How is the name Timur translated in Russian. The meaning of the name Timur

One should begin to describe the meaning of the name Timur by indicating the fact that this male name originates from the Turkic tribes, and is translated as “iron”. The male name Timur in some countries has such forms as Damir, Temir, but it is the pronunciation Timur that has become widespread in Russia.

It should be noted that in our country male name Timur is well known thanks to the well-known story, which deals with the Gaidar boy Timur. It is she who explains the presence of a certain stereotypical opinion about the owner of the name Timur. To expand the horizons of our readers, it should be noted that in the countries of the East, a variation of the name Timur - Teimur is widely popular, and one of the most striking, legendary bearers of this strong name was Tamerlane.

Despite the fact that the very nature of Tamerlane is rather contradictory, hardly anyone is able to deny this truly legendary warrior, as well as the organizer, the presence of courage, subtlety of mind, farsightedness and artistic vein. Continuing to reveal the meaning of the name Timur, it should be noted that Tamerlane was distinguished by unbridled energy, as well as a highly developed sense of ambition. It is these character traits that are inherent in the bulk of the Timurs.

Characteristics of Timur

Despite the fact that a man named Timur, distinguished by the presence of a solid sound, this person is most often complaisant and kind, and in childhood the boy does not cause any problems to his parents at all. Usually a man named Timur has paternal external data, while the main character traits are characterized by a maternal line.

Continuing to describe the meaning of the name Timur, it should be noted that such a man is distinguished by the presence of a strong will to achieve his goals, as well as excellent organization. The man, named Timurka, loves sports, studies well, which is explained by his excellent memory and ingenuity. A large number of men, called Timurchiks, love to play chess throughout their lives, i.e. in a fairly high-intellectual game.

In general, the name Timur, the meaning of the name and the fate of which is described, is quite difficult to find mutual language with strangers, however, for his own friends, this man is cheerful, cheerful and sociable. The man, named Timurka, has the ability to establish contacts with people, conflict situations avoids, i.e. in everything strive to remain a decent, patient, generous nature, avoiding complaining about his own fate.

Features of the character of the boy Timur

Among other things, the man named Timurchik is distinguished by the presence of simply explosive character traits that are embedded directly in his name. Such a person has the assertive nature of a born leader with high endurance and a penchant for adventure. Also, a man named Timur is a pragmatic person who avoids empty wandering in the clouds, however, he is distinguished by a good sense of imagination.

The man Timur, the meaning of the name whose character is being considered, is characterized by an excellent memory, sometimes turns into a real encyclopedia on two legs - i.e. like a sponge absorbs any fresh knowledge, assimilates more and more different information. The man, named Timurchik, also has a prudent, reasonable character trait.

It should be noted that nature itself endowed a man named Timur with versatile talents, in other words, he is able to write poetry, take part in various shows and games that require excellent intellectual abilities. It may be quite difficult to get along with strangers, but he is able to be the real soul of his company, close to him.

The timing of the birth of a child has a great influence on the character. So, a man named Timur, who was born in winter, is a prudent, stubborn and vulnerable nature at the same time, while a spring personality is quite decisive, with great difficulty converging with other people. A man named Timur, who was born in the summer, is a prudent, cautious, and autumn well-organized guy, who has all the time scheduled by the minute.

Timurchik's childhood

In this section, the meaning of the name Timur for a boy will be disclosed in as much detail as possible for future parents who want to call their own “child” that way. Little Timurchik is characterized by extraordinary energy, as well as early-born ambition. As a child, Timurchik should be defined by his parents in various sections for physical development, since he is distinguished by the presence of extraordinary strength and aspirations.

This is necessary to prevent a waste of concentration for the successful study of the school curriculum. Since little Timurchik is already longing for some great achievements, it is not worth subjecting him to excessive criticism. It should be noted that the name Timur, the meaning of the name for the child, suggests that he has a purposeful, tough character, while prudence, combined with excessive prudence, prevents the simple establishment of new contacts and connections.

For this reason, such sports, where the effort of the whole team is required, are simply necessary for Timurchik, they will help the boy get along with the team and show his own qualities, such as friendliness, loyalty. At the same time, due to the presence of strong intellectual abilities, as well as high curiosity, Timur will have the opportunity to fully reveal his talents in various sections, circles that are dedicated to various scientific fields.

