Triceps at home. How to pump up triceps at home and in the gym? We swing triceps in the gym

Triceps are exactly the muscles that can visually increase the size of the arms and make them as large as possible. It is by developing them, and not the biceps, that you can noticeably add in the volume of the arms.

The key to the success of home workouts is that the exercises that will be described below should be performed regularly, gradually increasing the load. For best results you need healthy sleep and proper nutrition.

Progress will go faster if you increase your protein intake and completely eliminate alcohol, carbonated drinks, energy drinks and confectionery from your diet. Pay special attention to proper nutrition, as a healthy diet plus training is the basis of good muscle growth.

Preparation consists in doing a warm-up. In addition to doing light gymnastics, warming up muscles and joints, you can add cardio in the form of running or exercises on a cardio machine, if you have one at home.

Remember that the effectiveness of the training depends only on your desire to achieve results. The exercises described below are suitable for both boys and girls. At the same time, you need to understand the structure of the pumped muscles in order to understand where on the body and how they should be tensed. Let's analyze this point further.

What are triceps made of?

It is important, before starting training, to understand the very structure of the triceps. This will help you create the right set of exercises and feel in the process which part of the muscle is brought to work.

The first thing that is important to understand is that thanks to the triceps muscle, any movement of the hand occurs. At the same time, it provides a connection between the humerus and the ulna. It is called precisely “three-headed” for the reason that it consists of 3 “components”, called heads:

  • lateral;
  • medial;
  • long.

It is located on the back of the hand, closer to the shoulder joint. You can use it by moving your hand back behind the body. The power potential of the hands is precisely the triceps.

French bench press

To perform it, you will need a bench or two stools placed side by side that can support your weight.

  • It is necessary to lie on the bench so that the back is completely relaxed.
  • You should take two dumbbells or a barbell of a suitable weight. The load with each workout should be gradually increased.
  • When you take dumbbells or a barbell, there should be a distance of 40 cm between your hands. Make sure that your hands are turned with the back of your hand towards your face. In this case, the setting of the hands will be correct.
  • With a smooth movement, take your hands behind your head. Try to keep your elbows in the same plane.
  • Bend and unbend the elbow joints, remember to breathe deeply while doing this. Perform 10-12 repetitions. It is recommended to do 3-4 approaches.
  • After completing the last approach, get up, breathe for a few minutes, take a few sips of water. Now you can proceed to the next exercise.

Execution with dumbbells

It can be an alternative to the first exercise if you only have one dumbbell at home. Necessary:

  • Set up a chair. Lie down on it so that the shoulder blades rest on its surface.
  • Hold a dumbbell in your hand so that the back of your hand is facing your face.
  • Holding the elbow with your free hand, raise your arm off the dumbbell and do 10 flexion and extension. Make sure that the elbow does not lean forward in any case. After completing the approach, change hands. In total, you need to perform 3-4 approaches. Remember about correct breathing- while inhaling, we lower our hands, while exhaling we squeeze the dumbbell up.

It is important to breathe properly while exercising. Also, try to measure the pulse, pressure before and after training, in order to independently control the state of the body and avoid overstrain.

Exercise on bars

This exercise is considered one of the most effective due to the fact that during its execution many muscle groups act. Technique:

  1. Place your hands on the uneven bars at shoulder distance.
  2. In this case, the body must always be strictly perpendicular to the floor.
  3. You can’t bend over or spread your arms too wide, this will make the exercise useless.
  4. You need to lower the body on your hands until an angle of 90 degrees is formed at the elbow.

If you want to do this particular exercise at home, then you need to take 3 stools. They must be located at the extreme points of an isosceles triangle. Two of them will replace the bars themselves, and the third will serve as a support for the legs and will allow you to lower the body in accordance with the technique of the exercise.

It is important to place both arms and legs in the center of the stool. It is recommended to put feet on a stool on socks.

Push-ups from the bench

This exercise is convenient to perform if you have two benches or a pair of stools available. If this is not the case, then the legs can be lowered to the floor.

  • Place benches or stools at a distance of 80 cm parallel to each other.
  • Put your feet on one bench, and on the second, take a position so that you feel the emphasis with your hands.
  • Gradually bend your elbows, while lowering as low as you can. Then rise to the starting position.
  • Do 10-15 repetitions, remembering to breathe.

