The symbolic meaning of the aster flower. Language and symbolism of flowers

The history of the creation of the language of flowers begins in the East, where women deprived of communication came up with the idea of ​​using flowers, attributing to them a certain symbolism. This is the official theory, however, the symbolism of flowers cannot arise on empty place. It is simply impossible to come up with a language of flowers. Of course, something is fictional and far-fetched, but basically the symbolism of flowers is collected from myths, legends and magical knowledge.
In Europe, they learned about the language of flowers in the 18th century from published notes on oriental knowledge by two authors Aubrey de la Mottray (1727) and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1763). In Russia, oriental knowledge about colors appeared with the publication in 1830 of the book of the poet D.P. Oznobishin - "Selam, or the Language of Flowers".


White color is a symbol of youth, purity, tenderness, innocence and triumph.
Red is the color of life, love, freedom, the color of blood, a symbol of anger, anarchy and revenge, the color of war and revolution.
Pink is the most versatile color. Pink flowers can be given to people of any age and gender, for any occasion.
Orange is a symbol of strength, power, pride, thrift, happiness and celebration.
Yellow is a symbol of the family hearth and marriage, prosperity and wealth, light and sun.
Green is a symbol of hope, life, tranquility and peace.
Greenish-yellow, sulphurous - hatred, envy, infidelity, willfulness.
Blue is the symbol of the family.
Light blue is the color of faith and hope.
Blue is the color of longing and fidelity.
Blue and lilac are the colors of gentle and touchy people. Flowers of such colors are not considered festive and therefore are not given for a wedding.
Violet color - Solemn, a sign of friendship, greatness, dignity and luxury.
Blue is a symbol of fidelity;
Purple is a symbol of greatness.
Purple - expresses humility
Motley - this color, like pink, is universal. Flowers of this color can be safely given for a wedding.
Black is the color of sadness and mourning.

Azalea(Azalea, Rhododendron) a delicate, elegant, refined flower and the one who received this flower as a gift, in the opinion of the giver, has these qualities. Azalea is a symbol of femininity, fragility, meekness, restraint, devotion, moderation, fidelity, passion and sadness. Azaleas are given by lovers before the necessary separation, wanting to remain faithful to each other, they do not say goodbye, but look forward to meeting. Azalea can also be given as a token of sincere love. You can give not only in a bouquet, but also live, and this indoor plant will remember you for a long time.

Acanthus(Acanthus, Branca ursina, Bear Paw, Bear Claws, Holly) inspires creativity. Ornamental, horticultural plants suitable for making fresh cut and dry bouquets, appropriate in a man's bouquet. Many creative people have been inspired by seeing this flower.

Acacia(Robinia pseudoacacia). Giving a bouquet with acacia you confess your love, hope for reciprocity, want to restore relationships and regret the lost love. The color of acacia matters, so white acacia speaks of platonic love, pink emphasizes elegance and charm, yellow speaks of departed love. If acacia flowers are blooming in a bouquet, this also speaks of secret love, chastity and loneliness.

Aconite, Wrestler (Aconitum) - According to legend, Aconite grew out of the spilled blood of the three-headed guardian of the underworld Cerberus, captured and led out of the kingdom of Hades by Hercules. Aconite is given as a sign of sympathy and friendship. This flower is suitable for men and women, for colleagues and business partners. Despite the beauty of the flower, aconite is very poisonous and you should be careful with the bouquet and possibly with the person who gave it. V Ancient Greece and Rome poisoned those sentenced to death with aconite. There is a hypothesis according to which Tamerlane was poisoned with Aconite.

alpine rose, Mountain dope (Rhododendron) - "Be careful." The shortest and highest mountain rhododendrons.

alpine star, Edelweiss (Leontopodium) - is the flower of Happiness, Love and Courage. Only sincerely loving hearts of the mountains are allowed to pick edelweiss with impunity.

Alstroemeria(Alstroemeria) - this flower is given in order to make an unobtrusive compliment, for example, to say that the person is cute, lovely. Alstroemeria is a beautiful ornamental plant that sellers often pass off as a hybrid of orchids and lilies.

amazon lily, Eucharis (Eucharis) - "Love is dangerous." The name of the flower is translated into Russian as beautiful.

Amaranth- a symbol of immortality, faith, fidelity, constancy in love.

Amaryllis(Amaryllis belladonna) means pride, impregnability, masculinity. A man who received amaryllis as a gift can count on more than just friendship. Previously, the genus Amaryllis included species that are now isolated in the genus Hippeastrum (Hippeastrum), they are usually now called amaryllis.

A pineapple(Ananas) - perfection. The person who gives a pineapple in a bouquet is an extraordinary person who understands and appreciates your relationship. The Indians used Pineapple in magical rituals and treated many diseases with it, they compared it with a beautiful girl.

Angrekum(Angraecum) - greatness.

Anemone, Anemone, "daughter of the winds" (Anemone) - emotionality, sincerity, hope, joy. The one who gives these flowers wants to try to start a relationship and hopes for reciprocity. According to legend, anemones appeared from the shed tears of Aphrodite at the site of the death of her beloved Adonis.

Anthurium(Anthurium), "Tailed flower", male happiness expresses courage and passion. Anthurium is usually given to mature men.

Pansies, Violet tricolor, Ivan da Marya (Viola tricolor) - “All my thoughts are about you”, I miss you, fun, entertainment. The shape and color of the flower resembles a little man. In French the name of this flower is Pensée and is translated as thoughts, reflections. In Russia, it was believed that pansies were not for the living, and it was not customary to plant them in the garden. In England, it was believed that if you pick these flowers on a clear day, then it will certainly rain (although rain is not uncommon there).

Aralia, "Devil's tree" (Aralia) - Giving this flower hints at intimacy. Aralia was called a devil's tree because of the tooth-like thorns that cover the stems.

arbutus, Strawberry tree (Arbutus) - "I love only you." Present in the symbols of the capital of Spain - Madrid.

Asparagus, Asparagus (Asparagus) - in the language of flowers symbolizes gullibility and innocence. Asparagus has decorative leaves, thanks to which sprigs of asparagus are added to bouquets and compositions.

