Design of gas fire extinguishing. Design of a gas fire extinguishing installation

Before installation and installation of any fire extinguishing equipment, its layout is preliminarily designed by a specialist. This also applies gas fire extinguishing. Competently and correctly carried out work on the drafting of a gas fire extinguishing system will avoid many problems with the subsequent reinstallation of the complex, emergencies and other troubles.

How gas fire extinguishing is designed - general provisions and principles

The preparation of the project begins with the study of the initial data on the object of protection. The specialist takes into account such parameters as:

  • dimensions of the premises;
  • the location of the floors, their design;
  • placement of engineering communications;
  • the presence and size (area) of openings in the building envelope, which are constantly open;
  • values ​​of the maximum allowable pressure in the premises;
  • microclimatic parameters of the premises where the AUGP components will be placed;
  • fire hazard of premises, fire class according to the State Standard for substances and materials stored there;
  • features (if any) of the HVAC system (heating, ventilation, air conditioning);
  • availability and characteristics of technological equipment in the premises;
  • the number of permanently present people in the premises;
  • features of evacuation routes and exits.

The amount of data that needs to be known and taken into account when designing is significant. Based on the information collected, the designer calculates the gas fire extinguishing system.

As a result, the AUGP parameters suitable for a particular object will be selected:

  • the required amount of gas fire extinguishing agent;
  • optimal duration of GOTV supply;
  • required pipeline diameter, type and number of nozzles for installation;
  • maximum overpressure when supplying a fire extinguishing agent;
  • the number of reserve modules (cylinders) with GOTV;
  • type and number of fire detectors (sensors).

The design of gas PT installations is carried out on the basis of fire safety standards (NPB No. 22-96).

Stages of designing gas fire extinguishing at facilities

Any gas fire extinguishing project begins with the receipt of an assignment from the customer for the performance of work, and then - the collection and analysis of data on the object.

The next plan of action is as follows:

  1. Determining the type of AUGP (modular, mobile, stationary).
  2. Engineering calculations.
  3. Development and execution of drawings of the gas fire extinguishing installation project.
  4. Preparation of specifications for materials and equipment.
  5. Development of specific tasks for further installation of AUGP.

According to current regulations, when designing an AUGP, some nuances must be taken into account:

  • organization of openings to relieve excess pressure;
  • integration of gas fire extinguishing with other building systems;
  • planning for effective gas removal from the premises after using AUGP, etc.

Calculations require availability special knowledge the designer, permits and licenses to carry out this kind of work.

We are ready to provide all this, as well as measures for the installation and further service of gas fire extinguishing systems, to our customers.

Ed Valitov


Hello, our dear readers and guests of the blog.

Today we will talk about such an important element of protecting us and our property as gas equipment for fire extinguishing, or rather, about the stages and tasks of its planning.

Designing a gas fire extinguishing system, like any other system, describes its specification and purpose.

Our goal is to demonstrate the procedure for creating an optimal application design that the reader can apply by adapting it to his object.

Let's, according to tradition, start with the basics and definitions of the subject we are studying.

Let's see what gas fire extinguishing equipment is and where it is used.

These plants use gas or gaseous reactants which, when introduced into chemical reaction with heated air prevent further combustion process.

They are divided into the following ways of influencing the source of ignition.

  1. Inhibitory - gaseous reagents block the way for a further chemical reaction of combustion. It can be sulfur hexafluoride or one of these types of freons: 318C (C 4 F 8), 227EA (C 3 F 7 H), 23, 125 (C 2 F 5 H), FK-5-1-12 (CF 3 CF 2 C (O) CF (CF 3) 2), carbon dioxide (CO 2).
  2. Deoxidizing - non-flammable inert gas displaces oxygen from the room. These are, for example, carbon dioxide, a mixture of inergen, nitrogen, argon. Devices of this type fill the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe burning room with a substance to extinguish the flame. To increase their efficiency, an access control management system (ACMS) is required that shuts off ventilation, closes doors, windows to limit air access to the fire source as much as possible.

The use of devices with gas cylinder regulated by the standard SP 5.13130.2009.

