How to make a water lantern with your own hands. Floating flashlight Lotus - a gift with a special story

Today we'll look at how you can do water flashlight with your own hands. This is one of the most original types of needlework. It is difficult today to find a woman who does not know how to embroider or knit. But this is hard to surprise. So how about making an interesting gift in an unusual way?

History of needlework

From ancient times to the present day, people have been drawn to needlework. Mankind decorated its clothes, embroidered patterns, made jewelry. But where did a person take everything necessary for needlework? The answer is simple. People grew certain plants and made threads from them, made paint and dyed products with it, and also dressed skins and worked with other materials.

IN ancient Russia sewing, knitting, embroidery were instilled in childhood. Every woman had to be able to sew, as she needed to dress her family. So, they sewed towels, tablecloths, curtains. People believed that home sewing would protect their home from drought and war. They also sewed things from gold and silver thread. Such clothes were proudly worn by kings and queens. City ladies could afford to cross-stitch, while girls in the villages used knitting needles and frames.

Needlework has come down to us. After a hard day at work, people like to relax and unwind. This kind of creativity helps a lot. Why? Needlework itself helps a person to find harmony and tranquility, relieve stress and fatigue. Embroidery is useful, especially for children: it develops fine motor skills as well as artistic taste and color perception.

Now we can consider some options for the work that you can do with your own hands, even if you have little experience in this matter.

Let's move on to practice

To begin with, let's try to make a water lantern "Lotus" from light fabric (you can use tulle).

To do this, we need: fabric, scissors, substrate, marker, glue and thin wire.

Here is a template that you can use to make the Lotus:

Four steps to make a water lantern "Lotus":

  1. From the fabric (it is possible according to this pattern), we cut out eight petals;
  2. We take our thin wire and cut it into eight equal parts, and each part should be from 30 centimeters. We give the wire the shape of a petal. Next, carefully glue our blank onto the fabric;

  1. Then we take the substrate and cut out a small square from it. On it we begin to form a lotus in two rows of four petals;
  2. Finishing touch. In the center of our resulting flower we glue a circle of cardboard. It serves as a candle holder. It remains only to put a candle and light it. Everything is ready! Now you can go to the bathroom and check out the glowing flashlight you made.

Just? It couldn't be easier, but how beautiful! You can see what water lanterns turn out in the photo:

Typically, lanterns are launched at mass events. Every year more and more people visit such holidays to immerse themselves in the mysterious atmosphere. Such flashlights launch all categories of the population. Parents with children approach the water, where each child can launch his own flashlight and become happy, feeling a quiet and pleasant atmosphere. Couples in love are also happy to participate in this tradition.

Interestingly, lanterns can be made not only from fabric, but also from paper too. And how to make a craft, you can consider in stages below.

Corrugated paper

We need:

  • corrugated paper of two colors or more;
  • thin foam;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Lantern making steps. Cut out two circles from the foam. They will only need one flashlight. Cut out nine petals from paper (you can use this template) and five green leaves. For volume, you can twist the petals a little.

Now we form our water flashlight. We take a foam blank and glue the sheet on top one on top of the other in a circle. Next, we form two rows of flowers. You should end up with something like this:

After that, we attach a candle in the middle and let it float on the water.

Relatively recently, you built a beautiful artificial reservoir in the country. It looks elegant, the guests are delighted, and you like everything. But there is always a feeling that something is missing. Some kind of zest, the last point or something.

You can improve the landscape miracle with additional lighting. It will take quite a bit of time and effort, but after installation, your pond will simply shine. ABOUT proper arrangement illumination we will talk with you.

What can be the backlight for the pond

All light sources can be divided into 2 types:

  • Surface.
  • Underwater.

Surface lighting is considered the safest and relatively easy to organize. It is outside, and does not touch the water surface. True, it illuminates only the upper part of the reservoir. A type of surface lighting is considered to be a sealed lamp. It will float on the surface of the water.

Surface lighting

The underwater lighting option is much more interesting. Together with it, the water acquires a mysterious glow, the volume of the pond visually increases. The effect will increase several times if plants are planted at the bottom, decorated with stones and other elements.

underwater lighting

"Underwater" equipment for fountains and ponds is 100% hermetic, has a special waterproof coating. There are no strict requirements for the color of the lamps. It can be absolutely anything. Each lighting device is installed on the bottom or walls. Of course, if the pond is not very deep - up to one meter. Otherwise, the light coming from the depth will not be visible at all.

