Charging exercises for stretching muscles. Stretching exercises

Stretching is now a very popular sport. Yes, this is exactly a sport, because a lot of effort and, accordingly, energy is spent on its implementation. In addition, stretching and body flexibility exercises for beginners will help maintain the health of the body as a whole. If you search, you can find many ads for recruiting groups for stretching lessons for beginners. And our article was specially prepared to help you work out and stretch your muscles at home.

If you are a novice athlete and are looking for exercises for stretching the twine at home, then you are here. Below, we will analyze all necessary information for newbies.


If you ask a girl why she needs a stretch, she will immediately answer: “I want to sit on the twine, like my friend.” Stretching is necessary for a person to acquire greater body flexibility.

And if you perform a set of simple exercises daily to stretch the whole body, then very soon you will feel tangible changes in your body. A very beneficial effect during the correct stretching on all muscle groups is on the musculoskeletal system, good mobility is developed, blood circulation improves, and muscle cramps are prevented.

In general, some pluses. But you must be extremely careful not to overdo it and not harm yourself. Therefore, let's look at how to properly stretch to protect yourself from injury.


There are five main types of stretching. All of them perform a single function, but there are some nuances that are worth paying attention to.

  1. Active. This option is designed for independent conduct. You can watch the video at the end of the article, which will show you how to do stretching at home for beginners, and do the exercises yourself.
  2. Passive. All exercises are performed by a partner. This option should be taken very seriously, because only you can feel the bust and tell your companion in time.
  3. Static. Static exercises are considered the most effective view stretch marks, which is especially recommended by doctors. During execution, the body is fixed in the desired position, allowing you to stretch all muscle groups. Fixation time - from 15 to 30 seconds, maximum - 1 minute, depending on the initial data of a particular person.
  4. Dynamic. Everything happens in motion. A simple example is lunges left, right, back, forward. Muscle stretching occurs due to an increase in the intensity and speed of movement.
  5. Ballistic. Perhaps the most severe and dangerous type of muscle stretching. The execution takes place with quick springy movements and sharp jerks. During training, muscles and joints experience colossal and rather risky loads. Most often, this option is used by real professionals, extreme people, lovers of tin and hardcore, for whom everything is not enough everywhere.

Basic Rules

Before you perform any exercise, whether it is working with dumbbells or, as in this case, stretching, you must adhere to the basic rules:

  1. Warming up the body. The most important step before starting any workout. The load on the "cold" muscles is extremely harmful, because instead of benefit, you can get a serious injury, the rehabilitation of which will take a very long time. For you can choose any aerobic workout, whether it's an exercise bike, jump rope or running. By the way, if you train in a gym with iron, then you should warm up before the main exercises, and stretch at the end, precisely because after a strong tension the muscles need to be relaxed and stretched.
  2. Relax and be patient. This rule is important, first of all, for beginners. Stretching should be done slowly., smoothly, evenly breathing at the same time. No jerks and abrupt movements that beginner athletes love to abuse so much should not be present here.
  3. The back should be straight the muscles are relaxed.
  4. We pay special attention correct breathing : on inhalation - starting position, on exhalation (by mouth) - stretching.
  5. For those who are just starting to stretch, you can start with 5-10 seconds for each exercise. Further, to improve the result, it is necessary increase the duration, because without it, progress will be very slow, or it will not happen at all.
  6. One of the basic rules is engage constantly. Especially if you are starting from scratch. Quitting everything before you start is a simple matter, but making it a habit to constantly practice is the real work. After all, no one needs your progress, except yourself.
  7. Another extremely important pointdon't reach for pain. This is fundamentally wrong. So you only injure the muscles and forever, at least for a very long time, beat off all the desire to do more. Stretch slowly but with persistence, progressing the amplitude of the stretch each session. You will feel your limit.

Don't Make Mistakes

Often, beginners begin to stretch everything in a row and at random, thinking that having quickly worked out the main parts of the body, they will soon achieve the desired result. But this is far from true. In most cases, with little awareness and without the control of a coach or an experienced partner, "green" athletes pull ligaments, not muscles. With proper training, the ligaments are almost impossible to stretch, as they are strong and rigid shells of the joints, but due to the wrong approach, injuries to the joints and muscles occur.

Avoid basic mistakes:

  1. Do not stretch if you have health problems. Namely: spinal injuries, inflammation of the hip joints, problems with pressure, with serious bruises and with any injuries of the bone skeleton, especially the pelvis.
  2. You need to stretch the muscles equally on each side, no matter what you pull, be it legs, hips, calves. If you pulled your left leg for 5 minutes, then pull the right leg for the same amount. Do it wrong, your body, at least, will be very sick.
  3. You can not do stretching without first warming up the muscles well (this was already mentioned above).
  4. If you go to gym Don't even think about stretching before your workout. Stretching helps to relax the muscles, and if you do the opposite, you will not be able to give your best.
  5. Stretch in moderation. Too little is less than three times a week, too much is five times a day every day. Optimally - every day, only once.
  6. If you hope that in a week you will get a beautiful twine, then you don’t even have to start. This is a slow, calm, measured process that requires a lot of patience and diligence.

