"Fishes". Abstract of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the senior correctional group

Expansion of ideas about fish, their appearance, lifestyle and habits. Clarification, expansion and activation of the vocabulary on the topic "fish" (fish, pond, lake, aquarium, pond, sea, river, hunting, predator, carp, perch, catfish, pike, body, fin, tail, gills, scales;

toothy, predatory, long, mustachioed, striped, silvery; catch, hunt, swim, eat, breed, hide).



"Underwater kingdom". Joint activities of children and the educator on the lexical topic "Pisces" in the senior group

Synopsis of a lesson on the development of speech, the lexical theme of fish.

"Underwater kingdom"

Senior group, educator


Educational: Expansion of ideas about fish, their appearance, lifestyle and habits. Clarification, expansion and activation of the vocabulary on the topic "fish" (fish, pond, lake, aquarium, pond, sea, river, hunting, predator, carp, perch, catfish, pike, body, fin, tail, gills, scales;

toothy, predatory, long, mustachioed, striped, silvery; catch, hunt, swim, eat, breed, hide).

Correctional: Development of thinking, imagination, creativity, cognitive and speech activity with the help of words, figurative comparisons, imitations, development of visual perception and attention, articulatory motor skills, phonemic hearing, coordination of speech with movement.

Educational: Formation of skills of mutual understanding, goodwill, responsibility. Education of love and respect for nature.

Preliminary work: View pictures of fish, talk about the lifestyle of aquarium and freshwater fish. Learning finger gymnastics "Fish". Reading the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin "Goldfish".

Equipment: Plane fish, related pictures, coloring fish, colored pencils.

Course progress.

1. Organization of the lesson.

Vos-l: Guys, if you got into the underwater kingdom, that in this kingdom "flows-flows - does not flow out, runs-runs - does not run out." (Water)

What is the water in the sea kingdom? (Transparent, clean, warm.)

If the water were dirty, what would happen to its inhabitants? (They would get sick, they would die.)

Who is the most in the sea kingdom? (Pisces)

Guess who it is. "Parents and children have all their clothes made of coins." (Fish.)

Where do fish live?

Why do they feel good in water?

What are they doing there? (They swim, dive, overtake each other, burrow into the sand.)

Who else can swim? (People, ships, animals.)

2. Finger gymnastics.

Swims in an aquarium (The palm is folded together and performed with them

undulating movements, rotating at the wrists

in the wrists to the right and left, like a fish with a tail.)

golden fish,

Look at her -

What a beautiful one.

3. Working with illustrations.

Children are offered pictures of fish.

Vos-l: Tell us what kind of fish you see. (Children's answers.)

Show how fish swim. (Children depict with their hands how fish swim.)

There are fish that live in an aquarium (aquarium fish - goldfish, swordtail, guppies, gourami, angelfish.)

Fish that live in ponds, lakes, rivers are called freshwater.

Wol-l: Let's look at the fish and talk about what parts of the body they have. Pay attention to which different shapes there can be a body and a head of a fish, what different tails and fins.

And all fish have gills to breathe.

The picture shows how sharp the teeth of the pike. Pike is a predator. She eats other fish. Carnivores include catfish, trout, and perch.

But crucian carp, ruff and bream are not predators, they feed on algae.

4. Conversation on the content of the poem.

Vos-l: Guys, let's listen to Irina Tokmakova's poem "Where the fish sleeps."

Dark at night, quiet at night.

Fish, fish, where do you sleep?

The fox trail leads to the hole,

Dog track to the kennel.

Belkin's trail leads to a hollow,

Myshkin - to a hole in the floor.

It is a pity that in the river on the water

There are no traces of you anywhere.

Only darkness, only silence.

Fish, fish, where do you sleep?

Vos-l: What animals are described in the poem?

Where do these animals sleep?

How does the fish sleep? (It freezes in the grass, near the bottom, eyes are open (no eyelids, but sees nothing.)

Why are there no traces of fish on the water?

5. The game "Call it affectionately."

A fish - …

Caviar - …

Catfish - ...

River - ...

Frog - …

Tail - …

Water - ...

