The coldest zodiac sign in love. The main properties of the signs of the zodiac


Basic properties

1. Primary elements and elements

The theory of primary elements helps to lay the foundation for understanding the qualities of signs. The origins of this theory, perhaps, originate in Babylon or Ancient China - in which, by the way, this theory found the most fertile ground for development. The first person who singled out from the surrounding elements the fire, water, earth and air as the basis of the structure of the whole world and was its inventor. European astrology focuses only on these four elements, although the experience of China, the work of Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle suggest the presence of the 5th element. For Aristotle, for example, the 5th element was "the invisible ether". Interestingly, translated into Latin, "fifth element" means quinta essence, those. quintessential, contemporary Russian meaning of this word - "the most important, the most essential, the essence of something." In Eastern philosophy, accessible to a wide range of people, the 5th element is Space. And this is logical - the elements must manifest themselves somewhere or in something, and not exist in the void.

The diagram of primary elements and elements clearly shows that:

THE FIRE- warm and dry AIR- warm and humid WATER- cold and wet LAND- cold and dry.

Zodiac signs are divided into 4 elements:





From this it is easy to deduce the following correspondence:

warm dry cold dry warm humid cold wet warm dry cold dry
warm humid cold wet warm dry cold dry warm humid cold wet

2. Polarity. With this term, I group several properties at once, which have numerous options:

Women's and men's

Night and day

Cold and warm

yin and yang

Passive and active

male daily warm yang active female night cold yin passive male daily warm yang active female night cold yin passive
male daily warm yang active female night cold yin passive male daily warm yang active female night cold yin passive male daily warm yang active female night cold yin passive

All these properties only indicate that the odd signs of the Zodiac, starting with ARIES, manifest themselves more actively, openly and brightly, like the light "in the daytime" and proactively, like the ideal image of a "man", who must be bold, decisive, be a leader and a pioneer in new beginnings. Of all the comparisons, the likening of the signs of night and day seems to be the most complete, since the male and female separation is already grounded to the biological level, hot and warm are the consequences of a metaphor with night and day, and the concepts of "yin-yang", "activity-passivity" have already been theorized.

The polarity of the signs of the zodiac, their night and day characteristics are of purely practical importance. For example, planets in nocturnal or feminine signs tend to take influence, to be not the source but the target of one's activity. And, conversely, planets in a day sign will be a clear initiator of events.

In this example, the Sun in Taurus at night is aspecting Mars in Leo by the day. To be more specific, let's say that Taurus will be in the 2nd house, and Leo in the 5th. It can then be said that the native may be detrimental to his property and financial position from the causes and people symbolized by Mars in the 5th house. It can be sports, sports injuries, male children, love affairs with men, actors, collectible weapons, games (including gambling), extreme hobbies, and so on.

In addition, the polarity of the signs of the Zodiac helps to correctly calculate the temperament and describe the psychotype of a person, his manners, the way certain planets manifest in the horoscope. Looking at the same example, we can say that if we are talking about a woman, then she prefers men of a brutal type who like to draw attention to themselves, are active in love and, of course, generous. True, it may turn out that they will be generous at the expense of a woman who loves him, however, this is not a real horoscope, but a "doll" - we may well play with everyone symbolic meanings planets without fear of throwing a shadow of suspicion on someone :-) Sometimes the use of the terms "cold-hot" in the literal sense can serve quite well, I mean the definition of the questions "Is a person alive or dead?" If, for example, the Moon is in a cold and dry sign and is separated from a cold and dry planet (the second condition), then this is a hint that the answer will be negative. Conversely, the presence of fire and heat in the body of the quesit of the person being asked about will always be an auspicious sign.

3. Hemispheres. The zodiac has northern, southern, eastern and western hemispheres.

The peculiarity of the rotation of the Earth around the Sun is such that our planet passes at a minimum distance from the Sun, i.e. through the point of perihelion at winter time. Accordingly, the maximum distance of the Earth from the Sun is observed in summer, when the planet passes the aphelion of the orbit. The difference between these distances is small - about 3.3%, which, however, is almost 5 million km.