Psychological attitude

Probably, every second lady thought: “But should I try to sit on the twine?”. Yes, everything seems to be simple, I rummaged through the Internet, found video tutorials, and go ahead. But not everything is as smooth as we would like. It turns out that in order to perform some kind of large-scale action, the more beautiful half must first psychologically tune in.

Follow these rules:

  1. Make it a habit to stretch every day, as they say - you quickly get used to the good.
  2. Start small but constant. Let your body and mind get used to the change.
  3. If you suddenly missed one or two times, it does not matter, just continue on.
  4. Well, imagine the end result more often.


Oddly enough, there are many misconceptions about stretching. They say a lot, a lot of recommendations are written, and it seems that you trust the Internet like an encyclopedia, but there are myths here too.

Let's break down some of them:

  1. They say that children stretch quickly and sit on the twine very quickly, and this is true. But they also say that if you are already an adult, don't even think about it. But this is not true, everyone can stretch, but to the best of their ability.
  2. There is information that in order to stretch, you need special starting parameters of the body. Myth. If you are just starting out, then you will definitely succeed. Just start doing the most simple exercises for newbies.
  3. Stretching exercises cause very severe pain. This is not so, if everything is done correctly and without fanaticism, then you will only feel a pleasant stretching of the muscles.
  4. Stretching does not promote weight loss. If you think about it, then performing this or that action, a certain amount of energy is expended, respectively, calories are spent. And if you give due time to classes, then you can also lose a few extra pounds.

Warm up

Warming up the muscles before any workout, and in this case before stretching, is not only correct, but also very important. We have already said that if you do not warm up first, you can get injured. It will also make it much harder for you to stretch both physically and emotionally.

We offer a special pre-workout that can not be missed:

  1. All parts of the body are worked from top to bottom. We start with smooth turns of the head to the left - to the right, up - down, round to the left - to the right.
  2. Next are the shoulders. Circular movements of the shoulders forward - backward, alternately swinging the arms up and down.
  3. We stretch the dorsal and pectoral muscle groups. We stretch our arms in front of us, spread them to the sides and maximum behind the back, while rounding the chest. And, on the contrary, we bring our hands forward in front of us, rounding our back.
  4. Next is a warm-up for the torso. During the exercise, the pelvis remains motionless, turns left - right, tilts forward - backward.
  5. To prepare the spine, lean down as far as possible, rise, rounding the back.
  6. To stretch the muscles of the legs and hip joints, we perform alternate swings of the legs forward - backward, to the sides, also alternately changing legs.
  7. To warm up the ankle joints, we perform circular rotations of the legs, knead the feet up - down, left - right. To work out the knee joints, exercises with squats will help.

Effective stretching exercises

Where to start stretching training is a simple question on the one hand, but rather complicated on the other. You can not stretch everything in a row, you should start small and, preferably, effective.

We offer a basic set of exercises for stretching and the spine at home.


The spine is a very important part of the body, so exercises should be selected for each person separately, according to the age and health of the body as a whole. For prevention, you can perform two basic exercises at home. They will help reduce the load on the spine with an incorrect lifestyle, that is, with sedentary work, wearing uncomfortable shoes, especially for girls and women who are used to wearing high-heeled shoes, as well as in the absence of regular physical activity.

Basic exercises:

  1. To perform, it is enough to have a crossbar or horizontal bar. It is desirable to hang on the crossbar for at least a minute, gradually increasing to three. If there is no horizontal bar, then you can replace it with another element: lying on your back while stretching your arms behind your head and legs down. Such an exercise is less effective, but also useful.
  2. The second exercise focuses on cervical vertebrae. To do this, it is enough to pull the neck well to the left - to the right, up - down, to the side to the left - to the right, as if pressing against the shoulder. Hold the position for a few seconds at each point. Do not rush, everything should be done calmly, breathing evenly, while the body is relaxed, hands are lowered down.

Below are a set of exercises for which the spine will thank you:

  1. Crawling on the buttocks. Initial - sitting on the floor. Straighten your legs, straighten your back, fold your arms and raise them in front of you. Then you begin to alternately move the buttocks, making a kind of steps, eight steps on one side and the other. Return in the same way. Repeat 3-5 times. Try to work only the buttocks, while not using the legs as a whole.
  2. . This exercise is very effective for the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, which will allow them to be inserted into their places. Initial - sitting on the floor. Pull your knees to your chest, clasping your hands, press your chin to your knees. Start rocking back and forth. Try to complete the exercise at least 10-15 times.
  3. Deflection. This element trains the lumbar spine well. To perform, lie on your stomach, place your hands on the floor at shoulder level and raise your body to the maximum, bending your spine. This exercise is a great addition to the previous one.


