Occurs at 9-10 weeks of gestation. Women's consultation and recommendations in the tenth week

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 21 minutes


10th obstetric week troublesome for future mother as well as for the future baby. This is the period when the child's movements are not yet felt, but the beating of his heart can already be felt independently. Despite the tiny size, the baby already has all the organs, and the active formation of the brain is underway. Therefore, most of the tips for this week come down to one thing - to lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle in order to nervous system the child is normally formed.

Mother's feelings at 10 weeks

  • The body of the uterus increases, and it becomes crowded in the pelvic cavity, as a result of which the woman begins to feel heaviness and fullness in the pelvic area;
  • In connection with the tension of the ligaments of the uterus, there are periodic pulling pains in the inguinal region;
  • The weight of the expectant mother is added by a kilogram and a half;
  • Frequent urination;
  • The appearance of insomnia, sensitivity and superficiality of sleep, frightening, sometimes nightmare dreams;
  • Discharge (with bloody discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor - they can be a symptom of a miscarriage).

What women say about well-being - forums


I have already ten weeks ... The stomach is either there or not. The toxicosis is weakening. But I still don’t want to eat, I even lost a little weight. And she’s not drawn to sex at all, although she’s sorry for her beloved ... My head is spinning, I want to sleep all the time, my chest aches ... How is the baby, I wonder?


Hello to all expectant mothers! And we are already 10 weeks old! I never went to the doctor and I feel great. There is no toxicosis at all, insomnia too. In general, if I didn’t know that I was pregnant ...


And I think that it makes no sense to go to the consultation early. What is there to listen to? And the baby is still an embryo. The main thing is not to worry. That there was no threat. Why seek adventure on your own head? And so they are enough in life. All a minimum of toxicosis and a maximum of joy!


Girls, hello! And we even managed to lie down on conservation! The tone of the uterus, the threat. Ultrasound has already been done three times, child, like a little worm.)) Today they let me go home. Actually, I'm what - do not delay the trip to the doctor. Better to be safe.


And I don't have any feelings. Chest only aches at night. And the waist. And so everything is fine. Tomorrow is an ultrasound. I'm waiting with fear.

What happens in the mother's body at the 10th week?

  • Increased excitability and mood swings;
  • Enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • Fluffy gums;
  • Gradual disappearance of the waist;
  • The appearance of Montgomery's nodules (small seals in the areola of the mammary glands);
  • Slight weight gain
  • Increased fatigue;
  • morning sickness;
  • The uterus begins to compress the main blood vessels. This, in turn, causes varicose veins in the rectum. As a result, hemorrhoids appear. To combat this problem, it is necessary to monitor the regularity of the stool.

Fetal development at 10 weeks

The tenth week is the final embryonic stage of development. At its end, the baby is officially considered a fetus. If during this period no anomalies were found in its development, then we can safely say that birth defects the child is not threatened. Soon he will begin to move involuntarily and even suck his thumb.


  • It is already possible to determine the blood type and gender of the baby;
  • Active development of the brain, the beginning of differentiation of the cortex;
  • Separation of the hemispheres from the middle and medulla oblongata;
  • Complete division of the nervous system into peripheral and central parts;
  • The head is disproportionately large, but already has a rounded shape;
  • Head diameter - about 1.73 cm;
  • Body length - about 4.71 cm;
  • The eyes are completely lidded;
  • The kidneys of the child begin to form urine, which, accumulating in the bladder, is excreted;
  • The blood supply of the child goes to another level, the corpus luteum of pregnancy in the ovary withers, the number of hormones synthesized by the placenta increases;
  • The thickness of the placenta is 1.34 cm.

Ultrasound at the 10th week, photo of the fetus, photo of the mother's abdomen

Ultrasound at 10 weeks

Photo of the abdomen at 10 weeks

This is what the fetus looks like at 10 weeks

Video: What happens in the tenth week of pregnancy?

3D ultrasound is a unique video.

Video: What happens in the 10th week of pregnancy?

