I found a pin at home what to do with it. How to damage with a pin

I’ll take the liberty of just reminding you of the folk signs associated with the pin.

People have been using pins for thousands of years. The ancient Sumerians in the 3rd millennium BC had pins to pin fabric. They were made of metal and bone.

It is known that in the tenth century AD, residents of Novgorod the Great wore bronze pins.

The pin came to us from ancient times, changing its appearance and acquiring signs.

There are many types of pins in the world, all of them have a sharp and blunt end in common. There are safety pins: safety pins with a fastening head, Turkish pins, tailor pins, hat pins, hair pins, clothes wrapping pins, tie pins, stationery pins, etc.

Many signs about the pin have survived to this day.

A pin cannot be given as a gift, like any piercing or cutting object, otherwise expect a quarrel. If you decide to give a pin as a gift, take a penny for it.

The pin must not be lent to anyone. If you had to give a pin to someone, then say the words: “Take it, but I didn’t give it to you” or prick the person to whom you will give it with the point of the pin.

If you had to find a pin that lies towards you with the head of the pin, you can pick it up - this is good luck. This is also a sign that a friend remembers you.

If the find lies towards you with a pin point, do not pick it up under any circumstances, this portends failure; your enemy may be plotting something evil against you.

My personal opinion is that you should not pick up anything, including a pin, especially at an intersection, in order to insure yourself against troubles and illnesses.

Never pick up a bent or rusty pin, as this may bring illness or misfortune. If a girl picks up such a pin, she will never get married.

A pin should not be taken on board any ship, because a pin found on a ship is an omen of misfortune.

— In northern England there is such a ritual for a girl who wants to call her lover. To call your loved one to you, you need to light a candle and pierce it with two safety pins. Your loved one will definitely come after the candle burns out.

According to Russian wedding rites, pins were stuck crosswise into the hem of the bride's dress.

It's a bad sign if the bride loses her pin while walking down the aisle. It is believed that she loses luck in everything, and therefore family happiness. If the friend picks up the pin that the bride has lost, then she won’t have any luck either.

An ordinary safety pin can protect you from the evil eye. To do this, you need to attach a pin to the inner seam of the garment with the head down, i.e. its tip should be at the bottom. (You can attach two pins crosswise.) The pin cannot be moved. Each item must have its own pin.

To protect the child, a green bead is strung on a pin.

To protect a loved one, a red bead is strung on a pin.

To protect a friend, a yellow bead is strung on a pin.

To protect the parents, a blue bead is strung on the pin.

On the full moon, it is imperative to cleanse these amulets. Each of them must be placed under running water for several minutes to wash away the accumulated negativity.

P.S. Losing such a pin is a bad sign.

Remember that a pin can protect a woman if it is attached to the inside seam of women's clothing. A pin attached to trousers will not protect a woman, because trousers are not a piece of women's clothing, they are borrowed from men.

The most common pin, which many seamstresses use in production or housewives in everyday life, is associated with signs, mysterious beliefs and mystical signs, but the origin of the pin is simple and unpretentious. In ancient times, thorny plants and thorns were used for the first time instead of a pin. Even later, fish bones were used for the pin. And only in the fifteenth century the usual model of a pin appeared. It was a rather expensive pleasure that only noble people could afford. Pins were very expensive, and if someone wanted to make a great gift and win them over, they would give a pin or even a whole set.

If you don't pick up the pin from the floor, you'll soon regret it. If the pin lies with its sharp tip in the opposite direction from the finder, then the find will be successful. But since, according to signs, the pin should be lifted in any case, you can go around it and lift it from the right side.

Many peoples of the world adhere to this sign: you cannot borrow a pin, but in order for the refusal to be correctly assessed, it is better to provide a box with sewing items and ask them to choose the appropriate one with their own hands. At this time, it is better to turn your back. It is forbidden to pin clothes with black pins, just as it is forbidden to use those that were used at funerals. If a pin is pinned incorrectly on a bride's dress, then it is a sin, and the girl will have to pay for it all her life. Bent pins are a source of desire. You should pick it up, make a wish and throw it away. If you borrow or give a pin, it means you will quarrel with the person for life. Picking up a rusty, buttoned pin means inviting trouble on yourself.

Basic signs about a pin

  • If the bridesmaid or bridesmaid unfastens the pin from the wedding dress and fastens it to herself, then she gains good luck.
  • If on the way to the registry office the bride loses a pin, then she loses luck.
  • Having found a pin, you should pick it up, as this promises good luck for the whole year.
  • If you don't pick up the pin, you'll lose your luck.
  • When going on a boat ride, you should not take pins with you, much less pin them to your clothes.
  • When purchasing a new apartment, the pin should be placed under the floor.

There is no reliable information why the pins are surrounded by mysterious associations. And yet, many peoples of the world believe in the fact of their magical powers. For example, a pin should be worn against the evil eye. To do this, fasten it to the hem with the head down.

However, believing in certain signs is the business of every person, but nothing happens just like that. Signs are made up of repeating events. One thing is clear: when you find an open pin, you should pick it up, and bypass the closed one. To protect your home, you need to stick a pin in the doorframe. They say that this method will scare away evil and dishonest people. Many fortune tellers perform magical rituals on pins. It is believed that this item retains its magical power even after loss.

Pins are the objects most often used in dark rituals. Such a familiar and useful thing in everyday life can become a terrible weapon, attracting failures, illnesses and even changing fate.

The pin is very easy to magically influence. This is due to the fact that it is made of metal, which easily absorbs any energy - positive or negative. The tip of the needle accumulates energy and directs it to the person for whom it is intended. A pin can become a strong and effective talisman, but, unfortunately, it is more often used to cause damage.

When a pin can cause harm:

A pin that has been in the hands of envious people and ill-wishers has a strong negative impact on a person.

They talk her into illness, troubles, material failures, celibacy, and sometimes they perform a ritual over her in order to get rid of her misfortunes and “transfer” the problems to another person.

You should fear for your fate in several cases:

*If you find a pin in the door or a door frame, they are trying to have a negative influence on you. Such damage is one of the most powerful and can affect not only you, but also your household, bringing misfortune and discord to the family.

*Pin on the threshold of the house or even in the house itself, it signals that the one who wishes you harm is hiding under the guise of a friend. If you find a pin in a piece of furniture or among personal belongings that shouldn't be there, you are in danger.

*Pins found on the road , especially at intersections, they rarely appear there by accident. Most likely it was used in a ritual to get rid of problems, and then thrown away. Walk past the find: if you touch it, you will take the problems for yourself.

*Pins are used in voodoo ritual. A homemade doll, symbolizing the person who will be influenced, is pierced with curses with pins. Such pins are very dangerous, and if they accidentally fall into your hands, you will be subjected to a strong energy shock.

*Found in a bag, at the workplace, on the seat of the car, pins were most likely planted with the intention of harming you.

How to protect yourself:

Don't touch a pin you find on the street. If you just walk past it, no harm will be done to you. If you find a pin that is clearly intended for you, a simple ritual that does not require special abilities and skills will help protect yourself.