Snail - …

6. Analysis of the word fish.

Vos-l: Let's do a sound analysis of the word fish. How many sounds are in this word? (There are four sounds in this word.)

What sound do you hear first?

What sound comes after r?

Next sound? (b sound)

And the last sound? (sound a)

What is it, vowel or consonant? What color do we mark it when writing?

6. The game "Catch a fish."

Vos-l: Look at the fish. Imagine that we are fishing and catching fish. We start catching. (Children collect fish).

Count how many fish each of you has.

1 child. I have two fish.

2 child. I have one fish.

3 child. I have four fish.

4 child. I have five fish.

5 child. And I have three fish.

Vos: Well done! That's how many fish are caught.

7. Finger gymnastics.

Once upon a time there was one burbot, (They fold their hands,

make them move smoothly

imitate the movements of the fins.)

Two ruffs were friends with him. (Spread hands,

Make movements with two palms.)

Three ducks flew to them (They fold their arms crosswise, make

wave your hands.)

Four times a day

One, two, three, four, five. (Bend fingers in turn.)

8. The game "Imagine that you ..."

Vos-l: Guys, remember the fairy tale "Goldfish".

What did the fish do? (The fish fulfilled all the wishes of the greedy old woman who wanted to become the "mistress of the sea".)

Picture a greedy old woman.

And if you saw a goldfish, what would you ask for?

What do you think a goldfish looks like?

9. Individual work at the tables.

Vos-l: Guys, you have fish on your table. Color them as you wish. Create your own goldfish. (Children do the task.)

10. Summary of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to remember the most interesting task.

Target: replenishment and refinement of knowledge, development of the lexical and grammatical structure and coherent speech of children on the topic "Pisces".



  • enrich, clarify and activate the vocabulary of children on the topic: the names of fish (shark, pike, ruff, hammerhead fish, flounder, catfish, swordtail, goldfish, herring, crucian carp, bream), names of body parts of fish (body, head, fins, tail, gills, scales); generalizing concepts: “sea fish”, “freshwater fish”, “aquarium fish”), the activity of fish (swim, dive, bite, splash).
  • develop coherent speech: making sentences, correcting mistakes;
  • develop auditory and visual attention, memory, phonemic hearing;
  • develop observation, thinking;
  • develop general, fine and articulatory motor skills;
  • activate cognitive activity:


  • to teach to distinguish signs of differences and similarities between fish;
  • exercise in agreeing adjectives with nouns;
  • exercise in the formation of related words; relative adjectives, the use of diminutive suffixes of nouns;
  • fix case endings and form prepositional - case constructions
  • improve natural science concepts


  • increase activity, consciousness, interest in speech therapy GCD;
  • to cultivate a sense of love for nature, a caring attitude and a desire to help, environmental literacy in children.

Preliminary work:Acquaintance of children with types of fish, with their names. Reading a fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".

Examination of illustrations depicting fish and marine life.

Learning the game for development fine motor skills fingers "Fish".

Material and equipment:a computer with a presentation about fish (pictures, riddles, games), a ball;

Handout - pictures for the game "Hide and Seek", colored pencils.

Organization of educational activities:

I. Organizational moment

Speech therapist: Hello guys. Guys, do you know that when they meet, not only people, but also animals and even fish greet each other.

It turns out that when the fish meet, their fins touch and, opening their mouths, say “pa-pa”. And I invite you to say hello today in fish. We stand in two rows, one row towards the other, and say hello. (Greetings).

II. Main part

Speech therapist: Guys, we have already visited a person, domestic and wild animals and realized that houses are different. I would go somewhere else to visit. Do you want to stay with someone else?

Today I invite everyone to go visit the fish.

- What do you think, on what you can go on this trip? (children list)

Speech therapist: Quite right, then on the road! Take your seats in our "submarine". Let's go!

(Video insert of the sea - slide No. 2)

Earth has four oceans

Washing continents, countries.

There is less land in our world than water,

Magical gardens grow underwater.

They are full of wondrous inhabitants

Various shapes, colors and sizes.

- Here we are in the underwater kingdom! Friends, how beautiful it is here!(slide number 3)

Where are the fish houses?(slide number 4)

Speech therapist: Waves and corals and sea sand

For different fish, a sweet home!