The northern hemisphere, separated from the southern equinox line and extending from Libra to Pisces, the southern hemisphere includes the signs from Aries to Virgo. The northern hemisphere is similar to the southern length of daylight and darkness, namely, in the northern hemisphere, the duration of the dark time of the day is equal to the duration of daylight in the southern hemisphere. The ancient astrologer and astronomer Biruni said that the signs in the northern hemisphere coincide in strength with the signs in the southern hemisphere. Exact equality is observed, for example, between 20° Aries and 10° Pisces.

It seems to me appropriate to compare the signs in the northern hemisphere with people who discover the truth, guides to the light, and the signs of the southern hemisphere with people who go to the light by overcoming mistakes, due to personal experience, not insights.

It is no coincidence that the birth of the Zoroastrian god of sunlight, Mithra, is attributed to December 25, and Christmas is celebrated on December 24 - all these are echoes of astronomical reality, which is mathematically flawless and says that in the region of the winter solstice point on December 22 of each year, the planet Earth is at a minimum distance from The Sun is the giver of vital energy and light for all living things beyond the Earth.

Another hint in understanding the reasons for taking the north as a favorable side is the fact that the orientation of the earth's axis is traditionally considered to be directed approximately to the North Star, which is located at the northern "end" of the axis. This is a symbol of the right path, the right setting for navigating in space.

The solstice line separates the Eastern and Western hemispheres. Eastern includes signs from Capricorn to Gemini, Western - from Cancer to Sagittarius. These hemispheres, according to the remarks of the ancients, are "equal along the way" (Biruni). Astronomically, this means that their day and night hours are equal. Indeed, during the day, when the Sun will pass, for example, 15 ° Taurus or On Leo 15 the length of nights and days will be equal.

The Eastern and Western hemispheres give astrology several important concepts:

1. The signs of the Eastern hemisphere of fast (oblique) ascent, which leaves an imprint of "acceleration" on the course of all affairs in the event that the Ascendant enters this half of the Zodiac. The signs of the Western hemisphere are slowly ascending and things under their control will develop more slowly.

2. Signs of slow (direct) ascent are called signs of rapid ascent dominating over subordinate signs. It seems to me that the logic here is as follows - in the figure of the annual revolution of the Earth around the Sun, it can be seen that starting from the point of 0 ° Cancer to 0 ° Capricorn, the Earth moves northward, gradually approaching the personification of life - the Sun. This gives an advantage to the western hemisphere, so it is considered dominant.

3. Anti-Sov system. Antis - a mirror image of a point along the axis 0 ° Cancer - 0 ° Capricorn. For our example, 15° Taurus is the antisom of 15° Leo. Each planet in the Eastern or Western hemisphere has a sensitive point on the opposite hemisphere. She is compared to a shadow, a phantom of a real planet. The connection, for example, of Jupiter - a favorable planet with the antisom of Mercury gives pluses to Mercury, ennobles it, at the same time the logical power and ingenuity of Jupiter increase. Antises can give useful information when analyzing the compatibility of people, since the very idea of ​​antis, associated with the east and west, echoes the ideas of the Ascendant and Descendant - the east and west of the horoscope. Antises, being an old invention, became the progenitors of the modern theory of midpoints - combinations of planets, in which at least two planets are symmetrically located relative to the third (middle) planet.

Have you ever encountered such snow kings and queens? Why is this happening? Innate quality or emotional overload, respectively, leading to emotional burnout? When we are afraid or difficult times come in our lives, we can instinctively close out of a sense of self-preservation, however, some signs of the zodiac are able to remain in this unemotional state for quite a long time. Do you relate to them? "Znayu" gives answers.

1. Aries

Stubborn and intractable Aries, who is always on his mind, has a very cold-blooded attitude, as if showing the whole world that he is absolutely indifferent to everything. The most interesting thing is that this sign is initially emotionally unstable, and is able to either explode, or, on the contrary, restrain its temper, demonstrating emotional emptiness.

2. Taurus

Taurus inside is often very excited, and therefore he mentally abstracts from everyone and withdraws into himself. We can say that he leaves the "stage" and becomes an indifferent onlooker from the outside. When Taurus closes, he is capable of the most unreasonable and illogical things, and if you want to reach out to him during his emotional devastation, consider that you will start banging your head against a brick wall to no avail.

3. Gemini

It's hard to be a Gemini! Especially considering all these senseless and crazy emotions raging inside because of the duality of their nature. When Gemini is uneasy or uncomfortable in this world, they put on a mask of coldness and indifference.

