Is marriage suitable for Aquarius and Capricorn? Compatibility of Capricorn and Aquarius

Despite the fact that January is a cold winter month, people born at this time are very warm and sympathetic by nature. Especially those born on January 20 on the border of Aquarius or Capricorn. The zodiac sign of those born on this day often raises doubts, because it is not clear under which particular constellation a person was born, and what kind of influence of the stars on his destiny he will receive. Officially, astrology shows that those born on this day belong to Capricorns, and only on the 21st are Aquarians born.

General information

All men and women born between December 23 and January 20 belong to Capricorns, but from January 21 to Aquarius are born. Capricorns are usually successful and hardworking; even from childhood, boys born during this period attract the attention of the opposite sex with their courage, determination and justice. But because of these distinctive character traits, guys often get into fights and troubles.

Capricorn men and women

Representatives of the fair sex born under this constellation are particularly tough in character. Due to their special strength and masculinity, which is not typical for women, ladies very often have difficulty finding a partner. After all, their natural desire to be dominant in the family provokes them to either choose very weak men or look for a stronger companion than themselves.

In turn, men born in January 20 Aquarius or Capricorn are also very conflicted. It usually doesn’t matter to them about their date of birth, the main thing is to defend justice and prove that they are right. Although with age this ardor cools down, and they become calmer and non-conflict. As life partners, Capricorns are a good match for ladies who do not like scandals. But with age, shyness may appear; in addition, be prepared for the fact that such a man will often grumble. And from the outside it may seem that they are silent and gloomy.

General Character Traits of Capricorns

For representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius or Capricorn, on January 20 it is very difficult to forget old quarrels or forgive grievances. Therefore, there is a huge chance that even years later they can remind their offenders of what act he committed in the past. These are very material people, so until they have a good, well-paid job, a high position in society and respect, there is no point in talking about happiness. In addition, for representatives of this sign it is very important that they are surrounded by comfortable conditions at home, and to achieve this convenience they will conquer any heights in society and in the service.

Very often, women born on January 20 get married at an early age. The zodiac sign of Aquarius or Capricorn depends on what time of day they were born. If the stars were still in the constellation Capricorn, then they are impulsive and follow their instincts, which is why they enter into early marriages. Due to the fact that at a young age, representatives of the fair sex do not see the difference between love and passion, they mistake any emotions they experience for men as high feelings. The realization that the wrong person appears next to you over the years, so it is not surprising that Capricorns often remarry.

But men in this matter constantly experience a feeling of lack of love, it seems to them that the partner with him is not sincere, although when it comes to showing emotions, due to self-doubt, they push away any attempts to show their feelings. At the same time, representatives of this sign often attract the opposite sex with their shyness and calmness. To understand which zodiac sign is Aquarius or Capricorn, on January 20 you need to find out the exact time of birth. After all, starting from January 21, it is Aquarians who are born, and they are not at all like their predecessors.

Aquarius character

According to many astrologers, people born under this zodiac sign appeared on earth ahead of their time, and their thoughts and ideas will be useful in at least half a century. These are very strange and special people, each representative of Aquarius is unique and unusual. Therefore, development in society and arrangement of life is difficult for them. People born after January 20 according to the zodiac sign Aquarius. Capricorns are calm and material, but their followers, on the contrary, are impulsive and spiritual in nature.

In family relationships they are very lazy and are often irresponsible in building normal relationships. At the same time, these people have strong nerves, so they often work with people who are not doing well with their mental health. The thoughts of Aquarius are occupied with global and important issues, so they don’t care about everyday life, they are unlikely to make repairs and strive for comfortable conditions. This problem often destroys marriages if the husband is not at all concerned about the material aspect of family life.

Aquarius women

Representatives of the fair sex born under this sign are distinguished by rigor and balance. The main thing in their life is creativity. For marriage they choose strong and calm men. As for the intimate sphere, representatives of this sign are quite conservative and do not perceive base instincts; sex for them is a special ritual, and the mental aspect of this process is much more important than the physical.

- what zodiac sign: Aquarius or Capricorn?

On the night of the 20th to 21st month of the year, a transition occurs between two completely different signs of the Zodiac. People born at the junction of these dates can combine features of both signs. This will depend on how Uranus and Mercury were positioned at the time of the person's birth. According to astrologers, only those people who were born between the 1st and 18th of the month have a clear relationship to a specific Zodiac type.

