Sumerian drawings of aliens. Aliens and Sumerians: was there contact?

The author writes: The Sumerian ruler (king) Gudea two thousand years earlier depicted on clay tablets: “A shining (metal robe) man appeared in front of me, judging by the amazing helmet on his head, he was a god. He stood next to his divine miracle bird (black) who wore it..." The text further says that the man-god ordered Gudea to immediately start building a structure where the miracle bird would be located; after the work is completed, the gods themselves will protect it.

The Sumerians called these “black birds” My. The ruler of the Sumerian city Palash made the following entry about them: “My, flying into the sky like lightning, is like a huge bonfire.” In the Sumerian language, the word "mu" is translated as "rising straight up."

Not only Sumerian, but also Hittite images on tablets show rocket-shaped spacecraft both on launch platforms and flying against a background of stars and emitting rays of light. These images were well known in the Middle East at that time, and they were also carved on the large seals of the rulers of Crete. During excavations in ancient Canaan, near Jerusalem, seven tablets were discovered depicting an object very similar to a large rocket. Next to the rocket are symbols of the Moon and constellations.

In Ancient Egypt, in a special temple, they worshiped an object in the shape of a pyramid, “Ben-ben,” in which, judging by the deciphered hieroglyphs, the gods arrived on Earth in ancient times. These gods were called Anunnaki, that is, low-ranking gods. Their Nephilim lords gave them instructions on how and where to build structures from huge stone blocks to launch huge ships, which the population of Babylon and Akkad called naru (heavenly chariots emitting lightning).

The legendary ruler of the city of Uruk, Gilgamesh, was, according to ancient texts, two-thirds god and one-third man. The found tablets contain a description of the start of his “chariot”: “Suddenly there was a flash of lightning, and a flame hit the sky. Then the fire disappeared in the sky, and darkness fell again. The fragments of rocks and trees turned to ash.” Gilgamesh traveled with the gods to heaven and further, to the starry land of the Nephilim.

When he saw from above that “the sea became like a puddle, and the entire Earth was reduced to the size of the Moon, he was seized with horror. He asked the Anunnaki, who drove the heavenly chariot, to return him to Earth, which was done.”

Many drawings have been found that depict spaceships in launch silos. "In the upper part of the ship, located at ground level, a hemisphere is visible, docked to a cone. The ship is shown in section. A clear image represents the double (external and internal) hull of the ship; between the hulls there are rings, undoubtedly serving as stiffening ribs. Transition hatches between "in three consecutive compartments. In one of them, humanoid figures are holding some hoses in their hands."

In the Sumerian language, "Utu Sha-mash" is translated as "man from the fiery vessel." The “fire vessel” has such a characteristic shape that it is simply impossible not to recognize it as a spaceship. This is not the last proof that the gods who settled in Sumeria owned interplanetary aircraft. Drawings on clay tablets of Ancient Sumer and pictograms giving explanations for them allow us to form an idea of ​​alien spaceships.

4400 years ago BC e. The Sumerians, judging by astronomical tables and texts explaining them, believed that our solar system consists of 11 planets and one more - Nibiru, the homeland of the Nephilim and Anunnaki, which appears between the orbits of Marsar and Jupiter with a periodicity of 3600 years.

The Nephilim conveyed to the Sumerians knowledge about the true nature of the Earth and the solar system, about the planets beyond the orbit of Saturn and about the wettest planet - Nibiru, from which they came to earth.

The deciphered Sumerian King Lists speak of the reign of 10 divine Nephilim kings for 3600 "shars" (a unit of measurement equal to 120 years). Thus, it turns out that aliens from outer space first appeared on Earth 432 thousand years ago. About 100 thousand years ago, the Nephilim, using a primitive earthly creature, began to carry out genetic selection, as a result of which a completely new species was obtained, capable of learning and intelligent activity.

Of course, the Nephilim brought some of their genotype into the created intelligent being; they subsequently controlled and directed the evolution of these creatures, who began to deify their creators. And only about 4000 BC there was a rapid, rapid development of human civilization.