4. Scorpio

Scorpio is cold by nature, therefore for him this is not even a defensive reaction, but a natural state. He does not even need to press the switch, because emotional emptiness is something that is very familiar to him and almost natural.

5. Capricorn

The stoic and rigid Capricorn can mislead anyone. When he feels that he is being emotionally attacked, playing on his feelings, he closes in a split second so that no one around him can get to his inner self and real feelings.

6. Aquarius

Aquarians have gone through a lot in their lives, including pain, and therefore they decided to protect themselves - and completely closed themselves. Sometimes it even seems that people of this sign are generally emotionally dead, which can often upset their close friends and family. They are even considered capricious melancholic, but all their actions and aloof behavior are self-defense.

Also "Znayu" has prepared for you the most biased henpecked.

Incredible Facts

We have already found out that the most complex characters usually have representatives water element, especially Scorpios, Pisces, and also Cancers. Difficult people also often turn out to be people born under the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. Note that they are born during the coldest time of the year.

But in the Zodiac there is a place for those whose character does not fall under the definition of "complex", but other people see it just the opposite: simple and easy.

First, let's figure out who is a person of easy character?

First, there are enough non-conflict and balanced personalities that leave behind pleasant emotions.

Secondly, easy people are easy to communicate with: they benevolent and easily accept someone else's opinion, even if they do not agree with it in some way.

Thirdly, easy people will not load you with some of their problems, and even if they worry, you will not feel broken and loaded after a heart-to-heart talk with them; there are no energy vampires among them.

Fourth, they optimistic in life and love to rejoice and give joy to others.

Among the signs of the Zodiac, there are several who can boast of all or some of these qualities and which we can name easy people.

The lightest sign of the zodiac

1 place:ARROWSEC

Yes, Sagittarius is a great optimist, a person who has no time to mope and even more so hang his problems on others. He easily gets along with people thanks to benevolence, kindness, generosity and the desire to share joy with others.

With Sagittarius, in general, it is not difficult: they are independent enough not to cling to others, cheerful enough to quickly forget insults and sadness, easy enough to climb, free enough from complexes and can handle with inner feelings. In general, to be sure: Sagittarius is the lightest representative of the entire Zodiac!

2 place:SCALES

Second place will be air scales , a sign that always and in everything strives for balance and harmony. If a representative of this sign has found balance within himself and everything is fine with him in his personal life, it is very easy with him!

Representatives of the Libra sign know the approach to other people. They know how to beat situations in such a way and win over a person that hardly anyone will remain dissatisfied after talking with them. scales open for communication and easily accept other people's opinions. They do not like to enter into conflicts, quarrel and sort things out.

The lightest person

3 place:ARIES

Aries cannot be called complex people, although they need a special approach. Representatives of this sign are big children who, even in adulthood, retain childish enthusiasm and playfulness. Aries take a lot of what they see or hear around literally, but it's easy to please them. They are ready to listen to someone else's point of view, although sometimes they are very stubborn, it is quite possible to convince them.

4th place: GEMINI

And we have an air sign again! It just so happened that Gemini is more related to easy people than to complex ones, although their character is often ambivalent. If you come across a difficult Gemini, know that he is not a typical representative of the sign, he has complexes and tensions in his birth chart.

If Gemini is harmonious and devoid of internal traumas, it is very easy and simple with him. Gemini is also very open to communication. He is always ready discover something new and collect bit by bit the news, passing it on to others. With Gemini it is often very fun and good, you can tell him about everything in the world.

Zodiac signs compatibility

Did you know that ease in interacting with a person (when communicating, arguing, working together, etc.) can be determined not just by the sign of the Zodiac, but by your relationship with him personal compatibility?

Of course, natal charts can tell a lot, but even knowing only the solar signs of people, it is already possible to draw conclusions about whether they will be easy with each other or not. Here we do not take love and partnerships, but ordinary communication or joint activities:

You may find it easy with some people and difficult with others:

If you are an ARIES: Aries are well aware of the representatives of their element, but not always! If you still somehow get along with Sagittarius, then the Lions will simply crush you with their competition. It will seem to you that Leo is very complex and does not want to give in. He is as stubborn as you are about getting a comfortable spot in the sun or showing off his skills and talents. The easiest for you will be air signs - Gemini and Aquarius.

