How to install a tulip sink on your own: a step-by-step instruction. Methods for installing typical sinks and moidodyr How to attach a tulip

Tulip - shell on a pedestal

IN Lately fairly common wash basins in the form of a flower.

The tulip shell, in addition to the usual bowl, has a stand.

That is, the bowl stands on a leg.

That is why it has such a name.

Its general appearance resembles a flower.

The stand is made from the same material as the bowl.

Usually it is ceramics. Usually products are made in one piece.

In some varieties, it is required to connect the sink and stand to each other independently. The tulip washbasin has a graceful appearance and therefore quite popular.

This design is very durable, it can last up to 20 years. Ceramics is not afraid of moisture. This type of sink hides all plumbing communications well.

For example, a siphon or pipes. Therefore, the bathroom acquires an aesthetic appearance with the presence of such an accessory. The height of the washbasin is no more than 85 centimeters.

This is very convenient, especially when there are small children in the house. They can easily reach the washbasin on their own and wash their hands. Great option for a small bathroom there will be a tulip corner sink.

It will not take up much space and will help save space. This type of sink has almost no disadvantages, except that it requires a little more space than a regular sink.

How to choose the right sink

How to install a tulip sink? Before proceeding with the installation, you must right choice accessory.

It will largely depend on the quadrature of the room, as well as the number of pipes and hoses. You should pay special attention to the following points:

  • It is better to choose a sink equipped with an overflow system. It will help to avoid problems with neighbors in an unforeseen situation.
  • When it is planned to repair all communications in the restroom, any version of the sink will do. But, if pipe replacement is not expected, you will have to measure the distance between the floor and the pipe. This will help you determine the height of the required rack under the sink.
  • In addition, it is important to guess with the width of the pedestal. It should hide all pipes from view. Therefore, the width of the pipes under the washbasin should also be measured.
  • Together with the sink, you need to choose a siphon, since it usually does not come with the kit. It is better to pick it up immediately on the spot, when buying a washbasin.

Now the market is filled with a huge number of models of sinks. It will not be difficult to pick up something for your bathroom.

It is important that the washbasin harmoniously fit into the interior and the overall space of the room. IN ideal it should hide all pipes from the field of view of a person.

Installation procedure

Some craftsmen are wondering how to install a tulip sink in the bathroom. This procedure does not require special knowledge and skills.

The main thing here is to follow a certain scheme of actions:

  • The first thing to do is prepare the instrument. Here you will need: a screwdriver, wrench, hammer, drill, level, dowels and expansion plugs.
  • Next, you need to find a place to fix the bolts. To do this, the accessory is applied to the surface and marks are made through the holes. Only after an accurate determination of the place can you take up the drill.
  • You need to attach a siphon to the drain of the tulip bowl in advance.
  • The sink is attached to the wall, the bolts should not be immediately tightened, it is enough just to bait. In the center of the bowl, you need to attach a pedestal, or leg. The main thing here is not to forget about the output of the corrugated drain hose to. In simple words drain is made.
  • After everything is summed up, you should proceed to fixing the accessory. To do this, the bolts must be tightened.
  • The joints between the washbasin and the wall should be immediately smeared with a special transparent sealant. This will help prevent water and moisture from getting in. That will prevent the formation of the fungus in the future.
  • And the last step is the installation of the mixer. Usually this does not present any difficulties.

After installation is completed, immediately check the accessory for leaks. To do this, you can plug the drain with a cork and draw water. A properly installed washbasin will add comfort to the bathroom.

The video shows the installation of a sink with a pedestal:

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There are several options for classifying shells of this type. The following characteristics can be taken as a basis.

According to the location of the sink

  • Ordinary. The most common modification of the tulip sink, which is installed against the wall. A wide range of similar models allows you to choose the option that is ideal for any bathroom.
  • Corner. As the name implies, these structures are designed to be installed in the corner of a room. Such sanitary ware, which usually has small dimensions, makes it possible to rationally use the usable area, ideally suited for arranging miniature bathrooms. We have more ideas on choosing a small sink.

Corner models have an ergonomic design.

Ergonomic model of a corner washbasin with a pedestal, additionally equipped with functional cabinets, which allows you to optimally use the usable area of ​​the room

A corner washbasin cannot be structurally installed along a wall, while a straight model can be easily placed in a corner, fixed along one of the walls.

According to the design features of the models

By characteristic features designs can be divided into three main groups of washstands:

  • monolith;
  • compact;
  • half tulip.

Monolithic models are a holistic design in which the sink is inextricably connected to the leg. Such options are quite rare in the consumer market: they are difficult to manufacture, which also affects the cost of such products.

Much more often on sale you can find washbasins of the “compact” type, consisting of two constituent parts: bowl-sink and support column.

