Fetus at 15 obstetric weeks. What to eat for an expectant mother

Feelings in the fifteenth week of pregnancy

Pregnant women note that their tummy has grown a little compared to last week. The dense upper edge of the uterus, the expectant mother can independently feel slightly below the navel.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, some women notice that dark spots have appeared on the skin. In some, they form only on the stomach, while in others they also form on the arms, legs, face, chest and back - everyone has different ways. A brown line forms on the abdomen of women, running from the navel to the pubis. In some pregnant women, age spots are beige and barely noticeable, in others they are dark brown. Moles may darken. The nipples and areolas also become darker than they were before pregnancy.

What happens in the fifteenth week of pregnancy

Fetal size at 15 weeks gestation 14.2 cm Fetal weight at 15 weeks gestation 77 grams

The first hairs begin to appear on the head of the fetus. Continues fast growth limbs, ahead of the growth of the head. The movements of the baby are quite active, in a few minutes he manages to repeatedly change his position inside the uterine cavity. The fetus often bends the arms at the elbows and wrists, and squeezes the fingers into fists. A unique skin pattern appears on the skin of the fingertips, which is individual for each person.

The nervous system of the fetus is improving this week. The mass of the brain increases, its convolutions and furrows deepen. Bones, muscles and all organs of the baby are entwined with nerves.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, the cardiovascular system of the fetus also improves. The heart works very actively (it pumps up to 20 liters of blood per day). Arteries and veins grow intensively, forming vascular plexuses. All organs begin to receive blood through their own arteries. Through the very thin skin of the fetus, blood vessels begin to shine through, due to this it becomes red.

If in previous weeks, red blood cells were produced by the liver and the yolk sac, now this function is taken over by the red bone marrow (located inside the bones).

From the 15th week, the blood type and Rh factor can already be determined in the fetus.

Photos and ultrasound at 15 weeks pregnant

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Medical examination of a pregnant woman


  • A consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is necessary if a pregnant woman has any complaints.



  • They are carried out according to the doctor's prescription in case of complications of pregnancy.

Possible deviations from the norm

  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • primary placental insufficiency.
  1. If redness, swelling, or severe itching appear in the area of ​​age spots, you need to contact a dermatologist. It could be allergies or dermatitis.
  2. When age spots appear, you should not use bleaching creams and lotions, because many of them are not approved for use during pregnancy. After childbirth, the spots will disappear without a trace.
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15 weeks of pregnancy is already the last stage of the first trimester, the tadpole finally turns into a man, there is still a little left, and there will be a real baby, only a little one. The development of the fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy goes on as usual and still requires a lot of strength and energy from the mother. It becomes much easier to feel, half of the threats and risks are gone, but the inner mental and physical connection between mother and child is activated.

Pregnancy 15 weeks - fetal development

The size of the fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy is still very small, no more than ten centimeters, so it is quite difficult to see who it will be - a boy or a girl. But some are lucky, and already at this time it becomes clear who will be born to a happy mother.

The formation of internal organs has long ended, and now there is a process of active development of the human form of the unborn child. At the 15th week of pregnancy, this process enters a particularly active stage.

15 weeks pregnant - what's going on

The most obvious sensation at the 15th week of pregnancy is a lack of calcium. This symptom is accompanied by convulsions, crumbling of teeth, worsening appearance skin, hair and nails. You need more calcium than you might think. There may be a feeling of tenderness and enlargement of the breast, nosebleeds, as well as regular memory lapses. Often this scares women who are 15 weeks pregnant: what is happening, why is it impossible to focus on the simplest things or remember what used to be easy? Yes, nothing happens, this is a normal phenomenon that accompanies absolutely everyone, and you can safely put up with it. And for important things, keep a notebook so that you don’t forget what needs to be done.

Pregnancy 14-15 weeks

At a gestational age of 14-15 weeks, the fetal cardiovascular system is well developed, and through its thin skin with ultrasound, the largest vessels can be seen. The heart works quite actively and pumps about 20 liters of blood per day. It is because of this intense blood flow that the skin has a red color.

Major changes in the body of the fetus

At 14-15 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's intestines are activated, which is accompanied by the release of bile, which, in turn, enters the large intestine. In the future, it is from it that the first fecal masses of the child will be formed.

Due to the fact that the kidneys of the fetus begin to work more actively, the act of emptying the bladder occurs much more often. Despite this, the fetus feels quite comfortable in the amniotic fluid, which is cleaned up to 10 times a day.

At 14-15 weeks of fetal development, his respiratory system becomes perfect. During this particular time, a small organism actively develops and trains muscles, including respiratory ones. This happens due to the fact that the fetus periodically swallows and spits out the amniotic fluid on its own. These exercises contribute to the formation of lung tissue, thereby preparing respiratory system to the first breath.

At the age of 14-15 weeks, a very important stage of development begins in a child - the cerebral cortex is formed. This process continues throughout the month. That is why a woman should exclude any harmful effects on her body. Both hemispheres of the brain are covered with grooves and convolutions. At the same time, nerve cells begin their division, which ultimately ends with the formation nervous system.

At the gestational age of 14-15 weeks, the endocrine system begins to form. Actively begin to work glands, in particular, sebaceous and sweat. By this time, the fetus can already react to the food that was eaten by its mother, as taste buds are finally formed.

How is the expectant mother changing?

The visible changes observed in a pregnant woman include the appearance of a brown line that stretches from the umbilical ring to the pubis. Its appearance is easily explained by the fact that, due to a change in the general hormonal background there is a greater release of melanin pigment, due to which the strip is formed. It disappears on its own after the woman gives birth.

During pregnancy at 14-15 weeks, the belly is already quite visible. Every day its size only increases. That is why a woman begins to review her wardrobe in order to feel comfortable, since old clothes are already small.

By this time, as a rule, the exact date of birth is already known. It is established by means of research by the method of ultrasonic diagnostics. In addition, during this examination, pathologies in development can be detected. When they are detected at 14-15 weeks, an abortion, as a rule, is no longer performed. The only exceptions are social indications and possible disability of the fetus.

The presence of blood discharge at 14-15 weeks of gestation may be a signal for the threat of termination of pregnancy. When they appear, a woman should immediately consult a doctor. In the event of bleeding, doctors clean the uterus, that is, they perform a surgical abortion. Otherwise, this condition can lead to the death of a pregnant woman.


Pregnancy 13, 14, 15.16 weeks

The fourth lunar month opens the second trimester of pregnancy. By this time, the formation of the main organs of your unborn child is almost completed, and the fetus completely acquires a “human” appearance.