It is noteworthy that the reign of the Nephilim is a multiple of 3600, i.e. the time of revolution of the planet Nibiru. In other words, 3600 Earth years equal one year on the planet Nibiru. The Nephilim became gods for humans - they elected intermediaries from among the rulers and kings, through whom they passed on their attitudes, knowledge (primarily in the field of agriculture and cattle breeding, the development of crafts), and later, when the class of priests was formed, astronomical, mathematical, medical and other knowledge.

The Sumerian astronomical term "tsub" corresponds to the 360-degree "circle of the world." Professor Christian Hilprecht of the University of Pennsylvania discovered that the Sumerians knew about the Great Cosmic Cycle, which spanned 25,920 years.

From ancient Sumerian texts and astronomical tables, confirmation of the hypothesis about the cause of the appearance of the asteroid belt was obtained for the first time. The texts say that 174 thousand cycles ago, Nibiru, crossing the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, destroyed the planet that the Sumerians call Tiamat. It was significantly larger than Mars.

Dr. Sitchin comments: “The Nephilim managed to maintain their dominance on Earth and forced people to rebuild the cities destroyed by the Great Flood, as well as build the structures needed by the Nephilim and Anunnaki. The texts say that the first city where power was given to people was Kish. Birth here a dynasty of kings who ruled in Urukka, Akkad and Babylon. It was in Sumer that the first great civilization arose, and only thousands of years later civilized states with large cities arose in the Nile and Indus valleys."

In the bend of the Euphrates in the ring of mountains, the Nephilim created a kind of abode of the gods - Sippar. This area was forbidden to people. It was from here that ships took off to orbital bases. Dr. Sitchin and his associates summarize: “It is obvious that modern UFOs are related to ancient aliens from the planet Nibiru. Are their underground and underwater bases, discovered in our time, outposts on Earth? Perhaps we will find out about this in the next two years "When the planet Nibiru next appears in the solar system. It is possible that its appearance will cause new, unpredictable activity of flying objects that will finally cease to be unidentified."

In the texts of the ancient Sumerians, there is evidence that the Sumerians had contacts with aliens who arrived on Earth in the second half of the 4th millennium BC from the planet Niburu. Judging by the descriptions, this planet has a highly elongated orbit, and passes within the solar system once every 3600 years.

Sumerians and aliens

Archaeologists and linguists in the second half of the 20th century made discoveries that allow us to reconsider the history of the Earth and ancient civilizations. After studying several thousand texts and astronomical observations of the ancient Sumerian state, scientists were able to obtain sensational information about the intervention of aliens in the development of humanity and the impact on the evolution and culture of primitive peoples.

Sumerian texts

According to ancient Sumerian texts, the envoys of another civilization came from a planet that rotates in its star system in a very elongated orbit, passing close to the solar system once every 3600 years. Alien culture and scientific knowledge have been influencing humanity for several hundred thousand years.

And it is thanks to them that humanity owes its appearance on Earth. Much credit goes to Zechariah Sitchin, a specialist in the study of ancient texts of the Sumerian civilization, Babylon and ancient Egypt, who studied and summarized all this sensational information for 30 years. Sumerian and Akkadian texts tell how the gods flew from the heavens in their chariots of fire, and could fly anywhere on earth in a short time, and could fly to the stars.

They sometimes took selected people with them and showed them our Earth from above from space, and sometimes even took them to their home planet. There is a description of how a god in a golden helmet on a “black bird” appeared to the Sumerian ruler Gudea and gave the order to begin construction of a structure for it. After the completion of construction, other gods guarded the building so that mere mortals would not fall under a stream of fire during the takeoff and landing of this bird.

Secrets of the Sumerians

The Sumerians called “black birds” – MU. The ruler of the Sumerian city of Palash made the following entry: “MU, they flew into the sky like lightning, and went into the sky like a huge fire.” Images on Sumerian and Hittite tablets show objects similar to modern space rockets standing on launch platforms and also depicted in flight against a background of stars. These drawings were even on the seals of the rulers of Crete. During excavations in ancient Canaan, near Jerusalem, a tablet was discovered depicting a large rocket, next to which are symbols of the Moon and some constellations.