The influence of the name on the development of Timur

At the same time, modesty, given by nature itself, will not allow his excessive arrogance or self-confidence to improve. As a teenager, Timurchik will become an example for everyone to follow, since the main features of his character are admired by many. He is distinguished by the presence of such traits as patience, generosity, nobility and high intellectual knowledge.

Nevertheless, the mystery of the name Timur gives its bearer the burden of searching for the real truth, the truth, the right, right path. For this reason, Timurchik sometimes turns into a gloomy nature, since he clearly observes the contradiction between the real world and "true life." The presence of Timurchik's ability to easily captivate other people with him gives him the status of the leader of the entire company.

At the same time, if a young man does not feel trusting feelings for his friends, he will not become too open and flaunt his own positive character traits. However, there will be a mountain behind time-tested comrades, even if they make mistakes. True, being one on one, Timurchik will point out to his friend his delusions.

Timur's love affairs

After the meaning of the name Timur for the boy and his fate was given, we should talk about the attitude of such a man to love. A man named Timur is a fairly consistent, firm personality, but his "heart muscle" is rather vulnerable and sensitive. For this reason, love for a man named Timur is not a mere formality or a method to satisfy his own physical needs.

Taking into account the rather high sense of morality of a man named Timur, as well as his desire to find the ideal woman, then for him love relationship- a serious step, where there should be no deceit, betrayal, and betrayal. The feelings of a man named Timurchik are stable, deep, however, he is not always able to tell his partner about them. In addition, the mystery of the name Timur and its meaning suggests his late marriage.

A man named Timurchik, due to a thorough search for his chosen one, as well as the duration of such a search, most often experiences happiness in the process. family life. When choosing a partner, he prefers her inner character traits, however, he also pays attention to the charisma, charm and external data of the partner.

Timurchik's career

Since Timur, whose name, whose origin is considered, simply loves the process of communication, then when choosing a career, he must be guided by this feature. A man named Timur should work where it is possible to communicate with people. At the same time, this profession should be associated with creativity, in other words, a man named Timurchik is suitable to be a journalist, director, or a public figure.

A man named Timurchik can be an excellent host of various events, an athlete coach or a manager of a hotel or restaurant complex. A man named Timur, the meaning of the name character and fate is considered, in order to achieve financial or career growth, he will have to make some efforts. True, the path to achieving such goals will turn out to be long and problematic; Timurka will be forced to work with great perseverance and zeal.

At the same time, envious people, competitors, ill-wishers can prevent you from achieving your goals. Nevertheless, after overcoming all the obstacles, Timurka will climb to the very top of success. A man named Timur as a leader is quite thoughtful, understanding and loyal, respected and has an impeccable reputation. For this reason, the name Timur, the origin and meaning of which was discussed in this article, should be given by parents to their child with some caution.

The name Timur, based on the science of names - anthroponymy, carries a certain secret, which is embodied in a set of sounds with a unique emotional coloring. In our article we will talk about the meaning of this name, as well as the nature and fate of its owner.

What does it mean and where does it come from

The name Timur is of Mongolian origin and means "iron" in translation. The main interpretation of the meaning of this name is the possession of the boy named by him with such character traits as prudence, perseverance and success in professional activities.

IN Arab countries there is a variation of this name - Teimur. The forms of this name are Damir, Timer, Demir. In the Caucasus, it was transformed into Teimuraz.

Day Angel

The name Timur is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox saints, so he does not celebrate the name day according to the Orthodox calendar.

Diminutive forms

The name Timur has the following diminutive forms: Timurchik, Timurka, Tim, Tim, Timochka, Timushka, Timusha, Timul.

In accordance with how close and familiar people will call the guy, a certain imprint may be deposited on his character.

When referring to him "Tim", he will be energetic and creative, "Timochka" will be inclined to philosophy and insight, for "Tima" justice and concern for others will be inherent.

Character, temperament and behavior

Outwardly, the boy looks more like his father, but his character is maternal. As a child, he is distinguished by obedience and does not cause much trouble for mom and dad. He recognizes unquestioning authority in parents, does not dispute their words and decisions.