All the rest belong more to the mixed type. This is why people are so often interested in the 20th of January. It is difficult to determine the Zodiac sign Aquarius or Capricorn, taking into account the character, behavior and worldview of a person, because it combines parts of both signs.

Who wants to live a life without love? Of course, no one. Every person dreams of happiness with his soulmate. There are many ways to find it. Dating on the Internet, on the street, in a cafe. Who you meet is decided by fate itself. A guy and a girl, a man and a woman, an elderly couple - they can all tell a variety of dating stories. Many will say: the Stars brought us together.

A horoscope, compatibility of zodiac signs, a lucky coincidence or an astrologer's forecast - all this leads us to our soulmate. It is necessary to believe the Stars, because they give the most accurate clues of fate. In any relationship, it is important who you are according to your zodiac sign, because knowing this, you can leave a horoscope for your entire family life. Love comes unexpectedly, so you have no choice - Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Leo, who chooses the zodiac signs when real feelings are at stake? you build your own love.

Different signs - different values

There are 12 months in a year, each of them passes under the auspices of one zodiac sign. They mean much more than many of us realize. The zodiac sign shapes a person’s character, his characteristics, talents, hobbies, way of thinking, if you like. You can figure out what's what if you study your horoscope. It usually contains some advice about which signs you have good or bad compatibility with.

On the one hand, this is very important - your life, nevertheless, is subject to the influence of Stellar or Zodiacal energy. On the other hand, you won’t look for a person based only on horoscope predictions. It would be stupid and deprive you of the most enjoyable thing - gradually getting to know the person you fall in love with.

Different energies can coexist in harmony, only then a man and a woman will be happy in a relationship. If this harmony is disturbed, then you simply do not understand each other. People may be drawn to, want to build a couple, but they simply cannot: the dreams and ideas of another person are dark years for them. And people should have something in common, at least something. The energy of two people fits together like a puzzle - the relationship horoscope is very good, predicting many years of harmony and joy for you. The puzzle does not work out, some parts are missing or there are too many of them - quarrels, scandals, betrayals and separation.

Capricorn man, Aquarius woman

The wise and taciturn Capricorn man makes a strong impression. He fascinates his victim with sudden signs of attention, scraps of poetry, and chance encounters. His image is generally mystical and attractive, like the hero of romance novels. It seems like he is the ultimate dream. Capricorn has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages that can prevent you from building love with him. For example, he is secretive and prone to long thoughts. When a Capricorn man goes into his chambers of the mind, it is better not to take him out of there. Leave it to be sad, to think for an hour, a day, a week. He himself will return to the world when he is ready.

Capricorn's wisdom can become his curse. He sees right through and rarely likes what he sees.

This applies primarily to women. Such insightful zodiac signs always have problems in their personal lives. A young Capricorn guy strives to find out where true love lies. Goes through a series of loves, breakups and new meetings. His horoscope asks him to wait - only after 28-30 years will he have that wonderful feeling. This is a brave man, ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of his family and friends. He is diligent in his work, neat, and deserves career growth.

The Aquarius woman is the complete opposite of the Capricorn man. What they have in common is a love of thinking. But, if for Capricorn this is a period of preparation for some important decision or statement, then for the Aquarius woman life takes place inside. This is normal for her. She dreams a lot, builds love stories in her head, exciting plots. Her horoscope is simple - there will be a person who will love her. Everything will be fine, you just have to wait. The Aquarius woman has been shy since her youth, and has probably always been in the back row, in the shadow of her successful, beautiful friends. No luck in friendship. Often this shapes her character, making her secretive, taciturn, and aloof.

Love, relationships, family

Let's start with the fact that Capricorn and Aquarius' compatibility is not so high that one can think about living together. For almost all Capricorn men, this woman is boring, lacking initiative, and devoid of plans for the future. What should he talk to her about? More often than not, they try and then go their separate ways. Capricorn is not attracted to looks or sexuality, but to the overall feeling of a person. For him, Aquarius smells not like a hot tropical ocean, but like a cold Siberian river.