  • Ensuring proper rest and sufficient time for normal sleep;
  • Admission specially designed for expectant mothers vitamin preparations, preferably high in B vitamins and magnesium(of course, with a doctor's prescription);
  • Following the doctor's advice elimination of the consequences of toxicosis(the state of toxicosis is dangerous for a child by a violation of his nutrition and, consequently, development);
  • Passing the analysis for hCG. The doctor's recommendations for this analysis should not cause panic. This is a standard procedure necessary for information on the amount of the hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) produced by the embryo, in order to track its development and growth in the dynamics;
  • Sex in the tenth week is possible, and even more is necessary. But only if there is no threat of interruption;
  • Useful hiking and swimming, as well as playing sports in a light form - this will help to more easily endure childbirth, endure extra pounds and return to previous forms in a shorter time;
  • Nutrition should consist mainly of small portions, be warm and bring only pleasure to the expectant mother;
  • The procedure should be mandatory weighing. Losing weight is a reason to see a doctor;
  • Need to be carefully monitored timely bowel movements. The rectum in a full state has pressure on the uterus, which is completely undesirable. If, however, constipation has appeared, they can be eliminated with the help of natural, fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, black bread, raw (preferably “live”, spring) water drunk on an empty stomach in the morning, and kefir drunk before bedtime. Enemas are not recommended.

Nutrition for the expectant mother

  • Nutrition for the expectant mother during this period should be varied. Consumed products should provide the baby and the mother's body with all the necessary trace elements. For example, zinc.
  1. zinc is necessary for the synthesis of more than 300 proteins and is part of many enzymes
  2. in the female body, zinc, which is part of the structure of estrogen receptors, is involved in maintaining pregnancy
  3. most of all zinc is found in pumpkin and sunflower seeds, in bran and sprouted grains of wheat. You can also find it in eggs, nuts, legumes, green tea, chicken and rabbit meat. In smaller quantities - in raspberries, vegetables, beef, asparagus and beets.
  • Liquid. At week 10, you should drink about two liters of fluid (eight glasses) a day. It can be water, broths, fruit or vegetable juices. Fluid is needed for easier bowel movements. The best helper in this is plum juice, which works great for constipation problems. Also, with this problem, warm water with lemon helps, stimulating intestinal contractions;
  • The allies of the expectant mother are foods rich in fiber. Dried fruits and vegetables, cereals (especially whole grains), as well as everything “green” (vegetables, herbs, kiwi, which, by the way, has a very decent laxative effect). Of course, you should not lean on purified fiber. White rice, pasta, white bread and pastries can only make things worse;
  • To rule out hemorrhoids you should eat more prunes and fiber products, sleep mostly on your side (to relieve tension in the anus) and do gymnastics.

The most detailed weekly pregnancy calendar

The 10th week of pregnancy completes the embryonic stage of intrauterine development of the child. From week 11, doctors will no longer call the baby an embryo, but a fetus, that is, the fetal (fetal) period of development will begin, which will last until birth. The coming months will be a stage of active growth, weight gain, maturation and functional development of all internal organs of the baby.

10-11 weeks of pregnancy are also critical for expectant mothers. At this time, many women begin to feel better. Indeed, very soon the painful toxicosis will disappear and the woman will have the opportunity to enjoy her position in full. However, against the background of emotional and physical recovery, the expectant mother should not forget about a very important event - visiting a gynecologist and registering in a antenatal clinic. Even if the pregnant woman feels well, she should be under the supervision of doctors.

What happens to the baby at 10 weeks pregnant

The most crucial stage of intrauterine development of the child is practically behind us. All the organs of the embryo have already been laid down and now it takes time for them to finally form and begin to function.

By the end of the 10th week, the baby's weight is 4-5 grams, and the height is 3-4 cm. The embryo has already finally taken on the likeness of a person - it does not have gill slits, a tail, webs between the fingers. Yes, the baby's head is much larger than the body, but soon this disproportion will disappear. Marigolds appeared on tiny fingers, and hair follicles formed in the thickness of the skin, from which vellus hair will grow very soon.

The embryo already has all the main internal organs, but only in miniature form. They will grow with the baby. Part of the internal organs is already functioning at full speed:

In addition, the formation of the umbilical cord and placenta is nearing completion.

Feelings of the mother at the 10th week of pregnancy: stomach, discharge, well-being

Hormones still continue to bring a number of inconveniences to the life of a pregnant woman. They are associated with emerging manifestations, and emotional instability, and various changes in the appearance of the expectant mother. However, the most responsible, dangerous and disturbing period of pregnancy is almost left behind. Therefore, if the doctors state that the child is healthy and developing normally, the next weeks of waiting will bring much more pleasure: the mother will worry less and feel better, and the baby will grow and prepare for a meeting with his parents.