This is perhaps the most worked part of the body. How to properly stretch, consider below.

There are three main exercises that are used by both beginners and athletes.

By the way, stretching the legs for men is no less important than for women, so men also need to include these exercises in their workouts.

Here effective complex for legs:

  1. Stretching the hamstrings takes a little time, but you will have to sweat. Starting position - we stand straight, legs together, hands at the seams. For the best performance, close your eyes, relax. Imagine your spine, and slowly, following the spine, as if on a ladder, lower the body down, while clasping the back of the thigh with your hands. Do not bend your knees, try to bend down to your maximum, fix the peak point for a few seconds and slowly rise.
  2. This exercise is very recognizable and widely used by all athletes. Sit on the floor, legs wide apart, back straight, looking straight ahead. We begin to slowly sink down, hands trying to reach forward as far as possible. We fix the maximum point and spring about 30 times, as much as possible, then return to the starting point. The same can be done by putting your feet together, or trying to reach for each leg separately.
  3. Side lunges. Stand up straight, do a side lunge 45° to the side, the body is directed towards the bent knee, stretch, lower, feel a pleasant stretch. Do the same with the second leg.

These are the best leg stretching exercises that will allow you to stretch quickly and effectively.

Complex for beginners

You read a lot, asked, learned, and finally - you are ready for classes. But now the main question remains: where to start training. Below is a simple set of stretching exercises for beginners, which is suitable for every day.

How to do stretching and gymnastics at home:

  1. Sit on the floor, legs together, keep your back straight, put your hands on the floor behind your back, start pulling your toes towards you, working your legs and back in this way.
  2. Sitting on the floor, we try to reach the toes of the feet with our hands, while the back is even, we do not bend our knees.
  3. We continue from the previous starting position. Now we lower the body and try to touch the legs with the chest, while relaxing the back and we can round it. We hold our legs with our hands, fix the position.
  4. Lying on your back, raise your legs up, keep them straight and together. We stretch our hands to the toes, without lifting our back from the floor, the shoulder blades should remain on the floor, we do not bend our legs at the knees. Quite difficult, but doable.
  5. Starting position sitting, bend one leg so that the foot rests on a straight leg. Hands on both sides of a straight leg. We keep our head straight and begin to lower our chest to a straight leg, lastly we lower our head.
  6. Previous starting position. We keep the back and head straight and lower the body between the legs, while the arms are bent and rest with the elbows on the floor.
  7. It's called "Doll". We sit on the floor, legs to the sides, arms to the sides. We pull the toes of the feet to the body. We push the pelvis forward, trying to pull inner part thigh muscles.
  8. Everyone knows "Butterfly". Sitting on the floor, bend your knees with your feet to each other, grab your feet with your hands, pull your hips down, you can help with your hands, pressing on your knees.

These exercises with pictures will help you start stretching. Also, this set of exercises is perfect as a stretch after a workout for girls.


Often beginner athletes ask questions: how to improve stretching, how to stretch muscles, how to train stretching. The video below shows excellent exercises that will help make the body flexible and the muscles supple.

Everyone wants to be flexible and plastic, but by nature this is not given to everyone. However, you can improve your stretch through exercise at any age. Many are especially interested in how to sit on the longitudinal and transverse twine. Today we will talk about stretching the legs.

What are the benefits of stretching for the body (stretching)

Proponents of stretching (from the English stretch - pull) are convinced that it benefits the body and is important not only to surprise others. Some are firmly convinced that there is no benefit from stretching. But how are things really?

The most important benefit of stretching is the noticeable improvement in flexibility. This can help you perform some strength exercises at full range, making them more effective.

Also, stretching has shown itself well as a rehabilitation practice for people, for example, suffering from pain in the neck or knees.

However, contrary to popular belief, stretching does not prevent injury if you do it before a workout.

In addition, studies have shown that stretching before the main workout can even reduce strength performance.

But after the main active workout, a little stretching is the time. This will help stretch and relax your body muscles and prevent or reduce post-workout pain.

Easy Beginner Leg Stretches

Static stretching shows the best efficiency and safety, since in these exercises the position is fixed and held for some time without any movement. Dynamic stretching can be more traumatic for ligaments and joints.

Many static stretching exercises are asanas (postures) from yoga. Let's get to know them.

No matter what stretching exercises we consider, they will be useful for both women and men.

There are a lot of variations of this exercise from the simplest to those that only professionals can do.

We start with the simplest option.


