Fire alarm connection diagrams with explanation. Building alarm installation

The statistics of a large number of fires is confirmed by the daily response of fire brigades. The causes of a fire can be varied - from smoking in the wrong place to short circuits and arson. warns of a fire and allows you to eliminate the source in time.

What is a fire alarm

Primary recording devices - sensors - are designed for timely and rapid detection of the first signs of fire and smoke. The sensor can either independently activate the alarm, or activate the warning system, turn on fire extinguishing and transmit data to the emergency department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The fire alarm is the set of technical means of primary detection and information described above.

Proper configuration and timely testing of fire detection systems play an important role. Time sensors long-term operation can get dirty, fail, which affects their performance and, as a result, the safety of life and property of people. Rapid detection of a fire source and interpretation of information about its location can solve various problems:

  • Activation of the fire extinguishing system and informing the fire brigade of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • Evacuation of people.
  • Localization of the source of fire.
  • Decrease in financial expenses.
  • Minimize injuries and deaths among people.

Types of fire alarm

Components of modern fire systems may vary. The principle of operation and the type of alarm determine the choice necessary equipment- cables, sensors, power supplies, etc. According to the structural diagram, fire alarms are:

  • Threshold with a radial train.
  • Threshold with modular construction.
  • Addressable analog.
  • Address-survey.
  • Combined.

Addressable analog systems

To collect and analyze information received from humidity, temperature, smoke and other sensors, analogue addressable fire systems are being created. The control panel reads in real time the readings of the sensors, each of which is assigned a specific location address. The information received from different sensors is analyzed, after which, by means of an address signaling, the location of the ignition source is determined and a signal is given on fire. The structure of the address loops is ring-shaped, up to 200 sensors and devices are connected to each of them:

  • Manual and automatic detectors.
  • Relay.
  • Control modules.
  • Notifiers.

Advantages of the addressable analog fire alarm:

Address polling

In addressable and threshold systems, the fire signal is generated by the sensor itself. The information exchange protocol is implemented in the loop in order to determine the triggered sensor. Unlike the address-analogue system, the algorithm of the address-interrogation is simpler. Signals are sent from the sensors to the control panel, then the detectors are cyclically polled to find out their status. The disadvantage of such systems is the increase in the time of detection of the ignition source.

Benefits of alarms:

  • The optimum ratio of price and quality.
  • Informativeness of received signals.
  • Control settings and functionality of detectors.


A fire alarm system with a circuit in which each sensor-detector has a certain sensitivity threshold. The alarm signal in it is triggered by the number of one of the sensors. Such fire systems are installed at small facilities - in kindergartens and shops. Their disadvantage is the minimum information content - only the sensor is triggered - and the lack of indication of the location of the source of ignition. The advantages include the low cost of the alarm itself and the process of its installation.

Fire systems design

The scheme of the security and fire alarm system is represented by sensors that signal the appearance of smoke, a system for collecting, controlling and transmitting data. Each of the elements fire system responsible for specific tasks:

  • Security and fire panel - activates the system.
  • Sensors - detect smoke and give an appropriate signal.
  • Reception and control panels - collect and process incoming information, transmit signals to the relevant services.
  • Peripheral equipment - provides communication lines, power supply, activation of the fire extinguishing system, information methods.
  • Equipment central control OPS - fire and security alarm - receives alarms from various objects and collects information for departments of the Ministry of Emergencies.

Principle of operation

The system operates on the basis of sequential interrogation of all sensors and detection of the fact of operation of one of them in the case of threshold systems or changes in the environment parameters in the case of addressable analog systems. Threshold systems, when the sensor is triggered, cut off the entire loop, which indicates the presence of a fire in the area where this loop is located. Irrigation activation in the smoke zone occurs in automatic systems extinguishing after receiving the appropriate signal, which also gives an alarm and sends a call to the central console.

Fire system sensors

The main function of the alarm is rapid reaction to change the environment settings. Sensors differ from each other in terms of the principle of operation, the type of controlled parameter, and the method of transmitting information. The principle of functioning can be of two types - passive and active: the first implies only operation, the second - operation and monitoring of environmental parameters. Depending on the threat level, active detectors send different signals to the automatic control post.

Air sampling, delivery and analysis are carried out. Sensors differ from each other in controlled physical parameters, according to which they are divided into several categories:

  • Thermal.
  • Smoke.
  • flames.
  • Natural/carbon monoxide leaks.
  • Water leaks.

The principle of operation of the smoke detector

The smoke detector, part of the fire alarm circuit, is designed to determine the source of ignition by detecting smoke in the part of the building where it is located. Sensors of this type are optical - the generation of an electrical signal occurs by fixing the light from the LED by the photocell of the air chamber. When it smokes, a smaller amount of light enters the photocell, which leads to the sensor being triggered. The operating temperature range of the sensors is from -30 to +40 degrees.

Installation guidelines

Fire alarm is carried out in accordance with official documentation - regulations fire safety NPB 88-2001, which specifies the rules for the design, installation and operation of such systems. The process of creating various fire extinguishing complexes is regulated by these rules. For example, the area and height of the ceilings of a room determine the number of point smoke detectors and their location relative to each other.