At the 10th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother can also be disturbed by:

  • Morning.
  • Sudden change in taste preferences.
  • Deterioration or vice versa increased appetite.
  • Mood swings.
  • Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.
  • Heightened sense of smell.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • and fatigue.

Changes also progress in the appearance of a pregnant woman:

  • Pigmentation appears on the face and body (the nipples and the line between the navel and the pubis darken).
  • The condition of the skin, hair and nails worsens or vice versa.
  • Breasts increase by 1 or 2 sizes.
  • In thin people, a bulge appears in the lower abdomen.

Expectant mothers will not hurt at week 10 to think about updating their wardrobe, because even with the invisibility of external changes in the body, many things may already be small at this time. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of a bra (it should support well and not squeeze the chest), as well as skirts and trousers (in the belt area, these wardrobe items should not be tight, it is best if the belt is made of soft elastic band that will stretch along as the belly grows).

In addition, now it is worth choosing stable and comfortable shoes. High heels are a risk of falls and a big load on the spine and legs, so it is not advisable for expectant mothers to wear such shoes.

For many expectant mothers who do not suffer from severe toxicosis, weight may increase by the 10th week of pregnancy. For the entire first trimester (that is, for 12 weeks), weight gain should be no more than 3 kg. If the mass is growing too fast, a woman should think about her diet now. Of course, it is impossible for a future mother to go on a diet, but it is possible to make up your diet correctly.

The basic principles of nutrition for a pregnant woman should be as follows:

  • Diversity.
  • Moderation (do not eat for two).
  • Utility.

The expectant mother should eat something meat (occasionally fish), something dairy, something vegetable, something fruit and something cereal every day. With this approach, all the substances necessary for both her and her baby will definitely get into the body of a woman. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to chase exotics and some super-expensive products, you should not try to buy strawberries or zucchini in winter (but only if rarely and when you really want to). Such a variety is not considered beneficial, since out-of-season vegetables and fruits can contain large amounts of nitrates and other chemicals.

In addition, in the diet of the expectant mother, it is desirable to increase the amount of foods containing calcium, proteins, iron, fiber, and essential fatty acids. These substances are necessary for the full development of the baby and the well-being of the mother. Products that are especially useful for pregnant women include:

  • Lean meat, .
  • Oatmeal and buckwheat.
  • , bananas.
  • Carrots, beets, .
  • Assorted.
  • sea ​​fish(especially fatty varieties).
  • Natural yogurt, kefir,.
  • Hard cheeses.
  • Vegetable oils (unrefined).

You can also select a list of products that, due to their uselessness and the ability to increase weight, it is better for a future mother to use less frequently. These include:

  • All kinds of flour products, cakes, pastries.
  • Chocolate bars and sweets (however, a few pieces of real dark chocolate to cheer up the expectant mother will not hurt).
  • Potato.
  • Fast food.
  • Sweet sparkling waters and store-bought juices.
  • Sausages.

As for the drinking regime, it is necessary for pregnant women to drink when they want and in small portions.. You can’t forcibly pour water into yourself (similar recommendations can be found on the Internet), such a load may be beyond the strength of the kidneys, which are already working very actively.

Possible complications at 10 weeks pregnant

There is still a risk of termination of pregnancy - however, it is lower than in previous weeks. If the doctor recommends more rest and not overexerting, it is better to heed his advice. You can take sick leave or ask your boss for a vacation.

Signs that there is a problem may include:

  • (cramping, pulling).
  • from the genital tract (bright red, brown).
  • according to the data (in this condition, many women complain that the uterus periodically seems to turn to stone).
  • Strengthening or vice versa a sharp cessation of toxicosis.

With an increase in the size of the uterus, problems with bowel movements are exacerbated, especially in women who suffered before pregnancy. To bring the chair back to normal, you need to consume more fiber and fresh lactic acid products. If constipation becomes chronic, there may be subsequent- Another unpleasant disease that many pregnant women face.

Registration in the antenatal clinic

Pregnancy registration begins with organizational issues - getting to know the doctor, filling out the necessary documentation (individual card of the pregnant woman and the puerperal). During the conversation, the gynecologist finds out from the patient her age and the age of her spouse, the date of the last menstruation, the number and outcome of pregnancies in history, the health status of older children, the presence of chronic diseases in a woman and family members, infectious diseases, etc. This information is necessary to determine the risk group to which the pregnant woman belongs.

