Skyrim location. Secret locations of Skyrim

Why do people play games? To enjoy. Of course, the main essence of any game in its passage, completing all the tasks and becoming "the best of the best." However, in addition to this, many RPGs (and not only them) contain a large number of tricks, secrets and Easter eggs. Some of them can be useful, and some are just funny. We will tell you about a few of them now.

Embodiment skyrim games in the real life

1. One of the main "chips" of Skyrim is thu'ums, or dragon screams. With their help, you can do a lot, and you don’t think of everything right away. For example, the “Incorporeal” shout can be used to quickly (there is simply nowhere faster) and safely go down the mountain. If a normal downward fall would kill or injure a character, then shouting "Ethereal" will help prevent such an outcome.

2. A cunning Khajiit named M'aiq the Liar (a telling nickname, isn't it?) is a very interesting character. Try to find him somewhere in the vastness of Skyrim and talk to him - we promise you will be very pleased!

3. Feel like the main character of the legends about King Arthur - find in the game a location with the Lady of the Lake, guarding Excalibur, traditionally stuck in a stone. By the way, this is not the only reference of this kind in the game!

4. What is the connection between steep slopes and giant bears? Such that the latter are found in considerable numbers on the former. And if we add here the thu`um, which turns the enemy into ice? Freeze the bear by luring it to the most steep and winding path, and admire the mesmerizing flight of a tumbling ice projectile.

5. There are mercenaries in Skyrim. And you can use them for a variety of purposes. For example, send instead of yourself on dangerous missions. If they do it - good, if they don't - what about you? The guards will not pester you because of their failure. Hire new ones. You can have fun sitting somewhere in a quiet corner and watching a mercenary try to defeat someone ten times stronger than them. Or you can simply unload on them all the garbage that is in your inventory. So what if it's not camels? Let them carry. There must be at least some use from them, in fact.

6. The dragon, although not a mercenary, can also help you in battle - or just amuse you by attacking everything that moves. Controlling him is very simple: let him see you, it will make him mindlessly chase you and try to finish you off. And you, instead of fighting back, run around the world and involve everyone you want in this grandiose battle: anyone who inadvertently, aiming at you, touches the dragon, and it doesn’t matter whether the new participant in the battle is strong or whether it is there will be a rat or a crab.

7. Not exactly a game feature, but rather a network flash mob: find somewhere on the Internet a video with someone's epic fall and make it even more epic by attaching the cry "FUS RO DAH !!!" to it. Such is the entertainment of the new generation.

8. However, it is not necessary to throw off everything that you have accumulated in your backpack to someone else: you can just throw it away. It will be especially spectacular if you want to "take out the trash" indoors, for example, at home. And after you continue to leave trash there for two or three days, the house will generally be indistinguishable from a dump.

9. Do you think that getting rid of corpses is a tedious and boring task? Just not here. A dead enemy can be thrown into a fire to bake. Or, for example, put a sawmill on the blade: let him jump, sawing logs posthumously!

10. Locals are not the most attentive people in the world, and certainly not the most logical. Therefore, if you have such a parameter as invisibility well pumped, you can easily kill them so that the people around you do not notice anything. This also works with theft - the owner of things will not pay any attention to the character rummaging through his pockets. And if you have this skill at a very high level, you can do this trick even during the day!

11. Use vegetables to start a fight? Easily. The mercenaries sitting in the tavern will get very angry if they see a head of cabbage thrown to them on the table. And not on you, but on each other! And they'll put up a fight. This focus has practical use: no one will object if you take the loser's property for yourself.

12. The fate of a magician is not easy: all the time you need to be distracted from business, go into your inventory and look for elixirs that replenish mana or health there ... However, it is possible to turn into a walking machine for the production of both! To do this, you take a spell in one hand that replenishes your health level, and in the second - a spell that turns your health into mana. The circle is closed!

13. Quite a well-known feature. The famous "Fus Ro Dah" thu'um knocks the person in front of you far enough away - so why not use this technique when your enemy has his back to a bottomless abyss or thorny bushes?

14. How about making such a video yourself?

15. Wandering around the world of Skyrim, you can stumble here and there on a book or manuscript. Don't be too quick to brush them aside - not only is it a beautifully rendered 3D cover, but the finely crafted text inside. If you want - read when there is nothing to do, if you want - put it on a bookshelf in the house (yes, there is such a function too). Some copies are very interesting - so hurry to get acquainted!