Which lamps to choose for surface lighting

For a better understanding of the situation, we propose to consider various options for lighting fixtures in the pond. And, of course, choose the best one.

  • Incandescent lamps. The simplest and affordable option. But with a small caveat. It is always necessary to place such a lamp in a special protected case. Due to accidental ingress of dirt or water, the device will quickly fail. Other disadvantages are obvious: fragility, a modest range of colors, fragility, high energy consumption. Even modern options fall short of setting really good lighting.
  • Halogen bulbs or simply "halogens". The installation of halogen lamps can be recommended on the shore. They provide a sufficiently powerful stream of light and will be able to illuminate every detail in the pond. The use of filters will allow you to change the color scheme. Each device must have a sealed enclosure that can prevent any possible damage. Among the disadvantages is the high power consumption, especially compared to LEDs or fiber optics.
  • LED lighting. The best choice for arranging lighting. Differs in simplicity of connection, profitability and safety. The backlight emits uniform light. Experts recommend installing LEDs even in ponds irregular shape, after all, the body of the lamps is very flexible. And if you additionally program the lighting, you can get an interval glow or bright colors of the rainbow in your area.
  • Optical fiber. It consists of a searchlight or a lantern connected to dozens of translucent veins that transmit light. It also changes color easily and is not afraid of a humid environment.

Optical fiber for pond illumination

What to buy for underwater lighting

All of the above types of lamps can be installed under water. The only condition is that they must be enclosed in an airtight casing.

  • Discharge lamps or tubes. They are divided into three types. They consume a minimum amount of electricity, last much longer than other incandescent lamps, give a soft, pleasant glow. However, there are also disadvantages. These are relatively large dimensions, the need to purchase additional control gear, the presence of toxic elements. Far from the best the best choice for the pond.
  • Fixtures on solar panels. There are surface and floating.

Thus, it can be concluded that the best choice for organizing lighting LED lamp, optical fiber.

Video review of the lamp

Floating lights - popular models on the market

From a safety point of view, it is best to organize a floating backlight. There are many models and dozens of manufacturers on the market. Below we will tell you about the most popular and in demand.

  1. body of water in classical style. It is better to buy the same strict flashlights here. Small children's ponds are equipped with various kinds of figures of animals, characters of favorite fairy tales. The Russian company Diorit XXI produces lamps that are original. They float gracefully on the water, powered by solar panels. In addition, such floating lights are very economical.
  2. RemiLing, Stone lamps. They also run on solar panels. In addition to realistic stone imitation, they are characterized by democratic value. They are used to illuminate the pond on the shore, and are also suitable for organizing underwater lighting.
  3. Floating lighting by Aquael. A unique lighting option from a Polish company. Thanks to him, in the country you can create truly extraordinary beauty. Imagine a device of three lamps, the body of which is made in the form of a large water lily. Lamps are three flowers. They are made so precisely and professionally that no one will be able to distinguish them from a living water lily.

Lanterns on the water

As you can see, there is no need to make water lanterns with your own hands. They are sold ready-made and look amazing.

Pond illumination example (video)

Illumination of a pond with a fountain

What to do if a fountain is installed in the country, and you want to diversify it with some kind of lighting? Let's figure it out.

glowing fountain

So, when organizing the lighting of modern fountains in artificial reservoirs traditional and specific lighting options can be used. For example, you can install a backlight with a rotation function, which will consist of several lamps of different colors. Fasteners are carried out under water.

You can also find lighting for mini-fountains in stores. With its help, organizing a fountain with lighting is very simple. The backlight is installed on the nozzle, and then illuminates the fountain from below.

Illumination for fountains and ponds can be organized using the following spotlights:

  • Underwater. They emit a flood of light, attached directly to the bowl.
  • With reflected light. They allow you to direct the flow of light to specific details.
  • With divergent beam. Use them when you need to illuminate individual streams, cascades.
  • With a parabolic beam. Allows you to design a fountain with composite water jets.
  • With parallel beams. It not only illuminates the jets of your fountain, but also paints them in a variety of colors.