Arum(Arum)- male power, eloquence. Aronnik can be presented to a good speaker. Some types of Aronnik are listed in the Red Books.

Artemisia, Wormwood, grass of witches (Artemisia) - feminine, dignity. It was believed that wormwood protects from witches and mermaids, expels all evil spirits from the house. However, magicians use the smoke of wormwood to communicate with otherworldly entities.

Aster(Aster) is a symbol of love, grace, sophistication and nostalgia. The giver of white asters thereby confesses his love and waits for confirmation of reciprocity. Asters, according to one legend, grew on the site of the Appearance of the Weeping Virgin. In folk beliefs, the smoke of burning asters drives out reptiles.

Asphodelus, Asphodelus, Asphodel (Asphodelus) - is a symbol of oblivion, death, mourning, sorrow and the afterlife. It was also believed that Asphodel could expel evil spirits from dwellings.

Basil(Ocimum basilicum) - disgust, hatred. Basil is presented as a gift, to put it mildly, to a person unpleasant to you, if for some reason you cannot speak or remain silent. Hindus believe that basil helps the dead to get into the best place after death. Basil was often used in magic and alchemy.

Balsam, Impatiens ordinary (Impatiens noli-tangere) - impatience.

Bamboo(Bambusa) - is a symbol of grace, constancy, flexibility, longevity, modesty, good breeding and friendship. Young bamboo shoots symbolize eternal youth and indomitable strength. In the East, they believe that bamboo attracts happiness and drives out evil forces. This plant will be very happy people keen on the East.

periwinkle(Vinca) - symbolizes the happiness and consent of the young spouses, excites passion. The periwinkle is also a symbol of vitality. If you put a periwinkle in a bouquet of flowers, you will achieve love. Periwinkle helps to keep love in the family, makes the marriage strong, expels evil spirits from the home.

(Tagetes) - beauty, fidelity, longevity. It was believed that marigolds ignite a love interest, passion.

Begonia(Begonia) - means "Beware!", "You can trust me with the rest, be careful", a proposal of friendship. The asteroid (943) Begonia, discovered in 1920, is named after the begonia.

Elder(Sambucus) - sympathy.

Bouquet of dry flowers- rejected love, we can't be together.

knapweed, Cornflowers (Centaurea) - “I don’t dare to express my feelings to you”, delicacy, grace, simplicity, and also - gaiety and fidelity, in some nations - hatred. It is customary to give cornflowers to young girls, preferably blondes, as a sign of sympathy. Give this flower if you want to offer just friendship for now. The name of the flower comes from the mythical Centaur Chiron, who knew the medicinal properties of all plants. In Christianity, cornflowers indicated the hiding place of the cross on which Christ was crucified.

lady's slipper(Cypripedium calceolus) - capriciousness, inconstancy. The slipper giving a lady's slipper says that you are a capricious, windy person and he accepts you like that but is full of readiness to tame. The lady's slipper is listed in the Red Books of Europe and Russia.

Verbena, pigeon grass, iron grass (Verbena) - sensitivity. Like the herb of love, verbena helps against anger, extinguishes emotions, and puts you in a cheerful frame of mind. It was believed that vervain attracts wealth and is able to fulfill any desire, for which it is enough to rub it, and was used to cleanse the home.

Heather, Heather (Calluna vulgaris) - protection, wishes come true.

birch branch(Betula) - On the one hand, the birch symbolizes sadness and death, on the other hand, the beginning of life and a talisman. Among the Slavs, birch is a symbol of light, purity, femininity, an image of Russian nature, a symbol of Russia.

hawthorn branch(Crataegus) - hope. The name comes from the Greek. κραθαιος ("strong")

pomegranate branch(Punica) - love and marriage with fertility, wealth, the grace of God, heavenly love. You can also give a flowering pomegranate tree in a pot.

pear branch(Pyrus) - beauty, sadness, eternity, strong friendship.

oak branch(Quercus). Oak is a symbol of longevity, mental and physical strength. The oak branch in ancient Greece symbolized the strength, power and nobility of the family, the bravest warriors were awarded with oak wreaths. Oak leaves symbolize friendship. The oak (Pirun tree) among the Slavs personified strength and power. Among the Gauls, the oak symbolized the axis of the world. The acorn is a Scandinavian symbol of life and immortality. Oak is present in the symbolism of the cities of Russia and Europe.

spruce branch, Christmas tree (Picea) - Hope for change.

almond branch(Amygdalus) - sweet hopes, charm, sensitivity, virginity, fertility, hope, caution. In Christianity, almonds are a symbol of the purity of the Virgin Mary and divine blessing. In China, this plant represents feminine beauty and patience.

Blossoming apple tree branch(Malus) Preference, eternal youth, fertility, peace and beauty. The Latin word malum, from which the name of the apple tree comes, means "evil". The apple tree is guarded by all the deities and lightning does not fall into it. In one version of the interpretation of the Bible, the apple tree is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Many myths and legends are associated with the fruits of this tree - apples. In general, apples symbolize immortality, salvation, strength, youth and beauty.

evergreens- eternal life, youth. Palm leaves - victory and success. branches and leaves evergreens often added to bouquets to give decorative effect.

Water lily, Water lily (Nymphaea) symbolizes eloquence, persuasiveness, sincerity, says "You must never deceive me", "Feelings in my soul are raging." They give as a sign of the seriousness of the intention to link their future fate with you.

Bindweed(Convolvulus) - beauty, pomposity. The bindweed giver invites you to spend this wonderful evening with him, nothing more.

Vine(Vitis) - a symbol of truth, abundance, wealth and fertility, fun, joy, vitality, healing and transformation. According to the words of Jesus Christ, the Bible says: “I am the Vine” (“Gospel of John”, 15:1). The vine is present in the symbolism of the countries and peoples of the East and West.

catchment(Aquilegia) - a symbol of healing from greed (greed) and quarrelsomeness, in Christianity a symbol of the holy spirit. Among different peoples, the catchment flower was associated with an angel, a dove, or an elf shoe.

Cherry, Sakura (Cerasus) symbolizes the fragility of life, death, sacrifice and at the same time this plant is a symbol of female beauty, youth and hope.

