Where to enter after the ninth grade with a certificate. Recent requests for help Came out without a certificate what to do

Get a high school diploma without a certificate? Or about the flaws in our system

Have you ever heard of methods? For example, eat at a restaurant and put hair on a plate, thereby knocking out a free lunch. Or did you ever ride a hare in a taxi, just leaving home, supposedly for a wallet, and not returning? I can tell you how I got higher education without a certificate. This, of course, is not entirely “for free”, but in this case we are talking about free time. In fact, you can not study at school, but get yourself a tower - the main thing is to pay money at the institute. There will be two stories in this article, because it so happened that one would not be possible without the other.

Let's start in order. How did it happen that when I entered the university, I did not have a school certificate in my hands. The story is banal, I decided to act already quite at a mature age, I graduated from school a long time ago, moved to live in another city, and the certificate constantly moved with me from one rented apartment to another in a pile of documents, pieces of paper, statements. In one of these global moves, I simply lost him. The time came when I wanted to study, and I needed a document. The road to its restoration, of course, lay through my school. I carved out a couple of weekends at work to go to my hometown and come to grips with this problem. I went into the teacher's room and saw all the same familiar faces. Probably, government agencies, such as schools, institutes, kindergartens, in short, everything that is fed by the state - these are places where the world stands still and no force can change it. Even the faces don't change. Well, that's not the point. I came with a specific request - to get from the archive any photocopy of the certificate or something confirming that I studied at this school. Only 5 years have passed since I finished my education, so I was surprised by the director's refusal. She was extremely surprised at my request and replied that they did not have any archives, and such data was not saved. Understand, this person came to the first grade, unlearned for 10 years - they safely forgot about him, the next one came, 10 years - goodbye! My reaction: “What should I do?!”

The headmistress left me alone with her thoughts and returned 10 minutes later with a piece of paper in her hand. It was the size of an ordinary notebook sheet and was a fuzzy photocopy of my attestation marks. That's all they could give me. Well, that's not bad either, at least something.

Point "B" on my way to the restoration of the certificate was the city administration, in which I had to contact the Ministry of Education or whatever they are called. I went into the office and found a middle-aged woman filling out some kind of notebook. I have stated my problem.

Woman's response:

Give me something to prove that you had a high school diploma.

Need a piece

SHUTTER????? What does it mean? There are different situations - the dog ate it, it burned down in a fire ...

Yes, but there must be at least some SCRATCH

Honestly, she puzzled me ... Then she advised me to act differently. It was also necessary to write a statement about the theft. Then, in the local newspaper, submit an advertisement about the loss of the certificate. These formalities, according to her, were simply necessary. I didn't believe my ears. Every now and then I looked at the closet in the office - it seemed to me that the film crew was about to run out and shout: “JOKE” !!! But, unfortunately, she spoke in all seriousness.

Still doubting that the woman was not joking, I left her office. Blushing with shame, I went to the local police station and said that I needed to file a report about the theft of my certificate. To be honest, I expected the most normal reaction to my words: the police all laugh together, choking on hysteria, pointing fingers at me, and in the evening, when they come home, they tell this stupid story in families at the common table.

Yes, give me your passport, here's a form and a pen.

There was not a shadow of a smile on the faces of the guardians of order. They reacted as if they were only engaged all day long in cases of stealing other people's certificates, bus passes, discount cards and other unnecessary waste paper in life.

I filled out the form in duplicate, like there was something like: “When you Lately Have you seen your certificate? "In which place?" "Do you have any suspects?" Funny? It was real. I signed - they put seals and sent me to wait for a letter about the results of the investigation. Next step - local newspaper ads. There are no forms here - I myself had the opportunity to show my creative streak. My ad went something like this: “People! Help! I was treated not in a Christian way - they stole my certificate. I have an urgent need to get a tower! Search! Let's restore justice!

I couldn't help but feel like I was in a madhouse. But, nevertheless, everything that was required of me, I did. It only remained to wait for an official response from the police, so that they could come to the Ministry of Education with it and restore their certificate.

Then we will expel you and will not give you the documents ...

That's it. Believe it or not, the story happened in real life with adults in one of the most respected government agencies in our country.