Of course, there are situations when, for some reason, it is not possible to install a pump in a reservoir, to equip a fountain. For example, your pond is too deep. In this case, floating pond fountains come to the rescue. Advanced models have a fog generator.

floating fountain

The Chinese Jebao FLD -36 looks very unusual. Has the following characteristics:

  • Diameter 36 cm.
  • Height 17 cm.

If the fountain imitates a volcano, the water will rise to a height of about 2 meters, the fountain in the form of a bell - 60 cm. Equipped with a beautiful, mysterious mist-smoke generator, LED backlight. Its power is 3 watts.

When it comes to illuminating the coastline, bollards come to the rescue. This is the name of the lanterns-columns 1 meter high. The distance between them varies from one to four meters and depends on the power of the light.


We hope that after reading our article you will be able to arrange lighting that will perfectly match the design of the pond, personal plot. Illumination gives unforgettable emotions, truly fabulous sensations. Therefore, you will definitely like it!

On the shores of Lake Khanki, a tribe lived in which there were girls of unearthly beauty. One of them was called Lota, and she was distinguished from all by her white skin tone. However, she was sad all the time, as she was unrequitedly in love with the young man Entoy, and he, in turn, loved the impregnable Eine.

One day, Eine sent Entoy to get a gift that no one had seen before. But a year later, the young man never returned. And Lot committed suicide in the waters of the lake, as she could not stand parting with her lover. But still, Entoy returned, having not found the right gift, and saw the flower that Lota turned into after her death. Having plucked it, the young man gave it to his beloved, and they began to live together happily ever after. The flower later got its name in honor of the deceased girl - Lotus.

This legend has become the basis of the water lantern festival, which takes place in many countries of the world. In Sochi, see a colorful spectacle and make a wish cherished desire this year everyone will be able on July 20 on the beach of the Mandarin shopping center. But in order to count on the realization of your dream, you need to make a water lantern yourself. You can make it from various improvised materials in the following ways:

In the shape of a lotus flower made of fabric

For the product you will need:

  • light material (tulle, organza, etc.)
  • scissors
  • marker
  • thin wire
  • cardboard backing

We draw 8 petals on the fabric and cut them out, take the wire also for 8 petals with a length of at least 30 cm, give it the shape of a petal and glue it onto the fabric petal.

We glue the petals and form them in the form of a flower to a cardboard substrate (it should be in the shape of a square). In the middle we glue a circle of cardboard (support for a candle). This flashlight is suitable for making romantic and spiritual dreams come true.

You can use multi-colored corrugated paper instead of fabric, and foam plastic instead of wire (cut 2 pieces in the shape of a circle). Glue 5 paper petals to one circle of foam, glue the second circle and 9 more petals on top. Glue a candle in the middle.

in the shape of a cube

For the product you will need:

  • scissors
  • cardboard backing
  • paper

We take a square-shaped cardboard substrate (preferably colored), the size of the square comes from your desire, you want to make a large or small flashlight. Glue the cardboard to the foam. Cut out 4 rectangles from any paper and glue them on each side of the substrate.

You can make cardboard blanks and glue paper or fabric to them.

It turns out the shape of a box, inside which we put a candle. Such a flashlight is suitable for the fulfillment of material or ordinary desires.

Water lanterns can be different forms and from different materials. It all depends on your imagination and skill.

The ritual with a water lantern should be carried out as follows: light a candle in the middle of a water lantern, then stand with it, holding it in your palms and make a wish, and then lower the lantern into the water.

Believe in miracles and may all your wishes come true!

Yes, yes, despite the snow and frost outside the window, today we decided to arrange the launch of water lanterns. I think if the gnomes suddenly needed to travel on water, they would definitely choose something like our flashlights as their means of transportation.

It is not difficult to make such a flashlight. We need corrugated paper - green for leaves and any suitable for petals. And also something that sticks well on the water for the base of the flower. I use circles cut out of styrofoam food pads, but if you run your flashlights not at home, but in a real pond, I beg you - use something more eco-friendly! For example, cork coasters for mugs or wooden cuts, or even cones fastened together. Well, or tie strings to your lanterns so that after the end of the event you can fish them out of the water and dispose of them properly.