After doing the exercise, drink water and rest a little. Do this for 3-4 sets. If you want to increase the load on the triceps, then after each set, push up from the floor 10 times with a narrow grip.

Seated one arm french press

  1. Sit on a chair, keep your back straight.
  2. Take a dumbbell in one hand, the second should be free.
  3. Raise the dumbbell over your head so that the back of your hand is facing up.
  4. Lower the dumbbell behind your head, while you should feel how the triceps are stretched.
  5. Straighten your arm in a quick motion.
  6. Do 10-15 reps and switch hands.

This exercise is not recommended for those who have injured their hand within six months, as well as for people who have not previously trained. To avoid torn ligaments, do not do more than 5 sets. The intensity of the load, as well as the frequency of repetitions, should increase gradually. Don't forget to breathe properly.

Bent over arm extensions

  • Take a standing position.
  • Lean forward, with one hand rest on a stool or bench.
  • Take a dumbbell with your free hand (the position of the back of your hand does not matter), take the dumbbell back. The elbow should be at shoulder level. The arm should form one straight line, keep it close to the body.
  • Lower the dumbbell so that your arm is in an "L" position.
  • With a jerk, straighten your arm to the starting position.
  • Change hands.
  • Do three sets for each arm, rest for a minute, and then do a few more sets.

If you feel pain during the exercise, then it is too early for you to do it. Remember that excessive load in the first days of training is fraught with negative consequences.

Push-ups with a narrow grip

This is one of the most effective exercises that can be done at home. It will perfectly consolidate the effect achieved after performing the previous exercises.

  1. Take a supine position.
  2. Hands should be placed shoulder-width apart. Press your elbows to the body. Make sure this condition is met.
  3. Lower yourself so that your arms gradually bend towards the body.
  4. Get up smoothly.
  5. Do 10 sets. With each workout, you need to increase the number of repetitions.

If you want to increase the level of the load, you can put your hands closer together. At the moment when they are under the center of the body, the load on the triceps will be maximum.

We use rubber

You need to purchase a tight rubber loop, which is attached to the most convenient vertical surface, and most importantly - stable. It can be a wardrobe or cabinet. It is important that such a rubber loop is located at shoulder level.

In the conditions of the gym, a rope handle attached to the simulator is used for exercise. But building such a system at home is hardly possible. You need to perform the exercise as follows:

  1. Grasping the attached rubber training loop with both hands, you need to place them in a position perpendicular to the floor.
  2. The essence of the exercise is to extend the arms to the level of the hips.
  3. It is important to monitor the tension of the rubber cable, you need to attach it in such a way (or move a certain distance) so that the tension is a little stronger than comfortable.

Training programs

There are several programs aimed at developing the triceps muscle. The following describes the exercises, the number of times in one approach and the repetition of approaches.

General triceps program

For the usual development of triceps, giving it relief and increasing mass, this program is useful. Requires regular execution:

  1. French bench press.
  2. Press with one hand in a sitting position.
  3. Extension of the arm in an inclination.

Each of these exercises must be performed 12 times, with three approaches.

Acquisition of power potential

Each muscle structure has a potential for strength, i.e. that parameter of power measured during an impact. To increase this indicator, you need to perform the following program of exercises:

  1. French press.
  2. Bench press.

Each exercise is performed 8 times in the approach, which must be done at least 5.

Light weight on the elbows

If there is no desire to give too much load on the elbows, but there is a desire to develop triceps, then such a program will do:

  1. Press with a narrow grip.
  2. Bent over arm extensions.

Each exercise is performed in 3 sets, 15 times in each set.


  • only regular training and precisely executed programs can give the desired result;
  • for a speedy recruitment muscle mass remember the importance of nutrition. With food, you need to provide an increased amount of protein structures for the body;
  • you need to consume protein before and after training for (after) 40 minutes;
  • in pursuit of a beautiful triceps, you should not immediately give heavy loads. This will not only not give the desired result, but can also cause damage to the muscle, which will require recovery;

Download triceps without iron


Naturally, it all depends on the arsenal of available training tools. For, if there is a horizontal bar and bars, then home training of hands from light, supportive, may well turn into a real mass-gaining one. There are usually no problems with nutrition on vacation, there is plenty of free time, pump muscles, grow mass. Well, if there are no horizontal bars and bars, you can do triceps exercises at home, training with your body weight. Training at home is inferior to training in the gym in terms of its effectiveness, but you can’t take a barbell and dumbbells with you to the sea, can you?