The composition of an average fire extinguishing installation installed in rooms of different fire hazard categories includes these components:

  • One or more gas cylinders, which are equipped with an electric valve or a squib.
  • Piping from cylinders with spray tips.
  • Control device, start-up control, actuating the installation on a signal fire alarm.
  • Communication channels for information transfer (cables).
  • Devices for collecting / processing information (for example, a personal computer).
  • Fire alarms - sound sirens, speech devices, light detectors (plates).
  • System

Gas fire extinguishing devices are much more expensive - foam, water and powder fire extinguishing devices.

They are also more efficient. That's why this equipment widely used in many industries, daily life and is used to eliminate fire in:

  • production;
  • vaults material assets;
  • museums;
  • archives;
  • construction sites;
  • rooms with expensive electronics;
  • other socially significant objects.

They are successfully used in large buildings, rooms with a complex layout due to the high speed of the spread of the fire extinguishing agent (S).

AUGPT can operate in three launch modes:

The main advantages of gas fire extinguishing are the following qualities.

  • Do not emit pesticides in the process of work, do not pollute the environment.
  • They quickly detect fires, fill the room with gas in 10-30 seconds.
  • No damage to material assets when extinguishing a fire.
  • Large application temperature range: from -40 ºС to +50 ºС.
  • The room can be returned to a stationary state a few hours after natural ventilation.

The disadvantages of AUGPT can be called these factors.

  • Relatively costly to install and operate.
  • Do not extinguish substances that burn without oxygen.
  • Cannot be used outdoors.
  • A complete evacuation of the personnel building is required prior to commencement of work.

Characteristics of the facility and equipment

We chose a server room on the ground floor with an area of ​​1200 sq. m. as the object of our project. meters of a two-story building of a regional bank.

Here we will introduce AUGPT. But first, let's describe our object with all its technical means in more detail.

  • Zero mark - the floor level of the first floor.
  • The walls of the building are brick with reinforced concrete ceilings.
  • The average temperature in the room is 15-20 °C.
  • Relative humidity reaches 70%.
  • Air flow speed – up to 1 m/s.
  • The server room has raised floors.
  • There is equipment operating at temperatures ranging from 0 °C to 40 °C.
  • Explosive premises are absent.
  • AUGPT works in conjunction with:
  1. round the clock power supply system.
  • The modes of all subsystems are controlled using the PPKOPP control equipment, as well as remote starters.
  • AUPT operates under the control of the ASP control panel and S2000-ASPT annunciators.
  • All devices are installed in a separate metal cabinet.
  • C 2 F 5 H gas ("Hladone-125") is used as a fire extinguishing agent.
  • The method of extinguishing the flame is volumetric, with a cooling effect.
  • The service life of AUGPT is at least 10 years.

The fire signal is generated when the pressure switch is activated. The distance from the modules of the gas installation to the heat source is at least one meter.

The system starts up:

  1. automatically - from fire alarms (when at least two are triggered);
  2. remotely:
  • from the control panel and control;
  • from the display unit;
  • from the remote control located at the front door.

The exposure time from the moment a fire signal is received to the release of gas into the room is 30 seconds.

During this time, in remote or automatic modes, the system is closed, air conditioning, ventilation are turned off, and in manual start mode, people are also evacuated from the building.

Quantitative characteristics of the protected object are presented in the following summary table.

Control devices

And what equipment do you think is more effective for use in gas fire extinguishing installations?

Storing electronic information in a credit institution requires responsibility, therefore, it is necessary to select reliable fault-tolerant equipment for AUGPT.

One of the options for automatic fire extinguishing is given below.

  1. Security and fire control panel S2000M. This is the control center. Here, information is collected, the outputs of different devices are combined, cross-links are created between several sections of alarm loops, and access rights to control functions are differentiated for different users. RS-485 interface, information transfer according to a given protocol.
  2. Display unit S2000-PT. Manages fire automatics, displays the status of various AUGPT equipment, notifications from other devices. The following states are possible:
  • fire;
  • ASPT blocking;
  • launch of ASPT;
  • Attention;
  • malfunction;
  • automatic on/off.
  1. Reception and control device S2000-ASPT. Manages sirens, as well as fire extinguishers. Monitoring the health of triggers for a short circuit or open circuit, setting the delay in the release of OB separately for each of the start modes, monitoring the state of the serviceability circuit, the output control circuit, the door status sensor circuit and manual start, fire alarm loops.
  2. Block signal-starting S2000-SP1. Relay expander - controls sirens, lamps, electromagnetic locks, other elements, interacts with other devices, sends alarm signals to the monitoring console.
  3. Smoke optical-electronic detector IP212-58. Ultra-sensitive smoke detector - reacts to the appearance of smoke in the room. The developed design allows to reduce the dustiness of the chamber.
  4. Electrocontact element of remote control EDU 513-3M. It is used for manual start of fire automatic equipment. In stationary mode, displays a blinking LED with a frequency of 4 seconds. Works in conjunction with the control panel.

