Why do you dream of tickling (tickling)? Dream Interpretation Tickling (tickle). The magic of numbers K - dreams of tickling in a dream

A brownie comes in a dream - what can such a dream promise? Interpretation of dreams according to the dream book.

– often this spirit keeps the hearth and is a very peace-loving creature. However, sometimes he can be playful, nasty and capricious. A dream about a brownie can mean an important event in life. As a rule, it appears in the form of a cloud or a vague mass that has something like a nose and eyes. Despite the fact that the brownie is a household spirit that protects family members, if you saw it in a dream, you should not expect good news. Letting a spirit into your home is a very good sign, foreshadowing imminent good things in the house.

He is the keeper of the hearth, its soul and patron. It is the brownie who takes care of prosperity, so that there are no quarrels and illnesses. He protects from bad people, evil spirits, and for this people pay him with their love.

There are different interpretations about where Domovoy came from. There is an opinion that Domovoy is one of the deceased ancestors, cursed by God for some period of time, doomed to serve their descendants, and each time after the death of the owner they take on his image.

The invisible owner of the house is an integral part of every person’s life, because we all live in apartments and houses and every day we encounter the brownie. Based on mythology, we can say with confidence that our ancestors firmly believed in the existence of the brownie, they tried to live with him in peace and harmony, pleased him, honored him, and even had conversations. What is the origin of good spirits, how did they appear? It is believed that the Lord dropped an unclean heavenly force onto the earth, which was dispersed throughout all the houses. But after living side by side with people, the evil spirits softened and became kinder. Its main purpose is to protect housing.

If a house lives with its owners for a long time, then it takes on their appearance, but in other cases it appears as a clot of energy about a meter high. Brownies live for quite a long time - 500-600 years. They even have their own holiday, it can be compared to the New Year. From February 10 to 11, you should please your home “guard”. Serve dinner and invite the brownie to the table and offer to taste the food.

Very often, a brownie can come to a house at will and is drawn there first of all by the character of the people. In a house where hard-working people live, the brownie is the same: he looks after the household, prevents a fire from happening, and invisibly wakes up the owners in times of danger. If the owners are lazy, then the brownie doesn’t really try to attract wealth and profit into the house. There is a good brownie in the house, the owners get along with him, then there will be wealth, happiness, peace and troubles will bypass such a house.

The character of the brownie is very clearly manifested in his great care for domestic animals, horses and cows. He feeds and treats them, but is sometimes capricious in choosing the color of the cattle. If a brownie has an unloved animal, he will torment it in every possible way and will certainly destroy it if the owner does not get rid of it in time. But, having received the cattle to his liking, he grooms it, gives it water, and braids the horses’ manes. Under no circumstances should these “braids” be unbraided.

The brownie tries to survive the unpleasant guests with all his might. He begins to choke them, put pressure on them. Such guests feel somehow uncomfortable at your place - they are irritated by everything, they feel stuffy, and in the end they have only one thought - to quickly get out of your house.

Brownies are also very irritated by tobacco smoke. Everyone is well aware of the dangers of smoking, so there is no point in repeating here. Tobacco smoke does not disappear anywhere. It settles on furniture, in the corners of the apartment. Therefore, the unpleasant smell of tobacco simply cannot be removed from an apartment in which there is a lot of smoking. This clearly does not improve the health of the apartment residents.

In general, if the brownie gets too hard, he can destroy the owner of the apartment or his property. Fires caused by an unextinguished cigarette of a sleeping person or faulty electrical wiring are the work of a brownie. On the contrary, before leaving the house, the brownie will always remind a good owner: turn off the lights, gas, water, iron, etc. That is, the role of the brownie is difficult to overestimate.

Usually sleeps somewhere under the ceiling. Yes, he can fly, and the force of gravity does not affect him. In his free time from sleep, he wanders around the apartment, minds his own business, and plays with animals.

- If a brownie dislikes your cat or dog, then
rest assured, your pet will not last long in the house - how to drink
the brownie will destroy an indecent animal;

— Please note that sometimes your furry pet
suddenly falls over on his back and begins to wave his paws in the air. It is her
tickles the brownie. Sometimes a cat, while licking itself, will perk up and stare at
emptiness and looks, as if following someone with his gaze. This one is invisible
the traveler is the brownie;

— He helps find missing things. For this it
you just need to ask for it: ‘ Master-father, help, tell me where it is
this and that...
‘. Or: stand in the corner of the room and turn to the brownie: ‘ Brownie,
brownie, play and give it back
‘. Search each room separately;

— Brownies don’t go into the bathroom at all. And in
In rural areas, bathhouses are inhabited by completely different creatures - banniki. Because of
Constant communication with blackness makes the banniki angry and dangerous. A little
you sit in the bath longer than necessary, and instead of pleasant freshness you feel
empty and powerless;

  • Go out into the street at midnight, on a full moon, with your left shoe tied to a string and pull it behind you. Under no circumstances should you look back. As soon as you feel the “heaviness,” this means that the brownie has agreed to live with you.
  • More bloodthirsty, but the most effective. You need to take a live rooster (preferably black) and cut off its head in the house, sprinkle the floor with blood. It is believed that if a lonely brownie wanders around the area, he will immediately accept this “sign”.