Triceps push-ups from the floor with narrow arms

They are also called triangle push-ups. In terms of its biomechanics, such a push-up exercise completely repeats the barbell bench press with a narrow grip, so it will be performed first in our triceps training program at home. And do not think that it is easy to do push-ups from the floor with a narrow arm position.

If you have never trained your arms like this before, I advise you to first of all warm up well, paying special attention to the shoulders and hands, since they will have a large load. Begin this triceps exercise by narrowing your palms gradually. When you get to the hardest version of the exercise, do a few work sets.

If you have already done such push-ups for triceps at home, and it does not seem like a serious load, you can complicate it. Ask someone to put an extra weight on your back, and such a push-up exercise will immediately cease to seem easy to you.

It also has its own "light-version". If pushing up from the floor, loading your arms with the weight of the whole body is still difficult, you can push up from the support at first, it’s much easier.

Conclusion: triangle push-ups are technically simple, but at the same time the most difficult triceps exercise at home, since it immediately loads the entire array of the triceps muscle of the shoulder.

2. Triceps push-upsfrom support

Have you heard of the French Barbell Press? And this triceps exercise is its complete copy, performed without weights. But if, shaking our hands with a barbell, we move the projectile, then while doing push-ups from the support, we have to move our own body. To perform such an exercise for the hands at home, you will need any protruding support, starting from the table and ending with the windowsill. The main thing is that it could be grabbed with both hands, and at the same time it was securely fixed.

But I want to warn you right away - this exercise is quite difficult. Do not try to get the body deep beyond the edge of the support from the very first approach, it will be enough to push up until a right angle between the elbow and forearm is reached. Like the French barbell press, a similar version of triceps push-ups actively loads it. long bun, which has a good effect on improving the shape of the muscles of the hands. I propose to see how workout star Mike Vasquez does this exercise.

workout at home video 1:

Conclusion: French press-style tricep push-ups are a much more difficult exercise than the previous one, but nevertheless, it has every right to be present in a home arm workout.

3. Triceps push-upsfrom the elbows from the floor

This way build muscle at home even more advanced. Although it resembles push-ups with a narrow stance, it is no longer a basic, but an isolated movement. You can perform such an exercise for triceps at home in different ways. The load directly on the triceps muscles will be very clean and accentuated.

But I want to immediately warn you, if you feel discomfort during this triceps exercise, it is better to refuse it. For the elbow joints, such a load will be very stressful. Many people, pumping muscles at home, think that if they use only their body weight, they can not be afraid of injuries - this is a big delusion.

workout at home video 2:

Conclusion: while performing such a push-up exercise, you need to carefully listen to the signals of your body, because the elbow joints are very heavily loaded during its execution. Working out at home is always a big responsibility.

4. Reverse push-ups for triceps

This method of swinging arms with the weight of your own body is perhaps the easiest in technical terms. Therefore, it will become closing in our triceps workout program at home. All that is needed for their implementation is a support, and preferably two (a sofa and a stool, for example).

But since, by the end of the home workout of the hands, the muscles are already thoroughly tired, you need to perform push-ups from the support in a pumping style. By pushing up from the bench in a shortened trajectory and with a large rep range (15-20), you can achieve muscle sensations that are in no way inferior in quality to a serious triceps workout in the gym.

You can pump triceps at home in this way in many variations. Reverse triceps push-ups can be performed using three supports, lowering the body between two benches, for example. Or use not a direct, but a reverse grip. But most in a simple way to seriously pump the triceps, pushing up from the bench, there will be additional weight placed on the legs.

Conclusion: back push-ups are the final exercise for home triceps training. You need to perform it in a shortened trajectory and at a fast pace. This will increase the blood supply to the muscles of the hands to the limit.