16. In the west of Whiterun you will find a cave with the tempting name "Broken Tooth Cave". If you go inside, you will meet two hungry vampires. Of course, you can always put them to rest. But what if, instead, only be treated in a timely manner, and at the same time do not harm them? Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a vampire? Try to learn it in practice.

17. In addition to vampirism, you can also become infected with lycanthropy. To become a werewolf, find all Companions in the same Whiterun, and, becoming one of them, start going through the main quest chain.

19. An abandoned house in Markarth is an extremely interesting place. We will not reveal to you all his secrets in advance, but we strongly recommend that you find him ... And just stand by.

20. If you have the necromancy skill, you can arrange a local zombie apocalypse. After all, once you kill one enemy and raise him as an undead, and he will already "work for you" - that is, he will throw himself at other opponents. More corpses, more zombies. Of course, this technique will not work everywhere, but in some dungeon where there is little space and not too many opponents, it may well help.

21. Manage to accept death from the most dangerous enemy in Skyrim.

22. Try to play the game with the new rules. Everything is like in life - The hero has only one life. If he dies, the walkthrough ends.

I would like to note that not all Skyrim jokes are listed in the article - look better, and you can find many interesting things yourself.
Good game!

And instead of sweet - the adventures of a chaotic evil character from Skyrim, amateur photography

How is the action in most role-playing computer games? You create a character for yourself or choose a ready-made one, which the developers offer you in advance, and go to explore the world. Sometimes it is big, sometimes not so much, but in most cases, the creators lead you by the hand through the plot, sometimes allowing you to be distracted by not very important side quests, without which the impression of the game will not change much. But what is different in this regard, "Skyrim"? First, it would be an insult to call the world of this game big. The world is really huge and immense, you will have to spend more than a dozen hours to explore it. Secondly, there is a huge number of the most diverse thematic quests, which in themselves are magnificent and exciting, and story line just gives the game a special touch. But the main thing is that this whole incredible world lives in parallel with you, and everyone should see it. However, there are places in the game that not everyone can find. But they are worth visiting, so now you will learn about the most interesting secret places in Skyrim.

Giant Mud Crab

Throughout the series The Elder Scrolls mud crabs have been present in every game - they are small and almost harmless monsters that are unlikely to give you difficulties even at the very beginning. So how are these creatures and the secret places of Skyrim connected? The fact is that not far from the Jikar monument there is a rather impressive lake in size. At first glance, it is unlikely to be able to attract something special, so most players simply bypass it, like most other similar obstacles. But in doing so, they make a serious mistake - after all, at the bottom of this lake lies a huge Mud Crab, unfortunately already dead. However, to see the size of his claws and compare with what you see on the road every day is definitely worth it. Moreover, in the quest "Kin and the Sacred Trial" you will get the task to kill this crab again - this time your goal will be his spirit. This is how the secret places of Skyrim can complement the story told by the game for you.

High jump

Every Skyrim lover at least once decided to try and jump from a great height - from some cliff, from a cliff or into an abyss. And everyone knows how it all ends - the inevitable death of the character. However, if you know about the secret places of Skyrim, then you have a chance to make such a jump without harming your hero. You just need to find a large waterfall, which is located south of Rorikstead, and, in fact, make a jump down. You will fall into a deep pool, from which you can easily swim out. And as a reward for such a crazy action, the spirit of the bard that lives nearby will reward you with several ability points. As you can see, sometimes it is useful to know the secrets of Skyrim 5, as they can bring you real benefits.

The hot springs

It is likely that if you have already played Skyrim a lot, then you have met more than one hot spring on your way. However, the one near the Amol Fort is special. The fact is that if you look closely, you will see that three hunters are resting in the water - they are relaxed and do not pay any attention to what is happening around. You can even try stealthily stealing from their entire camp, as they are too keen on warm water and tranquility. There are 5 like that. But remember that if you are noticed, then you will have to fight with three half-naked unarmed hunters. Therefore, it is better to just admire the view and, if you wish, undress and join a sincere company. The secrets of the Skyrim game are not always - they can bring and just fun.

invisible chests

One of the most useful finds is an invisible chest. But, as is already clear from its name, it is difficult to get benefit from it, since it is almost impossible to find it - it is invisible. There are several locations where you can find such a chest, and you need to know the exact location in order to reveal such secrets of the Skyrim game. One of the easiest chests is located in the city of Downstar, where you will need to find the factory building, go a little further and find dark zones in the rocks located between the two buildings. It remains only to move the mouse over them until you see that the signature of the chest is displayed - then you can open it and collect a huge number of rare and useful things. This is where the Skyrim map comes in handy, because, as mentioned earlier, it will not be easy to find all the chests.