The advantages of these models include affordable price, practicality and ease of use. If, when the siphon is clogged, the monolithic model will have to be moved as a whole, then to eliminate this problem for the compact, it is enough just to move the pedestal.

Modifications with a leg that does not reach the floor are called "semi-tulip". They have a more modest appearance, but they have certain advantages.

Advantages of the third type of models:

  • such products can be mounted at the desired height, which provides additional comfort during their operation;
  • a half-tulip sink installed in the bathroom greatly facilitates cleaning of the room, since the floor under it remains completely free;
  • a semi-column, like a full-fledged pedestal, closes all communications well;
  • This option is well suited for hanging sanitary ware, however, in this case, an additional installation is required to firmly fix the model.

A washbasin with a semi-pedestal will look great in a compact bathroom, it is also often used when decorating office space in offices or enterprises.

According to the material of manufacture

The material from which the sinks are made affects the decorative and functional qualities of the models, as well as their cost.

Designer version of porcelain tulip sink. Such a product can become a real decoration of a luxurious bathroom.

The most common options include the following:

  • Faience. A common and affordable material, which is often used for the production of plumbing. In spite of budget price faience tulip shells, they have good performance properties, are quite strong and durable.
  • Porcelain. A rather expensive option is often used for the manufacture of designer models. Porcelain products translucent in the sun have an exquisite noble appearance, however, in terms of consumer qualities, they are close to faience structures.
  • Acrylic. artificial material with many useful properties. Acrylic structures have a budget cost and a fairly low weight; they are hygienic and impact resistant. In addition, this plastic is easy to process (grind, engrave) and color, which allows you to create the most incredible options for tulip shells. Among the shortcomings, some fragility (the material is easily scratched) and flammability can be noted.
  • Stone. A strong and durable material from which impressive washbasin variants can be made. Most often, granite and marble or more affordable artificial stone are used for this. In addition to the high cost, the main disadvantage of such models is their heavy weight: it not only makes manipulation difficult, but also gives a heavy load on the floor. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with stone sinks in more detail.

In addition to the above options, there are tulip shells made of glass, various kinds plastics and other materials.

In addition, tulip shells vary in size. Typical options are models with a bowl size of 50-70 cm, however, there are miniature and large-sized modifications.

Pros and cons of a tulip sink

Wash basins with a pedestal have a large number of important advantages:

  • Large range of models. On sale there are various modifications that differ not only design features but also design, color, size. Thanks to this, you can always choose the option suitable for the interior of a different stylistic orientation.
  • Affordable cost. The cost of a "tulip" mainly depends on the material from which it is made. However, ceteris paribus, the price of this type of washbasin is somewhat lower than for other models (for example, “moidodyr”).
  • Compact design. Even conventional modifications have relatively small dimensions, which allows them to be installed in fairly compact rooms. In addition, there are miniature models– Tulip corner washbasins and semi-pedestal versions. At the same time, even small-sized structures can effectively remove service communications (water and sewer systems) from the eyes.

The tulip shell is practically devoid of flaws. Some inconvenience can be considered the impossibility of using the space under the washbasin (for example, under the bedside tables).

However, there are models that provide additional cabinets and shelves that are attached to the column.

Compared to other types of plumbing, installation work washbasin with a pedestal are carried out quite easily. It is only important to attach the bowl to the wall, as well as correctly assemble the mixer and siphon. All this can be done with your own hands without the involvement of specialists.

You should also take into account the features of models made from different types materials (porcelain structures are fragile, stone structures are heavy, and so on).

When choosing a model, it is important to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Support column height. Its length should be such that a person does not have to bend over much when washing. Typical size is 70-80 cm; if it does not fit, it is better to look for another model or stop at a tulip shell with a semi-pedestal. In another article, we took a closer look at sink height standards.
  • The size and depth of the bowl. The best option is a sink with a width of 55-65 cm. A large modification will take up a lot of space, and from a smaller splash, during washing, they will scatter around. It is also not very convenient to wash from a very shallow bowl, it is better to choose a deeper sink. We talked about the dimensions of the sink in more detail in this material.
  • Mixer holes. Depending on your preferences, you can choose a model that includes one modern mixer or separate faucets for hot and cold water.
  • The presence of an overflow. The function prevents the bathroom from flooding when the outlet is clogged. It should only be remembered that overflow requires a special siphon and an additional non-standard pipe.
  • Accessories. Since pedestal washbasins usually do not include drain fittings, they will most likely have to be purchased separately. It is better to immediately pick up a tulip sink, siphon and mixer made by the same company.
  • Compliance with the size of the wash basin service communications. If a tulip sink is purchased to install it in a bathroom after a major overhaul with the replacement of water and sewer pipes, absolutely any option will do. When choosing a washbasin to replace previous sanitary ware, it is important that it matches the remaining communication systems.