  1. We get on our knees and lower the pelvis on our heels.
  2. We spread our knees to the sides as far as the current stretching capabilities allow.
  3. We linger in this position.

If this position does not cause difficulties, we complicate the exercise.


  1. We get on all fours, spread our knees to the sides, as far as the current level of stretching allows.
  2. After that, turn the legs so that the inner side of the lower leg lies on the floor. The legs are parallel to each other. Toes look to the side.
  3. In this position, it is permissible to gently rock back and forth to deepen the stretch.

The task is to completely put inside each thigh to the floor.

Another fairly simple, but no less effective option frog exercises - squatting.


  1. We squat down, feet at the width of the pelvis, socks look to the sides.
  2. Lower yourself so that your thighs touch your calf muscles.
  3. Make sure that your back is straight, try to scroll the tailbone a little back.
  4. We bring our hands together, joining the palms, elbows rest on the inside of the knees.
  5. Thus, it turns out that you push your knees to the sides with your elbows. If everything is correct, you will feel a stretch in your inner thigh.

These exercise options, with regular exercises, will allow you to sit on the transverse twine.

There are more specific variants of the "frog".

Advanced Frog Pose

In this variation, the task is to put your feet on the floor. Of course, this option is only suitable for advanced with a good level of stretching.

To get started, you need to practice.


  1. Lie down on your stomach, stretch both legs.
  2. Raise the body with an inhale.
  3. We bend one leg at the knee and pull it to the buttock of the same name.
  4. We grab the foot with the same hand and gently begin to press to the floor.
  5. We do the same with the second leg.

And gradually we try to perform the exercise with both legs at once.

Side lunges for beginners

One more is enough good exercise to stretch the inner thigh muscles - side lunges.


  1. We stand straight, the back is even, the gaze is directed forward.
  2. Feet are about shoulder width apart.
  3. We take a wide step to the side and bend the leg at the knee.
  4. The knee should not go beyond the toe.
  5. We bend the body to the leg and touch the floor with our hands.
  6. In this position, you need to linger for 30-60 seconds and repeat on the second leg.

Butterfly pose - gymnastics not only for women, but also for men

Another borrowed yoga exercise for the inner thigh is the butterfly pose.

In fact, doing it yourself is ineffective, because it is not possible to exert the necessary pressure on the legs. It is worth asking someone to gently press on your hips for the best impact.


  1. We sit on the floor with a straight back.
  2. We pull the legs towards us as far as possible, and connect the feet.
  3. Grasp your feet with your palms and pull them towards you, while trying to put your hips on the floor.

When the level of stretching becomes better, you can tilt the body forward from this position and try to reach the floor with your forehead.

Stretching from a sitting position - develop muscle flexibility

Sitting tilts are difficult for those who have a stretch that is not very good. It is easier to do standing bends. But it is an effective exercise and should not be discounted.

  1. We sit on the buttocks, stretch our legs - this is the starting position.
  2. Try to keep your back straight in this position. If the stretch is not very good, you will already feel a stretch under the knee.
  3. Place your palms next to you and rest them on the floor as if you want to push off, trying to tilt your body forward. Pull your toes towards you. Stay in this position for a while.

  4. Now stretch your body towards your legs.

  5. If this is easy for you, put your chest and stomach on your hips and stay in this position for 20-30 seconds.

  6. After that, return to the starting position, pull one leg towards you so that it rests its foot on the inside of the other leg, and the knee looks to the side, and stretch again, leaning forward. Grab your outstretched leg with your hand. Stay in this position.

  7. If possible, you can lie on your stomach on an outstretched leg.

  8. Repeat the same on the other leg and return to the starting position.
  9. Now spread your legs to the sides as far as the stretch allows you and tilt the body forward.
  10. If it turns out well, we try to lower the body to the floor between the legs.

  11. If it doesn’t work out very well, you can put your hands on the palms behind and gently push yourself forward.
  12. We linger in the slope for 20-30 seconds and straighten up.
  13. Now we stretch the body not to the center, but to the right leg, also trying to lie on it with the stomach.

  14. After that, change the leg.
  15. We straighten our back and begin to stretch not with our stomach to the leg, but sideways. The task is to wrap your hand around your foot.

  16. We change the leg.

You can perform 2-3 such circles to more effectively stretch the ligaments and muscles.

It is best to do these physical exercise either as a couple, as a joint stretch, or with someone to help you stretch.

Stretching from a standing position is also suitable for an unprepared person

Stretching while standing is usually easier and more comfortable even for an unprepared person with not very good flexibility, so it's better to start stretching while standing, and then move on to other exercises.

  1. Let's get straight.
  2. Take a deep breath and bend down with a round back. Relax and let your neck, head, arms and body be in a comfortable free state. Feel a gentle stretch in your spine and hold that position.