Remains of shipwrecks

If you have already reached the lands of Tamriel, then you are most likely convinced that there is something to see and explore. However, you are not advised to limit yourself solely to the earth - water also holds many secrets. If you go from the college in Winterhold to the west, then you will reach the water on which the ice floes are floating. After jumping a little on the ice floes and diving, you can swim for a while and see the skeletons here. The benefits of this are not very many, but the spectacle is really breathtaking. The Skyrim map here will be useless to you - you will have to hope for luck and look around, because you should not miss such a landscape in any case. You are aware of how beautiful the views in the game are on land. Now imagine how it all looks underwater. No codes for Skyrim 5 will give you such beauties.

wooden bridge

You should be well aware that everything is in Skyrim. However, there is also a wooden bridge in the game, more precisely, a tree that fell and formed a crossing over the river that flows next to Windhelm. You can go there for the unique experience of crossing the river along the trunk of a huge tree, even codes for Skyrim 5 cannot activate this. And, of course, for the incredibly beautiful view that opens from the middle of the so-called bridge. True, before admiring the beauties, you will have to get rid of a group of hunters who are resting on a tree trunk. Alas, it will not work to negotiate with them - they become aggressive as soon as you approach, so send them into the abyss without a twinge of conscience - you can also admire this spectacle. As you can see, in Skyrim, interesting places are the most unusual and diverse, but most importantly, they are worth visiting.

mammoth in ice

Giants in Skyrim very often travel with Mammoths, so you can admire these formidable creatures live as much as you like. But there is one unique opportunity that you should definitely take advantage of. If you go on a journey between Winterhold and Downstar, then look carefully around and pay attention to large blocks of ice - in one of them you can find a frozen mammoth. This is quite an interesting spectacle, which is definitely not to be missed. Passing through the various levels of Skyrim, you will find even more various secrets - there are plenty of them in the game. So keep a close eye on what's going on around you so you don't miss out on something exciting.

old woman in the forest

Many of your travels will take place in the forest, and there you will meet various hermits who have left the city life and exist alone. In most cases, they are absolutely harmless - some of them can give a task, some advise something, but there is one special old woman who, at first glance, also does not stand out. You can just go to her hut, which is located in the forests of Riverwood, chat with her and leave. But if you are careful enough, you will notice that there is a hatch covered with straw on the floor. You can hack it, and then you will fall into the old woman's basement. What you will see there will surely impress you - it turns out that the grandmother is a practicing warlock who wanted to create a full-fledged school of dark magic in the forests with her friends. Naturally, you will not be able to leave in peace, so prepare for battle when you get out of the basement.

role-playing The game Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim appeared on store shelves a little over three years ago, but is still on the lips of players and journalists.

Portal IGN presented a material about nine secrets, the knowledge of which is not common even among hardcore fans role play. It is worth noting that among them there are so-called "exploits". As you know, the developers from Bethesda decided not to remove some curious bugs that did not ruin the gameplay, and therefore very strange things from the point of view of logic are possible in the game. We present to your attention a brief excerpt of the material.

Minecraft Easter Egg

If you climb the highest mountain in Skyrim, which is called the Throat of the World, you will find "Notch's Pick" on its top. This is a reference to Markus "Notch" Persson, the creator of Minecraft.

Endless Arrows

A great trick for anyone who prefers to play as an archer thief. Find a warrior practicing archery, sneak up on him and search his pockets. Take all of his arrows and replace them with a single high-quality one, such as a Daedric one. From now on, the archer will shoot just such arrows, and you will be able to take them out of the target with impunity.

Choose your adventure

Kolb and the Dragon is a variation on the popular Choose Your Own Adventure gamebook. At the end of each page, the player will have to make a decision and try to come to a good ending of the work. The book can be purchased from Uraga pro-Shuba in the Arcaneum or found in Carlotta Valentia's house in Whiterun.