The brownie's height is small. About a meter. The hair is lush and red in color. Red beard. In the house he is without a hat. The shirt is colorful with a predominance of orange tones. No belt or sash. Brownie loves everything orange. This is depicted very well in the cartoon “Little Brownie”. The brownie doesn't like it when feather grass is brought into the house. At the same time, he may express obvious dissatisfaction, even to the point of breaking glass in the windows.

If your relationship with the brownie is established, if he is not offended by you, then he has the power to protect you and your home from the thief, and from uninvited guests, and from evil spirits. But the brownie has the power to allow unkind energetic “guests” into the house: evil spirits, tumbleweeds, etc. Although the brownie rarely resorts to such drastic measures. Only if he gets very angry. Or if he has a disgusting character, or if another brownie is trying to move into your house and drive your owner away.

If you dream that a brownie comes in your night dreams in the form of a cat, then one of your acquaintances is behaving hypocritically and insincerely. If the creature in your dream is invisible and scares you, then trouble will come from where you don’t expect it at all. The interpretation promises strong experiences.

They have their own tasks in this world, and we, people, have ours.

Hello, dear Elisha! I found your site by accident. I beg you, please help! For several years I was tormented by something, also at night paralysis, muteness, they simply beat me with electric discharges to my body and head. Growling, incomprehensible language. I was on sleeping pills for a long time. Two small children. The husband didn't feel anything. At first he didn’t believe me, but seeing my worsening condition he believed me. One day everything suddenly stopped. A week later, the husband admitted that he swore at the brownie and put the candy on the very top of the cabinet in the kitchen. But you write that the brownie is small, but I once saw something two meters tall, dark, cone-shaped. Now the beatings have stopped, but the feeling of fear has not gone away. What is this? Help! Thank you in advance! Natalia
They sent me a photo of the apartment for a cleansing session. In the kitchen, the TV is right on top of the refrigerator and is on. There is a microwave oven on the window next to it. There is also a TV in the hall. Don’t people even feel negative anymore?! Food is charged with negativity while still in the refrigerator, and then the negativity is received while eating. Well, it's a complete disgrace. Children are raised in such an environment. What will grow? Marginalized. And then there will be nothing to be surprised about.

Hello, Natalia!
The session was held today at about 10 o'clock in the afternoon.
But if you continue to litter your apartment and food with negativity and devilry from TV, then no one will help you. The TV must be removed from the kitchen without fail! In other rooms, use the TV as little as possible, and ideally, completely free the apartment from this eye of Satan! There is an article on the website for more information about the dangers of TV. You open your apartment and yourself to dark forces and create problems. It is also undesirable to use a microwave oven - it is very harmful to the body.

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To dream that you are being tickled is a sign of illness and anxiety. If you dreamed that you were tickling others, then due to ill health and thoughtlessness you will lose many pleasures. If you dream that someone is tickling you and you are laughing, this indicates that you are bored, yearning for a close relationship with your loved one. If someone is trying to tickle you, and you scold him, it means that your actions are dictated not by logic, but by your mood, which is now very changeable. A dream in which you play with a child and tickle him means an upcoming separation, a quarrel with family or friends. If you were tickled and started to hiccup, it means that someone with whom you are on good terms will accidentally harm you.

Your personal dream book Tickling

a dream in which you are tickled warns of a possible illness, ailment or empty worries. When you dream that you are tickling another person, it means that due to your poor health you will be deprived of a large number of pleasures. If you dream about how tickling makes you laugh, then such a dream indicates that you really miss your loved one. A dream in which they are trying to tickle you, but you avoid it in every possible way and begin to get angry at the one who wants to do it, suggests that when you perform some actions you are guided not by reason and logic, but by emotions. If you dream about how you start tickling him while playing with a child, then in reality you will have to part with your loved ones for a while.

If you are tickled in a dream and you feel awkward, your personal life may be rudely interfered with. Laughing from being tickled in a dream means you will suffer from unfair treatment and lies.

Dream - Tickle

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

They will offend you and will not apologize.

Tickle - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed that someone tickled you, then in real life you will experience many pleasant moments filled with joy and fun. A plot in which you happen to tickle someone means that in order to achieve success in your planned business you will have to...

Dreaming of "Tickle" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Tickling someone in a dream means a loss of self-control; you will not be able to restrain your indignation.