Speech therapist: Here we are at a party. When they come to visit and there are strangers in the company, you must definitely get to know each other. At the same time, we will whisper our names to the fish - they will hear us, and they will whisper theirs to us, so we will get to know each other. (Children get acquainted with fish). Have you met? And who heard the name of these fish? Fish talk almost silently. But, you can find out what their names are if you listen carefully and guess my riddles.(Slide show with riddles No. 5-12)

Children guess the name of the fish.

tail wags,
Toothy, not barking. (Pike.)

At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark,

A mustachioed log lies. (catfish)

Prickly, but not a hedgehog

Who is this fish? (Ruff)

Everyone always recognizes me without difficulty.

Striped jacket, bright red fin. (Redfin perch)

Well, my brother is a marine

There is a red day - daytime. (Sea bass)

Speech therapist: - Guys, how in one word to name all the fish that live in fresh water? (freshwater)

What about those who live in the sea? (Marine) Guess who it is.

At the bottom one lies a flat pancake. (Flounder)

I live deep, I swim easily

Toothy, big, I am a sea fish. (Shark)

- And in the sea live fish that look like animals. They are called toad fish, dog fish, parrot fish ...

See what unusual fish meet at sea. Do you know them? (sawfish, needlefish, zebrafish)(slides #13-16)

Why do you think they were named that?

Guess what this riddle is about:

Came to us from a fairy tale,

There was a queen.

This is no ordinary fish.

This fish ... (golden)

Bright red or black

Very playful and agile

He carries a long sharp sword

And it's called ... (sword-bearer)

Speech therapist: - Guys, how to call in one common word the fish that live in the aquarium? (aquarium) - What aquarium fish do you still know?

- Guys, there are a lot of types of fish, but they all have something in common.

Game "Name the parts of the fish"(slide show #17)

Riddle about fish scales:

Speech therapist: For parents and children

All clothing made from coins.

Help me guess

What is the name of the clothes? (fish scales)(slide number 18)

Guys, where do fish come from?(slide number 19)

- Right. Female fish spawn, fry are hatched from the eggs, which grow into adult fish. But there are fish that immediately give birth to cubs - fry. For example, a shark and some aquarium fish: guppies, swordtails, etc.

What can't all fish live without? (Without water) - And how do they all move? (swim) Let's stand up and show how the fish swim.

Finger gymnastics "Fish":

The fish swims in the water(Palms clasped together

Fish are fun to play with.children depict how a fish swims.)
Fish, fish, naughty,
(They threaten with a finger.)
We want to catch you.(Slowly bring palms together.)
The fish arched its back(They again depict how a fish swims.)
I took a piece of bread.(Make a grasping motion with both hands.)
The fish wagged its tail(Depict a ponytail)
The fish quickly swam away.
(They float again.)

Articulation exercises:

1. "Fish" - stretch closed lips forward. Hold for 10 seconds.

2. “Fish talk” - the children are divided into pairs, look at each other and try to “talk” like fish: the children open and close their lips closed and stretched forward.

The fish opens its mouth

But you can't hear what he's singing.

3. "Pike" - show teeth, grin.

Pike - predatory, toothy,

For bream, roach is dangerous.

Breathing exercise "Big and small".

Starting position - standing.

Adult: - In the reservoirs there are different fish, large and small. Imagine that we are fish. Take a deep breath, stand on your toes and raise your hands. We stretch the whole body up and on the exhale we say: “What a big fish I am!”. We slowly inhale, and then with the sound “wow”, we squat, wrap our hands around our knees, lower our heads and say: “What a little fish I am!”

Mimic exercises:

1. Get scared at the sight of a shark.

2. Be happy with the goldfish.

3.Grieved by a swam away fish.

Ball Games: Word Family

Speech therapist. Let's play ball and form the words of one family to the word a fish. — What is the name of a small fish?

1st child. Fish.

Speech therapist: How else?

2nd child. Rybeshka.

Speech therapist: What is the name of the person who fishes?

3rd child. Fisherman.

Speech therapist: How else?

4th child. Fisherman.

Speech therapist: What does a fisherman do?