Personally, I laughed for a long time, and this story went from mouth to mouth through my friends and acquaintances. By the way, I never got a higher education, so I think after everything that happened: does anyone need it, except for the fat purse of the Russian bureaucratic system? Personally, in a couple of years of study, I did not become smarter and more educated one iota, but I definitely became poorer by a tidy sum.

Of course, this situation is unpleasant, but far from hopeless. Your son has a certificate of basic general education (after 9 classes) in his hands.

As the Deputy Minister of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region explained Nikolay Babanov, graduates of general educational institutions who do not have a school certificate for 11 grades can enroll on the basis of a nine-year period in institutions of primary vocational education (NVE) or secondary vocational education (SVE) (letter of the Department of State Policy in Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 03-1204 dated 06/22/09 ).

The language of numbers

Today, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, 86 professional educational institutions are engaged in the training of workers, the occupancy of which today is 74.8%, which is 11% more than in 2008. Within the framework of the regional target program "Training qualified workers for various sectors of the economy of the Nizhny Novgorod region for 2007-2010", it is planned to allocate 609 thousand rubles. to establish the Governor's Scholarship for top vocational students.

three ways

In a school, college or technical school, a person can:

● master professional educational programs at full rate;

● master professional programs on an individual basis curriculum take an accelerated course.

Having entered an educational institution and having a certificate of study at school, you can apply for certification in those subjects that take place in the 10th and 11th grades. In the first or second semesters, they pass credit (certification usually takes place in the form of an interview or test), and then an accelerated course of study (see the table for the dates). Thus, time is not wasted on the material already covered at school, but an in-depth study of professional educational programs is underway.

In both cases, there is a chance to get a diploma of primary (after CVE) or secondary (after vocational education) vocational education.

There is, of course, a third option - to go to a college or technical school just for vocational training. In this case, applied skills necessary for employment are quickly acquired, but a diploma - a state-recognized document on graduation from an educational institution - does not shine.

Getting the average professional education you can immediately go to college. And if you choose a direction that corresponds to the profile of the specialty received at the technical school, you have the right to count on an accelerated course. This is especially true for college graduates who work at universities.

For those who have received primary vocational education, the path to a higher educational institution lies through a technical school or college.

Help "AiF-NN"

School graduates may not receive a certificate of secondary (complete) general education for three reasons:

● non-attendance at the state (final) certification (at the USE);

● the number of points scored is below the minimum threshold set by Rosobrnadzor in the current year in both compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics;

● the number of points scored below the minimum threshold in the current year in one of the compulsory subjects, as well as a repeated unsatisfactory result on the reserve day.

Russians who do not have a document on the completion of schooling, even nine classes, this year have the opportunity vocational training. The corresponding order was signed by the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov.

The order amends the already approved procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for basic vocational training programs, Izvestia writes. According to the document, persons are now allowed to be trained in the professions of workers, for the positions of employees, regardless of the presence or absence of general or secondary general education. Previously, there was a mandatory requirement for a high school diploma.

“Vocational training programs allow you to acquire initial professional competencies and do not belong to the level of secondary vocational education. During the training process, students will be able to acquire skills in professions, the requirements for which, according to professional standards, are limited to the development of vocational training programs and do not require the level of secondary vocational and higher education,” the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science told the publication.

In itself, vocational training involves the acquisition of competence, including for working with specific equipment, technologies, hardware, software and other professional tools, obtaining by students of qualification categories, classes, categories according to the profession of a worker or position of an employee without changing the level of education.

It is often organized by employment centers and companies interested in training personnel of a certain qualification. The list of professions of workers, positions of employees for which vocational education is carried out, consists of several hundred items, including: storekeeper, security guard, loader, janitor, sorter, lumberjack, cook, waiter, courier, coachman, elevator operator, junior educator, pharmacist, flight attendant etc.

The approved changes do not cancel the current norms of labor legislation, but are only intended to provide an opportunity to start earlier to master the necessary area of ​​future activity of a young specialist. Irina Abankina, director of the Institute for Education Development at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, believes that the changes are a step towards children who, for some reason, experience difficulties in mastering basic school programs.