A pin found in a door, apartment or personal belongings should be disposed of as soon as possible. Protect your hands with a cloth or gloves and pick up the needle.

You cannot touch the object with your bare hands: Having come into contact with your skin, the needle will immediately give you a powerful charge of negativity, and it will be much more difficult to get rid of it.

Take the pin to the intersection and say the words over it:

“The needle will break, but my destiny will remain intact. God's power will protect me, evil will not touch me. Amen".

After this, break the pin and leave the pieces at the intersection.

Alternatively, you can burn it. Of course, it is impossible to make metal burn to the ground, but it is enough to heat it red-hot. In the fire, the pin will be cleansed of negative energy.

It is better to throw away what protected your hands during the ritual.

Returning to where you found the needle, cross the spot three times.

Be vigilant and careful, and no one else will ever interfere with your destiny.


People have long believed that if a pin is pinned to the inner seam of clothing, no one will be afraid of bad thoughts, and no one will be able to cause damage.

It happens in life: at first everything is going well, and it seems that it will continue like this for a long time, and suddenly something seems to change: the mood for no reason is always bad, close people cause irritation, things are not going well, everything is going wrong coming.

It rarely happens in life that things suddenly start to get worse. And if this happens, it’s a sure sign that something is dirty here.

There is no doubt at the present time that the evil eye and damage are concepts that have something behind them.

Each of us can cast the evil eye, and often this happens unconsciously: I saw a person with some good thing that I also want to have, a spark of envy flashed through, negativity passed in his direction - and now, it’s done. When a person comes home, something will definitely upset him.

Just as we can be jinxed, so can we be jinxed. So why not leave the house now and hide your happiness behind seven seals? Of course not.

You can protect yourself from the everyday evil eye, which is sent casually. And not only to protect yourself - and your loved ones, and your home.

To protect a person from the evil eye, you need to use a simple pin.

With the help of spells on a pin, this ordinary metal object can be turned into a real amulet, irreplaceable and valuable, which can easily save you from spontaneous damage, the evil eye, everyday negativity, the consequences of envy and other minor negative influences.

To cast a spell on a pin, you can turn to a magician for help, or you can act on your own. In the latter case, such a stage of the ritual as visualization is very important, that is, concentration on the desired result when reading the text of the conspiracy.

Since the purpose of such a talisman is to protect you from various energy attacks, you must clearly and clearly imagine all possible threats, as well as the people from whom they can come to you.

Below are a few sayings about pins. When reading them, neither the time of day, nor the day of the week, nor the phase of the moon is important.

The main thing is your attention, inner mood, concentration, imagination and, of course, individual energy.

Fire pin spell:

Light a wax candle using a match. Drip the melted wax into the eye of a pin (hole), which is located at the end opposite to the point. Say the text of the conspiracy:

“The pin is sharp, pierce the evil with a needle, send it away from me. I conjure the word with fire, I secure the word with iron.”

Attach the amulet to the underside of worn clothing point down.

Water pin spell:

Take well or spring water into a glass vessel (glass, bowl), throw a pin in it, and after a day, speak a spell over the water:

“Protect me with a pin from the evil eye, demonic spawn and other infections.”

Repeat three times. Remove the pin from the water and treat it as described above.

Smoky hex on a pin:

Collect spruce or pine branches (dry) from the forest and set them on fire in a container that is not afraid of fire (for example, in a barbecue, only new, unused). Hold the pin over the smoke emanating from the fire and say the text of the plot:

“Black smoke, noble one, protect me, protect me from trouble, drive away anger, only you can help me.”

Magic pins with knots:

Thread a short red thread (woolen) into a pin and on the part without a point, tie 12 knots, reading for each such spell:

“Twelve shields, twelve forces, and they all hold me tightly, serve me, and save me from evil. Take away, knots, troubles, bad weather, bad, misfortunes. Become my amulet from century to century.”

Along with the thread, fasten the pin to the wrong side of the garment.

Onion charm from a pin:

Onions have long been considered in magic one of the most powerful protective plants. Pierce a large onion with a pin and recite the spell:

“Bow-fighter, crown of my protection, turn away from me the evil deeds, the damned deeds. Amulet, protect, ward off all troubles.”

Hex on a rowan pin:

Open the pin and thread three dried rowan berries through the point, while uttering a curse on each of them:

“The mountain ash is red, it brought me protection.”

The pin along with the berries is attached to the inside of the garment.

The pin spell is simple:

Open the pin and place it in the palm of your left hand. Read a spell on a metal object:

“Take away all evil, turn away unkind people, turn away the evil eye, protect me.”

Fasten the pin point down on the wrong side of the garment you are wearing.

When using an evil eye pin as a talisman, it is important to remember a few points:

Be sure to refasten the enchanted item onto the clothes you are going to wear, be it a suit you wear to work or a dressing gown. The pin should always be with you. Only at night is it allowed to put it under the pillow, so that in your sleep it does not accidentally unfasten and cause you pain.

If the enchanted pin suddenly breaks, comes undone, gets lost, or you simply feel an urgent need to remove it, it means that the amulet has already absorbed the maximum amount of negativity. You need to clean it by removing all additional accessories (thread, berries) from it and putting it in a glass of spring or well water for three days, at the bottom of which a silver coin (ring, earring, etc.) is also thrown. Speak the cleaned amulet from the pin again using any of the methods described above.

The pin needs to be cleaned periodically. As soon as the full moon comes, you need to remove the pin and rinse it in running water, this will cleanse it of the evil that has settled on it. And if you don't clean it regularly, the pin can get clogged and then won't help you anymore. If this happens, gently attach it to a pincushion with red thread and let it stand for 7 nights.

If a pin protects a woman, it should not be attached to trousers - it is not women's clothing.

And in order to protect the room from the evil eye, a pin needs to be attached to the curtain from the inside, as close to the floor as possible. There is no need to cover the pin in the room; let its tip point to the floor. The only protection here will be this: if a guest came to the house with evil intentions, the pin in this room will not allow the negativity to spread to the owner. But if the guest’s intention is not only in his head, but also what kind of damaged item he brought, then a pin will not help, you need to turn to specialists.

But it is not customary to protect a bed, be it a child’s bed, a married bed, or the bed of a single adult, with pins, although it would seem that you can attach a pin to a blanket, a sheet or a pillow.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

When a pin can cause harm:

A pin that has been in the hands of envious people and ill-wishers has a strong negative impact on a person.

They talk her into illness, troubles, material failures, celibacy, and sometimes they perform a ritual over her in order to get rid of her misfortunes and “transfer” the problems to another person.

You should fear for your fate in several cases:

*If you find a pin in the door or a door frame, they are trying to have a negative influence on you. Such damage is one of the most powerful and can affect not only you, but also your household, bringing misfortune and discord to the family.

*Pin on the threshold of the house or even in the house itself, it signals that the one who wishes you harm is hiding under the guise of a friend. If you find a pin in a piece of furniture or among personal belongings that shouldn't be there, you are in danger.