Fire alarm sensors connection diagram

Sensors are combined into a single system by means of wires. Some types of detectors can transmit signals to the control unit without wiring.

The connection of the fire alarm circuit is carried out after determining the required number of sensors. Immediately before installation, the locations of the control unit, manual fire detectors and the warning system are marked. Places with open access are suitable for this: in the event of a fire, nothing should prevent getting to the detectors and other elements of the system.

Most fire alarm systems involve mounting the detectors to the ceiling. Their disguise finishing materials possible as long as their performance is maintained.

The sensors are connected to the control unit.

Fire alarm installation

The first stage of installation includes the selection of the fire alarm circuit, the main and additional equipment and the security system. The combination of fire and security systems creates a security and fire complex. Installation and connection of a fire alarm at the object chosen by the customer is carried out in several stages:

  • Designing a fire alarm circuit.
  • Laying of cables and loops.
  • Installation of sensors.
  • Carrying out start-up and adjustment works.

Before placing the alarm, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which the installation will be carried out is estimated. For this, the range of the detectors is determined. This is best done in collaboration with experts.

Third-party irritants should not interfere with the operation of installed detectors: for example, smells from the kitchen can provoke a reaction. Thermal sensors should be placed at a distance from sources of artificial heat.

Multi-sensor sensors increase the efficiency of the fire alarm, especially if it is installed in a multi-storey building. A variant is possible, in which a combined scheme of fire alarm sensors is provided, communicating with each other by means of radio control.

The warning system is installed in such a way that the alarm signal can be heard by all people in the room or building.

The main recommendation is timely maintenance of the alarm. To do this, the systems are periodically checked and reconfigured. Some models are equipped with protection against insects, dust, moisture and other irritants.

The complete set of fire-fighting systems includes the instruction for installation and operation. If the recommendations of the manufacturer are followed, the devices can serve long time.

Fire alarm scheme "Bolid"

A wide range of security systems is presented on the Russian market, but the Bolid security and fire alarm is considered the most popular and widespread.

The Bolid security and fire system is a set of technical means, the action of which is aimed at collecting data from various annunciators and sensors and converting them into information transmitted to operators in the event of a fire or penetration of third parties into the protected area.

Bolid alarm functionality allows you to:

  • Monitor the facility on a regular basis using CCTV cameras.
  • Alarm signaling in case of equipment failure.
  • Determination of the place of violation of the protected perimeter.
  • Automatic activation of the fire extinguishing system in the event of a fire.
  • Quick detection of the fact of temperature increase, smoke in the room or ignition.

To begin with, let's look at general scheme security alarm connections.

It is shown in fig. 1 and includes:

  • receiving control device - PKP;
  • detectors (sensors) - IO;
  • sound and light warning devices - OP;
  • power supply - PSU.

Certain control panel models have a built-in power supply with the ability to connect detectors. For a small number of sensors, power is enough. On the diagram of the receiving control device, these points are designated as the output "plus" and "minus" or "common" voltage of 12 volts.

Please note that the control panel is the central part of the alarm, which, in fact, is determined by the purpose and principle of operation of the system.

The given example illustrates the interconnection of the security system equipment; specific schemes for connecting technical means are given in the documentation of manufacturers. However, for various types sensors and devices have a lot in common, so you can connect them together without using special instructions and descriptions.


Consider how to connect burglar alarm on the example of the most common types of equipment.

Reception and control device.

This device is in without fail has terminals marked as "ШС" - alarm loop. Depending on its type, polarity "+", "-" can be taken into account when connecting. This is necessary when using addressable devices or detectors powered by a loop. For conventional sensors, this is not important.

In addition, the PKP is connected to:

  • annunciators,
  • notification transmission systems (SPI) - terminals of the monitoring station.

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Thanks to modern technologies today it has become possible to remotely control security equipment. Replaced the mechanical control came automated systems. A person completely began to trust technology, since the human factor is not applicable to it.

Purpose and functions of the fire alarm panel

The centralized system helps to monitor the protected object, even if you are far from the object and unable to take active actions. A message about smoke or fire is immediately sent to the control panel, which is a signal for an immediate response.

  • The previous generation of centralized systems were ineffective.
  • Modern electronic systems, compared to their predecessors, consume a minimum of energy with maximum efficiency.
  • Remote control of the fire protection system makes it possible to obtain information about the operation of the signaling device, as well as to determine the exact location of smoke or a fire.

By installing a centralized fire safety system using the control panel, you can control the fire extinguishing units, check the device for operability and perform other actions if such a need arises. In the event of an extremely dangerous situation or a threat to human life and health, an indication lights up on the control panel and an audible signal is activated as a warning, informing about the danger.

  • The functionality of the control panel depends on the type of fire protection system and the selected model.
  • The standard configuration consists of a light panel with bright light emitting diodes and control keys. The diode panel is connected to the receiver and loops from signaling devices.
  • Depending on the blinking frequency of the indicator, you can determine the state of the sensor at the moment.

To install the system control panel, a special room is allocated - a fire station. The specified room must be provided with round-the-clock supervision of the personnel on duty. The duty officer must always monitor the status of indicators on the control panel: all fire extinguishing directions, automatic and remote start security, control lock. The number of indicators varies depending on the selected remote control model.