Of course, this does not mean that the development process has ended, and all organs and systems are functioning in full - just everything that should be present in the human body is already in place. For example, already week 13 the rudiments of all twenty milk teeth are formed (teeth only have to erupt), villi appear in the intestines, which play an important role in the digestion process, and the pancreas begins to produce insulin. The little man is growing, which means that the waiting period is getting shorter and shorter every day

What happens to the baby

As we have already said, by the beginning of the second trimester, the main organs of the fetus have already been formed. By the end of the month, the first hairs appear on the baby's head - the forerunners of the future hair, and on the body - vellus hair (lanugo). They cover the entire body of the baby. These delicate hairs will disappear shortly before birth. Sometimes in newborns, remnants of lanugo remain on the ears and on some parts of the face.

The skin on the face of the fetus is still very thin and has a reddish tint. The auricles have already moved to their rightful place (before that they were located closer to the neck), and the nails have formed almost completely. The fetus is already able to periodically empty bladder- almost every 45 minutes, the baby makes a "contribution" to the composition of amniotic fluid, and his tiny heart manages to pump about 23 liters of blood per day.

Improves coordination of hand and foot movements. The baby has grown noticeably - its length is almost 16 centimeters and, weighing 135 g, it swims freely in the amniotic fluid, and feels great. The first habitat in his life is ideally suited for peaceful development - it is so warm and clean here, pleasant twilight reigns and only soft echoes of noises from the outside world are heard, and the absence of the law of universal gravitation reliably protects from damage. Maybe that's why most people rest best in such an environment, "remembering" the nine months of paradise spent in the mother's womb?

What's going on with mom

Your health should improve significantly. Changes in skin pigmentation are possible - the midline of the abdomen, nipples and the skin around them will darken. These phenomena should pass soon after childbirth. With the solution of the problem of early toxicosis (usually it ends exactly by the fourth month of pregnancy), a relatively calm period begins.

Embryogenesis and the formation of the placenta are almost over. Now they - the fetus and the placenta - are tightly connected with each other. From this moment on, the placenta not only transfers food and oxygen from the mother to the fetus and removes toxins from its body, but also performs an extremely important chemical function, providing the fetus with the necessary proteins and hormones.

We hope that you have already fully mastered the role of a future mother and are happy to prepare for a new phase of your relationship with your baby. Indeed, by the end of the month, you can first feel the movement of the fetus. This small event is more likely to occur in women who give birth not for the first time and have a lean physique.

With repeated pregnancies, fetal movements, as a rule, become noticeable 2-4 weeks earlier than when waiting for the first child. This happens mainly because a woman already knows in advance what sensations she should experience.

And the fact that during the first pregnancy, the mother often does not feel the movement of the fetus until 22-23 weeks, due to the rare delicacy of these first movements. So enjoy the new sensations, because after a while, gentle pushing will be replaced by sharp kicks and somersaults, characteristic of later periods.

Possible dangers

This period of pregnancy can be critical for women with adrenal dysfunction, especially if they are expecting a boy. The fact is that the male sex glands of the fetus are already actively producing the male sex hormone - testosterone, and if the mother has any defect in the adrenal cortex enzyme system, an increased content of this hormone can cause an imbalance. This will lead to an increase in the level of 17-ketosteroids, and, therefore, will pose a threat to the normal development of pregnancy.

However, a timely analysis will reveal the level of 17-ketosteroids in the urine and help select the optimal treatment. This period is optimal for the study of fetal development. Women who are at risk (that is, those who have problems with previous pregnancies, the risk of genetic diseases, negative Rh factor, etc.) are recommended to do an analysis of amniotic fluid - amniocentesis, which will determine not only the presence of malformations in the fetus, but and his blood group, the level of bilirubin, hormones and proteins, the sex of the unborn child.

If possible, do not refuse this analysis and do not waste time. It is at this stage of pregnancy that a needle can pass through the wall of the uterus and take the required amount of amniotic fluid for analysis. At this time, the uterus is usually inert, which means that the procedure itself is the safest.


Without this substance, it is impossible to properly form the bones and teeth of a child, which begins around the eighth week of pregnancy. You will need twice as much calcium as usual. Its main sources are: cheese, milk, cottage cheese, kefir, green vegetables, fruits, bell pepper, apples, persimmon, kiwi, lentils.

Night cramps in the calf muscles, exfoliating nails and brittle hair are the first symptoms that the expectant mother's body lacks calcium. Dairy products contain a lot of calcium, but animal calcium causes excessive ossification of the baby's skull and makes it difficult for the head to pass through the birth canal. The fontanel closes too quickly, which can lead to increased intracranial pressure. Therefore, during pregnancy, calcium of plant origin is preferable, which does not have such a strong effect.

An excellent source of calcium is eggshell. Remove the shell from a chicken egg (better than a rustic one). Peel off the films, ignite in a pan, grind in a coffee grinder. Take this powder on the tip of a knife and extinguish lemon juice to make the mixture sizzle. Take 3 to 5 times a day until the cramps are gone, and then another week.

If you still really want cottage cheese, use the following recipe: bring 1 liter of pasteurized milk to a boil, throw in half a lemon with a peel and immediately turn off the heat. When the mass begins to curdle, discard it in a colander.

Your pregnancy has entered a new stage, and your household should be fully aware of this. In other words, the joy of the significance of the event should give way to a normal "businesslike" attitude towards the issue of adding to the family. Everyone is trying to help the expectant mother, to support her. Now it is very important to encourage these attempts of relatives - after all, joint chores, like nothing, bring the family closer. Accept attention and care with gratitude, but do not allow yourself to be turned into an incubator bearing a precious heir.

You should not give up homework if you like and can do it, and also limit yourself in movement or pleasant emotions. Enjoy a good movie, take a walk with your husband in the park, buy yourself a nice new thing. In general, enjoy life - both the one that develops inside you and the one that is seething outside.

Looking at yourself in the mirror, you may find a brownish line in the middle of the abdomen, stretching from the pubis to the navel. The reason for its appearance is the deposition of a special pigment substance - melanin. Age spots (official medicine calls them "chloasma") can occur throughout the entire period of pregnancy, including on the face - in the forehead, cheeks, around the eyes and on the bridge of the nose. You should not worry about this - after childbirth, they will disappear by themselves.

However, if you are annoyed by the damage done to your own appearance, you can try to remove chloasma with grapefruit juice (wipe the stains with juice applied to a cotton swab for a month), parsley (it is best to freeze the juice, and use ice cubes for rubbing) or cucumber. In general, cucumber juice is recommended to be used not only externally, but also taken orally daily, drinking at least 150 ml per day. It intensively removes toxins from the body, is a source of many vital trace elements - for example, silicon, which ensures the normal functioning of the surface layer of the skin.