*Pins found on the road , especially at intersections, they rarely appear there by accident. Most likely it was used in a ritual to get rid of problems, and then thrown away. Walk past the find: if you touch it, you will take the problems for yourself.

*Pins are used in voodoo ritual. A homemade doll, symbolizing the person who will be influenced, is pierced with curses with pins. Such pins are very dangerous, and if they accidentally fall into your hands, you will be subjected to a strong energy shock.

*Found in a bag, at the workplace, on the seat of the car, pins were most likely planted with the intention of harming you.

How to protect yourself:

A pin found in a door, apartment or personal belongings should be disposed of as soon as possible. Protect your hands with a cloth or gloves and pick up the needle.

You cannot touch the object with your bare hands: Having come into contact with your skin, the needle will immediately give you a powerful charge of negativity, and it will be much more difficult to get rid of it.

Take the pin to the intersection and say the words over it:


After this, break the pin and leave the pieces at the intersection.

Alternatively, you can burn it. Of course, it is impossible to make metal burn to the ground, but it is enough to heat it red-hot. In the fire, the pin will be cleansed of negative energy.

It is better to throw away what protected your hands during the ritual.

Returning to where you found the needle, cross the spot three times.


People have long believed that if a pin is pinned to the inner seam of clothing, no one will be afraid of bad thoughts, and no one will be able to cause damage.

It happens in life: at first everything is going well, and it seems that it will continue like this for a long time, and suddenly something seems to change: the mood for no reason is always bad, close people cause irritation, things are not going well, everything is going wrong coming.

It rarely happens in life that things suddenly start to get worse. And if this happens, it’s a sure sign that something is dirty here.

There is no doubt at the present time that the evil eye and damage are concepts that have something behind them.

Each of us can cast the evil eye, and often this happens unconsciously: I saw a person with some good thing that I also want to have, a spark of envy flashed through, negativity passed in his direction - and now, it’s done. When a person comes home, something will definitely upset him.

Just as we can be jinxed, so can we be jinxed. So why not leave the house now and hide your happiness behind seven seals? Of course not.

You can protect yourself from the everyday evil eye, which is sent casually. And not only to protect yourself - and your loved ones, and your home.

To protect a person from the evil eye, you need to use a simple pin.

With the help of spells on a pin, this ordinary metal object can be turned into a real amulet, irreplaceable and valuable, which can easily save you from spontaneous damage, the evil eye, everyday negativity, the consequences of envy and other minor negative influences.

To cast a spell on a pin, you can turn to a magician for help, or you can act on your own. In the latter case, such a stage of the ritual as visualization is very important, that is, concentration on the desired result when reading the text of the conspiracy.

Since the purpose of such a talisman is to protect you from various energy attacks, you must clearly and clearly imagine all possible threats, as well as the people from whom they can come to you.

Below are a few sayings about pins. When reading them, neither the time of day, nor the day of the week, nor the phase of the moon is important.

The main thing is your attention, inner mood, concentration, imagination and, of course, individual energy.

Fire pin spell:

Light a wax candle using a match. Drip the melted wax into the eye of a pin (hole), which is located at the end opposite to the point. Say the text of the conspiracy:

“The pin is sharp, pierce the evil with a needle, send it away from me. I conjure the word with fire, I secure the word with iron.”

Attach the amulet to the underside of worn clothing point down.

Water pin spell:

Take well or spring water into a glass vessel (glass, bowl), throw a pin in it, and after a day, speak a spell over the water:

“Protect me with a pin from the evil eye, demonic spawn and other infections.”

Repeat three times. Remove the pin from the water and treat it as described above.

Smoky hex on a pin:

Collect spruce or pine branches (dry) from the forest and set them on fire in a container that is not afraid of fire (for example, in a barbecue, only new, unused). Hold the pin over the smoke emanating from the fire and say the text of the plot:

“Black smoke, noble one, protect me, protect me from trouble, drive away anger, only you can help me.”

Magic pins with knots:

Thread a short red thread (woolen) into a pin and on the part without a point, tie 12 knots, reading for each such spell:

“Twelve shields, twelve forces, and they all hold me tightly, serve me, and save me from evil. Take away, knots, troubles, bad weather, bad, misfortunes. Become my amulet from century to century.”

Along with the thread, fasten the pin to the wrong side of the garment.

Onion charm from a pin:

Onions have long been considered in magic one of the most powerful protective plants. Pierce a large onion with a pin and recite the spell:

“Bow-fighter, crown of my protection, turn away from me the evil deeds, the damned deeds. Amulet, protect, ward off all troubles.”

Hex on a rowan pin:

Open the pin and thread three dried rowan berries through the point, while uttering a curse on each of them:

“The mountain ash is red, it brought me protection.”

The pin along with the berries is attached to the inside of the garment.

The pin spell is simple:

Open the pin and place it in the palm of your left hand. Read a spell on a metal object:

“Take away all evil, turn away unkind people, turn away the evil eye, protect me.”

Fasten the pin point down on the wrong side of the garment you are wearing.

When using an evil eye pin as a talisman, it is important to remember a few points:

Be sure to refasten the enchanted item onto the clothes you are going to wear, be it a suit you wear to work or a dressing gown. The pin should always be with you. Only at night is it allowed to put it under the pillow, so that in your sleep it does not accidentally unfasten and cause you pain.

If the enchanted pin suddenly breaks, comes undone, gets lost, or you simply feel an urgent need to remove it, it means that the amulet has already absorbed the maximum amount of negativity. You need to clean it by removing all additional accessories (thread, berries) from it and putting it in a glass of spring or well water for three days, at the bottom of which a silver coin (ring, earring, etc.) is also thrown. Speak the cleaned amulet from the pin again using any of the methods described above.

The pin needs to be cleaned periodically. As soon as the full moon comes, you need to remove the pin and rinse it in running water, this will cleanse it of the evil that has settled on it. And if you don't clean it regularly, the pin can get clogged and then won't help you anymore. If this happens, gently attach it to a pincushion with red thread and let it stand for 7 nights.

If a pin protects a woman, it should not be attached to trousers - it is not women's clothing.

And in order to protect the room from the evil eye, a pin needs to be attached to the curtain from the inside, as close to the floor as possible. There is no need to cover the pin in the room; let its tip point to the floor. The only protection here will be this: if a guest came to the house with evil intentions, the pin in this room will not allow the negativity to spread to the owner. But if the guest’s intention is not only in his head, but also what kind of damaged item he brought, then a pin will not help, you need to turn to specialists.

But it is not customary to protect a bed, be it a child’s bed, a married bed, or the bed of a single adult, with pins, although it would seem that you can attach a pin to a blanket, a sheet or a pillow.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

There are many signs in everyday life, but folk wisdom passes on the most important of them to its generations. That's exactly what they are .

There was a pin in every house. Its frequent use in the household and everything that happened to it was subjected to careful analysis and verification. Until today, folk wisdom has conveyed to us the most important signs associated with this seemingly insignificant thing.

It must be remembered that by pinning a pin to his clothes, a person protects himself from damage or the evil eye. When the pin turns dark, it is a sign that it has taken on all the negativity directed at the person, and he throws it away. Therefore, before you pick up such a thing from the ground, remember the signs associated with the found pin.