We pump muscles at home. Final stage

But in addition to exercises performed in a dynamic way, our triceps home workout will include two more types of loading. For we need hands not only large, but also beautifully designed. Therefore, after completing the exercises for the triceps, we will need to subject it to a hard static load.

This is done as follows: we take the starting position in any of the above exercises, strain the triceps with all our might and freeze in this position for 30-40 seconds. Such a load for the body is always unusual, so pain in the muscles is guaranteed to you. But due to the tension of muscle fibers in a stationary state for a long period of time, appearance hands are always noticeably improved.

Static load | A great way to load muscles at home

Statics has a very beneficial effect both on the separation of the muscles of the hands (visual separation of the biceps from the triceps), and on their definition (visual division into separate bundles). From the regular inclusion of a static load in the usual triceps workout, the muscles become more rigid, detailed and voluminous, even while maintaining the existing muscle mass.

It is no coincidence that all professional bodybuilders end their workouts with a posing stage. They do this not to show off, but to increase muscle density and improve their shape.

Conclusion: the static load of the triceps at the end of a workout at home is a simple and natural way increase muscle stiffness.

Triceps stretch

Performing muscle stretching exercises at the end of a home triceps workout is necessary because this type of load significantly speeds up their recovery. Stretching the triceps brachii can be done in two ways:

METHOD 1. Hard. If fitness allows, you can perform extreme stretching using a support that has already been used to perform French push-ups. To do this, you just need to hang motionless at the end point of the trajectory for 15-20 seconds, which will greatly stretch the triceps along the entire length.

METHOD 2. Soft. Stretch one arm with the other. There are quite a few options for such stretching, I suggest looking at one of them.

triceps stretch video:

Triceps workout program at home:

  1. Push-ups from the floor with a narrow setting of hands, 5 x 15
  2. 4 x 12 french press style push ups
  3. Push-ups from the floor from the elbows 3 x 10
  4. Reverse push-ups from the support 2 x 8
  5. Stretching


Working out at home is not as easy as it seems. If desired, by slowing down the pace of the exercises, such a triceps workout can be turned into real torture. And it may turn out that after trying build muscle at home, you, returning to your usual workouts in gym want to make significant changes to them. After all, you can pump muscles with the same efficiency everywhere, the main thing is to do it with full dedication.

I hope my story about home arm training will be useful for you and will allow you to maintain the gained muscle mass even without regular workouts in the gym. May the force be with you! And mass!

No one will dare to doubt that with a swung, strong triceps, the athlete's arm looks like a cannon. For those who want to have beautiful and strong triceps, there are several options for working it out at home. Perhaps you decided to pump up the triceps muscle at home due to lack of time for the gym, or for other reasons, do not be upset, because at home this can be done no less effectively than in the gym, but at the same time, without wasting time going to the gym. We will tell you about the best home exercises for the shoulder extensor ...

And first, let's look at the basic exercises ...

Basic exercises for the shoulder extensor.

You can also train effectively with your own body weight.

The coolest way to pump up triceps with a minimum of equipment and sports equipment costs is, of course, the good old push-ups. But not classic, but with a narrow stance, because the narrower the stance, the better the study of the three-headed. Ideally, this is when one palm rests on the other, but if you are an inexperienced athlete, then you should not experiment with this - leave such complications for later. Pushing extremely narrowly, it is advisable to perform about 4 approaches, adjusting the load with repetitions. The advantage of this exercise is that it does not require any additional equipment at all, just a flat place is enough, and you can train ...

Taking out two benches, or four stools, you can do another exercise with your own body weight. To do this, you need to arrange them in parallel at a distance of about a meter. You need to put your feet on one bench, and lean on your hands on the other, while gradually bending your elbows and lowering as low as possible, then take the starting position. So you need to do 7 approaches, adjusting right amount repetitions and deep breathing. Even eminent bodybuilders (like Arnold Schwarzenegger) practice this option. According to the correct one, it is called: " push-ups between benches". An excellent tool for pumping your triceps. Try it and you will definitely like it...

The modern rhythm of life does not always allow you to allocate time for a private trainer or classes in a specialized institution. Triceps workout at home ideal option for those who for some reason can not go to the gym.