If suddenly this happened, they confessed their love to each other - do not rush to rejoice. For such different signs, the horoscope is always unambiguous - someone will have to change everything about themselves. Perhaps, out of great love, Aquarius will forget about himself and begin to live only with the problems and needs of his partner. For now, this will suit him. It is rare when an Aquarius Scorpio couple reaches marriage, family, and old age together. In this case, wives always have a suspicion that the husband is cheating. Let this mean nothing, he is only looking for consolation on the side. Such an experience breaks their life, leading everything to the path initially indicated by the Stars.

If an Aquarius woman was born in the year of the Pig, then it’s easier with her. The Pig has an inner desire to make home a cozy place where you want to return. This may attract Capricorn. Here you can comfortably surrender to your thoughts, and he will allow Aquarius to take care of him. If you are satisfied with this option, go ahead, don’t waste time. Just know, this is not forever.

Aquarius man, Capricorn woman

The Aquarius man surprises many. He has so many ideas, he loves to make plans, schedules, and share his thoughts. It seems that he is about to create something incredible. Unfortunately, this will never happen. The Aquarius man is only capable of reasoning, but there is little that can push him into action. He chooses a job where he needs to “sit out” his time and get paid. He also talks a lot about career growth: he needs advanced training courses, read a couple of books, talk to his superiors. All these are rosy plans to confuse you, to create the appearance of hectic activity. In fact, he is happy with everything.

The star horoscope for the Aquarius woman and the Capricorn man is not the most successful, but the love story of these two can teach a lot

So they deceive their wives, who cannot wait for their husband’s success. If Aquarius, according to the eastern horoscope, has the sign of the Dog or Pig, then the situation is a little better. Still, for the sake of his own home, he will be able to move the needle. For such combinations of the zodiac signs Dog or Pig in Aquarius, it is common to do something for the sake of loved ones. For the sake of their wives they will overcome their laziness, for the sake of their children they will be able to build a big house, for the sake of their parents they will be able to change their lifestyle. You always need a motivator, because the Aquarius man himself is happy with everything.

The Capricorn woman knows how to combine things that are generally impossible to combine. A good job, career, children and home, kindergarten, preparations for the winter, business trips with my husband, hobbies and TV series. All this together, and something else. She has the time, diligence and desire for all this. It's easy to work with her if you find a common language. To do this, you need to love her activities, respect her interests and follow her advice. The Capricorn woman loves to give advice. The older she is, the wiser they are. A young Capricorn girl is always an authority for her friends - she knows everything, how, where, how much. An adult woman of this zodiac does not hesitate to share wisdom even with those who are clearly wiser than her.

Friends are very important to her. In friendship, Capricorn sees an outlet, a time and place for a sincere conversation. She is not the kind of wife who wants to upset her husbands with health problems or simply sad experiences. But you can talk about everything with a friend. This is necessary, because she has so much time alone with herself. You need to pour out your soul. Easily let your Capricorn wives go for a walk with a friend; she definitely won’t go “to the left”, but honestly, hour after hour, she will express her painful issues.

Love, relationships, family

Among all the signs, Aquarius and Capricorn are direct opposites. Yes, they have many similar traits: love of thought, falling in love, rich inner life. It seems, why not? They could be happy. In fact, when such a couple is formed, you immediately see some disappointment in the eyes of Capricorn.

These signs have a different horoscope, different zodiacal energy, which pulls them in different directions. A couple where the man is weaker than the woman in all respects cannot be 100% successful.

Aquarius loves and fears their wives. There is often a reversal of roles - the woman brings the money, the man takes care of the house. If this arrangement suits both, well, it might work out. And it happens quite often. If one of the partners was born in the year of the Pig, then he will be drawn to the house and will want to spend more time there. The Pig has this distinctive quality that is passed on to every zodiac - to create a warm, beautiful nest for itself.

From the first minutes of communication, it is clear that if Volodya and Capricorn want to be together, they will have to work a lot and diligently on themselves. Perhaps joint psychotherapy, but this is after the wedding, when the problems take shape and take on their original, understandable form. This is if you want to fight for love. For the wives of Aquarius, it becomes obvious that he certainly needs to be motivated. Many people get tired of this and want initiative from a man. If he was born in the year of the Pig, then forget about traveling, the Pig is used to staying at home. Something must be sacrificed for the sake of peace in the house. In some ways you, in some ways your spouse. This is how very strong love is achieved in a couple. Any horoscope can change, it all depends on your actions or inactions.