In one particular temple of Ancient Egypt, they worshiped an object in the form of a pyramid, which was called "ben-ben." According to legends, the gods flew on it - the Anunnaki, who were the gods of the lower caste. And the Anunnaki were led by the Nephilim. They gave them orders on Earth about how and where to build sites for their spaceships. The ancient peoples of Babylon and Akkad called the ships of the Nephilim NARU, which translated means “chariots emitting lightning.” According to Sumerian texts, the ruler of the city of Uruk, Gilgamesh, was only one-third man and two-thirds god. One day, Gilgamesh set out on a journey on a “chariot of fire” to the planet of the Nephilim, but when the ship rose high into the sky, and he saw from space how the large sea had turned into a small puddle, he was overcome by fear, and he began to beg the Anunnaki to return him. back to earth, which was done.

Also during the excavations, tablets were found with pictures of space rockets in the mines. At the top of the rocket there is a sphere docked to a cone. The rocket is shown in section, where it is clearly visible that it has a double body (external and internal). There are ring bulkheads between the buildings. There are transition hatches between the ship's compartments. The figures in one of the compartments in the head part are holding levers in their hands. There is still plenty of evidence that the gods who settled in Sumeria have spaceships. Images on Sumerian clay tablets and explanatory pictograms well describe the ships of the gods. Judging by the astronomical tablets of the Sumerians, it can be assumed that 4400 BC there were 11 planets in the solar system. Another planet is also depicted nearby - Nibiru - the homeland of the Nephilim and Anunnaki.

Gods of the Sumerians

The space gods conveyed incredible knowledge to the ancient Sumerians about space, about the Earth, about the solar system, as well as about the most important planet - Nibiru - their homeland. Deciphered writings indicate that the gods ruled for 120 years. One ball is equal to one revolution of Nibiru around its star. Thus, aliens appeared on our planet 432 thousand years ago. Having arrived on Earth about 100 thousand years ago, the aliens began to conduct a genetic experiment with primitive people.

And a new species was obtained, distinguished by the ability for intelligent activity, which was subsequently controlled and directed along the path of evolutionary development. And somewhere around 4000 years ago, our civilization began to develop rapidly. The aliens chose rulers from among the most developed and intelligent people, who in turn deified them.

Sumerians and space

The astronomical term DUB among the Sumerians corresponds to a circle of 360 degrees. University of Pennsylvania professor H. Hilprecht discovered that the Sumerians knew about the great cosmic cycle with a period of 25,920 solar years. In ancient texts, the Sumerians describe how an asteroid belt appeared between Mars and Jupiter. There was a planet that the Sumerians called Tiomat, the size of which was larger than Mars. But 174 thousand great cycles ago, the planet Nibiru crossed the orbit of the planet Tiomat and then the Nephilim destroyed it to avoid a collision.

Are UFO sightings in our time connected by many eyewitnesses on our planet with aliens from the planet Nibiru, which, if you believe the texts of the ancient Sumerians, should already appear near our solar system? Isn’t it their ships that Earthlings observe in space in the earth’s atmosphere and underwater? Maybe they are very surprised by the development of our civilization during their absence. And soon unidentified flying objects will no longer be unidentified. In the texts of the ancient Sumerians, there is evidence that the Sumerians had contacts with aliens who arrived on Earth in the second half of the 4th millennium BC from the planet Niburu. Judging by the descriptions, this planet has a highly elongated orbit, and passes within the solar system once every 3600 years.

Sumerians and aliens

Archaeologists and linguists in the second half of the 20th century made discoveries that allow us to reconsider the history of the Earth and ancient civilizations. After studying several thousand texts and astronomical observations of the ancient Sumerian state, scientists were able to obtain sensational information about the intervention of aliens in the development of humanity and the impact on the evolution and culture of primitive peoples.

Sumerian texts

According to ancient Sumerian texts, the envoys of another civilization came from a planet that rotates in its star system in a very elongated orbit, passing close to the solar system once every 3600 years. Alien culture and scientific knowledge have been influencing humanity for several hundred thousand years.

And it is thanks to them that humanity owes its appearance on Earth. Much credit goes to Zechariah Sitchin, a specialist in the study of ancient texts of the Sumerian civilization, Babylon and ancient Egypt, who studied and summarized all this sensational information for 30 years. Sumerian and Akkadian texts tell how the gods flew from the heavens in their chariots of fire, and could fly anywhere on earth in a short time, and could fly to the stars.