This is a man of strict moral principles, incapable of betrayal and deceit. He has a strong will, is able to withstand any difficulties on the way to the goal. He is very hardy, able to withstand heavy loads, a lover of outdoor activities.

He is distinguished by quick wit and resourcefulness, as well as the ability to navigate and resolve any situation that requires an analytical approach.

Also, this name is characterized by such a characteristic as a quick-tempered character. Timur can quickly get angry, but just as quickly he is able to calm down.

He is quite pragmatic and knows exactly what he wants. He does not like monotony and monotony in life, he always finds how to paint it with bright colors.
In dealing with other people, he shows kindness and responsiveness, indulgent to other people's mistakes. The owner of this name has a very developed help to people who are weaker than him. He never criticizes other people's weaknesses and mistakes.

He will never leave the elderly without support and will always find time to communicate with them.

The interpretation of the character of the owner of the name Timur also depends on the time of his birth:

  • winter have a stubborn character, but at the same time they are very vulnerable;
  • spring ones do not easily converge with people;
  • summer is characterized by prudence and caution;
  • in autumn, self-organization is well developed.

Study, hobby and profession

Education at school is usually successful, teachers praise him and set an example for other children.
He is interested in learning, but he does not accept school material, pesters the teacher with tricky questions. It is not easy to convince him of anything, he has his own opinion on everything.

In companies with other children, he becomes a leader, he has many friends. The boy has a well-developed fantasy, he often captivates with interesting stories.

Important! Parents should encourage the writing talent of little Timur, he can succeed in this field.

In his youth, he prefers sports games and swimming. He is good at weightlifting. Among his hobbies, checkers and chess can also be distinguished, which are often his hobbies in adulthood.

He needs a profession related to communication with people, it is desirable that she be creative. He can become a good director, journalist, public relations specialist.

He will also be able to achieve success as a coach, manager. When working in a leadership position, he enjoys respect, loyalty to his subordinates is inherent in him.


At the age of a small child, he is prone to frequent colds, parents should protect him from infectious diseases. Also likely to be prone to.

Over time, with proper care, the soreness will go away, giving way to good health. The only thing to watch out for is injury and injury.

Family and love relationships

In his youth, he is picky, chooses a bride for a long time, often starts romances with different women. Relatives and friends often rush him with the decision to marry, but this is not worth doing, he marries only when he considers it necessary.

In a relationship with this man, there is no betrayal, deception and betrayal. He has deep feelings for his chosen one, appreciates more inner world than external data, but appreciates charm and charisma.

In his wife he wants to see intellectual development, high morality. He also appreciates humility and devotion, and will patronize his chosen one.

Intimate life with him is filled with passion, but sometimes he lacks sensuality, he focuses too much on his pleasure. This man marries after several years of living together with his future wife.

In the role of a family man, he is ideal, does not tolerate squabbles and violent showdowns, tries to resolve all conflicts peacefully.

Did you know? The most famous bearer of the name Timur- The Mongol commander Tamerlane was fond of playing shatranj, which is the forerunner of chess.

He brings up children well, he is a strict father, but at the same time he does not limit some freedom of their actions and respects their opinion.

Did you know? Arkady Gaidar's book "Timur and his team" played an important role in popularizing this name among the population.

Good compatibility with Olga, Tatyana, Anastasia. Poor compatibility with, and Julia.

Astrological characteristics

The mystery of the name Timur is also associated with his astrological characteristics:

  • Ruler Planet: Mars.
  • Zodiac sign: Aries.
  • Spirit animal: python.
  • Lucky day: Monday.
  • Lucky number: 2.
  • Favorable season: autumn.
  • Totem plants: black tulip, elm.
  • Lucky color: green.
  • Talisman stone: jade.

Name in history: famous and famous people

Naming a child, parents largely determine his fate. Based on the characteristics and meaning of the name Timur, parents can safely call their boy his name - it not only sounds courageous, but also gives its owner positive traits character.