Read also: Good luck horoscope which zodiac sign is most often lucky in love

If you are a TAURUS: Taurus will get along well with Pisces and Cancers: they are related to the Moon and Venus and will see light people for themselves in the representative of these signs much more often. If you have friends who were born under the signs of Pisces or Cancer, you will have a lot in common, such as common culinary habits or a love of gardening! Although these signs are generally not simple, you are more likely to overlook their complexity.

If you are a GEMINI: Gemini will find mutual language with almost everyone, however, it will be easiest for them to communicate with representatives of their elements - Libra and Aquarius. It is the kindred element that often makes people easy to communicate with each other. In addition, Aries can seem like a very easy person to Gemini, although it will probably be easier for Aries to communicate with Gemini than vice versa. Sometimes the stubbornness of Aries and his unwillingness to give in to something may not seem like the best qualities to Gemini.

If you are RAC: By themselves, Cancers are complex people, but they will perfectly accept their own kind - Scorpios and Pisces. At the same time, Cancers will easily communicate with Taurus, especially if they have common interests. Another sign that Cancers will find it easy to communicate with is Virgo.

Virgos have their own ideas about life and order, but Cancers will understand them perfectly. Especially when it comes to home, family and family values. If Cancer is turned on cleanliness and order, not a single Virgo will annoy him. Quite the opposite: together it will be easy for them to find common ground, which means they will understand each other well.

If you are a lion: Sometimes life is not easy for lions, especially when others do not appreciate their dignity and do not distinguish them from others. But for Libra, this will turn out quite well, because Libra is a passive sign that listens more to the opinions of others and is ready to submit to a stronger one. Probably, with Libra, it will be easiest for Leo, because no one will argue with him, but to extol and idolize is quite real.

If you are a VIRGO: Virgos prefer order and peace, like Libra, they look for balance around themselves so that everything goes according to plan. And although Libra is Virgo's closest neighbor, they have a lot in common. It will be easy for Virgo to communicate with Libra, in addition to Cancer.

If you are LIBRA: Libra will find it easy to communicate and work with Sagittarius and Leo. These two fire signs are ready to take on the role of leaders, and Libra is ready to submit and accept their point of view. Of course, Libra will always have their own ideas about life, but it is the fire of Sagittarius and Leo that can inspire them. It will be easy for them to follow the leader if they respect and appreciate him.

If you are a SCORPIO: Scorpio is the most difficult type and difficult to get along with any sign of the Zodiac. The gloomy planet Pluto, which rules the sign of Scorpio, will endow the representative of this sign with a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdifficulties. Other people will feel it and even be afraid. But still easy for Scorpio will be representatives of the sign of Aries and Gemini. With Aries, he is related by a common planet - Mars, so they will understand each other well and will be able to work together harmoniously (if they want, of course), and with Gemini, Scorpio will simply forget about their problems, will rejoice and laugh.

If you are a Sagittarius: This is the only sign of the Zodiac, about which it cannot be said that it will be difficult for him with someone. Even with their opposite sign - Gemini - Sagittarius will have good compatibility. Not for nothing, after all, we put Sagittarius in first place in our ranking of the easiest signs.

If you are a CAPRICORN: Capricorns are easy with representatives of their elements - Virgo and Taurus. Although this is a rather complex type and it is not easy for others to deal with him, representatives of his native element will be able to more easily accept all his shortcomings and difficulties.

If you are an AQUARIUS: Aquarians love friendly communication and are always surrounded by people, although sometimes this environment is a rather narrow circle. With you it is often difficult for other people because of excessive independence and the desire for freedom, but it will be easiest for you with fiery Sagittarius and Aries. It is these signs that can ignite the spark in you that you use for yourself and your ideas. Aries and Sagittarius will easily share their cheerfulness and activity with you, and you will calmly but easily accept their gifts.

If you are a PISCES: The complex sign of Pisces can feel at ease next to Taurus, as well as representatives of their element, especially Cancers. Taurus will understand well the representative of the Pisces sign, and will also easily give him the tenderness and care that he needs. And here the conversation is not even about a love affair: in friendly communication, Pisces also needs sensitivity and understanding, and Taurus will easily give it to her.

Becoming a Leo, Taurus, Scorpio or anyone else, we will inherit some qualities inherent in these signs that determine our inclinations, give the beginnings of character, but - mind you! - do not become the only component of such a complex structure as the human psyche. Let the stars give people certain qualities, but this does not mean at all that by doing so they limit us in the means and power of expressing our feelings.