People are gradually beginning to realize the value of vegetable juices: for a long time, Europeans have been choosing beet or carrot juice instead of the usual orange or apricot juice.



Fetal development

The internal organs of your baby continue their development, they will improve their work and every day it becomes more clear and well-functioning.

The legs of your baby have already become longer than the arms, and the appearance of the fetus takes on the pronounced features of a little man.

The auricles are almost perfect, the eyes continue to approach, although they are still far from each other.

The baby is active, but you will feel the first movements not earlier than next week. This is favored by the development of bone tissue, the limbs acquire a greater strength, a skeleton appears.

On the body of your baby, hairs break through, the baby has a reddish color and the skin is no longer so transparent.

The body continues to improve organs and systems. The pituitary gland, gallbladder work, sweat and sebaceous glands began to function. In boys, testosterone is produced, the kidneys are actively working. Your baby is already urinating in amniotic fluid, which has a unique composition. Amniotic fluid is completely sterile, moreover, they are updated about 10 times a day.

At the fifteenth week of pregnancy, the volume of amniotic fluid reaches 100 milliliters, and the temperature varies within 37 degrees.

Now the fetal bladder for your baby is food, shelter, protection, comfort, and a training ground. The fetus develops every day and prepares for life outside the mother's tummy. The kid develops the chest, lungs, musculoskeletal system, intestines.

At this stage of pregnancy, you can already determine the sex of your baby.

Ultrasound at 15 weeks pregnant

It is not a mandatory study.

When carrying out the procedure at the fifteenth week, the movement of the fetus with its legs and arms is clearly visible, it kicks, waves its arms, but while you still do not feel it, your baby is still small so that you can feel these tremors, but very soon you will be able to feel the movements of your baby .

The size of the fetus corresponds to the average orange, the baby already hears your voice and the beat of your heart. An ultrasound examination at week 15 shows how the baby moves his fingers on legs and arms, makes breathing movements, but so far spontaneous, this suggests that he is already preparing for life outside his mother's tummy. But for an independent life, your baby is still small, he still needs a comfortable and cozy house in the form of your tummy.

Your baby's heart beats 140-160 beats per minute, pumping 28 liters of blood a day. But most importantly, at this time you can already find out the gender of your baby. The heart has four chambers, like an adult. A feature of your baby's heart is an open foramen ovale, which is necessary for the discharge of blood. But with the first breath, it will close. There is already a septum between the atria.

An ultrasound at 15 weeks also assesses the condition of the cervix. This is necessary to exclude isthmic-cervical insufficiency, in other words, the inability of the cervix to keep the fetus inside the uterus. The ovaries of the expectant mother are also evaluated, but their visualization is difficult due to the growing uterus.

In the structure of the uterus, the homogeneity of the myometrium (muscle layer) is assessed; normally, at the 15th week of pregnancy, the myometrium should have a uniform structure with a thickness of about 2.5 cm.

The placenta on ultrasound at the 15th week of pregnancy may have a different localization. Basically, it is located on the back or front wall of the uterus. In some cases, the placenta reaches and even overlaps the cervix, this situation is called placenta previa and requires regular medical supervision.

In most cases, with placenta previa, the expectant mother will undergo regular preventive inpatient treatment. With complete placenta previa, bed rest is recommended throughout pregnancy, in most cases in a hospital. This is necessary in order to eliminate the threat of miscarriage.

What happens in your body at 15 weeks?

The uterus grows and rises into the abdominal cavity, the expectant mother is less and less worried about frequent urination, but there are problems with constipation, because, rising into the abdominal cavity, the uterus puts pressure on the intestines, reducing its peristalsis.

The bottom of the uterus is already between the navel and the pubis, and you yourself can feel it, for this you need to lie on your back and gently put your hand on your stomach.

The formation of the placenta is coming to an end, and it is already possible to evaluate the work of the fetoplacental complex, for this the level of estradiol in the urine is determined.

The action of hormones can affect the condition of the gums, so it is worth visiting the dentist.

How do you feel at 15 weeks?

Due to the increase in blood flow, dizziness and darkening in the eyes can be observed, so it is worth paying attention to vitamin complexes with iron content.

At the fifteenth week of pregnancy, expectant mothers observe a darkening of the nipple halos, the breast becomes heavier, pours.

The tummy is already clearly visible, which makes sleeping on the stomach much more difficult. Perhaps feelings of heat, flushes of sweat.

Due to the fact that your breasts are preparing for the upcoming feeding, colostrum (primary milk, or rather its predecessor) may already appear, it is not necessary to squeeze it out. You just need to wipe your chest with a damp cloth, and if possible take a shower.

Discharge from the genital tract

Homogeneous consistency, moderate, light discharge indicates the purity of the vagina and a normal pregnancy. In the presence of more abundant secretions, you should not be afraid, this is the work of estrogen. But with the appearance of atypical discharge, for example, purulent or flaky, with an unpleasant odor, it is better to go to the doctor.

The presence of green-gray, yellow, flaky, cheesy or foamy discharge, accompanied by discomfort, indicates the development of an infection. Any infection can get to the fetus, and, accordingly, provoke violations of its development, therefore, treatment recommended by the doctor should be started immediately.

The reason for urgently seeking help is spotting, accompanied by pulling pain in the abdomen, this indicates an increased tone of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage.

Photo of tummies at 15 weeks

Risks at 15 weeks pregnant

At the fifteenth week of pregnancy, spotting may appear, provoked by an abnormal placenta previa, so if you have even spotting pink discharge, you should immediately seek medical help.

In this case, urgent hospitalization for inpatient treatment is necessary, in some situations it is required until the end of pregnancy.

Examinations at 15 weeks

A change in the ratio of their number may indicate fetal chromosomal pathologies, the test results are interpreted taking into account the results of the screening conducted in the first trimester.

Other analyzes are given according to indications.

Important at 15 weeks

Pay special attention to the intake of vitamins, especially iron-containing components. Get plenty of rest, avoid stressful situations and overwork.

If you have not yet changed your wardrobe, then it's time to deal with this issue, give preference to natural fabrics and loose models.

Pay special attention to the drinking regime, as well as the prevention of constipation.

If you wish, you can start attending special courses for pregnant women.

Nutrition at 15 weeks

In nutrition, it is also better to give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables. Do not deny yourself boiled meat, as well as seafood, if they were previously present in your diet (experimenting with new foods during pregnancy is not worth it so as not to provoke an allergy in the unborn baby).

To prevent constipation, eat apples, prunes, beets, sour-milk products.


During this period, the main mode is a good sleep and rest, proper and balanced nutrition and positive emotions!