Gardenia(Gardenia jasminoides) - admiration, secret love, grace, fragility. Gardenia is suitable for creative, artistic natures. In nature, Gardenia flowers are pollinated mainly by bats.

Gaulteria, Gotieria (Gaultheria) - harmony.

Carnation(Dianthus) - charm, female love, happiness, engagement and marriage. The color of the carnation in symbolism matters, so pink means "I will never forget you"; red - admiration, sensual love, marriage, "My heart aches for you"; purple - impermanence; striped - “No !!!”, “I will not be with you”; monochrome - consent, approval, yes; white - sweet and beloved, pure love, a symbol of talent; yellow - "You are avoiding me", refusal, neglect. Carnation attracts the attention of the opposite sex, protects against negativity, stops gossip, gives energy, attracts wealth, helps in the realization of what is desired.

Heliotrope(Heliotropium) - devotion, passion, eternal love.

Dahlia(Dahlia) - whim, inconstancy, fleeting passion. Having received Dahlias as a gift, do not hope for a serious relationship.

Geranium(Geranium) - stupidity, recklessness. Know that if you were given a geranium, then most likely you are considered too frivolous. In some nations, geranium symbolizes vigor, health and strength. In Russia, it was believed that white geranium repels reptiles and evil spirits, red protects the crop.

Gerbera(Gerbera) - euphoria, flirting, optimism. The gerbera giver expresses his sincere sympathy and wishes a good mood.

Hyacinth(Hyacinthus) - purposefulness, games and sports. Blue hyacinth - consistency, integrity; purple - farewell, sadness; red and pink - game; white - "I will pray for you, beauty"; yellow - "I'm jealous." From the program "Blind" - "Get a bouquet of hyacinths to a big deception", in that case there was a blue hyacinth. According to some reports, the smell of hyacinth stimulates positive emotions, relieves stress and increases efficiency.

hibicus(Hibiscus) - means long and eternal love, fragility and beauty. In the West, Hibiscus is considered the flower of death and the culprit of family quarrels and celibacy, while in the East, they believe that hibiscus energizes lazy people and pessimists, awakens the fading feelings of couples who have long lived together.

gypsophila, Kachim (Gypsophila) - caution, shyness. In a mixed bouquet or in a composition, the meaning of Kachima is lost.

, Spazhnik (Gladiolus) - sincerity, courage. Carnal love. The name Gladiolus is translated as a sword or a small sword, in Russian it is called a sword because of the shape of the leaves similar to a sword or sword. Gladiators carried a gladiolus bulb with them, believing that it would protect them from injury.

Wisteria(Wisteria) - "Welcome", "I'm very glad to see you."

Gloxinia(Gloxinia) - love at first sight, charm.

Hydrangea(Hydrangea) - coldness, modesty, heartlessness. Hydrangea is believed to ward off illness and misfortune.

Elecampane, Devyatisil (Inula) - mutual love, strength, sacrifice, health. It was believed that elecampane attracts grooms to the house. Among the Slavs, elecampane has nine super powers and cures nine diseases, in China they talk about 99 diseases.

Decembrist, Schlumbergera (Schlumbergera) - "Reduce my suffering!". There are several signs: if a Decembrist dies - to death in this house; the flower withers in the presence of a negative person; healthy and blooms on time - there will be happiness and prosperity in the house.

Delphinium, Larkspur (Delphinium) - modesty, sadness, unpretentiousness. Pink delphinium - inconstancy. All parts of the plant are poisonous.

Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) - "Goodbye", farewell, thank you for a great time.

Oregano, Oregano (Origanum) - joy, significance. Zeus got his strength from the milk of a goat that ate oregano.

Angelica, Angelica (Angelica) - inspiration. Grass Angel.

Jasmine(Jasminum) - sensuality, femininity, grace, elegance and attractiveness, "Will you ever love me?". In India, jasmine is called "moonlight in love." Jasmine white - friendliness; yellow - modesty, timidity; red - stupidity, fun. Do not confuse with mock orange. Jasmine attracts a loved one and well-being.

Honeysuckle(Lonicera) - generosity, generosity, sweet character, "You make the world a better place."

Jonquilia, Narcissus jonquilla, jonquil (Narcissus jonquilla) - return of affection, "Let's be together again", desire, sympathy.

St. John's wort(Hypericum) - hostility. It pacifies the beast in a person, heals, brings happiness, courage, love, protection and good luck.

strawberries(Fragaria) - perfect superiority, a hint, "Pay attention: your happiness is near!". A symbol of prosperity and abundance.

goldenrod(Solidago) - success, "Appreciate any luck."

Candytuft(Iberis) - indifference, indifference.

Iris, Kasatik (Iris) - friendship, wisdom, trust, faith, hope, fearlessness, eloquence, sadness. The Japanese character for "warrior spirit" is written in the same way as Iris. Iris was often used in the symbolism of different peoples, including the Slavs.

Cactus(Family - Cactaceae) - perseverance, determination, self-sufficiency, constancy.

Calendula, marigolds (Calendula) - victory of grace, "I am subdued", jealousy, anxiety, fear, "Explain your behavior", sadness, cruelty, despair.

(Viburnum) - uncontrollable emotions, painful attachment, addiction, "I can't live without you!".

Calla- poise, "You're gorgeous"

Camellia(Camellia) - admiration, perfection. Camellia pink - "I miss you"; red - "You are a flame in my heart"; white - "You are amazing." Japanese camellia— modest superiority.

reeds(Scirpus) - obedience.

Cabbage(Brassica) - utility.

potato flowers(Solanum) - "You outshine everything!", originality. The Indians not only ate the potato, but also worshiped it, considering it to be an animated being.

Chestnut(Castanea) - independence, injustice, straightforwardness, "You need to be kinder", "Learn to love."

Cypress(Cupressus) - grief, sadness, mourning. In Christianity, Cypress is a symbol of eternal life.

Clover(Trifolium) - "I would like to know ...", expectation, fertility, housekeeping, a symbol of good luck. White clover - "Think of me." Four leaf clover - good luck and fulfillment of the desired.