Randomly find a pin lying on the ground, pointed towards you with a pin head, fortunately. Feel free to pick it up. She will bring good luck and prosperity!

If the pin is pointed towards you with its sharp end, go around. Someone is plotting evil against you, failures and troubles, quarrels in the family, loss of health and well-being may await you!

Finding a bent and rusty pin is a very bad omen. Don't pick it up! Maybe someone threw it away, filled with negative energy. This find will bring only misfortune and illness. For a young girl, it foreshadows an unsuccessful personal life: she will not get married. Avoid this find.

If you find a new clean pin, you will soon have a new friend or acquaintance.

A pregnant woman found a pin on the road - she is having a boy!

A sailor found a pin on board the ship - there would be disaster for the entire crew and the ship!

A pin found in an unexpected place in the house may indicate damage. One of the ill-wishers could have planted it. The pin can be either open or closed. If your home is in order and all things have their place, then such a find should alert you! Someone wants to change your life for the worse.

A charmed pin can bring illness, trouble, poverty into the house; quarrel between relatives, aggravate relations. If you find a pin, you should take it with a paper napkin and throw it into the nearest body of water or heat it red-hot on the stove, and then take it out and bury it in the church yard.

Other signs about the pin.

If you give pins, you will expect a quarrel; it’s better to “sell” it for a penny.

Don't lend your pins to anyone. If such a need arises, give a light injection to the person you are giving it to.

Throw a bent pin into the holy spring (holy lake) and make a wish: if it enters with a bubble, it will come true, if the water becomes cloudy, expect trouble.

To prevent trouble from entering the house, stick pins in the form of a cross above the entrance doors.

A pin can be a keeper against the evil eye: attach it to the inner seam of your clothing, head down.

Pay close attention to signs about pins at various events. For example, brides had pins stuck into the hem of their dresses to protect them from the evil eye. If the newlywed loses it on the way to the altar, she loses her happiness.

When a bridesmaid removes pins from a wedding dress, she gains good luck.

Never reuse a pin that was used at a funeral.

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Treasure is the name given to foreign things you found in the house or in the yard. They can be anything: from a piece of kitchen utensils (spoon, fork) to piles of hair, coals, bones.

If you find damage to yourself or your family, you need to immediately thoroughly search everything around and inside the apartment in search of treasures.

Hall. This is an object charged with harmful energy that could be thrown by a person who wants to do harm. The treasure can be very different: a doll, a needle, a bag of salt, chicken feathers, bones. A strip of white fabric tied in knots, a pectoral cross bent into a “box,” rye grains. A well-made hall has such an effect on the victim that you can look at it and not see it. Therefore, you can draw a small plan of the yard and house. Break it into small squares and carefully examine square by square. But don’t forget to mark on the plan all the places you looked at. Pay attention to any suspicious item whose origin you cannot explain. Finding a crease is great luck for someone suffering from damage. After all, by destroying a magical object, you can instantly get rid of harmful witchcraft. And with this you seriously hit the one who made it.

Clay. Used by witches on the day of induction of witchcraft. Witches have many options and methods of causing damage in their arsenal. These are clay figures, pieces of clay placed under a mat, or simply spoken clay. If you find a clay figurine, a fragment from it, or scattered clay on the threshold or in the house, then all this must be destroyed immediately. Moreover, clay cannot be destroyed by fire or by burying it in the ground.

Spells also have little effect on enchanted clay. The enchanted clay must be dissolved in water. You need to take a jar of water, sweep the clay away from you into a scoop, pour it into the jar, wait a few hours until it dissolves. Then you need to pour holy water into this jar crosswise and read “Our Father” three times. After this, dig a hole, pour the contents of the jar into it, and cover it with soil; Cross this place three times and sprinkle with holy water.

Doors. Doors are often damaged, so they must be cleaned periodically. First the inside is cleaned, then the outside. First of all, the door should be washed clean, then the rag should be taken outside and buried, and water should be poured onto the same place with the words: “ Where there is water, there comes evil" Then cross this place three times. After all this, you need to draw clean water and read the “Our Father” prayer over it nine times. Then you need to throw three pinches of salt into the water with the words:

« Protect, salt, from witches, sorcerers, from evil intent, from evil slander. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen».

Rinse the doors with this water, take the water outside and throw it away. Rub the door frame with garlic with the words: “ Away, everything evil and slanderous" Cross the door three times.

Toad. This is a favorite animal of witches and wizards. With the help of toads, witches caused rain, potions were made from them, and hexes were cast on toads. If you find a dried toad under the threshold of your home or in your house, do not rush to throw it away. Next to the dry toad is the living spirit of this animal, whose purpose is unknown to you. What is known is that this toad can cause harm and evil. To neutralize this toad, you need to stand facing east in relation to the dried toad and say:

« In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the names of the Angels and Archangels, return, spirit, to your body».

After this, cross the toad three times with the words: “ In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, perish, all evil and spoken" Read “Our Father” three times, sweep the toad away from you onto a scoop, take it outside and burn it while reading any prayer.

Dead water. When leaving the house, you may notice a puddle of water near the threshold. As a rule, the water is soapy, since the water with which the deceased was washed is added for a stronger effect. But there is no need to rush to step over it or, God forbid, to enter into it. You can get a negative charge from evil spirits. You need to take and throw an ordinary rag into this puddle and use it to soak up the water. However, you must try not to touch the wet rag with your hands, but do everything with a stick. After this, take the rag outside, pour gasoline or kerosene on it and burn it with the words:

« In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, burn yourself, burn yourself, don’t turn back. Amen».

Soap. Sometimes the door handle of a house or apartment is smeared with something. For this, witches use soap that was used to wash the dead person. To neutralize the effect of this damage, you need to take ordinary paper, light it from a church candle and burn the door handle with fire in a cross shape with the words of the conspiracy:

« Get out now and this minute with all the damage and enchantment and get away from the slave (s) (name), and go to your place where you were and where the Lord sent you, and where he told you to live: to the abyss of the underworld, to the empty land undone. From now until forever. Amen. Amen. Amen».

Then burn the paper and bury the ashes in the ground.

Coins, millet. You can also see scattered salt, soil or seeds in front of the threshold of an apartment or house. There may be coins, millet, and seed husks. To neutralize all this, you need to do the following: go around this place three times clockwise, cross yourself three times, then carefully collect what was poured onto the paper, but not with your hands. Take it all away from the house and burn it. When it burns, read “Our Father”. Then you need to say the following conspiracy: “ Where it came from, go there; whoever created it, take it away».

Attic. The attic is home to all sorts of spirits and therefore needs periodic cleaning. To do this, you need to stock up on crushed incense, holy water, wormwood, St. John's wort and three onions. The attic needs to be tidied up and unnecessary rubbish destroyed. Go around the attic clockwise, while spraying the ceiling, walls, and floor with holy water. All this time you need to read the prayer “Our Father”. Then take crushed incense and sprinkle along and over the walls of the entire attic. Place branches of St. John's wort in the corners of the attic - 3 or 7 branches each. Finely grind the wormwood with your hands and scatter it around the attic with the words of the conspiracy:

« In the name of the Lord our God Jesus Christ, it is forbidden for an evil and vengeful spirit to be here.».