Your pregnancy calendar


15th week of pregnancy: what happens, sensations in the abdomen, fetal size

What's happening

From 17 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, the lobules of the mammary glands of a woman increase even more, fatty inclusions appear in them. By the 15th week from conception, all women notice a dark strip of hyperpigmentation on the abdomen, as well as darkening of the areola and nipples. However, the 15th week of pregnancy may be accompanied by another phenomenon - chloasma. This is hyperpigmentation of the skin. Dark spots appear on the cheeks, lip, chin. It is also associated with an increase in melanocyte-stimulating hormone. For many women, the 15th week of pregnancy passes calmly, without stress and anxiety. At the 15th week of pregnancy, rare irregular, painless uterine contractions are noted. They do not carry any semantic load. During the 15th week of pregnancy, a woman gains about 250-300 grams of weight. The baby actively consumes phosphorus and calcium, taking it from the mother's body. What happens as a result? At this time, carious lesions of the teeth may occur. You should not be afraid to go to the dentist, because modern anesthetics can eliminate discomfort during dental treatment and not harm the child.


Fetal movements are first felt by the mother at about 16-20 weeks in women having a first pregnancy and at 14-15 weeks in women who have been pregnant before. The fetal movement count is important method monitoring his condition. If you are 15 weeks pregnant, fetal movements should not weaken. A decrease in fetal activity may be caused by chronic intrauterine hypoxia and IUGR, or may portend fetal death. This is called a missed pregnancy. Frozen pregnancy further leads to abortion.

The placenta at week 15 begins to lag behind the growth of the child, which does not prevent it from coping with its functions. The movements of the child help him receive adequate blood supply to his needs.


Allocations at the 15th week of pregnancy become more abundant. But not enough to cause tangible discomfort. Continue to monitor the nature of the discharge. Body temperature does not change compared to 14 weeks, it can fluctuate between 36.2-37.5 ° C. Focus more on your feelings than on the readings of the thermometer.

Belly at 15 weeks pregnant

The height of the uterus is about 6-7 cm. It increases both in height and in width and occupies a middle position between the womb and the navel. Belly growth is slow.

fetus at 15 weeks pregnant

The fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy is actively moving, frowning, clenching his hands into fists, sucking his thumb. The gender of the baby is clearly visible on the ultrasound. The size of the fetus is on average 13 cm, weight 135-145 grams. The development of the fetus implies the beginning of the formation of subcutaneous fat. In the body of the baby, brown fat begins to be stored, which, unlike white fat, has a greater energy capacity and is easier to break down.

The cortical substance of the child's adrenal glands differentiates and gradually increases in size. A child's teeth are covered with dentin - the main dental tissue.

Tests at 15 weeks pregnant

A woman is examined by a gynecologist every two weeks. If up to this point the woman has not passed the secondary screening, then it's time to do it. Screening allows you to identify intrauterine infection of the fetus, hypoxia, intrauterine growth retardation.

If a woman has found any pathology that can disrupt the structure or function of the placenta, and, therefore, adversely affect the viability of the fetus, her hormonal profile is determined. The numbers of estradiol, estriol, placental lactogen, progesterone are analyzed. Glucose level is determined according to indications.

Ultrasound at 15 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound at this time is necessarily performed together with dopplerometry. The latter makes it possible to assess not only the size of the fetus, its position and gender, but also the characteristics of blood flow, which is especially important for the early diagnosis of fetoplacental circulation disorders. The doctor performing the ultrasound specifies the gestational age, conducts fetometry - the determination of indicators characterizing the development of the fetus.

Pain at 15 weeks pregnant

The uterus continues to grow in height, so pulling, non-intense pain is a variant of the norm. The fetus has already formed the immune system, so the mother's cold does not have a strong negative effect on him. However, it is still worth taking care of your health, since the immune system of the fetus is extremely imperfect. It lacks local and specific immunity, and the immune cells themselves are immature. If your stomach does not hurt, then you can afford sex, and your favorite fruits and vegetables as an additional food. The weight continues to increase. Try to measure it at the end of each week.


15 weeks of pregnancy - sensations, fetal development, photo, ultrasound, video

Feelings in the mother at 15 weeks

Week 15 is the most fertile time, since a woman is no longer tormented by such unpleasant phenomena as toxicosis, dizziness, drowsiness.

As a rule, women at week 15 feel a surge of strength and vigor, however:

  • There is a slight nasal congestion (rhinitis);
  • Mild pains in the lower abdomen cause discomfort;
  • Urination is normalized;
  • The chair is relieved;
  • There is a slight suffocation due to the pressure of the sharply growing uterus on the diaphragm;
  • Blood pressure drops, and as a result, weakness and dizziness appear (if the pressure does not drop sharply, then it is easily tolerated by the pregnant woman, but if you notice a sharp decrease in pressure, be sure to consult a doctor).

As for external changes, then:

  • The chest continues to grow; nipples darken;
  • The belly is already visible to the naked eye;
  • Weight increases (weight gain by week 15 is 2.5 - 3 kg);
  • Pigmentation appears on the skin (moles and freckles become more noticeable; the white line on the abdomen darkens);

However, the above applies to the average woman, but there are deviations from the norm, what are they learn from expectant mothers:


I'm 15 weeks and it's such a lull. I already began to worry that I was feeling perfect (nonsense, but true). I don’t feel sick anymore, as I gained 2 kg in the first 9 weeks, I don’t gain weight anymore (although the doctor says that this is normal). Only one “but” - at work she constantly sleeps, if not for this nuance, she would have forgotten that she was pregnant!


I am 15 weeks too. I used to have mild toxicosis, but now I forgot about it. Feeling like in a fairy tale. It just happens that you want to cry for no reason at all. Well, I'll cry and then everything is fine again! And, it would seem, I’ll cry and go to the toilet less, but it wasn’t there - I often run, although by the 15th week the work of the kidneys should already be normal.


I constantly attack the refrigerator, and I want to eat day and night, I’ll probably eat my husband soon (just kidding, of course), although everything is stable on the scales. She also noticed that she was very forgetful. I hope this passes soon.


I am probably the happiest expectant mother. The only sign of my pregnancy from the first days is a delay. Now I understand that I am pregnant, because my tummy appeared. I did not experience any discomfort for 15 weeks. Hope it stays that way!


I am 15 weeks old, but no one notices any external signs, and there are none, I gained 2 kg, but my stomach is still not visible. The mood is excellent, I flutter like a butterfly, only in Lately Appetite woke up just brutal!


Week 15 and we're already moving! Especially when the husband strokes the tummy! I feel great, but very often I get angry and annoyed for no reason. Already the employees get it. Well, do not worry, soon on maternity leave!

