feedback of fire warning zones with the fire control room,and also allows the use of a siren (tinted signals), light flashing annunciators,light annunciators indicating the direction of movement of people, with a changing semantic meaning, the possibility of implementing several options for evacuation from each fire warning zone.

5th type of SOUE includes necessarily voice annunciators (transmission of special texts), board "EXIT",division of the building into fire warning zones, feedback of fire warning zones with the fire control room, the possibility of implementing several options for evacuation from each fire warning zone, coordinated control from one fire control room of all building systems related to ensuring the safety of people in case of fire,and also allows the use of a siren (tinted signals),evacuation fire safety signs indicating the direction of movement,flashing lights,light annunciators indicating the direction of movement of people, with a changing semantic meaning.

a B C)

d) e)

Figure 1 "Fire alarms"

a) - sound annunciator; b) - board "EXIT"; c) - light (light-sound) annunciator; d) - voice annunciator; e) -fire safety evacuation sign indicating the direction of movement.

The warning and evacuation management system in case of fire (SOUE) is one of the critical systems in the field of fire safety of buildings, structures and structures. Its main purpose is to timely alert people about a fire, as well as informing them about the ways of safe and most prompt evacuation in order to prevent damage to their life and health.

In accordance with the set of rules (hereinafter referred to as the SP), all SOUE systems according to their functionality are divided into five types. The type of SOUE that should be implemented at a particular facility is determined by the purpose of a particular building (medical institution, school, theater, shop, etc.), its number of storeys, as well as the number of people present in this building at the same time. Depending on the type of SOUE, notification is carried out by supplying light and / or sound signals, as well as by broadcasting voice information. The launch of the SOUE is carried out automatically by a command signal generated by an automatic fire alarm or fire extinguishing installation, or manually.


For most small objects, the requirements of the joint venture provide for the installation of SOUE of the 1st and 2nd types. In this case, notification and management of evacuation in case of fire is carried out by sending sound and light signals simultaneously to all premises with permanent or temporary stay of people. The most effective solution for managing warning devices in such systems is fire alarm control devices (FACP) with the functions of control devices, such as "Signal 10" and "Signal 20M". In this case, both the automatic fire alarm system (APS) and the SOUE are implemented on the same control panel (Fig. 1).

If the control panel is not able to control the required number of warning devices, then the SOUE is implemented using separate devices, such as S2000-KPB. The general control of all system devices in this case will be carried out by the S2000-M network controller from the Orion integrated security system (ISO) (Fig. 2).


Type 3 systems are installed at facilities in cases where voice notification is required and, possibly, there is a need for separate notification in several zones. An example of the implementation of a type 3 SOUE with a single warning zone based on the Signal-10 control panel and the Rupor voice warning device is shown in Figure 3. In this case, both devices operate in standalone mode.

With an increase in the number of zones, their area and / or the need to control a large number of warning devices, additional voice notification devices and control devices for light / sound annunciators appear in the system. In this case, the SOUE is built on the basis of ISO "Orion" (Fig. 4). Please note that in accordance with the general ideology of the Orion ISO, the voice announcement system turns out to be distributed and does not require large-section wires to broadcast voice information from one room throughout the facility, as in the case of traditional (rack-mount) systems. Due to the possibility of synchronous launch of devices of the Rupor family, several voice notification devices can be used to sound one zone of a large area.


The cardinal difference between systems of the 4th and 5th types from those discussed above is the need to provide feedback from the fire warning zones to the fire control room. To implement this requirement, the company "Bolid" has developed a set of technical means "Rupor-Dispatcher". The main element of the complex is the base blocks of the Rupor-DB intercom, each of which can serve up to 12 Rupor-DT subscriber units. In accordance with the requirements of the joint venture, the complex performs automatic control of the health of the communication lines between the base and subscriber units (this function is performed by the Signal-20M/Signal-20P control panel, which is part of the complex). Depending on the requirements of a specific facility, the devices from the complex can form either a completely autonomous system or be part of the Orion ISO. In the first case, the built-in indicators of the Signal-20M control panel are used to display the state of the communication lines between the intercom units (Fig. 5).

At large facilities, as a rule, a set of fire-fighting measures implies the presence of various systems: automatic fire alarm (including aspiration type), fire alarm, water and gas fire extinguishing, smoke removal. In order to ensure coordinated control of all building systems in case of fire, it is advisable to equip the fire station with a control room with a computer with software AWP "Orion Pro". When using a complex of feedback tools in conjunction with the Orion Pro workstation, it is better to use specialized display devices, such as S2000-BI (Fig. 6), to display the state of the communication lines between intercom units.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the above schemes are typical. For each specific facility, the structure of the SOUE can be expanded and supplemented based on the condition for ensuring the safest possible evacuation of people.

Your colleague, partner and old friend, acquaintance from the institute, at a recent business lunch shared his impressions about the design of fire safety systems in a shopping and entertainment center under construction. You were especially struck by how much the predicted purchase of equipment for the not entirely clear APPZ cost.

To remove questions, let's figure out what an APPZ is, what it includes, and whether it is necessary to purchase expensive equipment.

Ensuring safety, in particular, fire safety, is a key task at the design stage. In practice, the safety of people and material assets provide engineering and technical facilities. They can be manual and automatic. Automatic system fire protection (APPZ) - best solution to ensure protection, since in the event of a danger it works automatically, minimizing the human factor.
APPZ is assembled based on the calculation and assessment of fire risks, this allows you to take into account the influence of hazard factors and minimize the cost of purchasing equipment. More about the fire risk calculation service.