Triceps brachii

The triceps muscle of the shoulder is the muscle responsible for the movement of the arm, in particular for the extension of the elbow. It connects the humerus and ulna, consists of a lateral, medial and long head, and makes up the entire back side of the shoulder.

Thanks to him, the arm is pulled back, when the triceps is in an extended state - the biceps is bent. This muscle is the first to be involved in any movement of the arm. All the strength of the hands depends on him, and his horseshoe shape gives beautiful view body relief.

The triceps muscle accounts for two-thirds of the volume of the arm.

A properly pumped up triceps will help in working with the biceps and allow more useful substances sink into the upper arm. Working with this muscle will improve blood circulation and if you pay due attention to it in training, you can achieve impressive arm development.

How to build triceps at home

To pump up triceps as quickly as possible at home, you need to adjust the program with an emphasis on the triceps. However, you should not do the entire list of exercises in one workout - this will not give the expected effect. It is optimal to train triceps 2 times a week. You should choose those exercises that the body does not expect. This will provide "shock" therapy for the muscles and indispensable growth.

Warm up

For the safety of the joints and spine, you should start training with a warm-up, and perform exercises according to the degree of load - from minimum to maximum. A gradual increase in load will help to smoothly warm up all the muscles and prevent injuries.

Triceps exercises at home

French press with dumbbells

In this isolation exercise, the triceps muscle works almost alone, so it is considered one of the most effective.

Place your feet hip-width apart and bend your legs slightly while keeping your torso straight. Use dumbbells or weights and straighten your arms with the dumbbells facing the ceiling. The arms should be slowly bent at the elbows, and then returned to their original position.

Don't suddenly throw weight or press your hands to your back. If you spread your elbows to the sides while doing the exercise, there will be no effect from it.

Push-ups from the bench

This exercise, in its simplest variation: legs on the floor, is also suitable for a girl who wants to pump up triceps at home and without dumbbells.

To do a reverse push-up, you need to use any available platform such as a bench or chair. Sit down and rest against its edges, pressing your hands to your body. Having risen, you should move the body forward and slowly lower as far as possible. You can complicate the exercise by throwing your legs on the second bench as shown in the picture, and also putting a dumbbell or other load on your hips.

Focus on the lowest point, and once at the top - you can relax a bit. Do not help yourself with your legs, this can have a bad effect on the lower back. Do this exercise carefully, excess load can harm the joints.

For the first workouts, a small amplitude is also suitable, and having found your pace, you can independently increase the load.

Truncated push-ups

Push-ups with narrow arms. You need to lie on the floor and rest your hands on the floor. Elbows should be bent and arms close to the body. The main load falls on the triceps, so this exercise does not always work the first time, especially if you have not pumped your arm muscles before.

Try to do at least one or two approaches, and as soon as you start to succeed, increase their number. The main mistake of such an exercise is the deflection of the back. The body should be parallel to the floor, and you need to exhale only in the upper third of the lift.

When lifting, the elbows are pulled back, not to the sides.

If such a task is easy for you, put a backpack with weights on your back or do push-ups on your fists.

Bench exercise

Take a dumbbell in your hand and sit on a chair or bench with an inclined back. Raise and lower your arm, bending it at the elbow. Such approaches should be done in sets of 10 repetitions.

Choose a bench that does not bring discomfort to the lower back and does not create an unnecessary load on the back. If you perform this exercise systematically, you should constantly change the angle of the bench.

Bent over exercise

Use a chair or bench as a support for your unused arm. Bend at the waist and raise your arm with the dumbbell at a slight angle, while your shoulder should be parallel to the floor.

Here, the lateral (external) head of the muscle is maximally involved, it improves the relief of the muscles and has a positive effect on the growth of the triceps.

Triceps mass program

To build triceps mass at home, you need to do 3 times a week, 2 of which will include the following:

  1. Triceps on push-up day - you can perform 1-2 exercises on the triceps muscle of the shoulder as finishing moves.
  2. On the day of training biceps - according to the principle of training muscles - antagonists. Do a full triceps workout.

Complex workouts should contain several different basic exercises. Do not focus on the triceps, train the biceps and forearms (if the arms are lagging behind). Record the results of training and increase the weight at regular intervals, depending on your capabilities.