The first trimester is the most important stage of pregnancy. In the first weeks of gestation, the embryo attaches to the uterus, the organs and systems of the child are laid. At this stage, even minor factors can affect the processes of intrauterine development and lead to miscarriage.

At the beginning of the 10th week of gestation, the final stage of the formation of the placenta falls. From now on, the baby will grow and develop solely at the expense of the reserves of the mother's body. The embryo becomes a fetus and is no longer so vulnerable, but in some cases its health may be at risk. In order to safely endure and give birth to a healthy child, a mother must take care not only of herself, but also of her baby.

What happens in the body of a future mother at week 10?

Pregnancy of 9-10 weeks is outwardly imperceptible, however, many women note that tight clothes are already tight for them. In the first trimester, it is often sick. By the beginning of the tenth, many patients note that toxicosis has intensified, but soon their condition should improve significantly. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, so do not panic if your chest suddenly stops hurting or toxicosis disappears.

At the 10th week of pregnancy, a woman quickly gets tired, she is drawn to sleep. Due to hormonal changes, her mood can change dramatically, euphoria and joy are quickly replaced by anger and irritability. Due to the extremely unstable emotional state, many women suffer from insomnia. In addition, sleeping on your stomach becomes uncomfortable, you have to choose a comfortable position for yourself. Body temperature remains within 37-37.2 degrees.

The 10th week of pregnancy in months is approximately two months and ten days is the 12th obstetric week. The embryonic period of development is over, now the embryo can rightfully be called a fetus. Its organs and systems continue to develop. This mainly concerns the central nervous system.

Feelings of a woman

The expectant mother notices how her tummy is slightly rounded. The fetus is still too small, but the uterus has become larger, now it extends beyond the small pelvis.

For a period of 10 weeks, a woman may experience the following sensations:

  • nausea, salivation, weakness, dizziness with toxicosis;
  • heaviness and fullness in the iliac region;
  • discomfort caused by stretching of the ligaments of the uterus;
  • hurts and pulls the lower back;
  • abdominal pain in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, bloating, heartburn, etc.);
  • apathy, drowsiness, irritability (due to hormonal changes, a special zone of the cerebral cortex is activated, vivid and colorful dreams are dreamed);
  • pain in the mammary glands, colostrum secretion (the breast at the 10th week of pregnancy coarsens, the areolas of the nipples darken) (see also:).

By this time, weight gain normally reaches 2-3 kg. The volume of circulating blood increases, the uterus grows, the chest swells. Due to toxicosis in some women, weight may decrease, but this situation will change in the second trimester.

Often, due to the increased production of melanin, age spots appear on the body. Sometimes the cheeks darken and a line appears along the abdomen. Hair begins to grow more actively, including on the face and chest.

Location and size of the uterus

More than two months have already passed since conception, the diameter of the uterus has increased to 10-12 cm, which can be compared with a large apple or grapefruit. The amniotic sac is filled with amniotic fluid. By this time, its volume is approaching 20 ml. The reproductive organ extends beyond the small pelvis, moving to the area just above the pubic joint (see photo). A woman herself can feel where the uterus is located if she slightly presses her palm on the lower abdomen.

The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which causes frequent urination. Sometimes a small amount of urine may come out involuntarily when laughing, frightened, or sneezing.

A growing organism needs a lot of nutrients and oxygen. The development of the placenta continues. By 9-10 weeks of pregnancy, it is securely fixed in the uterine cavity, participating in the metabolism of the embryo.

The nature of the discharge

At the 10th week of pregnancy, changes in the nature of the discharge sometimes signal the presence of an infection. In addition, the patient may experience burning sensation during urination and itching in the intimate area. This condition requires appropriate treatment, because. life and health of the baby are at risk.

Brown and spotting are considered extremely dangerous. When the chest stopped hurting, bleeding appeared at the 10th week of pregnancy, accompanied by sharp pains in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor. This condition can lead to miscarriage.

At 12 obstetric weeks, there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy. The life of the patient is at risk, as the grown egg leads to a rupture of the fallopian tube. The woman needs to be hospitalized immediately.

Can you feel the baby move?

At the 10th week of pregnancy, the fetus is still too small to declare itself with kicks in the stomach. The woman does not yet fully feel the presence of the embryo, and then the fetus. At this time, the baby is already quite active. With its outlines, it already resembles a person. He moves the top and lower limbs trying to push off the placenta. Due to not large sizes the baby, even during the first pregnancy, the expectant mother still cannot feel his movements.