1st child. Fishing.

Speech therapist. Where does the fisherman go?

2nd child. Fishing.

Speech therapist: What kind of soup is cooked from fish?

3rd child. Fish.

Speech therapist: What can you call big fish?

4th child. Rybin.

Speech therapist: Whose tail does the fish have?

5 is a child. Fishy.

Speech therapist. Fine! You picked up so many words from one family.

Now let's play a game"Call it kindly."

- I will throw you a ball and call the fish, and you will catch the ball and call this fish affectionately.

Herring - herring; perch - perch; pike - pike; ruff - brush; catfish - catfish; carp - carp, bream, etc.

The speech therapist invites the children to take their seats and continue the journey.(Slide number 20)

“Look, guys, a strong wind rose on the sea, a storm began and mixed all the inhabitants of his underwater kingdom. Help put things in order.

The game "The Fourth Extra"(slides #21-23)

The speech therapist shows slides with subject pictures, which depict the inhabitants of the seas and aquarium fish: a dolphin, an octopus, a sea horse and a goldfish, etc.The speech therapist asks the children to name the extra picture and explain why it is superfluous.

Game "Nonsense": (Slide number 24)

- Guys, do you know what sea pebbles are called? (pebbles) Look at our sea pebbles something is written. But the sea waves mixed all the pebbles.(Slide number 25) I tried to collect pebbles of the same color and read. And here's what I got. Listen to the suggestions and help correct the mistakes made.(slides #26-31)

The fish was caught by the golden old man. (The old man caught a goldfish)

The bream hunts for the pike. (Pike hunts for bream)

Aquarium lives in catfish. (Catfish lives in an aquarium).

Speech therapist: Well done, guys. How well you are doing. And now I suggest you help the fisherman take apart his fishing equipment.(slide number 32)

Exercise "Hide and Seek"(Handout)

Look at the pictures, find them and circle them with colored pencils. Tell us how the angler uses these items.

III. Outcome: You helped me put things in order in the underwater kingdom.

Speech therapist: Friends, it's time for us to go home too.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better! And what an adventure we had today!

Where were we?

Children: We were in the underwater kingdom!(slide number 33)

Speech therapist: What happened to you in the sea kingdom?

Children tell what happened in the lesson: what kind of fish they saw, etc.

Speech therapist: In class, you pleased me with your knowledge of fish. I really liked it. Thank you all for the pleasant time spent with you.

Organization: MADOU d / s No. 8 "Rodnichok"

Location: Lipetsk region, Gryazi

Goals: expansion of ideas about freshwater fish, their appearance, lifestyle, habits. Clarification, expansion, activation of the dictionary on the topic "Freshwater fish". The development of dialogic speech, the enrichment of speech with words - antonyms. The development of coherent speech, thinking, visual attention and perception, fine motor skills. Education of goodwill, skills of cooperation, independence, activity, initiative.

Organizing time.

Educator: Our guest is Dunno. Where do you think he's going?

Children: Fishing (he has a fishing rod, a bucket in his hands).

Educator: That's right, he was going to go fishing, but he is sad that he does not know the names of the fish that he comes across on the hook. Children, I suggest you help Dunno figure out this issue.

Educator: Today we will talk about fish that live in water bodies.

What is a reservoir?

What reservoirs do you know?

Children: River, lake, pond.

There are reservoirs not far from us, I invite you to go fishing. (Children catch fish with fishing rods).

Educator: Let's see what kind of fish you caught?

Children: At the bottom where it's quiet and dark

A mustachioed log (catfish) lies.

tail wags

Toothy, not barking (pike).

In a pond, or in a lake, nowhere else,

In still, still, stagnant water,

Where the lush greenery at the bottom has spread, that's where (carp) lives.

With a long silver body

Lives in a fast river.

Many fish are a terrible enemy

Guessed? Not? (zander)…

Educator: Excellent guys! How many fish did you catch. Now I suggest you pick up the words of one family for the word fish.

Educator: What is a person who fishes called? (fisherman).

Educator: What does a fisherman do? (fishing).

Educator: Where does the fisherman go? (fishing).

Educator: What is the name of a small fish? (fish).