What happens in the mother's body?

At week 15, a woman has a surge of strength, a second wind opens. The body of the future mother continues to adapt to new conditions and prepares for motherhood.

  • The uterus increases and begins to stretch (now it still has a rounded shape);
  • Colostrum begins to be secreted from the mammary glands;
  • The volume of blood increases by 20%, making a greater load on the heart;
  • The uteroplacental (i.e., between the uterus and the placenta) and fetoplacental circulation (i.e., between the fetus and the placenta) begin to function;
  • The level of hCG gradually decreases and, as a result, sharp mood swings disappear;
  • The formation of the placenta ends;
  • The functional system "Mother-Placenta-Fetus" is being actively formed.

Fetal development at 15 weeks

Fruit appearance:

  • The fruit grows up to 14-16 cm; weight reaches 50-75 g;
  • The skeleton continues to develop (the baby's legs become longer than the arms);
  • Thin nails are formed;
  • The first hair appears; eyebrows and eyelashes appear;
  • The auricles continue to develop, which already resemble the ears of a newborn;
  • The differentiation of the genital organs is ending (this week you can determine the sex of the crumbs if it turns to the right side).

Formation and functioning of organs and systems:

  • The cells of the pituitary gland begin to function internal secretion, which are responsible for metabolic processes and body growth;
  • The formation of the cerebral cortex begins;
  • The body begins to lead the central nervous system (central nervous system);
  • The endocrine system begins to function actively;
  • The sebaceous and sweat glands come into action;
  • Bile is secreted from the gallbladder, which reaches the intestines (therefore, in the first days after birth, the baby's feces have a black-green color);
  • The kidneys take on the main function - the excretion of urine (The child empties the bladder directly into the amniotic fluid, which is updated up to 10 times a day);
  • In boys, the hormone testosterone begins to be produced (in girls, hormones are produced somewhat later);
  • The heart of the fetus pumps up to 23 liters of blood per day and provides blood supply to the entire body (during this period, you can determine the blood type and Rh factor of the future baby);
  • The heart carries out up to 160 beats per minute;
  • The red bone marrow takes responsibility for the function of hematopoiesis;
  • The liver becomes the main organ of digestion;
  • Bones are getting stronger;
  • The baby is able to hear the heartbeat and the voice of his mother, since at the moment the auditory system has already been formed.

Photo of the fetus, photo of the mother's abdomen, ultrasound and video

Ultrasound 15 weeks

With an ultrasound at week 15, future parents may notice how their child is actively moving their legs and arms.

The size of the baby is about the size of a medium orange, and because the fruit is still small, you may not feel it move (but you will feel it very soon).

Your baby can already hear the heartbeat and the voice of his mother. This is possible due to the fact that the ears of the fetus are already where they should be (you can see this with the help of 3D ultrasound). The baby's eyes also occupy their usual place. In the fetus, the first hairs are stained and eyebrows and cilia become noticeable.

On ultrasound, you can see how the baby sucks his fingers and gnaws amniotic fluid, and also makes spontaneous respiratory movements.

By the 15th week, the fetus is completely covered with languno (vellus hairs), which warms it and makes it very pretty. The heart of the bladder makes 140-160 beats per minute. At week 15, you can already see the sex of the baby, unless, of course, he allows it to you (turns to the right side).

Photo of a woman's belly at 15 weeks

This is what the fetus looks like at 15 weeks

Video: What happens at 15 weeks pregnant?

Regardless of the fact that all the ailments are behind, you need to continue to monitor your well-being and health.

  • Nutrition should be correct and balanced. Your diet should include fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Pay special attention to proteins, since they are the building material for the baby's body;
  • Eat at least 200 grams of meat daily; include fish in your menu twice a week;
  • Try to consume 600 grams raw vegetables and 300 grams of fruit every day. If this is not possible ( winter time year) - replace with prunes, raisins or dried apricots;
  • Pay special attention to foods high in calcium. The baby requires a large amount of calcium for the bones, and if your body does not receive enough of it, then this is reflected in the nails, hair, and especially teeth;
  • Always wear a bra to avoid stretch marks (preferably sleep in it);
  • Don't Ignore New Eating Cravings While Pregnant! New, and sometimes not entirely clear, desires are signals from the body about the lack of something;
  • Try not to be nervous and not worry over trifles. Watch a comedy instead of a thriller, listen to calm music instead of rock, read an interesting book;
  • Choose looser clothing that won't restrict your movement;
  • Talk to your child more often, sing songs to him, turn on music for him - he is already able to hear you;
  • Do not ignore physical exercises to keep fit and prepare for childbirth;
  • Adopt the correct body position during sleep. Doctors - gynecologists recommend sleeping on your side, the lower leg in a fully extended position, and the upper one bent at the knee. Special pillows are welcome to ensure maximum comfort;
  • Take a triple blood test for hormone levels (hCG, AFP, free estriol) to judge your health and the correct development of the child in the womb;
  • A very good option for expectant mothers is to keep a diary in which you can enter the dates of the ultrasound and its results, the dates of the analyzes and their results, record changes in weight, waist size, and the date of the most exciting event - the first movement of the baby. Moreover, you can record your physical sensations. This will help the doctor in an overall assessment of your condition. And when the baby grows up, you can return to that wonderful time of waiting again and again!

During the 15th week of pregnancy, the active development of the fetus continues. A woman's tummy is becoming more and more rounded. But, despite this, she may well continue to lead a normal life, active enough for her position. Of course, at the same time, all harmful factors that have a negative impact on the fetus should be excluded for a long time.

A calm and healthy course of pregnancy will be facilitated by:

  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • complete and proper nutrition;
  • rational daily routine;
  • adequate rest.

The most important thing at 15 weeks pregnant

At the current stage of pregnancy, important indicators of the physiological development of the child are:

Child size:

  • Growth: the fetus reaches 93 mm to 103 mm;
  • Weight : about 50 - 60 g;
  • Pulse: 140 - 160 beats per minute;
  • KTP (coccygeal - parietal size): at this time, this indicator should be between 93-108 mm;
  • BDP (biparietal size): this indicator should correspond to 28 mm for this period;
  • OC (abdominal circumference): at week 14, this figure should be close to 72 cm.


If earlier it was still possible to somehow put on old familiar underwear, then this week it will definitely have to be changed to a new, freer one. The chest continues to fill up, the nipple halos become darker.

Choking attacks at night and nasal congestion are explained at this stage by an increase in blood volume in the mother's body.

This week of pregnancy, as a rule, has already receded. And even those who have multiple pregnancies.