  3. Take another breath and stretch your arms towards the floor, trying to place your entire palm on the floor.

  4. Then clasp your knees and place your chest and belly on your thighs.

  5. If all else fails, put your hands on your shins and gently stretch in a comfortable position.

  6. We straighten up, take a deep breath and repeat the whole circle again.
  7. After that, we spread our legs wider than shoulders and lean forward to touch the floor with our fingers.

  8. If you can, place your whole hand on the floor.
  9. The important thing here is to strive to do everything with a straight back. Yes, with a rounded back you will be able to lean deeper, but as a result, the quality of the stretch will decrease.
  10. A good stretching exercise from this position: we bend down until at least our fingers touch the floor and begin to rearrange our hands, as if stepping forward from the legs, and then returning to the legs.
  11. Now we lean towards the right leg, also trying to stretch with a straight body.
  12. We straighten up and repeat on the other leg.

Lunges - deep stretching

We looked mainly at exercises that stretch the inside of the thigh well. If performed regularly, they will help you sit on the transverse twine. Be careful if you have had or have any knee problems

For convenience, in the initial stages, you can put something under your leg so that it relaxes in this position, and does not strain

  • If you manage to sit completely on the floor, then the next step is to turn the pelvis so that you are not sitting half-side, but straight.

  • To get out of the twine, we lean on the palms and bend the right leg. Carefully pick up the legs.
  • We repeat the same on the second leg.
  • This exercise is also borrowed from yoga and helps well to stretch into a longitudinal twine.

    Follow these tips and your workouts will become even more effective:

    1. To get noticeable results, you need to stretch regularly. 3-4 times a week will be enough.
    2. Stretching complex (suples) is better to do in the evening, not in the morning. The muscles have warmed up and stretched during the day, so it will be easier to perform the exercises.
    3. You need to do at least 30 minutes. We hold each position from 15 seconds to 1 minute.
    4. Before stretching, it is advisable to warm up the muscles: do swings, squat, otherwise you can pull the ligaments and muscles of the leg.
    5. Static stretching is safer than dynamic stretching, but that doesn't mean you can't help yourself by rocking. However, here you need to understand the measure: there should not be sharp jerks with a large amplitude (watch the training video).
    6. You should not feel a strong painful tension in the legs. You don't have to push for pain.
    7. The most important thing is to try to relax in every position. It is only when you relax that the muscles begin to stretch.

    If you are not a very flexible person by nature and are sure that it is too late for you to do stretching, and nothing will work out, this is a delusion. The older a person is, the longer it may take them to see visible results, but anyone can improve their flexibility.

    It doesn’t matter why you needed to sit on the twine - for showiness on a special case, flawless stretching or health benefits (yes, her twine also brings, and considerable). Whatever you think, know that doing the splits is actually not that difficult. If you regularly perform several effective exercises - even more so.

    1. Tilts with hands "in the castle" behind the back

    Stretching, which is usually painful and therefore not very pleasant, is best started with a simple and slightly relaxing exercise, such as this one. It will stretch the muscles of the back of the thighs well and, as a bonus, improve the flexibility of the back, straighten the shoulders and chest.

    How to do. Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Bring your hands behind your back, connect them “into the lock” and lift them up - the back should arch. In this position, bend over and pull your chest towards your hips. Keep your legs straight, they should not bend at the knees. After standing like this for 5 breaths, slowly return to the starting position.

    2. Tilts to one leg

    Do it very carefully. The “pull” will be under the knee and lower back, but then the twine will become a couple of centimeters closer.

    How to do. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs. Bend the right knee and lay it on its side, thereby opening the hips halfway. Strive right hand touch outside left foot, and try to put the torso on a straight leg. left hand also pull forward to the foot. Relax your shoulders - they should not rise. Stay in this position for 5 breaths. Raise the body, change legs, repeat the exercise.

    3. Forward bend with legs open

    Lying with your body on the floor in this position will not work right away. But when it does work out, it will mean that there is nothing left before the twine (and not longitudinal, but transverse).

    How to do. Sit and spread your legs apart, but not to the maximum width. Move your pelvis slightly forward, but make sure your legs don't move with it. Straighten your back. Feed the body forward, towards the floor, until you feel a "burning" under the knees - this is stretching the tendons. Stay in the lowest position for 5 breaths, then return to the starting position.

    4. Deep lunges forward

    What could be easier and more convenient than pulling the leg muscles in such a lunge? In addition, this exercise even helps to stretch too well.

    How to do. Step forward with your right foot. Put your hands on the floor. The leg should be between them. Place your left knee on the floor. If you can, get down on your elbows. Press your body against your right leg. Stretch your hips towards the floor. Stay as low as possible while taking 5 breaths. Change legs and repeat the exercise.