Then read the prayer " May God rise again" Hang three bulbs in the middle of the attic for seven days. Cross the four cardinal directions: east, west, north and south with the words: “Lord, save and help.” When you go down from the attic and close the attic door, the entrance to the attic must be baptized with the words:

« The evil, witchcraft, vengeful and far-fetched spirit should not be here. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen».

After seven days, burn the bulbs over a fire.

Feathers, seeds, grains. If feathers, Ostyaks, dyed feathers, feathers torn out with meat, rags with feathers sewn to them, various grains (oats, wheat, corn, watermelon, squash seeds), coal, sticks, planks, horsehair, threads, rags, etc., all this must be properly destroyed. Anything found should be wrapped in paper or cotton cloth, and then your hands should be washed thoroughly. If the full moon has not yet arrived, put the bundle in a place where no one will come into contact with it. When the full moon approaches in the evening, closer to midnight, find a place where paths or paths intersect. It is necessary to be baptized with the words: “ God bless" Then light a fire and throw a bundle with the found objects into the burning flame. As soon as the contents of the package light up, you must say: “ Go away, evil, to where it came from. There is no way back for you».

Then read the “Our Father” prayer three times. Wait until all the contents of the package are completely burned. As soon as you are sure that everything is burned, use your right foot (for a man) or left foot (for a woman) to scatter the ash on all four sides and, without looking back, go home. Upon returning home, take the pillow in which the harmful objects were found and go outside with it or hang it through a window or balcony. You need to hit it three times and say: “ As dust comes out of the pillow, so all evil comes out of the pillow." Turn the pillow over and hit it again three times and repeat the same words. Then turn the pillow over again and say: “ As dust returns back to the earth, so you, evil, return to where it came from." Turn the pillow over to the other side and repeat the previous words. Then go into the house, put a pillow on the bed, sprinkle it with holy water and cross yourself three times. Turn the pillow over and do the same. Once all this is done, wash your hands, moisten them with holy water and drink three sips of holy water. Now the effect of evil and harm has been destroyed.

Pin. If a pin is found under the threshold, it should not be picked up. You should take a closer look at how it lies: if the tip is towards the door, then you need to stretch a sheet of paper under the pin and say:

« From whom it came, upon him it was found, heavenly powers, protective powers, protect and protect from evil slander, from evil intent, from witchcraft and sorcery, by whom what was created was returned».

Cross the pin three times, wrap it in paper and burn it outside at the stake. If the pin lies with its point facing the street, then paper is also slipped under it, but the spell is different:

« Heavenly powers, angelic armies, protect and protect; sword of Archangel Michael, destroy the demonic forces, witch spells, return what was taken from me, what was taken away from me, destroy evil intent, break the witchcraft spell. Let the enemy be punished in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Plunge, evil, into the underworld, plunge and wait for the one who created you, and harm him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen».

The piece of paper with the pin is rolled up, the whole thing is taken out into the street and burned with the prayer “Our Father”.

Pike teeth. The witches remove the jaws with teeth from the pike head. Various spells are cast on them for evil and harm, and then they are thrown into the garden or under the door of their victim. If such a “gift” is discovered, you must immediately push it onto a scoop with some object, take it outside the house and burn it at the stake with the words:

« In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, let the witchcraft spells, conceived by evil, be destroyed. Return, spirit of evil, straight to hell».

While the fire is burning, read the prayer “Our Father”. When the fire burns out, cover the ashes with earth and cross yourself three times. Turn to the east and say: " Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" Spray the place where the jaw lay (vegetable garden or threshold) with holy water in a cross shape with the words: “ Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen" Then sprinkle this area generously with soil.

Eggs. They always attracted the attention of witches. The egg is a symbol of life. There are many black magic effects on a person with its use. Sometimes there are people who throw charmed eggs. There are eggs that a witch sucks out and then spits out with spells, and throws the shell under the threshold of her victim. If you find an egg or shell planted under a threshold or in the yard, under no circumstances should you pick it up with your hands. All this must be collected on a scoop, taken outside, made a fire and burned, while reading the prayer “ May God rise again" Arriving home, you need to clean the threshold and the inside of the house with a candle and holy water, reading any prayer against damage.

Chicken. If you were given a slaughtered chicken with its legs tied as a gift, you need to be very careful. This bird carries a fatal disease. The witches tie the chicken's wings and legs with the rope that tied the dead man's hands. Sometimes a piece of meat may be cut off or its wings may be twisted. Such a piece is cut out from a living chicken, thereby desiring the same torment for the victim. Such a chicken can be brought for a treat, and feathers and meat can be discreetly placed in the victim’s pillow. Having received such a “gift”, you should not touch it with your hands. First, carry the bird three times counterclockwise over the fire, which will break the witchcraft spell that connects the chicken with the hex. Then take it to the intersection and burn it. Over the ashes, read the prayer “Our Father” three times. After which, for three days in a row, drink holy water in the morning with prayer “ May God rise again».

Rope. Sometimes you can find a rope with knots near or in the house. These can be loops or loops with knots. The more intricate the knots, the more sophisticated the damage. This is a special type of damage in which the witch deprives a person of certain abilities or paralyzes any parts of the body. This type of damage is very strong. For removal you need to contact a healer. But first neutralize the harmful object.

If ropes with knots are found, they must be destroyed as soon as possible. But first, pierce each knot with a knife with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, destroy the forces of the enemy.” Cross the rope three times and repeat with each knot. Then burn everything, saying the prayer “Our Father”, and bury the ashes and read the prayer “Alive in Help” over this place.

Track. If it is noticed that a previously left footprint from a shoe or foot on the ground (snow, sand) is cut up, pierced with needles, nails, or taken out of the ground like a cast, then you need to be wary and take all protective measures. First of all, you need to read a prayer

« To the Holy Trinity": "Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake. Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy. Lord have mercy».

Carefully remove the needles and nails from the mark with some object. These items must be burned on fire with the prayer “Our Father”. After this, collect the burnt needles and nails (not by hand) in a paper bag and throw them into the river with the words:

« Be gone, Satan. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen».

Then take a new broom and carefully cover your tracks, while saying:

« I sweep the trail with a silk broom, I water the trail with holy water, the Lord Jesus is with me. The cross on the dome of the church is golden, my tooth is made of bone, my trail is empty for enemies. His deeds are empty, his words are empty in a conspiracy. My business is first, and his last. The key, the lock is open. Amen. Amen. Amen».

Pour holy water over the marks in a cross shape. After this, cross yourself three times with the words: “Lord, have mercy.” Burn the broom on fire with the prayer “Our Father”. When reading the conspiracy, figuratively imagine yourself standing in a church surrounded by icons of saints.