While reading the article, compare your own observations with those given here, and if you find interesting coincidences or categorical discrepancies, be sure to share them in the comments: this will be useful for further research in the field of astrology.

In addition, it should be recalled that the relationships of different people are built on compatibility factors, including astrological ones, so some signs that are perceived by each other as terrible partners for relationships are in fact simply incompatible. With someone else at the same time, they can form a perfect union.


The status of the most romantic sign of the Zodiac deservedly have Cancers. Is it possible to identify such men at the top of the rankings? Like everywhere, it has its pros and cons. From their position, based on the depth of mental anguish and judging by the amount of attention shown, Cancers are the undisputed leaders in this area of ​​human relationships. However, not all so simple. It should be understood that not every woman needs precisely those signs of attention that the Cancer man pays to her, and he, with all his sensitivity, may not notice her real needs. Nevertheless, for the most part, it is Cancers who embody the very archetypal image of a romantic admirer, who is rightly called both a fan who has lost his head and the most sincere lover. And yet, keep your eyes open - make sure that the Cancer man really revels in you, and not his feelings for you.

How was your relationship with the Cancers? Have you noticed how much more romantic they are than representatives of other signs of the zodiac?


Many women will agree that representatives of this zodiac sign are one of the most ardent lovers. And yet, does that make them loving? Yes. Many women need just such a life partner: confident, strong, exuding power and magnificence. Of course, not all that glitters is gold, and many will consider Lviv to be selfish, but such men are selfish only until they meet the woman they consider worthy of themselves. If you are lucky enough to be Leo's chosen one, you will make sure that his egoism from that moment on has ceased to be a personal privilege, and now has become a way to distinguish the two of you already, as a couple that has advantages over the whole world around. If you really attracted the Leo, then he will shower you with blessings and attention, and the representatives of this sign know how to take care like a king.

Have you managed to achieve such a level of mutual sympathy with the Lions? Or do these men seem to you to be overly proud and completely devoid of a romantic streak?


The third in this ranking, but quite capable of arguing for the first place in terms of the level of romanticism, were Aquarius. In fact, in the nature of their sign there is no original romantic guide, and they orient their love vector according to what their beloved makes them feel. In other words, Aquarius men consciously adjust to you, trying to fulfill any of your wishes that they have learned about. Someone will perceive such behavior as insincere, but this is a delusion. It's just that Aquarians think first of all about your needs, and not about their own. This contrasts them with signs such as Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Taurus. Meanwhile, not every woman wants to see a male performer next to her, because some love to obey, so such “submissive” love for them can be perceived as something of no interest.

Write, did Aquarius manage to find those very threads in communication with you that would make you feel the power of their love?


Aries men not only have every reason to be in the top four, but they can even compete with other contenders for the first place. As mentioned earlier, everyone shows love in different ways, and the strategy of Aries is very similar to what Lions do: they try to present themselves from the most favorable angles, brag, show the best sides of their character. However, Aries is also very attentive to women. They are serious about your needs and wishes, although they do not elevate them to an absolute with the fanaticism that is sometimes inherent in Aquarius. For many women, Aries is an ideal loving partner because he manages to harmoniously combine best qualities many signs of the zodiac: he is strong, sensual, confident, attentive, caring. Often women speak of their Aries men as ideal, but here we must remain objective, because for all of us, a loved one looks perfect. However, everyone has flaws, and not every woman needs exactly what Aries is able to give her. It happened to hear the opinion that the representatives of this sign are unilinear in their attitude - as you can guess, the representatives of those signs that need regular emotional shake-ups - Scorpios - responded. However, this is only a special case, since for the most part both signs are perfectly compatible with each other due to mutual passion.

And what can you say about your communication with Aries? Did you manage to build the perfect union? If not, what was the obstacle? When writing a comment, do not forget to mention your zodiac sign.