Bell(Campanula) - humility, humility, constancy; talkativeness; "Why are you torturing me with whims?"

Coreopsis, Lenok, or Parisian beauty (Coreopsis) - cheerfulness, fun, optimism. “Everything will be fine!”, “The best is ahead!”.

Coriander, Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) - burning desire.

Mullein(Verbascum) - good nature.

Nettle(Urtica) - slander, hostility.

Crocus(Crocus) - fun, freshness, joy, cheerfulness, rebirth, affection. Yellow Crocus - "Are your feelings true?"; purple - "Are you sorry that you fell in love with me?".

Corn(Zea) - abundance, wealth, generosity.

Irish bells Moluccella smooth (Moluccella laevis) - good luck.

Lavender(Lavandula) - admiration, loneliness, chastity, longevity, happiness, peace of mind, money. White Lavender - fulfillment of desires, protection.

laurel(Laurus) - success, triumph, victory, triumph, glory, peace, protection, purification, secret knowledge and immortality.

Lime(Citrus aurantiifolia) - fornication, treason.

Kelp(Laminaria) - sadness.

Lily of the valley(Convallaria) - reliability, reliability.

Linen(Linum) - a family symbol, household chores, fate, stability, constancy.

Lily(Lilium). In the symbolism of lilies, color is very important, as follows: orange symbolizes hatred, disgust; white - purity, virginity, majesty, it's divine to be next to you; yellow - frivolity, lies, brightness, gratitude.
Calla lily - beauty. Lily sacred - girlish charms. Lily tiger - pride, abundance, prosperity, well-being.

Lemon(Citrus limon) - freedom, prudence.

burdock, Burdock (Arctium) - importunity and boredom.

Lobelia(Lobelia) - malice, malevolence.

Lotus(Nelumbo) - symbolizes happiness, health and long life. Lotus is given to the closest and dearest people.

Onion(Allium) - benefit, male power.

Lunaria, Lunnik (Lunaria) - wealth.

Buttercup(Ranunculus) - childishness, wealth.

Snapdragon(Antirrhinum) - deceit, condescension, strength, cunning, flattery. The one who gives these flowers fawns over you.

Lyadvenets(Lotus) - revenge.

Magnolia(Magnolia) - nobility, perseverance, perseverance, "I intend to achieve your location."

Marjoram(Origanum majorana) - soothing and comforting.

Poppy(Papaver) - eternal sleep, oblivion, imagination, reverie, youth, sociability, desire for pleasure. Red poppy - pleasure; white - consolation; yellow - wealth, success.

Raspberries(Rubus idaeus) - repentance.

Mallow(Malva) - "tormented by love."

Daisy(Bellis) - purity, innocence, fidelity, love, "I'll do anything for you."

Coltsfoot(Tussilago) - maternal love and care; proven justice.

Mimosa(Mimosa) - sensitivity, modesty, shyness, "I hide my feelings."

Myrtle(Myrtus) - love, the Jewish emblem of the wedding.

rejuvenated, Zhivuchka, Stone rose (Sempervivum) - frugality, thriftiness.

Monstera(Monstera) - purposefulness.

Moss(Department: Bryophytes - Bryophyta) - maternal love, mercy.

Mint(Mentha) - chastity. Peppermint - warm feelings.

(Narcissus) - formality, "Stay as beautiful as you are", strong feelings, unrequited love, deceived hopes, narcissism. Yellow Narcissus - attention, unrequited love, "You are my only one", "When I'm next to you, the sun always shines", "Be my knight". Pale yellow narcissus - meekness, humility, nobility, respect, unrequited love.

forget-me-not(Myosotis) - memories, true love, sincerity, constancy, fidelity.

, Capuchin (Tropaeolum) - conquest, victory in the struggle, patriotism.

Dandelion(Taraxacum) - happiness, fidelity, devotion. The person who gives a dandelion is cheerful and sociable, a little frivolous. For you, such a gift means: “Do not be sad”, “I am glad that we are together now”, “I want to stop this moment”.

Oleander(Nerium) - attention. Poisonous plant.

mistletoe(Viscum) - "Kiss me", affection, overcoming difficulties, the sacred plant of India, magic flower druids.

Orchid(Family: Orchid - Orchidaceae) - love, sophistication, beauty, Chinese symbol of childhood, intimacy. It is customary to give an orchid only to loved ones.

Holly, Holly (Ilex) - family happiness, protection, hope, deity.

Fern(Department: Ferns - Polypodiophyta) - charm, magic, grace, trust and patronage. Fern will emphasize female magic and mystery.

Parsley- fun.

Petunia(Petunia) - irritation, anger, "Your gift calms me." Having received petunias as a gift, you should reconsider your behavior.

Peony(Paeonia) - a happy wedding, happy life, compassion, shyness.

Our distant ancestors did not doubt that plants did not come into this world by chance, they have a special meaning. The ways of their appearance were shrouded in mystery, giving rise to numerous theories, including "magical" ones. One of these symbols was the aster. flower legend, appearance which served as the source of the name, ascribes to it a divine origin. So where did this beautiful plant come from?

Flower Legend: Aster from Persephone

The most beautiful description of the history of this "star" plant went to our contemporaries from the inhabitants of Ancient Greece. It was they who first recorded explaining where the aster came from. The legend about the flower says that people should thank Persephone for it.

How is the eternally young goddess of spring connected with the appearance of this plant? Persephone is the unfortunate wife of Hades, who ruled the underworld. He forcibly took her as his wife, kidnapping her mother Demeter. The gods ordered the young wife to spend at least half of her life (autumn and winter) in her husband's abode, so year after year she sank underground with the advent of cold weather.

And what about the aster? The legend of the flower claims that once at the end of August, the unfortunate goddess noticed a young man and a girl in love, who exchanged kisses, being hidden by the darkness of the night. Persephone, deprived of love and forced to soon go to Hades, sobbed in despair. The tears of the sufferer turned into star dust, falling to the ground and transforming into wonderful asters. It is not surprising that this plant has been associated with love by the Greeks since ancient times.