Capricorn and Aquarius are a combination of stability and inconstancy, logic and recklessness. The compatibility of these signs can hardly be called successful.

Aquarius knows how to easily adapt to others and constantly strives for everything new. Its complete opposite is Capricorn, who does not like change and is wary of people. In addition, he is very conservative and boring.

According to Capricorn, his partner rarely makes deliberate actions, deliberately choosing a non-standard manner of behavior. It’s just that the “air” sign is not based on specifics, but acts as its instinct tells it.

Relationships between Capricorn and Aquarius largely depend on how patient Capricorn is with their partner. Capricorns do not believe in anything that cannot be substantiated, but for the curious Aquarius, nothing is impossible.

The "Air" sign likes to disturb people's tranquility by appearing when they are not at all expected. Such behavior can terrify his partner.

For Capricorn, the opinion of the people around him, especially his relatives, is very important. If they are against their relationship with their partner, then he will probably choose his family.

Capricorn is a serious person, almost without a sense of humor, and very practical. He is active, resilient and very patient. To feel protected, he must have a solid bank account. Aquarius can show both determination and purposefulness, but he will grow and grow until his chosen one.

It would do well for Aquarius to become more serious, and for Capricorn to see the world in all its colors, but Capricorns begin to enjoy life only in its second half. Then they allow themselves to relax and do what they could not do in their youth. Aquarius falls into childhood during these years. Therefore, it is during this period that Capricorn and Aquarius get along well with each other.

Capricorn constantly strives to realize his goals and always expresses only wise thoughts. When his chosen one steps towards new discoveries, he is constantly nearby and ready to support him at any moment.

Capricorn and Aquarius - friendship and love

These signs combine well in intimate relationships. Aquarius loves experiments in sex. The most important thing for him is to know what is acceptable for a partner and what is unacceptable. Capricorn and Aquarius are similar in their temperament, and therefore they are quite comfortable together.

The friendly relations of these signs are more or less promising. Aquarius tends to wander, while Capricorn likes to be at home. It is unlikely that freedom-loving Aquarius will be able to remain attached to a serious Capricorn for a long time. Their love can smoothly turn into friendship.

The union of Aquarius and Capricorn can be quite successful only if each partner knows about all sorts of pitfalls. When Capricorn “accepts” the character of Aquarius, who, in turn, can ignore the conservatism of his partner, they will make a wonderful couple. They have quite a bit in common: they are both maximalists who strive to leave a mark behind themselves!

Aquarius and Capricorn are a rather interesting union of two very different people. There are a lot of contradictions between them, but if they are interested in a relationship and are ready to overcome difficulties, then the couple can be harmonious. For more detailed forecasts, it is necessary to consider the astrological compatibility of Aquarius and Capricorn in various areas of life separately.

Aquarius man and Capricorn woman

These are very different people, but their differences sometimes do not interfere with creating happy couples. In astrology it is believed that they are halves of one whole. The Capricorn woman is a principled, strict and conservative nature, while the Aquarius man is a freedom-loving person who does not recognize any boundaries. At the same time, they complement each other perfectly, since both representatives of these zodiac signs are subordinate to Saturn. Capricorn helps Aquarius realize his creative potential, and the latter makes such a union interesting and vibrant.

Perfect Union

The Capricorn girl attracts the Aquarius guy with her prudence and self-confidence. He is quite impractical, so in the pursuit of new ideas and ideas he often forgets about pressing problems. His companion will return her husband “to earth” in time and will never allow him to become a loser.

A Capricorn married to an Aquarius man always feels young. With him, she can open up completely, knowing that her chosen one will always support and help solve any problems by coming up with something original. Thanks to her companion, the Capricorn woman reaches heights that she could never have imagined before.

Possible problems

Harmony in the love of an Aquarius man and a Capricorn woman can be overshadowed by everyday life. Capricorn needs security and stability, which such a man is not able to give her. Since she is a strong person with excellent leadership qualities, she will certainly begin to educate Aquarius and wean him from his inherent unpredictability. However, Aquarius is quite stubborn and is not going to obey other people's rules, and therefore serious conflicts are possible in the marriage of these two.

Aquarius's excessive love of freedom can cause a woman to consider him a complete egoist. By the way, this position is observed not only in the case of Capricorn, but also with representatives of other zodiac signs. The Aquarius man rarely considers the opinions of others and can put personal freedom above the interests of his loved ones, which causes their indignation.