Educator: What soup is made from fish? (fish).

Educator: What is a big fish called? (fish).

Educator: The fish in the bucket are frolicking, they are calling us to play.

Physical education minute

The snails are crawling

They bring their houses.

They move their horns

They look at the fish.

The fish are swimming

They paddle with fins.

Left, right turn,

And then vice versa.

Educator: I suggest you sit down near the lake, consider the fishes, what parts of the body they have. ( Work according to schemes).

Pay attention to what different shapes the body and head of the fish can be, what tails and fins the fish have.

Children: The pike has a long head and a long body.

Educator: And the bream?

Children: The bream has a small head and a wide body.

Educator: And ruff?

Children: The ruff has a small head and a small wide body.

Educator: Pike perch have sharp dorsal fins, but what about catfish?

Children: The dorsal fin of a catfish is small and not sharp.

Educator: The pike has a big tail. What about catfish?

Children: The catfish has a small tail.

Educator: Look at what different scales the body of fish is covered with. In bream, it is large. What about zander?

Children: Small.

caregiver: Catfish don't have scales at all. Its body is covered with thick skin. And all fish have gills. What are they needed for?

Children: To breathe.

(Breathing exercises)

Educator: Children, the fish in our bucket is all mixed up, there is not enough place for it here, let's release it back into the pond, where it lives (dwells). Fish can live in different water bodies. For example: Carp and crucian carp are found in ponds. Ruffs and pikes can live in any river on a spiky bottom. The rudd lives in lakes.

(Children lay out fish in reservoirs with a graphic image - a pond, lake, river).

Educator: Fish that live in rivers, ponds, lakes are called freshwater.

Educator: Let's fill bread crumbs let the fish eat.

Educator: What else can fish eat? (presumable answers of children).

Educator: Pike - Predator. She eats other fish. Predatory fish: catfish, perch, pike perch. And crucian carp, ruff, bream are not predators, they feed on algae.

Educator: Why do fish need fins?

Children: To swim.

Educator: Let's watch the fish swim in the waves.

(Children lie down on the carpet). Let's put the toy on your stomach and see how it rises when you inhale and falls when you exhale.

Educator: We remembered the names of fish, what they eat, where they live, and now we will make up short stories on mimic table(name, where it lives, what it eats).

Educator: Children, did we help Dunno figure out the names of fish? What exercises did you do to understand this issue? (children's answers).

Educator: Since you have worked hard today, I suggest you take a break and listen to the song “Amateur Angler”.

Topic:"Who are the fish?"

Target: develop children's ideas about fish as living creatures living in water, having a typical structure - body shape, fins, tail, etc .; develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships of a different nature; to use a subject-schematic model for generalization, to build judgments conclusively; develop an interest in nature.

Lesson progress

On the carpet - a picture of a swallow in flight. Chepuhar comes to visit.

Chepuhar. Guys, what do you have? What a beautiful fish!

Children. No, Chepuhar, this is a bird - a swallow.

Chepuhar. But she does look like a fish. Look: the tail, the fins... (points to the wings), this is a real fish.

Children. No, Chepuhar, you're wrong.

Chepuhar. Again, I'm confused. I will never learn to tell birds from fish. And your swallow still looks like a fish. Maybe you are all wrong? I saw such a fish in an aquarium - the scalar is called.

caregiver. Guys, let's teach Chepuhar to recognize fish and not confuse them with other animals. Here, Chepuhar, look. (On the carpet - pictures with fish.) There are many different fish. Guys, let's tell Chepuhar what fish are depicted here. (Children call.)

Chepuhar. Oh how different they are. And the names are complicated. How do you guys remember them all?

caregiver. That's right, Chepuhar, you noticed that the fish are all different. But how are they all alike? (Answers of children).

Chepuhar. Some kind of fluff. Understood nothing. Everyone spoke at once.

caregiver. You see, guys, when you say everything at once, nothing is clear. (Children agree to speak in turn.) Let's tell everything in order. First, about the shape of the body. What is the shape of the body in fish? Why is this form useful? (Answers of children).

caregiver. The body shape of the fish is streamlined - convenient for swimming. What do fish breathe? (Gills.)