Mom can “wake up” a good appetite during this period. And here you need to be careful not to quickly gain a lot of extra pounds.

Physiological changes

A greater number of physiological changes at this stage occur in the baby, and this is quite logical and natural.

What happens in a woman's body?

First of all, in the body of a woman at the physiological level, there is an increase in the volume of circulating blood. From here appear such unpleasant sensations as nasal congestion and even morning nosebleeds. These signs should not worry the mother, since they will stop soon after the birth, and maybe even earlier.

The secretion of colostrum begins from the breast. And here you should pay special attention to the hygiene of the mammary glands and the selection of a comfortable bra.

In the body of the expectant mother, there is an increase in the production of melatonin. This can manifest itself through the appearance of age spots on the body and face.

For leg cramps, supplement your diet with foods rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

Changes in the child's body. How does the baby develop?

Among the main physiological changes in the current week, the baby has the following:

  • all 20 milk teeth are fully formed;
  • the first nails have already appeared on the fingers;
  • the child has already learned to swallow well (his food at the moment is amniotic fluid);
  • his kidneys producing urine;
  • the handles are already reaching the mouth, this is evident from the fact that the child periodically sucks his finger;
  • the hearing system is developing, the baby at this time already knows how to distinguish noise;
  • the child has a reaction to light, despite the high density of the walls of the mother's abdomen and his eyelids;
  • fluff continues to appear on the child’s body, its density is noted on the head and in the eyebrow area;
  • the active process of skeletal formation continues;
  • the child is sensitive to touch and pain;
  • the formation of the cerebral cortex continues, convolutions already appear on the surface of the cerebral hemispheres;
  • the activity of the baby during his wakefulness is quite high, but the movements are still chaotic.

Approximately at this period of pregnancy, the fetus begins to draw up a male or female behavior program, which in the future is no longer amenable to change.

Weight gain

During the current week, the allowable weight gain is 500 g for the expectant mother. The total increase in body weight can be from 2 to 4.5 kg. This figure depends on the height and physique of the woman.

belly size

It is at this time that a woman begins to feel an increase in her abdomen. The attentive people around her can already see it.

Much attention should be paid to your body position during a night's sleep. It is not recommended for pregnant women to sleep on their stomach or back. Best Option for this is a pose on the side with legs slightly bent at the knees. As a preventive measure for swelling of the legs, a pillow can be placed under the knees.

Analyzes and examinations

At this stage of pregnancy, amniotic fluid is analyzed in order to timely detect genetic diseases in the child.

objective data

The height of the fundus of the uterus at this time should correspond to the norms of 14-16 cm. By the way, in women with a wide pelvis, signs of a growing abdomen have only just appeared, since earlier there was enough space for the growing uterus, and its growth was not noticeable.

It is important to remember: if a woman had heart pathologies before pregnancy, then with an increasing load now, these pathologies can worsen.

Ultrasound examination

Ultrasound examination at this time is carried out in order to determine the correspondence of the biological profile of the fetus to the gestational age.

In the case when the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor, she is assigned a scheduled collection of blood tests to detect antibodies for the Rh factor.

According to ultrasound, the following indicators in the fetus should be noted: weight, body length, BDP, fronto-occipital size, head circumference, tummy circumference, humerus length, femur length, chest diameter, nose bones.

HCG at 15 weeks pregnant

The hormone of human chorionic gonadotropin at this stage of pregnancy should correspond to the boundaries of 10,000 - 35,000 mIU / ml.

Factors affecting the fetus

Factors that are also dangerous for the development of the fetus: smoking, alcohol, medicines, ionizing radiation and chemicals. Therefore, the expectant mother needs to exclude them from her life and life.

Possible complications of pregnancy

Complications can be of the following nature:

  1. Due to a deficiency in the body (or with its intensive washing out), it may develop varicose veins veins, escalate;
  2. Also, for the same reason, the development of cardiovascular diseases and kidney inflammation can occur;
  3. The tone of the uterus can be noted with the development of an abortion (immediate contact with a doctor is necessary in case of pulling pains in the back and lower abdomen);
  4. For the child, they also pose a danger: colds of the mother, stressful situations, injuries to the abdomen, the body.

What can be the selection?

Allocations at this stage of pregnancy should be mucous, not very abundant, transparent or white (yellowish) shades.

In all other cases, when the vaginal discharge does not meet the above standards, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination to identify the cause of the modification of the discharge.

If there are any symptoms that bother a woman, such as weakness, pain in the abdomen, nosebleeds, unusual vaginal discharge, it is recommended to give up sexual activity and consult a doctor. In addition, it is worth checking your diet at this time and following the recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist in everything.


The diet should be enriched with calcium-containing foods - cottage cheese, milk, sour cream, kefir.

To prevent constipation, it is important to eat a lot of food. fresh vegetables and fruits.


Vitamin pharmacological complexes at this stage of pregnancy can be taken only on the clear prescription of the doctor leading the pregnancy. Before prescribing a vitamin complex, the doctor must conduct a thorough study and identify a deficiency of vitamins in the body, and only on the basis of these indications of laboratory tests, make an appointment.


Intimacy at this time is not prohibited. But, there is one condition. A woman should feel completely healthy, she should not be bothered by pain or any other unpleasant sensations and signs.


For moderate physical exertion, there are also no barriers, except for the well-being of a woman. If she feels general weakness, then instead of playing sports, it would be best to rest and sleep.

Useful at this time are considered water aerobics, gymnastics for pregnant women, walking in the fresh air.

Medicines and medical procedures

Any medicines can be taken only after the appointment of a doctor, who, in turn, will first assess the condition of the woman and the course of her pregnancy.

In case of a cold, all pharmacological drugs can be replaced with natural ones. For example, raspberry relieves body temperature well, and stomach disorders - jam from dogwood or black currant.

When prescribing medications, the doctor will definitely calculate the level of threat of miscarriage and the expected benefit from the drug.

15 weeks pregnant with IVF

15 weeks of pregnancy after in vitro fertilization is considered favorable period. The risk of miscarriage is already practically reduced to a minimum. Although, it is not worth discounting it completely. And you need to continue to monitor your condition with special attention.

Otherwise, this type of pregnancy proceeds in the same way as with normal conception.

Features of multiple pregnancy

At multiple pregnancy the increase in the uterus occurs twice as fast, and at the same time the increase in the belly of the expectant mother. Therefore, when carrying twins at week 15, those around them already recognize without problems and special supervision that the woman is in position.

Toxicosis should already be gone by this time. And even if there are still some signs of it, do not worry, perhaps next week they will stop.