Before going to the store, it is advisable to measure and record the distance from the floor to the supply of water pipes and other communication parameters.

Unfortunately, the discrepancy between the conclusions provided on the model and the existing wiring is very difficult, and often impossible to correct. In this case, it is better to return the model that did not fit back to the store.

Before installing a tulip sink, it is important to carefully study the scheme of a particular model, which may have various sizes and design features

After the purchase, do not forget to check the availability of all the parts of the kit, and only then proceed with the installation of the washbasin.

Detailed installation instructions for the tulip sink

For plumbing work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • roulette;
  • perforator drill;
  • level for leveling the bowl;
  • hammer;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • drills for concrete and tiles (if ceramic tiles are available);
  • dowels for fastening;
  • adhesive sealant;
  • soft pencil/marker.

To create tight joints, you will need tow or fum tape.

The following selection of photos will help you briefly familiarize yourself with the sequence of work on installing a tulip-type sink:

Image gallery Photo from Step 1: Marking the position of the sink on the wall Step 2: Marking the points for installing the brackets Step 3: Drilling holes for the brackets Step 5: Screwing the brackets into the dowels Step 5: Fixing the sink bowl to the brackets Step 6: Installing and connecting the faucet Step 7: Connecting the device to the sewerage system Installing the supporting and decorative leg

Stage # 1 - dismantling the old washbasin

First of all, you should disassemble and take out the old plumbing. For this you need:

  1. Shut off the main water supply.
  2. Unscrew the nuts on the faucet and disconnect the flexible or rigid piping, and then remove the faucet.
  3. Go to the drain: unscrew the nuts on the siphon and remove it.
  4. Remove the old washbasin from the fixtures, making room for the new one.

After that, you should check or re-prepare all communications connections: cold and hot water, sewerage. Their location should match the holes on the newly purchased plumbing.

After that, you can proceed to the main stage of work.

Step #2 - Install Stopcocks and Bowl

Tulip installation is carried out in several stages.

It is best to start work by installing stopcocks. For insulation and connection strength, it is desirable to wrap fum tape or tow on their threaded part, mixed with a small amount of oil paint, which guarantees improved protection against water leakage.

After that, we proceed directly to the installation of the plumbing kit.

Leveling the bowl is a very important step in installing a pedestal washbasin. After that, also with the help of a level, marks are applied to place the brackets on which the upper part of the structure will be suspended.

To determine the places of fasteners, we put a support column on which we put the bowl without fixing it. It is important to level the structure with a level, and then mark the places for attaching the sink on the wall with a pencil or marker.

According to the marks with an electric drill, we drill holes, the diameter and depth of which correspond to the dowels prepared in advance. If the wall is finished with ceramic tiles, drilling must be carried out very carefully using a special drill.

Using a hammer, we expose the dowels into the holes made, into which we carefully and carefully screw the brackets. It is important to ensure that their position is strictly perpendicular to the wall.

To attach the sink to the wall, you need to drill holes for the dowels with a drill. Brackets are installed in them, on which the bowl is hung

We hang the washbasin bowl, while we bait the nuts through plastic or rubber gaskets.

We have more details on our website. step-by-step instruction for fixing the sink to the wall.

Stage # 3 - connection to communications

After that, you need to deal with communications. We plug the drain hole with a return corrugated hose, which prevents the flow of water. Then, without fixing, we insert a metal drain cylinder into the hole.

We connect the washbasin to the wiring. At the same time, the fastening of the main drain in without fail carried out with gaskets from the outer and inner sides. Only after that the connection is twisted, but in no case is it tightened in order to avoid mechanical damage to the bowl.

Installing the mixer. It is important to consider that the diameter of its part immersed in the sink must correspond to the size of the “tulip” hole intended for this purpose. We recommend that you look at the detailed instructions for installing the faucet on the sink.

Proper installation of shut-off valves allows you to adjust the correct operation of the mixer when opening and closing the valve using an angle clamp on the rod

We install shutoff valves. We take into account that when the rod is pulled out of the mixer, the valve closes, while when the rod is stuck all the way, it is open. Adjustment of the opening and closing of the valve is carried out using an angle clamp on the rod.

At the ends of the flexible water hoses there are nuts with which the mixer is connected to cold and hot water. We check the operation of the system, inspecting the structure for leaks.

Stage # 4 - installation of the pedestal column

We close the communications with a hollow support column, doing the work as carefully as possible so as not to accidentally damage the pedestal.