    5. Deep lunge with calf raise

    Having worked on stretching the knees, let's move on to the hips, or rather, to the muscles of their back and front surfaces.

    How to do. Walk up to the wall, stop a step away from it, turn your back to it. Get on your knees. Right leg, bent at a right angle, put forward. Lift the foot of your left foot up and “put” it on the wall. Stretch your hips down until you feel a stretch in the muscles. Place your hands on your knee to keep your position stable. Keep your back straight. Stay in this position for 5 breaths, then relax, switch legs and repeat.

    6. Power stretching in a standing position

    Stretch the muscles with the strength of your arms - this can be more effective than pressing on them with your own weight.

    How to do. Stand up straight, close your feet. Shift the weight to the left leg, and lift the right leg, bent at the knee, so that it is easy to grab it with both hands, lift it up. Stand straight on your left foot. Slowly straighten your right leg to the side, holding on to thumb legs by hand. If this is easy for you, pull your hip towards your stomach, lifting your foot towards the ceiling. Hold this position for 5 breaths. Slowly lower your right leg to the floor. Change legs and repeat the exercise.

    7. Side Plank Stretch

    To stretch in such a shaky (in the truest sense of the word) position, you need to be able to keep your balance. Despite the complexity, this exercise is worth a try - it significantly lengthens some muscles, and gives a static load to others.

    How to do. Stand in a side plank position with your arm outstretched and resting on your right leg. Carefully, while maintaining balance, grab the big toe of the left foot with your left hand and, bending the leg at the knee, pull it up, gradually straightening it. Stand still, trying not to lose your balance. If you can, straighten your leg and pull it as high as you can. After 5 breaths, gently release your left leg, put it on the floor, take a sitting position. Change sides, repeat the exercise.

    Many people dream of doing the splits, but not everyone knows how to do it. Of course, there is a long and painstaking work ahead, which you may want to abandon at the very beginning of the journey. You need to be patient and train properly. That is, to know what exercises to do for stretching and to perform them correctly.

    Twine stretching exercises: turn into a good habit

    Experts say that this habit should be formed in three weeks, that is, in 21 days.

    Basic rules for execution:

    • Planned work on yourself and purposefulness.
    • Smooth pace of execution, without jerks and sudden movements.
    • It is very important to be able to relax the muscles.
    • Observe correct, even breathing.

    As a means to relax the body, calm the nerves and distract from the inevitable pain, you can turn on music - pleasant and soothing.

    For effective classes, you need only a good mood!

    Stretching exercises for beginners: start with the basics

    For stretching, tilts are performed from a sitting position - these exercises are very effective. This allows you to qualitatively stretch the calves, popliteal ligaments and groin. How to practice:

    • "Butterfly". A very popular exercise. To do it correctly, the feet are brought together and pulled to the groin. In this position, the knees are taken to the floor, helping with hands, putting pressure on the knees from above.
    • Next, sit on the floor with your legs apart. One leg is bent and pulled up so that the foot is turned towards the thigh. In this position, you need to lean forward.
    • From the same position, only this time the foot lies on top of the thigh of the other leg - inclinations are performed.
    • Tilts are also made from the butterfly position, while you need to bend down as low as possible, and at the same time you need to pull your hands forward.

    In the last exercise, it will be correct to draw a line on the floor to which you need to reach. Instead, you can use any object. When the goal is reached, the object is rearranged for a longer time, or the old line is erased and a new one is drawn.

    Very often athletes, dancers, runners get injured, and the problem lies in the unstretched hips!

    Twine exercises: go from the simplest

    The simplest dynamic exercises are swings and tilts. How to do swings:

    • Forward
    • Back
    • To the sides

    Each approach is about thirty swings. They are done either standing or lying on the floor. In the latter case, the leg rises up, and falls already towards the head.

    Tilts are done in a standing position. This allows you to stretch the legs and body. Correct execution:

    1. Flat back.
    2. The body should be tilted forward and down, watching the position of the knees, which should not be bent.

    Proper bending gives a feeling of tension under the knees, the back should not be arched either.

    Stretching exercises for beginners at home

    Studying at home, you should train not on a whim, but following a clear and correct methodology.

    Many people, for various reasons, cannot visit fitness centers and want to work out at home. Causes:

    • How far is the fitness center from home?
    • Expensive subscription.
    • Unavailability of professional services for the same reasons.

    Of course, classes with a coach greatly facilitate the task, since it is he who can choose an individual complex for a novice athlete and point out mistakes in the process of training.

    When exercising at home, we must not forget that stretching is traumatic, and classes should be carried out with caution. In addition, the conditions of the apartment should allow it to be done as safely as possible.

    How quickly the athlete (sportswoman) sits on the twine depends on:

    1. From proper training and regular exercise.
    2. individual data of a person. Ligaments in people are more elastic - they stretch better, or less soft. As for the tendons, the picture is the same here.