The main functions of the remote control:

What is a control panel (PKP) and its purpose?

The fire alarm control panel (PKP) is the most important part of the management of the entire fire protection system. Responsible for the fire protection of protected facilities.

In the event of a threat to people's lives, it is possible to control door status sensors, manually start a fire alarm, control circuits of motor drives and ventilation valves, and control elevators. To control additional sensors, professional system setup is required.

Depending on the type, the control panel can control one or several fire extinguishing locations at once, delimiting them according to the type of substance that neutralizes the fire.

Varieties of PKP by the size of the working capacity

PKP small capacity

They are used when installing systems at small facilities, for example, in private houses, in summer cottages. Play two types of incident notifications. The advantage of such systems is a simple device and the absence of special skills during installation.

When choosing a control panel, it is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of wide application of alarm loops and the possibility of changing their functions. Also, do not take cheap PKPs, it is better to build on functional features, area and number of storeys of the building and its flammability. The amount of energy spent by the control panel plays a significant role. For standby and emergency modes, the value should be minimal, since performance depends on it.

Control devices of medium and large information capacity

Large buildings (shopping centers, warehouses, factories, etc.), in contrast to small structures (for example, Vacation home), need multi-stage fire alarm equipment.

If it is necessary to organize a unified (general) management of building security and fire safety, devices of medium and large information volume are installed with the number of messages from 3 to 5 and more than 5. In the case of installing the indicated capacity of the control panel, it is important to consider the possibility of increasing the volume in the future.

The difference between an ordinary twisted pair and an RS485 system is that the use of the RS485 interface requires special skills and careful attention to the type of connecting lines, while an ordinary twisted pair can be mounted on its own.

Particular convenience in this system is the ability to use instead of a computer - the control panel PPC.

Thoughtful and detailed planning Technical equipment premises will help reduce future costs, in case of a possible increase in the area of ​​​​the object.

System price

The average cost of quality systems varies within from 2000 to 7000 rubles.

  1. The models of automatic fire protection systems most in demand among consumers are such models as C 2000-M with a wide range of options and the ability to connect up to 32 loops. Attractive compact size with sufficient performance. The cost of such a device fluctuates from 6800 to 7800 rubles.
  2. The next not uninteresting specimen is Signal-10. Extended operating temperature range +50 degrees Celsius. Its cost is approximately 2000 rubles.
  3. More workable when high temperatures up to +55 degrees and at the same time quite compact with its performance is the model S2000-M Control and Management Console. The price of such pleasure is approximately 6300 rubles.

Fire safety comes first in any home or apartment. Today, when almost all devices are powered by electricity, accidental ignition of wiring is a fairly common occurrence. Of course, a fire alarm cannot prevent a fire, but it is within its competence to give a signal to the relevant services. Before you go to the store, let's look at what types of fire alarms are, and what to do if there is a catastrophic lack of funds to purchase it?

The purchase of a fire alarm must be taken very responsibly. Remember that the safety of your property in case of fire depends on this. Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages, so understanding their characteristics is simply necessary.

The principle of operation of all fire alarms is based on two types of sensors:

  • smoke sensor;
  • heat sensor.

Depending on the type of power, all systems can work:

  • from an autonomous energy source;
  • from a remote control device or circuit.

Depending on their structure, fire systems can be:

Advantages and disadvantages

Depending on what requirements you impose on a fire alarm, the choice of its model will depend. Each product has its own advantages and disadvantages in a given situation, so you will have to focus on your home.

Threshold systems, radial

Systems of this class are considered the most budgetary, but their installation is expensive. If you have special skills and education, then it is quite possible to do it yourself and then register the system in special services. If there is no such knowledge, then you will have to fork out to invite specialists to install this alarm.

But this is not the only drawback. The very first disadvantage that most consumers face is false signals. To avoid this, it is necessary to duplicate the sensors, which leads to an increase in costs.

The next disadvantage of such a system can be called a certain response threshold, while the health of the system can hardly be controlled by software. If these malfunctions themselves did not manifest themselves at the right time, then they can only be detected during a manual check.

Modular Threshold Systems

Systems of this class are more advanced. Any breakdown can be tracked on the computer, which will allow you to immediately take action and eliminate problems.

The disadvantages include the high cost of installation and the threshold signal problems that are typical for the first type of fire alarms.

Address polling and analog systems

Systems of this class have a completely different principle of operation. The differences are that all sensors are assembled into one common module, which allows you to better check the operation of the system. Compare, it is easier to send one signal to all sensors at the same time, or to do it with each element in turn.

But such a system also has its drawbacks. An alarm signal in this design is received with a slight delay, and in case of a fire, one cannot lose even a second.

The address-analogue design differs from the address-interrogation system in the number of sensors. In her case, there may be about 200 pieces. This allows you to assess the surrounding situation and transmit data to the control point, which, in turn, detects a fire threat and transmits the appropriate signal. The malfunction of any sensor is also determined according to this principle, while the system will be fully operational.

Combined security and fire systems

Systems of this class are considered the most expensive devices to warn of a fire situation. But such costs are fully justified, since such a design has more opportunities for solving problems.

Maintenance and installation of such systems is also an additional cost, but you get the ability to connect up to 1000 sensors to the fire safety cable, which allows you to justify the cost-effectiveness of the device.