Installation of a hollow pedestal, which securely covers all communication systems (sewerage, cold and hot water supply), and also ensures the strength and reliability of the structure

We process all seams with sealant in the color of the wall, plumbing or transparent colorless. After that, the installation of the tulip sink can be considered complete.

The final stage of work: filling the joints with a colorless sealant that prevents water from entering cracks and gaps, guaranteeing improved waterproofing

It should be noted that in some cases it is more expedient to first connect the mixer, and only then install the bowl on the brackets.

In addition, depending on the communications connected, it is sometimes better to replace the corrugated hose with siphons of a different type (specific information is usually available in the instructions for purchased plumbing). We recommend considering the types of siphons for the washbasin, their pros and cons, and recommendations for choosing.

Features of installing a sink with a semi-pedestal

The installation of a compact model of this modification is carried out similarly to a conventional tulip sink, but it has some features:

  1. First of all, you need to choose the right optimal height for attaching the bowl. Standard parameter is 75-80 cm, but it is better to take into account the convenience of using the washstand.
  2. According to the instructions above, holes are drilled in the wall, dowels are inserted and the brackets on which the bowl is suspended are fixed.
  3. After that, the standard procedure for connecting the mixer and siphon to communication systems is performed.
  4. Additionally, marking is carried out for fastening the semi-pedestal; in the lower part of the structure, you also need to make holes, hammer in the dowels and fix this part so that it covers the pipes.

The difference in the installation of a half-tulip lies in the last point, since the leg of the sink, which does not reach the floor, cannot give the structure the necessary strength and stability.

To install an attractive “semi-tulip” model, which will fit perfectly into a small bathroom, you need to fix not only the bowl, but also the truncated leg to the wall

Typical mistakes during installation of the structure

In order not to violate the performance of the equipment during installation, we will consider what errors should be feared.

Among the shortcomings that are often encountered in self installation Tulip shells include the following defects:

  • Shell tilt. If you mark on the wall and install the fasteners without level control, the bowl may not be hung unevenly. A sink skewed to one side, of course, will not decorate the bathroom too much. Correcting this defect is quite difficult: you will have to dismantle all the parts again and re-drill the holes, carefully checking with the level.
  • The gap between the bowl and the wall. The edge of the washbasin should fit snugly against the wall or partition. If even a small free space remains between them, water will constantly flow into it, which will sooner or later affect the safety of the wall. To avoid this, after installing the structure, it is necessary to carefully seal all cracks and gaps.
  • Water or sewer leak. A water or sewer leak can have dire consequences, including flooding an apartment (your own or your neighbors). Most often it happens due to poorly tightened threaded connections. After performing such operations, you need to check the connections by giving water under high pressure.
  • The "stirring" of the shell. The tulip sink bowl may be unstable due to loose bolts or an uneven floor under the pedestal. In the first case, the problem can be solved quite easily: you just need to check and fix all the connections of the parts. The situation is somewhat more complicated if the second reason is identified.

You can temporarily correct the situation by placing suitable gaskets under the washbasin leg (preferably silicone, not peeking out from under the structure).

For large irregularities, it is better to level the floor using a cement mixture.

Our site has another installation instructions, which describes the process of installing a sink with a pedestal.

Sink tulip and her choice

The Tulip sink with a beautiful name consists of two elements: a pedestal and the washbasin itself. The pedestal is necessary in order to support the sink, to take on the entire load. The pedestal also has an aesthetic function: it hides sewer pipes, a siphon and other not-so-pretty details. The tulip will make the bathroom more compact, give the interior a certain prestige and respectability. Also, due to its aesthetic qualities, such a sink will emphasize any layout in a favorable light.

When choosing a Tulip sink, you need to focus on the size of the room, that is, your bathroom. It is also necessary to take into account the location of sewer pipes and other plumbing equipment. You also need to take into account the distance to the supply of sewer pipes from the floor level and the width of the pedestal itself.

In some cases, you will also have to buy drain fittings; as a rule, they are not included in the kit. It is very good if the equipment has an overflow system. This will protect you from emergencies and minimize the risk of flooding your neighbors from below.

If the plan includes overhaul, in which you will completely change the pipeline, channels, eyeliners, and so on, then there is no significant difference - just buy the option you like the most. But do not forget, before making a purchase, measure all the distances so that the Tulip sink fits you in size and looks concisely in the restroom.

Tulip washbasin installation

The design is simple and does not include complex elements. Therefore, installing a tulip sink in the bathroom will not be difficult, it does not require special professional knowledge or skills. Let's describe everything in order.

First of all, we need to prepare the tools that we will need. This is a screwdriver, keys, a drill, and if there is also a drill, a hammer, plugs, a level and a dowel.

After everything you need is ready, we start marking the place where we will make holes in the wall. Please note that they must clearly correspond to the holes in the pedestal. With the help of the holes made, fasteners for the tulip sink will be carried out.