What does the dream portend: Tickle

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

They will lure you in and leave you.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:


Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Tickling?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If someone tickles you, expect a lot of pleasure in reality. A dream in which you tickle someone foreshadows you taking decisive action in the field you have chosen as the main one on your life path.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Tickling?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

They will offend and not apologize

Seeing Tickle in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

They will offend you and not apologize.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Tickling?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:


Dreaming of Tickling - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To experience awkwardness from tickling in a dream means to be annoyed by interference in your personal life in reality. Laughing from tickling means experiencing a strange event in everyday life or some kind of deception and injustice. Another meaning: to tickle is to be jealous.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Tickling

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To experience awkwardness from tickling in a dream means to be annoyed by interference in your personal life in reality. Laughing from tickling means experiencing a strange event in everyday life or some kind of deception and injustice. To tickle is to be jealous.

All cat owners know very well how their furry pets while away the days: they take a nap, eat, take a nap again, eat and go back to sleep. Yes, one can only envy such a pleasant pastime and instant falling asleep. Why do cats sleep so much and do they have dreams?

Lethargy - imaginary death or an involuntary attempt to hide from problems

Is lethargy a fake death, a terrible disease, or another mysterious property of the human mind? For centuries, ordinary people feared this disease as a terrible curse, and many great doctors tried to find the answer to this question, but even in our time, despite enormous progress in the study of human psychophysiology, the state of lethargy is still fraught with many mysteries.

What is the danger of colored dreams?

Vivid, colorful dreams may indicate serious mental disorders or that the person is currently in a severe traumatic situation. This is why every intrusive dream should be worked through with a psychologist.

Why do you dream about Tickling?

Tickle in a modern dream book

A dream has a wonderful meaning if in it you had to feel that you were being tickled. This is a sign of impending wild fun and joyful days that will come almost immediately after such a dream. If you tickle someone yourself, it means that it will be very difficult for you to successfully complete the task that you had previously planned. You will only succeed if you take consistent and persistent action.

Tickle in Miller's dream book

Tickling someone in a dream or feeling that you yourself are being tickled is an unfavorable sign, foreshadowing unpleasant events of all kinds. So, if the dreamer himself is tickled, he is threatened with experiences and anxieties that can lead to serious illness. If, while you are being tickled, you laugh uncontrollably or even laugh, then in reality you are experiencing exactly the opposite emotions. You are overcome by a severe longing for a dear and beloved person with whom you have lost a close relationship. If someone wanted to tickle you, but encountered your indignation, it means that you are a person of mood, which also changes frequently. The dream book says that the consequence of this is actions dictated not by reason, but by feelings. Tickling others means, through your own fault, losing the opportunity to receive a wide variety of pleasures. Sometimes the cause of such losses may be the dreamer’s poor health. If you tickle a small child, it means that you will have to go through parting with people who are very dear to you.

Tickling consists of a light tactile effect on the surface of the skin, which causes nervous excitement. Tickling is most often accompanied by reflexive movements and laughter. Prolonged tickling tires the body, and was even used as torture.

Popular wisdom states that anyone who is ticklish is prone to jealousy, although it is difficult to say how true this is. Everyone also knows the expression “ticklish state,” which speaks of difficulties, usually of a moral nature. In any case, a dream of tickling is rarely a good harbinger.

Dream book of Gustav Hindman Miller. What does tickling in a dream mean?

Dreaming of the feeling of tickling or tickling someone is an unfavorable dream that predicts various undesirable events. A dream about such a feeling can portend serious illnesses caused by anxieties and worries.

Laughing from a tickling dream is an inverse dream, indicating that the dreamer will soon experience completely different emotions. It could be a longing for lost intimacy or for someone very dear.

If the dreamer is indignant at an attempt to tickle him, this indicates his changeable mood and the fact that he acts guided by feelings, but not by reason.

To tickle someone else means, through your own carelessness or due to poor health, to lose the opportunity to enjoy something. Tickling a child means breaking up with those who are very dear to you.

Modern dream book. Dream “Tickling” - how to understand it?

To feel tickling - such a dream warns that excessive worries can harm the dreamer’s health. A dream where you are busy tickling someone else warns that the state of your health, as well as your own carelessness, can deprive you of many of the joys of life.

Laughing while feeling tickled means missing a bygone relationship with someone or someone who was truly close to you. To conflict with someone who intends to tickle you is to be guided in your actions not by logic, but by unstable emotions. Playing with a child and tickling him at the same time means separation from loved ones.

Psychological dream book. Tickle - what is this dream for?

Being tickled means unnecessary worries, and possibly illness. To quarrel with someone because they are trying to tickle you is to abandon common sense in your actions and follow the lead of a changeable mood, which is unlikely to lead to anything good.

Adaskin's dream book. What to expect from the Tickle dream?

If in a dream you feel ticklish and feel awkward, this predicts that soon someone may interfere in your personal life, which will cause you justifiable irritation. You may experience feelings of jealousy.

Laughter from being tickled foreshadows some strange incident; most likely, you will be subjected to deception or an unfair assessment.


As in life, a dream of tickling speaks of emotions that the dreamer cannot control. This may be a feeling of resentment, powerlessness, loss of self-control. The louder his laughter from tickling, the more grief he will have to endure in reality.

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