They sometimes took selected people with them and showed them our Earth from above from space, and sometimes even took them to their home planet. There is a description of how a god in a golden helmet on a “black bird” appeared to the Sumerian ruler Gudea and gave the order to begin construction of a structure for it. After the completion of construction, other gods guarded the building so that mere mortals would not fall under a stream of fire during the takeoff and landing of this bird.

Secrets of the Sumerians

The Sumerians called “black birds” – MU. The ruler of the Sumerian city of Palash made the following entry: “MU, they flew into the sky like lightning, and went into the sky like a huge fire.” Images on Sumerian and Hittite tablets show objects similar to modern space rockets standing on launch platforms and also depicted in flight against a background of stars. These drawings were even on the seals of the rulers of Crete. During excavations in ancient Canaan, near Jerusalem, a tablet was discovered depicting a large rocket, next to which are symbols of the Moon and some constellations.

In one particular temple of Ancient Egypt, they worshiped an object in the form of a pyramid, which was called "ben-ben." According to legends, the gods flew on it - the Anunnaki, who were the gods of the lower caste. And the Anunnaki were led by the Nephilim. They gave them orders on Earth about how and where to build sites for their spaceships. The ancient peoples of Babylon and Akkad called the ships of the Nephilim NARU, which translated means “chariots emitting lightning.” According to Sumerian texts, the ruler of the city of Uruk, Gilgamesh, was only one-third man and two-thirds god. One day, Gilgamesh set out on a journey on a “chariot of fire” to the planet of the Nephilim, but when the ship rose high into the sky, and he saw from space how the large sea had turned into a small puddle, he was overcome by fear, and he began to beg the Anunnaki to return him. back to earth, which was done.

Also during the excavations, tablets were found with pictures of space rockets in the mines. At the top of the rocket there is a sphere docked to a cone. The rocket is shown in section, where it is clearly visible that it has a double body (external and internal). There are ring bulkheads between the buildings. There are transition hatches between the ship's compartments. The figures in one of the compartments in the head part are holding levers in their hands. There is still plenty of evidence that the gods who settled in Sumeria have spaceships. Images on Sumerian clay tablets and explanatory pictograms well describe the ships of the gods. Judging by the astronomical tablets of the Sumerians, it can be assumed that 4400 BC there were 11 planets in the solar system. Another planet is also depicted nearby - Nibiru - the homeland of the Nephilim and Anunnaki.

Gods of the Sumerians

The space gods conveyed incredible knowledge to the ancient Sumerians about space, about the Earth, about the solar system, as well as about the most important planet - Nibiru - their homeland. Deciphered writings indicate that the gods ruled for 120 years. One ball is equal to one revolution of Nibiru around its star. Thus, aliens appeared on our planet 432 thousand years ago. Having arrived on Earth about 100 thousand years ago, the aliens began to conduct a genetic experiment with primitive people.

And a new species was obtained, distinguished by the ability for intelligent activity, which was subsequently controlled and directed along the path of evolutionary development. And somewhere around 4000 years ago, our civilization began to develop rapidly. The aliens chose rulers from among the most developed and intelligent people, who in turn deified them.

Sumerians and space

The astronomical term DUB among the Sumerians corresponds to a circle of 360 degrees. University of Pennsylvania professor H. Hilprecht discovered that the Sumerians knew about the great cosmic cycle with a period of 25,920 solar years. In ancient texts, the Sumerians describe how an asteroid belt appeared between Mars and Jupiter. There was a planet that the Sumerians called Tiomat, the size of which was larger than Mars. But 174 thousand great cycles ago, the planet Nibiru crossed the orbit of the planet Tiomat and then the Nephilim destroyed it to avoid a collision.

Are UFO sightings in our time connected by many eyewitnesses on our planet with aliens from the planet Nibiru, which, if you believe the texts of the ancient Sumerians, should already appear near our solar system? Isn’t it their ships that Earthlings observe in space in the earth’s atmosphere and underwater? Maybe they are very surprised by the development of our civilization during their absence. And soon unidentified flying objects will no longer be unidentified.