Based on the data presented, we can conclude that, regardless of the cost of the device, its installation can cost you many times more. Therefore, calculate your financial capabilities when choosing a fire system.

You can see how the fire alarm is connected with your own hands in the video presented.

DIY fire alarm

If you decide to equip your house or apartment with a fire alarm, then the right decision would be to purchase it. But what to do if your financial capabilities do not allow you to buy it, especially when the connection service is not cheap. The only way out of this situation is to make a fire alarm with your own hands.

By law, you can design such a device yourself, but it will not interact with the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the police. An alarm signal will be sent to your phone, and you will be able to send the appropriate message to the fire department.


Let's start with the sensors. They are a key node of the fire system, determining its reliability and efficiency. For their connection, it is recommended to use signal two- and multi-core cables in a round winding. Usually they are laid along the walls in such a way as not to spoil appearance premises. Alternatively, they can be hidden under decorative trim.

First of all, pay attention to the reed sensor. For equipping an apartment with a fire alarm, reed "caps" are suitable, which everyone must have seen. For the kitchen, it is recommended to use a chip sensor that reacts to heat and smoke. If you store valuables or papers in the room, then in their immediate vicinity it is necessary to install full-featured sensors, with motion detectors.

For the equipment of a private house, it is recommended to take sensors with motion detectors with a built-in SPU installed on a lantern. In addition to scaring off uninvited guests, you yourself will never stumble on uneven surface in the evening, as SPU will also provide you with lighting.

Most sensors are equipped with an LED, which is very convenient. You do not have to check each element with a tester in case of system malfunctions. A damaged sensor, or one that has become unusable, will not glow. A malfunction can be indicated by both the glow of the sensor and its extinction. It all depends on the chosen model.


For the placement of fire alarm sensors, special standards have been developed that are considered quite liberal. Take a look at the picture below, it is convenient for a specific fire system configuration, but in fact, everything is much more serious.

When placing them on the wall, remember that the distance from them to the ceiling should not be less than 0.2 m. If you ignore this rule, then the sensor ends up in the smoke pocket, and reacts, as a result, you get a false call.

If the ceiling has beams, then the sensors must be installed on their lower edge, and not on the sides or in the space between the beams. This will also help avoid false signals.

Unfortunately, the sensor cannot control the entire hemisphere, moreover, its sensitivity will depend on the distance between the device and the fire source.

The height of the ceiling affects the controlled area of ​​the sensor, which can be seen from the data presented.

Smoke sensor:

  • With a floor-to-ceiling distance of 3.5 m, the controlled area is 85 sq. m.;
  • from 3.5-6 m - the sensor controls up to 70 sq. m.;
  • from 6-10 m - up to 65 sq. m.;
  • from 10 m - up to 55 sq. m.

Heat sensor:


To connect the sensors, you must use the instructions for them. The resistor always ends the ray of the loop. Its value is always specified in the instructions, but its default value is 470 ohms, although in some cases 680 ohm or 910 ohm resistors may be needed. Let's look at a few examples.

In the first case, it is necessary to connect IP-212 five-terminal sensors, which have proven themselves well in a two-wire loop. This can be done based on the proposed scheme.

In the second case, it is necessary to connect conventional sensors with one terminal block. In this case, the wires should enter and exit in a mirror image of the previous diagram.

In the third case, it is necessary to connect sensors with two terminal blocks. The left block is intended for a loop. And the right block is designed for autonomous activation of the SPU. To understand the connection method, you can use the diagram.

How to turn off the fire alarm

In some cases, the fire alarm may go off falsely. In order not to frighten the neighbors with frightening sounds, you need to figure out how to turn off the device.

  • First, you need to find the reason why the alarm went off. If there are grounds for this, there may be excessive smoke in the room, then it must be urgently ventilated.
  • Secondly, if the alarm went off for no good reason, then you just need to turn it off. If you have simple design, it will be enough to remove the power supply from the sensors. If the device is more modernized, then you will have to go to the control panel and enter the appropriate code.

As a conclusion, we can say that installing a fire alarm can solve the problem of saving your property. The main thing is to choose the right model, according to your requirements. If the system accidentally worked and took you by surprise, and you don’t know how to turn it off, you can use the radical method, bite the wires to the alarm itself. Of course it's not the best solution, since you will have to make considerable efforts to restore it, but it helps to solve the problem.

A properly installed fire alarm system is the key to the safety of your property and your own safety. On the modern market several efficient systems operating on different principles. Explore the Features available options, choose the type of fire alarm that suits you best, and then read the guide for calculating and installing sensors and what to do in the event of a false alarm.

There are systems that use smoke and heat sensors. The principle of operation of the devices is clear from their name: thermal sensors are triggered when the temperature rises, while smoke sensors are activated when smoke forms in the radius of action. The sensors can be powered directly from special control panels or batteries.

Good for home addressable analog system, as well as address polling signaling. As quickly as possible, ignition is found by installations of an address-interrogating type. Modern addressable analog signaling is able to determine the place of ignition and even take some actions, for example, turn off ventilation system, close or open everything in the house, turn on the sound alarm, etc.