Full name: Timur

Similar names: Timer, Demir, Temir, Taimuraz, Teimuraz

Church name: -

Meaning: iron

Middle name: Timurovich, Timurovna

The meaning of the name Timur - interpretation

The male name Timur is of Turkic-Mongolian origin. Its meaning is "iron". Researchers associate him with a famous historical figure - the commander Tamerlane, who is the founder of the Khan dynasty of the Golden Horde. This name was honored on a par with the royal. They were called each representative of the strong half, who appeared in the khan's family. There is another version of the origin of this name. It speaks of Ossetian origins. Here the meaning is interpreted as "iron Alan".

The name Timur today is multinational. This is what Tatars, Yakuts, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Russians, and Ukrainians call boys. In Russia, this name has become especially widespread thanks to A. Gaidar's story "Timur and his team." The talisman of people with this name is obsidian stone, which is of volcanic origin. Favorable colors are brown, steel, green.

Name Timur in other languages

Astrology named after Timur

Favorable day: Monday

Years later

Timur in childhood is a temperamental and very energetic kid. It's hard to steer him in the right direction. Improper upbringing negatively affects studies and subsequent careers. From an early age, the boy developed such qualities: ambition, narcissism. The child does not take criticism well. He has a strong character, is distinguished by purposefulness, perseverance. The kid is judicious and prudent beyond his years. It is difficult for him to meet new children. Outwardly, the baby seems closed. Having become acquainted, he becomes active. Willingly participates in games and fun.

Timur has a good disposition. Respects adults. Shows concern and curiosity. Knows how to have fun. Thanks to a good memory, he successfully masters most of the school disciplines. Able to become one of the best students. At home, the boy is attentive, calm, not talkative. He has a developed imagination and a natural inquisitive mind.

IN adolescence Timur is distinguished by nobility and diplomacy. He is patient and intelligent. The people around are captivated by the openness and generosity of the guy. Due to circumstances, the young man becomes closed, irritable. Timur is prone to romanticism and daydreaming. The teenager has a positive attitude to travel, often takes part in adventures. This allows you to test the strength and willpower. Strong emotions make a guy feel alive and whole.

In the company of friends, Timur tries to take a leadership position. He is able to easily captivate interlocutors with an intellectual conversation, cheer with a witty remark. It is still difficult for him to meet new people. Values ​​trust in relationships. Matured Timur strives for financial independence. Treats money as a tool to meet the needs of everyday life. As a friend, the guy is responsive and loyal. Easily forgives mistakes. Helps correct mistakes.

Adult Timur stops dreaming. His character reveals notes of a pragmatist, a realist, a skeptic. He is established as a leader. He treats himself as an extraordinary and unique person. Family, career, social circle for a man is a beautiful screen. He has an announcer's habits. The blows of fate endure painfully. Likes flattery and praise. Has a kind, outgoing, generous character. Knows how to prioritize. Does not complain about fate. He tries to overcome natural laziness by giving 100% at work.

Maturity relieves the character of Timur from excessive melancholy about the discrepancy between the real and the ideal world. Due to the loss of daydreaming, Timur becomes tougher and more realistic. He has a soil, he strives to rationally approach the solution of issues, and thanks to kindness, generosity and sincerity, generosity and fidelity, decency and organization, he can be considered an ideal manager. In addition, he is not used to throwing responsibility on others, so he works hard to create pleasant living conditions for himself.

Timur's character

The energy of the name Timur is very strong, a man with this name is morally stable and physically hardy, courageous, decisive and unshakable. Timur always brings what he started to the end, he is not afraid of any difficulties on the way, or the opinions of others. Hard, strong-willed Timur from the outside seems too closed and harsh. Gentleness and kindness are really not inherent in him, but Timur is quite tolerant of the shortcomings of the people around him.

Timur is an unambiguous leader in any company, he can always find something to captivate his many friends, he always loves to tell them incredibly interesting stories and even Interesting Facts. But the rest always listen with admiration to the stories of Timur.

In the event of life troubles and problems, Timur is prone to irritability and incontinence. Performs impulsive and rash acts. Shows protest and aggression. Unscrupulous in connections. Participates in dangerous activities. Various features are presented unevenly in the process of socialization of the child.

IN different years of a person's life, then one quality, then another quality will manifest itself brighter than others. With the right approach, it is easy to enhance the positive traits so that with their help to achieve great success. The development that character undergoes and the result have great importance, Timur will be able to reveal his strengths and focus on them, and it will be easier for loved ones to understand him and help.