A trace of a quarrel. If during the feast there was a quarrel among the guests, then, after seeing them off, you need to walk around the house with a candle, starting from the door, counterclockwise, while reading the prayer “Our Father”. Then walk clockwise also with a lit candle, reading the prayer “ May God rise again" In this way, the information of the quarrel is removed. Then you need to leave the lit candle to burn out at the front door on the threshold. At this time, sprinkle holy water on all corners of the apartment or house in a clockwise direction. At the end of this ritual, you should turn to the east and bow to thank God for your help.

Guests. If a person whom you suspect of witchcraft stayed overnight in the apartment, and there is a possibility that he will leave enchanted objects in the apartment, then make a bed for this person in a place where he can be seen. Place a piece of chalk under the bed or mattress where the sorcerer sleeps, and rub the door frame with incense. Place a clove of peeled garlic in a visible place in each room. Before going to bed, you need to pray and cross all the windows and doors.

Cards. The witch can flip cards from the deck. Which card will be thrown depends on the witch's wishes. It is known that cards have an explanation and definition. Each of them means something. And if, for example, you break and throw a six with a certain plot, then such a person will not be dear. Or break up and talk about the “ace” of diamonds - things or the agreement will be upset. “Nine” - love, etc.

If a foreign “ace” card is found in the house, it must be crossed three times and then buried in the ground. And sprinkle the place where it is buried three times in a cross shape with holy water. If the card is “nine”, then it is burned outside the house with the prayer “Our Father”. Throw the ashes into the river. If it is a “queen”, then the card is baptized three times and thrown into the fire. “Jacks” and “kings” are burned with the prayer “Our Father”. The place where the cards lay is fumigated with incense and sprinkled with holy water in a cross shape.

Lock. It happens that someone else's castle is discovered near or inside the house. Such a find must be taken very seriously. You can't touch it with your hands. The lock needs to be wrapped in paper and hidden in a place where no one can take it. On the waning moon, hit the castle three times with a stick, while saying:

« In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, I unlock everything that was closed, the key for me is God’s name, the intercessor is the Mother of God, my guard is the Guardian Angel. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of the Holy Trinity of Consubstantiality, I unlock the lock».

After reading the plot again, hit the lock with a stick three times, then throw the stick and lock into the fire and read the “Our Father” prayer three times. After this, you need to go to church, light one candle for the health of your enemies, order a service for your health and light a candle to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, in front of whose icon ask in your own words for help and protection from all enemies and other people's witchcraft.

Henbane. If henbane seeds are found at home or under the threshold, then you need to be careful. These small black grains show the way for the demons. If you touch such seeds with your hand, then demons can get into a person this way. You need to carefully sweep the seeds away from you and take them outside. They need to be burned in this way: light a fire only from thin branches, draw a circle around the fire with one branch with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Then throw this branch into the fire. Tie a cross from two branches using a thread. Cross the fire three times, throw henbane seeds into the fire with the words:

« In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, go, demons, to eternal hell».

Then cross the cross made from branches with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” and throw it into the fire. And cross yourself three times; leave without looking back.

Blood. If you find drops of blood on your doorstep, be careful. We need to try to find the source of the blood. If it is not found, then it is necessary to clean this place. You need to be careful when doing this. These may be drops of blood from a killed ritual animal. A sorcerer or witch uses special spells to take possession of the soul of an animal with the aim of harming it. The blood must be washed off with water using a rag. Carry a burning candle over this place three times with the prayer “Our Father”. Then sprinkle with holy water. When the water dries, rub the treated areas with the onion. The rag used to wash off the blood should be burned on the street.

Sulfur. You need to be attentive to the smell of sulfur. Hell is completely saturated with it. And if there is a smell of sulfur in the house for no reason, then this can lead to various troubles and troubles if you do not get rid of it in time. First, you need to sprinkle all the rooms with holy water. Then light incense over the candle and fumigate all the rooms with it, walking around them nine times, each time reading the beginning of the 103rd Psalm:

« Bless my soul, Lord! Oh my God! You are wonderfully great, You are clothed with glory and greatness; You dress yourself in light like a robe, you stretch out the heavens like a tent; You build Your high palaces over the waters, You make the clouds Your chariot, You walk on the wings of the wind. You create Your angels as spirits, Your servants as blazing fire. Thy will be done! Amen!»

Witch's egg. This is a strangely shaped mushroom with a corpse-like odor. Witches love to throw such eggs under the threshold of houses in which there are infants. Having discovered such an egg, you need to sweep it away from yourself, then take it outside the house or apartment and bury it. Seal the buried place with a cross with the words: “ In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" Drive an aspen peg into the ground. When you return home, wash the doors and pour the water outside. If you find an egg on the ground, then you need to generously fill the area with holy water. The gate (if there is one) can also be washed well with water and the prayer “Our Father”. Then cross the place where the egg lay three times.

Wool. Mushrooms and burrs from the cemetery. If you bring all this and put it on the threshold with spells, then the whole family will die in the next year. And therefore, if someone, God forbid, discovers these items in their possession, take action immediately. Before you sweep it all away, read this prayer:

« Living in the help of the Most High, in the blood of the Heavenly God, he says to the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge. My God, and I trust in him. As if He will deliver You from the snare of the trap, and from the words of rebellion, He will cover You with His splashes, and under His wing you hope: His truth will surround you with weapons. You will not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies during the day, from the thing that passes in darkness, from the box and the demon at noon. Thousands will fall from my country, and darkness will be at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, otherwise you will see with your eyes, and you will see the reward of sinners. For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. But evil will come to you, and the wound will not come close to your body, as his angel commanded you about you, keep you in all your ways.

They will take you in their arms, but not when you pierce your foot on a stone: you step on an asp and a basilisk; and cross the lion and the serpent. For I have trusted, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: you are with him and sorrow, I will destroy him, and I will glorify him, I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation».

After reading the prayer, read the amulet:

« Christ is with me, I will clothe myself with holy prayer. The icon of God is in front of me, the Guardian Angel is behind me. Go, arrows shot past me. The amulet and the Lord are my protection from the young master, from the gray-haired master, from their apprentice, from their lining I don’t need anything. Whoever brought it to the doorstep took it to his home. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen».

After reading the amulet, everything is swept away. If something is lying separately at the threshold, then it is for other things. If the three listed components are brought, then this is what is described.

Apricot kernel. Sometimes you find an apricot kernel in the bag along with the apricots you are treated to. It can be burned on both sides, split or tied with thread. Such a bone must be burned on fire with the prayer “Our Father”. Then sprinkle the place where the bone was burning with earth and cross it three times. When you come home, make three circles with your hands over the candle fire counterclockwise and drink three sips of holy water.

Tablecloth. After guests leave, you can sometimes see a hole in the tablecloth. But you won’t immediately understand where it came from. Meanwhile, one of the guests could have done this. But if you don’t find the hole immediately after the guests leave, then the well-being of the house may gradually deteriorate, the table will begin to get scarcer, and ultimately poverty may set in. If you find a hole in the tablecloth, do not rush to shake off the crumbs. You need to take a thread, moisten it with holy water, and thread it into a needle. Cross all this three times with the words of the conspiracy:

« In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit I will destroy all evil, witchcraft and sorcery».