Available for sale are modern fire alarms with built-in GSM transmitter. In the event of a fire, such a system will call or send an alarm message to a given number. This will give the owner the opportunity to immediately call the fire department and personally come home. Modern GSM systems can be programmed to notify several phone numbers at once, which is very convenient.

The nuances of installing and maintaining a fire alarm system

Fire detectors must be installed on every floor and in every room of the house. Attics and basements are no exception. The best place to accommodate fire alarm sensors is the ceiling.

You can install the sensors yourself, but if possible, it is better to entrust this work to a licensed company.

Once installed, the alarm system will require regular maintenance. If the sensors are powered by batteries, check the operation of the controllers every month. Batteries themselves usually consume their resource in a year. Sensors are recommended to be replaced with new ones at least every 7-10 years.

If the elements of the system are powered by a lithium battery, the sensors must also be tested monthly. If it is necessary to replace the battery with a new one, all warning devices must be replaced at the same time.

If a wired system is installed in an apartment or house, check its serviceability every month. The power supply must be changed annually. The service life of the entire system is on average 7-10 years.

During installation fire fighting system pay special attention to the section and location of the cables. Consider the fact that in the future you may want to redevelop rooms or make elementary repairs. Try to think things through so that any repairs can be carried out without making changes to the configuration of the alarm system.

Ensure your system is protected from different kind unacceptable external damage (damage by insects, chemicals etc.). The norms and rules for the installation of the systems in question are dictated by the relevant GOSTs. Carefully study the current regulatory documentation before starting installation work.

Buy equipment only from trusted and licensed suppliers. Alarms of questionable production usually behave unpredictably. For example, they often work without any hint of fire, and in a real fire they are stubbornly silent. Therefore, do not save on your own safety and buy a quality system from a reputable manufacturer. All the same, the replacement of the alarm will not have to be carried out so often.

Once installed, set your alarm to service maintenance. To do this, it is better to contact a specialized company.

In preparation for the installation of a fire alarm system, a number of special calculations must be performed. They will help you choose the best best option system and avoid unnecessary costs in the process of installation and maintenance of sensors.

One of the most important steps in signaling calculation is determining the appropriate capacity of the power supply. Decide which energy source is best for you to connect the sensors. There are a lot of such sources: from ordinary batteries to solar batteries.

The required battery capacity is indicated in the instructions for the alarm. Check the found value with the information given on the battery case. If the battery capacity is not enough, purchase a more powerful battery or connect several batteries in parallel.

If multiple batteries are connected in parallel, make sure their voltage is the same. Otherwise, the total capacity of the battery circuit will decrease.

Specify the required wire section for connecting fire alarm sensors. This information is usually given in the instructions for the system. Also pay attention to indicators such as battery capacity for standby and alarm modes. Add these values ​​together and you get the total required battery capacity for your particular system.

Connecting an alarm using typical sensors as an example

First stage. Determine right amount alarm sensors. To determine the required number of controllers, you need to know the area of ​​the served room and the height of the ceiling. The current regulatory documentation says that if the ceiling has a height of no more than 350 cm, then one sensor is enough to service 80 m2. At the same time, fire safety regulations require that even the smallest room has at least two controllers. Follow the last rule.

Second phase. Mark the places for installing fire detectors. The maximum allowable distance from the wall to the sensor, according to regulatory documents, is 450 cm. The sensors themselves must be installed in increments of at least 900 cm. This rule is relevant for situations where the ceiling is single-level and its height does not exceed 350 cm.

Wall models of fire detectors should be placed at a distance of 200 mm from the ceiling surface.

Third stage. Fix the sensors in the marked places and connect them to the power supply using two-wire wires. The sensors are connected to each other in series. In the block of the last controller, you need to install a resistor.

Fourth stage. Test each sensor after connection. To do this, light a candle and pass it with a flame near the detector.

In the event that the fire alarm went off without any hint of a fire, you need to perform several simple actions to turn it off. Otherwise, loud sound alerts and triggering unnecessary additional tools will give you a lot of trouble.

First option. Find out why the alarm went off at all. Do not turn off the system without first checking all serviced premises. High-quality systems rarely work without any reason. Maybe in some room of the house there was smoke or a real fire. If there is an "irritant", eliminate it, and the system will turn off on its own. Be sure to check the condition of the wiring.

Second option. If you did not find any reasons for triggering the alarm, proceed to turn it off. The procedure for disabling depends on the type of specific system. The easiest option is to disconnect the alarm from the power source. However, this option can only be considered as a temporary solution to the problem, because. with the alarm turned off, you jeopardize the safety of the house and everyone in it.

Third option. If the house has a centralized control panel, turn off the alarm from it. In some situations, this procedure requires a special code to be entered. If you don't know it, contact the company that maintains your fire alarm.

Fourth option. If the controller is very dusty, for example, when repair work, to turn it off, it will be enough to remove the front panel from the sensor and rub its “insides” with a cotton swab slightly moistened with alcohol. If this was the problem, after such a cleaning, the alarm will turn off. From now on, monitor the condition of the sensors and clean them in a timely manner.

Fifth option. If you need to turn off the fire alarm in a separate room, you can wrap the sensor with adhesive tape. However, after such processing, the controller will become useless. Remove the tape immediately after identifying and repairing the problem.