The fate of Timur

The fate of a person with this name is successful. He is loved in the family, respected at work. Has many friends. His personal qualities have others. Strong will, firmness of decisions help to move forward towards the cherished goal. He tries to instill these traits in his own children. Life makes tough demands on a man. But he under any circumstances remains an example to follow.

Timur has an explosive temper. He is assertive and hardy, prone to adventure and leadership. By the way of thinking, Timur is a pragmatist. Empty dreams are not characteristic of him. A man from childhood has a unique gift of imagination. Together with an excellent memory, this allows him to become a walking encyclopedia of knowledge. Discretion and prudence promise success in business. A creative streak makes it possible to write poetry. A cheerful and perky character allows you to become the soul of the company, but only for your own. With strangers, he remains cautious and cold.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Strong and strong-willed Timur chooses a military career as a professional field. He suits coaching. When choosing an occupation, preference is given to the area where you can achieve great success, gain respect and recognition. Able to hold leadership positions - bank manager, hotel director.

A good imagination allows you to engage in creativity - acting, music, directing. The positive qualities of a born leader guarantee success in business. Money is easy to deal with. He doesn't squander, but he doesn't save either. Purchases carefully planned. It is important to satisfy domestic needs. The woman manages the family budget.

Marriage and family

Timur marries at a conscious age. Doesn't accept divorce. The initiator of a break in relations becomes only in case of infidelity on the part of a woman. The ideal wife for Timur is a beautiful, neat, patient, forgiving girl, inclined to make a homely nest. In a marriage with this man, the wife should be the leader (does not apply to bed). In return, she will receive a sensitive, gentle, loving and respectful spouse.

In family life, Timur appreciates measuredness and friendship. It is easy to get along under the same roof with parents. Adapts to limited budget. He loves children, but brings up in severity. When making strategically important decisions, he tries to take into account the opinion of each family member.

Sex and love

Timur is endowed with natural charm and charisma. He is very popular with the opposite sex. But women are afraid. Takes sex seriously. Intimate relationships for him are not a way to satisfy men's natural needs. It is hard to get along with girls, being afraid to be disappointed. He experiences separation, carrying a grudge in himself. The man is jealous. Suspecting the chosen one of infidelity, breaks off relations. Not prone to scandals and scenes. He prefers to leave silently, stopping any communication.

In sex, a man named Timur is passionate and impulsive. Likes to take a leadership position. Pleases the chosen one. He understands her desires well. Able to quickly bring to discharge. He is not a womanizer. Disdain. He has sex with a permanent girlfriend or with his wife.


A person with this name has good health. In infancy and younger school classes prone to colds and infectious diseases. To reduce the number of such, parents need to temper the child. The figure of Timur is underdeveloped physically. Sports sections - martial arts, swimming and others will help to correct the situation.

Timur loves, first of all, his freedom, loves travel and adventure. She prefers to read fantasy and detective stories from books. Timur is the enemy of monotony, he feels the need to constantly update his emotions and feelings. The owner of the name Timur is a little sentimental and romantic; emotions and feelings are important in his life. Even in the emotional sphere, he does not like coercion, he will be jealous. He has a sense of ownership.

Interests and hobbies

Timur grows fidgety, he is as mobile as mercury. At school and institute, he tries all kinds of sports, succumbs to all hobbies and temptations. In any team, he will quickly become a leader and just as quickly change his occupation. Never looks back at the past and lives only in the future. Timur is kind, tolerant, has a good memory and a developed imagination, and is quite pragmatic.

Professional field of activity: medicine, painting, programming, big sports, politics, military affairs. Good driver. Born in the summer, Timur is stubborn, touchy, prudent, weighing his every act. Marries late, but successfully. Born in winter, Timur is more prudent, reasonable and stubborn. It is hard to experience failure. Born in the spring, Timur is sensitive, somewhat indecisive, reserved, and does not easily get along with people.

Although this male name sounds firm, its owners are complaisant, kind-hearted and gentle. Tolerance, gentleness, vulnerability - this is the meaning of the name Timur. Strength and authority are also inherent in him. Self-confident Tim does not tolerate conflicts. Requires a respectful attitude, laconic and stubborn. Luck accompanies Tim in life, so he often decides to take risky steps.