“Vocational training programs were treated as programs that provide a profession that can be based on any level of education. It was considered expedient not to tie vocational training to the presence of a certificate, believing that any person, even if he had not succeeded before or now has problems with finishing school due to various circumstances, will be able to complete a vocational training program and somehow not be left behind and acquire professional skills. skills,” says Abankina.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Anatoly Tsiryulnikov is sure that getting education directly in practice has the right to exist: “We need to look at each profession. Some of them can be mastered in a practical way. I would like to give an example of the Dutch project on agricultural education, where practical schools are used, in which the proportion of practice is very high. The Germans have dual training that combines theory and practice, when companies train specialists for themselves and provide them with jobs. The share of practical training in a number of countries is much higher than in Russia. We ourselves know that in life people receive more education from life.

He added that there is formal education (schools, universities), non-formal (during practice), and there is informal (education from life). “It is necessary to combine all three campaigns, but there are people who are engaged in self-education, and there are such examples at every step,” Tsiryulnikov noted.

What to do if the child did not pass the OGE?

If in the ninth grade your child suffered a complete fiasco, did not pass the GIA or was not allowed to take the exam, this does not mean that all doors are closed to him. Instead of a certificate, they give a certificate. Let's figure out together what to do with it and where to go to study further.

Shall we try again?

By law, children who have completed grade 9 with a certificate of the established form can try to pass the GIA again in a year as an external student. At the same time, subjects for which unsatisfactory scores were obtained must be surrendered.

If you wish, your daughter or son can stay for re-training and pass the GIA together with new classmates for the next year. As a rule, this applies to those who were not admitted to certification.

Where to go for help?

Until 2015, in order to be trained in various vocational training programs for specialties, mainly workers and employees, a school certificate was a prerequisite. Now you can enter a secondary special educational institution with a certificate.

Who will be your daughter or son?

The list of working specialties and positions of employees is not limited to a janitor, a plumber and a turner, who are so fond of scaring teenagers. In fact, there are many more professions:

  • educator;
  • private security guard;
  • Cook;
  • driver;
  • seamstress;
  • driver;
  • flight attendant;
  • cynologist;
  • the hairdresser;
  • electrician, etc.

If your son or daughter succeeds in their profession, then they will be able to earn very good money. Here, as elsewhere, the main effort and desire.

Which colleges accept children with an education in grade 8 in your area, you can find out from your local department. public education. In most cases, training is conducted on a paid basis.

Why go to college?

Admit it, after thinking: “What a horror! You didn’t pass / didn’t pass the GIA! the next one was: “Losing a whole year, what to do?!”. Idleness has a corrupting effect even on an adult, what can we say about a teenager who is not averse to scoring his studies anyway. In this situation, primary and secondary vocational education is a good option.

  • First of all, the child will be busy with business, and will not sit for days at the computer or hang out somewhere.
  • College education for children with a certificate lasts up to 6-8 months. They study specialized disciplines and gain practical skills in production. Classes usually start in October. Just a year will pass before the retake. During this time, your child will receive a profession and the appropriate category.
  • If your son or daughter successfully passes the GIA, they will be able to continue studying for free in any specialty. A college degree with honors gives certain advantages when entering a specialized university. In addition, many colleges participate in the "college - university" program, their graduates can immediately enter the 2nd or 3rd year of a specialized university.

As you can see, the college offers good prospects. If your son or daughter immediately tunes in to study, then they will succeed in the future.

How to prepare for the retake of the GIA?

Without passing the state final certification, your son or daughter can get a profession, increase their rank, but their level of education will remain the same. Employers always pay attention to this column in the work book. Therefore, the GIA will still have to be passed. We have already written about the rules and established deadlines for retaking the GIA.

  • A professional tutor will prepare your son or daughter, but classes are very expensive and can be disrupted due to his illness or other pressing circumstances. After all, he is also human.
  • Many colleges offer preparatory courses. They are slightly cheaper than courses in educational centers, but are not always effective, as there are always large groups. Classes are taught by the same college teachers.
  • Classes are never canceled in educational centers. Groups are made up of 5-6 people. Teachers are often certified GIA and USE experts and are focused on high results.

There are no hopeless situations. If your child received a certificate instead of a certificate, do not rush to blame only him for everything. You, too, are involved in this, admit it. Somewhere they didn’t make me sit down for lessons on time, somewhere they were allowed to skip the day. Instead of looking for someone to blame, make the most of the situation. Focus on going to college and preparing for the GIA retake.