Headless horseman

It is difficult to spot, but if you see a ghostly figure of a horse, follow him. The rider will lead you to Hamvir's Rest, where you will find a good helmet and a chest with a Master level lock, the contents of which depend on your level. By the way, if you don’t look for a horseman, but go straight to the location at night, you can find our headless friend standing in the middle of the cemetery and not reacting to external stimuli

Cold - Winterhold Prison

This location is often overlooked because it is located on the very edge of the northern part of the map, behind the College of Winterhold. The prison is guarded by the Frost Atronach, and you can get there not only on your own two feet, but also by breaking the law in Winterhold itself. However, it is better not to do this. Even if you manage to escape, you will encounter three more Atronachs outside.

Hidden Peaks of Solstheim

This secret, like the next three, can only be found in the Dragonborn DLC. On the island of Solstheim you will find four tall peaks that are not marked with icons on the map. With due diligence and diligent "platforming", each of them can be climbed. After that, the peak mark will appear on the game map, and you can make quick trips to their peaks at any time in order to enjoy the stunning beauty of the views.

Ride the invincible dragon

The ability to ride dragons is very attractive, but what's the use if the winged lizards can die or even turn against their rider? Once you've learned the new shout to tame these mighty beasts, head to the top of the Throat of the World and use it. The dragon flying around the peak will come down to you and you can travel on its back. The best thing here is that he is an important NPC, which means he cannot die. Also, it does not attack the player.

Ebony Knight

Never heard of this guy? No wonder, because few people have reached level 80 of development. Just then, the Ebony Knight will appear on your doorstep with the simplest request: to arrange a deadly duel. A friendly fellow is completely shackled in an enchanted ebony armor, armed best weapon and is able to use dragon cries. This is the strongest enemy in the game.

Installation for creating exploding spiders

Yes, you read everything correctly. Clearing the White Ridge Mound on Solstheim will reveal the Fill Chamber, which can be used to create exploding spiders. You can customize the effect by applying different stones. Ready exploding spiders will be stored in the scrolls section of the inventory.

That's all. By the way, there's an event this week. The Game Awards, formerly known as VGA (VGX last year), where Skyrim was announced four years ago. Who knows, maybe the guys from Bethesda have some kind of surprise in store for us?

To the south of the village of Rorikstead you will find a rather large abode of the Forsworn, after getting even with the fanatics, you will see a waterfall, not a simple one, but a golden one. But, as they say, who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne. Jumping from there will give you some skill points. Just do not try to repeat at home, the tricks are done by professionals.

invisible chests

Invisible chests are a kind of gift from the developers to the most attentive and curious players in Skyrim. Finding such chests is incredibly difficult, guess why? Yes, they are invisible. So be it, I will share one chest with you. It lies near the mine in Dawnstar, you can guess what it is about. Right in front of the entrance to the mine, if you look to the left, you can see a spruce, propped up with stones, it’s worth moving the mouse there in search of the coveted “chest” icon.

Frozen Mammoth

The mammoth trunk in Skyrim is considered a delicacy, but the mammoths themselves are difficult to catch, because they are protected by the animal welfare society, represented by the Giants. And if you walk from Dawnstar to Winterhold, you can find a frozen mammoth in the ice. The spectacle is useless, but interesting.

harmless old lady

If you climb through the forests of Riverwood, you can stumble upon a hut old woman. There are plenty of them all over Skyrim, they go into the forest and become hermits. Entering the "grandmother's monastery" at first it will seem that this is an ordinary hut, and there is nothing to catch here. But if you look closely, you can see a hatch in the floor, where all the secrets are. It turns out that the granny is a warlock and wanted to found a school of dark magic. Unfortunately, when you get out of the basement, you will not do without victims.

Easter eggs for schoolchildren

At the top of the Throat of the World, after a good search, you can find an unusual jagged pick (Easter eggs for Minecraft), with ebonite ore in addition. All because the developers love Minecraft and decided to pay tribute.

Breaking the game

We need to get to Whiterun, go to the Skyforge, and, with the help of a Swift Dash, fly to the roof of the Companions' house. After that, you will need to climb the peak of the roof closest to the city wall, this is hard to do, but possible. Using the cry again, we find ourselves outside of Whiterun. Congratulations, we broke the game. The map will be completely empty: without npc and other things. Going to the left, you can find a gap in the map, falling under Whiterun, you can see a chest under the Heavenly Forge that belongs to Kodlak White Mane, that is, a blacksmith.