Similar to his father, but with the character of his mother - this is the meaning of the name Timur for a boy. Doesn't give parents any trouble. He studies well at school, brings good success in sports. Thanks to his good memory and developed imagination, he plays logic games well and can compose poetry. Football and swimming are my favorite hobbies.

Obedient, serious, courageous - this is the meaning of the name Timur for a child. Purposefulness and rare ingenuity make Timka popular among his peers. With enthusiasm, he will tell fictional stories to his friends and will be at the peak of popularity among girls. However, indecision can make Tima feel embarrassed in unfamiliar companies.

Growing up, Tim becomes a serious and pragmatic man. Ready to constantly learn something new, explore distant countries. Strives to occupy a high position in society, can go against circumstances. Judging by the interpretation of the name, it is easy to make new friends. In communication, he is delicate, does not like to spoil relations. Attaches great importance to quarrels.


Sensitive and affectionate, Tim does not like fleeting romances. This means that flings are not for him. Prefers smart and beautiful ladies. Can't stand stupid women. Not only the appearance is important to him, but also the inner content of the partner. Enjoys great attention from the fair sex. The value of sex in life is great for him. Feels the mood of the partner and is ready to adapt to her.

A woman for Tima is his property. Jealous, protects his soul mate, like the apple of his eye. Attaches great importance to parting. Disappointed in love, can become depressed. He will give his heart to a worthy girl and can live a long and happy life with her.


Tim marries quite late. It can choose a life partner for a long time, but, having registered a marriage, it will become devoted and loving husband. He loves children, brings them up with all the severity inherent in him. However, he respects their opinion and always listens to advice. Doesn't tolerate cheating. This means that having convicted the spouse of infidelity, he will leave without listening to explanations. He does not like scenes and conflicts, if he leaves his family, he will not return.

Tima's wife will thank God all her life for the happiness that has fallen. He sincerely loves his family, always helps in household chores, calms and looks after the children. Novels on the side does not start. It is extremely rare that a fleeting connection can happen, but it will be a long time to regret it. Marriage with him will be happy, because Tim is patient, economic, caring. He treats the elderly with due respect, is ready to listen and help.

A successful marriage will be with Galina, Bella, Anna, Leila, Daria, Medea, Edita, Medina, Dina, Aida, Gella, Leila. Relationships may not work out with Arina, Emma, ​​Irina, Svetlana, Zemfira, Iraida, Albina, Zarema.

Business and career

If he makes great efforts, he will be able to achieve financial well-being, and therefore amass a solid fortune. However, the path to the top is thorny. Enemies and competitors will try to unsettle Tim. Having passed all the trials and obstacles, he emerges victorious from any situations.

As a leader, he shows himself to be understanding and involved. Among colleagues he has an excellent reputation, an attentive listener, a pleasant conversationalist. He will achieve successful results in any situation if he wisely spends his talent and takes advantage of opportunities. The value of one's own interests is higher than that of others.

He will make an excellent career in law, political and financial sphere, restaurant business, entrepreneurship, construction, trade, art and creative professions. Wherever organizer's abilities, communication skills, orator's talents are needed, Timur will find his calling.

Can become an excellent engineer, artist, doctor, soldier, writer, programmer or trainer.

origin of the name Timur

The history of the origin of the name Timur begins in ancient Mongolia. From the Turkic language it is translated as "iron", that's where the name came from. This word served as a prefix to the nicknames of the khans of the Golden Horde. It was worn by the famous Tatar commander, whose name was Timur Leng (Tamerlane). They called him in a different way - Iron Lame. The etymology and mystery of the name is not so famous, compared to others.

Characteristics of the name Timur

The characteristic of the name Timur is a born leader. Organization and efficiency are combined with innate charisma and the ability to lead people. Angry violently. But as a rule, the outburst of anger passes quickly. He is confident in his abilities, strives to manage and rule. Does not tolerate illogicality, slovenliness, stupidity, anger in others. Likes to communicate with erudite, well-read people.

The character is assertive and energetic. If you direct Tima's energy in a peaceful direction, he is able to turn into a disciplined and successful person in everything. Compliance and good disposition are the hallmarks of Tima. She loves to be in nature and travel to new countries. Hardy, can be carried away by sports associated with the use of force.