When carrying twins or more babies at this stage of pregnancy, the mother will already be able to feel the movements of the children. But, this is not the rule. Therefore, also do not worry if they are not heard yet. Still ahead.

If anemia is detected at the end of this week, the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment.

Otherwise, a multiple pregnancy is no different from a singleton.

  1. At the 15th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to completely “forget” about wearing high heels until the very birth;
  2. The time has come to enroll in courses for young expectant mothers;
  3. Don't forget to take vitamin complexes, but only on doctor's prescription;
  4. Try to avoid any stress and take care of your body (especially the stomach) from injury.

Photo of tummies

Photo ultrasound scans

Video about 15 weeks pregnant

15 obstetric week of pregnancy This is the second week of the second trimester. The baby is growing before our eyes - it is already very similar to a tiny person. In its development, there is a period of "self-determination" - the blood type, the Rh factor, genetic features will be determined, on research you can already try to find out the sex of the unborn baby.

By this week passes the first trimester, the mother usually feels much better, full of strength and energy.

Fetal size and development at 15 weeks gestation

By the fifteenth week of pregnancy baby grew up up to 93-103 mm, and its weight is about 70 grams, the diameter of its head is about 28 mm, the tummy is 27 mm, and the chest is 28 mm.

During this period of its development, the little one becomes the same like a normal person. Outwardly, he is like a baby who is sleeping quietly:

  • his body stretched out;
  • the arms and legs are already fully formed, and the legs have become longer than the arms;
  • ears are back to normal.

You can see on the baby's fingers thin nails. The skin is thin, through it you can see the meshes of blood vessels. Now the composition of the blood is identical to the blood of an adult.

Liver since that time it functions as a digestive organ. The bones of the child are getting stronger and stronger. The hair on the head of the baby becomes a little stiffer, cilia and eyebrows appear. The eyes are still set wide apart, but will gradually move towards the center of the small face.

The most important thing that happens at 15 weeks of pregnancy - begins gradual formation of cerebral cortex cells. This will now last the entire 4th month. Already, the cerebral hemispheres of the crumbs are covered with convolutions and grooves, nerve cells are dividing quite actively. The central nervous system is responsible for the functioning of the whole organism.

During this period of pregnancy, the baby swims actively in the amniotic fluid, it can bend and roll over. Every day his movements become more harmonious and coordinated.

When pregnant with twins, at 15 weeks mom feels very good. Her tummy is about the same as other moms at 17 weeks. Twins need a lot more space to develop both. If the kids do not have enough space, then, as a rule, one of them, which is stronger, begins to eat all the useful minerals and substances, and the second is not so active and there are cases of improper development.

Each of the babies during this period weighs about 60 grams, and their dimensions are only 10 centimeters. The crumbs are not crowded yet in the mother's tummy, so they try to move in every possible way, show their activity.

What happens to mom at 15 weeks

At 15 weeks the formation of the placenta ends. From that moment on, it is she who is responsible for the connection between mother and baby. approximately 1.5 kg to 3.5 kg from the start of pregnancy. The abdomen is visibly rounded. You can see a photo of the tummies at the 15th week of pregnancy above.

At the very beginning of the second trimester on the stomach, it is possible the appearance of brown pigmentation. It happens in the form of a line that, as it were, divides the tummy exactly in the middle, and small spots on the skin. After the birth of the baby, everything will pass without a trace.

Areolas of the nipples increase and become a little darker - the mammary glands are preparing for future feeding, many women at this time observe the release of the first colostrum. about it…

Since the baby is growing quite intensively, there is an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid. The result is an increase in the size of the uterus and the mass of the muscle layer. It rises from the zone of the pelvic cavity, the pressure on the rectum gradually becomes weaker and less frequent urination.

Already there is no such long-term toxicosis, mommy's well-being improves, inspiration and a surge of strength appear. This is a small pleasure of the 15th week of pregnancy. In addition, mommy herself simply blooms before her eyes, a certain mysterious beauty appears (although not for everyone), so you need to have time to enjoy this state.

Many women in the fifteenth week of pregnancy experience stomach ache. One of the possible causes of such pain is the constant growth of the uterus and the tension of the muscles that hold it. The pain is unobtrusive, does not cause other troubles. But if it hurts in the stomach cramping, they appear, then it is possible. In this case need to see a doctor.

Due to the pressure of the uterus may appear tailbone pain. It is better not to sit for a long time on a soft surface. To make the pain less, mommy will help herself by standing on all fours.

If at the 15th week of pregnancy there are more and they are transparent in color, then this is just the result of an increase in the level of estrogen in the blood and you should not worry about this.

Spotting pink, brown or creamy discharge should not be ignored. If a woman finds purulent discharge, discharge accompanied by burning, itching, fever, discharge of an unusual consistency, she urgently need to see a gynecologist and take a smear to determine infections.

During this period, many mothers become distracted and inattentive. All the necessary questions and problems should be resolved in the second trimester in order to rest calmly before childbirth.

If a woman has no contraindications, then she can continue an active life.

In anticipation of the baby, mommy experiences many touching moments. One of these moments is stirring little son or daughter. Feelings during the movement of the fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy are rather weak and barely distinguishable. It is very similar to rumbling in the stomach. You need to remember the day when the baby moved for the first time, and tell your gynecologist about it.

Analyzes, examinations and ultrasound at the 15th week of pregnancy

In the normal course of pregnancy at this time, appoint standard analyses: blood from a finger and urine. They allow you to track how the pregnancy proceeds, what is the general condition of the body. They allow to identify chronic diseases, malfunctions in the functioning of vital systems.

Coagulogram- a blood test for platelet levels, which is taken at 15-16 weeks. Do it to determine the level of blood clotting. This indicator is important for determining the readiness of the body for childbirth, so the circulatory system is preparing to reduce blood loss.

Carried out at 10-13 weeks of pregnancy. If the expectant mother has not visited an ultrasound before this time, then be sure to do it at the 15th week of pregnancy.

During an ultrasound, the expectant mother can see how active the baby is. In the study, experts will assess the length of the baby, whether the bones of the nose are correctly developed, the heart rate, the width of the collar zone, the width and girth of the head, the height, thickness and condition of the placenta, how developed the organs are, the length of the thigh.

We invite you to watch the video of the ultrasound of the fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy, and above you can see the photo of the baby.

Possible deviations from the norm, miscarriage

Almost every expectant mother has a risk the appearance of a baby with Down syndrome. This risk will increase in direct proportion to the age of the pregnant woman. At the age of 25, 1 woman out of 1300 gives birth to a sunny child, and at 50 this figure drops to a ratio of 1:12. For this, 3 prenatal screenings are carried out in the three trimesters of pregnancy, which should not be missed.