Sixth option. If none of the above helped, use the most radical solution - cut the wires connected to the sensor. The fire alarm will turn off, but will become completely useless until you repair it. Try to deal with the cause of the false alarm of the sensors as soon as possible and eliminate the malfunctions.

If possible, contact a specialized company. Its employees will diagnose the fire alarm and give recommendations on further actions on your part.

Thus, in self-assembly fire alarms are absolutely nothing complicated. It is only necessary to understand in detail the sequence of connecting the sensors and follow the instructions. Be sure to check the manufacturer's recommendations. Many modern systems have a number of features that need to be clarified in a separate order. Your safety depends on the correct installation and connection of sensors, remember this.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself fire alarm installation

Installation of fire detectors, of course, implies their connection to a fire alarm loop. The connection diagram for fire detectors is shown below. Considered two-wire (most commonly used)

  • fire smoke detectors (DIP),
  • thermal fire detectors (IP),
  • manual fire detectors (IPR).

The wiring diagram for security detectors is shown on another page.

The fire alarm loop can simultaneously contain detectors of one or more (combined alarm loop) of the specified types. In addition, the connection diagram of fire detectors may provide for the activation of a fire alarm control panel (generation of a "fire" notification) when only one fire alarm loop sensor is triggered or when two or more fire detectors are triggered. (such an organization of the fire alarm loop, after the operation of one detector, generates an "attention" signal).

Addressable fire detectors also have their own connection scheme. I want to note that the connection diagram of fire alarm sensors may vary (depending on the type of control panel), however, the differences are insignificant, mainly affecting the ratings (values) of additional (ballast), terminal (remote) resistors.

In addition, various types of control panels allow the connection of a different maximum number of smoke detectors in one alarm loop - this value is determined by the total current consumption of the sensors. Remember - the current consumption of a smoke detector depends on its type.

All types of conventional two-wire smoke detectors use the same pin numbering: (1,2,3,4).

The wiring diagrams for the outputs of smoke detectors from different manufacturers may visually differ slightly (options 1.2), but, from the point of view of the electrician, they are identical, because the outputs 3.4- are short-circuited inside the detector housing.

However, the second option has a serious drawback - when the detector is removed from the socket, the control device will not detect its absence and will not generate a "malfunction" signal. Therefore, it is better not to use it.


  • Even for one specific type of fire alarm control panel, resistors Rdop. may have different values ​​(it is determined by the current consumption of various types of smoke detectors, read the device data sheet carefully).
  • The wiring diagram shown fire manual call point valid when normally closed electrical contacts are its actuating element. For example, for IPR 3 SU, this connection scheme will not work.
  • Thermal fire detectors are connected according to the above diagram if they have normally closed contacts (most of them).
  • A situation may arise when an IPR connected according to the scheme shown (recommended by the device passport) for an alarm loop that provides for triggering by two sensors, when triggered, causes the signal "attention" instead of "fire" to be generated by the receiving control device. Then try to reduce the value of the resistor (Rdop), through which this IPR is connected to the alarm loop.
  • Before connecting (installing) addressable detectors, their address must be pre-programmed.
  • The connection of smoke detectors requires compliance with signaling loop polarity.

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Almost every day we hear the sirens of fire brigades on the street. This confirms the statistics of a large number of fires, both apartments, private houses, and industrial premises. The causes of fires are negligence in handling fire, smoking in the wrong place, wiring short circuits, equipment sparking, etc. An automatic fire alarm is capable of warning about a fire, the equipment of which includes smoke sensors, an audible alarm and a remote control for transmitting a fire signal to the central fire department.

What is a fire alarm

For the timely detection of the first signs of fire, primary recording devices (sensors) are needed that can quickly determine the appearance of smoke. Such a sensor can itself emit an alarm or activate an automatic warning system for people in the building, turn on fire extinguishing and transfer the call to the emergency department of the Russian Emergencies Ministry. The entire described set of technical means of primary detection and informing about this is a fire alarm (PS).

Very important correct setting and periodic compliance checks of fire detection systems. With prolonged use, the sensors get dirty, lose their properties, and the lives of people and the safety of property depend on their performance. Rapid fire detection, deciphering information about the location of the combustion source can solve many problems:

  • turn on fire extinguishing or make a call to the fire brigade of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • carry out the evacuation of people;
  • prevent the spread of fire;
  • reduce the financial impact of the fire;
  • minimize injury and loss of life.


The block diagram of the substation includes sensors, the purpose of which is to signal the appearance of smoke, a system for collecting, controlling and transmitting information from them. Each element of the PS is responsible for solving its own task:

  • Security and fire panel - includes fire and security systems.
  • Sensors - should detect smoke and give a signal.
  • Reception and control panels - provide the collection and processing of information, the formation of signals to the relevant services.
  • Peripheral devices - provide power, communication lines, information methods, fire extinguishing.
  • Equipment for the central control of fire and security alarms (OPS) - receives signals from various objects and generates information for the fire departments of the Ministry of Emergencies.

Principle of operation

The fire alarm system operates on the principle of interrogating all sensors in turn and detecting the fact of operation (for threshold systems), or changes in the level of controlled environmental parameters (for analog addressable systems). In simple threshold systems, when the sensor is triggered, the entire loop breaks, which signals a fire in the area where this loop is located. In automatic fire extinguishing systems, on a signal, irrigation is turned on in the smoke zone, an alarm is given and a call is made to the central console.