After that, we fix the siphon on the bolts to the rack. On the wrong side of the siphon, a mesh with a special gasket is attached. In this case, it is necessary to achieve a high degree of tightness.

The next step is to install the tulip bowl itself, which is carried out on the tie bolts. And then we mount the pedestal in the center of the bowl. Don't forget about the outlet of the siphon hose. This corrugated hose is discharged into the drain pipe using a special technique.

After the bowl and pedestal are installed, we proceed to fix the entire structure to the wall. Fixing and final fastening is carried out using washers and bolts.

To achieve the tightest connection between the Tulip shell and the wall, as well as to minimize the possibility of leaks, you can treat all joints with a transparent silicone sealant.

And the final step installations - connection mixer to the sewer pipe system. If you follow these instructions and do everything right, installation will not take you much time.

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  • Repair
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  • Device
  • Cleaning

Features of installing a tulip sink

Many people decide to install the sink themselves at home, but first you need to choose it wisely. One of the common options is the installation of a tulip sink, it, like other options, has some features.

Drawing and dimensions of the shell-tulip.

If you already have all communications in the bathroom, then before you put the tulip sink, you need to measure the distance from the floor to the water supply point and, based on this, purchase a washbasin of a certain height. You can not select the height in the case when communications are planned to be mounted after the installation of the tulip sink is completed.

The tulip sink can have a monolithic design or consist of two parts: a washbasin and a stand.

All communications are hidden in the stand, a bowl rests on it, which is additionally attached to the wall. As a design flaw, one can call the fact that the cranes on it have a fixed height, and this is not always convenient for children.

What you need to install a tulip sink

  • electric drill, drills and dowels;
  • a special siphon with the possibility of draining the “overflow” (if it is not included in the design, it must be purchased separately);
  • wrenches, screwdriver, hammer;
  • building level;
  • grout (for example, Ceresit).

In order for the sink to look good in the bathroom, its color should be in harmony with the color of the washable wallpaper or tile.

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How to install a tulip sink

Before you start, you need to dismantle the old sink. It is necessary to turn off the water and disconnect the drain. After that, the sink is unscrewed from the wall with wrenches.

Now you need to prepare a place for mounting a new tulip sink. To do this, it is necessary to carefully remove the remains of cement from the walls and floor, then, according to the fasteners, holes are made in the wall. Old holes in the wall are carefully sealed with grout, it fits better than cement mortar because it dries quickly.

Everything must be done correctly so that the fasteners and holes in the wall coincide. It is necessary to install the washbasin and mark the places for its fastening; to check the correct installation, it is necessary to use the building level. The siphon is attached to the footboard with the help of special fasteners, it is necessary to use rubberized washers. First you need to properly connect the siphon, and only then connect the water. Many do the opposite, and then if your tulip is installed incorrectly, flooding cannot be avoided. To, you will need outside help. It is not necessary to tighten the nuts, as the footboard has yet to be installed. We slightly raise the bowl, put the footboard and attach the drain hose to the sewer.

Pedestal sinks are quite popular and are present in the collections of almost all plumbing manufacturers. Such models fit perfectly into any interior styles, thanks to the thoughtful design and design, they have an aesthetic appearance, are stable and functional. In addition to the classic tulip shells, there are many non-standard options that are particularly decorative. Installing such a sink is quite within the power of a novice master, the main thing is to follow the instructions exactly.

Tulip shells got their name because of the design features - a wide bowl is located on a narrow vertical support - a stem, like a flower. The support is hollow inside, which allows you to completely hide the siphon and water supply hoses, which do not look very attractive in plain sight. In addition, the leg takes the main load from the sink, increasing the stability of the washbasin.

The main advantages of sinks on a leg:

The disadvantages include only the fact that the pedestal does not fully use the space under the washbasin. Small items at the foot can still be placed, but a laundry basket or washing machine won't fit under the sink. So if there is not enough space in the bathroom for such things, then it is better to choose a sink with a cabinet or hanging.

Varieties of sinks with a pedestal

Depending on the design of the shell-tulips are divided into three types:

  • the classic version, consisting of a pedestal and a bowl. Both elements are mounted alternately, and the bowl is attached to the wall, and the pedestal is installed without additional fasteners. Such models are considered the most convenient: separately, parts of the washbasin are easier to fix than a solid structure, and in case of a clogged siphon, it is enough to move the leg aside;

    Sink-tulip - consists of two parts: a bowl and a stand (pedestal), in which the pipes for supplying water and sewage are hidden

  • monolithic products. They are produced in limited quantities, most often to order, due to the complexity of manufacturing. These washbasins have an original design and look impressive, but they are more difficult to install. The design is heavy, with an accidental impact it can crack, it is better to carry out installation with an assistant;
  • semi-tulip shell. These models have a short pedestal, which is attached close to the wall. Since there is no emphasis on the floor, and the entire load falls on the walls, installation is carried out only on a solid foundation - concrete or brick. Installation is not much more difficult than standard tulip sinks, but in case of blockage, you will have to unscrew the fasteners to get to the siphon. The advantage of such models is that there is free space under the pedestal, which can be used at your discretion.