"Stars" found monks

Not only Persephone is "accused" of the appearance on our planet of such a miracle as an aster. The legend about the flower, which is popular in China, contains a different explanation. It all started with the journey of two Taoist priests who decided to reach the stars. The path of the monks, as one would expect, turned out to be long and difficult. They had to penetrate the juniper thickets, fall, slipping on icy paths, wander through the inhospitable forest.

Finally, the clergy climbed Mount Altai. Once at the top, they decided to rest, as their legs were torn to the blood, only tatters were left of their clothes. The monks with difficulty descended into the valley, where they saw a clear stream and a flowery meadow. And what about the legend of the flower? Astra turned out to be exactly the beautiful plant that travelers found in the valley. Noticing this miracle, they realized that there are stars not only in the sky.

The monks could not resist taking plant samples with them. They began to grow them on the monastic lands, having come up with a suitable name. Translated from Latin, the word "aster" means "star".

Aphrodite's gift

The people who once inhabited Ancient Greece were imaginative. It is not surprising that they offer another legend about the flower. Astra, as you know, is considered a symbol of the Virgo sign. People who are ruled by a romantic constellation will be interested to know why this particular plant was chosen for them.

It turns out that the ancient Greeks, who lived before our era, were actively interested in astrology, already had an idea about the constellation Virgo. It, in turn, was identified among the inhabitants of the ancient world with the goddess Aphrodite. The theory says that the tears shed over the death of a beautiful lover turned into cosmic dust. This is another legend about a flower (aster, as it turns out, has been popular for a long time) differs from the story, the heroine of which is Persephone. The dust settled on the ground, gradually transformed into a plant.

Astra in Ancient Greece

It was the first state whose inhabitants began to grow asters. Given the "divine" versions of the origin of "star" plants, there is nothing surprising in the fact that they were given a special place. The legend about the autumn aster flower, which was believed in those days, claimed that it had the ability to ward off troubles from the house, drive away evil spirits. This explains the habit of the ancient Greeks to decorate house territories with these plants.

It is interesting that asters were brought to the Crimea from Greece. Evidence that the flower was grown by the Scythians was found in Simferopol. The excavations carried out there made it possible to discover drawings in which these plants appeared. They were located on the walls of the imperial tomb. Curiously, the Scythians saw the sun in this work of nature and also considered it a divine gift.

Symbol of love

In ancient Greece, temples glorifying the powerful and beautiful Aphrodite were widespread. As mentioned above, the legend about the autumn flower (aster refers to) assures that the tears of this one turned into a plant. This explains why it was chosen as a symbol, the drawings of which were decorated with altars. Parishioners visiting the temple of Aphrodite to offer prayers also wove the plant into their hair and clothes.

Not many people know that the aster was used during divination by young Greek women. Girls who want to start a family found out thanks to magic ritual husband's name. The rite commanded to visit the garden at the height of the night, approach the flower bushes and listen carefully. It was believed that the asters would learn the name of the future bridegroom from the stars and inform the one who could hear their quiet whisper.

"Star" of the East

Not only the Greeks, but also the Chinese have been growing asters for many centuries, endowing these with a special meaning. From generation to generation, recommendations were passed on, describing how to make bouquets correctly. Favorable to this plant is the teaching of Feng Shui, which sees in it a symbol of love. According to Feng Shui, the "stars" help those who wish to activate the love sector. It should contain a bouquet.

The legend about a flower (aster for children is also a kind of symbol), passed down in China from father to son, says that these gifts of nature save from evil demons. For protection, the inhabitants of the country burned the petals, scattering the ashes around the house.

It is interesting that "star" bouquets also help spouses whose feelings have faded over the years. There is even a recipe for a special flower petal salad that Chinese women have shared with their daughters for centuries. It is believed that it is enough to feed a chilled husband with such a dish so that he regains his lost ardor. Such food is also recommended for childless couples, as it kindles sexual desire, which will lead to the appearance of babies.

European traditions

The inhabitants of Europe also had an idea of ​​​​how magical the aster (flower) is. The legends and beliefs that surrounded him had a direct impact on European traditions. With the help of this plant, one could even express secret thoughts. The donor, presenting a bouquet of "stars", could tell the recipient about admiration, friendly respect, hidden love, and even report hatred. It all depended on how the bouquet was made. Most often, asters were presented to ladies by ardent gentlemen.

However, not all the inhabitants of Europe associated with love. In the eastern part, this plant was considered as a symbol of sadness, which was associated with sadness about the ending summer.

An interesting fact is that the aster adorns the coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan, since in this country the flower symbolizes eternal life. Here it is also used to decorate houses, bringing prosperity to the family.

Myths about other colors

Of course, not only "stars" are surrounded by myths, they also have other legends and beliefs. Astra, for example, will not be able to compete in the number of origin stories with violets. One of the popular versions insists that these gifts of nature appeared thanks to Zeus. The Thunderer turned the daughter of Atlas into a violet, hiding from the enamored Apollo, but forgot to cast a spell on the girl.

Gladiolus is another record holder for the number of myths. The famous theory says that it arose on the planet as a result of a battle that took place between the Thracians and the Romans. After the victory of the Romans, many young Thracians turned out to be slaves, among them two friends. When a cruel ruler told them to fight to the death, they refused. The brave young men were slain, but the first gladioli grew from their fallen bodies.

This is how the most famous legends about the aster and other beautiful flowers look like.

Astra is one of the most ancient flowers, a miniature star that illuminates everything around it with a silvery light. Asters were brought to Europe from China, where they symbolized elegance, modesty and beauty. However, asters got their name not in China, but in Ancient Greece. Astra in translation into Russian means "star". According to legend, from the constellation Virgo, which for the Greeks was associated with the goddess of love - Aphrodite, a tear rolled down - star dust. Having flown to the ground, in those places that were touched by dust particles, unprecedented flowers grew - asters, so reminiscent of heavenly stars with their inflorescence. The Greeks believed that if you stand near the growing asters late at night, then in complete silence you can hear faint whispers - so, according to legend, the asters keep in touch with their sisters - the stars in the sky. Astra is a symbol of people born under the Virgo zodiac sign. This flower, sent to people by the gods, identifies sadness over the sky, over a lost paradise, which can no longer be reached.