For the electrical supply of devices, we use an uninterruptible power supply "RIP-24" version 02P with batteries with a capacity of 7 Ah.

Powered devices operate 23 hours in standby mode and 3 hours in "Fire" mode.

We will give data on the energy consumption of the equipment used.

Designing a gas fire extinguishing installation

Now is the time to find out what is needed to prepare for the design, what stages the project consists of. We draw up the project, guided by the document SP 5.13130.2009.

Before the first stage of the project, we need to collect and study the following information:

  • purpose of the premises: warehouse, public, industrial or residential;
  • location of utilities: water, electricity, ventilation, internet and telephone cables;
  • architectural planning, design features object;
  • climatic conditions, maintained air temperature;
  • class of fire and explosion hazard of the structure.

Having studied and analyzed this information in detail, we will be able to identify the successive stages of our planning.

Development of project documentation is carried out in accordance with this plan.

  1. Definition and approval of TOR for the project.
  2. Setting the efficiency indicator of AUGPT, taking into account the indicator of leakage of the protected object.
  3. Determining the type of fire extinguishing agent.
  4. Hydraulic calculation of AUGPT. We produce it according to the methodology from the document SNiP RK 2.02-15-2003. It includes calculation:
  • estimated mass of OM for fire suppression;
  • the duration of the substance delivery;
  • irrigation intensity;
  • maximum extinguishing area with one sprinkler;
  • the diameter of the pipelines of the system, outlets, the number and type of nozzles (filters) for uniform distribution of gas throughout the facility;
  • the maximum value of excess pressure during injection of the working solution;
  • the number of system modules, as well as the stock of RH.
  1. Estimation of costs for equipment, installation of AUGPT.
  2. Calculation of the size of openings for ejecting a substance into a room under excessive pressure.
  3. Calculation of the delay time for the release of gas to the outside, which will be required for shutdown ventilation system etc., as well as the safe evacuation of people (at least 10 seconds).
  4. Selecting the type of device: centralized or modular.
  5. Determining the number of RH cylinders to be installed.
  6. Decision on the need to keep a stock of fire extinguishing agent.
  7. Create a piping layout.
  8. Deciding on the need for a local start device for a centralized AUGPT.
  9. Establishment of the correct design of pipelines.
  10. The choice of control devices for a gas fire extinguishing installation.

After the completion of the project, i.e. complete calculation of the installation, as well as the purchase necessary equipment we can start the process of installation and commissioning, which are regulated by normative documents SNiP 3.05.06-85, RD 78.145-93 and other engineering, technical, legal documentation.

Dear readers, we have reviewed the process and stages of designing a gas fire extinguishing installation.

The standard project AUGPT for the server room of a credit institution is rather an academic tool for everyone who wants to implement this equipment at their facility.

See you soon on our blog pages.

For the design and installation of gas fire extinguishing systems, please contact only specialized organizations. For this type of work, our design and installation bureau engineering systems has a special license. Specialists will make correct calculations of the area and the required amount of equipment, determine the flow rate and type of gas mixtures, the working conditions of personnel, temperature regime buildings and take into account other important factors for the installation of fire-fighting gas equipment. Our bureau will also undertake warranty obligations for repair and maintenance.

Features of gas fire extinguishing systems

The provisions of GOST, in accordance with the current legislation of Russia, allow the use of fire extinguishing gas compositions based on nitrogen, carbon dioxide, sulfur hexafluoride, argon inergen, freon 23; 227; 218; 125. According to the principle of the effect of gas compositions on combustion, they are divided into 2 groups:

1. Inhibitors (ignition suppressors). These are substances that enter into a chemical reaction with burning substances and take away the energy of combustion.

2. Deoxidants (oxygen pushers). These are substances that create a concentrated cloud around the fire that does not let in the flow of oxygen.

According to the method of storage, gas mixtures are divided into liquefied and compressed.

The use of gaseous fire extinguishing systems covers industries where contact of stored stocks with liquids or powders is unacceptable. First of all, these are:

  • art galleries,
  • museums,
  • archives,
  • libraries,
  • computing centers.