Capricorn man and Aquarius woman

The Capricorn guy is attracted to the Aquarius girl with her kindness, selflessness and reliability. For the sake of these qualities, he easily forgives her eccentricities and peculiar views on the world. Perhaps in their love he will not be a romantic, but he will be faithful to his beloved and will become her best helper and protector.

Perfect Union

Ideally, an Aquarius woman, like the heroine of romance novels, is capable of melting the heart of a closed and unapproachable Capricorn man with her kindness. She awakens the knight in him, who is ready to save her from all pressing problems, so that she has the opportunity not to worry about everyday life. In love relationships and marriage, the Capricorn man is the leader, but it is obvious that it is the woman who creates psychological comfort in the couple.

She supports her beloved in everything, approves of all his actions and recognizes his prudence as a guarantee of their well-being. Of course, a rational Capricorn will not look at the world through the eyes of Aquarius, but he will feel good in the company of such an eccentric.

Possible problems

Difficulties in the love of these horoscope signs arise at the beginning of a relationship, when these two are not yet accustomed to each other’s characters. Aquarius lives by its own rules and hates boundaries and restrictions, while Capricorn always knows what is possible and what is not. He will try to remake his chosen one, to bring stability and order into her life.

An Aquarius woman may not like this behavior very much. She may prefer independence and leave Capricorn. But if there is more mutual understanding in their love relationship, they will overcome these difficulties and form a happy union.

In bed

The sex life of an Aquarius man and a Capricorn woman has a special energy. These horoscope signs are combined at the energy level. That is why intimacy with a Capricorn woman gives Aquarius a great boost of strength. There is a special understanding between them in bed. And although Aquarius does not have a sexual temperament, he loves experiments and will surprise Capricorn with an unconventional approach to sex. And a woman like Capricorn needs a man with whom she will be able to fully reveal her sexual potential.

The Aquarius woman knows how to always be different and interesting, so she can maintain Capricorn’s interest for years. He is faithful in his affections and will enjoy his chosen one, without looking back at other women in life. The sexual compatibility of these zodiac signs is very good. Despite the fact that Aquarius needs romance, and Capricorn is a rather down-to-earth sign, they understand each other well in bed.

In friendship

According to the horoscope, an Aquarius man and a Capricorn woman can have the strongest friendship. Aquarius is a very reliable friend, ready to help at any moment, and Capricorn is constant and faithful, so these two can form a good friendly union. But since the Capricorn woman is quite conservative, their friendship may end if she gets a husband or Aquarius gets married.

But friendship between an Aquarius woman and a Capricorn man is much less common. In friendly relationships, Capricorn often seeks benefits, which he will not find in the case of such a lady. In turn, she will not tolerate his attacks about her own behavior and will be irritated by his excessive rationalism.

In progress

If an Aquarius man and a Capricorn woman have common goals in work, then they can become excellent partners.

However, it should be taken into account that their methods of doing business are different: Aquarius is an innovator and loves original ways of solving problems, while Capricorn prefers to work in proven ways. If a woman in such a relationship is the boss, then things will not go well: she likes to control everything, and he hates pressure and control. The opposite option, when the leader is Aquarius, will bring good results if both get used to business relationships. In this case, Aquarius will set the right tasks, and Capricorn will carry them out well.

The business relationship between a Capricorn man and an Aquarius woman is quite complex. The man in them is very ambitious and will not tolerate such a freedom-loving and extravagant person next to him. If she turns out to be his boss, then he is unlikely to take her seriously and will try to take her place. If a woman works under him, he will probably consider her an unproductive employee.

As you can see, the dissimilarity of the characters of these horoscope signs can be smoothed out in love and in marriage, when partners are ready to forgive each other a lot. But in friendship and in work, their relationships can be quite tense.

Stories from our readers

Compatibility is not the best. Representatives of different elements are absolutely different from each other. Rather, they can be called opposites. But they are known to be attracted to each other. Therefore, they are guaranteed mutual attraction at the first stage of the relationship, which cannot be said about the formation of a harmonious, promising union. This will require a lot of effort from both signs.