This almost detective story began a year ago, when in August 1989, the automatic interplanetary station Voyager 2, launched in 1977, began transmitting to Earth the first ever photographs of the planet Neptune, taken at close range, from a distance of 2.75 billion miles. For scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who are in contact with Voyager, the images were full of surprises.

Firstly, the color of the planet itself is bright blue with white spots of clouds. Secondly, the large angle of inclination of the planet’s rotation axis, indicating a strong magnetic field, large reserves of internal heat and a liquid core. And with Voyager's impressive discoveries and images from the vicinity of Uranus in 1986, and even earlier information about Jupiter and Saturn, Voyager's latest success has given us an unprecedented look at the solar system. But is it? Were we really the first whose gaze fell on the surface of the most distant planets of our system? Linguist and historian Zecharia Sichin believes that the information transmitted by Voyager only confirms what was already described and predicted by him in the book “The Twelfth Planet” published in 1976 (a year before the launch of the device).

More importantly, Sichin argues, this data is consistent with what was recorded by the ancient Sumerians 6,000 years ago. The Sumerian civilization began in Mesopotamia (in what is now Iraq) around 4000 BC. Sichin believes that the Sumerians invented the wheel, ceramic kilns and irrigation systems, but most importantly, they also invented the basic concepts of astronomy.

Using cuneiform writing, the Sumerians recorded their discoveries on clay tablets, figurines, and cylinder seals—stone cylinders engraved with mirror images of signs and designs. By rolling such a cylinder on soft clay, a positive image was obtained. Studying objects of the Sumerian civilization for more than 30 years, the scientist discovered a unique cylinder seal in the West Berlin Museum. It depicted the god Enlil giving a plow to humanity, and an amazing picture of the heavens was also placed there. In its center was a radiant sun, surrounded by all the planets now familiar to us, and their relative sizes and astronomical positions were approximately correct. In total, including the Sun and Moon, there were 12 celestial bodies, one more than has yet been confirmed by science.

While studying other artifacts, the linguist also found a list of planets in which the one farthest from the Sun was listed first. Sichin described all his discoveries in the already mentioned book and two subsequent ones, but then they did not cause much of a reaction. But when he saw Voyager 2's image of Uranus in January 1986, he was shocked. The Sumerian description of Uranus, "mash.sig", or "bright greenish", almost matched the greenish-blue image on his television screen.

And the expression "," which he translated as "swamp vegetation," corresponded to the hot, semi-liquid material discovered three years later in Neptune's core. The Sumerians believed that Uranus was Neptune's twin or "double," and everything Voyager reported seemed to confirm this. Like Uranus, Neptune has a bright blue color, a powerful magnetic field, numerous previously unknown moons, a hot semi-liquid core and large quantities of water.

The question remains how the Sumerians knew about all this, having neither telescopes nor satellites (Uranus and Neptune are not visible to the naked eye). Sichin has an answer - the Sumerians knew the unknowable because aliens told them it. And not just any vagrants, but “astronauts” from the planet Nibiru—the twelfth planet shown on the Berlin Cylinder between Jupiter and Mars—who visited Earth repeatedly at intervals of 3,000 years. “All this is described in many texts, including the myth of Anki and the Earth,” says Sichin. “The only difference between me and other historians is that they call it mythology, and I say it is fact.” Andy Cheng, a scientist on the Voyager communications team, admits that Uranus and Neptune are similar in many ways, and they can indeed be called twins, but everything else Sichin says leaves him “amazed.”

"It's not surprising that water has been discovered in the systems of Uranus and Neptune," says Cheng. — All planets except Mars and Venus have a liquid core. We also expected the presence of a magnetic field, and the color of both planets was known for a long time.” Moreover, Cheng argues, if there was an unknown planet X in the solar system, then there could not be life on it, since it would be located too far from the Sun. He believes that the cylinder seal probably contains only stylized images of random stars, which should not be interpreted as an accurate picture of the cosmos. Francesca Rochberg-Halton, a recognized expert on the ancient Sumerians from the University of Notre Dame, was even more definitive: “nonsense.”