According to the installation method, the sinks are divided into ordinary and corner ones, and only the bowl has an angular shape, for better adjoining to the walls. The pedestal is not included in the corner itself, so its shape remains the same as for conventional models mounted on flat wall. Corner can be made all three types of sinks described above.

Washbasins also differ in the material of manufacture. The most popular are sinks made of ceramics, earthenware, porcelain. They are hygienic, can be easily cleaned from dirt and plaque, and retain for a long time. original view and are the most affordable, which is also important. True, these materials should be protected from impacts - chips and cracks easily appear on the surface.

The second most popular can be called products made of artificial stone. They are more expensive, but in terms of decorativeness they are significantly superior to ceramic ones, and besides, they have excellent operational characteristics. The casting method allows you to get products of the most non-standard shape with imitation of natural stone of various breeds. The material lends itself well to restoration and polishing, so these sinks can retain their magnificent appearance for years.

For the manufacture of tulip shells, glass, metal, a natural stone and even a tree. Models from these materials belong to elite plumbing, so they differ original design and very high price.

Standard washbasins with a pedestal have a width of 45 to 70 cm, small-sized corner ones - only about 30 cm, and sinks with additional side surfaces - from 80 to 90 cm. The total height of the structures is usually 80-90 cm, while the height of the pedestal itself is on average equals 60 cm. Fastening is carried out on studs or anchors, which are screwed into the walls.

Top Producers

The brand of plumbing for most consumers is crucial, because well-known manufacturers value their reputation and produce quality products, regardless of price category. Each company has a line of completely budget models, plumbing in the middle price segment and elite ones, so choose best option won't be difficult. So, whose products are in the greatest demand?

The leading position is held by the Spanish company Roca. It produces not only sanitary ware, but also everything that is necessary for the bathroom - moisture-resistant lamps, mirrors, accessories, furniture and much more. Since the company has enterprises in Russia, the cost of production is much lower than that of imported plumbing. Tulip shells are present in several collections of this brand at once, which include models with a pedestal and a semi-pedestal, as well as corner ones. All sinks are made of porcelain and faience and have a predominantly classic design.

shell tulip

Tulip shells from Jacob Delafon, a French brand with a long history, are also in great demand. They are represented by several collections: Presquile, Odeon Up, Patio, Reve. Models are distinguished by regular geometric shapes, the ideas of classics and cubism prevail in the design. The range includes standard and corner washbasins, with pedestal and semi-pedestal. For the manufacture of sanitary ware, faience and porcelain are used.

Among the leaders is the Swedish company Gustavsberg. Her sanitary ware is of impeccable quality and is sold well both in Scandinavia itself and abroad, including in Russia. Porcelain sinks have an ergonomic shape and laconic design, models with pedestals are represented by two collections - Gustavsberg ARTic and Gustavsberg Nordic.

The Czech company Jika is distinguished by very reasonable prices for good-quality plumbing. The products of this brand are in great demand in European countries, the Russian consumer also liked it. The author's collections include not only standard models, but also washbasins for the disabled (Mio collection), as well as children's washbasins of the Baby series. Products are made mainly of earthenware, classical forms prevail in the design.

There are decent products and domestic production. High quality and affordable prices are distinguished by sanitary ware of the Rosa trademark, which is owned by Kirovskaya Keramira JSC. Among Russian manufacturers, this company is rightfully considered one of the leaders in the plumbing industry. Tulip shells are present in several collections and are distinguished by a variety of colors. In addition to classic models, there are options for blue, black, green and other shades.

Oskol ceramics is another brand whose sanitary ware fully complies with international standards. The production was founded by an Italian company in the city of Stary Oskol, the products are manufactured on the latest imported equipment. Most of the products belong to the middle price segment, there is a large selection of economy class models. Tulip washbasins are represented by the Prestige series, which, in addition to classic white washbasins, includes variants of rich colors - red, blue, green, black and others.