The further the gestation period, the worse miscarriage for the body itself. During this period, it is possible due to stress (it is difficult to cope with it), excessive excitement or. It can happen, which is always harmful and dangerous for the baby.

Frozen pregnancy at week 15 is a direct threat to the life of the expectant mother. A frozen fetus contributes to severe intoxication if it long time is in the mother's body. It must be urgently removed, because even a fatal outcome is possible. Therefore, you need to pay attention to those that will tell the woman what's what.

TO symptoms missed pregnancy include: general weakness, pain in the lower abdomen (pulling and aching), fever(the reason is the inflammatory process from the fading of the fetus), spotting, palpitations (a gynecologist can establish during a routine examination or ultrasound), the fetus does not move.

To prevent all this from happening, the expectant mother needs to monitor her health, not miss visits to the gynecologist, take necessary tests, to walk alot.

Mom's diet, skin care and exercise at 15 weeks

During this period, finally there is an appetite and intensifies the taste. It is good if the increased appetite does not lead to overweight (it is normal to add about 300 grams per week in the second trimester). The expectant mother is forbidden all kinds of fasting and fasting days.

To eat more fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese, kefir, meat and fish. Drink at least six glasses of water a day. Puree - vegetable and fruit, light broth, seaweed, tomato juice will be useful. Since the baby is actively developing bones at the 15th week, it will take calcium from the mother's body, so she needs to make up for these losses.

Will be useful exercises breathing exercises which must be performed daily for 10 minutes. Bringing the execution to automatism will greatly facilitate the process of childbirth.

Diaphragmatic breathing. With an open palm, place your right hand on your chest, on your upper abdomen with your left hand. Inhale through the nose (you need to inflate the stomach as much as possible). When exhaling, pull the stomach to the back and up.

Chest breathing. Place both hands on the chest below the sternum, clasp the ribs with your palms, place the fingertips on both hands opposite each other, without touching. Take a deep breath in the area that is under the palms. Exhale noisily with your mouth.

About exercise in the second trimester...

Sexual relations at 15 weeks

In the second trimester of pregnancy, which is more comfortable than the first, the manifestations of early toxicosis disappear, the expectant mother feels more relaxed and confident.

Don't be afraid to have sex because the baby is well protected. Only poses with deep penetration are prohibited. The missionary position is perfect.

This period is suitable for the implementation of a variety of joint caresses, which will diversify and make some pleasant changes in intimate relationships.

But remember that sex categorically contraindicated with multiple pregnancies, with bleeding, with anomalies in the position of the placenta, if there is a possibility of termination of pregnancy and it passes with complications.

At the 15th week of pregnancy, the tender position of the woman enters a new phase. The tummy is growing little by little, pregnancy can be seen. Here are some recommendations:

  • It is better to sleep on your side, so squeezing the inferior vena cava is prevented and the fetus receives enough oxygen.
  • You need to eat right, get the necessary. Calcium intake is important.
  • Never take medications without a doctor's prescription.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol is unacceptable (however, throughout the entire period of pregnancy).

Video about 15 weeks pregnant

We invite you to watch the video, which tells in detail about the changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother. In it you can find answers to many questions associated with pregnancy. What happens to the baby, how hormonal changes affect the skin, how to deal with stretch marks, about superstitions about hair coloring or cutting, how a mother can take care of her appearance during this magical period.

Each of the women has either already become a mother, or is preparing to become one soon, or is just thinking about it. But any of these states is wonderful, because at the end of the path stands a charming rosy-cheeked baby - the joy and happiness of a mother's whole life.

How was your pregnancy, dear readers? What did you feel special about week 15? What impressions did you have when you first saw your future baby on the monitor screen? Share your experience!

Many women remember the 15th week of pregnancy as one of the most pleasant memories of the entire period. On the one hand, he receded - you can finally eat normally and enjoy life, and on the other hand, the fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy is still so small that you are unlikely to feel any discomfort.

Fetal size at 15 weeks

The embryo at 15 weeks is increasingly taking on the likeness of a person. The legs are already comparable and even exceed the length of the arms, and the whole body becomes more proportional. The size of the baby at week 15, more precisely, its coccygeal-parietal growth (KTR), is still measured from the crown to the coccyx and is approximately 8-12 cm. The weight of the fetus at 15 weeks reaches 80 g.

Given the still small size, the baby has enough space for a variety of "exercises" in the tummy. Although you will most likely mistake fetal movements at week 15 for violent bowel activity.

Pregnancy 15 weeks - fetal development

The skin of the baby at 15 weeks is no longer so glassy-transparent, but red capillaries are still visible through it. The skin is covered with a barely noticeable fluff, and hair follicles appear on the head. The eyelids are still drooping, but are already responsive to light. So, for example, if a bright beam of light is directed at the stomach, the baby will begin to turn away. The face still resembles a fairy-tale elf - probably because of the wide-set eyes. The auricles are fully formed, although still strongly drooping.

The skeleton continues to develop and strengthen, by the 15th week even thin nails appear. The cells of the pituitary gland begin to function independently, which are responsible for metabolic processes and the development of the baby. In addition, the formation of the cerebral cortex begins, the central nervous system is actively working.

The fetal heart rate at 15 weeks is about 160 beats per minute. The heart already fully provides the blood supply to the whole organism, driving a huge amount of blood for its size. The kidneys are also functioning. The baby is already urinating directly into the amniotic fluid, which is completely renewed every 2-3 hours.

belly size at 15 weeks

The stomach at this time is finally starting to give out pregnancy. Ordinary casual clothes are already becoming uncomfortable, and you yourself notice visual changes. at week 15 it is still quite insignificant, and the rise above the bosom is only 12 cm.

Tests at 15 weeks

Week 15 is one of the calmest of all pregnancy. No analyzes are foreseen at this time. The only direction that you can write out is a triple test. The test involves examining your blood for the presence of the three hormones ACE, hCG, and estriol. Such a test makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

Given the fact that the genitals of the fetus are already practically formed, at 15 weeks, an ultrasound can determine the sex of the child. Of course, if you are lucky, and the baby will turn to a convenient angle. The fact is that the location of the fetus at week 15 changes quite often, so the doctor may well not see or make a mistake.

Week 15 is the most pleasant time for you in your entire pregnancy. During this period, try to replenish your body with vitamins and minerals that it lost during toxicosis in the first trimester. Especially lean on foods rich in calcium and phosphorus, because at week 15 the baby's skeleton is actively forming. And, of course, do not forget about a good mood and walks in the fresh air. Keep in mind that your child can hear you, so listen to good music, sing and start reading fairy tales already.