The Chinese legend of the appearance of the aster is also directly related to the stellar origin of the flowers. One day two monks set out on a long journey to see a star up close. They wandered through dense forests, climbed mountain heights, made their way through glaciers and finally reached Mount Altai. At the very top, the monks realized that the stars were still far from them, as they were at the very beginning of the journey. Frustrated, they set off on their return journey. For a long time they descended the mountains without water and food, and suddenly they saw a delightful meadow in front of them. In the meadow flowed a stream with transparent and clean water and there were beautiful flowers everywhere. The wise monk said to his companion:
- We traveled so much to comprehend the beauty and mystery of the stars in the sky, and reached it on earth.

The monks took some flowers to the monastery for breeding, calling them asters.
In Hungary, the aster is called autumn rose, since this flower is able to bloom in late autumn and even early winter. Asters evoke a wide variety of emotions in people - from sadness for the departed to thoughts of eternal unfading beauty.

Astra - asterisk,
Autumn flower.
You are a harbinger of a harsh winter.
You are the last madness of autumn
Before the inevitable extinction eternal.
Her last love.
Her last rainbow you explosion.
Her impulse of deep passion-colorfulness!

Astra - star
Autumn flower.
You are a riot of marvelous colors
Before the last breath...
You are the inflorescence of all constellations
On the apricot-purple sky
Autumn aliens - colors.
Her sky-high - wonderful
Shades, tones, midtones,
driving us crazy
With your palette on canvas
wondrous nature,
Fairytale, magical!

Astra - star
Autumn flower.
Your bouquet is late, motley
Given to a woman
Autumn for happiness.
He pushes away old age -
Youth keeps!

Autumn over a shady park ... Lies down
Gold maples on the water of the pond.
The leaves are spinning... The birds have fallen silent...
Looking into the cold sky
Astra, radiant aster - star.

Astra with its straight petals
Since ancient times, it has been called a "star".
That's what you would call it yourself.
In it, the petals scattered in rays

From the core completely golden.
Twilight is approaching. Slim and sharp
In the sky of the constellations light sways.
Aster in a flowerbed, fragrant and colorful,
Watching distant sisters shine
And sends greetings to them from the earth.

(Sun. Christmas)

Astra means "star" in Greek.

An ancient legend says that the aster grew from a speck of dust that fell from a star. Already in ancient Greece, people were familiar with the constellation Virgo, which was associated with the goddess of love, Aphrodite. According to ancient Greek myth, the aster arose from cosmic dust when the Virgin looked from the sky and wept. For the ancient Greeks, the aster symbolized love.

There is a belief that if you stand among the asters at night and listen carefully, you can hear a slight whisper: these asters are having an endless conversation with their sister stars.

There is another legend of the appearance of asters on earth: two taoist monk decided to go to the stars. For a long time they walked through the prickly forest. We made our way through the thickets of juniper. We climbed the barely visible mountain paths. They glided over the snowy glaciers. Until they reached the top of the highest mountain in Altai. But, having reached the top, they saw that the stars were still high in the sky and did not get closer. Long was the way back. The monks had no food or water left, they skinned the body into blood, tore their clothes. Almost without strength, they descended from the mountains, and came to a beautiful meadow, where a clear stream flowed and wonderful flowers grew. “Look,” one of the monks said, “we have come such a hard way to see the beauty of the stars in the sky, and they, it turns out, live here on earth.” They dug up and brought some plants to the monastery and began to breed these flowers, calling them asters, which in Latin means stars.

In China, asters symbolize beauty, precision, elegance, charm and modesty.

For Hungarians, this flower is associated with autumn, which is why in Hungary the aster is called the “autumn rose”. In ancient times, people believed that if a few aster leaves were thrown into a fire, the smoke from this fire could drive out snakes.

The aster flower is a symbol of women born under the astrological sign of Virgo. Astra is a symbol of sadness. This flower was considered a gift to man from the gods, his amulet, amulet, a particle of his distant star. Therefore, the sadness symbolized by him is sadness for the lost paradise, for the impossibility of ascending into the sky.

ASTRA - in the language of flowers, a symbol of love, grace, sophistication, and also - memories. In China, aster means precision. Ancient people believed that the smell of aster leaves, when they were burned, drove out snakes. Asters were placed in the graves of French soldiers, symbolizing sorrow and memory of the dead. There is a myth according to which asters were created from cosmic dust when the Virgin looked from the sky and cried. The poet Virgil believed that the altars of the gods were often decorated with asters. There are about 600 species of asters, the most popular variety is Monte Casino. Astra (white) - in the language of flowers "I love you more than you love me!".


For you, I decided to make a selection of what these or those flowers mean.

Now you will know exactly what you wanted to say by giving these or those flowers. Yes, and you yourself will choose the right flowers as a gift.

The language of flowers only at first glance it seems simple, but it is not. In different nations, the same flower can be interpreted in different ways and sometimes have a radically opposite meaning.

Take, for example, lilies.
In ancient Rome, white lilies were considered the flowers of luxury and wealth, they were even depicted on coins.

The ancient Egyptians decorated the bodies of dead young girls with these flowers.

But in Germany there is a belief that this flower grows under the influence of some unknown force on the graves of suicides and people who died a violent death.

But the French are crazy about lilies! direct evidence is the old royal coat of arms of France. It depicted a shield and three crossed lilies, symbolizing mercy, justice and compassion. If you are presented with lilies in this country, then this will be considered a show of respect.

In France, white pansies are a symbol of death, but in England, pansies are given to women as a sign of devotion and recognition of love, they are a symbol of fidelity and purity.

So, what do flowers mean?



Azalea- a symbol of femininity, fragility, meekness, restraint, devotion; but at the same time - passions and sadness. It is customary to give Azalea before an unwanted separation. presenting an azalea, you seem to be saying: “I hope You wait for me”, “Take care of yourself for me”, “I believe You!”. When a man gives this flower, he admits that you are the one and only for him.

Acacia (blooming) - hidden love.

Aconite- beware, the mortal enemy is near.