Popular models of tulip shells

Washbasin brand and modelDescription
Semi-recessed rectangular bowl with round column pedestal. Made of faience, has dimensions of 63x51 cm. The design of the model is made in a retro style, the design is symmetrical with a smooth glossy surface. 10 year manufacturer's warranty
The sink is built into the countertop, has a symmetrical shape, dimensions 100x46 cm. White, made in modern style, the material of manufacture is faience. Available in two versions - with a pedestal and a semi-pedestal. 10 year warranty
Hanging porcelain sink round shape. It is produced in two versions - with a pedestal and a semi-pedestal, has dimensions of 60x47.5 cm. Manufacturer's warranty 25 years
Pendant model with a semicircular bowl, made of porcelain. Available in two versions, has dimensions of 60x45 cm, equipped with an overflow. The sink is symmetrical, white, made in a modern style. Warranty 25 years
A compact model with a semicircular bowl, size 55x47 cm. It is made in a modern style and has an original color. The sink is equipped with an overflow function, has one hole for the mixer. Warranty 5 years

Oskol ceramics. "Prestige", green

Very effective model with a semicircular bowl. The size of the sink is 63.5x46 cm, the material of manufacture is porcelain. Made in a modern style, has a rich dark green color, glossy finish. Manufacturer's warranty 5 years

It is also worth noting plumbing Cezares, Italian production, Finnish-Ukrainian Colombo, Czech Ravak, Bulgarian Vidima. The sinks of these brands have a lot of positive reviews, and the quality of the products has long been time-tested.

Tulip sink installation

To install the washbasin on a pedestal, first of all, you need to prepare everything you need:

  • bubble level;
  • drill and drill bits for concrete and tiles;
  • wrench or adjustable;
  • expansion dowels and fixing screws;
  • plastic gaskets;
  • FUM tape;
  • marker;
  • silicone sealant.

Preparing for installation

Before installing the washbasin, it is necessary to check and prepare the wall, floor and communication outlets. You can not fix the sink to the wall if the cladding is not firmly held, there are cracks or voids under the tiles. So, to begin with, lightly tap on the tile with a hammer: where the sound is deaf, there is no glue under the cladding, which means you should not install fasteners in this place. Exfoliated and cracked tiles must be replaced with a whole one, empty seams should be filled with grout. If you leave everything as it is, dust, moisture will accumulate in the cracks and seams, and mold will appear over time. Regular cleaning will not work there, because everything will be covered by the washbasin body.

A level is applied to the floor at the installation site of the pedestal, checking the horizontality and evenness of the base. If there are slight differences in height, you will have to additionally use silicone pads so that the washbasin does not stagger. Floor tiles are also inspected for damage, if necessary, close the seams.

Plumbing outlets must be brought to the installation site in advance. If an old sink is being replaced, check the integrity of the stopcocks, the tightness of the pipe connections, and replace rusted parts with new ones.

Mounting a sink with a pedestal

Step 1. Unpack the sink and pedestal, check the package.

Mount the washbasin on a pedestal

Step 2 The washbasin is set aside, they take a drill and make holes for the studs. To drill ceramic tiles, you will need a spear-shaped drill with a pobedite soldering, and to further deepen into the wall, it is changed to a conventional concrete drill. The depth of the hole should be 5-10 mm more than the length of the dowel, but the diameter, on the contrary, is a couple of millimeters less.

Step 3 Dowels are hammered into the holes to the stop, screws are inserted, plastic gaskets are put on top and the sink is hung. While holding it in the desired position, carefully tighten the screws on both sides, but not completely. A level is placed on top of the bowl and the horizontal is checked. If the sink is skewed, adjust its position by tightening the screws from the desired side.

The drain pipe is connected to sewer pipe. After that, turn on the water supply and check the tightness of the connections. Detected leaks should be immediately eliminated: tighten the nuts more tightly and coat the joints with silicone.

Step 6 If everything is functioning properly, you can install the pedestal. The sink is slightly lifted, a pedestal is slipped under it and leveled. The body of the siphon, together with the flexible hoses, should easily enter the cavity of the support.

Step 7 Place the level on the sink again and tighten the fixing screws to firmly fix the bowl to the wall. The pedestal must remain stationary.

Finally, the joint between the sink and the wall is sealed with silicone sealant.

Installation of a sink with a semi-pedestal

When choosing a model with a semi-pedestal, be sure to consider the dimensions of the siphon. If the leg of the sink is too short or not deep enough, the siphon body simply will not fit in it and will not allow the structure to be pulled to the wall. Another important condition is the location of the plumbing outlets: the drain socket must be at a height of at least 50 cm from the floor level, and the water pipes are immured into the wall.

First, the sink is attached to the wall in the manner described above. Next, connect the mixer and siphon, check the supply and discharge of water, the tightness of the connections. The semi-pedestal comes with special fasteners: metal plates with lugs, two hooks with holes, bolts and nuts. The plates are put on studs under the sink, hooks are screwed to them with bolts, and then a semi-pedestal is put on these hooks. The structure is leveled and carefully tightened with bolts up and against the wall.