Timka's advantages are quick wits, resourcefulness, analytical warehouse mind. He treats animals well, strives to become successful and acquire financial well-being. Thanks to pronounced leadership traits, he becomes popular in any company. Witty, athletic, ambitious.

The disadvantages include irascibility and incontinence. The propensity for adventures and rash acts is also inherent in Tim. Intolerance to insults, excessive aggressiveness negatively affects the character. He attaches great importance to his own achievements.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone - Nephrite.
  • Name day is not an Orthodox name, therefore Timur does not celebrate name day. When baptized, it is necessary to choose a consonant Orthodox name.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Aries.

Famous people

  • Timur Rodriguez (Kerimov) - showman, singer, TV and radio host, actor, presenter, member of the Comedy Club.
  • Timur Batrutdinov - TV presenter, actor.
  • Timur Solovyov - journalist, TV presenter.

Different languages

The translation of the name Timur in English looks like this - Timur, and is pronounced the same as in Russian. Timur - that's how it translates into Spanish, German, Polish. In Chinese, the inscription is 提莫. The meaning in Japanese is ティムル.

Name Forms

  • Full name - Timur.
  • Derivatives, diminutives, abbreviated and other options - Timurka, Mura, Mur, Timka, Tim, Timurchik, Timochka, Murka, Timurchik, Timusya, Tim, Timulya.
  • The declension of the name is Timur (genus, vin. p.), Timur (dat. p.), Timur (creative p.), Timur (propositional p.).
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Timothy, Tryphon.

The male name Timur is of ancient Turkic origin and means "iron". It is known in different forms, for example, Temir and Damir, but on the territory of our country it spread precisely in the sound of Timur. This name is familiar to many in Russia from the well-known story about the Gaidar boy Timur. Actually, she determined a certain stereotype of perception of its owners.

Characteristics of the name Timur

In fact, the owners of the name Timur rarely become real leaders. Usually this is a strong and even domineering person, quite pragmatic, often laconic and stubborn, always remaining with his own opinion. In childhood, Timur is an inconspicuous, obedient, but brave and serious boy. He demands a respectful attitude towards himself, does not tolerate conflicts, likes to be smarter and more correct than other children. Adult Timur is a more self-confident, pragmatic and tolerant man. He is almost always lucky in life, largely because he easily decides on important steps and constantly increases his knowledge. Some Timurs can aspire to an important position in society, reaching incredible and sometimes thoughtless stubbornness, while some, on the contrary, give the impression of being soft and indecisive. In communication, the owners of this name show great delicacy, prefer not to spoil relations with people who may be useful to them in life. Therefore, they usually have many friends and acquaintances.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Timur is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Capricorn, that is, from December 22 to January 20. This sign will give Timur the character of a real working bee: prudent, economical, disciplined and striving for success. The owner of this name, under the influence of Capricorn, will be able to fully reveal the qualities inherent in a business person, which will play an important role in his life.

Pros and cons of the name Timur

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name Timur? In general, it has many positive aspects, for example, it sounds strong and beautiful, goes well and habitually with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several euphonious abbreviations and reductions, such as Tima, Timurchik, Timurka, Timchik. The character of most of the owners of this name is also distinguished by many qualities suitable for modern life, so parents will most likely not lose if they choose this name for their son.


That's just Timur's health, especially at a young age, can cause problems for his parents. For unknown reasons, this boy is incredibly easy to pick up all sorts of infections and colds, so it is best to harden him, encourage sports, such as swimming.

Love and family relationships

TO family relations Timur usually walks for a long time, experiencing many love experiences at a young age. Parents should not push the owner of this name to marry soon, even if it seems to them that he is already ready for such a serious step. The marriage that Timur concludes in adulthood, as a rule, is happier, since he can already show stability in feelings, patience and thriftiness.

Professional area

As for the profession, Timur is suitable for activities that require communication with people, organization of work or a creative approach. For example, he will make an excellent director, screenwriter, organizer of mass events, press secretary, coach, manager, journalist, bar or hotel manager.

name day

Timur does not celebrate his name day, since this name is not in church calendars.