The development and size of the baby

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At the tenth week of gestation, the laying of all vital organs ends. A new stage of development begins. Now the baby will gradually grow and develop.

The dimensions of the fetus according to ultrasound on average reach 30-40 mm, and it weighs about 5 g. Outwardly, it looks like a person, although its body is still transparent and there is no hair. He already has a four-chambered heart beating at a frequency of 150-170 beats per minute.

The fetus has already formed limbs with fingers. Thanks to the knee and elbow joints, the baby can move the arms and legs. The mouth and ears are also formed. On ultrasound, you can see how the child opens and closes his mouth, grimaces and touches his face with his hands (see video).

The brain develops especially rapidly during this period. Experts estimate that up to 250,000 neurons are created in the brain per minute.

In the fetus, the rudiments of teeth are laid, the intestines complete their formation. The liver continues to develop, at this stage it is responsible for the function of hematopoiesis. By the blood of the former embryo, it is already possible to determine the group affiliation. His blood type may be different from his mother's. Lymphatic and immune system continue to develop.

What research is being done?

After confirming the fact of pregnancy during a second visit to the gynecologist, he will determine the weight, size of the patient's pelvis and measure blood pressure. Then the expectant mother will be offered to undergo the following clinical studies:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • blood test for infections;
  • analysis of blood glucose levels;
  • glucose tolerance test;
  • smear for cytology;
  • urine culture for flora.

If a woman knows about her Rh-negative blood affiliation, then it is necessary to determine the blood group of the father of the unborn child. In case of Rh-conflict throughout the pregnancy, the patient needs to control the antibody titer. If necessary, additional blood can be taken to determine antibodies to toxoplasmosis and rubella.

If there is a risk of miscarriage (there are endocrine diseases), the doctor may recommend that the expectant mother be tested to determine the level of hormones. If a pathology is detected, the patient is given a referral for analysis to determine specific infections. According to indications, an ultrasound is prescribed.

If Down syndrome is suspected, in order to understand that everything is fine with the baby, experts conduct a series of studies:

  • amniocentesis;
  • fetoscopy;
  • chorionic villus biopsy.

Depending on the results of the research, the doctor will confirm or deny the presence of genetic pathologies of the fetus. A woman may be faced with the question of the need for early termination of pregnancy.

All pregnant women over 35 are at risk, so they are in without fail All of the above tests must be completed. At the 10th week of pregnancy, such patients are recommended to take an analysis to determine the level of the hCG hormone. This analysis helps to assess possible risks and predicts a favorable pregnancy outcome. If all tests are normal and gestation proceeds without pathologies, the first ultrasound will be scheduled for a period of 11-13 weeks.

Is it possible to determine the sex of the child by ultrasound at this time?

Although many vital important systems and the organs of the former embryo are already fully formed, it will be extremely problematic to determine the sex at this time. Only modern ultrasound machines with good resolution allow experienced specialists to guess who may be in the womb - a boy or a girl. Sometimes these assumptions are wrong. If a boy is to be born, then at week 10, his testicles will already produce the main male sex hormone - testosterone.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, the expectant mother can lead a normal life, avoiding severe complications. physical activity. However, if the patient has undergone an IVF procedure, had an abortion, or has a history of miscarriage, then such a pregnancy should proceed under special conditions. It is forbidden to lift weights, be nervous, have sex. During pregnancy, you need to forget about bad habits. Alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are strictly prohibited.

Nutrition must be balanced. You need to eat often, but little by little. It is better to choose foods high in vitamins and minerals, and fast food should be abandoned. The expectant mother should monitor how much fluid she consumes. It is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of water per day (juice, compote, tea, etc.).

Bleeding and other possible complications and reasons for visiting a doctor

A sign of the norm is considered to be slight light discharge, odorless. The threat of bleeding is brown and pink discharge. You should contact a specialist if you find copious greenish, white and foul-smelling discharge.

If the lower back is strongly pulled, a pink "daub" may be a sign of a miscarriage. About 10-15% of pregnant women face such a problem.

Body temperature should not rise above subfebrile values. If a high temperature persists, the chest suddenly stops hurting, toxicosis disappears, and the stomach and lower back hurt a lot, such symptoms often indicate a non-developing pregnancy. Normally, mild pulling pains in the abdomen can occur throughout the entire gestation period, however, a brown “daub” and tingling in the iliac and pubic areas are a reason to consult a specialist.