The concept of APPZ and its components

The design of an AFPP is an important part of the development of fire protection and fire safety systems.

The automatic fire protection system (AFPS) is a complex of interconnected engineering and technical means designed to ensure the fire safety of buildings and premises in automatic mode.

According to fire safety standards, modern buildings and structures must be equipped with an APPS system without fail. The composition of automated fire protection includes: OPS - a set of tools that generate a control signal for monitoring and starting equipment;

  • SOUE - sound notification and activation of means of organizing evacuation;
  • AUPT - control of fire extinguishing means;
  • Systems of fire barriers and curtains - localization of fires;
  • Smoke exhaust systems - ensuring safe conditions during evacuation;
  • External and internal fire pipeline - supply of fire extinguishing materials to the fire site.

OPS (fire and security alarm)

The task of the fire alarm system is to generate an alarm in case of detection of signs of a fire. The signal is sent to the receiving and control equipment, which controls the entire protection complex. Space control in the premises is carried out using point fire detectors (smoke sensors and heat sensors). In the event of an emergency, activation is possible using manual call points(fire alarm buttons).

SOUE (warning and evacuation control system)

Warning systems are designed to inform people in the building about the occurrence of an emergency. A single-tone signal or a siren sound is played as an audible alert.

Modern SOUE are equipped with equipment and loudspeakers that allow you to play voice messages in automatic or manual mode. This makes it possible to correctly evacuate people from the facility and, if necessary, organize a speakerphone. In addition to sound notification, the system includes light information means. These are direction signs and information signs "exit". The system can also control emergency lighting.

AUPT (automatic fire extinguishing control)

When the protection system switches to the "Fire" mode, the AUPT activates active extinguishing agents. Currently, water, water-foam, powder and gas installations. They can be autonomous and operate in automatic mode or be activated by a signal from the control unit.

Water installations - economical fire extinguishing, safe for people

They are used in residential buildings, shopping complexes and other public places that involve crowds of people. Water or a water-foam solution is used as an extinguishing agent. The advantages of using water are the availability and harmlessness to people. The disadvantages are the risk of material damage, the influence of negative temperatures and electrical conductivity.

Water-foam systems for extinguishing fuels and lubricants and combustible liquids

The operation of such systems is based on the ability of the foam to block the access of oxygen to the combustion zone. When the system is triggered, the foam is sprayed through the sprinklers and covers the fire source. Water-foam fire extinguishing is effective in case of ignition of combustible lubricants and flammable liquids.
Modern foaming concentrates do not harm human health. The resulting foam is easily removed from the premises, is chemically neutral and does not cause significant damage.

Powder systems are safe when extinguishing electrical equipment and vehicles

The powder from the cylinder is dispersed under gas pressure in the form of a dense cloud that blocks the access of oxygen. It is possible to extinguish solid, liquid and gaseous substances. This allows you to cope with the fire of transport, technological installations and electrical equipment, including those under voltage.
Powder systems are equipped with complexes for extinguishing fires in public, administrative, industrial and warehouse buildings.

Gas fire extinguishing is a reliable and safe way to reduce material losses from fire

It is used to extinguish electronic and computer equipment indoors. The result is achieved by displacing oxygen with gaseous substances that prevent combustion. Argon, nitrogen, argonite, inergen and other inert gases and their mixtures are used as such substances. They do not affect people, they are not electrically conductive and their use does not cause material damage.

Fire barrier systems and curtains for fire containment

The fire curtain (curtain) is a canvas made of fire-resistant material. It is used to localize a fire or protect areas inside a building that are not yet smoky and not covered by fire. Large spaces are divided into fire zones, which ensures the protection of escape routes. Barrier and curtain systems are installed in buildings with a large crowd of people - shopping and entertainment centers, cinemas, concert halls, as well as in large industrial premises and warehouses.

Smoke extraction systems

Smoke suppression systems protect people from exposure to combustion products on escape routes and create safe zones inside buildings. To eliminate smoke and supply clean air supply and exhaust systems of natural and forced ventilation are used.
Air is forced into stairwells intended for evacuation and elevator shafts to maintain excess pressure. This prevents the escape routes from filling up with smoke. In other rooms, exhaust systems are used to remove combustion products and reduce the oxygen concentration.

Fire pipelines

Fire protection systems include a network of pipelines. Internal pipelines are designed for the distribution and supply of fire extinguishing materials to fire extinguishing installations, fire shields and directly to the premises. External networks are mainly used to supply water to fire shields and hydrants outside buildings.

How is APPZ managed?

All elements of the APPZ are controlled using electronic modules interconnected by wireless or wired low-current networks. Control and monitoring of the systems operation is carried out from the central post. The post can be designed to work in automatic mode or be supplemented with dispatching tools and, if necessary, be manually controlled by the duty personnel.
Automatic fire protection systems work in conjunction with other engineering systems building. Mandatory integration with access control systems (ACS), security and video surveillance systems. For automatic notification of fire services, connection to communication networks is required.
For all its complexity, it is quite effective and allows you to protect the building and people as much as possible from the negative effects of fire, reduce material damage and minimize losses from the elements.