Ambrosia - Your love is mutual.

Amarylis means pride, impregnability, masculinity. If you want to hint to a man that he is not just a friend for you, then give him amarylis.

Anemone means sincerity, directness.

Pansies- air kiss, fun, entertainment, "Miss you!".

Aster - a symbol of love, grace, sophistication, and also - memories. In China, aster means precision. Ancient people believed that the smell of aster leaves, when they were burned, drove out snakes. Asters were placed in the graves of French soldiers, symbolizing sorrow and memory of the dead. There is a myth that asters were created from cosmic dust when the Virgin looked down from the sky and wept. the poet Virgil believed that the altars of the gods were often decorated with asters.

Astra (white)- “I love you more than you love me!”, “Say that you love again”, “I can’t think of anything but you ...”.


Basil- disgust, hatred. A great reason to give this flower to someone who is unpleasant to you, but to whom for some reason you cannot say this!

Begonia- literally “Beware!”, “Not everyone likes you the way I do”, “Know: they envy you!”

Bouquet of dried flowers - rejected love. If you want to put an end to someone's overly persistent courtship, give the violator of your peace of mind such an original gift. Even if this person is not familiar with the language of flowers, a dried bouquet will make him think: “it seems that I am not very welcome ...”


knapweed- “I don’t dare to express my feelings to you”; delicacy, grace, simplicity, as well as gaiety and fidelity. As a rule, it is customary to give them to young girls as a sign of sympathy. Such a gift may mean an offer of friendship or a desire to renew an interrupted acquaintance. The donor of cornflowers should not be suspected of immodest desires. Blonde flowers.

vicar - "will you dance with me?"

Water lily (water lily) - eloquence, persuasiveness, sincerity; “You must never deceive me”, “Feelings in my soul are raging.” A water lily is given by a person who wants to convince you that he is your “half”. The donor asks to trust him and promises to be gentle and caring.

Bindweed- means beauty, "look at me", "I will decorate your life." They are often given by experienced womanizers. But the life of the bindweed is as short-lived as the feelings of the giver.


Gardenia- secret love, "You're beautiful!"
Gaulteria- harmony.

Carnation- female love, charm, passion, honor and freedom, fidelity ... The meaning of carnations in the language of flowers is different: it all depends on their color. Below is what the color means.

Carnation (white)- wish good luck and success in everything. "May all your wishes come true." You are considered a very charming, bright and positive person if you are presented with white carnations as a gift.

Carnation (yellow) - “Are you avoiding me?”, “Are you offended?”, “I want you to be more attentive.”

Carnation (red) - victory, success, leadership. It is customary to congratulate authoritative and respected people, leaders, directors with a large bouquet of red carnations. It is better for lovers to give red carnations in mixed bouquets.

Carnation (pink) - "I will never forget You", a symbol of motherly love. In the states, pink carnations are given on Mother's Day. The person who gives carnations wants to express his gratitude to you and assure you that under any circumstances you can count on his help and support.

Carnation (one color)- agreement, "YES!"
Carnation (striped)- refusal, "No!", "I will not be with you!"

Dahlia- whim, inconstancy, fleeting passion. The dahlia giver says: “I really like you, but I don’t promise anything”, “I’m not ready for serious relationship"," Why complicate things?

Geranium- stupidity, recklessness. "You are a very frivolous person", "it's time to settle down."

Hyacinth- game, curiosity, wisdom, unpredictability, achievement, sport. The range of emotions that can be expressed with the help of these flowers is quite wide - a lot depends on the shade of hyacinths. However, be sure: you will not be bored with the person who gave you hyacinths. Thanks to him, your life will become brighter.

Hyacinth (white)- constancy. “I am enchanted forever”, “Beauty, I will pray for you!”

Hyacinth (blue) - self-confidence, calmness, balance, consistency, integrity. “I know why I like you”, “I have no doubt that you suit me.”

Hyacinth (yellow)- jealousy, distrust.

Hyacinth (red or pink) - game, "I know what you want", "There are many waiting for you pleasant surprises", "Our whole life is a game..."

Hyacinth (purple)- sadness, "Forget Me!"

Gladiolus- "I'm really sincere", "Don't be afraid", "Give me a break". Gladiolus is the flower of gladiators. The giver of gladioli is a strong, reliable person who does not accept compromises.

Wisteria- "Welcome!"
Gloxinia- love at first sight.

Hydrangea- "Remember me"; modesty, sincerity, hope. In addition, coldness, indifference, callousness, heartlessness. Many peoples believe that hydrangea is able to drive away illness and misfortune.


Delphinium- modesty, unpretentiousness; "I'm ready to be your shadow", "call me". pink delphinium- inconstancy.

Sweet pea- departure, "Goodbye!", "Thank you for a great time!"


Jasmine- sensuality, femininity, elegance and attractiveness. in India, jasmine is called "moonlight in love."

Acorn- Scandinavian symbol of life and immortality.
Jonklia- desire, sympathy, return of affection, "Love me!"


Arbutus- "I love you!"
goldenrod- success.


Candytuft- indifference, indifference.

Iris- “I really appreciate your friendship”, trust, wisdom, fearlessness, faith, hope.


Cactus- perseverance, purposefulness. “Aren’t you tired of loneliness?”, “I understand you like no other”, “You and I are alike.”

Calla- worship, "You are gorgeous." If a man gives you callas, be sure that you are an extraordinary person and a real gentleman.

Camellia- admiration, perfection, gratitude. "You are an unearthly being." A very good gift for a man.

Camellia (white)- admiration, "You are amazing!"

Camellia (red) - fire, flame, "You are the flame in my heart!"

Camellia (pink) - longing for someone, "I miss you."

Clover- expectation, fertility, homeliness, "I would like to know."

Clover (white)- “Think of me”, “It is unlikely that you will find someone better than me!”

Clover (four leaf) - a symbol of good luck. If you find a four leaf clover, then make a wish and it will come true!

Irish bells - luck.

Bell- constancy, humility, humility, "I will always be with you", "Why do you torment me with whims?"

Coreopsis- cheerful always.

Crocus- joy, fun, rebirth, freshness of feelings. "You gave me unforgettable moments."