Chepuhar. Why don't fish have a nose? Why do they breathe with gills?

Educator. Fish have a completely different respiratory system, since they live in water, and they "choose" air from the water through the gills.

Chepuhar. But what is this called? (Pointing to fins and tail.) (Fins.)

Chepuhar. Why do fish have fins? (Answers of children).

caregiver. Fins help fish swim like boat oars. And the tail helps to keep the direction, like the steering wheel of a car.

Chepuhar. Blimey! How interesting! What else do fish have that no other animal has?

caregiver. Even fish have a difference from all animals. Animals are covered with wool, birds with feathers, and fish ... What is the body of fish covered with? (Scales.)

caregiver. Guys, what is the difference between fish from each other? (Color, shape, size, habits, nutrition.) Let's tell Chepuhar why fish are all different. (Answers of children).

Educator. That's right, coloring helps fish hide from predators. See how cleverly the flounder hid at the bottom of the sea, you can't even see it. (Illustrations.) And multi-colored coral fish are not at all visible in the corals and algae of tropical seas.

caregiver. Guys, all fish cannot live without water. Their habitat is the same, only river fish that live in fresh water and marine fish that live in salty sea water differ.

How are fish born? (Answers of children).

Educator. Most fish lay eggs, and fry emerge from the eggs. And some immediately give birth to live fish. We have already observed the appearance of small fish in guppies and swordtails in the aquarium. Chepuhar, and now our guys will tell you again according to the scheme, how fish differ from birds and animals, and you look and remember. (Children tell according to the scheme.)

Habitat + Scales + Fins + Tail + Streamline Tepa + Gills + Emergence of fry from eggs or birth of live fry

Chepuhar. Well, now I will never confuse the fish. Give me pictures, I will choose all the fish. (Chepukhar chooses fish, chooses a submarine and an armadillo.) Look, what kind of fish. Did I guess correctly? (Children correct Chepuhar, they say that the armadillo has scales, but it is an animal, they prove it, and the submarine is similar, but it is inanimate ...)

caregiver. Nonsense, in order to correctly recognize the fish, you need everything specific traits were all at once: the habitat, and the scales, and the fins, and the tail, and the streamlined shape of the body, and the gills, and everything else. Now understand?

Chepuhar. Got it, I'll work on it later.

caregiver. Now let's play the game "Catching fish".

Players are divided into two groups, stand against each other. One group is fishermen (there are fewer of them), the other is fish. First, they have a conversation.

Fishes. What do you knit?

Anglers. Seine.

Fishes. What will you catch?

Anglers. Fish.

Fishes. What?

Anglers. Pike.

Fishes. Catch!

Fishermen are chasing fish.

The game is repeated, but each time a new fish is called.

Joint activities with older preschool children

cognitive development. Formation of a holistic picture of the world

Topic: "Inhabitants of the water - fish"

Target:Summarize the material on the topic: "Fish".


    To teach children to generalize and classify (marine fish, aquarium fish, fish living in freshwater).

    Learn to identify signs of differences and similarities between fish.

    Develop thinking and memory, the ability to analyze, express them in speech. Develop the emotional sphere of children.

    To educate communication skills, environmental literacy in children.

Technologies: personality-oriented technologies, health-developing technologies, design technology

Materials and equipment: multimedia equipment: interactive whiteboard, projector, computer; pictures depicting freshwater, marine, aquarium fish; cards with the image of aquarium and freshwater fish; models of fish habitats (rivers, seas and aquariums).

Progress of joint activities:

The teacher makes riddles:

For parents and children

All clothing made from coins.

Children: Pisces.

Teacher: How did you guess?

Children: Clothes made of “coins” are scales, the body of a fish is covered with it.

Teacher: Close your eyes.

The teacher lays out a picture of a goldfish.

Teacher: Open your eyes and blink.

And here is our guest! Look closely at the fish and tell me how it differs from other animals?

Children: The body of the fish is covered with scales.

Fish have fins.

Fish breathe with gills.

Goldfish: I sailed from a fairy tale,

There was a queen.

I'm not an easy fish

I'm a goldfish.