    So, a person wants to do the splits at home in record time.

    It's one thing if a person stretched earlier, in a past sports career and decided to catch up on the form, and another if he had never done this before.

    Results can be achieved quite quickly, without too much fuss, by listening to the reaction of your body. Exercises:

    • For the back. You need to get on all fours. At first, the back gently arches up, then - just as smoothly down. In each final phase, a fixation is made for a few seconds.
    • For buttocks. Lie on your back - one leg is bent at the knee, and the other reaches for the chest. This leg should be kept as straight as possible. In addition to this exercise, you can perform another one - sitting on the floor and bending one leg, make attempts to tilt to the other leg.
    • Calf stretch. Starting position - standing. A lunge is made with a bend in the knee. The feet are completely pressed to the floor. Further, everything is the same, but for the other leg.
    • Anterior thigh. Standing, one leg bends at the knee and reaches for the buttock. It is done on each leg alternately.
    • Rib cage. Hands from the position in the castle behind the back rise up.
    • Lateral thigh. Sitting, one leg is bent at the knee, and the other is taken to the side. Next up is a sideways tilt. Do this alternately, on each side.
    • Press. You need to lie on your stomach and rest your hands on the floor. Then carry out the rise of the upper part of the body.

    Elementary exercises for stretching the legs, exercises for stretching the back and spine are listed, which will certainly help improve the overall performance of training.
    You need to perform this set of stretching exercises until the body finally gets used to such a load. And then it will be possible to proceed to a more complex stretching, increasing the amplitude and load.

    Use the method of Kokkonen and Nelson: everything is simple and clear

    The well-known book "The Anatomy of Stretching Exercises" by Jukko Kokkonen and Arnold Nelson will help you achieve success in the field of stretching. They are doctors of physiological sciences, professors.

    Their joint work is a well-illustrated manual, thanks to which the reader will clearly understand what happens to his muscles during training. Classes will become much more effective after reading the book and studying the illustrations in detail.

    Certain areas need to be worked out, and the book will help you learn, thanks to color illustrations, which movements affect muscle performance, and how training, in addition to efficiency, can be made as safe as possible.

    The manual contains not only, say, exercises for stretching the spine, but also exercises for stretching the whole body.

    As every move is backed up detailed instructions, it is easy to understand which muscle groups are subject to the main load, and which are auxiliary.
    The tables at the end of the chapters make it easy to create an individual training program, taking into account your own needs.

    Available reviews of the book suggest that the book is worth it, although there are some disagreements among readers - this is normal.

    The stretching and flexibility exercises given in the manual will allow you to quickly achieve your goal.

    Video materials to help: not only stretching but also recovery

    A good option for training would be to use videos that talk about what you can do with stretching, in addition to how to sit on the splits.

    For example, to restore the flexibility and plasticity of the vertebrae in the following departments:

    1. in the cervical
    2. In the upper chest
    3. Lumbar
    4. lumbosacral

    People, both sick and healthy, need stretching of the thoracic spine.

    Quite simple stretching exercises in this area help not only to get rid of pain, but also to restore many functions of the vertebrae.

    Of course, such exercises are done after a thorough warming up of the muscles, tendons and joints. So this should be done after your OFP or LFP training.

    Many are concerned about pain in the lumbar region. This happens even in young and able-bodied people.

    Watching videos allows you to minimize the risk of injury during classes.

    You can read a lot of various articles and study a lot of techniques, but it is the videos that allow you to "live" see the correctness of classes in this discipline.

    Monitoring your own achievements: accounting inspires

    Any work is interesting only when at least some result is visible. If the goal is splits, then it makes sense to keep something like a diary, thus controlling progress or stagnation in your own work. We need strong motivation!

    Sooner or later, a person refuses an undertaking that does not bring pleasure.

    Class calendar

    Yes, it should be done in order to mark the number of workouts completed.

    Experience shows that it is better to keep a calendar on paper, and not on a computer or phone. In addition, it should always be in the most visible place.

    This will clearly show and emphasize all the stages on the path to success. Marks of past classes will be a confirmation of the extraordinary will of the training person and systematic success.

    Photo in twine

    It will be very good if someone shoots a novice athlete with a photo or video camera at the stage that corresponds to today's time - this will help to capture the level of training in stages and give rise to further achievements.

    According to experts, more measurements need to be taken. It will also be a great motivation for further achievements.

    And a collage of photos will not hurt at all.


    To sit on the twine or not is everyone's business. However, the benefits of stretching for human health are quite obvious and scientifically proven. In the age of total hypodynamia, this is especially true. So it would be better if people different ages they will do this useful thing without delay, which will preserve, restore or maintain their health, relieve unbearable pains in the lumbar region, thoracic vertebrae, or the person will no longer be tormented by thoracic osteochondrosis of the spine.