After finishing the 9th grade, there is a great opportunity to enter a number of professional educational institutions technical schools, colleges, vocational schools. Not all students strive to get a higher education, and not all of them need it. Today, working specialties are much more in demand than intellectual professions. Production requires turners, welders, electricians, workers,...

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There is a certificate for the 9th grade, but not for the 11th. The bottom line is this - I studied all 10, but at 11 I drove a fool and with teachers (including the director) was not particularly friendly. In short, they kicked me out at the end of the 11th, they said take the certificate, well, I sent them and left like that.
I turned around, turned around, worked in many areas and realized that most employers need people with a piece of paper about higher education, with others it’s not worth talking at all. In the future, I still plan to open my own business, but the tower is needed for many other reasons, not only as an emergency move for possible maneuvers in case of failures.
Now, how should I do it? Go to the evening to pass 10-11 and pass the exam? And do I need any documents to apply to the evening, they say, I have the 10th and I only need to draw the 11th with the exam Thanks for the help if anything ...

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Documents required for admission to the university in 2016

In 2016, applicants for junior bachelor's, bachelor's (master's and specialist in medical, pharmaceutical or veterinary) degrees on the basis of complete general secondary education for full-time education apply only in electronic form. (Except for persons entitled to participate in the competition based on the results entrance exams, for admission by interview and admission out of competition).

Applicants can submit up to fifteen applications for five specialties (specializations), for which admission is provided at the expense of the state budget.

Submission of applications in electronic form for specialties (specializations), which do not provide admission at the expense of the state budget, is not limited.

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June is the most joyful month for children of the year. But, it is in this month that scandals begin in families due to the appearance of final marks in the diaries. Children take exams, and then painfully go to school to retake their deuces.

Of course, there are many alternatives in case the final year ended in failure. Then the next question may arise - where to go with help? You can take a second course at public expense, and you can also go to some kind of production as an intern, while simultaneously combining it with your studies. There are special companies that allocate separate places for school graduates. You can prepare yourself or attend courses and then pass the exam externally. As an option, go to an educational institution based on a college, where they accept even without educational documents. The only thing that is needed for this is to pass a test to determine the level of preparation. These colleges offer educational courses and vocational...

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Do graduates from the occupied territories want to receive Ukrainian diplomas and what obstacles do they have to face?

News of Donbass writes about it.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has canceled the entrance quotas for graduates from the ATO zone, now applicants from Donbass can enter universities without external independent assessment based on entrance exams.

The youth of Donetsk and Luhansk regions will be assisted in obtaining education in special centers. This was found out by the journalists of the Public TV of Donbass.

“We didn't have a job. And the study and the "LNR" diploma - you yourself understand that it is invalid. Even in the occupied territories, it is not accepted,” said Ivan Omelianenko, a migrant student.

He arrived in Mariupol in December 2015 from the occupied Alchevsk, Luhansk region. At home he studied at a technical school, but the fighting made its own adjustments to the life of a young man.

“When it’s already 2014-2015,...

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"Who was not, he will be, who was - will not forget." These words from army folklore very accurately characterize the mood of current and future applicants. And especially their parents. After all, it is the latter, despite all the worries and fears, who must soberly and balancedly think over the strategy and tactics of correct behavior in the introductory campaign.

Everything about admission is described in documents, orders, rules. But in order to understand all this diversity, you need, firstly, to understand which documents are worth studying. And secondly, to be able to read between the lines and see the nuances that are invisible at first glance.

Taking on this difficult task, we offer instructions translated into human language for distraught parents and those who dream of higher education applicants.

When to start preparing for admission

Whether or not an applicant enters a higher educational institution directly depends on the value of his competitive score. This is a kind of piggy bank, which includes: ...

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Without a certificate: what to do?

With the introduction of a unified system state exam and the formal principle when checking examination papers, more schoolchildren today receive, instead of a certificate, a certificate stating that they studied at an educational institution. What to do without a certificate?

Photo by: www.kp.ru

If a school graduate does not have a grade 11 certificate, he can go to college on the basis of a grade 9 certificate, graduate from college and enter a university for an abbreviated program, or prepare to retake the exam. But what should a student do without a certificate at all? If the student did not receive a certificate in the 9th grade, he can try to retake the exams in next year, preparing for the OGE in courses or independently. However, the child will lose a year.