Libra is very democratic in relationships. They do not demand unquestioning obedience and do not allow themselves to be controlled, advocating complete equality in the family. For many women, this option is ideal, and therefore it is fair to place Libra here, just above the middle of this very conditional rating. As you know, feminism had different degrees of its manifestation - from radical to very symbolic. In its most average expression - in the social sphere - it will just have the most fertile ground in alliance with Libra. You will never be reproached for being a woman who does not have the right to interfere in a topic that does not concern you, but they will never make concessions for reasons that you are a representative of the weaker sex. Everyone invests in the family in the same way - the main thesis that characterizes the majority of men belonging to this zodiac sign. Considering how many women lack a named one, striving to raise their partner on the same level with themselves everywhere, men, Libra look like an ideal life partner. As for romance, there will be no shortage of it. Even in the intimate sphere, this propensity of Libra for beautiful and loving deeds is projected.

Have you noticed that Libra is more romantic than other signs? Based on the 10th scale, how strong is the degree of your mutual understanding with representatives of this zodiac sign and who are you according to the horoscope?


Gemini is a sign of impermanence, and therefore reviews of their activities in the field love relationship are very different. Of course, the answer lies in astrology, which explains that contradiction is one of the main features that govern the representatives of this zodiac sign. In this regard, it is very difficult to give some kind of exhaustive description that could reflect the average behavior of Gemini men in the love sphere. It's fair to say that Gemini makes a favorable impression on women. At the same time, representatives of this zodiac sign are very amorous, so at first the relationship looks like a meeting of two halves, inspired by mutual feelings. However, the Gemini are windy and fickle, and therefore they have a lot of broken hearts on their account - and broken ones not out of malice, but only because of their own inability to prevail over the aspirations of the unbridled element of the wind. Geminis are almost impossible to force into seriousness, but this very boyish lightness so fascinates many women. Being close to the men of this zodiac sign, it is very easy to experience romantic euphoria and love of life.

Did you manage to get along with the spontaneity of Gemini? What steps did you take to reach an understanding?


Pisces men are very reminiscent of Gemini in their inconsistency. Their behavior is just as difficult to predict, and their actions to explain. Communicating with Pisces, you often feel like a person who has recently lost his memory, because you cannot remember what provoked the current mood of your partner. Do not strain yourself, you have nothing to do with it, because such is the property of Pisces: they are fickle and cannot explain to themselves the motives that control them. But at the same time, these men are very attractive, they have the strongest charisma. Inconstancy and internal conflicts only add spice to your relationship. Often women say that they are attracted to this male waywardness, which they interpret as a complex device. inner peace— and they are often right about it. This is not to say that Pisces are ideal partners or romantic lovers, but they have a little of everything. The ambiguity of character does not allow putting them at the top or at the very bottom of the rating - only somewhere in the middle.

It is very interesting to know your experience with Pisces. What difficulties arose? Did you manage to overcome them? Share.


Capricorns are reserved in life and demanding in love. Often these are respectable men who know exactly what they want - and such confidence attracts women. But it should be noted that many Capricorns do not try in any way to correspond to what they claim. They will tell with an authoritative air that a woman “should”, but when asked what they offer her, they will most likely answer: “Themselves”. As in the case of any other sign of the Zodiac, there are no “pure” Capricorns, because there are no reference sanguine or choleric people, but the qualities described above are inherent in most of these men. It is fair to accuse Capricorns of selfishness, because of which it is very difficult for men born under this zodiac sign to fall in love with someone without making an effort. Nevertheless, confidence often comes into their hands, and many women think: "If he behaves this way, then he probably has the right to do so." It is not so difficult to get used to the quirks of Capricorns, but in everyday life and family life they are quite adequate people who, after setting priorities, responsibilities and family statuses, do not cause problems for partners.

Write about your impressions of the relationship with Capricorns. Have you managed to build a strong alliance?


Taurus do not give the impression of skillful lovers and do not have incredible natural charm. Their main weapon is perseverance, and if fate so happened that you became the object of Taurus's attention, then be sure that he will make a lot of efforts to win your favor. He can be a very inventive boyfriend, if circumstances so require, or he will prefer to follow the classic line of behavior in amorous affairs. But stay vigilant: for all their virtues, Taurus are terrible egoists. For them, a woman is a means of satisfying needs, and this consumer attitude representatives of this zodiac sign in the blood. When entering into a relationship with Taurus, you can become something of a thing to use as the need arises if you do not indicate your role in your union in time. Most Taurus have a dulled natural sensitivity, and therefore it is difficult for them to become good suitors.

Are there any among you who managed to build a long and happy relationship with a Taurus? Can you call your partner romantic?