Installations of gas fire extinguishing systems differ in the degree of mobility. Can be used portable modules extinguishing local fires. There are also self-propelled and towed fire engines. In places with explosives, in warehouses and storage facilities, it is more expedient to use automatic installations.

During the extinguishing process, gas from special capsules is sprayed into the room when a certain temperature is exceeded. The source of ignition is localized by displacing oxygen from the room. Most of the substances in the composition of the GOS are not toxic, however, gas fire extinguishing systems can create an environment unsuitable for life in a closed room (this applies to deoxidants). For this reason, at the entrance to the room where the gas equipment for fire extinguishing is installed, it is mandatory to place warning annunciators. Premises with installed gas fire extinguishing should be equipped with light screens: at the entrance "GAS! DO NOT ENTER! and at the exit “GAS! LEAVE!".

According to the provisions of GOST and regulations, all automatic gas fire extinguishing systems must allow a delay in the supply of the mixture until the final evacuation of people.


Maintenance of gas fire extinguishing systems is a special set of measures aimed at maintaining the system in a state of readiness long time. Activities include:

  • Periodic testing at least once every five years;
  • Scheduled checks of each individual module for gas leakage;
  • Preventive maintenance and current repairs.

When concluding a contract for the design and maintenance of a gas fire extinguishing system, we will carefully consider and write down all the obligations on our part regarding the provision of this service.

The cost of a gas fire extinguishing system consists of the complexity of design, a set of equipment, the amount of work on installation and after-sales service. By concluding an agreement with the design and installation bureau of engineering systems, you will ensure your production facilities efficient system fire protection, which will be serviced by specialists.

For several years, the F-metrics company has been designing gas fire extinguishing installations for objects of various functional purposes. The operation of gas fire extinguishing systems is based on the replacement of oxygen with gaseous substances that do not support combustion. Substance supply to the place of ignition is carried out under high pressure. The extinguishing agent may be carbon dioxide, freon or other substances.

Advantages of AUGPT

The gas fire extinguishing system is often found in various enterprises and premises where the use of water as an extinguishing agent is not possible. Such installations have the following advantages:

  • The fire extinguishing gaseous substance does not emit toxins, it is harmless to humans and does not pollute the object; after the end of the extinguishing process, the gas will be removed from the room by ventilation or ventilation;
  • Gas extinguishing agent (GOTV) does not conduct electricity;
  • Automatic gas extinguishing systems respond to fire instantly, and the process of extinguishing the fire takes several minutes;
  • Gas installations can work at low temperatures.

The design of AUGPT is especially important for server, generator, transformer rooms, where there is a large amount of electronics and equipment that should not come into contact with water. In addition, the installations are used in museums, archives, libraries, and other places for storing material values. Since automatic gas fire extinguishing installations completely displace oxygen from the room during the extinguishing process, people cannot be there. If it is not possible to quickly evacuate a large number of people at the facility, other fire fighting systems. AUGPT are not used to extinguish substances that are capable of sustaining combustion or smoldering in the absence of oxygen.

Types of AUGPT and their composition

The automatic systems include:

  • sensors that respond to temperature rise, smoke, flames and other detectors;
  • panels, control panels for fire extinguishing installations;
  • cylinders in which GOTV is stored;
  • locking, distributing, starting devices;
  • control and measurement devices;
  • pipelines;
  • loops, power supply circuits, valves, etc.

AUGPT can be modular and centralized. The first ones include several cylinders with DHW, sensors, starting valves. Such installations are mounted directly in the protected room. The latter are designed for objects of a large area. Cylinders with GOTV are installed in a separate room, and the substance enters the place of combustion through pipelines. Such a system is integrated into the engineering networks of a building or structure. When a fire alarm is triggered, the supply and exhaust ventilation are promptly shut off.

Design order

In order for us to start developing the project, the Customer needs to submit an application, conclude an agreement with the company for the provision of services for the design of AUGPT, transfer to us the initial data on the object and all the necessary documentation. Next, the F-metrics engineer goes to the facility for its examination (if necessary). Based on all the information received, the following calculations are carried out:

  • characteristics of the pneumatic installation;
  • the time it takes for the installation to extinguish;
  • the required number of GFFS, their locations;
  • parameters of gas removal systems;
  • other parameters, characteristics.