Types of fire alarm

Modern PSs are made from different components. The principle of fire alarm operation affects the choice of the necessary equipment - detectors, cables, power supplies, etc. According to the principle of building a PS, there are:

  • threshold with a radial train;
  • threshold with a modular structure;
  • address polling;
  • addressable analog;
  • combined.

Addressable analog system

To collect and analyze information from smoke sensors, temperature, humidity, etc., analog addressable substations are created. Each sensor is assigned its location address in the building, and information about its readings in real time is read by the control panel (PKP) using loops. By analyzing information from several sensors, the addressable alarm system determines the location of the fire source and gives a fire signal. Addressable alarm loops have a ring structure. Up to 200 devices and sensors can be connected to one loop:

  • automatic fire detectors;
  • manual call points;
  • relay;
  • annunciators;
  • control modules.

Advantages of the address-analogue PS:

  • early detection of the focus;
  • few false alarms;
  • the ability to change the sensitivity thresholds of sensors;
  • low costs for installation and commissioning and maintenance.

Address polling

In contrast to the addressable analog system, in the addressable and threshold systems, the formation of a fire signal is carried out by the sensor itself. At the same time, an information exchange protocol is implemented in the loop to determine which sensor has worked. The operation algorithm is simpler than in the address-analogue system. The control panel waits for sensor signals, cyclically polling all fire detectors to find out their status. Their disadvantages include an increase in the time of fire detection. The advantages of such PS are:

  • informativeness of the signals received by the central post;
  • control of the functionality of fire detectors;
  • favorable value for money.


The construction of a fire system in which each sensor-detector has a configured specific sensitivity threshold is called a threshold PS. In it, the operation of one of the sensors generates an alarm according to the number of the loop. These fire systems are used in the control of small objects - shops, kindergartens. Their disadvantage is the low information content (only the signal of the sensor operation) and the absence of an indication of the place of ignition. The advantages include the low cost of the cost of such a system and its installation.

Fire alarm sensors

The main function of fire sensors is the ability to quickly respond to changes in the physical parameters of the environment. PS sensors differ from each other in the type of controlled physical parameter, principles of operation and methods of transmitting information to the central control panel. The principle of their operation is passive - only operation, and active - operation plus control of changes in environmental parameters. Active detectors, depending on the threat level, send signals of different levels to the automatic control post of the PS (AUPS).

Aspiration types of detectors perform remote air sampling in a controlled room, its delivery and analysis in a separate device. The main difference between sensors from each other is the type of control of physical parameters, according to which they are divided into:

  • smoke;
  • thermal;
  • flame;
  • water leaks;
  • carbon monoxide/natural gas leaks.

How the smoke detector works

A smoke detector (or smoke detector) is designed to detect a fire source by detecting smoke in the part of the building where it is located. The sensor works on the optical principle - the light from the LED, getting through the air chamber to the photocell, generates electrical signal certain level. When the air chamber is filled with smoke, the beam from the LED is scattered and less light enters the photocell. This is a sign of smoke, the sensor issues a trigger signal. The sensor operates in the temperature range from minus 30 to plus 40 degrees.

Installation norms

The installation of a fire alarm is carried out in accordance with the official document - fire safety standards NPB 88-2001 "Fire extinguishing and alarm installations. Design standards and rules" approved all the rules for the design, installation and operation of such devices. These rules regulate the work on the creation of various fire extinguishing complexes. For example, the number of smoke point sensors, their location relative to each other depends on the area and height of the ceilings of the room:

premises, m

average area,
controlled by one
sensor, m2, up to

Maximum distance, m


from sensor
up to the wall

3.5 to 6.0

6.0 to 10.0

10.5 to 12.0

Fire alarm installation

At the first stage, it is necessary to choose the type of substation, the manufacturer, the cost of the most basic and necessary additional equipment. PS is often combined with a security system, resulting in a fire and security alarm (OPS). The implementation and installation of an automatic fire alarm (APS) at the site of the fire safety system selected by the customer includes several stages:

  • fire protection system design;
  • laying of cable loops;
  • installation of sensors;
  • commissioning works.

fire alarm price

It is very difficult to estimate the costs for design, installation and commissioning of a substation. You can buy these systems in specialized stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. Their sale is carried out by online stores. You can roughly evaluate and compare several similar systems by considering a very approximate list of equipment for fire systems of two different manufacturers to protect a two-story five-room house without an attic and a basement:

It is impossible to be prepared for a fire, it is always sudden and uncontrollable. But it is possible to minimize the risk of its occurrence by significantly reducing the predictable material damage. To do this, specialists invented fire detectors, which are currently the only means capable of detecting a fire without a person. One of these of its kind is a thermal fire detector or detector, briefly - TPI.

The name itself - thermal - explains the principle of operation of the device. It contains one or more transducers - sensitive elements, which, perceiving the temperature increase in the environment, lead to the operation of a loud identification signal through the sound annunciator.