- Hello guys! I see you recognize me! Yes, I am a real Goldfish. I live in an aquarium. I have many friends. Sit comfortably, I'll introduce you to them now.

View presentation "Pisces"

Characteristics of fish

The fish lives in the water. It cannot live on land. There are eyes, but not blinking. "Wings" is, but does not fly. What are these wings? (fins). Does not walk, does not fly, but moves quickly. How does she move? (swims). There is a tail. Why do fish have a tail? (steering wheel). Coin clothes. What coins are these clothes made of? (this is a scale). The fish lives in the water. Where can fish live? (in an aquarium, in the sea, etc.). What are the names of the fish that live in the sea (marine), in the river ..., in the aquarium ...

Physical education:

The wind is blowing, blowing

Shakes the palm to the side.

The wind blows, blows

Shakes the palm to the side.

And under the palm tree the crab sits

And moves its claws,

And under the palm tree the crab sits

And he moves his claws.

Seagull flies over the water

And dives for fish

Seagull flies over the water

And dives for fish

Deep underwater

The crocodile lies at the bottom.

Deep underwater

The crocodile lies at the bottom.

Educator: And now go to the models of fish habitats. What do you see layouts?

Children: These are models of the river, the sea and the aquarium.

Educator: You need to say the name of the fish you have chosen, where it lives and put the fish in a suitable reservoir.

Child: It's a pike. She lives in the river. This is a freshwater fish. I will put her in the river.

Child: I have a swordsman. This is an aquarium fish, she lives in an aquarium.

Child: I chose a shark. She lives in the sea. This sea ​​fish.

Child: My fish is called sea bass. This is a sea fish. I will settle

her into the sea.

Child: I have a guppy. She lives in an aquarium because she is an aquarium fish.

Child: This is a ruff. He lives in the river. This is a river fish.

Teacher: You did a good job. Now come in and take your seats. (Sit down)

Educator: Guys, you already know that nature is alive and inanimate. And now think and say, to what nature do we attribute fish?

Children: To live.

Teacher: Why did you decide that?

Children: Fish are born, grow, eat, move, breathe, reproduce

Educator: So, what kind of nature do we attribute fish to?

Children: To live.

Educator: Now I will tell you how fish are born and grow.

First, the mother fish lays eggs. An embryo grows in each egg. Then a tadpole grows from the embryo. Look how big his head is, that's why they are called that. Then a fry grows out of the tadpole. A small fish grows from a fry. It grows and grows, and soon a real fish grows out of it.

Educator: And now you yourself put in order the pictures with the stages of development of the fish.

Children take turns approaching the table with pictures, choose the right one and lay out the order in which the fish appear on the board. Educator: The goldfish has prepared another task for us, and in order to complete it, you need to prepare your fingers. Come to me.

Children stand in a circle.

Finger gymnastics "Fish"

Five little fish were playing in the river

There was a big log on the sand,

And the fish said: "It's easy to dive here!"

The second said: "It's deep here."

And the third said: “I want to sleep!”

The fourth began to freeze a little.

And the fifth shouted: “There is a crocodile!

Swim quickly, so as not to swallow.

Teacher: Now you are ready for the next task. Come to the tables. Now we need an envelope with a blue square. Dasha will perform this task at the blackboard. Take the envelope. Take out the fish and put it to your left. You must place your fish while listening carefully to my commands. Ready?

Funny fish played in the aquarium for a long time. The red fish swam to the upper right corner, the green one to the lower left, the yellow one to the upper left, the blue one to the lower right, and the small pink fish swam to the very middle.

Educator: Did you succeed? Now let's check if everyone did the job correctly. Self-test.

Educator: And you coped with this task! Put things in order in the workplace and go to the chairs. (Sit down).

Goldfish: Guys, do you know how to care for aquarium fish?

Children's answers.

Goldfish: Thank you kids! I see that you know a lot about fish, you know how to take care of them. I will be happy to be friends with you.

Educator: What new friend, guys, we have appeared?

Children: Goldfish.

Educator: What did we tell the Golden Fish about today?

Child: We told where the fish live. That they are river, sea, aquarium.

Teacher: What have you learned?

Child: We learned how fish are born.