Natural muscle recovery occurs within a week, so it is necessary to include failure training in the mode. If you work out three times a week, then one workout should be a failure, and the next two sessions should be held with a lesser load. Refusal occurs once every ten days.

growth conditions

There are several factors for successful triceps growth:

  • Harmonious development- involves balanced training of different muscle groups. You should not work exclusively with triceps, because its growth depends on other muscles. Two workouts a week will be enough to significantly accelerate his growth.
  • - Helps speed up the process of muscle tissue recovery.
  • Full sleep- Promotes cell regeneration and muscle growth. During sleep, the body best absorbs and processes protein, which is also important for building muscle mass. Among other things, lack of sleep negatively affects the quality of training. You will not be able to complete the complex strength exercises if you come to training without strength.

Additional factors

A full meal is allowed a couple of hours before training. You should not eat immediately before training, so that the body is only engaged in muscles, and not digesting food. If you didn’t manage to eat on time, use easily digestible foods - bananas, muesli or nutrition bars.

An hour before class, you can saturate the body with the necessary carbohydrates. If your goal is to gain mass, then you can make a protein-carbohydrate shake or eat foods containing slow carbohydrates.

Before a set of exercises, you must drink at least half a liter of water. Do this an hour before your workout to prevent dehydration.

Warnings and contraindications

Triceps are more prone to overtraining than other muscles, so you should not abuse the number of approaches. The more stress placed on a muscle, the longer it will take to recover.

Most isolation bench press exercises are not recommended for people with hypertension and low blood pressure. Heart disease and asthma will not allow you to work with dumbbells and loads, so you should not test the body.

Do not neglect safety precautions - as soon as you feel a sharp pain, you should immediately stop training and analyze your mistakes. Carefully monitor the position of the body - improper load on the back can lead to injury.

Everyone wants to look smart, attract attention, both men and women. Hands are the main thing that they pay attention to first of all when evaluating a figure. An athletic and fit person always has beautiful hands. We are talking not only about the prominent biceps, but also about its antagonist - the triceps. You can pump it up in the gym, but home workouts can be very effective. Next, we will talk about how to pump up triceps at home.

For some reason, having decided to pump up their arms, the majority of people pay more attention to the biceps than to the triceps, believing that this way their arms will become more voluminous. This is a gross mistake. Triceps occupies 2/3 of the volume of the arms, and biceps only 1/3. If you want pumped up arms, do not forget about triceps training.

Pumped up triceps will allow you to add in, you will increase the number of push-ups from the floor, because triceps are auxiliary muscles during the work of the chest. In addition, the triceps play a major role when hitting, which will greatly help boxers and other fighters. It is also important for girls to pay attention to him, especially if they wish.

How is the triceps muscle of the shoulder arranged?

From the name it is clear that the triceps consists of three muscle bundles: lateral, medial and long head. It is important to know their structure, because in different positions these bundles work and train differently. The triceps is designed to extend the arm and is the antagonist of the biceps. The ends of the muscles are attached to the elbow joint.

Doing only one exercise, only one beam will be loaded, the rest will lag behind. In this case, the hand will look inharmonious and ugly.

Features of training at home

At home there is not such a variety of simulators as in the gym, however, here you can also pump the triceps muscle of the shoulder. To do this, there are simple classic triceps exercises that can be performed at home or on the street. The following equipment is needed: a weight, a bench or a chair, a block simulator or, two pairs of dumbbells of different weights, ideally bars. If you have the right amount of patience and the will to train, you will quickly and easily understand how to tighten this muscle group.

Triceps exercises for men

The triceps exercises for men themselves are no different from those that are suitable for girls. The only difference is that men's training is dominated by a large load and a small number of repetitions. And for girls, it’s enough to deal with light or medium weight and a large number of repetitions. Triceps exercises are best combined with exercises for the back muscles. It is recommended to train this group 2 times a week, with a rest period of 5 days.

Similar to regular push-ups, only the hands are placed at shoulder level, and not wide. When performing the exercise, the elbows should be pulled back, and not to the sides. This is considered basic, and its inclusion in home workouts is a must.