Lavender- admiration, loneliness, "I will never forget you", "No one will replace you."

Lavender (white)- fulfillment of desires, protection.
Kelp- sadness.
Linen- family symbol.

Lily (white)- purity, majesty, nobility, virginity, "It's something divine - to be next to you!"

Lily (yellow)- gratitude, extravagance, brightness, frivolity, capriciousness, lies, "I want you to notice me", "I'm not like the others."

Lily (calla) -"Gorgeous!"

Lily (orange) - curiosity, coquetry. “You are a mystery to me”, “Is your heart free?”

Lily (sacred) -girl charms.

Lily (tiger)- arrogance, pride, abundance, prosperity, well-being.

palm leaves- Victory, victory, success. Palm leaves in a mixed bouquet mean: "You are the very best, the best in everything"

Lotus- happiness, health, long life, wisdom. It is customary to give a lotus only to well-known people as a sign of kindred and friendly feelings.

Snapdragon- strength, cunning, deceit, flattery, condescension. The giver of this flower believes that you can be useful to him, he is looking for your patronage.


Magnolia- nobility, perseverance, perseverance, "You will be with me anyway", "I am your destiny."

Poppy (regular)- imagination, oblivion, eternal sleep, reverie, youth, sociability.

Poppy (red) - desire for pleasure.

Poppy (white) - consolation.

Poppy (yellow) - wealth, success.

Daisy- innocence, purity, true love, "I am happy when you are happy." The person who brings daisies deserves your reciprocity.

Coltsfoot- maternal love and care; proven justice. "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

Mimosa- sensitivity, modesty, shyness, also banality, mediocrity, "I hide my feelings", "March 8 is coming soon."

Myrtle- love, fun, joy, it is also the Jewish emblem of the wedding.

Monstera- purposefulness, sophistication, chic. "You are perfect!"

Moss -mercy, motherly love.

Mint- chastity, kindness, sincerity.


Narcissus- strong feelings, chivalry, formality, unrequited love, deceived hopes, "Stay as beautiful as you are", "The sun always shines when I'm with you."

Narcissus (white)- attention, annunciation, meekness, humility.

Narcissus (yellow)- attention, non-reciprocal love, "You are the only one", "When I am next to you, the sun always shines."

Nasturtium- conquest, victory in the struggle. The person who gave you nasturtium is sincerely happy about your success. However, most likely, he does not think about any romantic relationship with you.

forget-me-not- memories, sincere, true love, constancy, fidelity.

Marigold- cruelty, sadness, jealousy.


Dandelion- happiness, smile, joy of life, devotion, fidelity. The person who gives a dandelion is cheerful and sociable, a little frivolous. For you, such a gift means: “Do not be sad”, “I am glad that we are together now”, “I want to stop this moment”.

Oleander - attention.

orange flowers - eternal love, innocence, wedding.

Nut- stupidity.

mistletoe- “kiss me”, affection, overcoming difficulties. In general, this is a sacred plant of India, a magical flower of the Druids.

Orchid- love, tenderness, sophistication, intimacy, beauty. It is customary to give an orchid only to loved ones. The orchid is a Chinese symbol of childhood.


fern- charm, magic, grace, patronage, trust. “Life is beautiful when you are with me!”, “You are a witch.” it is better to give a fern to an extraordinary, mysterious girl. This will help you gain her trust.

petunia- irritation, anger. “You don’t hear me”, “I’m not happy with your behavior!”

peony- a happy wedding, a fun life, "I have nothing more to dream about."

snowdrop- hope, tenderness, youth. "I like your innocence." Giving snowdrops wants to emphasize your fragility and femininity.

ivy- harmonious love, affection, fidelity, friendship.
ivy (twig)- attachment, desire to please.

sunflower- pride, but also worship. “You are a miracle!”, “I have never met someone like you”, “I am proud that you are with me.”

primrose- “I can’t live without you”, “We will never part”, “Let's live together!”

primrose (evening)- Incompatibility.


Rose (white)- purity and innocence, modesty and tenderness, mystery. "I will get you", "You are an angel."

Rose (bud) - innocent heart.

Rose (bud, white) - youth, inexperience, charm, girlhood, "I'm ready to wait for you", "I don't want to lose you."

Rose (bud, red) - purity, charm, love, “It seems to me that I fell in love with you”, “I am glad that we met”, “Every day my feelings for you are getting stronger”

Rose (yellow)- happiness joy. "You are my sun". A flower that expresses the most positive emotions. According to the language of flowers, yellow roses have nothing to do with treason, jealousy or separation (although this interpretation of their symbolic meaning is very common).

Rose (red and white together) - unity, tenderness and passion. "You are the whole world for me!"

Red rose)- love, passion. "I love you", "I can't live without you", "You must be mine".

Rose (cream)- elegance, harmony, perfection, constancy. "I remember! Always!”, “You and I are the perfect couple”, “You are beyond praise!”

Rose (pink)- the highest happiness, "trust me."

Rose (wedding) - happy love, reciprocity, "We are together forever."

Rosa Grand Prix- respect, generosity, love, trust, "You deserve the best." Rose Grand Prix expresses the noblest feelings.

chamomile- youth, innocence, incredulity, romance.


Lilac- beauty, falling in love, the first excitement of love.

Lilac (white)- first love, "Let's love each other!".

Lilac (purple)- "Do you still love me?"

Lilac (pink)- love and recognition.

Lilac (purple) - "My heart Belongs to you!"


Tulip- a symbol of pure love, great happiness; glory, pride; harmony, excellent lover. The flower is the emblem of Holland.

Tulip (yellow)“Your smile is like sunshine.”

Tulip (red) - declaration of love, congratulations, "trust me", "I wish you happiness."

Tulip (variegated) C

Cyclamen- resignation, "Goodbye!"
Zinnia (red)- long-term attachment.
Zinnia (mixed)"Thinking about my missing friend."
Zinnia (scarlet)- constancy.
Zinnia (white)- kindness, generosity.
Zinnia (yellow)- "I remember you every day!"

I hope that from this article you have now learned what do your favorite flowers mean!