There is another type of detector - fire smoke. It is triggered by aerosol combustion products, in other words, smoke, or rather, its color. The advantage of fire smoke detectors is that it is allowed in administrative buildings, unlike a heat detector, and the minus is that it will raise everyone to their feet not because of a fire, but, for example, a large accumulation of dust or steam. Moreover, strictly speaking, it is wrong to call it a sensor, because it is only component detector.

Main types

According to the type of the main component of the TPI - a sensitive element or controller, there are four main types of it:

  • Contact TPI. When it changes temperature regime the established contact or the electrical circuit opens, the special loop breaks and causes the sound signal to sound. The simplest, as a rule, domestic models, are a closed contact of two conductors, packed in a plastic container. More complex ones have a temperature-sensitive semiconductor with negative resistance. If the temperature mark of the environment increases, the resistance will drop, and a controlled current will flow through the circuit. As soon as it reaches a certain indicator, the alarm will work.
  • V electronic sensor sensors are mounted inside the cable, as soon as the temperature reaches a certain threshold, the resistance of the electric current in the cable changes, which is transferred to the control of the control device. Highly sensitive. The principle of the device is quite complicated.
  • Optical detector works on the basis of an optical fiber cable. As the temperature rises, the optical conductivity changes, which leads to an audible warning.
  • Metal tube with gas, hermetically filled, required for mechanical TPI. The impact of temperature on any part of the tube will lead to a change in its internal pressure and an alarm will be triggered. Declared obsolete.
  • Other types. Semiconductor ones have a special coating with a negative temperature coefficient, electromechanical ones consist of wires under mechanical stress coated with a temperature-sensitive substance.

Types of fire detectors

Thermal firefighters react to different parameters of the spread of fire. Hence the classification into species.

The absolute value threshold is set to the maximum fire detector:

  • pressure,
  • temperature, - as soon as the environmental indicator reaches it, people will be notified.

Domestic devices are mass-produced with a response temperature of 70-72 degrees. They are also very popular because of their affordability.

For a differential fire alarm sensor, the rate of change of the attribute that it controls is important.

Such devices are recognized as more efficient than the maximum TPI -

  • give early warning
  • stable in operation, but due to two elements installed at a distance, they are more expensive.

Maximum differential instruments combine both parameters.

If you are going to purchase this type of fire equipment, please note that their temperature threshold must be at least 20 degrees higher than the permitted temperature at the facility.

Thus, technical specialists divide modern fire alarm systems into discrete (by threshold) - they are discussed above - and analog. Analog thermal fire sensors, in turn, are divided into conventional and addressable. The latter transmit not only information about the fire, but also the code of their address.

Both discrete and analog measure the characteristics of fire factors, the fundamental difference is in the way the signal is processed.

For analog ones, it is more complicated and its essence is in special systematic algorithms.

  • Addressable analog thermal devices regularly collect information about the state of the premises. They can give out the data they are programmed to collect in real time.
  • Explosion-proof thermal fire detectors are needed where the risk of fire is high and explosive substances may be present in the air. They seem to be armored, as they are located on various power units, oil pipelines, etc. They differ in the degree of protection, the number of sensors and the different temperature thresholds set.
  • At linear heat detectors a cable with a heat-sensitive polymer is used - a thermal cable - it captures any changes along its entire length as a single fire sensor. Used where the ceiling big size such as an indoor stadium. You can also mount on the walls in addition to the ceiling.
  • Multi-point thermal devices opposed to inherently linear. They are part of a single system that controls several zones and is combined into an electrical circuit. The signals coming from fire sensors are processed in a single unit.

Operation and installation

The connection diagram for thermal sensors is given in the instruction manual, however, difficulties may arise.

The requirements of GOST R 53325-2009, paragraph, oblige to supply heat detectors with a built-in or remote optical indicator.

When calculating the values ​​of additional resistors, take into account the electrical components of the connected LED indicators.

Look in the device data sheet for the typical and maximum voltage drop, which indicate the limit of the parameters. For ease of installation, it is better to take LED non-polar indicators.

Normally closed contacts of thermal devices are connected to the loop in the same way as for smoke devices. The difference is that in the standby state, thermal sensors do not consume electric current, and in active mode it is less than that of smoke sensors.

Thermal fire alarm sensors have the following resistances in the connection diagram:

  • Rbal.,
  • Roc.,
  • Radd.

We study the instruction manual for the control device and take into account the resistor values.

Rbal. similar to Radd., but it is not included in the control device kit, you will have to buy it additionally.

In normal mode, the sensors are short-circuited, which means that the resistance Rbal will occur only if one or two of the devices work. And then the “Alarm” signal can be formed.

For controllers Mirage” is the following diagram. If one works, then the “Attention” signal will come out, if the second one, the “Fire” command will follow.

The designation of the heat detector in the diagram, as well as other components, is as follows:

  • ShS- alarm loop
  • IP- thermal fire detector,
  • YPRES- manual fire detector
  • DIPsmoke detector fireman.

Conditional graphic designation of an automatic heat detector according to the requirements of regulatory documentation - .

Norms and features of installation / connection of thermal sensors are regulated with water of the rules of the fire protection system with the latest changes from 20.06.2011

From table 13.5, the distance between the thermal spot devices, as well as between them and the wall, becomes known (do not forget about the exceptions indicated in paragraph 13.3.7).