Sew up the hole without removing the tablecloth from the table and constantly repeating: “ There should be no witchcraft and sorcery" When the hole is sewn up, put a piece of bread in this place and make the sign of the cross with the words:

« Let there be bread and all kinds of food on this table.” Then burn the bread. After this, remove the tablecloth, shake it and put it in the wash. After washing and ironing, fumigate it with incense with the prayer “May God rise again.”».

Salt as a gift. Sometimes you can see salt being given as a gift. But, unfortunately, table salt brings misfortune. If this happens, then you can correct what was done like this. You need to take a pinch of salt and throw it into the well, but first make sure that no one has taken water from the well that day. In this case you need to say: “ As the salt in this well melts, so does our trouble disappear. Amen" The ritual is best performed at sunrise for three days in a row.

Nails. You need to be careful if you had to trim your nails outside the home. They should not fall into the wrong hands. But if there is a suspicion that this has happened, the following precautions should be taken: at dawn, take undrinkable water, which can be left standing for 2 hours, and water the palm of your hand so that the water flows down the nails into the ground with the words: “Let all the bad things that came from from my hand, what my hand desired goes into the ground.” At sunset, light a fire, cut off the nails from all fingers and toes and throw them into the fire with the words:

« Go away the evil, witchcraft that was spoken to me through the nails that were cut off before and now.” When the fire goes out, you need to say : “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" When the fire burns out, scatter the ashes in four directions. Leave without looking back.

Flowers. Be careful not to touch flowers if their stems are broken. If there are scraps of petals or flower heads lying at the threshold, you need to sweep them away from you onto a scoop, take them outside and burn them with the words: “ God save us" and read the prayer "Our Father" three times. Basically, witches use flowers from a funeral procession to throw under the threshold. For holiday gifts, they use flowers plucked with spells from the cemetery on the full moon. This gift will use an even number of flowers. To do this, the head of one flower with a hex breaks off. Having received such a bouquet as a gift, you need to say (you can silently) three or seven times: “ From whom it came, to whom it returned" Such a bouquet should be taken outside and burned with the prayer “Our Father”.

Lizard. If you dry a lizard, grind it into powder and pour it with a curse into the footprints of a person left on the snow or ground, then such a person will become very ill and may die. You can help such a person in the following way. You need to find a fused double nut. Throw one half of the nut on one bank of the river, and the second on the other. Scoop up water from this river and wash the corrupted person at sunset. In this case, you need to whisper a conspiracy:

« Until this nut commits a sin, until then not a single ax will interrupt my word, and the slave (name) will not die from damage. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!»

Perform this ritual to remove damage for six days in a row.

Keys. Sometimes you can find someone else's keys in an apartment. They are planted with a special slander so that the person cannot exchange or sell the apartment. To rectify the situation and resolve the issue with the apartment, it is necessary to take the last water on Epiphany, that is, the last of all who took water in the church that day. Keep it in the house until the next day and wash the doors with it in the morning, first from the outside and then from the inside. Throw the found keys into the fire with the words:

« I burn all the lessons and prizes, and evil dashing slander. Be, my words spoken, turned into action, back words in front, front words in front, stronger than your clothes and damask steel. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen».

After this, throw the keys into the river with the words: “ Be gone, Satan, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen" Then take your own keys to the apartment or house, rinse them with Epiphany water and throw them at the doorstep of the apartment from the inside. So the keys should remain until the first buyer comes to the house or apartment.

Crow. If a dead crow or its wing is found under the threshold or near the gate, you should be careful. You can’t take it with your hands; you need to take either a wooden scoop or a wooden plank and pry off this find. Take it to a crossroads, pour gasoline on it and set it on fire. When the crow ignites, you must say: “Go away, evil, there is no way back to where it came from.” Then read the “Our Father” prayer three times. When the crow burns, go home without looking back. On the way back you need to repeat the words all the time: “ God save us" Near the place where the crow used to lie, you need to cross yourself three times to the east and light a small fire. Arriving home, light a candle in front of the icon of the Mother of God, read the prayer “Our Father” and the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice” seven times. Cross yourself three times and bow to the east.

Earth. If you find grave soil near your door, you can make a “referral” to the person who did it. Take a red rag, hold it over the threshold, and sew a cross on it with black thread. While you sew, say:

« Whoever took this land from the cemetery took my damage upon himself. Cross with cross, the devil with a tail and his relatives are with him, and I am with Jesus Christ. Amen».

Bury the rag under a dry tree.

Pins are the objects most often used in dark rituals. Such a familiar and useful thing in everyday life can become a terrible weapon, attracting failures, illnesses and even changing fate.

The pin is very easy to magically influence. This is due to the fact that it is made of metal, which easily absorbs any energy - positive or negative. The tip of the needle accumulates energy and directs it to the person for whom it is intended. A pin can become a strong and effective talisman, but, unfortunately, it is more often used to cause damage.

When a pin can cause harm

A pin that has been in the hands of envious people and ill-wishers has a strong negative impact on a person. They talk her into illness, troubles, material failures, celibacy, and sometimes they perform a ritual over her in order to get rid of her misfortunes and “transfer” the problems to another person. You should fear for your fate in several cases.

  • If you find a pin in a door or door frame, they are trying to influence you negatively. Such damage is one of the most powerful and can affect not only you, but also your household, bringing misfortune and discord to the family.
  • A pin on the threshold of a house or even in the house itself signals that someone who wishes you harm is hiding under the guise of a friend. If you find a pin in a piece of furniture or among personal belongings that shouldn't be there, you are in danger.
  • Pins found on the road, especially at intersections, rarely appear there by accident. Most likely it was used in a ritual to get rid of problems, and then thrown away. Walk past the find: if you touch it, you will take the problems for yourself.
  • Pins are used in Voodoo ritual. A homemade doll, symbolizing the person who will be influenced, is pierced with curses with pins. Such pins are very dangerous, and if they accidentally fall into your hands, you will be subjected to a strong energy shock.
  • Pins found in a bag, at your workplace, or on a car seat were most likely planted with the intention of harming you.

How to protect yourself

Don't touch a pin you find on the street. If you just walk past it, no harm will be done to you. If you find a pin that is clearly intended for you, a simple ritual that does not require special abilities and skills will help protect yourself.

A pin found in a door, apartment or personal belongings should be disposed of as soon as possible. Protect your hands with a cloth or gloves and pick up the needle. You cannot touch an object with your bare hands: once it comes into contact with your skin, the needle will immediately transmit a powerful charge of negativity to you, and it will be much more difficult to get rid of it. Take the pin to the intersection and say the words over it: “The needle will break, but my destiny will remain intact. God's power will protect me, evil will not touch me. Amen". After this, break the pin and leave the pieces at the intersection. Alternatively, you can burn it. Of course, it is impossible to make metal burn to the ground, but it is enough to heat it red-hot. In the fire, the pin will be cleansed of negative energy.

It is better to throw away what protected your hands during the ritual. Returning to where you found the needle, cross the spot three times.