Scorpions - complex sign. He is not controversial, like Gemini or Pisces, but astrologers always have difficulty when they try to speak out about him. The fact is that in the psychology of such people, really multi-level and intricate processes take place, because of which Scorpios often do not what they say, or say not what they then do. In this regard, one cannot judge Scorpios by their actions, and relationships completely turn into a boiling cauldron, where rage and passion boil in equal measure. Scorpio is a wonderful seducer, and his charm alone would be enough to get the first place in this rating, but objectivity should be maintained, since the intention to build a relationship with Scorpio is not a spiritual urge, but a real temptation, and those who are subjected to it, known to risk dooming their lives to suffering. It is difficult to get along with the requests of Scorpios, and if you are not ready to shoulder a heavy burden, beware of the men of this sign: they will love you, but in a very peculiar way.

And how difficult was your path of rapprochement with Scorpio?


Sagittarians give the impression of very romantic natures, and, in principle, this is true. Only their romance is short-lived. They want to love everyone and always, which is why they are known as the most unfaithful husbands. Relationships with representatives of this zodiac sign can bring a lot of disappointment, and think thrice before saying yes to him. This does not mean that it is impossible to create a strong alliance with Sagittarius, but this initiative will require very great efforts both on your part and strong-willed efforts from a partner who resists the temptations instilled in him at the time of birth. Sagittarius can love - purely, sincerely, even all his life, but be prepared that at one terrible moment he will have a need to pay attention to someone else. Such a property cannot characterize the representatives of this zodiac sign as the most loving men. And although such a threat remains only a possibility, within the framework of this conditional rating, Sagittarius is given the penultimate place.

Tell us in the comments about Sagittarius in your life. Perhaps you yourself have long been happily married to a representative of this zodiac sign?


It would be wrong to call Virgos unloving or emotionless people, but their sensual world is immersed somewhere very deep, which is incredibly difficult to penetrate. Too representatives of this zodiac sign are cautious and detached from others. Trying to see loving men in them, you run the risk of not noticing anything. It will take a long time to rekindle their romantic qualities in Virgo, push them to independent steps and more openness to you. Only the most attentive, capable of catching the most subtle love vibes of a woman are able to distinguish attractive partners in Virgo, who, in gratitude, will show sincere reciprocity to them.

If you managed to stimulate ardent signs of attention and active manifestations of love in Virgo men, please tell us about your experience.

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, this rating is a convention, intended only to characterize general trends - moreover, the trends are visible, so to speak, external manifestations of male attention. In no case should you proceed from these recommendations when choosing a partner, since they are the theoretical basis of astrology, which, although corrected by many years of experience, cannot be used as a guide for your relationship.

Remember that love is much higher than any obstacles, whether they are a type of temperament, a sign of the Zodiac or something else.


5 most frightening and "cold" zodiac signs. No matter how you try to appear friendly and open, there will always be people in your environment who are unwilling to meet you halfway. These signs of the zodiac will seem intimidating to you or will look aloof, "cold" and unapproachable.

5 most frightening and "cold" zodiac signs.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

The lion can be very fierce when necessary, and his ferocity is extremely intimidating. He is passionate about what he believes in and unwavering about it. Leo is confident and knows who he is.

Leo has a great sense of self, and this scares off people who are not confident in their abilities.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Knowledge can be scary, and Virgo knows it. She unintentionally makes other people feel uncomfortable. This is what can scare others away from communicating with Virgo.

In addition, Virgo can be critical of others, and this subjective judgment can also push people away from her.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio is very intense and secretive, so he won't open up to you right away. You will not be able to calculate the reaction, no matter how hard you try to do it.

He may explode with anger when you tell him a white lie, but he will be completely calm if you damage his car. With Scorpio it is better not to relax.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus is very closed, especially when he considers himself right in something. If he is sure of his opinion, he cannot be persuaded. No one can approach a Taurus when his nostrils flare with stubbornness or anger.

They're not the type to just let things go, they're the ones that hold on the wrong way until they practically explode with rage.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Since Aquarius is not a fan of emotional connections, he can appear cold and insensitive, and this scares others.

He is also very intelligent and does not have much patience for those who are not on the same level as him.However, first impressions can be deceiving, and once you get past the Aquarian psychological barrier, you'll find that he's not all that scary, on the contrary, he's kind and generous.