    It just so happened that all people leading, or just starting to lead a healthy lifestyle, pay very little attention to stretching exercises. Perhaps some people think that flexible muscles are only needed professional athletes(gymnasts and acrobats), someone blames their laziness and lack of time, but someone has not heard about this type of exercise at all.

    And, regardless of the reason, all these people are losing a lot. After all, stretching exercises, even for beginners, this is a wonderful, and most importantly, affordable way for everyone to always stay in good shape. It doesn’t matter how old you are, whether you played sports or not, stretching is for everyone. By training flexibility, you increase muscle elasticity, improve joint mobility. In addition, proper stretching can improve blood circulation in the body, help you relax and just improve your mood and well-being.

    As you can see, stretching exercises have a huge number of advantages. Perhaps you are now waiting for us to talk about the cons. Of course, there are cons: you can damage your joints, get a sprain, and just hurt yourself. But all this can be avoided if you properly approach the training. First, you need to understand what types of stretching (stretch marks) exist.

    In total there are 2 types of stretching: static and dynamic. They are subdivided into several more types, but we will not talk about them. So, static stretch- This is one of the main types of stretching exercises, beginners are recommended use it exactly. With static stretching, you should not make any sudden movements. Taking one position, you should be in it for several minutes, feeling how your muscles are stretched.

    With dynamic stretch(which is not recommended for beginners to use), the trainee must perform all kinds of swings, rolls from longitudinal to transverse twine, and vice versa.

    Next, we will look at the most effective exercises for stretching, suitable for beginners. All of them are static and do not require special training. It is very important that you warm up before starting your workout: do 2 sets of 25 sit-ups, jump rope, or if you have an exercise bike lying around, work out for a few minutes on it, and then start training.

    Leg stretching exercises

    We hope you are warmed up and ready to start. leg stretching at home.

    A set of exercises for stretching the muscles of the legs

    Step your right foot forward and your left back. Rest your left knee on the floor (look at the illustration). Rest your hands either on the knee or on the floor. Now slowly lean forward. When you feel a stretch in your thigh muscles, hold this position for 30 seconds. Now inhale and as you exhale try to lean even lower, freeze in this position for another 30 seconds. Now slowly return to the starting position and switch legs.

    Now straighten your right leg, resting fully on the knee of your left leg. Rest your hands on the floor. Now slowly tilt your torso down while keeping your back straight. Having descended as far as possible down, linger in this position for 30-40 seconds, and with an exhalation try to descend even lower. Feel how the muscles of the back of the thigh are stretched, as well as the knee ligaments. Now return, slowly, to the starting position and switch legs. Lie on the floor with your back, lift your right leg up, grab it with your hand in a place just above the knee. Now relax, take a very deep breath and, exhaling, slowly pull your leg towards you with your hands. At the peak point, hold again for 30 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Do the same with the second leg. During the exercise, make sure that your leg is straight all the time, do not bend at the knee joint. Also try to keep your muscles relaxed all the time, excessive muscle tension can lead to injury. Sit on the floor, press your feet together, rest your elbows on your knees (see picture). Slowly press your elbows into your legs and tilt your torso forward. At the same time, make sure that your back is straight all the time. As in the previous exercises, bend over while exhaling, and, having reached the peak of the tension, linger in this position for 30 to 40 seconds. Then return to the starting position and repeat these inclinations a few more times. This exercise perfectly stretches the ligaments of the groin and the inner thigh muscles.

    Spinal Stretching Exercises

    Now let's look at what exercises for stretching the back are.

    The well-known “dog pose”, or “cat pose”, everyone calls this exercise differently. Get on all fours, arch your back and look up. Stay in this position for 15 seconds, then return to position (B) shown in the figure below. To do this, slouch with all your might, directing the thoracic region upwards. Hold this position for 15 seconds as well. Do this exercise for 2-3 minutes.

    Now lie on your back on the floor, firmly press the shoulder belt to the floor. Now cross your right leg over your left (see photo). Thus, you will rotate the torso in the lumbar region, while trying to take your shoulders off the floor as little as possible. Lie in this position for 30 seconds, and then do the same on the right side.

    Get up off the floor and sit on a chair. Stretch your arms forward and stretch your spine behind your arms as hard as you can without tilting your torso forward. Head and also pull forward. This is the final exercise in our complex, do it for 60 - 90 seconds. Try to breathe as slowly as possible and feel your spine stretch.

    Well, in conclusion, I would like to say a little about the frequency of training. Do these exercises as often as possible, ideally daily. Spend 15 to 20 minutes stretching and your body will thank you so much. If you have any questions regarding the article or exercises for stretching the legs or spine, feel free to ask them in the comments below.