Be vigilant and careful, and no one else will ever interfere with your destiny. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

11.10.2015 00:50

A pin is an ancient powerful amulet against negative influences. It can be protected from the evil eye and damage if you speak to it first and correctly...

- this is something that women have always had in their wardrobe, something without which it was impossible to imagine a single dress. There is even an expression - “spending on pins”, that is, on things that only a woman uses, and not goods for the whole family. Therefore, even now, women are the best at performing such damage.

On the Internet you can find many variations of the same damage using a pin, but do they all work? This issue requires separate consideration. A lot depends on the personality of the one who carries out the magical work. Sometimes the intention alone is enough to curse the victim. On the contrary, none of the attempts may succeed simply because the ill-wisher does not have sufficient magical power to harm someone. This does not mean that he is a bad magician, it means that black magic is not his path, that’s all.

In this article

Damage with a pin: how to do it

When damaging with a pin, the main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing a tool. So, you only need a pin that can be fastened. This is very important, since the effect of damage and the ability to induce it are based on this.

The energy of the curse will move around the pin, slowly but surely destroying the victim. Please note that the effect that an experienced witch achieves with the help of this damage will be different from what the effect will be from the work of a neophyte. Ideally, such damage is capable of “chasing” a person through a circle of troubles, illnesses, failures and poisoning his life for many years. But this is the exception rather than the rule. Usually the entire effect is reduced to small ones.

The timing is also of great importance - it is best to do damage with a pin on the 12th lunar day on Sunday. It is not easy to achieve the coincidence of these conditions, but the effect is worth it. To work you will need:

Light a candle and, dripping onto an open pinhead, read the spell 12 times:

“As a needle is sharp, so is the arrow of the spirit of evil sharp, directed by my hand. Just as wax sticks to iron, so my words and deeds of the spirit of evil stick to this needle. Amen"

The wax pin must be hidden in the victim's house so that no one will find it.

Depending on whether the damage is applied to an open or closed pin, the effect will be different. However, the essence will remain the same - minor troubles will lead the victim to complete despair.

Of course, it’s easier to make a lining by using a closed pin. It is unlikely that the owners will be able to determine that a pin lying peacefully behind the sofa is an instrument of witchcraft damage. If a scarf or some other thing can still be clearly distinguished from your own, then with a pin the situation is much more complicated. If you stuck a pin into the victim's clothing, this is also unlikely to immediately arouse suspicion.

Damage with a pin: how to remove

If you find a strange pin stuck somewhere in the house, then do not rush to panic and run to the magicians. Such damage can be removed very simply. To do this, you just need to break the pin and throw the remains into the fire.

The difficulty arises with the first point, since it is difficult to immediately break the pin. The longer it stays in the flame, the better the cleansing effect will be. Ideally, you want to ensure that the pin becomes red hot.

Fire is known for its ability to literally burn away negativity, so this is an ideal way to remove damage to a pin.

But this is suitable if the magician who caused this damage is a beginner. The work of an experienced practitioner cannot be destroyed so easily. It will also be necessary to carry out a total cleaning of the apartment using church candles, and remove the residual negativity from yourself using an egg or pouring it on wax.

Damage with a pin: spell on a pin to protect against damage

Despite the fact that a pin can make an enemy's life a living hell, it can also protect its owner. Our grandmothers knew about this, passing on from generation to generation the sign of pinning a pin on the wrong side of clothes to protect themselves from the evil eye. Oddly enough, even without conspiracies, the pin works. But its protective properties are based on maternal love and the protection of the Family.

If you pin pins on family members, you can simply form an intention-message to protect the person from damage and the evil eye. If you use a pin as a talisman for someone else, it is better to use a simple but effective pin spell:

“The eye closes, the protection closes, the villains’ teeth break on the pin. Amen."

AND damage with a pin there is no need to be afraid!

Finding cutting objects is not always a negative omen. Folk wisdom will tell you what to expect from a found pin, needle and scissors, because these finds warn of changes, often good ones. But sometimes this portends big trouble...

If you see a knife, pass by

For a long time, far from the best signs have been associated with a knife. It is believed that it is associated with dark magic and evil forces. But what does the sign portend if you managed to find a knife on the street? Absolutely nothing will happen if you just walk by. Even if you stop and look at him, misfortune will not fall on your head.

However, it is also a magical item that is used in witchcraft rituals (for inducing damage, love spells). Psychics are inclined to believe that such a thing is charged with bad energy and has a memory. As a result, all the accumulated negativity will spill over onto the new owner. In order not to tempt fate, do not touch such items and do not bring them into the house.

If you find a pin, take a negative or amulet

Everyone knows the pin is reliable talisman, amulet against the evil eye, and if you speak it correctly and pin it to your clothes, then it will serve as a shield for a long time. A found pin will protect and even bring material benefits, but in this case there are some rules.

According to signs, you can only pick up a lying pin if its head is pointed in your direction. Such a thing will bring good luck and prosperity.

The pin is pointed at you with its sharp end - pass by and don’t even think about picking up the thing. If you take it, strengthen all the negative events that are about to happen.

A curved rusty pin is a bad symbol. You can't touch her. It is possible that this was previously someone’s talisman, but later an energy attack was carried out on the person and the pin took over everything. If you pick up such a find, all the negativity will become yours.

A clean pin was found - a new friend will appear soon. If found by a pregnant woman, a son will be born. A discovery on board a ship means trouble will befall the entire crew.

If you find someone else’s pin in your house (we’re sure you didn’t have one), this is a sign of damage. It's quite possible that someone planted it. The item must be consecrated and buried away from the house.

Sign to find a needle

If you notice a needle in front of the door, near a residential building, on the landing, do not pick it up under any circumstances. Most likely, she was involved in some kind of witchcraft ritual; raise her and you will take troubles intended for someone else.

By the way, stepping over it is prohibited. It also attracts trouble. You can only bypass the needle.

If a girl finds a thing on the road outside the house, after a while she will receive good news, or the thing she lost will be discovered. A needle found in the house indicates a quarrel with relatives. To avoid disaster, you need to pick up the needle, break it in half, and then bury it.

Finding scissors

Not the best beliefs are associated with scissors. Especially finding them on the street is a bad sign. The sign says that in your life there are a lot of bad friends, deceitful, ready to set you up. Think about it, maybe it's time to break off relations with them.

Found scissors may indicate a problem in a love relationship. It is quite possible that feelings have long cooled down, the relationship has outlived its usefulness and you need to start something new.

Finding broken ones is a great sign for those who are in a quarrel. It means that soon the relationship will improve and move to a new level. For others, the find promises a solution to a very complex problem.

A lonely person has found new scissors - he will soon meet his fiancée or get married. For the couple, the find is a warning - soon children will appear in the family or adult offspring will have a wedding. Dull scissors are found - you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation, but thanks to your ability to bypass conflicts you will be able to avoid getting hurt.

As you can see, not all signs associated with cutting objects are negative. Many of them promise good changes. In any case, if you find a knife, pin, needle or scissors on the street, it’s better to pass by, don’t touch, and then nothing bad will happen.