For one floating flashlight, you will need two foam circles, 5 green leaves and 9 petals. Each leaf and petal must be pulled with both hands along the middle so that the corrugated paper is slightly stretched and the petal acquires volume. This movement is difficult to explain, but if you once. Try it and you'll immediately understand what I mean.

We glue green leaves to the first foam mug, and glue the second circle on top. I use PVA glue.

Then we take the blue petals and glue the first five on the foam circle in the first row, and the remaining 4 in the second.

Hide the ugly middle of the flower smeared with glue by gluing a tea candle there. Our flower lantern is ready!

Literally in half an hour I built three such lanterns and hid them until the evening.

And in the evening she filled the bath and launched my flowers there. The only thing, be aware that such lanterns are very fire hazardous, so you can light the candles themselves only when the lantern is already floating in the water. Well, it’s unlikely that you will be able to swim in the bathtub where such lanterns floated, because. corrugated paper gradually inevitably gets wet and leaves such colorful stains in the water. By the way, I immediately thought. that we will definitely use this property in some game in the future.

In the meantime, I turned off the light and called my son to watch the surprise.

Magic! In such a flower-lantern, one immediately imagines floating, if not a dwarf, then just some kind of fairy or elf. And the son most of all liked blowing on the lanterns, which made the flowers on the water begin to spin, and the shadows on the walls dance intricate dances.

I suggest you make a homemade flashlight that runs on water. This is a great thing for tourists, hunters and just those who like to make something with their own hands. Moreover, the manufactured flashlight is absolutely environmentally friendly and does not harm environment, unlike conventional flashlights, the batteries of which contain such harmful metals as lead and mercury.

Imagine ordinary Wall Clock, which last from 6 months to a year, and you do not need to leave the house in order to buy batteries when they run out. What could be more convenient than recharging the battery with tap water?

A homemade flashlight shines continuously for about half an hour, using ordinary tap water, with salt sea ​​water operating time is increased to 2 hours.

So how does it work? The water battery consists of 2 plates (copper and zinc), and water plays the role of electrolyte. The output voltage is quite low, and in order to make the LEDs glow, you will need to assemble a simple step-up voltage converter.

Necessary materials for assembly:

  • PVC pipe 10 cm (3/4 inch) long;
  • 3/4 inch to inch PVC adapter;
  • A small ferrite bead (you can take a similar one from a non-working housekeeper);
  • Transistor 2N3904 (NPN);
  • 1K resistor;
  • Reflector with LEDs (from an old lantern);
  • Copper and zinc electrodes;
  • Copper single-core wire in lacquer insulation;
  • 4 sheets toilet paper;
  • A piece of transparent plastic;

Tools and equipment:

  • soldering iron;
  • Glue gun;
  • Super glue;

The water battery is the main power source for the flashlight. It consists of two strips of metal, copper and zinc. The copper plate is the anode (plus) and the zinc plate is the cathode (power minus).

First of all, wrap 3 sheets of toilet paper around the copper electrode, then put the zinc electrode into the resulting roll and wind the rest around both of them.

Then wrap the resulting roll with copper wire, this will prevent the paper from tearing when it gets wet.

After that, I picked suitable sizes plastic cover(in order not to look for a suitable size for a long time, you can make it yourself from any piece of plastic that is suitable in size), made two slots in it for the electrodes and sealed the connection with superglue.

A boost converter is a circuit that allows LEDs to light up when the supply voltage is low. Here is his diagram:

For those who are poorly versed in electronics, I drew a simplified diagram:

Having soldered all the details, you need to glue the reflector with LEDs and radio components to the PVC adapter.

On the reverse side ten centimeter piece PVC pipes, glue a small circle of transparent plastic, it will serve as an indicator of the water level.

Note: The flashlight will work on tap water for about half an hour, with sea salt water, the flashlight will shine for 2 hours. The flashlight works best on vinegar, as it contains a lot of electrolytes, and depending on the concentration of acetic acid, the flashlight can shine for 5-10 hours.

If you add a second of the same battery to the flashlight, then its operating time and brightness will triple!

These fluids I tested as fuel:

tap water 0.5V - 0.9V 400 mAh
Sea water 0.7V - 1V 600 mAh
Vinegar 0.9V - 1.3V 850 mAh

Here is a video showing the process of making a flashlight:

Now you know how to make a homemade flashlight powered by water.