Sanita luxe washbasin with black semi-pedestal

Video - Sink-tulip in the bathroom

Video - Tulip sink installation

Video - Installation of a sink with a semi-pedestal

As a rule, a “tulip” sink is monolithic or consists of separate components - a bowl and a stand. Despite the presence of pedes

tala, often such a sink is attached to the wall using brackets or dowels. The sink can also rest on a pedestal, but in this case it is attached firmly to the wall.

How to install a tulip

"tulips", like other types of shells, come with a hole for and deaf. For standard "Soviet" bathrooms, where the piping provides for the installation of one faucet for shower and sink, the option without a hole is more suitable.

If the drain fittings are not included, then it costs at the same time with the siphon so that the structures would

whether compatible. It is also advisable to buy a mixer at the same time as buying a sink. Almost all import

ny, and now many domestic sinks have overflow protection (“overflow” system). Water

through a hole in the upper part of the bowl through a special channel inside the ceramics flows into the siphon. You need to know that standard domestic siphons are not suitable for such sinks. Nowhere to divert water coming from the "overflow" system. Therefore, it will be necessary to purchase a special siphon in the kit suitable for such a system.

Tulip sinks, in addition to the winning design, are distinguished by the ability to hide all communications in the leg-stand. Neatly and securely installed "tulip" does not spoil protruding pipes, faucets and valves.

Tulip sink installation

Tulip sinks have become very popular in the post-Soviet space for their pleasant appearance and ease of use. Tulip shells are now installed everywhere, as in small apartments, and in huge cottages of the Premium class, and the obvious advantages of the "tulip" were the reason for this - strength, variety of assortment, durability and convenience. But before moving on to the features of the “tulip” installation, it is worth considering in more detail what such a sink is and what its advantages are. The first thing you should pay attention to is the leg, which plays the role of a pedestal, and which takes on part of the load that falls on the sink. It is due to this stem that this type of product got its name, for its resemblance to a flower with a thin and long stem.
The installation of a tulip sink begins with the fact that water and sewer pipes are connected to its location. The bowl of the product is installed on a pedestal, after which the places for placing the brackets or the places for placing the holes for the bolts in the wall are marked. Yes, do not be surprised, the tulip sink is installed not only on one leg, but also on a bracket, or a hidden mount inside the tulip itself. This is due to the fact that the leg will not be able to provide the necessary stability of the bowl and the entire structure may collapse under high load, or fall in any direction.

After placing and fixing the bowl, the installation of the tulip sink continues by connecting the bowl to the siphon, which connects it to the sewer, and then connecting the faucet to water pipes with flexible conduit. It is worth making an important reservation at this point: many violate the sequence and connect the water supply first, and then the siphon. But in case some kind of gasket or mixer turns out to be faulty, flooding, albeit small, is inevitable, while pre-connecting the siphon and sewer will avoid excess moisture on the floor of the room. Connecting the tulip sink ends with the placement of the legs under the bowl, which will hide unaesthetic communications. It is recommended to apply a layer of transparent silicone sealant at the junction of the bowl and the pedestal to increase the service life of the sanitary ware. Well, and, of course, it is not recommended to install and connect on your own, but you should invite a professional plumber. The cost of work is only 1500 rubles.

The most common type of sink in modern bathrooms is the pedestal or so-called tulip sink. This floor-mounted washbasin blends in beautifully with both classic and ultra-modern interiors. In addition, among its advantages are functionality, practicality and durability.

As a rule, a “tulip” sink is monolithic or consists of separate components - a bowl and a stand. Despite the presence of a pedestal, such a sink is often attached to the wall using brackets or dowels. The sink can also rest on a pedestal, but in this case it is attached firmly to the wall.

Tulip sinks, like other types of sinks, come with a hole for installing a mixer and are deaf. For standard "Soviet" bathrooms, where the piping provides for the installation of one faucet for shower and sink, the option without a hole is more suitable.
If drain fittings are not included, then it is worth buying a sink at the same time as a siphon so that the designs are compatible. It is also advisable to buy a mixer at the same time as buying a sink. Almost all imported, and now many domestic sinks have overflow protection (“overflow” system). Water flows through a hole in the upper part of the bowl through a special channel inside the ceramics into a siphon. You need to know that standard domestic siphons are not suitable for such sinks. Nowhere to divert water coming from the "overflow" system. Therefore, it will be necessary to purchase a special siphon in the kit suitable for such a system.

Tulip sinks, in addition to the winning design, are distinguished by the ability to hide all communications in the leg-stand. Neatly and securely installed "tulip" does not spoil the interior of the bathroom with protruding pipes, faucets and valves.