Compatibility of Aquarius and Capricorn signs suffers greatly due to the fact that Capricorn is the embodiment of calm, practicality and caution. Aquarius is so reckless and fickle that it is difficult for them to understand and accept each other. The element replacement representative does everything consistently, without jumping from one task to another, because he is convinced that this is the only way to obtain a high-quality result. Aquarius today still does not know what he will do tomorrow, and his love of shocking others brings his partner to the point of a heart attack. Everything is complicated by the fact that Capricorn lives according to generally accepted moral laws and sacredly honors any traditions. Aquarius, in all his actions, relies only on himself, guided by his own feelings and conclusions. Therefore, it will not be easy for Capricorn to come to terms with the fact that the chosen one constantly puts him in awkward situations.

The compatibility of Aquarius and Capricorn characterizes a painful relationship. Capricorn needs to realize the value and stability of their union, while for a representative of the Air element, the very concept of “love” is not constant enough. Now he loves, and in a moment there is no trace of him. This traumatizes the vulnerable soul of an earthly person, developing a melancholy-depressive attitude towards life.

Perhaps the only area in which the compatibility of the signs Capricorn and Aquarius is characterized on the positive side is general career aspirations. Having a joint business, partners will do everything possible to ensure that it always prospers.

To achieve, if not harmony, then at least a state of balance, Aquarius should be more attentive to the Capricorn family and not provoke others with harsh statements and extravagant antics. Capricorn will have to come to terms with the inconstancy and love of freedom of his partner, enjoying those rare moments of true spiritual intimacy that he will give him.

Sexual compatibility between Aquarius and Capricorn

The innovative approach of Aquarius rests on the strict conservatism of Capricorn. Aquarius is an excellent lover, but his indefatigable ingenuity is not to the taste of a practical partner. The sexual compatibility of the signs Aquarius and Capricorn does not have the best effect on their relationship as a whole. A representative of the air element will quickly get bored with this routine connection, and, being a freedom-loving person, he will quickly rush towards new adventures.

Compatibility: Capricorn man - Aquarius woman

The Capricorn man greatly values ​​his family and the traditions that have developed in his home over the years. A woman born under the sign of Aquarius is not one of those ladies who will adapt to conditions; she would rather dictate her own. And at the same time, she can afford a couple of unpleasant remarks to her man’s friends, acquaintances and parents. Capricorn will be furious, although he will try not to show it outwardly.

The compatibility of Aquarius and Capricorn in this ratio rarely has a basis rich in deep feelings. Most often they are united by common business or spiritual aspirations. These partners are so different in their worldview that they are unlikely to be able to experience serious mutual feelings. If this happens, their love will be crushed by the deliberate extravagance of Aquarius and that constant feeling of shame and fear that will be caused in Capricorn by the actions of his lady.

In such relationships, Capricorn does not feel security and stability, as well as respect for his way of life. Although the Aquarius lady admires her partner’s determination and success, she perceives his conservatism and pragmatism as something destructive to a real, living feeling. She gets bored. In addition, such a man is inclined to limit her freedom, not giving her the opportunity to build her own career.

There is a lot of misunderstanding in this union, and both partners will have to try hard to preserve their feelings and make the relationship long-lasting and strong enough.

Compatibility: Capricorn woman - Aquarius man

He is eccentric and has a highly developed personality. In addition, every man of the air element highly values ​​his freedom.

The Capricorn woman is the ideal wife. She is capable of devotedly loving and extolling her chosen one, but even she considers Aquarius crazy.

In this union, Capricorn will probably have a harder time. Aquarius is very sociable, quickly switches from one person to another, and treats many people very well. His lady is not able to understand such openness to strangers; she is overcome by attacks of jealousy, although outwardly she will not show her weakness.

These two live in different worlds. Her world is practical and real, she clearly knows what she wants and gradually builds her environment. The world of Aquarius is a world of crazy fantasies and dreams that are beyond comprehension for an ordinary person. Therefore, he will not be able to reward the Capricorn lady with what she really deserves - real family relationships and the warmth of a home.

Business compatibility between Capricorn and Aquarius

Since both signs pay great attention to mental development, joint success awaits them in their respective fields of activity. Compatibility of Aquarius and Capricorn in business requires noticeable zeal and coordinated work in projects related to planning, design and development of new areas of the company's activities. Their common tenacity, along with extraordinary intellectual abilities, will make this union invulnerable to competitors.