“Cuneiform symbols can be interpreted in the most wild ways, and insufficiently experienced decipherers are especially guilty of this. There is no Sumerian astronomy." She also believes that Sichin also made several serious mistakes. “The Sumerians knew only seven planets, including the Sun and Moon, not twelve. And in the center of the picture, in the form of a star with rays, it is not the Sun, but Venus.”

But Sichin, as befits a convinced supporter of paleocontacts, firmly stands his ground. After all, if not for the ancient astronauts, how could the Sumerians have depicted a picture on a stone cylinder that was so close to modern knowledge about the solar system? How then, he asks, could his article predicting Neptune's large amounts of methane and water, hot interiors and strong similarities to Uranus appear in the magazine's editorial office in June - two months before Voyager 2 confirmed these predictions to be correct? predictions? Or maybe we can do without aliens this time?

The Sumerian civilization is often called the first civilization on Earth, which, in general, does not contradict too much the order of events established by historical science. Such a phenomenon could not escape the attention of numerous supporters of the idea that extraterrestrial intelligence not only exists and is in contact with humanity, but also, most likely, created human civilization, and even man himself. Sumerians and UFOs are one of the favorite topics of various kinds of ufologists and adherents of the theory of the alien origin of humanity.

Did aliens create humans?

Thanks to the free interpretation of Sumerian myths, the content of which modern people were able to become familiar with after the discovery of Sumerian clay tablets and the deciphering of the cuneiform written on them, active ufologists with a rich imagination created a completely harmonious picture, in their opinion. According to this story, humanity was created by minor gods, called Anunaki in Sumerian mythology, to help with physical work. Supporters of the ufological theory deciphered it as follows: the Anunaki, who descended from the sky in myths, were aliens in their UFOs. For some of their purposes, the aliens wanted to extract as much gold as possible on Earth - probably, on their home planet (or planets) there was a shortage of this vital substance.

However, after some time it turned out that their extraterrestrial civilizations is not enough to establish gold mining in the required volume, so the aliens decided to create assistants for themselves. During genetic experiments with monkey DNA, people were created who worked for the aliens in the mines. Moreover, these experiments did not immediately prove successful, as a result of which creatures appeared with the body of a human, and the head of various animals, and the like. For a long time, people were actually slaves of aliens, which supposedly explains the emergence of myths about the dominion of the all-powerful and formidable Anunaki. Well, after a while the aliens had some difficulties in their homeland and they were forced to return home, leaving people to exist and develop on their own.

True, the above version of the creation of humanity by aliens as free labor with the help of genetic experiments is still considered radical even among ufologists themselves. In addition, it clearly misinterprets Sumerian myths and contradicts historical studies of Sumerian mythology.

Alien help

However, there is a more moderate version of the theme “Sumerians and UFOs”, which is that, most likely, humanity did not arise due to alien initiative, but the Sumerians created their own civilization built thanks to extraterrestrial intelligence. The fact is that in Sumerian myths it was the younger gods, the Anunaki, who became the ones who taught people everything that corresponds to the concept of “civilization.” The Anunaki, whom supporters of this version interpret as aliens, taught the Sumerians the techniques and principles of land cultivation, crafts, construction principles and practical architectural techniques, gave them writing and taught them various types of art.

That is, it was the aliens who made real people out of humanoid creatures - this is this assumption. At the same time, the main arguments of supporters of this theory are three statements.

  • Firstly, this is the very presence in Sumerian mythology of “aliens from the sky”, who play a huge role in people’s lives.
  • Secondly, the presence in myths and in illustrations to them of mysterious images, which are interpreted by many as images of spaceships and aircraft.
  • Thirdly, the thesis is actively being discussed that the scientific knowledge and practical achievements of the Sumerians in various fields are comparable to the level of development of modern science and technology, or even ahead of it.

However, skeptics have many questions about these arguments. Supernatural beings who came down from heaven and brought useful knowledge to people exist in the mythology of many ancient peoples, but the ufological theme applies only to some of them. Images of “spaceships” often have a completely different justified interpretation, and it is also strange that some of them look like man-made rockets, while others look like flying saucers. Finally,