Without a certificate on the basis of 8 classes, they are admitted to a number of colleges. There are not so many of them, they train workers and service workers. On the basis of 8 classes, they are accepted for pre-profile training with the receipt of the main general ...

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Schoolchildren without a certificate are expected to study at colleges and abroad

In Russia in 2010, certificates of secondary education were not issued to 8251 people. "Trud" learned four ways to get an education without a certificate of the Unified State Examination and without wasting a year.

Yuri graduated from school this year, but did not succeed in the exam in mathematics: the young man was so worried that he failed miserably, gaining only 20 points. With such results, you can’t get a certificate: entrance to all universities is closed according to the law.

“I know that I myself am to blame, but I have no idea what to do now. Well, at least it’s too early to join the army, I will now prepare for a retake, ”Yuri says with regret.

This year, graduates received a certificate only if they passed the USE in Russian with at least 31 points and the USE in mathematics with at least 21 points. If one of these exams is not passed, a certificate of secondary education will be issued only next year, and then upon successful passing of a single ...

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Why give preference to a Russian university over a Ukrainian one? The reasons may be different: someone moves to relatives; others are chasing an indisputable qualitative gap between Russian and Ukrainian education; others behind a dream, the realization of which is obviously not possible in Ukraine; by order of the parents; having nothing to do... Personally, only one thing repels me from Ukrainian universities - their paranoid desire to Ukrainize me at all costs. I want to learn some serious fundamentals, but instead I have to spend a lot of time composing articulate phrases in the “mov” of our Western neighbors. In a word, this article would not have arisen if there had been at least one university in Ukraine where things are looked at realistically, and not through the prism of cultivating the national idea in the context of its inferiority understandable to any thinking person. However, everyone has their own motives. My article is not about them, but about how to become a student of a suitable Russian ...

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During the occupation of certain areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, 16 universities and 10 scientific institutes moved to the territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities. But not all students wished to part with their native walls, and many of them continued their studies already under the protectorate of the illegal armed groups "DNR-LNR".

Self-proclaimed "authorities" promise students local diplomas, which are not recognized by any full-fledged state in the world. Therefore, they began to look for schemes for issuing Russian-style diplomas. At the same time, the Ukrainian authorities have already announced that graduation documents issued by the “DPR” and “LPR” are not recognized on the territory of Ukraine. OstroV tried to find out what graduates of schools and universities of the unrecognized republics both in Ukraine and Russia can expect.

Russian diplomas

In July 2015, the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov announced that Russia does not recognize higher education diplomas issued ...

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Pupils at school do not always think about the future from the very beginning of their education. Therefore, the grades in some certificates are unenviable. But if the student wants to continue his education, then it is quite possible to find an educational institution that will be accepted even with a bad certificate.


The choice of educational institution will depend on how many years of high school the student has completed and what school he/she attended. For example, if a student of a lyceum or gymnasium does not finish grade 9 well, cannot withstand a heavy load and cannot cope with the program, he will be asked to choose another educational institution and will not be enrolled in grade 10. In this case, you can transfer to a regular school, finish it and enter a university. Ultimately, it is absolutely not necessary to study at a school with in-depth study of subjects in order to pass the exam well after grade 11.

After graduating from the 9th grade, there is a great opportunity to enter a number of professional educational institutions - technical schools, colleges, ...

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Where can I go if I did not pass the ZNO?

What to do if you did not pass the ZNO, 23 thousand Ukrainian graduates are already thinking, who did not score the required number of points in Ukrainian language and literature. Where can one enter, without the results of the ZNO in 2016, where to study for children, their parents think. Entry option for state form education in the universities of Ukraine, was dropped automatically. Those who did not pass the ZNO cannot qualify to become applicants for prestigious educational institutions in 2016.

If you didn’t pass the ZNO, where can you go?

External independent assessment (VNO or ZNO zovnіshnє nezalezhne otsіnyuvannya) is a form of knowledge control of school graduates and university entrants. Now, as in most developed countries of the world, a test form of checking the level of learned material has been chosen in Ukraine. But, the system of school secondary education is still based on the old "Soviet" principles, in which testing, as a form of knowledge control, is only gaining ...

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