Reverse push-ups from a bench or chair

Here you will need some kind of elevation, like a chair or a small stool. The main thing is that it is solid and stable. Lean on your hands, the body is on weight, the look is directed forward. Lower and rise slowly. Make sure that the body is straight, the back should not be bent or protruded. You need to do this exercise to failure. To facilitate the exercise, the knees can be bent. To make it more difficult, put your feet on an additional hill.

Rest with one hand and knee on a chair or bench. Press the hand with the dumbbell to the body. Begin to unbend and bend your arm at the elbow. You can also do this exercise while standing with your torso slightly tilted down with a straight back.

Dumbbell / kettlebell press behind the head

Stand up, grab a dumbbell under the hat and lift it above your head. Start slowly lowering it behind your head and lifting it back up. Be careful, it is very easy to fill yourself with a bump.
How to technically do this exercise is described in this video.

French bench press with barbell/dumbbells

You can do it both standing and sitting. The main option is lying down. The barbell (in the absence of it, you can take dumbbells) is taken with a narrow grip. The bar is raised in front of you and lowered to the forehead, bending the arms at the elbows. In order to complicate the exercise, take your hands back, so the chest will turn off from the work and the triceps will be loaded more. For all its injury risk, this exercise, with the right approach, can seriously strengthen the ligaments.

This video shows how to do this exercise.

Push-ups on the uneven bars

The main triceps exercise for those involved. However, he has one minus - there must be bars at home, but they may not be. When performing the exercise, it is better to take your elbows back so that the load from the pectoral muscles is transferred to the triceps. At first, you may have an uncomfortable feeling in your chest, as if something is tearing there. This is normal, since the muscles are not yet stretched, and so they stretch. After 3 weeks of classes, such sensations will disappear.
Videos from detailed instruction and with all the nuances.

Exercises for girls

Usually a woman does not need large arms and strong muscles. It is enough that they look smart, and not hang like a sausage. Therefore, exercises for girls are different from those for men. Their main task is to tone the muscles by working with dumbbells or a barbell. Women have a less intense pumping.

The same push-ups as for men, but with some nuances. Girls are usually weaker than men, and therefore it is difficult for them to perform push-ups from the floor. In order to make the exercise easier, you can do push-ups from a chair, bed, window sill, table, etc. Remember that the higher, the lighter the load. The load should be selected so that it can be done 30-40 times. Most importantly, do not forget to put your hands narrowly and take your elbows back.

Girls will also find this exercise very useful. However, take lighter weights and do more repetitions so that the muscles are leaner and more defined.

It is better for girls to perform this exercise with one hand with a small weight. In this case, the arm together with the dumbbell should be lowered to the opposite shoulder. The second is for support. After the working arm is tired, switch hands. Try to do the same number of repetitions for the uniform development of muscle fibers.

  • Train regularly. Only by constant training can anything be achieved;
  • Eat right. Your body must have enough protein to ensure the growth of muscle fibers, and carbohydrates to replenish energy reserves;
  • Give up alcohol. Scientists have long proven that alcohol negates all the efforts from training. A high-quality and beautiful body can be achieved only by completely abandoning it;
  • Sleep well. The body needs time to repair the muscles. Best of all, they recover in a dream. For the best training results, you should have a healthy, eight-hour sleep;
  • Don't drop everything half way. Many, not having received the desired result, quit training after a month of classes. If they had trained for another six months, they would have received the desired body;
  • Warm up thoroughly before training. A body that is not warmed up before classes trains worse, and you can also get sprains and dislocations. Do not neglect the warm-up;
  • Choose a reasonable weight. If you lift too much weight, the chance of injury will increase;
  • Do cardio exercises. So you can lose weight faster, your body will be leaner and leaner. The triceps will also become more prominent. Suitable for girls;
  • Make a pause. After training, warmed muscles need to be calmed down, so they will recover faster after training. To do this, do stretching or cardio exercises.

achieve beautiful hands and pumping up triceps is not difficult. Everything needs training. It is enough to train regularly and pay attention to both biceps and triceps. For some reason, the latter is very often forgotten, but in vain. Beautiful and voluminous triceps are the key to a pumped up arm. Follow these guidelines and you will see how quickly your hands take on a beautiful shape. Good luck with your training.